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1Holiday+ 2.travel

Fay: Hi Jerry. The school year is almost over. Do you have any plans for the summer holiday? Jerry: I'm planning on sleeping all day, every day!

Fay: Oh, come on Jerry, you must be kidding.

Jerry: Yeah, I'm just pulling your leg. Actually, I'm intend to go to Guizhou Province.

Fay: Really? Why would you go there? It's not a very popular place.

Jerry: Exactly! It's not very popular, so it won't be too crowded. I enjoyed my trip to the Great Wall, but there were so many people.

Fay: I'm sure Guizhou won't be so crowded. But may be it‟s too hot in the summer?

Jerry: No, according to one of my students, it's very cool in the summer. He said it is "natural air conditioner".

Fay: Well, that sounds good. is there anything worth seeing in Guizhou?

Jerry: Sure! For one thing, there's the beautiful natural scenery. I'm sure you've heard of the Huang Guo Shu Waterfalls. There's also the Malinghe valley which is said to be surprisingly beautiful.

Fay: Yes, I have heard of Huang Guo Shu Pubu, There are mountains everywhere in Guizhou, even in the capital city Guiyang.But if you just climb mountains and hills, you‟ll get bored.

Jerry: Come on Fay, there's lots of things to do. I can go hiking in Qian Ling Park in Guiyang, and I know you've heard of Zunyi, a very historical city. It's where Mao Ze Dong became the leader of the Red Army.

Fay: when you describe it like that, it sounds really interesting! I'm sure you'll have fun, but let me give you some advice. Be sure to hold on to your wallet AND your heart!

3.bank exchange money

A: Good afternoon, madam May I help you?

B:I'd like to change some money. US dollars to RMB What's the exchange rate today?

A: According to today's exchange rate, 1 US dollar in cash is equivalent to 6 RMB yuan. B:just 6? could you please tell me why sometimes I can change more and sometimes less ?

A: ok ,you know that we call the rates for foreign currencies floating exchange rates.They often change with the international money market.That's why sometimes you have more and sometimes less . And there is also a difference between buying rate and selling rate,But all banks throughout China have the same rate when dealing with exchange transactions,though the rate has to be adjusted from time to time.

B:I see. Thanks a lot for your explanation. That means the exchange rates are ups and downs every day,as chinese economic develops well,the exchange rate may fall down in the future. so,I don‟t need to exchange too much. I want to change 1,000$.Here you are.

A: Very well. This is exchange memo. Please fill in this application form,fill in your name, passport number,your nationality and sign your name, SIR.and the amount you intend to change. B: All right. Here you are, is that all right?

A: Let me see, oh, would you mind telling me your passport number, SIR?

B: Of course not. Let me see. It's E 56789.

A: Thank you, SIR. Quite well. Here is the money,6000 RMB yuan in all.Please check it and keep the exchange memo.

B:All right.
