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Three or four families in a country village is something to work.

——Jane Austen 摘要:对于英国女作家奥斯汀,她一生创作了六部作品,每部都很成功,对于她的代表作一向以来存在争议,《爱玛》,《傲慢与偏见》,作者自己说在理性和情趣方面后者胜过前者,经过时间的检验,后者的读者始终多过前者。《傲慢与偏见》反映了三种婚姻观,正如一个人的举止可以反映他的性格,在对待婚姻上同样可以反映一个人的性格,其中最吸引人的是伊丽莎白和达西的悲欢离合,由没有好感到厌恶,从有了好感到失望,直到最后缔结良愿。“读来令人荡气回肠,达西的隐忍,大度,宽容,对爱情的始终如一。给人以成熟,稳重之感。伊丽莎白的活泼,幽默,风趣。像一阵春风给人以清新,轻松的感受。”[1]因此,作家也和达西伊丽莎白一起被广为传颂了。Similar to a person’s actions can reflect his characters, people’s attitudes towards marriage are also related to their characters. The most obvious example is the case of Elizabeth and Darcy. Their feelings towards each other change during the development of the plot. At first, they showed no interest in each other but soon the feeling turned to disgust. Then Darcy took fancy to Elizabeth, but Elizabeth thought he was pride. Fortunately, after a series of things, they got married and lived a happy life.


Tries to analyze "Pride and Prejudice" leading character's disposition

Abstract: Regarding English female writer Austin,her life has created six works,each very was all successful,always has had the dispute since regarding hers representative works,"Loves Masurium","with Prejudice,author said Arrogant" exceeds the former in rational and appeal aspect the latter,the process time examination,the latter reader have always been many the former。"With Prejudice" has arrogant reflected three kind of marital views,just like a person's manner may reflect his disposition,in the treatment marriage may reflect similarly a person's disposition,in which most appealing is Elizabeth and the Darcy vicissitudes of life,from does not have

the favorable impression to arrive the loathing,from had the favorable impression to arrive disappointedly,until finally concluded hopes good。“Reads soul-stirringly,Darcy bearing patiently,magnanimous,tolerant,to love constant。For human by mature,steady feeling。Elizabeth's lively,humorous,charming。Looks like spring breeze to give the human by fresh,the relaxed feeling。”Therefore,the writer together widely is also praised with Darcy Elizabeth。

Key words:Arrogant Prejudice Disposition Elizabeth Darcy


本文着重就达西和伊丽莎白对婚姻的态度来分析人物的性格。Now I want to analyze the characters of Elizabeth and Darcy in terms of their perspectives of marriage


早在春秋战国时期,孟子就提出了“读其书,颂其诗。不知其人可乎?是以知人论世矣。”[3]心理学家也说:“分析一个人的性格特征时,必须要考虑到生活和社会历史条件,也要考虑到教育的倾向。”When we analyze the character of a person, we must take many things into consideration, such as the life and historical conditions. Sometimes we should also consider the person’s education. Elizabeth was born in a middle-class family; medium educated, and was the daughter of a gentleman. Compared with other noble class, her statue was low and her relatives were not well-educated, always made her embarrassed. Living in such a family contributed to her prejudice in her characters. [4]伊丽莎白是一位中产阶级的小姐,受过中等教育,是一名绅士的女儿。同贵族阶级相比,家庭地位还是较低下,亲友又是没有教养,常常在公
