

19-20 下学期高一读后续写训练1


A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank, he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car. He tried again and again but couldn’t get the car moving. Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried. Arthur stopped and asked, “It looks like you’ve got a problem,” Arthur said.

“I’m afraid so. I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start my car.”

“Is there something I can do to help? Arthur asked. The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then said, “Thanks. If you’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble, you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.”

“No trouble at all. I’d be glad to help.”

The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat. After placing it on the ground, he turned to get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking, he heard the long loud noise of an alarm(警报).

It was from the bank. There had been a robbery!

Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before. Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions. Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other, “What happened?” But everyone had a different answer.

Arthur, still carrying the suitcase, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him.

She looked at the suitcase and then at him. Arthur was surprised. “Why is she looking at me like that?” He thought. “The suitcase! She thinks I’m the bank thief!”

Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He became frightened, and without another thought, he started to run.







Paragraph 1:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop! ”___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur ___________________

_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________







One possible version:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!” And also at the moment, Arthur suddenly realized that the young man might be the bank robber. So Arthur didn’t stop, but continued to run until he saw a taxi. He stopped it, jumped in with the suitcase and said to the driver,“Go to the police station on Park Avenue , please. The man shouting behind is the bank thief!”The taxi raced away like the wind.

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur told the police what had happened. Obviously, the police had already learned about the robbery.They opened the suitcase and there was a large sum of money inside, as Arthur had expected. Then the police asked Arthur to describe the young man and the other suitcase. Later, with the information, the police caught the robber . The police and the bank both thanked Arthur a lot. (Words 153)

Another possible version:

As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!”Thinking of the way the young man had behaved, he realized the young man might be the bank robber. So Arthur ran faster and stopped a taxi. The moment he got into the taxi, he told the driver the man shouting behind was the bank thief and asked him to drive to the nearest police station. The driver followed what Arthur said and drove away.

The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur thanked the driver and directly went in. Just as Arthur was describing what had happened near the bank on the Park Avenue and reported the young man to the police, he heard a voice outside, “Help! Help!” To the surprise of Arthur, it was the young man. He had followed Arthur in another taxi. It turned out that the young man was innocent and inside the suitcases were just some clothes. Arthur felt embarrassed but the policemen thanked him anyway.(Words: 158)



地点:Park Avenue, the bank

人物:The young man, people, the bank thief

事件:suitcases, in the back seat, loud noise of an alarm, robbery, the shouts


1. Why did the young man look worried?

2. What happened? But everyone had a different answer.

3. Arthur became frightened and without another thought, he started to run.

19-20 下学期高一读后续写训练2


From the first day he entered my classroom, Willard P. Frank existed in his own

world, shutting out his classmates and me. My attempts at building a friendly relationship with him were met with complete indifference. I could see that his classmates fared no better. Willard was strictly a loner who seemed to have no desire or need to break his silence.

Shortly after the Thanksgiving holiday, we received word of the annual Christmas collection of money for the less fortunate people in our school district.

“Christmas is a season of giving,”I told my students. “There are a few students in the school who might not have a happy holiday season. By contributing to our Christmas collection, you will help buy food, clothing and toys for these needy people. We will start the collection tomorrow.”

When I called for the contributions the next day, I discovered that almost everyone had forgotten except for Willard P. Frank. The boy dug deep into his pants pockets as he walked slowly to my desk. Carefully, he dropped two quarters into the small container.

“I don’t need milk for lunch,” he mumbled. For a moment, just a moment, he smiled. Then he turned and walked back to his desk.

That night, after school, I took our few contributions to the school principal. I couldn’t help sharing the incident that had taken place.

“I may be wrong, but I believe Willard might be getting ready to become a part of the world around him,” I told the principal.

“Yes.” he nodded.“ And we might do well to have him share a bit of his world with us. I just received a list of the poor families in our school who most need help through the Christmas collection. Here, take a look at it.”

As I gazed down to read, I discovered Willard P. Frank and his family were the top

names on the list. Seeing this, I decided to do something for him.






班级:_________ 姓名_____________ 得分_____________注意书写!!保持卷面的整洁美观!

Paragraph 1:

On that Sunday, I paid a visit to Willard’s family.______________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:

The next day, I had a special class for Willard.________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________评分标准:






Paragraph 1:

On that Sunday, I paid a visit to Willard’s family. On entering his house, I was surprised to find a barely empty room with only a broken bed and a dirty second hand sofa. Willard told me that his mother died a few years ago and that his father was missed, leaving him to live with a sick grandma. When asked why he had given the two quarters,_Willard mumbled,_“There are people poorer than me, so I just want to do some help by contributing my milk money.” Hearing his words, I couldn’t help bursting into tears. I thought I should help him break his silence.

Paragraph 2:

The next day, I had a special class for Willard. I shared his story with the whole class and said “Now, on behalf of the people in need, I should say thank you Willard, you are great!”. After a silence, all the students clapped, saying “Willard, you are great! Willard, you are great!” and They walked slowly to him and hugged him tightly. A friend relationship was built and Willard’s silence was broken by a smile on his face.


以读促写读中感悟 ——《三月桃花水》教学案例 一、背景分析: 新《语文课程标准》指出:“阅读教学中要重视朗读,要让学生充分的读,在读中整体感知,在读中有所感悟,在读中培养语感,在读中受到情感的熏陶。”“重视学生读书、写作、口语交际、搜集处理信息等语文实践,提倡多读多写,改变机械、粗糙、繁琐的作业方式,让学生在语文实践中学习语文,学会学习。”“阅读教学应注重学生感受、理解、欣赏和评价的能力。” 二、案例描述: 《三月桃花水》是一篇描写江南春水的优美散文。课文通过诗化的语言和生动的形象,赞美了三月桃花水比金子还贵,比银子还亮。这篇散文由9个或长或短的段落错落成章,却又“形散而神不散”。开篇由两个疑问句引领全文,接下来,用“是春天的竖琴”、“是春天的明镜”充分展现三月桃花水的美丽,它的美,美在“有声”又“有色”,也就不露痕迹的回应了开篇的问题。本课教学内容与学生生活息息相关,课文语言优美,易激发阅读的兴趣,所以把课堂真正还给学生,把读书、写字、练笔活动融进课堂,让朗朗的读书声充满课堂,做到还语文教学以本色,这是我这节课的指导思想。 1、现在让我们一起边听边看课文朗诵。 (放课文朗诵视频) 2、听完了,也看完了,你觉得三月桃花水美吗?你想读吗?(想)好,现在让我们一起齐读一遍课文。要求:用最美的心情,读最美的文章。 3.谁愿意告诉大家,三月桃花水给你留下了什么印象? 4.生:(我觉得三月桃花水很美。课文中写道“三月桃花水,舞动着绚丽的朝霞,向前流淌,有一千朵樱花,点点洒上了河面;有一万个小酒窝,在水中回旋。”这是一幅多美的景色啊!) 师:(1)你体会得真好,不仅说出了自己的感受,还结合课文中的语句来体会,这是一种很好的学习方法。你能把这段话美美地读一读吗?(生有感情朗读课文一、二自然段)(2)全班同学学着他的样子一齐读读课文一、二自然段。 5.多美的三月桃花水啊!它还给你留下了什么印象? (1)(读了课文,我知道了三月桃花水是春天的竖琴,它能弹奏出各种动听的声音。)(板书:春天的竖琴) (2)是啊,这潺潺流淌的三月桃花水,是春天的一把竖琴,能演奏出各种悦耳的声音,大家见过竖琴吗?(没有)现在让我们一起来欣赏竖琴的图片和声音。 (课件演示竖琴的图片和声音) (3)快,侧耳倾听,春天的竖琴都都给我们演奏了那些乐曲?赶快读一读课文三、四自然段,划出描写声音的词语。(生自由读课文第四段并进行勾划)(鼓点声、水波声、鸣响、低语声、丁冬声、铃声、水浪声) (4)谁来说说,你的耳朵听到了些什么声音?(生汇报读课文,师引导学生读出味道来:有节奏的鼓点声、忽大忽小的水波声、纤细的低语、清脆的丁冬声、急促的水浪声)(5)通过读书,我们知道了这些奇妙的声音都是三月桃花水发出的,好听吗?快去把你喜欢的声音读给你同桌的小伙伴听听。(同桌练习读第四自然段) (6)多么美妙的声音哪!高低不同、长短不一、忽快忽慢,这么多声音交织在一起一定是一支非常动听的音乐,就让我们一起走进课文,在朗读声中去聆听这些悦耳的音符。(指导学生有感情朗读课文第四自然段) (7)听了孩子们的朗读,我仿佛来到了小溪边,满眼是清澈的春水,耳畔是动听的水声在


高一英语阅读理解试题及答案) 一( 40分)20小题;每小题2分,满分阅读理解(共A “Some day, there'll be no Americans left in

who Xing Tao, NBA,” said 12-year-old the after weeks ago school team two joined his game, NBA a Ming in televised watching Yao “The players will all be Chinese, like Yao.”superstar home-grown Yao is a To China,

basketball first make the world's who helped NBA, the players. To league closer to Chinese a opening of an the 2.23-meter center offers new world's largest different sort into the ce against the market. Yao's NBA first appearanmillion 287 October Pacers in reached Indiana families in the US. That game might have been a bit of a letdown to Yao's fans: He played just 11 of the 48 minutes, had two rebounds(篮板) and got no points. Comparing that with his performance on December 19, also against Indiana, Yao won 29 points and 10


记叙文类作者:巩穹 (I)★★ Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters asking for admission(录取) to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so determined that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money for the cost of schooling. In 1849, after graduation from medical school. she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon(外科医师) , but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children Besides being the first woman physician and founding her own hospital , she also set up the first medical school for women. 1. Why couldn't Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon? A. She couldn't get admitted to medical school B. She decided to further her education in Paris C. A serious eye problem stopped her D. It was difficult for her to start a practice in the United States 2. What main obstacle(障碍) almost destroyed Elizabeth's chances for becoming for a doctor? A. She was a woman. B. She wrote too many letters. C. She couldn't graduate from medical school. D. She couldn't set up her hospital. 3. How many years passed between her graduation from medical school and the opening of her hospital? A. Eight years B. Ten years C. Nineteen years D. Thirty-six years 4. According to the passage, all of the following are “firsts”in the life of Elizabeth Blacekwell except that she ______. A. became the first woman physician B. was the first woman doctor C. and several other women founded the first hospital for women and children D. set up the first medical school for women 5. Eilzabeth Blackwell spent most of her lift in _______. A. England B. Paris C. the United States D. New York City 1-5 CAABC (II)★★★ Europe is now the biggest market for organic food in the world, having grown by 25 percent a year over the past 10 years. Denmark's agriculture minister is herself an organic farmer.


【专项练习】高中英语读后续写专项练习 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

高中英语读后续写专项练习 1.阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 I still remember it,like it was yesterday when my parents told me the news. It was the week before Christmas on Thursday morning when my parents said, “Stacy, start packing your things so we can go to Florida for the holidays.” “Okay, ”I responded.We do this every year for Christmas and New Year. It’s kind of a family tradition we have.We go every year because we like to visit some family members living in Florida.There has never been a year when we’ve missed a trip to Florida for the holidays. I was so excited to go on this trip because Christmas is my favorite holiday, but to top it off I was going to get to celebrate it with my family. The next morning,my mother entered my room.“Stacy, wake up!We need to go to the airport so that we can get our plane tickets to Florida before they sell out.” I jumped out of bed and got ready as fast as I could.When we were on our way to the airport,I couldn’t stop talking and smiling because I was too excited about getting our tickets. “Aren’t you just excited to go to Florida” I asked. “Yes, I am.We can finally catch up with the family and drink hot cocoa,”responded my moth er. The airport was so crowded. Some people were leaving to other countries and others were just visiting for the holiday. There was such a huge line in the airport because so many different people were buying plane tickets.


Unit3 English Around the World Topic3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? Section C 一、教材内容及分析 内容:本课件是第三话题的第三课时,为读写课。 分析:该课以学生讨论英语学习的方法为话题,在语篇中学习相关词汇和句型,培养学生的阅读理解能力和书面表达能力。通过本课的学习,学生能获得有效的英语学习方法和策略,帮助学生克服英语学习中的困难,树立英语学习信心。 二、教学目标及分析 1.让学生掌握“Hamburger Writing”的写作方法。 2.让学生能运用“连”“美”的写作技巧及开头、结尾的写作方式。 3.让学生能把一些学习英语的方法运用到学习中。 三、学生情况诊断分析 该课以学生讨论英语学习的方法为话题,在语篇中学习相关词汇和句型,培养学生的阅读理解能力和书面表达能力。初步判断学生在写作方面会遇到问题,所以引入了写作技巧的知识。 四、教学辅助技术分析 希沃白板5和小蚂蚁移动教学相结合。课前通过小蚂蚁布置语音作业。课中采用希沃白板5教学。教学过程中穿插着视频,音频。使课堂生动有趣,吸引学生的注意力,能更好的呈现出教学内容。在教学过程中运用了希沃白板的“课堂活动”及“思维导图”功能,希望通过这两个技术能让学生对知识有直观的掌握。使老师授课清晰,学生接受知识清晰。 五、教学过程 (一)教学基本流程(“三环·七步”教学法) 关注课前——优化课中(优化课中—课前回顾—学习目标—合作探究—互动点拨—当堂训练—经验分享—课后小结—收集整理)——提升课后 (二)教学活动 (一)关注课前 1. 熟读Section C的单词和课文,熟读任务单上的链接资料; 2. 检查section C学习任务单的完成情况。 设计意图:将简单的知识体系前置,提高学生的自主学习能力,也能训练学生的分析和归纳总结能力。(三)优化课中 导入 呈现一张使用英语国家图片及一个为什么学习英语的视频 设计意图:通过图片和视频的方式,从视觉上引起学生的兴趣,并童工视频内容与本节课的联系成功导入新课。 1、课前回顾 复习回顾一些写作中可能用到的经典句型结构及短语。 It's necessary for sb. to do sth. a good way to do sth. play an important role in... 设计意图:通过图片展示回顾重点句型和短语,迅速导入新课并为后面的写作做铺垫。 学习目标 1.学会用“Hamburger Writing”的写作模式。 2.会运用“加连词”“美化文章”的写作技巧;会写作文的开头和结尾。


高一英语阅读理解题20套(带答案) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Even a small increase in light activity such as washing dishes, or walking around the house might help prevent an early death among older adults, researchers say. "It is important for elderly people, who might not be able to do much moderate intensity(强度)activity, that just moving around and doing light intensity activity will have strong effects and is beneficial," said Ulf Ekelund, who led the research. Published in the BMJ, the latest research was based on a review of eight studies involving a total of more than 36,000 people with an average age of almost 63 years. Participants were followed for five to six years; 2,149 deaths were recorded. All of the studies involved monitoring the physical activity of individuals who had activity trackers, and the studies did not rely on self-reporting, which, the experts noted, could be unreliable. For each study participants were split into four equal-sized groups, based on the total amount of time spent actively, and the risk of death assessed, taking into account factors such as age, sex, body mass index, and socioeconomic status. This was then repeated for an amount of activity at different levels of intensity. The results were analyzed together to give an overview. The team found a greater amount of activity was linked to a lower risk of death. The results held for different intensities of activity. The team said the study supported the message "sit less and move more and more often". However, the study had limitations. It only looked at the situation for middle age and older adults, most of whom lived in the US or Europe, and some of the effect could be due to those people with a higher risk of death being less likely to be related to physical activity. Physical activity levels also were only measured over one period of time. Dr Gavin Sandercock, from the University of Essex, said the results suggested moving more brought bigger benefits than simply reducing the time of sitting, another factor measured in the study. "This study reinforces the important message that getting the least active people to do even just a little bit more physical activity can have important public health benefits," he said. (1)Which of the following may Ulf Ekelund suggest elderly people do? A.lying on the sofa reading. B.Doing a little gentle gardening. C.Going out to hike with friends. D.Playing basketball sometimes. (2)What can we know about the research? A.It lasted about 8 years. B.The researchers admitted they used fake data. C.The participants didn't include younger people. D.Some participants died because of doing too much physical activity (3)What is the author's attitude towards the researchers' conclusion? A.Doubtful


新题型写作 读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank, he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car. He tried again and again but couldn’t get the car moving. Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried. Arthur stopped and asked, “It looks like you’ve got a problem,”Arthur said. “I’m afraid so. I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start my car.” “Is there something I can do to help?”Arthur asked. The young man looked at the two suitcases in the back seat and then said, “Thanks. If you’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble, you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.” “No trouble at all. I’d be glad to help.” The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat. After placing it on the ground, he turned to get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking, he heard the loud noise of an alarm. It was from the bank. There had been a robbery! Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before. Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions. Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other, “What happened?”But everyone had a different answer. Arthur, still carrying the suitcase, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him. She looked at the suitcase and then at him. Arthur was surprised. “Why is she looking at me like that?”He thought.“The suitcase! She thinks I’m the bank thief!” Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He became frightened, and without another thought, he started to run. 注意: 1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph 1 :


高一英语阅读理解同步练习附答案 高一英语阅读理解同步练习附答案 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Moscow,Russia(Space news)-The computer is a better chess player,insisted Viktor Prozorov,the loser. It seemed as if it were laughing after every good move.I know I should have beaten it for the sake of mankind(为人类着想),but I just couldn't win, he announced and shook his head sadly. Prozorov's disappointment was shared by several grand masters who were present,some of whom were so upset that they shouted at the machine.Many chess players said that this meant the end of chess championships(锦标赛)around the world,since the fun had been taken out of the game. The computer walked-or rather,rolled-away with 5,000 dollars in prize money and limited its remarks to a set of noises and light. 56.Which of the following best gives the main idea of this newspaper article? A.5,000 dollars goes to a computer! B.New invention a laughing computer! C.World's best chess player beaten! https://www.360docs.net/doc/e817305266.html,puter defeats man in chess! 57.How did some of the grand masters feel about the chess game between Prozorov and the computer? A.They thought that the game was no fun. B.They thought that the game wasn't fair. C.They agreed that Prozorov didn't play well. D.They were unhappy that the computer had won. 58.What was it that Prozorov felt most bitter(懊恼)about? A.That he didn't win the$5,000. B.That he hadn't tried his best. C.That he had lost to a machine. D.That this was the end of the chess game. 59.After winning the game,the computer_____. https://www.360docs.net/doc/e817305266.html,ughed B.walked away C.made some remarks D.gave out some lights and sounds 60.Many chess players felt that playing with a computer would_____. A.make the game tougher B.make the game less interesting C.make man appear foolish D.make man lose lots of B Extract 1 A computer A computer is an information processor.It is given information,called data,instructed to do certain things and then show us the results.The data put into the computer is called theinput and the results which come out are the output.Some people say the circle of large standing stones at Stonechenge is a kind of computer.Prehistory people worked out their calendar from the position of the shadows made by the sun shining on the stones.


路遥《平凡的世界》整本书阅读之微写作教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.阶段性目标:依据新教材学习任务群1(整本书阅读)、学习任务群5(文学阅读与写作)要求,通过开展整本书阅读通读评价活动,关注学生个体阅读深度与高阶思维品质的培养,鼓励学生富有个性的表达,培养写作能力,尝试跨界阅读。 2.本课时目标: (1)读写评结合,了解学生整本书阅读进展状况,培养特定情境下的语言应用能力。(2)学习微剧本相关知识,以改编成微剧本(一幕)的写作实践活动,探索文学作品的的微剧本创作。 二、课时:一课时 三、课前准备:收集学生为小说人物撰写的颁奖辞。 教学过程 一、课堂导入 整本书阅读《平凡的世界》同学们已经通读了一遍,昨天看了同学们为路遥的《平凡的世界》写的颁奖词,我想请同学根据你自己对这部百万字小说的阅读经验,就自己的颁奖词说明理由,你为什么要给他(她)颁奖。 1.学生展示颁奖词,并阐述理由。 2.师生评议,在评议的过程中深耕文本。 教师小结:小说中这一群人,他们身处平凡的世界,却又不甘于平凡,自始至终没有放弃过平凡的梦想。因此,陈忠实这样评价路遥:“路遥获得了这个世界里数以亿计的普通人的尊敬和崇拜,他沟通了这个世界的人们和地球人类的情感。” 二、微写作训练活动 1.设置情境 教师引导:《平凡的世界》多线并进的情节结构和人物群像的塑造非常独特;主题蕴含苦难体验、道德善良以及奋斗精神。小说中的精神力量,不仅在当时有着深刻影响,对于今天的人们也有着现实意义。2015年新版电视剧《平凡的世界》首播,剧中表达了“改革有力、奋斗有梦、伦理有情”的主题,符合我们的时代特点,2019年11月15日,话剧《平凡的世界》在北京开演。 文学名著的改编,不仅是为我们提供了一个怀旧与消费的影像空间和规避现实的庇护空间,更是对那些逝去记忆的一种文化焊接和精神传承。今天,我们进行深层次阅读和写作,尝试着将《平凡的世界》的精彩情节改编成微剧本的一幕或一个片段。改编成微剧本应该从何入手呢?有没有同学具有剧本知识的储备,能告诉大家? 提示:情节的典型性,抓矛盾冲突最激烈的情节,人物性格能充分展示。 投影曹禺《雷雨》片段。 (补充资料:宫晓东导演介绍了相比于文学,话剧改编有“减法”和“加法”,将110万字的原著改编为两个半小时的话剧,首先是故事结构上的“减法”。将“最不可少”的内容保留后,从三部小说中提炼出故事主线。 其次是二度创作上的“加法”,每一个时代都用了代表性的背景,增添三个元素:作为转台的磨盘、作者路遥的铜像,以及造型各异的偶人。“从路遥的笔下,回到渐行渐远的年代”。) (设计意图:将话剧改编中的“减法”和“加法”置于文学解读的语境中分析,认为通过舞台的演绎,学生可以在了解和欣赏话剧艺术的同时,更好地理解《平凡的世界》的文学魅力。) (补充知识:


英语阅读是高中阶段英语学习的重要组成部分,由于受国内条件限制,高中生和英美人士直接交流的机会不多,因此阅读成为高中生英语学习的主要形式。提高英语阅读能力可以提高英语考试成绩已是人们的共识。时间不用多,每天十分钟,每天读一篇,日积月累,坚持下去,就一定会有收获。 新课标高中英语阅读精选――高一 内容:故事 Passage 1 One day an ant was drinking at a small stream and fell in. She made desperate efforts to reach the side, but made no progress at all. The poor ant almost exhausted was still bravely doing her best when a dove saw her. Moved with pity, the bird threw her a blade of grass, which supported her like a raft, and thus the ant reached the bank again. While she was resting and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man come near. He was walking along barefooted with a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the dove, he wished to kill it. He would certainly have done so, but the ant bit him in the foot just as he raised his gun to fire. He stopped to see what had bit him, and the dove immediately flew away. It was an animal much weaker and smaller than herself that had saved her life. (163w) 1. The ant could not reach the side though _______. A. she cried for help B. she asked the dove to save her C. she tried very hard D. she could smell well 2. The dove saved the ant because _______. A. she was the ant's friend B. she took pity on the poor ant C. the ant was almost exhausted D. the ant had been struggled in the water for a long time 3. The ant succeeded in getting on the bank with the help of _______. A. a leaf B. a piece of wood C. a blade of grass D. a raft 4. Just as the man shot at the dove, _______. A. the dove immediately flew away B. the dove hid himself in the grass C. the ant told the dove to leave at once D. he felt something biting him in the foot 5. In writing the story, the writer wants to show _______. A. how clever the ant was B. how kind the dove was C. how the ant and the dove helped each other D. we often need help from others, therefore we should help others as much as we can 词汇扩展 ①desperate adj. 拼死的②exhausted adj. 精疲力竭的 ③dove n. 鸽子④blade n. 叶片 Passage 2 Johnny Smith was a good math student at a high school. He loved his computer. He came home early every day, then he worked with it till midnight. But Johnny was not a good English student, not good at all. He got an F in his English class. One day after school Johnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school office. The school office computer had the grades of all the students: the math grades, the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and the grades in English. He found his English grade. An F! Johnny changed his English grade from an F to A. Johnny' parents looked at his report card. They were very happy. "An A in English!" said Johnny's Dad. "You're a very clever boy, Johnny." Johnny is a hacker. Hackers know how to take informationfrom other computers and put new information in. Using a modem, they join their computers to other computers secretly. School headmasters and teachers are worried about hackers. So are the police, for some people even take money from bank computer accountand put it into their own ones. And they never have to leave home to do it! They are called hackers.
