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V ol .37N o .3·66·化 工 新 型 材 料N EW CH EM ICA L M A T ERIA LS 第37卷第3期2009年3月


基金项目:国家“863”计划项目(2007AA809310D )





杜现礼 刘长利 胡碧茹 吴文健*


摘 要 以K arstedt 催化剂,催化端氢硅油(DH PS )和三缩丙二醇二丙烯酸酯(T PG DA )的硅氢加成反应,合成光敏性有机硅丙烯酸酯(SA )。反应产物用红外光谱和紫外-可见光谱进行了表征,将不同比例的有机硅丙烯酸酯作为活性稀释剂添加到光固化体系中,考察了配方分别在空气和N 2中的光固化性能,利用扫描电镜观察了光固化膜的表面形貌,研究了SA 对光固化材料机械性能、热稳定性以及化学稳定性的影响。结果表明,氧阻聚作用对于SA 配方比较明显,能显著降低其固化速率;SA 对光固化膜物理化学性能有一定影响,含有5%SA 的光固化材料综合性能优异,超过此含量,光固化材料机械和化学稳定性随着SA 含量的增加反而降低;热重分析表明,SA 能提高体系的热稳定性。

关键词 有机硅,光敏性,紫外光固化

S ynthesis of photosensitive silicone acrylate and its influence on the properties of UV -curable materials

Du Xianli Liu Chang li H u Biru Wu Wenjian

(Co lleg e of Aero space and M aterials Enginee ring ,National University of Defense

Techno logy ,Chang sha 410073)

A bstract A no vel U V -curable silico ne with acrylate end g roups w as pre pared via the direc t hydr osily lation of α,ω-dihy drog enpolysilox ane and tripr opylene g ly co l diacry la te (T PG DA )using K ar stedt cataly st .T he mo lecular structures of reacting pr oducts we re characterized by F T IR and U V -V is spectro sco py .Silicone acry la te w ith dif fe rent ratio by weight was added in U V -curable co ating for mulatio ns a s reactiv e diluents .U V -curing behavio rs of the for mulatio ns unde r differe nt atmospher es o f air and nitrig en w ere a lso investig ated .Scanning electron micro gr aph was used to observ e the sur face of

U V -cured films .M echanica l ,thermal and chemical pr ope rties of the U V -cured films we re inv estiga ted .The re sults sho wed that SA co ntaining coating fo rmulatio ns w ere ve ry sensitiv e to o xy gen inhibition ,and the additio n o f SA caused a dr amatic chang e of the pro per ties of UV -cured film s .T he increase of SA content resulted in a decrea se in mechanical and chemical proper ties w hen the ratio w as bey ond 5%by weig ht .T hermo gr avimet ric analy sis revealed tha t U V -cur ed film s exhibited go od the rmostability .

Key words silicone ,pho tosensitivity ,U V -cur ability


将光敏性基团(如丙烯酸酯)引入到有机硅分子链上的方法有多种[3-5],通过硅氢加成反应引入的方式,合成原理简单,易于控制反应条件和产物结构,且聚硅氧烷链端的Si -C 键耐水解能力强[6]。光固化有机硅不仅可以作为助剂加入到光固


以作为反应性单体加入光固化体系,改善材料的表面性能[3]、热稳定性和机械性能[8]。文献报道的光固化有机硅多以侧链上含有丙烯酸酯[8]为主,而非以有机硅为主链、丙烯酸酯封端的结构,其不足之处在于合成产物稳定性不好或者有机硅含量不足而达不到预期改性效果。本研究利用自制高效K arstedt 催化剂,催化端氢硅油和多元丙烯酸酯的硅氢加成反应,直接合成光敏性有机硅丙烯酸酯(SA ),提高了反应速
