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The friendship grounded on common interest does not break up easily


2.Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery in computer games.

3.当今世界每天涌现如此多新鲜事物,要求一个人什么都知晓是不合情理的There spring up so many new tings everyday in the world that it is no longer sensible to expect a person to know everything.


Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends, that is why there is what we call the court of morality


Today’s culture is described as fast-food culture, whatever they may be; people just pursue the greatest satisfaction within the shortest time.


As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want something, go and earn it.


Those who suppose they possess more privileges tend to have feelings of superiority 高关税和反倾销政策会消弱外国产品在本土市场的竞争力

High tariffs and an anti-dumping policy will undermine he competitive edge of the foreign products in the domestic market


If all the departments can be well coordinated and all of us pull together for the common good, we are bound to succeed.


To be on guard against theft, the school has issued regulations specifying the duties of the door keepers.

大家都称道良好的举止,因此良好的举止肯定会增强你和他人交朋友的机会Good manners are always appreciated. It follows that good manners will enhance your chances of marking friends with other people

不要小看标点符号,有时候误用一个标点符号确实可以改变一句话的意思Punctuation marks should not be taken lightly; sometimes the use of a wrong punctuation mark can literally change the meaning of a sentence.


As more and more details of her private life were disclosed by the media, she was compelled to resign her post as general manager


She is very satisfied with her new job as it coincides with her interests.


I bought this shirt because the price was reduced from 300 yuan to 80 yuan.


To bring her children up, the mother really went through all kinds of hardships.


The police have ruled out murder in the case of the old lady's death.


The municipality promised to take effective steps as soon as possible to solve the problems of air pollution.


I did not go in for the Campus Tennis Championships held last month because of my injured leg.

要是能得到大多数女生支持的话,你赢得选举成为学生会主席的机会是很大的。If you can get the support of the majority of the girls, you stand a good chance of winning the election and becoming Chairman of the Students Union.


Not all the books he wrote were as successful as this one so I recommend that you
