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Few spring pigs get to see the snows of winter. Wilbur :I want to live! I want to see the snow! Charlotte :And you will. Charlotte :I'm making you a promise right now. I am not going to
let them kill you.
Wilbur :You're a spider. You're little. They're huge! How are you going to stop them? Charlotte :I have no idea. But it's a promise, and promises are something I never break. Just don't worry about it, Wilbur.
Uncle’s speech:
Well, what can I say about this pig that hasn't already been said? I know a lot of you folks have come out to the farm, and you've seen the words. A lot of you have asked me, "How could this have happened?" I don't know. But it has happened in a time when we really don't see many miraculous things. Or maybe we do. Maybe they're all right there around us, every day, and we just don't know where to look. There's no denying that our own little Wilbur, he's part of something that's bigger than all of us. And life on that farm is just a whole lot better with him in it. He really is some pig. Way to go, Wilbur!
partner finally found it out.
Why? How do you think about it?
Though, just little people now believe in “miracle” , but it doesn’t mean that it don’t exist. The extraordinary things repeat again and again, and finally, it will arouse(启示,唤醒) people, the existence of miracle.
The message Charlotte wrote in her web, praising Wilbur, has been received. The Zuckerman have fallen for it, and so has everybody else. But who could end up being Christmas dinner with an apple in his mouth. People are already getting sick of reading the words 'Some Pig’! There
to the Zuckerman for 6 dollars. He was reasonably happy on the
Zuckerman‘s farm. However, day after day, he was getting lonelier, and wept as he missed the times he had with Fern. Immediately,after a warm and soothing voice told him that she was going to be his friend. So the next day, he woke up and saw his new friend dangling in front of(在· · · 面前晃动) him: Charlotte---- the grey spider. Their friendship influenced other animals in the barn(畜棚), broke the deadlock(僵局). so, from then on, all of them lived a harmonious life together.
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And, in an ordinary barn,
the grace(优雅) and beauty
an ordinary pig, a runt no
less, stood surrounded by friends, welcoming his
and nobility(贵族) of the
like stupid~~)
And then, a word pass into Charlotte’s mind——terrific.
For swill(馊水), the mouse Templeton found
the word radiant from the waste yard~~
But all these effects won’t work, charlotte and her
should be something new written in the web if Wilbur's life is to be saved.
Charlotte: “Anybody can think of another message, or remark, I‘ll be glad to weave it into the web. Any suggestions for a new slogan(标语)?”
humblest(谦虚的) creature. That is the miracle of
second spring.
And that spring was followed by many, many
friendship. It is not often
that someone comes along who is a true friend
PIG(好个小猪) !
“There can be no doubt that you have a most unusual pig. I intend to speak about it in my sermon(布道) and point out the fact that this community has been visited with a wondrous animal” said the priest.
one spring, on a small farm, a little girl Fern did something, something that would change everything. She saved the little pig Wilbur from the boundary(边界) of death. Wilbur lived with Fern until he was about 5 weeks old. Then he was sold
Any suggestions for a new slogan(标语)?!
After these words, the farm boiled. Though most of them didn’t expect too much of Charlotte’s way to save Wilbur, they still raised many thoughts( though some of them seems
What will she do?
Charlotte was naturally patient. She knew from experience that if she
waited long enough, a fly would come to her web; and she felt sure that if she thought long enough about Wilbur’s problem, and idea would come to her mind. She spun(织成) some words on her web, so Wilbur would be famous, a famous pig would not be killed. Then, one morning, in the center of the web, neatly woven in block letters, was a message. It said: SOME
more. All because
someone stopped to see
and a good writer.
Charlotte was both.
1.Are you moved by this story? Why or why not?
2. Do you think what is the soul of this movie? Friendship, miracle or others? 3.Have you ever seen any other novels or movies about friendship or miracles? Share it with us please~~~