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德惠三中2016---2017学年度上学期11月份月考八年英语试题Ⅰ、根据句意填入一个适当的词,使句意完整。( 10 分)

1. You can go to a good university __________ you study hard,

2. I like his dishes( 菜 ) very much .He is a good _________.

3 . What is the ________ of the word “common”?

4. If you want to be a translator[翻译家], you should learn a_______language.

5. People will have their ________ robots in the future .

6. There will be more air ______ if more and more people drive cars to work.

7. I hope there will be world ________ in the future .

8. The White family moved ________a new apartment last month.

9. Don’t fall _________,be careful !

10. The factory often ________ the waste water into the river .

Ⅱ、用所给词的适当形式填空(15 分)

11、Lang Lang is a famous (piano).

12、He is going to be an actor when he __________( grow ) up.

13、The students sang a song at the (begin) of the class.

14、Here’s my (person) information.

15、I think that a resolution is a p romise to (we).

16、If you try your best, nothing is (possible).

17、Yesterday, Tom (dig)a hole in the yard.

18、The desk is (cover) with some newspapers.

19、I don’t think it’s a good idea . I (agree) with you.

20、Hundreds of (travel) come to China every year.

21、We never know what (happen) tomorrow.

22、These workers always work in a (danger) place.

23、She______(be) able to ride a bike when she was five.

24、Many robots can do the same things as (human).

25、My sister is going to take (act) lessons.

Ⅲ、单项选择(25 分)

( )26、 He is going to ______for his family during the holiday.

A . cook

B . cooking

C . cooks

D . cooked

( )27、 He practices ______the guitar every day.

A . play

B . playing

C . to play

D . plays

( )28、 Tom keeps on ______ some reading before going to bed.

A . do

B .doing

C . to do

D . does

( )29、 They ______three men to the moon last year.

A . sent

B .put

C . chosen

D . brought

( )30、 Not everyone ______what they want to be.

A .know

B . knows

C . to know

D . knew

( )31、There ______a meeting next week.

A . will has

B .will have

C . will be

D . is going to have ( )32、 Will there be any trees ______100 years ?

A . in

B . after

C . to

D . later

( )33、 -----Will this tree live ______1000 years old ?

-----Yes, it will.

A . being

B .to be

C . been

D . be

( )34、Le t’s play a part ______this problem. It is interesting.

A .discuss

B .to discuss

C . in discussing

D . discussing ( )35、 How many ______do we need to make fruit salad ?

A .cabbage

B . potatoes

C . bananas

D . lemon

( )36、 I am so hungry .Please give me ______to eat .

A . something

B . anything

C . nothing

D . any

( )37、I don’t know ______a banana milk .

A . what

B . when to make

C . how to make

D . why to do

( )38、 Peel the potatoes first ,then _____

A . cut up it

B . cut it up

C . cut them up

D . cut up them

( )39、There will be ______cars in the city because people will take the subway .

A . fewer

B . less

C . much

D . more

( )40、Le t’s ____some salt ____the soup .
