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1.Billy often goes to school _______ his classmate’s bicycle.

A.in B.by C.on D.with

2._________do you like better, the long one or the short one?

A.What B.Which C.Who D.When

3.I like red apples, not_________

A.green those B.these green C.green ones D.these ones

4.Is there _______ “u” and _______“s”in the word “use”?

A.a;an B.an;an C.an;a D.a,a

5.We’ll arrive ______Beijing _____the morning of National Day.

A.at;in B.in;on C.at;on D.on;on

6.Terry always gets up early,so she is _____late for work.

A.usually B.often C.sometimes D.never

7._______is the ________ of the year.

A.November;twentieth B.December;twentieth C.November;twelveth D.December;twelfth 8.That teacher usually ______her English class _______an interesting topic.

A.begin;for B.begins;with C.begins;of D.begin;at

9.What about ______this evening?

A.to have fish and rice in dinner B.having fish and rice for supper

C.to have fish and rice with dinner D.having fish and rice in dinner

10.Jack is never ______.He is always _______class.

A.in time;late B.on time;late C.in time;late for D.on time;late for

11.Mum buys me a _______handbag for my birthday.

A.small pink paper B.small paper pink C.paper small plastic D.pink paper small 12.It’s _____today.And it ___________tomorrow.

A.rainy;is going to rainy B.raining;is going to rain

C.raining;is going to rainy D.rainy;is going to be rain

13.Your idea sounds _______. I’ll take it.

A.bad B.well C.nasty D.good

14.She gets on the bus quickly and sits ______ it.

A.in front of B.in the front of C.at the front D.in the front

15.Anna and Tim are _______ holiday. They _________ a fantastic time in Bali at the moment.

A.in;are having B.on the; have C.on; are having D.in the; had

16.Don’t ______TV.______the picture.Can you ______any flowers on it?

A.see;See;look at B.watch;See;watch C.watch;Look at;see D.look at;Look at;see

17.--______is it from your home to your school? --Ten kilometers.

A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How much

18.I am thirsty.Please ____me a bottle of water.

A.take B.hold C.pull D.bring

19._______your coat!It’s cold outside.

A.Wear B.Take off C.Put on D.Turn on

20.The cars are _________Tianjin.

A.made of B.made from C.made with D.made in


Do you know Eskimos? Let me tell you something about their 21 .

The Eskimos live near the North Pole. There are only two 22 there, winter and summer. There are no spring 23 autumn there. The winter nights are 24 . You can't see the sun for more than two months, even at noon. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never 25 and there is no night. The Eskimos have 26 clothes. They make their clothes from the skin(皮) of animals. From these skins they make coats, caps and 27 .

The Eskimos make their houses from skins, snow or stones. When they are in storm(风暴) and 28 go home, they make houses of snow. They 29 these snow houses when the storm is over.

Life is 30 for the Eskimos, but they still like to live there.

21.A.work B.life C.holiday D.families

22.A.weather B.months C.seasons D.years

23.A.but B.or C.and D.so

24.A.long B.warm C.short D.cold

25.A.rises B.goes C.comes D.sets

26.A.beautiful B.ugly C.warm D.cool

27.A.food B.drinks C.houses D.shoes

28.A.should B.will C.can D.can’t

29.A.make B.leave C.stay D.buy

30.A.easy B.interesting C.hard D.lucky

