Literary Terms英美文学中的常用词语

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Jane Eyre
Heroic couplet:
Iambic pentameter五步抑扬格verse that rhymes in couplets is known as "heroic verse" from its use in epic poetry in English.
Any sonnet
Pilgrim's Progress
The occurrence of the same letter at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words
KublaKhan; Ode to the West Wind
Canterbury Tales
A decisive moment that is of maximum intensity or is a major turning point in a plot.
Pride and Prejudice; Jane Eyre; Great Expectations
Ode to the West Wind
The use of one form of art to describe another form of art (for example, using poetry to describe a Grecian urn).
Ode on A Grecian Urn
The attribution of human form or other characteristics to anything other than a human being.
KublaKhan; Ode to the West Wind
An elaborate详细说明figure of speech, usually a metaphor, which two farfetched objects or images of very different nature are compared
The Flea
Ode on a Grecian Urn
The meter of a poem is its rhythmical pattern. This pattern is determined by the number and types of stresses, or beats, ineac
The study of the origin, fundamental structure, nature, and dynamics of the universe
Paradise Lost
A two-line stanza. The two lines rhyme with one another.
Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally
MyLuv'sLike a Red, Red Rose
A metrical foot with the stress on the second syllable. The rhythm is “da-DUM”.
KublaKhan; When A Man Hath No Freedom
The form of any work that deals, with information or events that are imaginary and theoretical—that is, invented by the author
A figure of speech in which someone absent or dead or something nonhuman is addressed as if it were alive and present and was able to reply.
Ode to The West Wind; Ode On A Grecian Urn
A philosophical movement which dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the 18th century. The principal goals of the Enlightenment were liberty, progress, reason, tolerance, fraternity, empirical data, and the scientific method. It was extremely skeptical of religion, as well as religious and governmental abuses of power.
Jane Eyre; Robinson Crusoe
Combining the supernatural (usually horror) with love (Romanticism) (Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Dracula, Frankenstein, etc.)
A saying which communicates a truth in a short, memorable manner ("Haste makes waste"; "Waste Not, Want Not"; "A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned")
Pride and Prejudice
First-person narrator :
The narrator is speaking about him/herself or sharing events that he/she is experiencing using “I". The narrator is a character in the book.
Literary Terms
Age ofEnlightement/ Age of Reason- (Late 17th century to end of the 18th century in Europe and America) purpose was to reform
Of Studies; Of Marriage and Single Life
Blank Verse:
Iambic pentameter without rhyme
Paradise Lost
Byronic hero拜伦式英雄
A character who is like the real-life character Lord Byron. A man who is proud, moody, cynical, defiant, vengeful, angry, and unstable, but capable of great affection and love (if only for a short time).形容人自大
The belief that natural objects, natural phenomena, and the universe itself possess souls.
I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud; Ode on A Grecian Urn
Ode to The West Wind
A state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects
Pride and Prejudice
A threshold experience. Standing on the border between two places. A door frame is an example of a threshold.
Most of the poems we have read this semester
Iambic pentameter
Five iambs per line and each line has ten syllables. (5 feet)
Most of the poems we have read this semester
Robinson Crusoe
A comparison of two persons, ideas, places, or things without using the words “like” or “as”
Metaphysical poetry:
Particular words that create a visual representation of an ideas in our minds.
Every work we have studied
The chanting or uttering of words purporting to have magical power.
She walks in Beauty; Jane Eyre
A division of a long poem, typically found in Italian poetry
Ode to The West Wind
The ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.
Robinson Crusoe; Jonathan Swift
A story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.
Any sonnet
Economy of Language
To elicit引出strong emotion with very few words. To choose words with great emotional content
The Flea
When a sentence begins one line of poetry and finishes on the next line of poetry.
Poetry which deals with abstract or philosophical subjects such as love, religion, God, beauty, faith.
The Flea
The fundamental notions by which people understand the world. ("Who are we?"; Why do we exist?"; "Where do we come from?"; "Why were we put on Earth?")
Epic Poem史诗
A long narrative poem
Canterbury Tales, Paradise Lost, The Iliad, The Odyssey, Beowulf
Feminine rhyme:
With feminine rhyme, the syllable that's doing the rhyming is thesecond-to-lastsyllable, and the ends of the