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系:信息工程系年级专业: 15级信息系统与信息管理提交日期: 2019年4月11日答辩日期: 2019年5月10日答辩委员会主席(签名):





With the continuous development of electronic information technology, the network game industry has been greatly promoted. After nearly twenty years of development, the network game industry has been changed dramatically. The network game industry has gradually entered the stage of rapid development from the beginning stage, but the development is too fast, too. The network game industry has exposed some very obvious problems, such as the network game enterprise, in order to continue to expand the market scale, use the operation mode which violates the market regulation, and destroy the industrial balance. Then the repercussions were flat. It can be seen that the choice and use of operation mode play a very important role in online game enterprises. Based on this, this thesis takes the operation mode analysis of wow Gow game as a topic, first introduces the background, significance, research methods and contents of the topic. Secondly, it expounds the current situation and existing problems of the network game industry in China, and then analyses the reasons for the problems in the development of the network game industry in China, and aims at the existence of the existing problems. The problems and reasons are put forward to promote the development of the network game industry in China. Finally, taking the "Fantasy Westward Tour" as an example, the operation mode of the network game is deeply analyzed, and the Enlightenment of the operation of the domestic network game enterprise is put forward. I hope that through the research of this paper, we can provide some help and reference for the operation of online games.

Key words: online games; operation mode; inspiration


1 绪论 (1)

1.1 研究背景 (1)

1.2 研究意义 (2)

1.3 国内外研究综述 (2)

1.3.1 国内研究现状 (3)

1.3.2 国外研究现状 (4)

2 网络游戏产业发展理论研究 (5)

2.1 产业发展理论 (5)

2.2 品牌理论 (5)

2.3 网络经济理论 (5)

3 我国网络游戏产业发展现状、存在的问题及原因分析 (7)

3.1 我国网络游戏产业发展现状 (7)

3.1.1 运营模式 (7)

3.1.2 用户行为 (7)

3.2 我国网络游戏产业发展存在的问题 (9)

3.2.1 难以形成群体竟争优势和集聚发展的规模效益 (9)

3.2.2 品牌效应不强,受制于国外网游产品 (10)

3.2.3 人力资源匾乏,网络游戏产品研发能力差 (11)

3.2.4 网络游戏的负外部性客观存在影响营收 (11)

3.3 我国网络游戏产业发展存在问题的原因分析 (12)

3.3.1 游戏产业政策扶持不完善 (12)

3.3.2 原创技术缺乏,商业模式单一 (13)

3.3.3 游戏专业人才缺乏 (13)

3.3.4 收入模式单一 (13)

4 推动我国网络游戏产业发展的对策 (15)

4.1 积极完善相关法规 (15)

4.2 打造民族特色游戏 (15)

4.3 加强人才队伍建设 (15)

4.4 拓展多种收入方式 (16)

5 《梦幻西游》运营模式对国内网络游戏企业运营的启示 (17)

5.1 《梦幻西游》成功总因素 (17)

5.2 《梦幻西游》运营模式的启示 (18)

5.2.1 对代理运营型网络游戏企业的建议 (18)

5.2.2 对研发运营型网络游戏企业的建议 (18)

5.2.3 扩展至不同平台的运营 (19)

5.2.4 注重游戏用户体验的运营模式 (19)

结论 (20)

参考文献 (21)

致谢 (23)
