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1. So long.再见。

2. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)

3. Allow me.让我来。

4. Be quiet! 安静点!

5. Cheer up! 振作起来!

6. Good job! 做得好!

7. Have fun! 玩得开心!

8. How much? 多少钱?

9.I'm hungry.我饿了。

10.I'm thirty .我渴了

11.I'm tired .我累了。

12.I'm full.我饱了。

13. I'm home.我回来了。

14. I'm lost.我迷路了。


15.How old are you ?你多大了?

16.I'm ……我……

17.How old is she ?她多大了?

18.She is ……她……

19 .How old is he ?他多大了?

20.He is ……他……

21.How many ?多少?


23.How much is it ?多钱?

24.It's sixteen yuan .16元。

25.How much are they ?多钱?

26.They are thirty -five yuan.35元。

27 .What 's three and four?三加四等于几?

28.Three plus four equals seven .三加四等于七。

29.Eight plus two equals ten . 八加二等于十。

30.Thirteen plus eight equals twenty-one.



31.How 's the weather ?天气怎么样?

32.It's cool.很凉快。

33.It's warm and rainy .温暖、多雨。

34.It's hot and sunny .晴朗、炎热。

35.What's the weather like today ?今天天气怎么样?

36.The weather is cold and snowy .下雪、寒冷。

37.The weather is windy and cloudy .多云有风。


38.Excuse me.打扰了。

39.Where is the gym?体育馆在哪里?

40.I can show you .我带你去。

41.Here it is .在这儿。

42.Thanks .谢谢。

43.You are welcome .不客气。

44.Where is the library ?图书馆在哪里?

45.Across from the office .穿过办公室。

46.Is that far from here ?离这远吗?

47.No! It's just up the stairs!不,就在楼上。

48.Let me help you .让我帮你吧。

49.Thank you .谢谢。

50.Where are you going ?你准备去哪里?

51.To the office .去办公室。

52.To the stairs .去楼上。

53.Can you help me ?你能帮我吗?

54.Yes ?怎么了?

55.I'm lost .我迷路了。

56.Dou you have a map ?你有地图吗?

57.Yes,Here it is .有,在这儿。

58.What do you want to do ?你想做什么?

59.I want to buy a pair of shoes.我想买一双鞋。

60.What do you want to buy ?你想买什么?

61.Ice -cream.冰淇淋。

62.May I help you ?我能帮你忙吗?

63.Yes. I want to buy a dress.是的,我想买一件裙子。

64.Where are the dresses ?裙子在哪呢?

65.I'll show you .我带你去。

66.This way , please .这边请。

67.Here they are .在这儿。

68.Do you like them .你喜欢吗?


70.Can you play cards?你会玩牌吗?

71.No. I can't .不,我不会。

72.Yes . You can .是的,我会。

73.Go fish.出牌。


75.Where does a fish live ?鱼居住在哪里?

76.In a river .在河里。

77 .Where does a panda live ?熊猫居住在哪里?

78.In a forest .森林里。

79.Where does a bird live ?鸟居住在哪里?

73 .In a tree.树上。

80.Where does a snake live ?蛇居住在哪里

81.In a hole .洞里。
