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6. Light Meal 便餐
Bread Snack Instant noodle Noodle Biscuit [΄biskit]=cracker Cake Chocolate Chips=French fries Sandwich 面包 小吃 方便面 面条 饼干 蛋糕 巧克力 炸薯条/片 三明治(夹心面包)
花茶 砖茶
3. Juice
Orange juice Pineapple juice Apple juice Tomato juice Lemonade Peach juice Cucumber juice 橙汁 凤梨/菠萝汁 番茄汁 柠檬水 桃汁 黄瓜汁
4. Soft drink /soda water 碳酸饮料
Ladies and gentlemen: We will be serving meal with tea, coffee and other soft drinks. Please put down the table in front of you and take what you like. Hope you enjoy your meal!
Rice Chicken Beef Fish Hamburger Ham Sausage Curried Chicken with Rice Stewed Beef with Noodle
米饭 鸡肉 牛肉 鱼肉 汉堡包 火腿 香肠 咖哩鸡饭 红烧牛肉面
Strawberry Sundae Cream Butter Sugar Green Salad Strawberry jam Yogurt
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ电视监控器
a. A flight attendant demonstrates proper usage of a seatbelt b. A flight attendant demonstrates proper usage of the oxygen masks. c. A flight attendant demonstrates proper usage of an inflatable life jacket. d. A flight attendant shows the safety manual to the passengers.
Passengers reception Seat arrangement Luggage arrangement Announcement explanation Safety instruction Special service Special passengers service (sick, disabled, etc) Meal and drink service In-flight entertainment service Transfer service Duty free sales Form-filling (entry) introduction Preparation for emergency situation First aid
Beverage and Meal
Beverage 饮料 1. coffee
White coffee with sugar or not Black coffee with sugar or not Irish coffee爱尔兰咖啡 Cappuccino 意式卡布其诺 Espresso 意式香浓咖啡(小杯)
Match the sentences (a-g) with the following pictures.
safety demonstration: 安全演示
illuminate:照明;照亮 video: 电视, 录象, 视频
television monitor:
Unit II On the Plane 第二单元 在飞机上 Lesson One: Having Meals
Warm up
Look at the following picture on the plane. Can you speak out the name of each part? And say something about the function of each part.
协 助 填 写 海 关 申 报 单
Teaching Objectives
To understand how to order drinks and meals. To know how to offer in-flight services. To know how to deal with facilities. To know how to use useful expressions.
Thanks for your attention!
5. Alcoholic beverage 酒精饮料
Bear Red wine white wine Brandy Whisky Spirit =alcohol Liquor Vodka Cocktail Dry Martini 啤酒 红葡萄酒 白葡萄酒 白兰地酒 威士忌酒 白酒 烈性酒 伏特加酒 鸡尾酒 干马提尼酒
Coke, Coca-cola 可口可乐 Pepsi[`pepsi] 百事可乐 Sprite 雪碧 Seven-up 七喜汽水 Mineral[΄minərəl] water 矿泉水 Almond [a:mənd] milk=apricot [΄eiprikƆt] milk Tonic 杏仁露
2. tea
Green tea, 绿茶 Black tea (fermented tea) 红茶 Wulong tea (diet[΄daiət] tea) White tea (silver needle) 乌龙茶 Scented [‘sentid] tea Tightly pressed tea 银针茶
欧洲游领队服务 子情境2
English for Tour Leaders
Unit II On the Plane 第二单元 在飞机上
协 助 游 客 调 换 座 位
协 助 游 客 填 写 入 境 卡
照 料 游 客 机 上 用 餐
熟 悉 机 上 救 生 设 备
解 答 游 客 提 问
Mocha Coffee 摩卡咖啡 Mexico Coffee 墨西哥咖啡 Turkey Coffee 土尔其咖啡 American Coffee 美式咖啡 Royal Coffee Chocolate Coffee 英国皇家咖啡 Caféau Lait Soybeanccino 瑞士巧克力咖啡 法式牛奶咖啡
草莓圣代 奶油 黄油 糖 蔬菜色拉 草莓酱 酸奶
Unit II On the Plane 第二单元 在飞机上 Lesson Two: In- flight Safety Demonstration 第2课 安全设备演示
In- flight Safety Demonstration
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to direct your attention to the television monitors. We will be showing our safety demonstration and would like the next few minutes of your complete attention."