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第29卷第4期建 筑 结 构 学 报

Vol 129,No 142008年8月

Journal of Building Structures

Aug 12008




摘要:汇总了清华大学、西南交通大学和北京交通大学土木工程结构专家组在四川地震主要灾区所调查的建筑震害资料,根据建筑的结构类别、建造年代、地震区估计烈度和使用功能进行了震害状况统计分析。结合典型工程震害案例,分析了此次地震中的建筑震害特点,总结了结构抗震概念设计、结构抗震设计和工程质量管理等方面的经验和教训。根据震害调查统计和典型震害分析,得到以下结论:严格执行抗震设计规范是保证建筑物抗震性能的主要前提;砌体结构应加强结构体系和抗震构造措施设计,并保证施工质量;框架结构应加强围护结构和填充墙与主体结构的抗震构造措施,并应改进“强柱弱梁”的设计;应进一步重视整体结构抗震概念设计;应充分考虑非结构构件的影响。关键词:汶川地震;震害分析;建筑震害案例;抗震设计中图分类号:T U31213 文献标识码:A

Analysis on seism ic damage of buildings in the W enchuan earthquake

(Civil and Structural Group s of Tsinghua University,Xinan J iaotong University and Beijing Jiaot ong University )Abstract:This paper summaries the seis m ic damage data of buildings in maj or disaster area fr om the investigation group s of

Tsinghua University,Xinan J iaotong University and Beijing Jiaot ong University .The building damages are classified according to the structural type,the construction ti me,the earthquake intensity and the usage .The building seis m ic damage cases in this earthquake are analyzed,and the less ons are concluded .According to the statistics analysis of the building damage and the case studies,several conclusive observati ons are made .Strict i m p lementation of seis m ic design codes is the p rerequisite t o guarantee the seis m ic capacity of building structures .For masonry structures,the design of structural system and earthquake 2resistant measures should be emphasized and the construction quality should be ensured .For RC frame structures,the construction measure of the connections bet ween enclosure and filler walls and the structural columns should be carefully designed and constructed .Measures t o ensure the str ong column 2weak beam mechanis m should be revised and i mp r oved .Further study will be done for the concep tual design of integrity of structures against earthquake .I nfluence of nonstructural elements on the structural aseis m ic perfor mance should be considered in the design .

Keywords:W enchuan earthquake;seis m ic damage investigati on;building damage cases analisys;aseis m ic design





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),震源深度14km 。汶川地震是我国自建国以来最为强烈的一次地震,直接严重受灾地区达10万平方

公里,包括震中50km 范围内的县城和200km 范围内的大中城市。全国大部分地区有明显震感,泰国首都曼谷,越南首都河内,菲律宾、日本等地也有震感。截至6月24日,地震已造成69185人遇难,18467人失踪,
