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1. 部长立刻起立答复那项指控。(on one’s feet)

The Minister was on his feet at once to answer the charge.

2. 他总是乐于助人,他一定会回来帮你的。(without a doubt)

He is always so ready to help others, that he will come back and offer you help without a doubt.

3. 他是我的英雄,我会永远支持他。(be rooting for)

He is my man,I'll be rooting for him forever!

4. 他将极力信守他的誓言。(pledge)

He would keep his pledge to the utmost of his power.

5. 我每天做这些事,就是因为我帖在墙上的工作计划告诉我要做这些事才能成功。(schedule)

I did this daily because my schedule on the wall told me to do this to be successful.

6. 实际上,这也是为数不多的一个地方,能让他们在面对另一个人时,完全露出自己脆弱的一面。(vulnerable)

In fact,it may be one of the few places where they can make themselves feel entirely vulnerable to another human being.

Unit 4

1. 尽管关于在所有场所禁止吸烟的倡议没有获得政府的支持,但是他的观点获得了公众和媒体的支持。(sentiment)

Although his proposal for prohibiting smoking in all the places was not supported by the government, his sentiments found support in the public and the press.

2. 地方政府将组建若干机构处理具体的环境问题。( specific)

Several institutions will be established by the local government to deal with specific environment issues.

3. 教育必须是全世界每一个国家的一项重点。( priority)

Education must be a priority of every country in the world.

4. 你将受到来自外在的和内在的激励,这些激励将给予你实现梦想的动力。( inside and out)

Inspiration will come to you from both inside and out, and give you the motivation to achieve your dreams.

5. 快节奏的生活事上班的人们无法投入大量的时间和精力用于孩子的教育。( devote)

The fast pace of life makes it impossible for office workers to devote enormous time and energy to their children’s education.

6. 由于对未来生活理念的不同,他们的婚姻结束了。(break up)

Their marriage has broken up due to differences in the concept of future life.

1、新的谈判将使长久的战争结束。(bring to an end)

The new treaty will bring to an end the long war.


She had been brutally tortured by the Nazis and then shot in the head.


It is certain that I can infect the people around with my enthusiasm and sincerity. 4、只有用知识武装自己,你才能当个好老师。(be armed with)

Armed with knowledge, you’ll be a good teacher.

5、当妇女没有多少钱且没有药物时,她们的健康明显处在危险之中。(at risk) The health of women is clearly at risk when they have little money and no medicines.


The Chinese people cherish peace and resolutely oppose to war.

Unit 8

1. 如果你分散他的注意力,我就在他看不到时溜出房间。(slip out of )

If you distract his attention, I’ll slip out of the room when he isn’t looking.

2. 史密斯先生是一位专门研究俄罗斯历史的大学教授。(specialize in)

Mr. Smith is a University professor who specializes in the history of Russia.

3. 我们可以免费提供一份完整的设计方案。( charge )

We can provide an entire design scheme free of charge.

4. 他得鼓起全部勇气来阻止自己逃跑。(muster)

He had to muster up all his courage to prevent himself from running away.

5. 这部小说的情节多靠巧合安排而无真实感。(coincidence)

The plot of the novel relies too much on coincidence to be realistic.

6. 在拥挤的公共汽车里挤出去真不容易。(make one’s way)

It is difficult to make one’s way out in a crowded bus.
