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Position Paper

Delegate(s):Zhang San Xu Si



Country:People’s Republic of China


I. Preface

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), formulated on the basis of the Millennium Declaration during the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, are the most comprehensive, authoritative, and systematic international development goals to date. Since the establishment of the MDGs 15 years ago, the international community has seen much positive progress in implementing the Goals. Many of the targets—such as eradicating extreme poverty, providing access to safe drinking water, eliminating gender disparity in primary education, combating malaria, and improving the lives of slum dwellers—have been met or are nearing achievement. At the same time, however, countries around the world still face serious challenges in health, environment and other areas. The progress in different regions has been uneven, and the global development partnership needs to be further strengthened to bridge the gap. In this context, countries should continue to demonstrate political will and make concrete efforts to promote global development.

The United Nations will hold a Summit during its 70th General Assembly this September to review the progress of the MDGs and adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda, which will guide international development cooperation for the next 15 years. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the Summit and hopes that the event will demonstrate the strategic vision of the leaders, the solidarity of all parties,

and their commitment to address global development issues through cooperation. We look forward to practical outcomes in the following areas:

(i) to build political consensus and adopt a new development approach to promote global development, address the problem of uneven and uncoordinated development and strike a balance between economic development, social justice and environmental protection.

(ii) to build a comprehensive and balanced framework for international development cooperation and strengthen global development partnership to ensure effective implementation of the post-2015 development agenda.

(iii) to promote North-South cooperation and strengthen South-South cooperation, thus creating better conditions and environment for developing countries to achieve common development objectives.

II. Guiding Principles

Given that the Post-2015 Development Agenda is intended to continue and build upon the successes of the MDGs, the international community should take stock of its experience during the MDGs era and work together to draw up a fair, inclusive, and sustainable set of shared development aspirations. The following principles should thus be observed during this inter-governmental process:

―Focus on the key issues. It is essential to put emphasis on issues such as poverty, hunger and public sanitation, which are crucial to basic subsistence of people in developing countries. Effective measures should also be taken to tackle climate change, energy and resource security, weak economic growth, and other new emerging challenges that could impede sustainable development.
