毕业设计45毕业设计 硬币识别器

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The development of technology led to the development of our society. The city bus system is a social development embodied his wife then transit system upgrades are inevitable. Vehicle coin system has experienced a number of the development process, and the emergence of counterfeit money for coin rose to a new height, coin device must join the monetary identification system for identification of coins is a coin with the combined use of the equipment. Easy to use, high precision and broad development prospects. Clifton coins now identify as long as a national issue, 2.50, 3.10 coins. China currently issued by the dollar to 50 cents and 10 cents coins metal materials for the exclusive use of mints and the special alloy, So it through the entrance into the coin by the inductance and capacitance of specific sensors, The metal material and size differences of capacity and inductance of the size differences have emerged weak, capacity, inductance voltage changes caused the change; through the detection of the signal amplification circuit, and setting values, identify certain types of coins, digital signal transmission to the MCU control circuit completion of the identification of metal coins.

Keywords: Capacitance sensor Inductance Sensor Detection Circuit SCM control circuit



摘要 ................................................................................................................... I

ABSTRACT............................................................................................................. II 目录 ............................................................................................................... III

第1章绪论 (1)

1.1硬币与识别器的发展 (1)

1.1.1硬币的发展 (1)

1.1.2 硬币识别器的发展与分类 (4)

第2章总体设计方案 (6)

2.1总体设计思路 (6)

2.2总体方案的确定 (6)

第3章电路与程序设计 (9)

3.1电路设计 (9)

3.2各组成电路原理与应用 (10)

3.2.1电桥电路 (10)

3.2.2测量放大电路 (11)

3.2.3整流电路 (13)

3.2.4滤波电路 (17)

3.2.5电压比较器 (19)

3.2.6 AD转换器 (22)

3.2.7单片机介绍: (23)

3.2.8 AD574 和8051 单片机接口电路设计: (28)

3.2.9光电耦合器 (31)

3.3机械部分设计 (32)

结论 (33)

谢辞 (34)

参考文献 (35)

附录 (36)
