




Honest souls intent on paying for the music they listened to used to have a hard time in China. In the era of compact discs, rare was the shop which did not sell counterfeits. The same held true when discs turned into downloads and online streams of songs: hardly any service charged money.

Yet this is changing. Slowly, but surely, China is becoming a market where people pay for music. Over the past five years, digital-music revenues for the recording industry nearly quadrupled, to $195m; most of that amount comes from legal listening online (see chart). Music, in its digital form, has clearly taken off in China.

Not everybody is paying: of the 600m Chinese who listen to music online only 20m have a paid subscription, which costs between 8 and 12 yuan a month. The rest tune in for nothing, but many do so on legal services, like QQ Music and KuGou. “Piracy is collapsing,”says Ed Peto of Outdustry, a firm in Beijing offering services to the music industry.


1. 用约30个单词概述柱状图和文字信息的主要内容;

2. 简要论述我国在线音乐行业的快速发展背后的原因(不少于2点);

3. 对于我国在线音乐的健康发展,应该采取哪些措施。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。



1. 中国在线音乐的状况:The same held true when discs turned into downloads and online streams of songs: hardly any service charged money.

Yet this is changing. Slowly, but surely, China is becoming a market where people pay for music.


2. 图表的趋势:Over the past five years, digital-music revenues for the recording industry has risen dramatically, to $195m.注:注意图表数据的变化,这里简单,就是直接升,中间也没有断层停止。


第一句:The obsession with “free”used to threaten Chinese music industry, but in recent years it has become a thing of the past.

需要注意的词组:the obsession with对...的痴迷,追求

become a thing of the past 成为过去,历史

第二句:The past five years have witnessed a steady increase in online music revenues.

需要注意的词组:witness a steady increase/rise/decline


The obsession with “free”used to threaten Chinese music industry, but in recent years it has become a thing of the past, as is witnessed by a steady increase in online music revenues.



Several factors are at play in the rapid growth of Chinese online music industry.

注意:考场作文每一段都要有主题句。这里at play是一个外刊常见表达,表示“起作用”。当然还有更多的表达方式,譬如give rise to, account for。


The rising popularity of smartphones in recent years makes it quite convenient to listen to music online just by a click of the mouse.


For example,various apps such as Alipay and WeChat Pay means has encouraged youngsters, in particular, to develop the habit of making purchases digitally.



Also, given the ample commercial opportunities in music, China’s internet giants have taken the lead in fighting piracy.

其中ample opportunities的意思为“丰富的机会;机遇”,internet giants意为“互联网巨头”。


All of these are evidence that digital music services are gaining wide currency.

注意:其中be evidence that意为“证明了...是...的证据”,相当于prove that...。



For China’s digital music to survive and thrive in the future, the part played by governments in protecting the intellectual property of artists and song-writers, is crucial.

survive and thrive意为“存活并蓬勃发展”,是一个常见搭配。

这里the part played by... is crucial是一个可以借鉴的句型,表示某人某事起着重要作用。


In addition, by making small payments to their favorite singers, individuals help to generate sales and profit for the music industry.


In so doing, a sustainably healthy market for the digital music industry is expected to boom soon.

这里的sustainably healthy意为“持续健康的”,in so doing意思是“这样做,在这种情况下”,相当于in doing so。


The obsession with “free”used to threaten Chinese music industry, but in recent years it has become a thing of the past, as is witnessed by a steady increase in online music revenues.

The rising popularity of smartphones in recent years makes it quite convenient to listen to music online just by a click of the mouse. For example,various apps such as Alipay and WeChat Pay has encouraged youngsters, in particular, to develop

the habit of making purchases digitally. Also, given the ample commercial opportunities in music, China’s internet giants have begun to fight piracy. All of these are evidence that digital music services are gaining wide currency.

For China’s digital music to survive and thrive in the future, the part played by governments in protecting the intellectual property of artists and song-writers, is crucial. In addition, by making small payments to their favorite singers, individuals help to generate sales and profit for the music industry. In so doing, a sustainably healthy market for the digital music industry is expected to boom soon.


Good communication is the key to success when learning online. You should take the opportunity to get to know your teacher and classmates through email and by participating in Internet discussions. It?s true that learning the technology needed to take part in a class you may need to ask how to your assignment on the Web. But , don? t worry ! If you have a problem ,ask for help. There?s no such thing as a stupid question , so answers freely is what makes the Internet such a great medium for learning. Online classroom teacher Mike Roberts was asked about what he “As a teacher , I need the students to ask questions so that I know what areas of my lessons ?s what is great about teaching and learning over the Internet. In an ordinary classroom , time is limited , so students classroom , students are always asking questions. They really seem to feel asking me for the information that they need. They also share a lot of valuable ideas with each other in a way that you don?t usually see in a regular classroom.”


2017英语四级选词填空技巧:确定空白处词性 ? 确定空白处词性 以下情况,空白处为动词: 1 n./pron. vt. n./pron. 前有名后有名,中间谓动 2 n./pron. vi. 前名后无名,谓动不及物 3 n./pron. vi. adv./prep.前名后介副,谓动不及物 4 n./pron. link v./be adj.前名后形容,be动或系动 5 to v. 前有to,后原型 注意:确定空白处为动词,还需根据上下文确定正确形式 以下情况,空白处为分词: 过去分词: 1has/have/had p.p(完成时态) 2be p.p(被动语态) 3p.p n.或 n. p.p(过去分词做形容词,表示被动或已发生) 现在分词: 1be -ing(进行时态) 2-ing n.或n.-ing(现在分词做形容词,表示主动或正在进行) 3prep. –ing(介词宾语) 以下情况,空白处为名词: (名词通常做主语或动词介词宾语) 1a/the n. 前有冠词 2n. V. 空白后为谓语动词 3prep. n. 空白前为介词,则空白处为名词或动名词 (注意:根据空白处前的冠词和上下文判断所填名词的单复数;根据空白处后的谓语动词的形式判断所填名词的单复数) 以下情况,空白处为形容词: 1adj. n. n. adj. 空白前后是名词 2adv. adj. 空白前是副词 3link v./be adj. be动或系动后考虑形容词做表语 以下情况,空白处为副词: 1adv. v.或 v. adv.副词修饰动词,表示程度状态 2adv. adj.副词可修饰形容词 3adv.从句,有些副词做句子的状语,表示转折因果等逻辑关系



https://www.360docs.net/doc/fb4023372.html,pletethefollowingpassagewiththewordsorphrasesinthebox.Ea chcanonlybeusedonce(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每个单词或词组只能填一次)(共8分) 1 Preparation is the key to success at career fairs as many employers interview on the spot. If you can follow the following ____1____ , you will have more chances of success. Make sure your CV(履历表) is “hard copy ready”. Many CVs are created for email use and don’t always transfer well to paper. Also, ensure your CV is ____2____ for general distribution and not job specific. Ask a career adviser to help prepare and ____3____ your CV. They will advise on content and presentation. The longest queue at any career fair is for the photocopier. ____4____ yourself with plenty of copies of your CV before you go.


2016年浙江新高考英语题型解读—概要写作 一、2016年浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题 第二节:概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Getting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thing. However, there is no thing fixed about attitudes to dirt. In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block o ut disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up t he skin and let ills in. A particular danger was though to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 15 46. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a frie ndly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman h ad taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman sho uld not go out. Though the belief in the merit (好处) of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been re garded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18 century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning awa y dirt is good to health. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of pre venting disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War II. Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea: clothes need to be whiter th an white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too f ar? Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of diseas e. On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist (免疫学家), encourages ch ildren to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter (后者) positi on is gaining some ground. (原创范文,仅供参考) One possible version: People have mixed opinions towards dirt on our skin. (要点 1 ) For a long time in histo ry, people of some European countries, such as France, believed that dirt protected peop le from getting ill. (要点 2 ) However, people began to change their attitudes to dirt abou t 200 years ago. People have been told that washing dirt off our body can keep us health y. (要点 3) However, some scientists believe that exposure to some dirt may help our im mune system. (要点 4) 【范文点拨】 (一)要点分析 1. 文章第一段就是本篇文章的主题句,亮明了总的观点:However, there is nothing fix ed about attitudes to dirt. 换句话说:Different people have different attitudes towards di rt. 再结合下文谈到的主题可知Different people have different attitudes towards dirt on th


一、(2013 上海卷) Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. restore B. recall C. processing D. previously E. necessary F. locating G. instead H. fascinating I. elsewhere J. As infants, we can recognize our mot hers within hours of birth. In fact, we can recognize the 41 of our mother ' s face well before we can recognize her body shape. It ' s 42 how the brain can carry out such a function at such a young age, especially since we don' t learn to walk and talk until we are over a year old. By the time we are adults, we have the ability to distinguish around 100,000 faces. How can we remember so many faces when many of us find it difficult to 43 such a simple thing as a phone number? The exact process is not yet fully understood, but research around the world has begun to define the specific areas of the brain and processes 44 for facial recognition. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that they have succeeded in 45 a specific area of the brain called the fusiform face area (FFA), which is used only for facial recognition. This means that recognition of familiar objects such as our clothes or cars, is from 46 in the brain. Researchers also have found that the brain needs to see the whole face for recognition to take place. It had been 47 thought that we only needed to see certain facial features. Meanwhile, research at University College London has found that facial recognition is not a single process, but 48 involves three steps. The first step appears to be an analysis of the physical features of a person ' s face, which is similar to how we scan the bar codes of our groceries. In the next step, the brain decides whether the face we are looking at is already known or unknown to us. And finally, the brain furnishes the information we have collected about the person whose face we are looking at. This complex 49 is done in a split second so that we can behave quickly when reacting to certain situations. 该说明文由话题“人类几乎天生就能够辨认人脸”展开去,详细阐述了人类大脑是如何一步步进行人脸识别的。 41. 【答案】【J】composition 【解析】名词,意为“结构,组成”,这里表示“认出母亲的脸部构成”。



Section B Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. Beyond two or three days, the world’s best weather forecasts are based on guesswork, and beyond six or seven they are worthless. The Butterfly Effect is the reason. For small pieces of weather — and to a global forecaster, small can mean thunderstorms and snowstorms—any ___41___ fails rapidly. Errors and uncertainties ___42___, gathering upward through a chain of unstable features, from dust devils (尘旋风) and windstorms up to continent-size eddies (旋风) ___43___ satellites can see. The modern weather models work with a network of points of the order of sixty miles apart, and even so, some ___44___ data has to be guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one-foot ___45___ all the way to the top of the atmosphere. Suppose every sensor gives perfectly ___46___ readings of temperature, pressure, dampness, and any other quantity a meteorologist (气象工作者) would want. Exactly at noon a(n) ___47___ powerful computer takes all the data and ___48___ what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 12.02, then 12.03 … The computer will still be unable to predict whether Princeton, New Jersey, will have sun or rain on a day one month away. At noon the spaces between the sensors will ___49___ alterations that the computer will not know about, tiny variations from the ___50___. By 12.01, those alterations will already have


2020高中英语新高考 读后续写的升华:删繁就简三秋树,领异标新二月花 引言 我在近日提出读后续写的两个概念。读后续写的内容可以分为:Be a story; Beyond a story. 所谓Be a story,就是把故事说完整即可,不一定要突出一定的道理,类似于情景剧《老友记》,娱乐一下;而Beyond a story是基于一定的主旨(theme)去挖掘人物的内心情感,所有情节的拓展都是服务于主旨。 从浙江的历年读后续写材料和提供的范文看,文章并没有突出一定的主旨,纯粹的Be a story。譬如2016年的妻子赌气和丈夫旅游中分开,然后迷路。续写也是最后两人又和好。包括今年的儿子上学,父母给家里的狗又添了一个伙伴,然后儿子回家。这里面的故事就是单纯地围绕人物线展开,把故事讲完了,就结束了。 我认为无论是be a story还是beyond a story,只要把人物形象刻画出来了,并且续写部分的想象合情合理,都是达到了高考的写作要求。 但有人说,beyond a story对学生来说,太难了。其实这就误解了我的意思。就具体写而言,要想写好,都不容易。甚至be a story 对学生的遣词造句要求更高。因为你完全靠情节胜出,就要在用词上卯足劲,否则这篇文章就干巴巴的。不仅仅没有思想,而且语言平庸,味同嚼蜡。而beyond a story,你虽然语言平庸一点,但是你的思想非常动人,这就弥补了语言表达的匮乏。 以浙江作文题为例 材料大致是:丈夫和妻子去旅游,来到森林里,二人意见不合,妻子赌气跑开了。然后突然发现迷路了。此时看到头上的飞机,估计是找她,但无法让它看到。


六组高中英语选词填空题(含答案) 这个选词填空比较有挑战性,但是都是高中生必须掌握的单词,而且每个句子都牵扯到高中重点语法。 1.Traveling abroad isn’t as complicated as you imagine. As long as you take everything important into consideration, you’ll be fine. 2.I’m terribly sorry but I can’t permit sick leave without the letter of approval from the medical staff. 3.Employment rate is one of the many factors to evaluate the overall development of a country. 4.Despite my repeated explanation, I couldn’t convince him that I hadn’t been involved in that prank(恶作剧). 5.Honest as he is, he is too inexperienced a man to rely upon. 6.It’d hard to imagine any billionaire but him usually takes the economical class when traveling by air. 注意economic和economical的区别 7.It is usually believed that the more people who are unemployed, the higher the crime rate is. 8.Many people living in underdeveloped countries lack daily necessities to support their lives. 9.Many advertisements nowadays are so unreliable that the products they promote lack the functions mentioned in them. Being imaginative is a rare quality among employees, especially those who specialize in designing. It’s not uncommon that high prices are paid for good ideas.


___ 年XX新高考英语题型解读一概要写作 一、___ 年浙江新高考《考试说明》英语写作样题 第二节:概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Gett ing rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a good thi ng. However, there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt. In the early 16th cen tury, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as medical opi nion had it that washi ng off dirt with hot water could ope n up the ski n and let ills in. A particular dan ger was though to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French ki ng had closed the bath houses in his kin gdom. So did the king of En gla nd in 1546. Thus bega n a long time whe n the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a frien dly way. Henry IV, Ki ng of Fra nee, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a no blema n had take n a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the n oblema n should not go out. Though the belief in the merit (好处)of dirt was Ion g-lived, dirt has no Ion ger bee n regarded as a n ice n eighbor ever since the 18 cen tury. Scie ntifically speaki ng, clea ning away dirt is good to health. Clea n water supply and hand wash ing are practical means of preve nti ng disease. Y et, it seems that sta ndards of clea nli ness have moved bey ond scie nee since World War II. Advertiseme nts repeatedly sell the idea: clothes n eed to be whiter tha n white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hate for dirt, however, gone too far? Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely no wadays. Many first-time pare nts n ervously try to warn their childre n off touchi ng dirt, which might be resp on sible for the spread of disease. On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist免疫学家), en courages childre n to play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter (后者)positi on is gai ning some ground. (原创范文,仅供参考) One possible version


高考英语选词填空复习 选词填空的考点 1) 词汇方面:以实词为即名词、动词、形容词、副词 2) 语法方面:考察词性之间关系和句子结构分析能力 3) 逻辑方面:考察上下文联系 选词填空的解题步骤 第一步:整理选项classify the options 我们应该根据词性把选项中的每个单词进行分类归纳标,标出它们的词性。 标注词性时注意的问题 1. 不认识的单词看词缀(更多后缀请看拓展1) 考察:-ive ___________________________________________ -ate ___________________________________________ -acy ___________________________________________ -dom ___________________________________________ -ship ___________________________________________ -some ___________________________________________ 名词-ly ___________________________________________ -dom ___________________________________________ -wards ___________________________________________ (形容词)-ly ___________________________________________ -ic, ics ___________________________________________ 【keys】 -ive adj 后缀 -ate v. 后缀;表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate -acy n. 后缀;表示"性质,状态,境遇" democracy, accuracy, diplomacy


大学英语四级选词填空和快速阅读复习攻略 选词填空: 首先:预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 其次:精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 第三:把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 记背选词填空选项的重点范围: 1.历年曾经考过的复合式听写的单词 2.历年曾经考过的完形填空的选项,仔细阅读态度题的选项 3.历年曾经考过的真题中的高频词汇 快速阅读: 建议做题方法:读题干并确定关键词(中心词)--去原文中定位关键词--分析定位句--分析题干--确定答案。 首先用“打包”方法对付乱序: 把整组题全部一次性吃透,然后去原文从头到尾定位。否则,考生如果按顺序逐题解答,时间会严重不足,最好是文章一遍看下来,能找到所有的信息。此外,考生应该注意定位原文的过程中,一定要脑、眼和手并用:眼是肯定要用的,不用脑会导致忽视同义转换,不用手(笔)会使我们处于走马观花的状态,然后会怀疑自己是不是漏掉了信息而不停地看。 其次:“吃透”题干,准确判断关键词(中心词)至关重要。如果没吃透题干,就无法准确判断关键词或中心词,就可能对原文中的重要信息没感觉。一般来说,题干关键词或中心词为实词以及一些数字、专有名词等。 最后,在解题的先后顺序上,采用先易后难的策略。采用由易到难的解题策略,可以提升考生的解题信心。对于那些答题线索较少的题干细节信息,考生可留在最后再解答。在解答这类较难的题目时,考生可快速阅读原文中仍未选过的段落的主题句(通常为第一句、第二句或最后一句),之后根据段落大意与题干中的细节信息进行匹配。


Unit 1 in order to no longer\not…any longer suffer from on purpose be concerned about go through set down get\be tired of get along with join in calm down add up 1.I_________________watching television;let’s go for a walk. 2.We started early_______________arrive before dark. 3.The country has_________________too many wars. 4.They are going to________________the singing. 5.She_________________your safety,you should come back earlier next time. 6.Although I am a new comer, I________________my classmates very well. 7.I didn’t do it_________________. It was an accident. 8.__________________3,4and 5and you\ll get 12. 9.She often_______________headaches. 10.I have ________________everything that the teacher said. Unit 2 because of such as play a part in at present make use of come up even if be based on believe it or not communicate with at the end of make voyages to 1.________________,more than half of our body weight comes to water. 2.Nowadays China______________important____________in the world. 3.A number of questions_______________at the meeting. 4._________________she is working abroad and she will come back next year. 5.This play________________ a true story. 6.We’ll have an exam in English______________January. 7.I think you’d better_______________your spare time better. 8._________________ we achieve great success in our work, we should no be proud. 9.We can now_______________ people on the other side of the world by using internet. 10.The football match was put off______________the terrible weather. Unit 3 be fond of care about change one’s mind make up one’s mind give in give up as usual prefer…to…be familiar with find out give out bring up 1.Can you________________ what time the train leaves? 2.Children are _______________in a better way by their educated mathers. 3.Many boys _______________playing football after school. 4.Li Ping_______________ watching TV at home_____________ going out for playing. 5.Are you_____________ the popular song? 6.She is a brave fighter, she never_______________. 7.Once he has _______________, nothing can change it. 8.My brother does not _____________the details of a book. 9.His father gets up early______________ and does exercise outside. 10.The doctor persuaded my father to_________________ smoking and drinking to much.


选词填空技巧汇总 大学英语四级考试的阅读部分,除了传统的两篇仔细阅读和一篇快速阅读,还有一种让考生普遍头痛的考法:选词填空。 选词填空的考察形式是:一篇280词左右的文章,文章中挖出10个空,并统一给出A-O15个备选答案。 选词填空区别于完形填空,有更大的解题难度,原因在于: 1. 完形填空每题都是四选一,选词填空第一题要十五选一,就算用到排除法,最后一题也要六选一,而且在十五个选项中还有五个根本不会用到,难度加大; 2. 完形填空每题的四个选项都是统一的词性,只需要辨析词义、搭配就基本可以作答,而选词填空的十五个选项有多个词性,解题时需要同时判断词性和词义,难度加大; 3. 完形填空每题的四个选项往往都是统一时态,统一形式,而在选词填空中会涉及选项的动词时态、第三人称单数形式、被动主动语态,名词的单复数等的辨析,难度加大。 因此,针对选词填空的解题方法分为三步: 1. 预览选项,了解词义并把选项分为四大类词性:名词n,动词v,形容词a,副词ad,在每个选项后作词性的简要标记; 2. 精读全文开头,把握文章主题,并以三个空或一个段落为一个单位,利用前后文判断每空的词性; 3. 把对应词性的选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态、主谓搭配一致的为正确选项。 四级考试的常用后缀在判断选项词性时可以有一定帮助作用: 常见名词后缀: -ability usability, capability -ibility visibility, responsibility, stability -age package, shortage, marriage -ance importance, allowance, reliance -ence presence, absence, confidence -ant assistant, accountant, inhabitant -ent president, resident, dependent


Foreigners often fail to appreciate the formal code of greeting in France. The French shake hands with everyone(family, children, strangers), at home, on the way to work, at work, on leaving work, on the way home from work, etc. Thus, in an office , perhaps a dozen people, no work will be done for the first half hour while 41 who have not met since the day before, remind each other who they are. However, it is important to remember with whom one has shaken hands on any one day. The French 42 it as extremely bad manners to shake hands twice, as though one had not taken enough 43 for the first time. It is still the 44 to say “Bonjour ” and “Au revoir ” to others when entering or leaving a shop or bar. This is not because the French are too 45 . It is because they see acknowledging(注意) the existence of others as a way of 46 being rude. This may seem unbearably slight to others, but to the French it is most important. Manners mean civilization to them. Kissing is not so much of a(n) 47 of French life as others supposed. But when it does take place, it must be done 48 , according to the rules. The 49 order is left cheek, right cheek, left cheek---very formal, very stylized. In Paris four kisses are sometimes permitted: left, right, left, right. 41.BC 42.B 43.BD 44.AB 45.CD 46.A 47.AD Barack Obama has been a hit in China. Apart from holding talks with Chinese leaders, the president ___41___ the Chinese with a lively question-and-answer session with college students. A .avoiding B .regard C .correct D .properly AB .custom AC .anyone AD .feature BC .those BD. notic CD .polite
