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Unit four Earthquakes

1. burst 爆裂,突发

The square is bursting with tourists. 广场上到处都是游客。

I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己快乐得心花怒放。

The police burst through the door. 差人破门而入。

There was a burst of laughter in the next room. 近邻房间里忽然爆宣布一阵笑声。


(1) burst in on 突然⋯打断

He burst in on our conversation. 他忽然打断了咱们的说话。

(2) burst into +n. 突然⋯

The speaker burst into angry speech. 演讲者忽然讲粗话。

(3) burst out + doing 突然⋯

The woman burst out crying like a child. 那个妇女忽然像小孩相同哭了。

(4) burst to do sth. 迫切想做某事

I am bursting to tell you the news. 我刻不容缓的想告知你这个音讯。

2. suffer


A, 遭受痛苦 He suffered terribly when his mother died.

B, 遭到丢失 If I lost, my self-esteem will suffer.

C, 遭受He suffered no pain

联想扩展:suffer from

1、受⋯之苦I suffered most from lack of rest.

2、患⋯病I am suffering from a cold.


suffer 表明“患⋯病”时,后边一般跟疾病称号。

_______ such heavy pollution already , it may now be too late to clean up the river .

A. Having suffered

B. Suffering

C. To suffer

D. Suffered

3. reach



The started early, hoping to reach there before dark. 它们很早就动身,期望天亮前抵达那里。易混剖析:

reach; get; arrive 抵达

reach 后直接加地址; get 加 to 再加地址; arrive 后加 at/ in 再加地址, at 后加小地址; in

后加大地址。假如表明地址的词是副词,get 和 arrive 后都不能用介词。别的,只表明“到了”,不强调到什么地方用arrive。


The number of the students in our school will reach 2000 next year.


Can you reach the book on the top of the shelf? 你能够到书架顶上的那本书吗?



Please pass me the salt, it ’s out o请f m把y盐re递ac给h .我,我够不到。

(4)传到或人手中 /耳中

Your letter reached me yesterday. 我昨日收到你的来信。

The news reached me just now. 我刚刚听到那个音讯。


Where does this road reach?这条路通向哪里?


1、Most children stay at home until they ____ school age.

A. get


C. reach

D. arrive

2、Dear Jenny, thank you for your letter which ______ on April 1st.

A. arrived

B. arrived at

C. arriving

D. arrived me

3、It is _______that the letter will ____you this afternoon.

A. most like; arrive

B. likely; reach

C. mostly like; get

D. best like; reach

4. cover

( 1)掩盖

The playground is covered by fallen leaves, we should clean it. 特别提示:

表明“掩盖”时,常用 cover ⋯ with / by句型,而且译法比较灵敏。

I am covered by dust. 我浑身都是土。She covered her face with her hands. 她用双手捂着脸。(2)包括;包括;触及

The study of physics covers many subjects.

(3) 保护;掩护

The mother covered the baby from the falling ceiling. 母亲维护婴儿不受下落的天花板的损伤。(4)走完多少路;看完多少页书。

I can cover 100 Li on foot a day. 我一天不可能走 100 里。

How many pages have you covered? 你看完了多少页书?


Our school covers an area of 60.000 square meters. 咱们校园占地 60000 平方米。


表示“占多大面积”用⋯covers an area of +数词。


The chief editor sent a reporter to cover the event. 主编派了一记者去采访整个事情。

1、The farm is huge, lying between the valleys, and ____ an area of 15 square kilometers.

A. covered

B. being covered

C. covering

D. covers

2、This is a long hard winter, with everything _______ white.

A. covered

B. covered by

C. covering

D. covering with

3、This book is said to be a special one which ________ many events not found in other history books.

A. writes

B. covers

C. prints

D. reads

4、This is a long hard winter, with everything _______ white.

A. covered

B. covered by

C. covering

D. covered with

5、The farm is huge, lying between the valleys, and ____ an area of 15 square kilometers.

A. covered

B. being covered

C. covering

D. covers

5. dig out 挖出;发现;捐钱

It is not easy to dig out the past.开掘曩昔的前史是不容易的。

He was buried by an avalanche and had to be dug out. 他遇雪崩被埋住了,得把他挖出来。

