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时间as, when, while;till, until;after, before;whenever, each/every time, as soon as, once, immediately, instantly, the moment, the

instant, the minute, the second, the day, no sooner had…than,

hardly(scarcely) had …when

地点where, wherever, (everywhere)

条件if, unless, when, once, as long as, so long as, providing, provided (that), supposing, suppose (that), granted that, given that,

assuming that, on condition that, in case;only if 和if only

原因because(因为), since(既然), as(因为,由于), for(由于), now (that)(既然), seeing (that)(既然), considering (that)(考

虑到,因为), in that(因为), in view of the fact that (鉴于), not

that…, but that…(不是,而是)

让步though(虽然),although(虽然), even if/even though(即使), as(尽管), while(虽然,尽管), whatever(无论什么), whichever(无论那

个), wherever(无论那里), whenever(无论何时), whoever(无论谁),

however(无论怎样), no matter(无论什么), for all (that) (尽管),

whether…or(无论…还是), in spite of the fact that/what(尽管),

despite the fact that(不管) , whereas(然而,而), except that (只不


比较(not) as…as, (not) the same as, not so as, (not) such…as, than…, the more…, the more…

方式as, as if/as though, the way

目的that, in order that, so that, lest, for fear that, in case

结果so that, so…that, such…that



When we lived together, we often helped each other.

After he went abroad, his family never heard from him.

It was a long time before everything returned to normal.

She did the house chores while she watched TV.

As time goes by, he reluctantly gave up the hope of finding his missing son.

I’ll tell him as soon as he arrives.

We haven’t heard from him since he left.

Whenever mother went to town, she brought us some candies.

Every time he passes by the lake, he’ll think of his childhood.

He aged a lot the last time I saw him.

The moment he heard of the accident, he came at once.

They told me the news immediately they heard of it.

I had no sooner gone to bed than the door bell rang.

Hardly/Scarcely had he entered when it began to ring.

Instantly the bell rang, the students came into the classroom.


1.when, as, while 用法区别

1)表示主句动作发生在从句动作过程中时,when, as, while都可以。此时,从句动作为延续性动词,且多用进行时。主句用一般时或进行时。

He entered the room when/while/as the meeting was going on.

When/While he was a child, he lived in the countryside.

When/While/As my mother was cooking, I was watching TV.

2)When还可以表示主从动作先后发生,或当从句动作为短暂性动词时。如:When I got to the cinema, the film had begun. (从句动作为短暂性动词, 不能用While 和as)

When she comes, I shall tell her to wait for you. (从句动作为短暂性动词, 不能用While 和as)

When I got to the station, it was raining hard. (从句动作为短暂性动词, 不能用
