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Unit 3

1、Talking with a good friend can make one feel at ease and help him/her get rid of worries.

与好朋友交谈可以使人感到放松并摆脱忧虑。(feel at ease)

2、Wearing a smile when making a public speech can help shorten the distance between the speaker and the


演讲时面带微笑有助于缩短演讲者与听众之间的距离。(wear a smile)

3、She dominated the discussion from the beginning to the end; nobody could get a word in.

整个讨论会从头到尾都是她的一言堂,其他人一句话也插不进。(get a word in)

4、In my talk today, I’m going to focus on the meaning of friendship to westerners.

今天我演讲的主题是西方人如何看待友谊。(focus on)

5、Their relationship is based on mutual respect and common interests.


6、It was this shy boy who won the first prize for the English speech contest.

正是这位害羞的男孩在英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。(用the Emphatic-It Structure)

7、It is common for a person to feel nervous in front of a large audience.

在一大群关中面前感到紧张是很正常的。(It is common for…)

8、Today in the United States, people move around quite often, so it is difficult for them to develop long-term


当今在美国,人们经常流动,因此很难建立长期友谊。(it is difficult…)

Unit 4

1、It took the six-year-old girl only three hours to learn to skate, and now she has really taken to it.

这名六岁的女孩只用了三小时就学会了溜冰,现在她真的爱上了这项运动。(It takes/took…, take to)2、It has been a long time since I got Joan’s last mail, but from her letter, it did seem that she was having a lot of

fun in Britain.

收到琼的上一封邮件距今已有多日,但从信中可以看出她在英国确实过得很开心。(It has been a long time since…; it does/did seem that…; have fun)

3、Mummy is putting the finishing touches to the freshly baked cake.

妈妈在为刚刚出炉的蛋糕做最后的装饰。(put the finishing touches to)

4、When the teacher came into the classroom, she looked as though she had heard some bad news.

老师进教室时看上去好像听到了什么坏消息似的。(as though)

5、Since she broke up with her best friend, she no longer took part in any parties.

自从她和她最要好的朋友闹翻后,她就不再参加任何晚会了。(break up with; no longer)

6、The driver asked the passengers not to stand at the front of the bus; he asked them to go to the back as there was

more space at the back.

司机叫乘客不要站在公共汽车的前部,请他们到后面去,因为后面空。(at the front of; more space at the back)

7、At the sight of her best friend lying sick in bed, Hilary burst out crying, and all I could do was to stand by her.

看见她最要好的朋友躺在病床上,希拉里大哭起来,而我所能做的只是站在她身旁。(at the sight of; lie sick in bed; burst out crying; all somebody could do is/was…)

8、As soon as he saw me, he took off in the other direction.

他一看见我就朝另一个方向走开了。(take off)

1、The young people were all fascinated by the changing colours of the setting sun.

落日不断变化的色彩让那些年轻人都着了迷。(be fascinated by)

2、After Jack obtained the qualifications of a high school teacher, he started his teaching career.


3、Anyone is welcome to speak out against me.

欢迎任何人对我大胆地说出反对意见。(speak out against)

4、In the past few days, we have taken up the work in turn and never stopped.

几天来我们一直轮流工作,从未停止。(take up)

5、After the experiment, the chemistry teacher began to explain what coal changed into after burning.

实验以后,化学老师开始解释煤燃烧后变成了什么。(change into)

6、Apart from being clever, Tom is very kind and ready to help others.

除了聪明以外,汤姆还非常友善,乐于助人。(apart from)

7、Professor Li spent over ten years completing this important essay.


8、How long did it take them to climb up to the top of the mountain and then return to the village.

他们用了多少时间才登上山顶并返回村庄。(It takes…to…)

Unit 6

1、The managers are discussing how to find a more practical way to expand the market.


2、I don’t think the remaining water in that bottle is good for drinking.


3、He thought over the problem for nearly half an hour and at last came up with a new method to solve it.

他对于这个问题思考了近半个小时,终于想出一个新的解题方法。(come up with)

4、Almost all the members of their group got involved in the argument.

他们小组几乎所有人都参与了那次争论。(get involved in)

5、The exciting pop music greatly acted upon the emotions of the young audience.

令人兴奋的流行音乐极大地调动了青年观众的情绪。(act upon)

6、It is said that Mr Green has decided to leave our company for a job in New York.

听说格林先生已经决定离开我们公司去纽约工作。(It is said that…)

7、The more you practise, the more quickly you will improve your spoken English.

你操练的机会越多,你的英语口语提高得就越快。(the more…, the more…)

8、He had no idea about the new plan, nor did he know who would come to work together with him.


Unit 7

1、Linda has made great progress in her English. She must have been working hard.


2、You should seize the chance to learn some useful skills.


3、Having learnt English for six years, he can now read English novels in the original.

学了六年英语,他现在能够读懂英文原版小说。(in the original)

4、The seniors of the family would sit at the head of a table while having a family dinner—that’s the tradition of
