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3、被授权方有权对涉嫌侵犯授权方享有的知识产权的商品进行真伪鉴定,出具鉴定书等。被授权方实施的以上行为均视为授权方的行为,因此给腾讯公司或任何第三方造成损失的,由授权方承担赔偿责任,被授权方对此承担连带保证责任。本授权书有效期至201X年X月X日。授权方:盖章(或签字)被授权方:盖章(或签字)poer of attornee, ________________ , a pan organized andexisting under the las of _____ , hereb

authorize: _____________infringment matters as folloing: 1) liaisingith administrative, polie,

judiial, prouratorate, ustoms or other relevant

authorities; preparing, signing and filing on our behalf plaints andother relevant douments and materials; 2) olleting and submittingevidene; arring out notarizations;

3) transferring the authorizationgranted hereafter; verifing and onfirming the authentiit of produts andissuing letters of authentiit; 4) onfirming the pries

of genuine produts and issuing letters of onfirmation; 5)partiipating in hearings on our behalf and handling relevant matters;6) olleting on our behalf damages and other paments; 7) reeivingpunishment

deisions and other douments; and 8) taking an other neessar ationsto pursue the liabilities of

an infringers.implementation of all the above

ations b _________shall be regarded as the behavior of us. therefore,if there are an damages or losses thereb aused to tenent or an thirdpart, e shall bear the liabilit for the hole pensation, and

_________shall bear the joint liabilit.the poer granted to __________shall be valid upon signature and remain valid until

_________.signature: name: title: date:知识产权侵权投诉授权委托书我我们_____________________________,是_______国的公民法人,根据《中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例》,兹委托



__________________________(授权号:__________)的知识产权海关保护事宜。ie,_________________________________,itizen legal entit

of_____________,hereb authorize

_____________________________ (

address: ___________________________________) to represent me us inustoms

reordation and protetion matters on intelletual propert for m ouripr

_____________________________________ under registration ertifiateno.

_________.委托单位名称或委托人姓名:authorized b (print or tpename):

_____________________________委托单位印章或委托人签字:seal orsignature:

