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Chapter 1

Invitations to Linguistics

1.What is language

Senses of language in Webster’s New World Dictionary (our book, p.

2) “Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human

communication. “(Wardaugh)

2.Design features of language语言设计特征

1. arbitrariness (任意性)

2. duality (双重性)

3. Creativity (创造性) or productivity

4. displacement (移位性)

5. interchangeability (互换性)

6. specialization (专业化)

7. cultural transmission (文化传承)

3.Functions of Language(语言功能)

Jakobson’s view: (情感功能) (指代功能) (诗学功能)

(寒暄功能) (元语言) (意动功能) Halliday’s view: 1.ideational function (概念功能) 2.

Interpersonal function(人际功能) 3.

Textual function(语篇功能)

Functions on the book: (告知性的) Function(人际功能) (行事功能)

Function Communion(寒暄功能) Function(娱乐

功能) Function(元语言功能)

4.What Is Linguistics

• Linguistics is the scientific study of language or the science of language.

•1) Exhaustiveness(穷尽性)2) Consistency(贯通性) 3) Economy(经济性) 4) Objectivity(客观性)

vs. performance

言语能力 vs. 言语行为

•N oam Chomsky in his Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.

•C ompetence refers to a language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules.

•P erformance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.

Chapter 2

Speech sounds

1.Consonants and vowels

Distinction between consonants and vowels: the

obstruction (阻塞) of airstream

2.Minimal pairs and minimal sets(最小对立体)


① When two words are identical in every way except for a

contrast in one sound segment occurring in the same

position in the string, the two words are called a minimal

pair 最小对立体.

: pit and bit junk and chunk

ban and bin bet and bat

②A minimal pair should follow three conditions: 1) they are

different in meaning; 2) they differ only in one sound

segment; 3) the different sounds occur in the same

position in the strings.

Chapter 3

From morpheme to phrase

1.Root & affix

Root 词根: morpheme which is the basic part of a word.

(Occur on its own、may be joined to other

roots、or take affixes (manly, coldness) or

combining forms (biochemistry)

2 It is that part of the word left when all the affixes are



4.All words contain a root morpheme Affix词缀: letter or sound, or group of letters or sounds(=a

morpheme), which is added to a word, and

which changes the meaning or function of the



2. inflectional affix 曲折词缀 and derivational affix 派


Chapter 5


1.The Referential Theory(所指理论)

①The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of

a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known

as the referential theory.

②Reference 所指 refers to the relationship between a

word and the object it denotes in the physical world, .

denotation 外延 in philosophy.

