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Unit4 Reading A 导学案

姓名:__________ 学号:__________



1.掌握本课的高频词:save, pine, discuss ,branch, root, fight, against, example,

harmful, gas, produce, oxygen, major, convenient, furniture, imagine等

2.掌握短语及句型:1. They keep the air cool and clean.

2. They take in harmful gases from the air.

3. I know trees also make our lives more convenient.

4. Tea also comes from the leaves of trees.

5. In fact we get a lot more from trees.

6. Look around this room. A lot of furniture is made of wood.

7. But we cut down millions of trees every year.

8. We should stop doing this if we don’t want a world without trees.


Part 1 Vocabulary Preview 词汇预习

1. Guess the meaning of the underlined word 写出划线单词的中文意思。

1. Save the trees.()

2. Listen to a radio programme about pine trees.()

3. They take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breath.()

4. They are the major fighter against air pollution.()()

5. I know trees also make our lives more convenient.()

6. Many of the things in our daily lives come from trees. For example,paper and pencils.


8. I can’t imagine a world without trees.()

9. In groups, discuss why trees are important.()

2. 按要求写出相应的短语

1. 了解_____________________________

2. 在很多方面____________________________

3. 吸收_____________________________

4. 在我们的日常生活中____________________________

5. 来自_____________________________________

6. 例如________________________________

7. 事实上__________________________________

8. 环顾____________________________________

9. 由……制成_______________________________

10. 砍伐________________________________


12. 停止做某事________________________________

Part 2 Language learning 同步课堂

1. Fill in the blanks.根据提示填空。

1.They keep the air cool and clean.

Keep_________ + __________ 使某物保持怎样的状态.



2. They take in harmful gases from the air and produce oxygen for us to breathe.

take in 意为“_____________”


______________________________________carbon dioxide.

harmful 是个派生词,即词根加___________

短语:be harmful to sth. 意思是_____________________


Waste water from factories ____________________________.

3. They’re major fighter against air pollution.

fight against 意思是:_________________________________


We must _____________________________________.

major __________词. 意思是:________________.



4. Trees also make our lives more convenient.

make __________+ ___________ 意思是“使某人感到……”



5. In fact, we get a lot more from trees.

in fact 意思是:_______________________


I once worked in your home town, _________________________________

6. Look around this room. A lot of the furniture is made of wood.

look around 意为“____________________”

be made of 意为“________________________”(__________原材料)be made from 表示“___________________”(____________原材料)

例如:The desk is made ____ wood.

Paper is made _____ wood.

Part 3 Test 课堂检测

