report(english version)参考地质资料
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1.0 、前言Foreword
受巴斯夫(中国)有限公司和德希尼布天辰化工工程有限公司委托,我院对拟建“巴斯夫INTERMEDIATES THF/POLY-THF项目”场地进行工程地质勘察工作。
Commissioned by BASF (China) Co., Ltd and TECHNIP COFLEXIP Chemical Engineering Co.,Ltd, our institute has undertaken the engineering geologic investigation of the INTERMEDIATES THF/POLY-THF Project.
1.1、工程概况Project profile
The project is located in Plot B700~B900 of Shanghai Caojing Chemical Industry Park (SCIP). It is to the west of Muhua Rd and to the north of Nan River.
Please refer to Table 1 for the proposed process plant, the accessory buildings, the design parameters of the proposed buildings (structures). Please refer to the Floor Plan of the Boreholes for
1.2、勘察目的及技术要求I nvestigation purposes and technical requirements
具体任务如下:This investigation is on the detailed investigation phase, the objective of which is to provide necessary geological data for t he design and construction of buildings’ foundation and pits, the roads and the ground in the plant. Details are as following:
To learn the composition, the distribution rules and geological features of
fo undation’s compression stratum, and of the foundation soil within the calculation depth of pit stability.
To provide the comprehensive mechanical parameters of each stratum, bearing capacity of foundation fd, bearing capacity of pile foundation (including ultimate friction on pile sides fs and ultimate end bearing on pile tops fd), and the geotechnical parameters needed in foundation settlement calculation.
表1 拟建(构)筑物设计参数一览表
To specify the maximum acceleration of earthquake, basic earthquake intensity, and site class. If there is seismic liquefaction, liquefaction scale and liquefaction intensity ratio need to be calculated.
To give a brief description of the topographical features, and the distribution rules and features of some adverse geological conditions, such as possible recent sea channels, and bay mucky stratum. In addition, to estimate their effects on this project, and to put forward corresponding measures.
To study the embedment features, recharging and charging rules of the shallow ground water. To learn Hangzhou Bay tides’ influence on the site, meanwhile, to estimate the ground water’s influence on the project. In addition, to specify ground water’s corrosion extent on concrete and steel structure, and to put forward corresponding protection measures.
To describe the geological conditions of the site. And according to the features of different buildings, to estimate and recommend suitable foundation form for each building:
To recommend suitable sustaining layer of foundation, and foundation depth for the BUILDINGs that would adopt shallow foundation.
To recommend suitable sustaining layers, depths, types, diameters, and bearing capacities of foundation piles for the buildings in PROCESS PLANT, which would adopt foundation piles.
To recommend suitable foundation for the roads and ground in the plant; to evaluate the feasibility of shallow soil as the road foundation, and to put forward corresponding consolidation programs. To recommend the geological parameters needed in design and
construction of road foundation improvement
To predict the conditions for pit excavation; to recommend pit bracing and dewatering plans; and to give geotechnical parameters needed for the pit design.
To predict the effects of pit construction on the environment, and to illustrate the problems that need attention during construction.
1.3、执行规范、规程及标准Codes, regulations and standards abided by
A、中华人民共和国国家标准 National standards of PRC.
Code for Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering GB50021-2001
Standard for Foundation Design for Building Foundation GB50007-2002
Standard for Building Seismic Design GB50011-2001
Standard for Building Seismic Design GB50191-93
National Seismic Zonation of Dynamic Parameters GB18306-2001
Standard for Soil Test Methods GB/T 50123-99
Standard for Geotechnical Test Methods GB/T50266-1999
Standard for Groundwater Quality Analysis (GBJ14848-93)
The Compulsory Provisions of Engineering Construction Standards
B、专业规范 Professional standards:
a.《静力触探技术标准》(CECS 0488)
Technical Standard for Cone Penetration CECS 0488
b.《岩土工程勘察报告编制标准》(CECS 15618-95)
Standard for Geotechnical Investigation Report CECS 15618-95
C、上海市地方规范 Local standards of Shanghai City
a.《岩土工程勘察规范》(DGJ 08-37-94)
Shanghai Code for Geotechnical Investigation, DGJ 08-37-94
b.《地基基础设计规范》(DGJ 08-11-1999)
Code for Foundation Design DGJ08-11-1999
c.《建筑抗震设计规范》(DGJ 08-9-92)
Standard for Building Seismic Design DGJ08-9-92
d.《基坑工程设计规程》(DGJ 08-61-97)
Code for Design of Foundation Pit DGJ 08-9-92
e.《地基处理技术规范》(DGJ 08-40-94)
Technical Code for the Foundation Treatment DGJ08-40-94
f.《上海地区地基钻探安全操作规程》 (DGJ 08-3-83)
Safety Code for Foundation Investigation Boring in Shanghai DGJ 08-3-83
D、境外标准 Foreign standards
a.英国标准 British standards
BS 5930 Code of Practice for Site Investigation
BS1377 Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes (Part 1 to Part 9)
b.美国标准 American standards
《岩土工程试验标准》(ASTM)之D1452、D1194、D2113、D2487、D3441 D1452, D1194, D2113, D2487 and D3441 in Standard for Soil Test Methods (ASTM).
1.4、工作简况Brief introduction of the work
The investigation work scope is in accordance with the requirements from the site meeting on Aug. 29th, 2002, and with the Bidding Documents for the Investigation which is based on both the geotechnical investigation requirements given by TECHNIP COFLEXIP and the work scope specified in the Contract. The location and type of the boring holes, and the test items are specified by the Consignor.
The field investigation was started from Aug. 24th, 2002 and completed on Sept.2nd, 2002. Four sets of XY-1 type driller and 2 sets of SY-10 SPT equipment were used during the 10-day site construction.
勘察全过程严格按照本院根据ISO 9000标准编制的质量保证体系文件执行,施工质量优良。
The quality assurance system in accordance with the ISO 9000 system implemented by our Institute was strictly followed during the investigation. The construction quality is evaluated as excellent.
1.5、勘察手段与完成工作量Investigation methods and work scope
Mud flush drilling and core drilling were adopted in boring the holes for the undisturbed soil samples.
SPT was done in the borehole. Mud flush drilling and core drilling were adopted in the SPT for the undisturbed soil samples.
C、静力触探试验采用单桥探头进行测试,由专用微机采集、记录数据并形成Ps 值随深度变化的连续曲线。
The cone penetration test was done with a single-bridge sensor and the data were collected and recorded by a computer, and thus the continuous curve of the Ps value indifferent depth was made.
Density test was done with core cutter method , two parallel tests were made.
Electricity resistivity test was done with the direct-current resistance method to get “ρ”of the soil.
The vane-shear test was done with electronic vane-shear device.
The field water injection test was done with the injection method of borehole dewatering.
The California bearing ratio (CBR) test was done in the lab and under the conditions of maximum dry density, optimum water content and saturated condition.
Based on the coordinates of the designed holes, and the coordinate control points (PG4, PG5 and PG6)set in the Chemical Park, the positioning of the benchmarks is changed into the overall reference coordinates. And the positions are set out accordingly. The altitude of each borehole was measured with the Wusong Altitude system. The starting point of the altitude measurement was Point PG5 in the Chemical Park, and the point was at 3.3421m WuSong level (provided by SCIP).
The water and soil tests on the water and soil samples taken on the field were done in accordance with the requirements. The results of dynamic triaxial tests, and resonant column tests are to be provided in supplements, as approved by the Contractor.
Please refer to Table 2 for the investigation work quantity.
勘探工作量一览表Work Quantity
2.0场地工程地质条件Engineering geological condition of the site
2.1、地形地貌特征及场地现状Topography and Geomorphology of the Site
The site is of the damp soil type of the southeast frontier of the Changjiang River Delta. It was reclaimed from the sea during 1996-1997. The backfill was the sediment soil from the Hangzhou Bay to the south of the Site. Part of the backfill is sandy silt with various depths.
2.2、地基土的构成与特征Components and features of foundation soils
Based on the field investigation, in-situ tests and lab soil tests, the soil within depth of 60.35m in the site can be classified into 12 strata according to Attachment D of the Code DGJ08-37-94.
Please refer to the engineering geotechnical section plan for the distribution of each stratum, and see Table 3 for the strata’s features.
2.3、地基土层物理力学性质综合指标Parameters of the physical properties of the foundation soil
According to the ground soil division, each stratum is used as one statistics unit. Its mechanical indexes of the ground soil are analyzed, and some diverging values are cancelled. Thus, with the statistics method of canceling 10%, the comprehensive mechanical parameters of each ground soil stratum are obtain (including the average, the statistics sample number, the max, the min, and the variance coefficient).
The values of following tests are listed in Table 4: particle analysis, direct shear, pre-consolidation pressure PC, compression coefficient Cc, organic matter contents, triaxial shear,test,California bearing ratio,compaction test,density test,permeability test, resistivity,vane-shear test, cone penetration resistance, and the strikes of the standard penetration.
2.4、地下水Ground water
The site is just beside the Hangzhou Bay and its shallow water is phreatic water. The ground water is closely related with the Hangzhou Bay. The water level and chemical features are subject to the tide in the Bay.
勘探期间,实测场地地下水水位吴淞标高为2.6~2.9 m。
The water level is much subject to the tide. The continuous observation of the water level in the boreholes in 24 hours shows that the water level varies by 1.0m in one day. Generally, the ground water level is changed within 3 hours after the tide changes. During the investigation the measured water WuSong level was from 2.6~2.9 m. According to the relevant codes of Shanghai, the usual water embedment depth is 0.5m.
通过对现场采取的83只水样进行Cl-及SO42-分析, Cl-含量在65.3mg/L~5621mg/L 之间, SO42-含量在275mg/L~1390mg/L之间,水质变化受潮汐水动态及大气降水、蒸发影响。
A total of 83 water samples were taken and Cl-及SO42- analysis were done on them. The result shows that Cl- content is from 65.3mg/L to 5621mg/L, SO42- content is from 275mg/L to 1390mg/L. The water quality is affected by the tides of Hangzhou Bay, rainfall and evaporation. PH value is from 7.8 to 8.2.
No underground water pollution source was found in and nearby the Site. Judging from the water quality analysis on the 4 water samples taken from the site we can say that the shallow water is not to weak corrosivity to concrete, but it has medium to weak corrosivity to steel structure.
2.5、地震动峰值加速度(或地震基本烈度)、场地类别及液化判定Basic seismic intensity, seismic type of the Site, and liquefaction analysis
According to the relevant standards, the site is thought to be Type IV and the peak value of seismic acceleration is 0.05g (equal to 6 degree basic seismic intensity). The seismic liquefaction need not be taken into consideration for this site.
Taken the particularity of the project into consideration, the Client requires that the seismic liquefaction of the main project zones should be evaluated at 7 degree. Stratum ②3-1 on the site is saturated sandy silt within the depth of 20m. Based on the results of the SPT on site, the grain size analysis test in lab, and the relevant codes, it can be concluded that no sand liquefaction can happen on the Site when the seismic intensity is at 7 degree. (Please refer to Table 5 for the liquefaction result).
Table 5 标准贯入试验液化判别表 Liquefaction analysis based on SPT value
3.0地基土分析与评价Analysis and evaluation of the foundation soils
3.1、地基承载力设计值Design value o f the foundation’s bearing capacity
The design value of the foundation’s bearing capacity was calculated according to Article 4.2.3 of the Code DGJ08-11-1999, the experiences of the similar projects in this area, and the relevant cone penetration formulas(Please refer to Table 6). The calculation presumed that:
1、地下水位埋深取0.50m;Depth of ground water is 0.5m.
2、基底砌深d=1.00m;Depth of foundation base d=1.00m.
3、条形基础宽度b=1.50m;Width of strip foundation b=1.50m.
When design, the values should be modified with the relevant cone penetration formulas and in accordance with the Article 4.2.3 in Code DGJ08-11-1999. Factors such as the actual foundation form, size, embedment condition, and the strength of its underlying stratum should be taken into consideration when modifying the values.
3.2、桩基承载力参数Bearing capacity parameters of the pile foundation
The bearing capacity parameters of the pile foundation (see Table 6) are calculated with relevant formulas in Code DGJ08-37-94 and DGJ08-11-1999, the composite mechanic indexes of each stratum, their geotechnical features, their embedment features, and the experiences of similar projects in the same area.
Table 6 Design value of foundation bearing capacity and
3.3、地基变形估算所需岩土参数Calculation parameters for foundation deformation
The geotechnical parameters for foundation deformation (see Table 7) were calculated in accordance with the requirements of Code DGJ08-72-98, based on the composite test results of in-situ tests and lab tests, taking into account the soil embedment situation and the form of foundation to be adopted. Among them the E S value needed for the calculation of pile foundation settlement should use the proposed value, i.e., Espcz~△p+pcz.
The geotechnical engineering analysis involved in this project was without exception based on the settlement control requirement as provided by the Client in the Overview of Design Parameters of the Proposed Buildings (Structures). Details are as following:
3.4.1管架及厂区道路、地坪工程Piperacks, roads and floor of the plant管架PIPE RACKS
A、基础形式及其持力层分析 foundation form and analysis of the bearing capacity strata
Piperacks are of various sizes ranging from 2m to 5m wide and 2 to 3 tiers of pipe. The piperacks height ranges from 6m to 20m. The design bearing capacity of the single pile is 900KN,the maximum settlement is 25mm, and settlement difference is 10mm. Therefore, pile foundation is proposed.
As there are stringent deformation control requirement for the piperacks, pile foundation should be adopted with Stratum ⑤1-1 as the sustaining stratum. Considering the pile setting
capacity, it is suggested to use 350×350 precast square pile or Φ400PHC pipe pile. The full section of the pile should enter a depth of about 20.5m. In design calculation, if the big difference in load results in a more than 10mm differential settlement due to the deformation of Stratum ⑤1-2, it is suggested to use Stratum ⑦1 as the sustaining stratum. Precast square piles with a size of 450×450mm or PHC pipe piles with a diameter of 500mm should be used. The full section of the pile should enter a depth of about 27.5m.
B、单桩竖向承载力估算 Calculation of vertical bearing capacity of single pile
Based on the above analysis, the calculation results of vertical bearing capacity of single pile is given below (Table
表3.4.1.1-1 单桩竖向承载力估算表
Table Calculation of vertical bearing capacity of single pile
注: 1. 上表为按地基土计算的单桩竖向承载力设计值,未考虑桩身强度;
2. 桩端全断面不包括桩尖部分,即有效桩长不包括桩尖部分。
Notes: 1. The calculation of the design values of vertical bearing capacity for single pile in the above table was based on foundation soil, and the strength of the pile itself was not taken into consideration.
2. The full section depth of the pile does not include the pointed part, i.e., the valid pile length does not include the pointed part.
C、基础中心最终沉降量估算calculation of final settlement of foundation center
Based on the gelogical documents of the site and the pile foundation type analysis above, the final settlement calculation was worked out according to relevant codes. The results are shown in Table
表3.4.1.1-2 基础中心最终沉降量估算表
Table Calculation of final settlement of foundation center厂区道路、地坪ROADS IN PLANT, FLOOR AREA OF PLANT
There is uniform distribution of hydraulic fill in the shallow surface of site. It is mainly composed of clay silt and a few stones. It is of loose structure and low strength. The hydraulic fill can not be used as the foundation of the floor or roads. It can be used after some treatments such as rolling compression or dynamic consolidation. The ground water level in the site is not deep, and the shallow soil is mainly composed of silt which has good permeability and can be easily liquefied. Therefore, in order to guarantee the consolidation quality, in the process of the foundation treatment, it is necessary to lower the groundwater level by ways of digging water drains.
The Gate House and Fire Brigade is one storey high with reinforced wall and steel frame roof structure. The foundation load is 25kPa. If using Stratum ① as the load sustaining layer of the natural foundation for the proposed buildings, the load bearing capacity of the foundation can meet the requirement. However, as Stratum ① has various mechanic features, if it is used as the load sustaining layer, it should first of all be consolidated by ways of rolling or dynamic consolidation. In this way, the differential settlement of less than 10mm for such a large building can be guaranteed. Or the natural foundation can have Stratum ②3-1 as the sustaining layer. The elevation of the founding layer should be around 2.00m. In certain areas if the backfill is very thick it can be treated by dynamic consolidation.
The Substation shall be one storey high with reinforced wall and roof. The foundation load is 35kPa. Stratum ①1 distributed at the surface of the proposed building site is hydraulic fill
with a thickness from 1.35 to 2.70m. The soil should be treated by ways of rolling or dynamic consolidation and if necessary Stratum ②3-1 can also be used as the sustaining layer of the natural foundation.
Based on the engineering geological data of the Site the calculation of the final settlement of the center of the natural foundation for the proposed buildings was worked out, as shown in Table 3.4.2.
表3.4.2 基础中心最终沉降量估算表
Table 3.4.2 Calculation of final settlement of foundation center
The tank has a volume of 500m3 is 7.5m in diameter and 12m in height. Foundation load is 120kPa, and the foundation allowable settlement is 150mm.
The Stratum ②3-1 distributed in the shallow surface of the Site has good physical and mechanic features. If the proposed tanks use Stratum ②3-1 as its natural foundation’s sustaining layer, the bearing capacity of the foundation and its settlement control can meet the。