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I. Choose the right word or expression and put it in its proper form. (10 x 1’ = 10’)

1.They told us there were at least fifteen miles before we reach the

nearest gas station. (arrive, reach)

2.When we arrive d in New York, it was snowing heavily. (arrive, reach)

3.Did I tell you I found my library card? (find, find out)

4.It is considered good manners to raise/rise when a guest enters the room.

(raise, rise)

5.Eager to improve her Chinese, Julia has already take part in /attended twenty

open lectures this term. (attend, join, take part in)

6.“Don’t forget to bring your dictionary next time,”Helen said to her

students. (bring, take)

7.Not many people think that way, but probably/possibly you’re right. (possibly,


8.When I tried on the new coat, everyone said it fit me perfectly; it was just

the right size. (fit, suit)

9.We hope every child will succeed; they are our future. (each, every)

10.Since there isn’t much time left, each speaker can only have four minutes.

(each, every)

II. Complete the sentences, using the proper form of the expressions listed below.

(10 x 1’ = 10’)

after all Just around the corner to be worse off might (just) as well

at least to adapt to to come to terms with to have difficulty (in doing sth.) There’s no point in doing sth. touch and go

1.The people in that country are angry. If the government decides to use force, a

civil war may occur. It’s really a touch and go situation.

2.To his great joy, the plants he brought over from India have adapt ed to

the cold weather.

3.It took Larry a long time to come to terms with the fact that he wouldn’t

be able to use his legs again.

4.They were not rich, but they still decided to send Laura to the most expensive

school. She was their only child after all .

5.As the noise of the heavy traffic kept her awake anyway, she thought she might

as well get up and complete her story.

6.It’s true that baby-sitting is not the best job for him, but at least he can

now use the money he earns to continue his studies.

7.These mountain villages would be worse off if all these trees were cut


8.If you know how to prepare the dessert, there is no point in buying it in the


9.They knew by that time that the final victory was just around the corner .

The enemy’s days were numbered.

10.At first, the law firm have /had difficulty in finding good lawyers.

III. Match the A sentences with the B sentences, then write the correct answers below. (10 x 1’ = 10’)


1.Although she’s never been to the

a. I would not tell them.

United States

2. Jane was an honest woman b. even though they do not always

produce good results.

3. Attractive as the conditions were c. I do not like him as a man.

4. In spite of the heavy fog tonight d. even though her parents were

waiting to have dinner with her.
