欧洲央行2010年度报告 节选翻译

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ECB Annual Report 2010




External communication at the ECB aims to enhance the public’s understanding of the

ECB’s policies and decisions and, as such,

is an integral part of the ECB’s mon etary policy and its other tasks. Two key elements – openness and transparency –guide the ECB’s communication activities. Both contribute to the effectiveness, efficiency and credibility of the ECB’s monetary policy and its other statutory tasks. They also support the ECB’s efforts to give a full account

of its actions, as explained in more detail in Chapter 8.

The ECB’s concept of real-time, regular and Comprehensive explanations of its monetary

policy assessment and decisions, which was Introduced in 1999, represents a uniquely

open and transparent approach to central

bank communication. Monetary policy

decisions are explained at a press conference immediately after the Governing Council has

taken them. The President delivers a detailed introductory statement at the press conference, explaining the Governing Council’s decisions.

The President and Vice-President are then

at the media’s disposal to answer questions.

Since December 2004 decisions taken by the Governing Council other than those setting interest rates have also been published every month on the websites of the Eurosystem

central banks.

ECB legal acts are made available in all the

official languages of the EU, as are the

Governing Council’s monetary policy decisions,

the decisions taken by the Governing Council in

addition to decisions setting interest rates, and

the consolidated financial statements of the

Eurosystem. 1 The ECB’s Annual Report is also

made available in full in all official EU

languages. 2 The Convergence Report and the

Quarterly issues of the ECB’s Monthly Bulletin

are made available either in full or in summary

form in all official EU languages. 3 For the

purposes of public accountability and

transparency, the ECB publishes other

documentation in addition to the statutory

publications in some or all official languages,

in particular press releases announcing staff

macroeconomic projections, policy

positions and information of relevance to the

general public. The preparation, publication

and distribution of the national language

versions of the ECB’s key publications

are undertaken in close collaboration with

the NCBs.





在1999年推出的,实时、定期的综合解释对欧洲央行货币政策评估和决策,代表了一个独特的公开和透明的方式向中央银行的交流是欧洲央行沟通政策的观念。货币政策决策的解释是在一次理事会后的新闻发布会上进行的。总裁在记者招待会上提供了一个详细的介绍性说明, 来解释管理委员会决策。稍后总裁、副总裁在媒体的询问下回答问题。自2004年12月由理事会做出的决定,除了利率的制定以外的业务也都在每一个月欧洲中央银行Eurosystem网站上公布出来。
