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Unit 1 Getting to know you

Topic 1 Nice to meet you!


1. Excuse me! 对不起,打扰了!(用在事情发生之前)

Sorry! 对不起(用在事情发生之后)

2. Nice to meet / see you. = Glad to meet / see you. 很高兴见到你。

3. Welcome to China / Fuzhou / Changle! 欢迎你到中国/福州/长乐来!

4. Wha t’s your name? 你叫什么名字?(常用于官方或者对小孩子说话)

My name is Maria. = I am Maria. 我叫Maria。

5. Stand up. 起立。(反义词) Sit down. 坐下。

6. How do you do? How do you do? 你好!你好!(初次见面时打招呼使用)

7. Have a nice day! You, too. 祝您一天愉快!您也是!

8. How are you? 你身体好吗?

I’m fine / OK / well. Thanks. 我很好,谢谢!(可以缩略为:Fine, thank you.)

Not bad, thanks. 不错,谢谢!

9. See you later! = See you soon! 等会儿见!

See you tomorrow! 明天见!

Good-bye! == Bye-bye! = Bye! 再见!

10. This is Mary. This is Tom. 这是Mary. 这是Tom. (用于第三者介绍他人时)


1. Good morning. 一般用于黎明时到中午十二点之前

Good afternoon. 一般用于中午十二点以后到下午六点。

Good evening. 一般用于下午六点到晚上十点左右。

Good night. 一般用于睡觉前,表示"晚安"。

Good day. 一般在白天问好时用,表示"日安",尤其是澳大利亚和美国英语中使用较多。2. be的使用:(记住口诀)我用am,你用are;is用在他、她、它;单数is复数are;你、我、他们也用are.。

Topic 2 Where are you from?


1. be from = come from 来自

Where are you from? = Where do you come from?

I’m from China. = I come from China.

Are you from China? = Do you come from China?

2. be动词的一般疑问句提问与回答:

Am I in New York? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Are you from the USA? Yes, I am. No, I am not. / Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.

Is she Maria? Yes, she is. /No, s he isn’t.

Is he Tom? Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.

Is it my book? Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.

Are they from England? Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.

3. 两个疑问词where、who的使用:

Where are you from? I’m from China. I’m Chinese.

Where is she / he from? She / He is from Japan.

Where are they from? They’re from France.

Where is Beijing? It’s in China.

Who is he / she? He is Michael./ She is Jane.

Who are they / you? They are my teachers. / We are Maria and Jane. / I am Diana.

4. 要求了解一些较重要的西方国家的国家、城市、人民的名词。

5. What’s your telephone / cell phone / fax / BP number? It’s 0591110

Topic 3 What class are you in?


1. 数词:1-20。

2. 不同人称对年龄的询问与回答:

How old are you? I’m 14. / We are 14.

How old is she / he / it? She / He / It is 14.

How old are they? They are 14 years old.

3. What’s this / that in English? It’s a toy.

What are these / those? They are buses.

4. Is this / that a book? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Are these / those desks? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

5. How do you spell apple? A-P-P-L-E.

6. What class / grade are you in? I’m in Class 3 / Grade


7. a high school 一所中学

a high school student 一个中学生

8. in the same class 在同一班级

in Class 2, Grade 7 在7年级2班


1. 班级年级的表示:(以教师教学用书为参考)

英国英语表达时通常班级在前,年级在后。如:Class 2, Grade 7.

美国和加拿大表达时则年级在前,班级在后。如:Grade 7, Class 2.

其实美国在班级表达时,都是根据老师而决定的。如:Mr. Smith’s class

2. a, an的使用:(记住口诀)





an姐姐干活爱跳舞, (an用于元音音素开头的单数可数名词前。但名词前有修饰词时,则

近身元音离不开。根据最邻近的修饰语的第一个音素来决定。如:an apple; an English book.)妹妹a她更勤快,



姐妹二人歇下来。如:a my book; a that bike 都是错的。)

3. 名词的复数形式:

①名词后面直接加s,如:apples, bananas

②以s, x, sh, ch结尾的名词在后面加es,如:classes, dishes

③词尾为辅音字母加y结尾的名词,将y变为i再加es,如:family - families

④词尾为f,fe的单词,改fe为ves,如:knife - knives

特殊单词:man - men woman - women mouse - mice foot - feet Chinese - Chinese

Unit 2 Looking different

Topic 1 I have a small nose.


1. movie star 电影明星

2. not…but…不是…而是…

3. in the same school 在同一所学校in different grades 在不同班级

4. 身体五官及各部位名称;部分颜色词语

5. 反义词:small - big / large / wide long - short black - white tall - short new - old

6. I have a big nose = My nose is big.

I have big eyes. = My eyes are big.

She has a big nose. = Her nose is big.

She has big eyes. = Her eyes are big.

7. Do you have long hair? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. / Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

Does she / he have big eyes? Yes, she / he does. No, she / he doesn’t.

Do they have new friends? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

8. I’m thirteen years old. = I’m 13 years old. = I’m 13. = I’m thirteen.


1. 在五官描述上,要注意英美人习惯。在西方国家进行外貌描述时,不说a big mouth,而说a wide mouth。他们的a big mouth往往用来指一个人嘴巴多,喜欢在背后说三道四。

2. 特别注意第三人单数时表达有时使用的是has。

Topic 2 What does she look like?


1. give something to somebody = give somebody something 给某人某物

Give the book to Maria = Give Maria the book. 把书给Maria.

2. right away 立刻,马上

3. dark skin 黑皮肤light yellow skin 黄皮肤 fair skin 白皮肤

4. the boy over there 在那边的那个男
