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Unit 1 This is me!

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

1 •Good mornitis. I’m Amy. Good afternoon. Good evening. Nice to meet you too.


Good morning.主要用作上午见面时的问候语,意为“你好”、“上午好”。有时也|

可用作上午分手时的告别语,意为“再见”》_________________ :_________________

Good afternoon.主要用作下午见面时的问候语,意为“你好”、“下午好”。有时

也可用作下午分手时的寒暄用语,意为“再见”。________________________________ Good evening.主要用作晚上见而时的问候语,意为“你好”、“晚上好”。有时也用作晚上分手时的告別语,意为“再见”。(注:此用法不如用“good night”普通。)liood night.

主要用作晚上分手时(尤其是睡觉前)的问候语,意为“晚安”、“明天见”。注怠:“Good night”是晚上分手时的击別语,不能用作晚上见面时的问候语。

即使晚上很晚的时候见面,也不能用它,可用“Good evening.”。_________________ GJ请学)J“Nice to meet you.”的含义:见到你很尚兴。这句话的答语是:Nice to meet you too.见到你也很卨兴。

-ft.fi. H ■■

(1)When you meet your friend, you can greet him or her with all the following except(除



A. Good morning

B. Good afternoon

C. Good evening

D. Good night

(2)— _______

---Nice to meet you, too.

A. Fine, thank you.

B. Thanks.

C. Yes, I am.

D. Nice to meet you.


1. I’m 12 years old. I have short hair. I love readins.

O请注意学习词组12 years old的含义:12岁(大)。

C3请注意学习hair的词性及含义:【U】n.(不可数名词)失发,如:The boy with lqng hair is Tom.那个留长头发的男孩是汤姆。


G3另请注意:①我们常说丨ove doing sth•或丨ove to do sth.。前者(love doing sth.)常表示

人的爱好或嗜好,表示“经常性”的;而后者(love to do sth.)常表示某人某一次的爱好或想法!如:Children love playing in the snow.孩子们喜欢在雪中玩耍。Tom loves to stay at home today.汤姆今大想呆在家里。②like与love有着相似的用法,即like doing sth.

或like to do sth.③请注意掌握4 love相关的一个词组:would love to do sth.喜欢/想/很愿意做




The tall boy ______________ ___ ____ _ ________________________ •


①Millie _________________________________________________________________ •

©Millie ______________ __________________________________________ __ _____ •

2.Now let’s meet my new classmates.


/皮精极《7请注意学习let的用法:①让某人(不)做某事,我们通常说:丨e t sb. (mrt) do

sth.,如:She lets her children (not) play in the street•她让她的孩子们(不要)在大街上玩。②let me see的含义为:LL我看看,让我想想:③请注意学习let’s do sth.的反意疑问句:Let’s do sth.,shall we!④/搞寬匀客_/ 注意 Let’s go 与 Let us go 的不同:Let’s go 意为“我

们走吧。”这里的“我们”包括说话人与听话人。而letus go除了上述含义外,还可能含有“请准许我们走”的意思。在这种情况下us不包括听话人在内,因而应将听话人理解为丨et的主语。如:Let us try once more, please•请容许我们再试一次吧。


(1)Let’s _____ for a walk, s h a l l we? (2012 北京中考)

A. to go

B. going

C. go

D. gone

(2)The father lets his son ___ TV in tlie evening.

A. watches

B. to watch

C. watching

D. watch

(3)---Let’s go skating,____ ? (2010 十堰市中考)

…OK. Let’s go厂

A. do you

B. don’t you

C. will you

D. shall we

3.1 often play football after school.

CQl请注意学习词组play football:踢足球。

/皮精提喊7球类游戏前不加任何修饰词,器乐类词语前要加the,如:play football踢足球;

play basketball 打篮球;play tennis 打网球;play the piano 弹钢琴! t□请注意学习after school的结构和含义:放学后。

/皮锖提親7请注意类似结构的学习:after class课后;after breakfast早饭后。另请注意学习after的词性:afler既是个介词,也是个连词。介词后通常加名词、代词、动名词等,连词后通常加一个从句。如after school中的after是个介词,其含义上可与after school is over或after school ends/fmishes互换,但后两个结构中的after是个连词。


(1)Does Tom often play _______ football after ________ s chool? (2004 益阳中考)



C. the;不填

D. a;不填

(2)My PE teacher often teachers us how to play ______ f ootball. (2015 淮安中考)

A. a

B. an

C. /

D. the

(3)The boy likes playing football after school.(同义句转换,三种方式)

① ____________________________________________________________The

boy likes playing football __________________________________________________ •

② _________________________________________ The boy likes playing

football _____________________________________________ ____________ •

(2)_________________________________________________________ The boy likes

playing football _________________________________________________ •


He usually plays soccer ____________________________________________________ •


___ _ ________________________ _ ___________ _______ ,shall we?

4.He is from Nanjing. He is short. He is sood at Maths.

C□请注意学习词组be from的含义:从……来,是什么地方人;其含义与come from相似,也可以表示为“be bom in”。如:Where are you from? I’m from Beijing.你是哪儿人?


£□请注意学习词组be good at的含义:擅长于,对……擅长;擅长于做某事;①特别要注意的是:表示“擅长于做某事”时•定要注意at后加动名词,即be good at doing sth.如:She is good at playing the piano.她擅长弹钢琴。②还请同学们注意•• be good at在含
