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1. 综合填空 : 根据信件内容选择方框内的单词, 并用其正确的形式填入空白处( 每空填一词 ) ,使补全后的这封信意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。(5 分)

information tall spend what hour

If you go to see a doctor near London nowadays, you will see a robot there. It is very clever but never speaks. It didn’ t go to a medical school. It can work-fourtwenty 102a day and never gets tired. It is one meter103and has a face like a TV screen. Patients like to call it Dr. Robot.

Busy doctors used to104 only a few minutes on each patient. But Dr. Robot can examine a patient for a long time if it cessary. ’Withsnethe help of Dr. Robot, a human doctor can have a lot of useful105when he examines his patient. How can Dr. Robot do this? A computer “ tells ” 106him to do.

2.综合填空 : 根据短文内容选择方框内的单词, 并用其正确的形式填入空白处( 每空填

一词 ) ,使补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。(5 分 )


The most Expensive Guitar in the World

Can you play the guitar? If a person plays the guitar well, he or she wants to have a

better quality guitar for sure.

Do you know how much the most expensive guitar in the world 97_________? There are 2

different records. One is for regular guitars belonging to a guitar named Blackie. It was sold for 950,000 dollars by a guitar archaeologist( 考古学家 ). The most 98 _________ electric guitar was sold in December 2005. This happened at an auction( 拍卖 ) in Doha. The auction was very popular, 99 _______ former President Bill Clinton also attended. The 100_________ of this electric guitar was 2.7 million dollars. A group of people bought the guitar for that record price.

They were all famous 101_________, such as Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, and so on. The profits

from the auction went to a tsunami charity( 海啸慈善机构).

3.综合填空 : 根据短文内容选择方框内的单词, 并用其正确的形式填入空白处( 每空填一

词 ) ,使补全后的这封信意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。(5 分 )

turn great first bird peace

A little girl called Fan Yi has caught many people’s attention recently. The little writer’s

102______ English story, Swordbird, was on the New York Times’bestseller list for

children ’s fiction.

Fan Yi was born in Beijing in 1997. She finished her second grade of primary school in

Beijing. She moved to the US with her parents at the age of 7. She has shown 103______

interests in birds since she was a little girl.

When Fan was studying American history at school, she read many articles about the September 11 Attacks(9.11 事件 ). She wanted all people to live in104______ with each

other. Around that time, she had a dream one night. In the dream, some 105______ fought

with each other. Fan got an idea from the dream and 106______ it into a story. In it, she

showed her idea of peace in the world.

In the future, Fan will write more books for the Swordbird series. Will she become another J.K Rowling? We will have to wait and see.


(每空填一词),使补全后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整。( 5 分)

believe, face, no longer, show,different

Humans can recognize one person from another because they have102faces. It ’ s hard to believe, but wasps( 黄蜂 ) also have this ability.

Scientists used to103that insects brains’ were too small for them to recognize individuals( 个体 ). But according to a recent study, golden paper wasps( 纸巢黄蜂 ) can recognize the104of other wasps the same way humans do. They can recognize each other even after separating for one week.

Scientists from the University of Michigan trained some wasps. They105two pictures of different wasp faces and the insects chose the correct one. But when scientists changed the wasps ’faces by doing things such as taking away an antenna(触角 ),the wasps could106recognize them.



photo interest have movedterrible

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am writing to thank you for your kind help. Before you came to our school,I had a difficult time with my English.I was not102in English at all. My spoken English was103and I could only speak a few words. With your help I have found English fun to learn by now, and I ’m104by your encouraging words. I will always remember what you said, “If you try, you can be No. 1!”

I hope you will105 a pleasant journey home and will return to China again sometime in the future. I’ll write again and send you some106we took together.

Your sincerely,

Li Mei
