专题10 慰问信写作及实战演练-2021高考英语应用文写作思维训练和写作重点句型汇总

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一、慰问信写作:1.表示安慰; 2. 提出建议或措施;3. 表达愿望或祝福。



1.I was (awfully/extremely/excessively) sorry to hear/learn that you’re trapped in bad mood, which is because you didn’t make it in the driving test.

2.I just can’t tell you how sorry I was when I was informed of your sudden illness in your new school.

3. I’m sorry to learn you’re having difficulty learning ancient Chinese poems. However, there’s no need to feel upset about it. I’d like to offer you some suggestions.

4. Having known that you are under painful state and great pressure now,I’m writing to express my great comfort to you.

5. Upon/On hearing the bad news that ..., I felt seized by a burst of sadness/worry/sorrow/grief.

6. 无灵主语句My sorrow is beyond words for hearing you have trouble getting along with your classmates.

7. 无灵主语句Words fail me to convey my worry when I heard that your left leg got badly injured in an car accident.

8.It’s normal that you feel it challenging to fit in with the new school due to cultural difference and new surroundings.

9. It can’t be better if you can share your experiences with others, thus helping them become familiar with you in a short period of time.

10. Actually, there’s no need to worry about it. Such problem is not uncommon among Chinese language learners.

11.If there is anything you need me to do, don’t hesitate to let me know/don’t hesitate to contact me.

12.Remember, I won’t be far away/I will always be here if you need any help!

13.I hope you can find my encouragement helpful. Best wishes.

14. If I can be of any assistance to you, I hope you’ll let me know immediately/instantly.

15. Hope you can have yours troubles removed soon.

16. We’re hoping for your quick return to health./We’re looking forward to your speedy and full recovery.

三、优秀范本假定你是李华,你校留学生Jacky在学习中国古诗的过程中有困难,心情很沮丧,发来邮件向你求助。请给他回一封信,内容如下:1. 表示安慰;2. 提出建议;

Dear Jacky,

I’m sorry to learn you’re having difficulty learning ancient Chinese poems. However, there’s no need to feel upset about it. I’d like to offer you some suggestions.(表安慰)

To begin with, read an ancient Chinese poem over and over again, which can make it easy for you to understand it. Besides,you’d better learn some background information about poem, thus helping you discover the hidden meaning the poem conveys.【More importantly, it’s beneficial to watch a TV program called Chinese Poetry Conference, where poem lovers exchange their experience of lear ning ancient Chinese poems.】(几点建议)

Hopefully, you’ll have fun learning ancient Chinese poems.(表祝愿)


Li Hua 四、仿写借鉴: 假定你是班长李华,本学期你们班来了一个新西兰交换生Alice。由于环境变化和文化差异,她感到很难适应新环境,也无法融入新班级。请你给她写一封信,内容如下:


2. 提出建议。

Dear Alice,

__________________________________________________________(得知你心情沮丧我很难过). However, _________________________________________________(没必要为此难过). It’s normal that you find it difficult to fit in with the new class ____________(因为) cultural differences and strange surrounding. __________________________________(我给你一些建议).

_____________, ____________________________________________________(积极参加不同的活动是有益的). In this way, not only will you enjoy yourself but you can make friends. _____________, it can’t

be better if you can share your stories or opinions with others, thus helping them become familiar with you.

May you fit in soon.


Li Hua 五、慰问信赏析:

)一)假定你是李华,你的同班同学王刚的家乡遭受台风(Typhoon Mujigae)的袭击,洪水毁坏了家园。你作为班长给他写一封信,内容如下:1. 表示安慰和关心;2. 提供帮助。

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________
