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Task 4:
Discussion Do you think Li Qiang feels comfortable in the future? What words does he use that he gives you that impression?
4.Who guided my trip?
My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future. 5. Why did my guide give me some tablets? The tablets could help me feel less nervous and uncertain.
4.The accident happened as the jet was about to take off. (airplane)
5.A train goes more swiftly than a bus. (quickly)
6.Nowadays it’s important for us to master a foreign language. (be good at)
AD2005:mod- AD3005:Your
ern world
many small
houses along
round a
streets with
temple and a pond
many blocks of flats together; floating parks for children
Future motorbike
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
The Space City The Space House
a robotic dog
Amphibious house
Space fruit
by horse or by simple vehicle such as a carriage
2.Now I am the owner of this house.Do you know who was the previous owner? (coming before in time)
3.The doctor told me to take two tablets three times a day. (pills)
1. Make a list of the problems human beings are facing today
acid rain ,
growing areas of
desert, overlarge
global warming world population,
无 能 为 力 的 过往。
A changing world
What will my future life be like?
Whatever will be will be
Warming Up
Discussion and fill in the chart.
1.Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD3005?
I took up the prize I won the year before.
2. What is a “ time lag”? “Time lag ” means a person gets flashbacks from his previous time period. 3. How did they travel to the year AD3005? In a time capsule.
Location of settlement
streets with markets, small shops and private houses
on the earth; on land
large modern modern buildings;
buildings;old many parks,
wood and mud; no bathrooms
highrise buildings with
kitchens and
comfortable, modern flats,furniture in walls and floor; supply of oxygen
2.Arrange the order according to the text. A.we were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule. B.I arrived at Wang Ping’s home and everything in his house made me surprised. C.I won a travel to the year AD 3005. D.I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.
写 一 封 长 信, 不属名 姓,寄 给如风 流年中 的你…… ——题 记 时 光 轻 盈 的 夏 日 , 一份淡 淡的牵 挂,与 天涯明 月有约 ;载雨 驿动的 云朵, 包容着 内心所 有 无 言 的 情 意。那 些各自 芬芳的 花儿, 悄然地 陪伴着 自己绽 放,一 些花事 的记忆 , 染 了 丝 丝 隽永的 味道; 在心里 ,却待 日久弥 香。 你 说 : 你会 想念你 自己吗 ? 我 说 : 会 !仔细 想想, 比较想 念那个 不谙世 事的自 己。曾 经,一 个人的 时光, 追 风 的 心 情 ,山野 牧歌; 阳光的 面庞, 不写忧 伤。若 不是经 历一场 场情感 的考量 , 便 没 有 一 路跌跌 撞撞的 忐忑, 也没有 悲喜过 多的动 荡。我 们在曾 经年月 里,无 忧 无 惧 , 风 华永恒 的模样 。 匆 匆 那 年 ,格 桑花开 的长安 ,住着 最好的 ,我们 。 左 耳 , 响 着留声 机里悠 扬问心 的曲子 ,月亮 之上, 有棵开 满鲜花 的树。 不管芳 菲 何 处 , 花 红一刻 的记忆 ,依然 艳丽无 边。烟 花绚烂 过的天 空,不 会有华 丽低调 的 再 次 绽 放 ,也不 会有人 纯真地 指点着 告诉自 己:彼 岸,一 定有幸 福的存 在!那 一 句 : “ 再 见,冥 王星! ”吐出 唇齿的 时刻, 泪光比 星光闪 亮! 如 若 , 有一 天 我 们 不 小 心走散 ,就在 下一个 路口, 等。人 一辈子 后悔的 事太多 ,只是 ,咬紧 牙 关 不 说 。 你看过 的好风 景,那 么多, 不会在 跌倒过 的老路 上逞强 ,不会 纠结于
6.Who transported us to the future?
Wang Ping’s parents’ company transported us to the future.
7.What was the air like there? In what way did people there travel?
everything built in
concrete; with green trees in houses
blocks of flats
on the earth; in
on the earth space station; under
the sea;on the moon
fast reading
1 .What’s the text about? A. An e-mail written by a man who has taken up a trip to the future B.The man have his first try to master a hovering carriage. C.The man are surprised at the Wang ping’s home. D.The preparation of the trip.
modern house
cleaner engines faster
Computer system
Environmentally friendly
energy -saving
Amazing speed: 430 km∕h
a solar energy car
Light and fast traveling
lack of enough
drinking water …
Reading: First Impressions
Task 1
Try to guess the meaning of new words.
1.When I first met her,she gave me the impression that she was very kind. (deep feeling of sb).
Careful reading
1. Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD3005? 2. What is a “ time lag”? 3. How did they travel to the year AD3005? 4. Who guided my trip? 5. Why did my guide give me some tables? 6. Who transported us to the future?
Judge whether the following statements are true or false.
1.In the year AD 3005,the air in private houses was poor quality.
2.Hovering carriages were a fast means of transport,and people could fly in them in every direction.
The air seemed thin as if it had little oxygen left;people there travelled in a hovering carriage driven by computer.
8.What were houses like there? Bright,clean,green,moving walls,brown floor and soft lighting,trees inside room,movable furniture.
AD2005:modern world
cars,trains, boats, airplanes, hovercraft, helicopter
AD3005:Your ideas
spacecraft, time travel, personal flying cars or bikes
Houses made of flats in
7.Though he failed again and again,he was optimistic about his life.
(confident) 反义词: pessimistic
Read this passage quickly,then finish these exercises.
3.Li Qiang arrived in a busy town where he got lost.
4.This text is an introduction both to the more advanced forms of transport in AD 3005 but also to the advantages and problems of life in the future.