









我想……I think. . . .

我给你找着了一个I think I found you one.

这次我可是给你打电话了Look, I called you, right?

我一发现自己搞不定就马上给你打电话了,约翰Soon as I couldn't pull it out myself,I called you, John.

别担心,没事的我们必须得把她绑上,你明白吗?It's okay, it's okay.We had to tie her down, okay?

没事的It's okay.

我是康斯坦丁This is Constantine.

约翰·康斯坦丁你这混蛋John Constantine, asshole.


怎么了?What the hell?

我需要一面镜子I need a mirror.

快去拿!至少要英尺高Now. At least feet high.

愣着干嘛,快去拿啊!Move! Go, now!

我是克雷默This is Kramer.

查斯·克雷默你这混蛋Chas Kramer, asshole.


什么?哦,我是克雷默查斯·克雷默,混蛋What? Oh, this is Kramer.Chas Kramer, asshole. - 查斯!- 什么事?-Chas! -What?

- 把车挪开- 为什么?-Move the car. -Why?

叫你挪你就挪!Move the damn car!

“查斯,把车挪开”''Chas, move the car. ''

好吧,挪了There, car's moved.

把镜子举起来,对着床Lift it up over the bed.

把那头系牢亨内斯,从上面拉过去Tie that end off.Hennessy, over the top.

把你们的眼睛闭上不管发生什么都别睁开Close your eyes.And whatever happens, don't look.


现身吧Show yourself.

来笑一个,你这白痴Smile pretty, you vain prick.

操你妈!For your boss.

拉!Pull it!

妈妈?Ma? Ma?

我说得没错吧,约翰,给你找着一个是不是?Like I said, I found you something,didn't I, John?

Didn't I?

那儿怎么了?What happened in there?

最近会议很多吧Going to a lot of meetings, I see.

闹得我都睡不着Keeps the voices out so I can sleep.

我得睡觉,约翰I have to sleep, John.

我需要帮助,神父I need some help, Father.

你?You do?

要我帮助?From me?

什么样的……?What kind of--?

- 听着,我……- 你那种驱魔术不对-Hey, listen, I-- -That exorcism wasn't right.

听着广播Listen to the ether.

如果有什么异常,一定要告诉我Anything unusual, you let me know.

来吧,你不需要它的保护它今天可能还会回来Come on, you don't need its protection.It'll be like back in the day.

或许几天A few days.


好吧,为了你,约翰Okay. For you, John.

约翰,你明知这不是我的车John, why would you do that if you know it's not my car?

- 我告诉过你让你挪开的- 你是告诉过我-I told you to move it. -You did tell me to move it. . . 可是如果你告诉我你要扔下来一个装着魔鬼的磅的镜子. . .but if you'd said you were dropping a -pound mirror with a demon. . .

我会把车挪得更远一点. . .I would've moved it further, John.

- 去阿尔瓦拉多大街- 好的先生,我知道怎么走-Take Alvarado. -Yeah, thank you. I know what to take.

你有没有考虑过,如果多告诉我一些事情说不定我能帮上忙呢?You ever think if you told me more now that maybe I could help out?

- 没有?- 没有-No? -Nope.


当然是——没有Of course it's a nope.

保佑我,神父,我有罪Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.

我已经……It's been...

有两个礼拜没来忏悔了... two weeks since my last confession.

今天我杀了个人I killed a man today.

又一个Another one.

我甚至连他长什么样都没看清I didn't even see his face, I just. . .

就扣下了扳机接着他就死了. . .pulled the trigger, and he went away.

大多数警察年都不开一枪Most cops go years without firing their guns.

而我却总是知道这些家伙藏在哪儿Why do I always know where these guys are?

该朝哪儿瞄准,什么时候开枪Where to aim, when to fire.

神父,我在想会不会是我有什么问题?I'm wondering, is there something wrong with me, Father?

被诅咒了?Something damned?

上帝自有安排他给我们每个人都安排好了God has a plan for you.He has a plan for us all.

别让罪恶吞没了你的信念You mustn 't let your faith be overshadowed by guilt.

是的,我在努力Yeah, I'm trying.

一直都在努力I'm trying real hard.



我所战胜的东西Things I've beaten.

大多数人听都没听说过Things most people never even heard of.

可是现在呢我却要被这玩意儿搞定And now I'm gonna be done in by this.

你也不是第一个了,约翰Wouldn't be the first, John.

得了吧,莱丝Come on, Les.

你救过我一次这次也可以,对吗?You saved me before,you can do it again, right?

癌细胞已经扩散了This is aggressive.

年前,你不想来这儿Twenty years ago,you didn't wanna be here.

现在你又不想离开Now you don't wanna leave.

你还抽Yeah, that's a good idea.

约翰,你真的需要准备一下了John, you really need to prepare.

- 安排后事吧- 没必要-Make arrangements. -No need.

我很清楚自己何去何从I already know exactly where I'm going.

- 早- 早上好-Morning. -Good morning.

- 早上好- 探长-Good morning. -Detective.

- 不,不不- 安吉拉,等等-No, no, no. -Angela, wait.

你还是别看了,好吗?别看了You don't need to see this, okay? No.

大家先回避一下Give us the room, please.


她从屋顶上掉下来的?She fell from the roof?

她跳下来的She jumped.

- 不可能- 听着-No. -Look. . .

我知道这很难接受可她有病. . .I know it's hard to accept.She was sick.

- 伊莎贝尔不会自杀的- 安吉-Isabel wouldn't kill herself. -Angie.

- 她不会自杀的- 探长-She wouldn't kill herself. -Detective.

- 皮瑞尔德- 探长-Period. -Detective.


安吉,监控录像都拍下来了Angie, there were security cameras.

- 等一下,是下去么?- 如果我有办法,当然不想“下去”-Hold the door. You going down? -Not if I can help it.

有新案子?A new case?

什么大案子?是你期待已久的吗?The big score? The mother lode?The one you've been waiting for?

- 少奉承我- 习惯了-Humor me. -Don't I always?

哦,这是……太感激了,谢谢Oh, yeah, that's--Much obliged. Thank you.

最近还好吗,约翰?How you feeling, John?

看看有什么新的货色So, what's new?

教皇遇刺时留下的子弹碎屑Bullet shavings from the assassination attempt on the pope. . .

采自约旦河的圣水针剂. . .holy-water ampoules from the River Jordan. . .

还有……哦,这个你肯定喜欢从阿米蒂维勒村找来的尖叫甲虫. . .and-- Oh, you'll love this.

--screech beetle from Amityville.

是啊,对你来说很有趣可对“下面”的东西来说,这就像黑板上钉钉Yeah, it's funny to you, but to the fallen, that's like nails on a chalkboard.

你和虫子,到底是什么关系?What is it, exactly, with you and bugs?

我只是喜欢它们I just like them.

是啊,谁不喜欢?Yeah. Who doesn't?

悠着点,大英雄Yeah, easy there, hero.

- 这是“龙之息”- 我还以为你再也搞不到了呢-That's dragon's breath. -I thought you couldn't get it anymore.

是这样,我朋友的朋友……Yeah, well, I know a guy who knows a guy.

好吧,这次是什么行动?So, what's the action?

我刚把一个魔兵从一个小女孩的身体里赶出来I just pulled a soldier demon out of a little girl.

看起来好像它想要复活Looked like it was trying to come through.

我懂你的意思Yeah, I know how it sounds.

可是约翰,我们对他们来说只不过是掌中的玩偶No, we're finger puppets to them, John. . . 而不是某种入口. . .not doorways.

他们可以操纵我们但不能穿透结界进到我们的世界中They can work us, but they can't come through onto our plane.

还是查一下卷轴吧看看以前有没有先例Check the scrolls anyway.See if there's any precedent.

没问题,约翰Sure thing, John.

还有什么事吗?Anything else?

你那里有没有什么可以……?Wouldn't happen to have anything for a--?

免费的(注:止咳药)On the house.

好吧,我有个问题我还得做你的奴隶到几时?All right, question. How much longer do I have to be your slave, John?

你不是我的奴隶,查斯You're not my slave, Chas.

你是我非常赏识的徒弟You're my very appreciated apprentice.

就像汤托和罗宾一样Like Tonto or Robin.

还有那个胖哥身边的小家伙Or that skinny fellow with the fat friend.

好吧,那我除了开车之外就不能干点别的了么?Right. So then why don't I apprentice something besides driving, then, John?

约翰?约翰John? John.

很高兴和你谈话,约翰I love our little talks, John.

您的外套,康斯坦丁先生May I take your coat, Mr. Constantine?

不用了,谢谢我一会儿就走No, thanks,I'm not gonna be staying long.

- 这位女士,您呢?- 哦不用了,我也一会儿就走-How about you, ma'am? -Oh, no, I'm not staying long either.

我真的要和他说话有重要的事I really need to speak with him.It's important.

先到先得First come, first served.

看来你到哪儿都是这么粗鲁So you're rude no matter where you are.

- 神父- 你好-Father. -Hi.

- 带来什么新消息了- 是的,刚和主教谈过-You have news. Yes. -Yes, I spoke with the bishop.

我知道你要什么,孩子I know what you want, son.

你那双无所不见的眼睛还盯着我呢加百列?(注:替上帝把好消息报告世人的天使)Still keeping your all-seeing eye on me, Gabriel?

承蒙夸奖I'm flattered.

我可以告诉你一些Well, I could offer something. . .

关于牧羊人是怎样带领他最不听话的羊群的故事. . .about how a shepherd leads even the most wayward of his flock. . .

可这听起来也许不够真诚. . .but it might sound disingenuous.

她应该得到天主教的葬礼神父,求你了She has to have a Catholic funeral,Father. She has to. - 安杰拉,她犯的是不可饶恕的大罪- 她不是自杀的-Angela, it's still considered a mortal sin. -She didn't commit suicide.

可主教不这么想你知道教规的The bishop believes otherwise.You know the rules.

哦,教规Oh, rules.



她是伊莎贝尔This is Isabel.

她惟一相信的爱她的人就是上帝God was the only one she ever believed loved her.


恕我无能为力I'm sorry.

最近我看到一些异常的灵异活动I've been seeing some unusual soul traffic lately.

也许你能考虑再给我点时间You might consider giving me an extension.

我可以为你们这边帮些忙I could do your side some good these days.

你还在为进入天堂积德呢?You still trying to buy your way into heaven?

没见我赶走多少小鬼吗?What about the minions I've sent back?

- 光凭这个,就应该保证我能进天堂了- 我跟你说过多少次了?-That alone should guarantee my entry. -How many times have I told you?

靠这样是进不了天堂的That's not the way this works.

为什么?我为他做的还不够多吗?Why, haven't I served him enough?

- 他到底想要我怎么样?- 很简单-What does he want from me? -Only the usual.

献身,信仰Self-sacrifice, belief.

- 哦,我信!我对天发誓- 不,不,你自己心里有数-Oh, I believe, for chrissake. -No, no, you know.

其中的区别你也能看见And there's a difference. You've seen.

我并没有要求看见我生下来就被诅咒了I never asked to see.I was born with this curse.

约翰,这是天赋A gift, John.

而你只是用自私的行动把它浪费了One that you've squandered on selfish endeavors.

我把魔鬼从女孩的身体里赶走I'm pulling demons out of little girls.

这是为了谁?Who's that for?

你所做的一切都是为了你自己Everything you've ever done,you've only ever done for yourself.为了积德好进入天堂To earn your way back into his good graces.

不可能的规则,无尽的约束Impossible rules, endless regulations. . .

谁上天,谁入地为什么. . .who goes up, who goes down and why.

你一点都不理解我们You don't even understand us.

你才应该入地狱你这个杂种You're the one who should go to hell, half-breed.

为什么是我,加百列?Why me, Gabriel?

这完全是因为我自己的缘故,是不是?It's personal, isn't it?

因为去教堂去得太少也不怎么祈祷I didn't go to church enough,I didn't pray enough. . .

还舍不得往募捐箱里放上块钱是不是?. . .I was bucks short in the collection plate. Why? 你这么年轻就要死You are going to die young. . .

是因为你从岁起就每天要吸根烟. . .because you smoked cigarettes a day since you were .

而你之所以要去地狱And you're going to go to hell. . .

是因为你所过的生活. . .because of the life you took.

你很失败You're fucked.

至少在外面感觉还不错At least it's nice out.

他总是一点幽默感都没有He always had a rotten sense of humor.

他的笑话一点都不好笑And his punch lines are killers.


康斯坦丁,下雨哪!约翰,嗨!Constantine, it's raining! John! Hey!

凶手的后院里发现埋藏着具女尸Twenty-two women were found buried in the assailant's back yard.

尸体受到严重的摧残警察的辨认工作……So much damage had been done to the bodies, police had to match....

据警察说她的身体曾被穿刺超过次Police report she had been physically penetrated...

然后被活埋...over times and buried alive.

……被发现锁在冷藏库中头部严重受伤,器官……--found locked in a storage freezer,his head severed and his organs....

他把霍莉的身体塞入……He stuffed Holly's body into....

- 受到不明强暴的尸体……- 他使用了一把小手锯……-The bodies ravished by the unknown.... -He used a small handsaw....

头颅几乎被砍下来……眼珠都被挖了出来Had nearly decapitated.... Even his eyes were gouged out.



我很抱歉,妹妹I'm so sorry, lzzy.






嗨,老兄能借个火吗Hey. Hey, buddy, got a light?

别多管闲事,驱魔人Should've minded your own business, exorcist.

我知道你要去哪儿,约翰你要去米耐那儿I know where you're going, John.You're going to Midnite's.

希望你呆在车里You're supposed to wait in the cab.

那儿是鬼魂的避难所我记得在书上读到过,约翰It's a haven for those who rise and fall.I remember reading about this, John.

- 你读书读得太多了,那是个酒吧- 酒吧?-You read too much, kid. It's a bar. -It's a bar?

是酒吧,米耐老爹是个乐善好施的人他曾经发誓坚守中立It's a bar. Papa Midnite is a

crusader for good. He swore the oath of neutrality.

- 约翰,他可是传奇人物- 是的-John, the man's a legend. -Yeah.

你能带我进去吗?约翰,求求你Can you please get me into this bar, John, please?

求你了,约翰,行吗?I'm begging you, John, please?

- 好吧,你可以进去- 我可以进去?-Sure, you can get in. -I can get in?

如果你能进去的话If you can get in.

如果我能……?是熊?还是云中的两只鸭子?If I can get--? It's a bear, though, right?Or two ducks in a cloud?

长凳上的两只青蛙Two frogs on a bench.

长凳上的两只青蛙Two frogs on a bench.

不,我是和刚才那个人一起的……No, no, I'm with the guy you just--

约翰!约翰!John! John!

我是和他一起的I'm with him, though.

穿着裙子的老鼠Rat in a dress.

当然,穿着裙子的老鼠Of course it is. Rat in a dress.

我只是试试,只是试试I'm just testing. I'm just testing.

不用站起来了Don't get up.

好久不见了You've been absent some time.

又有什么圣物要卖吗?Have you come here with relics to sell?

没有,现在不干那个了太忙了No, I'm out of that now.I've been too busy.

终于发现造假对你的健康不利了?Perhaps peddling forgeries has ended up being bad for your health.

米耐,上帝啊……Midnite, Jesus. . .

……我想这件事是真的. . .I thought the thing was authentic.

我知道了I see now.

你的身体不好是因为其他原因多长时间了?Your health is bad for other reasons.How long? 几个月吧,可能一年A few months, maybe a year.

我昨晚好像听到雷声了I thought I heard thunder last night.

肯定是撒旦的胃在咆哮Must have been Satan's stomach growling.

你的魂要他亲自出马来收You're the one soul he'd come up here himself to collect.

我也听说了So I've heard.

好吧,我想你来这儿Well, I am most certain you did not come here. . .

肯定不是想找个有同情心的人来诉苦的. . .for a sympathetic shoulder to cry on.

刚才有个魔鬼攻击了我就在通往费格罗阿大街的路上A demon just attacked me,right out in the open on Figueroa.

他们不喜欢你,约翰They don't like you, John.

你驱赶了多少个魔鬼?How many have you deported back to hell?

米耐,这次不是那种愤怒的杂种而是实实在在的魔鬼,就在这儿,在我们的世界里Not some angry half-breed, Midnite.A full-fledged demon, here, on our plane.

我想我不用提醒你这是不可能的Clearly I do not have to remind you that is impossible.

还有昨天,我见到一个魔兵And yesterday I saw a soldier demon. . .

试图从一个小女孩身体里冲破结界. . .trying to chew its way out through a little girl.

听着,约翰,魔鬼只能呆在地狱里天使只能呆在天堂里Listen, John, demons stay in hell,angels in heaven. . .

从造物之初就是这样. . .the great detente of the original superpowers.

谢谢你给我上的历史课,米耐你真是帮了我大忙了Thanks for the history lesson, Midnite.You've been a tremendous help.

现在Now. . .

我需要使用那把椅子. . .I need to use the chair.

约翰,你难道忘了这么做几乎肯定是要没命的John, forgetting the fact that it would almost certainly kill you. . .

你知道我是中立者. . .you know I am neutral.

只要平衡没有发生变化我就保持中立And as long as the balance is maintained, I take no sides.

在你当酒吧侍应之前Before you were a bartender. . .

你曾经是个巫医. . .you were one witch doctor against, what, Ashgar?

- 而我……- 你是康斯坦丁-And I-- -You were Constantine.

约翰·康斯坦丁The John Constantine.


这次非比寻常,我能感觉得到This isn't the usual game, I can feel it.

它在逼近Something's coming.



光是那种表情就让我彻夜难眠That expression alone has made my entire night.

我来教你怎么睡觉I'll make your night.

我现在就把你打回老家去你这个杂碎!I'll deport your sorry ass right where you stand, you half-breed shit!

你知道我这儿的规矩在我这儿就要按我的规矩来You know the rules of my house.While here, you will abide by them.

小约翰Johnny boy.

听说你快要下来了Word is you're on your way down.

新鲜的肉啊Fresh meat.

吮指回味Finger-licking good.

约翰,我们还有事要谈We have a meeting now, John.

你说什么?我没听清What? I didn't catch that.

欢迎加入我的生活Welcome to my life.

康斯坦丁先生Mr. Constantine.

- 我们之前……- 我记得-I saw you-- -I remember.

- 后来还在……- 看来咱们还真是有缘-And then I saw you at the-- -Regular kismet.

能不能容我问几个问题I'd like to ask you a few questions,if that would be okay.

现在我不想和任何人说话I'm not really in the talking mood right now.

好吧,那光听我说可以吗?Well, maybe you could just listen then.


就知道没那么简单Always a catch.

昨天我妹妹被谋杀了My sister was murdered yesterday.

- 很遗憾- 谢了-Sorry to hear. -Thanks.

她是雷文斯卡精神病院的病人从屋顶跳下去死的She was a patient at Ravenscar.She jumped off the roof.

刚才好像听你说是谋杀?Thought you said she was murdered.

是的,伊莎贝尔不可能自杀的Yeah, well, Isabel wouldn't have taken her own life.

也是,什么样的精神病人会自杀呢?Yeah, what kind of mental patient kills herself?

真可怕That's just crazy.

是这样的,我听说你在这块很有名Look, I've heard your name around the precinct.

我知道你活动的圈子超自然,鬼神学,驱魔……I know the circles you travel in.The occult, demonology, exorcisms.

就在我妹妹被杀之前她得了严重的妄想症Just before my sister was committed,she became deeply paranoid.

她开始谈论魔鬼,天使She started talking about demons,angels.

我想她是被什么人影响了康斯坦丁先生Now, I think someone got to her,Mr. Constantine.

她肯定是被洗了脑才会从屋顶上跳下去的I think they brainwashed her into stepping off that roof.

某种邪教组织Some kind of legion or cult.

你分析得很有道理啊大侦探Sounds like a theory, detective.

祝你好运Good luck.

我想以你的背景至少可以……I thought with your background,you could at least. . .

给我指明正确的方向. . .point me in the right direction.

可以,当然可以Yeah, okay, sure.

她不是自杀It wasn't a suicide.

我妹妹是个虔诚的天主教徒My sister was a devout Catholic.

你懂吗?如果她自己结束自己的生命Do you understand that?If she took her own life--

她的灵魂会直接下地狱Her soul would go straight to hell. . .

在尖叫中一次又一次地被撕裂饱受折磨,极度痛苦. . .where she'd be ripped apart over and over in screaming, brutal agony. . .

永世不得翻身,对吗?. . .for all eternity. That it?

我说得没错吧?That about right?

你他妈的Goddamn you.


如果我告诉你上帝和魔鬼打了个赌……What if I told you that God and the devil made a wager. . .

他们的赌注就是所有人类的灵魂你信么?. . .a kind of standing bet for the souls of all mankind?

我会告诉你回去找你的医生I'd tell you to stay on your meds.

别跟我争他们的约定是不能直接涉足人间Humor me. No direct contact with humans. That would be the rule.

- 只能施加影响,最后看谁能赢- 好吧,我不跟你争-Just influence. See who would win. -Okay, I'm humoring you.

- 可是为什么呢?- 谁知道呢-Why? -Who knows.

- 也许只是为了好玩- 哦,这可真好玩-Maybe just for the fun of it. No telling. -Oh, so it's fun.

丈夫打死妻子好玩么?母亲淹死孩子好玩么?It's fun when a man beats his wife to death, when a mother drowns her baby.

你觉得这都归因于魔鬼?And you think the devil is responsible?

你错了,康斯坦丁是人,人才是魔鬼People are evil, Mr. Constantine. People.

你说得很对人性本恶You're right. We're born capable of terrible things.

再加上受到其他某种东西的引导……Then sometimes something else comes along and gives us just the right nudge.

好吧,谢谢你给我上了一课Well, this has been real educational. . .

可我不相信有什么魔鬼. . .but I don't believe in the devil.

你应该相信就如魔鬼相信你的存在You should. He believes in you.

只是停电了It's a power outage.

不像Not likely.

- 什么?- 不能呆在这儿了,快走-What? -We should go. Now.

那是什么?What is that?


也许是魔爪Maybe talons.

别开玩笑了,你说什么?You're kidding. Of what?

一些不该在这儿的东西Something that's not supposed to be here.

枪在这儿基本上没用That's really not going to help.

- 闭上眼睛- 为什么?-Close your eyes. -Why?

为了你自己Suit yourself.

谁说魔鬼只呆在地狱里?Demons stay in hell, huh?

得告诉他们Tell them that.

别担心第一次都是这样Don't worry. Happens to everyone the first time.

那是硫磺It's the sulfur.


那些东西是什么?What were those things?


- 被诅咒的食腐怪- 不,这不可能-Scavengers of the damned. -No, no. It's impossible.

信不信由你而且我认为它们不是来找我的Yeah. And I don't think they were after me.

你真的认为她不是自杀的?You really believe she wouldn't commit suicide.


绝对不信Never in a million years.

好吧,我们来确认一下Well, let's be sure.

看看她是不是在地狱里Let's see if she's in hell.

哦,应该是冷水还是热水?Oh, was it supposed to be hot or cold?

放在椅子前面In front of the chair.

真不敢相信我居然在干这个I can't believe I'm doing this.

- 这些都是伊莎贝尔的东西?- 对-These are all Isabel's things? -Yeah.

- 这猫呢?- 达珂?-How about the cat? -Duck?

是啊,怎么了?Yeah, why?


哦,觉得奇怪是么Oh, you think that's strange.

猫是很好的动物Cats are good.

很有灵性Half in, half out anyway.

如果你要施某种法术或什么的话If this is some kind of spell or something. . .

难道不需要点蜡烛和画五角星么?. . .don't you need candles and a pentagram for it to work?

哦?你有吗?Why, do you have any?

- 简直是疯了- 是的-This is crazy. -Yes.

你得离开I need you to leave.

- 为什么?- 安吉拉,拜托-I'm sorry? -Angela, please.

我是说离开这屋子The apartment.


当心我的猫Be careful with that cat.

上帝,我恨干这个God, I hate this part.

- 伊莎贝尔- 康斯坦丁-Isabel. -Constantine.



- 康斯坦丁,你怎么啦?- 双胞胎-Constantine, what--? -Twins.

上帝,你说什么?Jesus. What?

- 你们是双胞胎- 你说什么?-You were twins. -What did you say?

- 她是自杀的- 什么?-She killed herself. -What?

因此被罚入地狱And she's damned for it.

这怎么可能?How is this possible?

我得吃点东西I need to eat.

嗨,嗨!你在这儿干什么?Hey! Hey, what are you doing in here?

别激动,哥们儿Relax, man.

慢点!Slow down!

这儿他妈的是什么地方?What the hell kind of place is this?


我小的时候能看到一些东西When I was a kid, I could see things.

一些人类看不到的东西Things humans aren't supposed to see.

也是不应该看到的东西Things you shouldn 't have to see.

我父母都是正常人他们像大多数父母一样My parents were normal.They did what most parents would do.

让情况变得更糟They made it worse.

当你觉得再也无法忍受的时候You think you're crazy long enough. . .

你就会寻找出路. . .you find a way out.

- 你尝试自杀?- 我什么都没尝试-You tried to kill yourself. -I didn 't try anything.

准确的说,我死过两分钟Officially, I was dead for two minutes.

但是当我跨入另一个世界的时候But when you cross over. . .

时间就停止了. . .time stops.

我敢说地狱里的两分钟就像一生那么漫长Take it from me,two minutes in hell is a lifetime.

当我重回人世的时候When I came back. . .

我终于知道. . .I knew. . .

我能看到的所有的东西都是真实的. . .all the things I could see were real.

天堂和地狱无处不在每一堵墙,每一扇窗后面Heaven and hell are right here.Behind every wall, every window.

这个世界背后还有一个世界而我们被夹在中间The world behind the world,and we're smack in the middle.

天使和魔鬼都不能逾越进入我们的世界Angels and demons can't cross over onto our plane.

所以,我们看到的就是所谓的“杂种”So instead we get what I call half-breeds.

蛊惑者The influence peddlers.

它们只能在你耳边煽风点火但是它的一句话就能给你勇气They can only whisper in our ears, but a single word can give you courage...

或者让你一下子从快乐的巅峰掉落到痛苦的深渊...or turn your favorite pleasure into your worst nightmare.

那些被魔鬼触碰的Those with the demon 's touch...

比如半天使是和我们生活在一起的...like those part angel,living alongside us.

他们称之为平衡They call it the balance.

而我称之为虚伪的狗屁I call it hypocritical bullshit.

所以当哪个杂种不守规矩So when a half-breed breaks the rules. . .

我会直接让他滚进地狱. . .I deport their sorry ass straight back to hell.

这样的杂种太多了I don't get them all. . .

我只希望尽量多的除掉一些让自己能够. . .but I've been hoping to get enough to ensure my. . .

- 早点退休- 我不懂-. . .retirement. -I don't understand.

我就是在自杀,安吉拉I'm a suicide, Angela.

当我死的时候,按照规则我只有一个地方可去When I die, the rules say I've got just one place to go.

你是在积德,希望能进天堂You're trying to buy your way into heaven.

要是你被关进一个半数犯人都是你亲手抓进去的监狱里What would you do if you were sentenced to a prison. . .

你会有什么感觉?. . .where half the inmates were put there by you?

我想上帝为我们每个人都安排好了一切I guess God has a plan for all of us.

小姐上帝只是一个玩蚂蚁的小孩God's a kid with an ant farm, lady.

他什么都没安排He's not planning anything.

在我们小的时候When we were little. . .

伊莎贝尔也能看到东西. . .Isabel saw things too.


警卫发现他在摸弄尸体然后他仓皇跑到街对面Guard spotted him groping the body,then he ran across the street.

跑进店里来把货架上的酒打开喝了个遍Came in here, and he had a go at the entire stock.

不到一分钟他就溺死在酒里了He drowned himself in alcohol in under a minute.

本可以成为我们教友会的一员的Could've been a member of my fraternity.

他跑到这儿来干什么?Hey, what the hell is he doing here?

没关系He's okay.

为什么不给我打电话狗娘养的Why didn't you call me,you son of a bitch?


什么意思?What do you mean?



知道了,拜拜Got it. Bye.

我要看一下伊莎贝尔死亡的现场I need to see where Isabel died.

请神,占卜,通灵Seances, Ouija boards, channeling.

父亲以为她只是想引人注意Our father thought she was just trying to get attention.

可事实上不是She certainly did that.

她把她看到的东西告诉每一个人She'd tell everyone about the things she said she saw.

把母亲吓得半死She'd scare my mother half to death.

之后几乎一年她始终一言不发And then she stopped talking for almost a year.

所以你们把她送到这儿来了So you had her committed.


有多长时间了?How long?

两个星期Two weeks.

这一次This time.

她的病情时好时坏最近又恶化了She'd get better, and then she'd get worse. Recently, a lot worse.

那个死者手掌上刻的符号That symbol that was cut in the dead guy's hand. . .

会不会和这有关?. . .does it have something to do with this?

约翰,别忘了我是警察I'm a cop, John, remember?

一个人不可能什么都没留下就这么跳楼自杀的You don't walk off the roof of a building without leaving something behind.

而我已经把她所有的遗物都给你看过了不过你尽管找And I showed you everything she left behind in that box, but feel free.

也许她留下了一些警察找不到的东西Maybe she left something else.Not something a cop would find.

一些只有你才能找到的东西Something just for you.

你们是双胞胎,安吉拉双胞胎的想法是相似的You were her twin, Angela.Twins tend to think alike.

- 我不像我的妹妹- 但你曾经是的-I'm not like my sister. -But you were once.

当你们还是孩子的时候When you were kids.

当你们每时每刻形影不离的时候When you'd spend every second with each other.

你说一句,她就能接下句你受伤了,她就会哭You'd start a sentence, she'd finish it.You'd get hurt, she'd cry.

那是很久以前了That was a long time ago.

那种联系不会这么轻易就消失的That kind of bond doesn't just disappear.

这儿什么都没有There is nothing here.

- 得了吧- 她在这间屋子里筹划了自己的死-Hey. Come on. -She planned her death in this room.

她是在这儿想出来的就在你所站的地方She thought it up right here.Right where you're standing.

她知道你会来她指望你能见她所见She knew you'd come. She counted on you to see what she saw. . .

感她所感知她所知. . .feel what she felt,know what she knew.

- 安吉拉,她做了什么?- 我怎么会知道?-What did she do, Angela? -How should I know? - 安吉拉,她做了什么?- 我不知道-What did she do, Angela? -I don't know.

- 换了你会怎么做?- 我不知道-What would you do? -I don't know.

安吉拉,她做了什么?你知道的,她到底做了什么?What did she do, Angela? You know what she did. What did she do, Angela?

你知道的!你为什么不敢说?她做了什么?You know what she did. What are you afraid of? What did she do?

- 她做了什么?- 我不知道!-What did she do? -I don't know!

我们小的时候When we were girls. . .

喜欢互相给对方留密信. . .we would leave each other messages.

用光In light.

或者在窗户上In breath.

用嘴哈气On the windows.

约翰,歌林多书中没有章啊John, there is no th act in Corinthians.

地狱圣经里,歌林多书有章Corinthians goes to acts in the Bible in hell.

地狱里也有圣经They have Bibles in hell.

描绘了另一幅“启示录”Paints a different view of Revelations.

地狱圣经中说世界不会在上帝的手中终结Says the world will not end by God's hand...

而是会在黑暗中重生...but be reborn in the embrace of the damned.

到那时……Though if you ask me...

就是人间炼狱了. . .fire's fire.

章节,章节:, :.

哦,天哪果然不妙Oh, my, this is certainly not good.

“子之罪定会超越父之罪”''The sins of the father would only be exceeded by the sins of the son. ''

- 谁的儿子?- 但是他不可能逾越结界-Whose son? -But he can't cross over, B.

- 结界是不可能逾越的- 谁的儿子?上帝的儿子?-Impossible to cross over. -Whose son? God's son?

不,是另一个魔鬼也有儿子No, the other one. Devil had a son too.

在这儿Here it is.

这是魔鬼之子曼蒙的标志This is the sign of Mammon. . .

哦等一下,这儿说……. . .the son of the devil.Well, hold on, it says here--

- 比曼?- 在-Beeman? -Yeah.

抱歉,我……抱歉,不,我在Sorry, I'm-- I'm sorry, no, I'm right here.

上面说曼蒙对他父亲的规矩不耐烦了It says Mammon has no patience for his father's rule. . . 渴望建立一个属于他自己的火与血的王国. . .and yearns to forge his own kingdom of fire and blood.

没错,曼蒙是我们最不愿意见到Yeah. Mammon would be the last demon. . .

出现在我们世界里的魔鬼. . .we'd ever want crossing over to our plane.

等等,等等,听我读下去可是似乎存在某种漏洞No, wait, wait, wait. I'm reading.Seems to be a loophole.

就知道没那么简单Always a catch.

这里说到曼蒙首先要附身于一个非常强大的通灵者It says first Mammon would have to possess a very, very powerful psychic.

- 伊莎贝尔- 但这还不够-Isabel. -But that wouldn 't be enough.

要穿越结界曼蒙还需要神的协助To cross over, Mammon would need divine assistance.

也就是说需要上帝的帮助To cross over, Mammon would need the help of God.

- 上帝的帮助?- 上面说……-The help of God? -It says--

- 比曼?- 约翰,听着-Beeman? -John, look. . .

我知道你从来都没有什么信念你从来都不愿意……. . .I know you've never had much faith,you've never had much reason to. . .

可这并不意味着你的心里...but that doesn 't mean that we don 't have faith...

不存在信念. . .in you.

比曼?比曼?Beeman? Beeman?

开快点Drive. Fast.





不只是伊莎贝尔Wasn't just Isabel.

我以前也能见到东西I used to see things too.

可是……But. . .

- 你已经知道了,是不是?- 回家去,安吉拉-. . .you already knew that, didn't you? -Go home, Angela.

我要把事情搞清楚I need to understand.

这些事情你最好不要知道相信我You don't wanna know what's out there, trust me.

我比伊莎贝尔强I'm stronger than Isabel.

你的妹妹接受了她的天赋而你拒绝了,还是拒绝比较好Your sister embraced her gift,you denied yours. Denial is a better idea.

这也是为什么你还活着的原因如果你继续跟着我,就难说了It's why you're still alive.Stick with me, that will change.

我不想再多个鬼魂跟着我I don't need another ghost following me.

约翰,他们杀了我妹妹!John, they killed my sister.

我宁愿死的那个是我I'd trade places with her if I could.

我过去一直假装自己没有这种能力I used to pretend that I didn't.

什么都看不见That I didn't see things.

然后And. . .

到我们岁的时候父母开始强迫她吃安定药. . .by the time we were ,they started forcing her to take. . .

并且接受治疗. . .antipsychotics. . .

当那些东西出现的时候. . .and have treatments.They would come for her. . .

她总是看着我对我说:“告诉他们啊”. . .and she'd look at me,and she'd say to me, ''Tell them.“安吉,为什么你不告诉他们你也能看见?”Why don't you tell them, Angie,that you can see them too?''

可我却撒了谎But I lied.

我说:I said:

“我什么都没看见”''I don't see anything. ''

直到有一天Until one day. . .

我终于真的看不见了. . .I finally stopped seeing.

我抛弃了她,约翰I abandoned her, John.

我让她孤立无援I left her all alone.

我必须得看到她所看到的东西I need to see what she saw.


这么做,可就没法回头了You do this, there's no turning back.

你看见了他们You see them. . .

他们也看见了你. . .they see you.




我必须把所有的衣服都脱了么?还是可以穿着?So do I have to take the rest of my clothes off, or can I leave them on?


我在考虑I'm thinking.


穿着吧On is fine.

- 为什么用水?- 水是万能的通道-So why water? -It's a universal conduit.

可以帮助穿越结界Lubricates the transition from one plane to another.

- 接着问我地狱里有没有水- 地狱里有没有水?-Now ask me if there's water in hell. -Is there water in hell?


通常只要身体的一部分浸入水中就可以了Normally, only a portion of the body has to be suspended. . .

但是你想来个速成的. . .but you wanted the crash course.

是的,我要速成的Yeah, I wanted the crash course.

那么……So. . . .

那会怎么样?So, what's gonna happen?

躺下Lie down.

- 躺下?什么意思?- 你必须完全浸入水中-What do you mean lie down? -You have to be fully submerged.

要多长时间?For how long?

能坚持多久就多久As long as it takes.

深吸一口气Take a deep one.

哦,上帝Oh, God.

哦,上帝,所有这些人Oh, God, all those people.

哦,伊莎贝尔Oh, Isabel.

我总是知道I've always known.

我总是知道它们在哪儿我总是知道如何找到它们I've always known where they are.I've always known where to find them. . .

朝哪儿瞄准,在哪儿躲避. . .where to aim and where to duck. . .

我总是知道它们在哪儿. . .and I've always known where they were.

我知道那不是运气I've always known that it wasn't luck.

我知道那不是运气我一直都知道……Always known that it wasn't luck.I've always known. . . . 我一直都知道我能看见I've always known that I could see.

我一直都知道我能看见I've always known that I could see.


有人来过Someone was here.

那是他留下的It was his.


不是球Not a ball.

是某种小一点的东西Something smaller.




要杀了他吗??Can you just kill him?

那平衡怎么办?What about the balance?

当这些杂种开始杀我朋友的时候平衡就已经被破坏了Half-breed tipped the scales when he started killing my friends.

我只是在天平的另一边加些砝码而已I'm just adding some counterweight.

约翰,我真的很想……John, I really want--

把它当作防弹衣Think of it as a bulletproof vest.

我要和你一起去I'm coming with you.

你得呆在车里You're staying in the car.

火?我就是火里生的Fire? I was born of this.

你这个烂杂种,告诉我曼蒙到底要怎样跨越结界?How's Mammon crossing over,you half-breed piece of shit?

这样更好,更自然That's better. Au naturel.

“呆在车里”''Stay in the car. ''

“在这儿等”''Wait here. ''


别抗拒,小约翰Don't fight it, Johnny boy.

好好享受Enjoy it.

我们马上就能见到你了We'll see you very soon.

你说错了Not really, no.

这回你跑不掉的你会回到地狱里去You can't cheat it this time.You're going back to hell.


可你却回不去了But you're not.

- 你要干嘛?- 我要给你做最后的超度-What are you doing? -I'm reading you your last rites.

别对我用治疗咒语Spare me your remedial incantations.

你想知道真正被宽恕以后会是什么样吗?You do know what it is to truly be forgiven?

被接纳进入神的王国To be welcomed into the Kingdom of God.

天堂里的魔鬼Demon in heaven.

真想看看那时的情景I'd love to be a fly on that wall.

你不是牧师,你没有法力You're not a priest. You have no power.

那你告诉我曼蒙打算怎样冲破结界Just tell me how Mammon is crossing over. . .

我就让你滚回你的狗窝去. . .and you can go back to your shithole.

好啊,不说是吧Okay, Bally, enjoy it.

“愿主怜悯你,饶恕你所有的罪孽”''May God have mercy on you and grant you the pardon of all your sins.

“不管犯下什么样的罪孽都饶恕你,让你升入天堂”Whose soever sins you remit on Earth,they are remitted unto them in heaven. ''

- 快说,他要怎样冲破结界?- 不-How? How's he doing it? -No.

不,我不能说No, I can't.

“让你的子民找到通往天国的大门……”Grant your child entry into thy kingdom. . .

“以圣父、圣子和圣灵之名”. . .in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


上帝的血The blood of God.

他找到了He found it.

只要杀死了上帝之子Whatever killed the son of God. . .

就能让魔鬼之子复活. . .will give birth to the son of the devil.

顺便说一句By the way. . .

只有经过赦免才能得到宽恕. . .you have to ask for absolution to be forgiven. . .

笨蛋. . .asshole.

我的任务已经完成了My work here is done.

- 你笑什么?- 我的任务就是她-What are you laughing at? -She was my only mission. . .

而你正好把她带来了. . .and you brought her right to us.

干嘛走这么快是不是发现了什么?So does this walking fast mean you've found something? 耶稣不是在十字架上被钉死的而是被一个战士的矛刺死的Jesus didn't die from being nailed to a cross. He was killed by a soldier's spear.

命运之矛The Spear of Destiny.

我是个天主教徒,约翰我知道耶稣受难的故事I'm a Catholic, John.I know the Crucifixion story.

按您的吩咐,我引出了她的姐姐I drew out the sister as you asked.

她的灵力已经被唤醒She's been made flush and ready.

好强的能量So much power.

如果您能让我复活我愿意为您效忠Now, if you grant me my resurrection,I shall serve.

等等,我们说好的Wait. But I did as we agreed.

不,不!No. Please. No!

比曼说过曼蒙需要神的帮助才能跨越结界Beeman said Mammon needed divine assistance to cross over.

看来那就是上帝唯一的儿子的血How's the blood of God's only son?

矛上的血迹The stains on the spear.

- 是的- 那么说他找到了矛-Yeah. -So he gets the spear.

他还要找一个很强的通灵者He still has to locate a powerful psychic.

已经有了Not really.


护身符呢?Where's the amulet?

我不知道肯定是落在车上了I don't know,I must have left it in the--

怎么了?What's wrong?

我不知道,只是觉得……I don't know, I just feel--

- 梯子上的鸟- 抱歉-Bird on a ladder. -Sorry.

- 在这儿等- 好的-Wait here. -Yeah.

现在谁是穿裙子的老鼠了?啊?狗娘养的Who's a rat in a dress now, huh, bitch?

你连最后一点理智都没了么Have you lost what little mind you have?


我需要用那张椅子I need to use the chair.

我不会帮任何一边I offer no aid to one side or the other.

- 平衡- 去他妈的平衡-The balance. -Screw the balance.

你敢?在我这儿?You dare? In my house?

这也叫中立吗?狗屁!Is this neutral? Bullshit.

米耐,你是唯一一个还在按规矩做的人!You're the only one still playing by the rules, Midnite. 当你保持中立的时候人们却在死去And while you've been imitating Switzerland, people are dying.

亨尼斯,比曼,他们曾经都是你的朋友你不记得了么?Hennessy, Beeman, they were your friends once too, remember?

我需要你的帮助!I need your help!

就当是最后的请求Consider it a last request.

你太冒险了You play a dangerous game.

这件衬衫可要美元Two-hundred-dollar shirt, by the way.

那个小畜牲早就想走出他父亲的阴影了That little shit has been trying to climb out of his father's shadow for eons.

不敢想象要是他冲破结界的话世界会变成什么样I'd hate to think what he would do to this world if he ever broke through.

都忘了它有这么大Forgot how big it was.

在纽约新新监狱里这张椅子曾经拷问了个灵魂Two hundred souls passed through this wood and steel at Sing Sing.


哪边是东?Which way's east?

多久没冲浪了?How many years since you've surfed?

就像骑自行车Like riding a bike.

没那么轻松No, not really.

希望这不是为了那女孩Tell me this isn't about the girl.

绝对主要不是为了那女孩Definitely mostly not about the girl.


来一口?Little flavor?

- 准备好了?- 不-Sure about this? -No.


- 找到了么?- 找到了-Any luck? -That's a word for it.

老天,这不是米耐老爹吗?Holy shit. You're Papa Midnite,aren't you?

你到底打算怎么用这些?要离得很近才行And how exactly do you intend on getting close enough to use these?

她的周围肯定有人守卫Well, they did not leave her unguarded.

当杂种的外皮被圣水浇裂之后Half-breeds are most vulnerable. . .

他们是非常脆弱的. . .when their outer skin is breached by holy water.

可以用某些圣物特别是伊斯塔利亚十字架Certain objects, most notably either of the two crosses of lsteria. . .

即使是没有正式受命的牧师也可以用它来把……. . .have been used by even the unordained to bless. . .

普通的水……. . .commonly occurring waters. . .

甚至是雨水,变成圣水. . .even rain.

也许如果……Maybe if. . . .

如果没有为比赛做好准备干坐在候补席上也是没用的,对吗?There's no use sitting on the bench if you're not ready to play, right?

我们为什么不从橱柜里拿一支施有魔法的十字架You wouldn't have one of those enchanted crosses here in a cabinet. . .

带在身上用呢?. . .maybe we could take with us?

约翰,我无意冒犯我只是提点建议,我觉得……Look, John, no offense, I just don't think that it's a great idea, you know. . .

你这样单枪匹马去拯救世界这么做并不聪明. . .you going on a solo mission to save the world. That's my vote.

我不知道他怎么想可是……I don't know what pops thinks,but that's--

把他带上吧,约翰完事之后再把他杀了Take him, John. Kill him after.

如果你能回来来找我,或许我能让你成为会员If you get back, see me about membership. Maybe.

好的,我会的Okay. I will.

- 你在干嘛?- 祈祷-What are you doing? -Praying.

祈祷,好吧Praying. Okay.

来吧Come on.

杂种,对吗?Half-breeds, right?

他们肯定守护着她,对吗?肯定是的A birth like this, they're definitely gonna be guarding her, right? Definitely.


我们能够解决他们我是说,十字架会起作用的,对吗?We can get through them. I mean,that cross has gotta work, right?


现实和书本不完全一样It's not always like it is in the books.

那是什么?What is that?


你知道该怎么做了You know what to do.

没问题I'm okay.


最后一次演出One last show.


我的名字叫约翰My name's John.

你们破坏了平衡You are in violation of the balance.

立刻离开Leave immediately. . .

否则,我将把你们驱逐. . .or I will deport you.

你们所有的人All of you.

去死吧Go to hell.

圣水?Holy water?





co-production 联合拍摄 production摄制 Consultant 策划 project supervisor专案主管 executive producer执行监制 senior producer总监制 assiatant producer助理监制 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人Producer 制片人 Production Controller 制片总监P roduction Director 监制人 Production Supervisor 制片监制C o-Producer 联合制片人 Associate Producer 助理制片人E xecutive Producer 执行制片 Produced by制作人pr oduction co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记location manager 外联制片 production administration 行政制作administration supervisor行政主管 marketing producer制片主任production manager制片 production secreary制作秘书 production accountant制作会计 unit manager 项目经理c lapper 场记板 Chief Director 总导演 Director 导演A ssistant Director 助理导演 Associate Director 副导演 Shooting Script 分镜头剧本O riginal Story 原著A dapted by 改编B a sed on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编W riter编剧 Written by / Scripted by 编剧 screenplay by 编剧 script translation剧本翻译english subtitles by英文字幕翻译 Conducted by 指挥 Director of Photography 总摄影C inematography摄影C inematography by 摄影A ssociate Director of Photography 副摄影师C utter 剪辑师M ontage 剪辑(蒙太奇 Film Editing剪辑first cameta assistant 副摄影师 camera assistant摄影助理Fireworks 烟火L ighting 灯光,照明lighting assistant 灯光助理


co-production 联合拍摄production摄制Consultant 策划 projectsupervisor专案主管executive producer执行监制senior producer总监 制 assiatantproducer助理监制 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人P roducer 制片人 Production Controller 制片总监P roduction Director 监制人 Production Supervisor 制片监制C o-Producer 联合制片人 Associate Producer 助理制片人Ex ecutive Producer 执行制片 Produced by制作人production co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记 location manager 外联制片production administration 行政制作administrationsupervisor行政主管marketing producer制片主任productionmanager制片production secreary制作秘书 production accountant制作会计unit manager 项目经理c lapper 场记板 Chief Director 总导演Director 导演A ssistant Director 助理导演 Associate Director 副导演 Shooting Script 分镜头剧本O riginal Story 原著A dapted by 改编Based on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编W riter编剧 Written by / Scripted by 编剧screenplay by 编剧script translation剧本翻译english subtitles by英文字幕翻译 Conducted by 指挥 Director of Photography 总摄影C inematography摄影Cinematography by 摄 影A ssociate Director of Photography 副摄影师Cutter 剪辑师M ontage 剪辑(蒙太奇 Film Editing剪辑f irstcameta assistant 副摄影师camera assistant摄影助理Fireworks 烟火L ighting 灯光,照明lighting assistant 灯光助理


documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片 filmdom 電影界 literary film 文藝片 musicals 音樂片 comedy 喜劇片 tragedy 悲劇片 dracula movie 恐怖片 sowordsmen film 武俠片 detective film 偵探片 ethical film 倫理片 affectional film 愛情片 erotic film 黃色片 western movies 西部片 film d’avant-garde 前衛片 serial 系列片 trailer 預告片 cartoon (film) 卡通片,動畫片 footage 影片長度 full-length film, feature film 長片 short(film) 短片 colour film 彩色片(美作:color film) silent film 默片,無聲片 dubbed film 配音複制の影 片,譯制片 silent cinema, silent films 無 聲電影 sound motion picture, talkie 有聲電影 cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅瑪斯科普型立體聲寬 銀幕電影,變形鏡頭式寬銀 幕電影 cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉 瑪型立體聲寬銀幕電影,全 景電影 title 片名 original version 原著 dialogue 對白 subtitles, subtitling 字幕 credits, credit titles 對原作 者及其他有貢獻者の謝啟 和姓名 telefilm 電視片 演員actors cast 陣容 film star, movie star 電影明 星 star, lead 主角 double, stand-in 替身演員 stunt man 特技替身演員 extra, walker-on 臨時演員 character actor 性格演員 regular player 基本演員 extra 特別客串 film star 電影明星 film actor 男電影明星 film actress 女電影明星 support 配角 util 跑龍套 工作人員technicians adapter 改編 scenarist, scriptwriter 腳本 作者 dialogue writer 對白作者 production manager 制片人 producer 制片主任 film director 導演 assistant director 副導演,助 理導演 cameraman, set photographer 攝影師


电影片尾字幕中英文对照表 演职员表Cast & Crew 演员表Performer 职员表Staff 演员Actor 领衔主演Starring 主演Starring Role 电影制片人(出品人) Producer 导演Director 编剧Screenwriter 制作人Producer 或Produced by... 执行制片人Associate Producer 制片主任Line Producer 副导演/助理导演Assistant Director 统筹Schedule Planner 场记Clapper 或Script Supenisor 监制Executive Producer 选角导演Casting 艺术指导Production Designer 文学策划Screenplay Coordinator 摄影指导Director of Photography

摄影Cinematographer 摄影助理Assistant Camera 照明Gaffer 照明助理Gaffer Assistant 剧照Still Photographer 录音师Sound Engineer 录音指导Sound Supervisor 配音指导ADR Supervisor 配音录音师ADR Mixer 配音剪辑ADR Editor 配音助理ADR Assistant 配音演员ADR V oice Casting 前期录音师Location Sound Mixer 同期录音师Location Recording Supervisor 拟音Foley Recording 混音Re-Recording Mixer 对白录音Dialogue Recording 后期录音室Post Production Sound Studio 原创音乐Original Music 作曲Music Composer 美术指导Art Director 美术设计(美工)Art Direction By


电影片尾字幕中英文对照表 演职员表 Cast & Crew 演员表 Performer 职员表 Staff 演员 Actor 领衔主演 Starring 主演 Starring Role 电影制片人(出品人) Producer 导演 Director 编剧 Screenwriter 制作人 Producer 或 Produced by... 执行制片人 Associate Producer 制片主任 Line Producer 副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director 统筹 Schedule Planner 场记 Clapper 或 Script Supenisor 监制 Executive Producer 选角导演 Casting 艺术指导 Production Designer 文学策划 Screenplay Coordinator 摄影指导 Director of Photography

摄影 Cinematographer 摄影助理 Assistant Camera 照明 Gaffer 照明助理 Gaffer Assistant 剧照 Still Photographer 录音师 Sound Engineer 录音指导 Sound Supervisor 配音指导 ADR Supervisor 配音录音师 ADR Mixer 配音剪辑 ADR Editor 配音助理 ADR Assistant 配音演员 ADR V oice Casting 前期录音师 Location Sound Mixer 同期录音师 Location Recording Supervisor 拟音 Foley Recording 混音 Re-Recording Mixer 对白录音 Dialogue Recording 后期录音室 Post Production Sound Studio 原创音乐 Original Music 作曲 Music Composer 美术指导 Art Director 美术设计(美工) Art Direction By


英文影片字幕的中文对照 Aacrobat 特技演员 ADR assistant 配音助理 ADR editor 配音剪辑 ADR mixers 录音合成 ADR supervisor 配音指导 ADR voice casting 配音演员 Advisor 顾问 All rights reserved 版权所有 Animator cartoonist 动画片设计师 Animator 动画设计师 Apprentice editor 编辑 Art department assistant 艺术部门助理 Art department coordinator 艺术部门协调人 Art designer 美术设计人员 Art director 艺术指导 Assistant accounants 助理会计 Assistant art director 助理艺术指导,美术编辑助理Assistant cameraman 助理摄影师 Assistant construction coordinator 搭景协调人员助理Assistant costume supervisor 服装管理助理Assistant diologue editor 助理对白编辑 Assistant director 导演助理,副导演 Assistant engineer 助理录音技师 Assistant location manager 外景制片助理 Assistant producer 副监制人 Assistant production coordinator 制片协调人助理Assistant property master 助理道具管理员 Assistant props 道具管理员助理 Assistant set decorstor 置景助理 Assistant sound editors 音响师助理 Assistant sound effects editors 声效助理 Associate producer 副制片人 Associate to (director’s name) 某导演的副导演 Audio assistant editor 调音师助理 Based on the film written by 根据某人编剧的影片拍摄Best boy 照明工的助手 Best boy electric 照明助手 Best boy grip 置景工 Best person 照明工的助手 Body makeup 身体化装 Boom oprator 录音话筒员 Cabieperson 电缆管理员 Cameraman 摄影师


Premiere Pro中英文对照 一、菜单命令 1、File(文件) New Project 新项目快捷命令是Ctrl+N New 新建 Bin(文件包)、Storyboard(故事板)、Title(字幕)、Universal Counting Leader(普遍的计算机领导者)、Bars and tone(节线和音调)、Black Video(黑色视频)、Color Matte (不光滑颜色)和Offline File(脱机文件) Open 打开命令快捷键为Ctrl+O Open Recent File 打开最近的文件 Open Recent Project 打开最近的项目 Close 关闭快捷键为Ctrl+W Save 保存快捷键为Ctrl+S Save As 另存为快捷键为Ctrl+Shift+S Revert 恢复 Capture 捕获 Batch Capture(批处理捕获)、Movie Capture(电影捕获)、Stop Motion(停止运动)和Audio Capture(音频捕获) Import 输入 Export Clip 输出片断 Export Timeline 输出时间线 Get Properties For 获取属性 Page Setup 页面设置 Print 打印 Exit 退出 2、Edit (编辑) Undo 取消操作 Redo 重复操作 Cut 剪切 Copy 复制 Paste 粘贴

Paste to Fit 粘贴到适合 Paste Attributes 粘贴属性 Paste Attributes Again 重复粘贴属性 Clear 清除 Duplicate Clip 片断副本 Deselect All 取消全部选定 Select All 全部选定 Find 查找 Locate Clip 查找片断 Edit Uriginal 编辑初始化 Preferences 参数选择 3、Project(剧本) Project Settings 剧本设置 General(普通)、Video(视频)、Audio(音频)、Keyframe and Rendering(关键帧和渲染)和Capture(捕获) Settings Viewer 查看设置 Remove Unused Clips 移动不常用素材 Replace Clips 取代素材 Automate to Timeline 使时间线自动化 Export Bin from Project 从剧本输出文件包 Utilities 效用 Batch Processing(整批过程)和Project Trimmer(剧本整理) 4、Clip(素材) Properties 属性快捷键为Ctrl+Shift+H Set Clip Name Alias 设置素材名称别名快捷键为Ctrl+H Add Clip to Project 添加素材到剧本快捷键为Ctrl+J Inset in Edit Line 插入到编辑线 Overlay at Edit Line 覆盖编辑线 Enable Clip on Timeline 在时间线上激活素材 Lock Clip on Timeline 在时间线上锁定素材 Unlink Audio and Video 解开音频和视频


电影专业术语中英文对照 森森 来自: 森森2011-12-06 14:20:07 documentary (film) 记录片,文献片 filmdom 电影界 literary film 文艺片 musicals 音乐片 comedy 喜剧片 tragedy 悲剧片 dracula movie 恐怖片 sowordsmen film 武侠片 detective film 侦探片 ethical film 伦理片 affectional film 爱情片 erotic film 黄色片 western movies 西部片 film d’avant-garde 前卫片 serial 系列片 trailer 预告片 cartoon (film) 卡通片,动画片 footage 影片长度 full-length film, feature film 长片 short(film) 短片 colour film 彩色片(美作:color film)

silent film 默片,无声片 dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片 silent cinema, silent films 无声电影 sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影 cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变形镜头式宽银幕电影cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影 title 片名 original version 原著 dialogue 对白 subtitles, subtitling 字幕 credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名 telefilm 电视片 演员actors cast 阵容 film star, movie star 电影明星 star, lead 主角 double, stand-in 替身演员 stunt man 特技替身演员 extra, walker-on 临时演员 character actor 性格演员 regular player 基本演员 extra 特别客串


走进剧组:影视制作各职位中英文对照详解 2014-01-18Oh,4K! 这篇文章将解决很多人一直以来的困惑。国内的电影经常会把演职员表写成中英文,但其中总有错误的使用演职员的译名,再加上大家对美国电影团队提出的一些组成问题,所以,在这里总结了一篇电影制作人员的正式中英文对照。电影的术语很多也很复杂,所以这里所有的翻译都是在美国的电影片场亲身了解后进行意译的,绝对没有通过翻译机器这种毫无诚意的玩意,并且还加入了对这个职位的解释。一来给所有想了解电影片场各职位中英文翻译的朋友,二来纠正一些一直以来的翻译错误。 A Additional Camera 副摄影/副机摄影师 又被称为 B Camera,副摄影一般指一位摄影机操作员,操作一台副摄像机来完成拍摄。一般在好莱坞,电影拍摄并非由一台摄影机完成,或是需要多台摄影机从不同角度拍摄,这时,除了主摄影师外,其他摄影师(摄影机操作员)均可称为AdditionalCamera。注,每一台机器除了副摄影外当然还需要副摄影助理。 Armorer 枪械师

枪械师主管影片拍摄中的所有枪械,武器及冷兵器。他们的职责有挑选枪械与弹药,确保所有人安全,维护打理枪械,枪械顾问,保证所有枪械的合法性和安全。在美国,无论多大多小的电影片场(包括学生片场)都必须有枪械师在场监督。一般枪械师必须持有枪械师执照。 Art Director 艺术总监/艺术监督 核心职位之一,艺术总监监督和管理片场所有美术部门工作人员,包括设计,建筑,制作的所有工种进行有效的工作。艺术总监听命与“美术指导”(Production Designer),注意不要将二者混淆,以及不应翻译成艺术导演。这里Director是监督指导的意思。 Assistant Camera 摄影助理 核心职位,分为1st Assistant Camera,第一摄影助理,简称1st AC;和2nd Assistant Camera,第二摄影助理,简称2nd AC。 第一摄影助理是管理和维护他所负责的这台摄影机的所有状况。他负责管理除他之外的所有其他摄影助理进行对摄影机的管理工作,并且负责摄影机的维护和保证摄影机的正常运行。在拍摄中,他除了要进行安置摄影机的工作外(包括组装,换镜头,清理维护等等一系列工作)主要负责变焦的工作,所以在欧洲,他又被称为变焦员(focus puller)。不过变焦员有可能是单独的另外一个人,但第一摄影助理是一台摄影机的全权负责人,他是无论多大规模拍摄中决不可或缺的。 第二摄影助理是协助第一摄影助理打理摄影机的人。在拍摄中他主要负责进行“打板”(slating)即在拍摄前举着场记板的人;填写和整理摄影报告(camera report,在国内有时被称为场记,大同小异,如果你想知道什么是摄影报告,请看这篇文章)以及为演员的走位做记号。在拍摄前,第二摄影助理还需负责摄影机的安置,运输,保证摄影机的安全。同时,他也是负责所有关于摄影机的文稿工作。第二摄影助理有时还会有助理,他们被称为2nd 2ndAssistant Camera。 Assistant Director 副导演 核心职位,分为1st Assistant Director,第一副导演,1st AD。和2nd AssistantDirector,第二副导演,2nd AD。 第一副导演,有时在国内会被被称为执行导演。他是导演具体工作的执行人。他主要负责片场的正常运行,以及确保拍摄按照拍摄计划执行,并制作每日的通告单(call sheet)。第一副导演要准备好所有的拍摄计划和任务,负责分解剧本分部计划。他要与导演共同合理利用时间,并且监督和保证其他所有工种都能按照时间计划执行工作。他是拍摄前喊“全场安静”的那个人,也是经常由于

STAR WARS电影字幕中英文对照

STAR WARS 星球大战 A long time ago in a galaxy far ,far away...... 很久很久以前在一个遥远的银河星系...... We’re not clear yet 。 我们尚未装载完毕 There are still 30 pallets of cannot shells in bunker。 C碉堡还有30组炮塔炮弹没有运上飞船 Forget the munitions,there’s no time。Just get everyone on the transports。别管弹药了没时间了叫所有人登上运输机 Oh,no。 槽糕了 We’re caught them in the middle of their evacution 他们这是在撤退啊被我们抓个正着 I have my orders from supreme leaders snoke himself 最高领袖斯努克亲自下达命令 This is where we snuff out the resistance once and for all。 这是我们一举歼灭抵抗组织的机会 Tell captain canady to prime his dreadnought 通知卡纳迪舰长准备好无畏舰 Incinerate their base,destory their transports and obliterate their fleet。 焚毁他们基地破坏他们的运输机歼灭他们的舰队 General ,resistance ship approaching。Guns and shileds in attack mode。将军抵抗组织飞船靠近中武器与护盾均处于攻击模式中 A single light fighter。 一架轻型战斗机 Happy beeps here ,buddy,come on。 来点开心的哔哔声伙计 We’ve pulled crazier stunts than this。 比这还疯狂的任务我们都执行过 Just for the record,commander dameron 不好意思达默龙指挥官 I’m with the droid on this one。 这次我同意机器人的看法 Thank you for your support,general。

The Silence of the Lamb.沉默地羔羊.中英双语字幕

2 (维吉尼亚州匡蒂科附近森林) 3 史达琳! Starling! 4 克劳福要见你 Crawford wants to see you in his office. 5 Thank you, sir. 6 (伤害) 7 (苦难) 8 (痛苦) 9 (喜欢它) 10 -克丽丝-你好 -Clarice. -Hey. 11 (行为科学组) 12

找克劳福吗? Looking for Crawford? 13 他快回来了在他的办公室等一会吧 He should be back soon. Why don't you wait in his office? 14 (比尔剥下第五个人的皮) 15 史达琳 Starling. 16 -克丽丝,早安-早安,克劳福先生 -Clarice M. Good morning. -Morning, Mr. Crawford. 17 抱歉突然把你召离课堂 Sorry to pull you off the course at such short notice. 18 你的导师说你是班里的高材生 Your instructors say you're in the top quarter of your class. 19 希望是吧,他们还没有公布成绩 l hope so. They haven't posted any grades yet. 20 有一个任务要办,于是我想起你 A job's come up, and l thought about you.

21 这不是正式的任务较像一份有趣的差事 Not a job, really, more of an interesting errand. 22 坐下 Sit down. 23 是,长官 Yes, sir. 24 我记得你出席过我在维吉尼亚大学的讲座 l remember you from my seminar at UVA. 25 你追问我本局在胡佛年代的公益记录 You grilled me on the bureau's civil rights record in the Hoover years. 26 我给了你甲等 l gave you an A. 27 是甲下 A minus, sir. 28 双主修,心理学及犯罪学以优异成绩毕业 Double major, psych and criminology, graduated magna. 29


第一步:合成(分成4小步): 1. 拿到相关美剧的中文字幕和英文字幕后, 把英文字幕贴到对应的中文字幕下面(如果帖子里强调以英文时间轴为准的话,那就把中文贴到英文下,然后用srtedit软件(本贴提供下载),交换中英文字幕顺序就ok了). 偷懒小贴士:-----大家别偷这个懒了,除非已经熟练运用srtedit软件了.071207 如果拿到的中文字幕和英文字幕的时间轴差不多的话,可以用srtedit 软件初步合成中英文字幕,再手动检查. 但是软件毕竟是死的,尤其是遇到中文字幕和英文字幕时间轴差很多的话,往往会出现大量的上下句翻译错开现象,此时,就需要人工一句一句 去检查对应贴好! 有人觉得这样还不如自己一句一句老老实实手动贴 来的方便!~ 总之,选一个合适自己的方法就行了. 2. 合成好的字幕一律为SRT格式. 如果领到的中文字幕是ass格式,那就用popsub软件(问组长要)转换一下即可. 双字幕只能是两句,也就是一句中文,一句英文,中文在上面,英文在下面. 如果中文字幕是断行的,也就是有2行或者3行中文字幕,请合并回去,英文字幕也一样,实在太长的也请合并好之后留在那里,让校对人员处理.

以下是错误的双字幕: [quote]1 00:03:41,710 --> 00:03:44,700 - 怎么回事? - 没事我马上出去 - What's going on? - Nothing. I will be right out. 2 00:03:44,710 --> 00:03:46,700 好我等你 Ok, I will wait for you. 3 00:03:46,710 --> 00:03:48,700 待会见 See you later. 修改后正确的双字幕如下: 1 00:03:41,710 --> 00:03:44,700 -怎么回事? -没事我马上出去



co-production 联合拍摄production摄制Consultant 策划 project supervisor专案主管executive producer执行监制senior producer总监制 assiatant producer助理监制 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人?P roducer 制片人? Production Controller 制片总监?P roduction Director 监制人? Production Supervisor 制片监制?C o-Producer 联合制片人? Associate Producer 助理制片人?E xecutive Producer 执行制片 Produced by制作人?p roduction co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记 location manager 外联制片production administration 行政制作administration supervisor行政主管marketing producer制片主任 production manager制片production secreary制作秘书 production accountant制作会计unit manager 项目经理?c lapper 场记板 Chief Director 总导演Director 导演?A ssistant Director 助理导演? Associate Director 副导演 Shooting Script 分镜头剧本?O riginal Story 原著?A dapted by 改编?B ased on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编?W riter编剧 Written by / Scripted by 编剧screenplay by 编剧script translation剧本翻译english subtitles by英文字幕翻译 Conducted by 指挥 Director of Photography 总摄影?C inematography摄影?C inematography by 摄影?Associate Director of Photography 副摄影师?C utter 剪辑师?M ontage 剪辑(蒙太奇 Film Editing剪辑?f irst cameta assistant 副摄影师camera assistant摄影助理Fireworks 烟火?L ighting 灯光,照明?lighting assistant 灯光助理


documentary(film)记录片,文献片 filmdom电影界literaryfilm文艺片musicals音乐片comedy喜剧片 tragedy悲剧片draculamovie恐怖片sowordsmenfilm武侠片detectivefilm侦探片ethicalfilm伦理片affectionalfilm爱情片eroticfilm黄色片westernmovies西部片filmd’avant-garde前卫片 serial系列片 trailer预告片 cartoon(film)卡通片,动画片 footage影片长度 full-lengthfilm,featur efilm长片short(film)短片 colourfilm彩色片(美 作:colorfilm) silentfilm默片,无声片 dubbedfilm配音复制的影 片,译制片 silentcinema,silentfil ms无声电影 soundmotionpicture,tal kie有声电影 cinemascope,CinemaScop e西涅玛斯科普型立体声 宽银幕电影,变形镜头式 宽银幕电影 cinerama,Cinerama西涅 拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影, 全景电影 title片名 originalversion原着 dialogue对白 subtitles,subtitling字 幕 credits,credittitles对 原作者及其他有贡献者的 谢启和姓名 telefilm电视片 演员actors cast阵容 filmstar,moviestar电影 明星 star,lead主角 double,stand-in替身演 员 stuntman特技替身演员 extra,walker-on临时演 员 characteractor性格演员 regularplayer基本演员 extra特别客串 filmstar电影明星 filmactor男电影明星 filmactress女电影明星 support配角 util跑龙套 工作人员technicians adapter改编


co-production联合拍摄production摄制Consultant策划 projectsupervisor专案主管executiveproducer执行监制seniorproducer总监制 assiatantproducer助理监制 Post-ProductionSupervisor后期制片监制人Producer制片人ProductionController制片总监ProductionDirector监制人ProductionSupervisor制片监制Co-Producer联合制片人 AssociateProducer助理制片人ExecutiveProducer执行制片 Producedby制作人productionco-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记 locationmanager外联制片productionadministration行政制作administrationsupervisor行政主管marketingproducer制片主任productionmanager制片productionsecreary制作秘书 productionaccountant制作会计unitmanager项目经理clapper场记板 ChiefDirector总导演Director导演AssistantDirector助理导演AssociateDirector副导演 ShootingScript分镜头剧本OriginalStory原著Adaptedby改编BasedonX’ sY(电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编Writer编剧 Writtenby/Scriptedby编剧screenplayby编剧scripttranslation剧本翻译englishsubtitlesby英文字幕翻译 Conductedby指挥 DirectorofPhotography总摄影Cinematography摄影Cinematographyby摄 影AssociateDirectorofPhotography副摄影师Cutter剪辑师Montage剪辑 (蒙太奇 FilmEditing剪辑firstcametaassistant副摄影师cameraassistant摄影助理Fireworks烟火Lighting灯光,照明lightingassistant灯光助理


09记录大片《家园Home》中英文对照字幕和影评 本文来源: https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd18356147.html,/shuimu%5Fqing 该电影用了18个月时间在50多个国家进行拍摄,2009年6月5日全球电影院、电视台、DVD、互联网首映,免费无版权方式。官方网站:https://www.360docs.net/doc/fd18356147.html,/us/index.html 影评: Mtime一句话影评,wires: 超唯美的纪录片,每一分钟的定格都是美丽至极,有的是自然之美、远古之美,但更多的是脆弱之美、邪恶之美、贪欲之美、即将消失之美。 (豆瓣)xoxo: 花费15年拍摄的记录片,WOW!片子由我最崇拜的法籍摄影师Y ann Arthus-Bertrand拍的,采集了地球上最美的北极、西伯利亚、南极、格陵兰岛、乞力马扎罗山、喜马拉雅山脉、世界大城市上空鸟瞰之景(迪拜、洛杉矶、东京、北京、上海、班加罗尔)、非洲大草原、亚马逊河、马尔代夫等等,以极致诗意化的记录描述,阐释20世纪以来的现代人,是如何打破这一切完美的生态平衡的。 再过50年,我们的地球将面临生态灾难,而这不是科幻小说的情节,因为切切实实地极地冰盖层在加速地消失着,希望大家都能看看这部片子。 (豆瓣)Iris?(loathe) 来,我们给自己写下墓志铭 没有完整看简介,看到说导演用了15年,走了50个国家进行拍摄,也好奇豆瓣9.3的高分,于是下了这部《家园》。 影片开头的十几分钟,绚丽的色彩、开阔的俯瞰以及那些自然景观形成的抽象图形和线条让我误以为这是一部歌颂地球和谐美好,大自然鬼斧神工的风光片——我完全错了。 航拍画面平稳推进,背景音乐散发着神秘气息,旁白用第二人称描述人类的时候,仿佛有一种神明的视角与口吻。当然我们多数人早就被打造成坚定的无神论者了,被问及信仰的时候可以轻蔑地讪笑对方。没有信仰,于是也没有忌惮,相信人定胜天,相信无限的主观能动性。即使偶尔搬出神仙们来,也多是为了些自己的琐碎小事。我们的专注力相当有限,专注于积敛财富,经营舒适生活,追求幸福人生。 当场景从自然变作乡村,变作城镇,最终变成摩天大楼林立的钢筋森林的时候,我一时错觉,仿佛看到科幻片里邪恶力量切入的铺垫。广袤农场上的巨型收割机,拥挤不毛的人工牧场,铺满塑料的温室大棚,戴防毒面具全副武装的工人在喷洒农药,还有匀速摆动的石油开采机——这一切带给我们生存下去的安全感。这些画面令我陌生和震惊,以及反胃,我想起那些科幻题材里毁灭地球的邪恶外星生物了。 生命的长度和广度有限,欲望却从来没有限度,那些表面正当的专注力以耗费一切有可能利用的能源和资源为代价,就应当被称作狭隘和残忍。看似合理的出发点演绎出荒谬的结果。影片叙述,人类为了抵抗饥饿砍伐森林进行耕作,为了填饱更多人的肚子利用石油发展现代农业,现代农业50%的产出没有用来救济饥饿边缘的贫民而用来生产肉类和制作新型燃料,为了满足食欲耗尽地球几十亿年的积蓄。这很可笑

电影专业术语 中英文对照

documentary(film)记录片,文献片filmdom电影界literaryfilm文艺片 musicals音乐片comedy喜剧片tragedy悲剧片draculamovie恐怖片sowordsmenfilm武侠片 detectivefilm侦探片 ethicalfilm伦理片affectionalfilm爱情片 eroticfilm黄色片westernmovies西部片filmd’avant-garde 前卫片 serial系列片 trailer预告片 cartoon(film)卡通 片,动画片 footage影片长度 full-lengthfilm,f eaturefilm长片 short(film)短片 colourfilm彩色片 (美作:colorfilm) silentfilm默片,无 声片 dubbedfilm配音复 制的影片,译制片 silentcinema,sile ntfilms无声电影 soundmotionpictur e,talkie有声电影 cinemascope,Cinem aScope西涅玛斯科 普型立体声宽银幕 电影,变形镜头式宽 银幕电影 cinerama,Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声 宽银幕电影,全景电 影 title片名 originalversion原 着 dialogue对白 subtitles,subtitl ing字幕 credits,credittit les对原作者及其他 有贡献者的谢启和 姓名 telefilm电视片 演员actors cast阵容 filmstar,moviesta r电影明星

star,lead主角double,stand-in替身演员 stuntman特技替身演员 extra,walker-on临时演员characteractor性格演员regularplayer基本演员 extra特别客串filmstar电影明星filmactor男电影明星 filmactress女电影明星 support配角 util跑龙套 工作人员technicians adapter改编scenarist,scriptw riter脚本作者 dialoguewriter对 白作者 productionmanager 制片人 producer制片主任 filmdirector导演 assistantdirector 副导演,助理导演 cameraman,setphot ographer摄影师 assistantcamerama n摄影助理 propertymanager,p ropsman道具员 artdirector布景师 (美 作:setdecorator) stagehand化装师 lightingengineer 灯光师 filmcutter剪辑师 soundengineer,rec ordingdirector录 音师 scriptgirl,contin uitygirl场记员 scenariowriter,sc enarist剧作家 distributor发行人 BoardofCensors审 查署 shootingschedule 摄制计划 censor’ scertificate审查 级别 release准予上映 bannedfilm禁映影 片 A-certificateA级 (儿童不宜) U-certificateU级
