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Despite their name, the Want Family don’twant much. They want enough money for a nice house and a holiday every year. But theydon’t want to be millionaires. They want to dowell at their jobs. But they don’t want to bethe big boss. They do want to spend time improving their garden, visiting their families andtaking their two kids, Nicolas and Leuan, to McDonald’s for lunch. But they don’t want to befamous. The Wants just want to be normal. Tha t’swhy they are famous. They have been selectedas the most normal family in Britain. After asix-month search for the most ordinary family inBritain, the Wants were selected from hundredsof applicants.

John Want works in marketing for a foodcompany. Claire has a part-time job renting outchildren’s play equipment. John doesn’t understand why they were chosen to represent ordinary English families. How are they normal?

That is not a bad question. Nearly everyonedoes some of the things that the Wants do. Butvery few people do all of them. There havebeen great changes in the social structure ofBritish life. It is becoming more common forpeople to have children when they are olderthan the Wants, and to have one child insteadof two. A household with two children may beheaded by a single parent, usually the mother.Or perhaps dad and mum are still together, butnot married. Or maybe dad and mum are married. Dad goes out to work and mum stays athome and looks after the kids. They have traditional values.

Every weekend the wholefamily goes to church.

“What we have here is not an averagefamily, but a traditional family,” says CaryCooper, professor of philosophy at Lancaster University.“There is no such thing as a normalfamily anymore, in the way there was 20 or 30years ago. Of course the Wants exist, but forwhat do we need to celebrate them?” Perhapsbecause we think normal families are an endangered species. Examples of them have to be preserved to show future generations.

1. The Wants were selected as the most normal family in Britain because________.

A. they represent traditional English families

B. they don’t want much

C. they don’t want to be famous

D. they want to be normal

2. The following statements describe the great changes in British life EXCEPT_________.

A. people have kids later than 20 or 30 years ago

B. some children are brought up by a single parent

C. it’s more common for families to have only one kid

D. most families go to church every weekend

3. We may infer from the passage that __________.

A. most of British families hold traditional values

B. future generations are eager to learn from traditional families

C. traditional families are becoming fewer and fewer

D. traditional families no longer exist in Britain

4. What might be the most suitable title for thispassage?
