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The Subject of Graduation Project






2014年 6月


本设计采用STC12C5A60S2单片机为简易智能小车的核心器件。循迹模块由4对红外收发管组成,通过反射红外线的变化判断黑线的有无以达到循迹的功能,电机驱动模块选用 H 桥驱动芯片L298N 结合单片机来控制电机工作。避障模块由两对红外发光管组成。搬运模块通过TCS230识别不同颜色来分辨抓取和释放,从而达到搬运的目的。整个系统的电路结构简单,可靠性能高,能满足设计的要求。与传统搬运车相比,该车不耗费人力,不会造成人员的浪费且工作效率较高。智能机器准确性较高,可以减少失误的发生,在未来工厂车间中,可以用智能搬运车来代替传统搬运车。本文详细的阐述了整个智能搬运小车设计和制作以及最后测试的过程。以最简洁最最有效的方法制作出了一个具有简单功能的小车。

关键词:智能循迹小车 STC12C5A60S2 红外收发管电机驱动TCS230


The design adopts STC12C5A60S2 microcontroller as the core device of simple smart car. The tracking module is composed of a plurality of Photo electric tube, by reflecting infrared changes in judgments of black have to achieve the tracking function, motor drive module selection of commonly used H bridge driver L298N with single- chip microcomputer to control the motor working. Obstacle avoidance module consists of two pairs of infrared light emitting tube. Handling module TCS230 identify the different colors to distinguish grab and release, so as to achieve the purpose of handling. The electric circuit construction of whole system is simple, reliable performance. It can meet a variety of design requirements. Compared with conventional truck, the car is not labor intensive, no waste and higher staff efficiency. Intelligent machine high accuracy, can reduce the incidence of errors in the future on the factory floor, you can use smart truck to replace the traditional truck. This paper describes in detail the design and production of intelligent handling car and the final test of the entire process. In the most simple and effective way to make the most out of the car with a simple function.

Keywords: Intelligent Tracking Car STC12C5A60S2 Infrared Receiving Tube Motor Drive TCS230


摘要 ........................................................................................................................ - 1 -ABSTRACT........................................................................................................... - 3 -第1章绪论 . (1)

1.1 研究目的及意义 (2)

1.2 国内外发展情况 (2)

第2章整体设计框架 (6)

2.1 方案选择及论证 (6)

2.1.1 控制模块选择 (6)

2.1.2 路面探测黑线轨迹模块 (6)

2.1.3 探测路面障碍模块 (7)

2.1.4 电机模块 (8)

2.1.5 电机驱动模块 (8)

2.1.6 车架选择 (9)

2.1.7搬运模块 (9)

2.1.8仓库识别模块 (9)

2.1.9 最终方案选择 (10)

2.2 方案可行性分析 (10)

第3章硬件设计 (12)

3.1 系统总体设计框图 (12)

3.2 红外线光电开关模块 (12)

3.2.1 光电开关的工作原理 (13)

3.2.2 光电开关的类型 (14)

3.2.3 壁障光电管电路的设计 (16)

3.3 电机驱动模块 (16)

3.4 红外循线模块 (18)
