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答案 Unit 1 Job Interviews
Part 1 & Part 2 Task 1
Part 1 Warm-Up 1.Tick No.1 2.Tick No.2 3.Tick No.1 4.Tick No.2 5.Tick No.2
Part 2 Listening Practice Task 1 1)interested 2)impressive growth 3)major 4)past experience 5)Peking University 6)marketing 7)chief responsibility 8)trade conferences 9)exhibitions
知识回顾 Knowledge Review
Part 5
Follow-up Practice 1. 1)2 experience 2)4 investment 3)6 position 4)5 accounting 5)3 leave 6)1 challenging 2.The correct order is: hfgdaceb
注意一下: 1、该课件编辑使用的Office版本较高,若想流畅观看放映,请您下载最 新的Office软件。例如:微软Office 2010以上版本,金山WPS等。 2.切勿在未获得原创者的许可下私自编辑该课件。 3.该课件所有内容来源于2010年6月第一版,2013年5月第13次印刷的 同名教材。 4.该课件会在百度文库中上传,待所有课件编辑完后,打包上传至网盘。 网盘目前定为百度网盘。
Part 4 Video 1
Viewing 2. Reasons for joining the company: It is one of the leading international consultant corporations
which come to China after China entered WTO. Working in this company would give him the best chance to use what he has learned at university. Relevant work experience: He worked on a factory restoration in Nanjing. Questions: Are there any chances for a Chinese employee to be transferred to head office in New York or other branch offices around the world? Result of the interview: Chen Bo will be notified of the final decision by Friday.
Part 2 Task 2
1.(1)b (2)d (3)e (4)a (5)g (6)c (7)f
Part 3
Follow-up Practice 2. 1)c 2)a 3)c
Part 4 Video 1
Viewing 1. 1)yourself 2)Finance 3)international finance 4)leading 5)chance 6)use
Part 6 Video 2
Viewing 1.F---T---F---F---T 2. 1)Sales Manager 2)Five 3)Brand Manager 4)biscuits 5)Business Administration 6)oral English