八年级英语下学期peopleand work




英语八年级英语下册任务型阅读及答案经典一、八年级英语下册任务型阅读专项练习(含答案解析)1.任务型阅读How to Become a Radio DJDo you have a great voice? Have you ever thought about A (become) a radio DJ? Working as a DJ can be exciting but it also needs experience. If you want to be a DJ, the following are usual the ways to start.Intern(实习生). It's a dirty job. Unluckily, most radio station workers start as an intern. This means working long hours without pay. It will help you do better at the radio station.Events. Because you can't get a DJ job with no experience, you might want to work as a DJ for events. Weddings, parties and special situations all need DJs to provide the music and some laughs. This is a great way to learn to work with people and play music.Fill in (替补). If you work at a radio station, you can ask to be put on the “fill in” list for DJs. So if the main DJ gets sick, you can fill in for him or her to get some experience.Late, late night. Usually the first job for a DJ is a late shift (晚班). In other words you may be on air B from 1 am. to 5 am. , B you will get more experience.根据短文内容,完成下列小题。



仁爱版英语八年级下学期全册教案仁爱版英语八年级下学期全册教案Unit 5二教材分析本单元的三个话题紧紧围绕情感这个主题展开第一部分通过KangkangMariaJane和Michael四个同学谈论《音乐之声》以及与MrLee的谈话自然地引出了高兴和快乐失望和遗憾的情感第二部分由Beth的哭泣引出伤心的情感进而由老师的出现引出安慰及建议等用语第三部分围绕Michael的病情巩固各种情感并引出事物对情感的影响本单元主要以活动的形式联系生活实际把英语教学和情感教育有机地结合起来Topic1这个话题通过MrLee和同学们对话呈现了孩子们的高兴和李老师因没有票而感到失望和遗憾进而引出各种情感集中体现了有关情感的形容词及一些短语在这个话题中你将学会如何表达自己的情感如何描述自己或他人的情感还可以了解一些戏剧和电影等方面的相关知识主要句型有YoulookfeelsoundTheyareveryluckyDidMichaelsmothersoundworriedHowdoesMrLeefeelHefeelsdisappointedWhyishedisappointedBecausehecantgetthetickettoTheSoundofMusic三教学建议Topic1SectionASectionA需用12课时重点活动是12和3教学目标1能听懂谈论个人情感的比较熟悉的话题获取主要信息2掌握beadj的用法教学过程第一步复习师生问候谈谈寒假生活及过春节的感受如TeacherHowareyouHowareyoudoingStudent1FinethanksTeacherYoulooksohappywhyStudent1IcomebacktoschoolagainsoImgladtoseemyclassmates TeacherDidyouhaveagoodwinterholidayStudent2YesIdidTeacherHowaboutyourSpringFestivalStudent2IhadawonderfulSpringFestivalIgot TeacherWhyallthesmilingfaces StudentsBecausetodayisthefirstdayofthisterm第二步呈现1在师生对话之后老师板书呈现课题Unit5Topic1内容2之后老师总结Weareallhappytoday老师提问WhataboutKangkangandMichael放录音1请同学们听录音并从所听对话中找到答案KangkanglooksexcitedMichaelishappy3打开课本请同学们跟读1的对话师生共同检查答案教师同时在黑板上写出关键词句HowareyoudoingexcitedticketswantTheSoundofMusicspend happysaythanksto4学生看着关键词分组进行对话让学生试着表演对话第三步巩固学生做2先小组讨论然后检查答案教学生词surprisedworried第四步练习1老师说KangkangMichaelMariaandJanearehappy问①Whyallthesmilingfaces②HowdoesMrLeefeel2放录音3请同学们听录音并从所听对话中找到答案①BecausetheyaregoingtospendtheeveningatKangkangshouse②Hefeelsdisappointed3教学生词讲解重难点smileBeijingOperaluckydisappointedWhatashame4学生跟读录音然后人机对话即学生和录音机对话再进行角色表演5让学生用自己的话复述13内容成为一则小故事第五步综合探究活动1双人活动讨论4内容向全班汇报结果2根据图片教学richunhappystupidsillycruel3四人一小组完成5内容学会beadj的用法例如让学生根据下面表格写一篇小短文然后四人一小组讨论修改推出最佳作品由小组选举一名报告员向全班汇报自己小组的成果ApoormanArichmanhappyunhappynotlonelylonelykindcruelpopularunpopularstupidsillysmartSectionBSectionB需用12课时重点活动是12和3教学目标1能利用恰当的句子表达自己的情感2能就个人情感的话题进行简单的交流3掌握原因状语从句4能简单地谈论关于电影的话题教学过程第一步复习1请学生朗读自己完成的上一节课的作品2教师提问IsthepoormankindorcruelIstherichmanpopularorunpopularIsthepoormanhappyorunhappyHowdoestherichmanfeel第二步呈现1教师提问①HowdoesMrLeefeel②Whyishedisappointed③DoesKangkanglikePekingOpera④WhatdoesKangkanglikebest2放录音1请同学们听录音并从所听对话中找到答案①Hefeelsdisappointed②BecausehecantgetaticketstoTheSoundofMusic③NohedoesntHedoesntlikeitatall④HelikesLoveMeOnceMoreMom3打开课本请同学们跟读课本1的对话核对自己的答案教师同时在黑板上写出关键词disappointedfavoritePekingOperamoving4学生看着关键词四人一小组进行角色对话让学生试着表演对话第三步巩固1练习询问及回答原因的句型WhyBecause2用图片或实物教学生词proudIDcardpassportmonitor3完成2第四步练习1教师说MichaelisntabletocometoKangkangshousebecausehehasatemperatureIhopeeve rythinggoeswellSowhomayuseMichaelsparentsticketsLetslistentothetape 2放录音3请同学们听录音并从所听的对话中找到答案MrLeemayusetheirtickets3教学生词短语讲解难点①setthetable摆好餐桌准备开饭②haveatemperature同义词组为haveafever③beableto同义词为can④Ihopeeverythinggoeswell⑤ringupsb ringsbup意为打电话给某人当宾语是代词时必须用ring代词up形式如Pleaseringhimup请给他打个电话同义词组为givesbacallgivesbaringcallsbtelephonesb4学生跟读录音然后双人活动进行角色对话5学生用自己的语言复述13a的内容第五步综合探究活动1让学生完成3b根据3b完成下列表格NameFeelingsReason KangkangdisappointedHisbestfriendisnotabletocomeMichaelsmotherMrLeeMichael2根据以上表格学生双人活动进行对话如WhyisKangkangdisappointed康康为什么失望Becausehisbestfriendisnotabletocome因为他最好的朋友不能来3四人一小组互相观察面部表情小组中每个人的表情必须不一样写成一段话后小组选举一位报告员向全班同学展示SectionCSectionC需用1课时重点活动是1和2教学目标1能根据上下文猜测生词的意思2能从本节图文中找出有关信息理解大意3提高阅读理解能力教学过程第一步复习1请学生继续展示上节课自己完成的小短文2教师提问几名学生根据小短文问答Issbworrieddisappointedsurprisedangrysadhappy第二步呈现1教师导入Thisclasswelllearnawell-knownfilmTheSoundofMusicWasthefatherinthefilm happyorsadLetslistentothetape2放录音1请同学们听录音并从所听短文中找到答案3自读1的内容根据上下文猜测生词意思并划出表达情感的词4教学生词再读课文掌握大意回答文后问题5让学生说出表情感的单词教师同时板书关键词之后老师用红笔画出表情感的单词popularMariacareforAustriasadandtiredlonelyangrycheeruplivelyfunnyatf irstmadpleasedhappy第三步巩固让学生根据以上关键词试着复述课文第四步练习1让学生着重学习表情感的单词教学生词nervousTitanicAmericafallintofellintofrightenedendintheendactoractres s2阅读并完成2第五步综合探究活动1四人一小组谈论自己所喜爱的电影尽量多地用上表情感的单词完成32参考2写自己最喜爱的电影SectionDSectionD需用1课时重点活动是1a1b和1c教学目标1能从所读文章中找出有关信息理解大意2能从所听语言材料中获取所需信息补充短文3能初步建立起学生对中国京剧的认识4归纳总结Topic1所学句型及交际用语教学过程第一步复习1让学生读一读上节课完成的电影简介2教师点评用上HowmovingHowexcitingHowinteresting等感叹句3教师问WhichdoyoulikebettermoviesorPekingOperaDoyoulikePekingOperaDoyouknowanythingaboutPekingOpera第二步呈现1教师导入PekingOperahasahistoryof200yearsTherearefourmainrolesinitTheyareSheng DanJingChouWouldyouliketoknowthemLetslookat1a2阅读1a根据上下文猜测出生词判断正误1PekingOperahasahistoryof100years2ItsmusicandsingingcomefromXipiandErhuang3ItexpressesChineseculture4FewpeoplelikePekingOpera3讲解生词重难点①express②culture③facial④gesture⑤fighting⑥befullof第三步巩固1学生根据短文完成1b2师生共同检查答案第四步练习1教师说AsweknowgoodpeoplewilleventuallyberewardedSodotherolesinPekingOperaLe tsread1c让学生打开课文1c浏览1c掌握大意2让学生听录音1c完成短文3师生共同检查答案4教学生词disagreementpeacelaughter第五步综合探究活动1四人一组进行自主学习每人负责归纳整理一个section的重点句型与词组最后四人将总结的结果合并在一起向全班同学汇报与全班共享Topic1的重点句型与词组并与2a2b进行对照2学唱DoReMi3如有条件让学生欣赏或穿上各种角色的戏服来一段各种角色都有的京剧比一比看谁演得好教学评估听写ThepopularbooksarenotthesameSomebooksdescribethelifeoftherichsomedesc ribethelifeofthepoorsomepeopleinthebooksarestupidorsillysomepeopleare cleversomepeoplearesurprisedattheirone-nightsuccesssomepeopleareproud oftheirhardworkInordertoexpressmoreinformationwiththepeoplesgesturess omedirectorsputthebooksonTVOfcoursebothbooksandTVshowscanbringpeoplem orehappinessTopic2SectionASectionA需用1课时重点活动是12和3教学目标1进一步学习并掌握个人情感及个性的词汇2能用有关情感的形容词准确表达个人情感3在beadj结构基础上掌握linkingverbadjprep结构教学过程第一步复习利用单词接龙比赛复习表情感的词汇比赛规则分四大组进行竞赛每人只有一次机会在黑板上写一个单词在规定的时间内看哪组写得多写得对准确率高单词写得多的组获胜第二步呈现1教师说Todaywearegoingtolearnmorewordsaboutfeelings2教学生词shystrictpatientexplainoverandoveragainunderstandbepleasedwithresultb oredanxiouslinefallbehindsatisfactionsurprise3教师导入指着生词shy拿着图1说BethisaquietandshygirlSheiscryinginthewashroomWhyLetslistentothetapea ndfindtheanswer4放录音1请同学们听录音并从所听对话中找到答案ShehasnofriendshereShemayfeellonely5打开课本请同学们跟读课本1的对话查对答案6讲解重难点并板书①Anythingwrong②Whatseemstobetheproblem③Idontknowwhattodo④Sheshouldbemoreactive第三步巩固1教师指着一名学生说×××ishelpfulHeShealwayshelpshisherclassmateswiththeirEnglishAndheshefeel sveryhappyThegirlinthepictureishelpfultooLetslookatthepicturesandread theexample2教师解释第一图然后让学生两人一小组读2中的对话3让学生两人一小组参照课本2中的第一幅图的对话试着说出后三幅图的对话然后把它们写下来并练习而后进行汇报第四步练习让学生看3的图仿照例句进行造句练习注意adj后搭配的prep第五步综合探究活动1教师把事先预备好的纸条上面写着不同的情感词汇分给各个小组让一个学生看并表演让其他同学猜他所要表达的是何种情感2各组选派代表汇报4听录音选出各组内表达不同类情感的句子并分组归纳情感表达法最后汇报全班一起分享成果FeelingsProblemsAnxiousTiredBoredAngryWorriedPleasedNervousAdullclassTUsingmythingsFallingbehindothersPoorresultsatschoolTheexamOthersmistakesSectionBSectionB需用1课时重点活动是12和3a教学目标1能用简单的语言描述自己或他人的情感2能根据具体的情景给出恰当的建议3能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演活动教学过程第一步复习以竞赛形式让学生复习总结不同的情感表达法第二步呈现1教师导入WeknowBethisaquietandshygirlIseverythingallrightnowLetslistentothetap e2放录音1请同学们听录音并回答下列写在黑板上的问题①DoesBethliveinanewplace②WhomdoesBethwanttobeherfriend③Whoreassures 安慰 Beth④HowdoesBethfeelnow3打开课本请同学们跟读课本1的对话师生共同查对答案同时教师在黑板上写上关键词句IseverythingallrightespeciallytalktoliketohowDontworrystaywithmakesIa msureTheretherefeelbetter4讲解生词及重难点5让学生看着课本两人一组自由对话然后看着黑板上的关键词句进行人机对话即学生与录音机对话试着背出对话第三步巩固1教师说WhensomeproblemshappentosomeonewecangivesomeadvicetohimListentothepro blemsandnumbertheadvicegiven2放录音2让学生完成2然后检查答案3教学生词calmdown第四步练习1调查学生年龄然后说SomeofyouareinyourearlyteensYouareteenagersManypeopleintheirteensofte nfeelunhappyandsadItisnormaltofeelsadwhenunhappythingshappentousLetsl istentothedoctorsvaluablesuggestions2教学生词teenagersuggestionexperiencenormalsoft3放录音3a让学生看书跟读并找出医生的建议4四人一小组熟读3a5三人一小组进行对话一记者一医生一青少年6完成3b第五步综合探究活动1设计一个情景你的朋友很伤心你很担心她他与你的同桌一同探讨问题所在并找出最好的解决办法写下你们的建议2串演对话SectionA1与SectionB1SectionCSectionC需用12课时重点活动是1a和2a教学目标1掌握形容词比较等级用法规则特别是同级比较2能就信的内容表达自己的观点和意见参与讨论教学过程第一步复习复习形容词的比较级最高级写出下列形容词的比较级最高级形式lovelypatientfunnyactivehelpfulhumorousquietshysmartbravefatlittle第二步呈现1教师导入DoyourememberBethSheisaquietandshygirlShelivesinanewcityShehassomepro blemsSosheisunhappyShewritesalettertoherfriendCeliatogetsomeadvice Letsfindtheanswersin1a2放录音1a请同学们听录音并从所听短文中找到答案3自读1a的内容根据上下文猜测生词意思回答下列问题①IsBethastrangerhere②Aretheroadshereascleanasthoseinherhometown③Whatsthetroublewithher4教学生词讲解重难点①strangeradvicegetusedtoacceptjoininpartnerfitinhumorous②Howtimeflies③HowIwishtostaywithyou④Ihavetogetusedtoeverythingnew⑤Theroadsherearenotascleanasthoseinourhometown⑥ThefoodisnotasdeliciousasourSichuanfoodeither⑦Itrytojoininactivitiesofmanykinds⑧Butnoonewantstobemypartner第三步巩固让学生再次通读1a四人一小组讨论给出一些建议完成1b选举报告员向全班汇报然后把好的建议一条一条写下来第四步练习1学生看课本2a的表格按要求尽量多地造句教师可先举例然后让学生分组竞赛完成CeliaislovelyHelenismorelovelythanCeliaSueisthemostlovelyoneofthethreeCeliaisnotasactiveasHelenSueisashumorousasCelia2引导学生写一篇介绍HelenCelia和Sue的文章第五步综合探究活动1根据2a的表格完成2b可先口头练习然后再写成书面汇报2假如你是Celia请根据课本1a中Celia的来信和你们小组讨论出的建议给Beth 写一封回信如时间不够可留作课外作业SectionDSectionD需用1课时重点活动是1和3教学目标1归纳总结Topic2所学句型及交际用语2能读懂教材给出的阅读材料并从中树立正确的人生价值观教学过程第一步复习1让学生展示上节课写给Beth的信师生共同修改2教师把其中给Beth的建议写在黑板上让学生读两遍第二步呈现1教师导入NobadycanbehappyallthetimesometimeswewillfeelunhappyevensadHowcanwede alwithoursadnessLet sreadthetext2让学生打开课文1浏览1根据上下文猜测生词3教学生词讲解重难点dealwithsadnessallthetimefailrelativekillrefuseargueunfairhitthoughfi nallyevermoneygame4学生自读1思考下列问题①Howdoyoufeelifyoufailtopassanexam②Howdoyoufeelifoneofthepeopleinyourfamilyhasdied③WhatdidJeffdotofeelbetter④WhatmakesyouunhapyHowcanyoufeelhappyagain5四人一组互相讨论上述问题达成共识得出结论6小组选举报告员向全班汇报自己组的结论教师同时教育学生要自信知足常乐树立正确的价值观第三步巩固1口头讨论课本3的答案2听录音3检查答案找个别学生朗读句子第四步练习1让学生用比赛的方式给下列短语造句①allthetime②failtodosth③dealwith④refusetodosth⑤arguewithsb⑥beimportanttosb⑦decidetodocom巩固beadj结构第五步综合探究活动四人一组进行自主学习每人负责归纳整理一个Section的重点句型与词组最后四人将总结的结果合并到一起向全班同学汇报与全班共享Topic2的重点句型与词组并与课本2a2b进行对照教学评估听写Ifateacheristooshythestudentscanthearhimclearlyifateacheristoostrictthestudentsmaybeafraidofhimifateacherispatientenoughhewillexplaintheha rdquestionsoverandoveragainuntilthestudentsunderstandthemAperfectteac hershouldbehumorousexperiencedandreadytoacceptdifferentsuggestionsWhe nthesurprisingthingshappeninclasshecancalmthemdownHeshouldgivesomeadv icetohisstudentsDoyourbestallthetimeandonedayyouwillsucceedandgetexce llentresultsUnit5Topic3SectionASectionA需用12个课时重点活动是1a和2教学目标1学习描述身体感觉的句子2继续学习表达对他人关心和建议的句子3复习表达个人情感的句子教学过程第一步复习教师叫一个学生站起来扮演一个生病的学生进行师生对话复习打电话及询问病情的语言TeacherHelloMayIspeaktoLiMingStudentHelloThisisLiMingspeakingTeacherWhatswrongwithyouStudentIhaveacold TeacherOhImsorrytohearthatDontworryTakeagoodrestStudentThanksalot第二步呈现1放录音1a请学生听录音回答下列问题①IsMichaelfeelingbetter②Whatisheworriedabout③Doeshelikegingersoup教师将句子写在投影片或黑板上在放录音前展示给学生让学生带着问题去听1a 2让学生打开课本跟读刚才所听对话检查答案然后由教师给出答案供学生参考3再读对话划出其中的生词教学生词tenseinjectiongingersoupbittertesttakeiteasy接着学生跟录音读单词然后教师点拨重点难点教师在黑板上写出这些重点句子ItmakesmesotenseThenursetheremakesmenervousmake宾语形容词使某人或物保持某种状态CalmdownAndmedicinetastessobitter第三步巩固1再放一遍录音完成1b2让学生跟录音读课文熟记重点然后分角色扮演活动3让学生做1c比一比看谁做得快完成后让他们举手读出他们所写单词评比谁写得最好最完整第四步练习1放录音2让学生跟读同时找出重点难点的句子2教师把这些句子板书在黑板上SomeprogramsonTVmakemewanttosleep IfwehavetimewellcomeovertoseeyouagainImnervousaboutthetestatthetheendofthemonthTakeiteasyJimcanplayinsteadofyouinsteadof代替替换3每四人一组分角色扮演4学生用自已的语言复述1a2的内容第五步综合探究活动1听录音3完成练习学习恐惧与安慰的情感表达2给学生创设一个情景假设班里的一位同学病了没有上学学生可任选一位同学别的三或四位同学相约去看他她自由发挥编写一段含有询问病情及安慰和建议的对话SectionBSectionB需用12个课时重点活动是1和3教学目标1描述事物影响情感变化2复习表示情感的形容词3能听懂谈论个人情感的话题获取主要信息教学过程第一步复习1请学生表演自己完成的上一节课的活动作品教师进行点评2复习一上节课的重点句型makeobjectadj TeacherWeareafraidofcatchingSARSbecauseStudentsItmakesussotenseTeacherMichaelhatestogotothehospitalbecause StudentsThenursetheremakeshimnervous第二步呈现1放录音完成下列表格找出与疾病或健康有关的情感形容词IllnessHealth2让学生快速阅读1师生共同检查答案同时划出生词3教学这些生词并由教师板书在黑板上然后点拨重难点makeourfeelingschangemakehimorhergetwellsoon第三步巩固1听录音1学生跟读2让学生和磁带齐读尽量熟记3放录音2完成2第四步练习1放录音3完成下列问题①Whatcanaffectpeoplesmoodinthegirlsopinion②WhatcanaffectpeoplesmoodinMrLeesopinion③Whatcanaffectpeoplesmoodintheboysopinion2打开课本让学生阅读3核对答案教师点评3师生一起共同找出生词教师教学生词affectasleepfallasleeponthewayhomesuddenlyspeechgiveaspeech第五步综合探究活动1完成42你认为什么会影响你的心情根据自己的实际情况仿照3写一段话SectionCSectionC需用1个课时重点活动是1a2和3教学目标1谈论颜色和心情的关系2由听说能力逐渐提高到阅读和写作能力3学会从阅读短文中获取相关信息4总结句型makeobjectadjv教学过程第一步复习1教师让学生轮流汇报上节课活动作品师生共同点评2教师指着身上衣服教师可特意穿上一件颜色亮的衣服去上课TeacherWhatcolorismycoatStudentItsredorangeTeacherDoyouknowwhyIwearthiscoatStudentWhyTeacherBecauseIamveryhappytoday第二步呈现1学生快速阅读课文1a完成1b2再认真读一遍课文找出课文中的关键词saddark-coloredhappybright-coloredchoicefeelingsdifferentcolorschange examples第三步巩固1学生利用板书中的关键词对短文进行口头复述2综合同学的复述以小组为单位进行讨论然后用书面形式写下来第四步练习1复习前面的重点句型makeobjectadjv2巩固1a的句型并完成23看着例句尽可能多地造句然后分小组检查推出较好的在全班展示第五步综合探究活动1分小组先讨论一下身边的事物怎样影响人的心情然后完成32做一个调查六人一组去采访周围的人有哪些事物影响他们的心情会有哪些后果然后在下一节课把成果向全班汇报ASurveyThingsHowwillpeoplefeelSectionDSectionD需用1个课时重点活动是1a1b和3教学目标1能读懂关于情感方面的说明文等文体的材料2归纳复习Topic3的语言知识3培养学生听说读写的综合能力教学过程第一步复习1复习所学过的关于情感的词汇TeacherHowmanywordscanyousayaboutfeelingsStudentHappysadworried2汇报上节课的调查结果教师点评第二步呈现1让学生阅读1a划出生词同时由教师把生词板书在黑板上2教学生词spiritrelaxedthoughtthinkoverdecisionsensesafety3让学生再读一遍1a根据内容判断正误①Playingsportscanhelpyourelax②Youneedntdoanythingwhenyouareinabadmood③YoucangethelpfromInternet④Drinkmorewinewhenyoufeelsad第三步巩固1小组活动完成1b2要点回顾完成2a和2b第四步练习补充一些相关的习题复习和巩固2a的内容翻译下列短语①太阳出来了它让我感觉很温暖②他的错误令他自己很生气③她总是让我发笑④这衣服我穿着显胖第五步综合探究活动1把班里的学生分成两大组 A和B 分别在黑板上写出表示情感的形容词比一比哪组最好最完整2AB两组相互交换在相应的单词下面画出相应的脸谱3擦去所有的单词各组挑选出一位同学看脸谱轮流进行双人对话A1HowdoeshefeelB1HeishappyA2HowdoesshefeelB2ShefeelssadA3B3教学评估听写JaneisillHermotheraskshertofollowthedoctor sadvicetakesomeChinesemedicinesoupHerexpressionisterriblebecauseittas tesverybitterShedoesntwanttodrinkanymoreSuddenlysheseeshermumsmilingt oherSoshechangeshermindandmakesadecisionShedrinksitupinonebreath Unit 6Topic 1Section ASection A需用12个课时重点活动是1a和 2a教学目标1 学习带有to do的句子和结果状语从句2 练习怎样预订车票3 学习填写关于订票的表格教学过程第一步复习老师与学生之间进行问答谈论关于他们最喜爱的交通方式如Teacher How do you usually come to schoolStudent I usuallyTeacher Whats your favorite way if youre going to travelStudent My favorite way isTeacher Why do you preferStudent Because第二步呈现1老师展示出Topic 1 Section A1b的图片教学生新单词并把它们写到黑板上airplane看图1师生之间进行问答Teacher Whats this in EnglishStudents Its an airplane Notes airplane AmE Aeroplane BrETeacher What do you think of traveling by airplaneStudents Its very fast but the price is very high看图3问答Teacher Is this a busStudents Yes it isTeacher What do you think of traveling by busStudents It takes too long2 将下面的句子写到黑板上让学生注意生词fieldvehicle group task① Were going on a spring field trip② Its too far for cyclingbut there are other vehicles for us to choose③ Lets work in groups to find out the information about the costs④ Kangkang and Michael your groups task is to find out the cost to go by train3 听1a的录音并回答下面的问题① Where will they go② Whats Kangkangs task③ Whats Helens task④ Whats Janes task第三步巩固完成1b并练习带有to do的句子和结果状语从句让学生给出自己的观点谈谈旅游的最好方式及原因如I think the best way to travel is by trainIt costs too much to go by taxi so I choose to go by bus第四步练习1 读2a老师给学生讲解重要的句子老师说Kangkangs classmates have already decided on the best way to go to Mount Tai is by train Now what will they do Yes they will book tickets 把重要的句子写到黑板上Clerk Can I help youTravelerId like to book some tickets pleaseClerk Where do you want to goTraveler We want to go to Mount TaiTraveler What about the priceClerkWeve got tickets at120 for the hard sleeper and180 for the soft sleeper然后学习2a的对话2 小组活动让学生读2a并表演对话3 完成2b两人一组仿照2a编一个相似的对话并根据对话填写自己的关于订票的表格第五步综合探究活动1 独立练习调查一下你家附近的一个旅馆然后填写下表Facilities priceRoom price2 假设康康要去你们镇旅游请为他预订一个房间并编写对话Section BSection B 需用12个课时重点活动是1b2和3教学目标1继续学习预订的有关知识2学生学会预订房间3继续学习动词不定式的用法教学过程第一步复习1 要求学生谈论不同的交通方式如Going by bus is too slow it takes too longGoing by train is comfortable and it doesnt cost so much2 找几对学生表演关于订票的对话第二步呈现1 老师展示一张宾馆的图片让学生学习生词TeacherKangkang and his classmates will arrive in Taian When they arrive there the first thing is to find a hotel Now look at this picture TeacherWhats thisStudentsIts a room in a hotelTeacherNow lets find out what things there are in the room学生学习新单词bathtub air-conditioning hotel reservation standard2 独立练习看宾馆房间价目表要求学生估价完成1a3 老师在黑板上写出问题学生听1b并且回答这些问题① What does Maria want to do② What things does a standard room have③ How much does a standard room cost④ How many rooms does Maria want to book⑤ How long will they stay第三步巩固1 学生听1b录音并读这个对话2 再读1b的对话并两人一组表演3 根据1b两人一组编一个相似的对话完成1c4 独立练习听录音填空完成2第四步练习1要求学生读3的e-mail用动词不定式填空2检查答案并读一遍完成3第五步综合探究活动两人一组编一个关于预订宾馆的对话并能表演出来Section CSection C 需用12课时重点活动是3a教学目标1 复习怎样预订车票或房间2 了解外国学生怎样筹集资金旅游3 继续学习结果状语从句教学过程第一步复习1 编一个关于订票的对话学生可以根据下表来做Name Kangkang Tel 82052458 From Beijing To Taian Train number K107 Kind of tickets hard sleeper Number of tickets 10 Starting time 20∶30 Arriving time 02∶30 Price per person 117 Total price 1170 Clerk Hello Beijing Railway Station Can I help youKangkangYes2老师也可以让学生编写关于预订宾馆房间的对话第二步呈现1老师说They have booked the train tickets and the roomsHow much money should they pay for them Nowlets help Helen work out her trip cost教生词fundraise2学生读1中的图表并帮助Helen 预算她的旅游资金完成13老师提问How much should Helen pay for the trip cost学生回答About three hundred yuan 300老师说Does Helen have so much money What will she do Now lets listen to the tape4学生听录音第一遍只能听然后让学生读5两人一组读对话结束2第三步巩固1 教3a中的生词2 学生读3a并了解外国学生怎样筹集资金去旅游3 读完之后让学生判断正误T It is popular to raise fund in Canadian and American schoolsF It takes students two yuan each to buy tickets for a draw to become King or Queen for a dayF At noon the principal and other teachers order and serve a special lunch for all the studentsF The students should carry the principals book if her or his ticket is drawn4 学生再读3a 并完成3a5 小组活动完成3b6 帮助学生列举在中国学校筹集资金的例子至少列举三种如① We can collect and sell waste paper or old cans② We can help others do the housework to raise money③ Work as a waiter or a waitress in a restaurant in our free time第四步练习1 老师在黑板上写些句子让学生注意 sosothat和so that如① Michael missed the game so he was very sad② Kangkang got up so late that he was late for school③ I left my keys on the office desk so that I couldnt get into my house2 老师解释这些句子确定学生明白结果状语从句3 独立练习学生读并练习4中的句子4 结束4并让学生用sosothat和so that 造句然后让学生读或写这些句子老师加以纠正第五步综合探究活动小组活动在你的小组中做一个调查并根据调查的结果完成下表A SurveyName How toraise fund How to usethe money Section DSection D 需用1课时重点活动是12和4教学目标1 归纳总结Topic 1 所学句型及交际用语2 提高听说技能进一步培养学生书面表达的能力3 继续谈论关于旅游的话题教学过程第一步复习老师问一些关于他们为旅游做准备的问题① Who booked the train tickets to Mount Tai② Who made hotel reservations③ How did they raise fund④ What else should they do for their trip让学生回答这些问题对前三个Section 简要回顾第二步呈现1 老师说Miss Wang made a schedule for this trip Now look at the schedule2 展示时间表在黑板上写下这些问题① When will they get to Mount Tai② Whats the first thing to do③ When will they get to the Zhongtian Gate④ What will they do at the Nantian Gate⑤ When and where will they see the sunrise3 让学生读1中的时间表并回答这些问题4 然后两人一组检查答案第三步巩固1 学生根据表来做填空然后老师检查答案2 让学生独立练习读这篇文章3 让学生听录音完成24 让学生总结 Topic 1 中的重点语法和交际用语然后读书上的3a和3b第四步练习1 老师可以拿出一张明信片并问学生怎样写明信片2 老师可以这样说Here is a postcard from Michael to his friend Darren He told Darren about his trip要求学生读这张明信片老师在黑板上写一篇短文也可用幻灯片然后要求学生根据明信片的内容完成这篇短文如Michael had a wonderfulgreatgoodnice time in Mount Tai last week The weather there was beautiful They arrived there by train They saw the sunrise and the sea of clouds on Mount Tai and visited Dai Temple in the daytime In the evening they had a rich dinner in a local restaurant That was an exciting experience3 完成这篇短文结束4第五步综合探究活动给你的朋友写一张明信片谈谈你上次旅游的情况内容包括旅游时间地点气候景色及感受教学评估要求学生听写下列句子①Were going on a spring field trip②The best way to travel is by train③Hed like to book a standard room④We dont have much moneyso we should go fund raising⑤It was so noisy that he can not fall asleepTopic2SectionASectionA需用12个课时重点活动是1a和2教学目标1继续学习有关邀请的话题2继续练习情态动词的用法教学过程第一步复习分组讨论讨论你们小组想去什么地方旅游然后每组找出一名代表向大家介绍想去的地方并说明原因第二步呈现1让学生听录音找出生词然后回答这个问题WhatdoesMichaelwanttodo2老师解释这些生词和短语receivepostcardvacationexploreyoubetwhynot再听一遍录音让学生跟着录音读3把班级分为两部分一部分扮演Darren另一部分扮演Michael表演对话然后两人一组来表演第三步巩固1让学生看1b中的问句和答语然后连线2让学生完成1c中的练习让学生两人一组根据图片和关键词来完成对话然后老师让几对学生上讲台表演第四步练习1给学生两分钟时间来读3的选择题找出生词camp老师给予解释2听录音让学生听并完成练习之后再放一遍录音让学生核实一下答案最后老师给出正确答案第五步综合探究活动1找一个同学读2中的对话其他同学找出生词老师可以从其他同学中找一名同学将生词写在黑板上之后老师解释生词lookforwardtoadventure2给学生五分钟的时间读这个对话然后老师给出该对话中的关键词语让学生合上书看着这些提示词来表演对话3每位同学发一张纸然后迅速将该对话改写成短文SectionBSectionB需用12课时重点活动是1a和4教学目标1复习如何邀请和应答2学习关于中国历史的文章了解中国古代皇帝的坟墓3学习方位词4继续学习动词不定式的用法。





第一单元:People and work
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第二单元:Weather and clothes
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- 练习题
第三单元:Food and health
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- 生词和短语
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- 练习题
第四单元:Animals and nature
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第五单元:Places and activities
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第六单元:Culture and traditions
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- 练习题
- 答案解析
- 单词表
- 语法总结
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Unit 7 International charities(总分100,时间90分钟)一.根据句意和首字母提示写出句中所缺单词。

(每小题1分,满分10 分)1.ORBIS is an _______(国际的)charity organization.2.Amy’s father works in a big _______(公司).3.I think it’s nothing _______(严重的,特别的).4.As a doctor,I should prevent the ________(医疗的,医学的)accident from happening.5.Dr. Ma is already used to f_______.He can worked on the plane all day.6.I love books because they give us much k________.7.Keep quiet! Dr Sun is _______(动手术)on a girl.8.The coat is so expensive that I can’t a _______ it.9.Some p_______ are waiting for the doctor to e back.10.—What’s the m_______ with you?—I have a cold.二.用所给词的适当形式填空。

(每小题1分,满分10 分)1.I have been used to ________(work)at night.2.You’d better eat less meat and more fruits to keep yourself _______(health).3.Many people have no money for medical _______(treat).4.Would you like to be a _______(voluntary)?5.Nothing is _______(bad)than war.6.We also use the school as a _______(teach)centre.7.The problem of _______(blind)is very serious.We will solve it soon.8.He didn’t go to school because of his _______(ill).9.—How often _______ your school sports meeting _______(hold)?—Once a year.10.He is too tired to ________(go)now.三.句型转换,每空一词。



Unit 2 单元测试题(满分100)一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( )1. Changing schools made a big difference ______ his life.A. onB. atC. toD. foro travel around the world.( )2. Mary’s uncle made ______ possible for her tA. itB. thatC. thisD. one( )3. The girl is ______, so she needs a guide dog to help her.A. sickB. blindC. tiredD. sad( )4. My friend Tom volunteered ______ in the countryside two years ago.A. to workB. workC. workingD. works( )5. —Excuse me, I ______ find my hotel.—You could ask the policeman.A. can’tB. mustn’tC. needn’tD. shouldn’t( )6. She used to ______ a bike to school, but now she is used to ______ to school.A. ride; walkB. riding; walkingC. riding; walkD. ride; walking( )7. He is very ______, so he can carry the heavy box.A. cleverB. strongC. quietD. excited( )8. —Who is the ______ of the house?—Mr. Black. He bought it last year.A. passengerB. guestC. visitorD. owner( )9. ______ vacations by the sea is Dale’s dream.A. SpendB. SpendingC. SpendsD. Spent( )10. They often help ______ sick children in the children’s hospital.A. cheer upB. clean upC. set upD. make up( )11. My cousin has difficulty ______ English newspapers.A. readB. readsC. readingD. to read( )12. My computer doesn’t work. Could you help ______ it?A. repairB. buyC. raiseD. open( )13. How nice these pictures are! Please _______ on the wall.A. put it upB. put up itC. put up themD. put them up( )14. I can help my mother do some things like ______ the rooms.A. cleansB. cleaningC. cleanD. to clean( )15. —We shouldn’t read in the sun.—______. It’s bad for our eyes.A. Sorry to hear thatB. That sounds greatC. You’re rightD. I don’t think so二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。





A.B.C.D. E. F.二、听力选择2.How much are the glasses?A.7 dollars.B.17 dollars.C.70 dollars.3.Why is Tony sad and unhappy?A.He has no friends.B.He has no money.C.He has no time.4.What does Bill look like?A.He’s heavy.B.He’s short.C.He’s tall.5.How was John’s trip to Nanning?A.Great.B.Bad.C.Terrible.6.Where did the girl go?A.To the mountains.B.To the beach.C.To the summer camp.听对话,回答以下各小题。

7.What did Linda do first last Sunday?A.She visited her grandparents.B.She did morning exercises.C.She did her homework.8.Where do Linda’s grandparents live?A.In the city.B.In the countryside.C.In the town.9.How often does Linda visit her grandparents?A.Once a week.B.Once a month.C.Twice a month.听对话,回答以下各小题。

10.What is Diana’s mother good at?A.Swimming.B.Boating.C.Cooking.11.Where will Diana have a picnic tomorrow?A.In the mountain.B.In a boat.C.By the river.12.How is the weather this week?A.Sunny.B.Cold.C.Warm.听对话,回答以下各小题。



前言教材编写组的中外编者们汇聚京华,辛勤笔耕,共同打造了《Project English》这套有着丰厚文化底蕴的教材。




在王德春教授、Jim Greenlaw教授两位著名学者的带领下,编者们精心打造了这套《Project English》。

Project是这套教材的核心,它本身就是一个内涵丰富的词汇,有着四层含意:1.n.任务、活动、课题 a planned task2.v.生动地与他人交流communicate vividly3.v.推动put forward4.v.预知未来,未雨绸缪predict, plan ahead可以说这套教材就是通过不断出现的任务和活动,使学生能够用多种手段生动地与他人交流,并开展课题探究。








2024届北京市海淀区八年级下学期期中英语质量检测试题一、单项选择(1分×25=25分)()1.-Tom, are you free tomorrow?-Yes, what’s up?-I want to _____you to go to the movies.A .ask B. invite C. let D make( )2. We feel _____ because our son won the first place in an exam .A. sad B .nervous C. proud D. upset()3.Kangkang did badly in the final exam. He was _______himself.A .pleased with B. proud ofC. angry with D .afraid of()4. Mike couldn’t solve the problem and I couldn’t, ________A. tooB. eitherC. alsoD. as well()5.He failed the exam ________he prepared for it for a long time .A .because B. though C. but D. if()6._The girl is new here and she lives ____, so she seems _______._We’d better ask her to play games with us.A. lonely ;lonelyB. alone ; aloneC. lonely ; aloneD. alone ;lonely()7.They invited Jim to join them , but he _______to do it .A .accepted B. asked C. allowed D. refused()8. Look !_________is drawing on the wall. Let’s go to stop him .A .Someone B. Anyone C. Everyone D .Who()9. The news is so ________ that all of us are quite __________A. excited ; excitedB. excited ;excitingC. exciting ;excitingD. exciting ; excited()10. Tom ________coke ,but now he _________milk .A. used to drink ; is used to drinkingB. used to drinking ; drinksC. is used to drinking; used to drinkD. is used to drink ; is drinking()11.She has to stay at home _________it’s raining outside.A .because ofB .becauseC . soD .and()12.--Jane is _______shy________ my daughter ,she is also afraid of speaking in public .--You should ask them to practice more.A. so; so B .as ; as C. so; as D. as ; so()13.The soft music sounds ________.We are all listening ______.It is wonderful .A. beautiful ; carefullyB. crazy ;carefullyC. moving ; carefulD. happily ;careful()14.Lots of people in our hometown _______the old and they usually offer their seats to the on buses .A. agree withB.worry aboutC.care forD. think over()15.--What’s re you going to ________ at the party?--Ballet.A .put upB .put onC. put downD. put away()16.-I have trouble ________ English. Could you help me with it ?A.learnB. learnsC. learningD. to learn()17. The old farmer saw a snake _______ on the road on his way home .A . lie B. lies C.lying D. to lie()18.- Could you please give me some _______ about givingspeeches?-- Certainly .A. informationB.suggestionsC.decisionD.advise()19.It made me _______ nervous when Miss Liu asked me togive a speech in front of all the students.A. feelB. to feelC. feltD. feels( )20.Wow, what a beautiful place! The flowers smell so ____, and the birds are singing their ____ songs.A. good; liveB. well; liveC. good; livelyD.well; lively( )21. My ____ brother is three years ____ than I.A. elder; elderB. older; olderC. elder; olderD.older; elder( )22. We should not only be confident ____ ourselves, but alsothink things ____ before making decisions.A. in; aboutB. in; overC. about; aboutD.about; over( )23. If you are ____ trouble, please call me ____ 72335611.A. in; inB. at; atC. at; inD. in; at( )24. —Is there ____ in your exercise book today?—No, Mom. I did it very carefully.A. something wrongB. wrong somethingC. anything wrongD. wrong anything( )25.----I feel nervous about the speech tomorrow.\__ ___________ Be brave and you are the best.A.That’s all right .B.Take it easy .B.What a pity .C.No problem.二、完形填空。



UNIT 1 What's the matter?2d 莉萨,你好吗?我头痛,并且脖子不能动。










2d Role-play the conversation.Mandy: Lisa, are you OK?Lisa: I have a headache and I can't move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?Mandy: No, it doesn't sound like you have a fever. What did you do on the weekend?Lisa: I played computer games all weekend.Mandy: That's probably why. You need to take breaks away from the computer.Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the same way for too long without moving.Mandy: I think you should lie down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go toa doctor.Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.3a 昨天上午九点, 26 路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一位老人躺在路边。


公交车司机, 24 岁的王平,没有多想就停下了公交车。



新目标八年级英语下学期作文Unit 1一、写作要求:本单元以“做预测”为主题,要求会运用一般将来时写预测未来的短文,并就将来的某一话题如:机器人、工作、学习、生活环境及个人梦想等,展开充分、合理的想象,畅想未来。



二、写作范例(一):请以The Life in the Future为题写一篇记叙文,按下列提示完成。

1. 可以想象一下:未来的生活将会是什么样子的呢?2. 具体介绍一下未来的生活,很多事情都由计算机或机器人来完成。


3. 为了未来的生活,现在我们应该努力学习,实现理想。




三、写作范文(一)The Life in the FutureWhat do you think the life in the future will be like?In the future there will be computers in our homes. Computers will help us to know a lot over the world. We will be able to talk by e-mail. Scientists will make many robots. Robots can help us to do some cleaning, do some cooking or do some washing. We can do some shopping and see a doctor without going out of our homes.The life in the future will be good. For this, we will study hard. I believe we’ll be able to do this.写作范文(二)In the future, I think I’ll be a doctor. My father is a doctor, so I’ll be just like him. I’ll help sick people and I’ll work in a hospital. During the weekday, I’ll work for long hours but I won’t feel tired because it is a helpful job. On weekends, I’ll go to the park or meet my friends for dinners and movies. I’ll live in Beijing because I think it’s the most beautiful city in the world. A good dream, I can’t wait!Unit 5一、写作要求:本单元做重要的要点就是假设if (如果)。



Unit 1 What’s the matter?matter break be used toWhat’s the matter? take breaks(take a break)risksore hurt take risks(take a risk)have a cold passenger accident stomachache off situationhave a stomachache get off kilofoot to one’s surprise rockneck onto run out(of) stomach trouble knifethroat hit cut offfever right away bloodlie get into meanlie down herself get out ofrest bandage importance cough sickX-ray knee decision toothache nosebleed controltake one’stemperaturebreathe be in control of headache sunburned spirithave a fever ourselves deathclimber give upnurseUtahUnit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.clean up journey carry cheer raise train cheer up midnight excited give out alone training volunteer repair kindness come up with fix up cleverput off give away understand sign take after change notice broken interest hand out wheel sircall up letter madam used to Miss Mario lonely set up Jimmycare for disabledseveral make a differencestrong blindfeeling deafsatisfaction imaginejoy difficultyowner opentry out doorUnit 3 Could you please clean your room?rubbish stresstake out the rubbish wastefold in order tosweep providefloor anywaymess dependthrow depend onall the time developneither independenceshirt fairnessas soon as sincepass neighborborrow take care oflend illfinger drophate independentchore fairwhile unfairsnack SandyUnit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?allow secondly development wrong communicate causeWhat’s wrong? explain usualmidnight clear in one’s opinion look through copy perhapsguess return Cathydeal anymore Taylorbig deal memberwork out pressureget on with competerelation opinioncommunication skillargue typicalcloud footballelder cut outinstead quickwhatever continuenervous compareoffer compare … withproper crazypush。




(本大题共6小题,每小题1分,共6分)75. 她已下定决心为妇女的权利工作。

She __________________________________________________________ of women.76. 他的教学风格和多数教师相似。

His teaching style _________________________________ most teachers’.77. 在这里你可以和来自不同背景的学生们交朋友。

You can __________________________________________here.78.他为了比赛不得不放弃了业余时间。

He _______________________________for the game.79. 来自志愿者们的支持使得运动会取得巨大成功。

Support from volunteers ____________________________________________.80. 年轻人习惯于聊天保持联系,而不是通过写信。

The young ___________________________________________ instead of writing to each other.答案:75. has made up her mind to work for the rights76. is similar to77. make friends with students from different backgrounds78. had to give up his spare time79. made the sports meeting a great success80. are / get used to keeping in touch by chatting2021年5月江苏省无锡市惠山钱桥中学八年级下学期月考英语试卷七、按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。




My fatherMy father is a businessman. He sells computers. He is a kind man. He isn' t good at talking. He is very busy.Last week he flew to London. I told him to bring someinteresting things to me. But when he came back home, he brought nothing.I was mad. But he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me. When he flew back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl. She didn' t have enough money to go to school. She was begging in the street. My father gave her the snacks and books and some money. So I had nothing. But I was also happy. I am proud of my father.八年级下学期英语作文篇二帮助他人是一件快乐的事,请写一件你经历过的帮助别人的乐事,并谈谈你的快乐,80个词左右。

I am a friendly boy. I like to make friends. But I like to eat, too. My mother gives me some money every day. I always go to buy something to eat. I eat in the class, after school and while playing.One day I went to school with 10 yuan. Suddenly I saw a little boy sitting at the gate of a shop. He was asking people for money. I was surprised. A boy, younger than me! He should go to school like me! I walked to him, asked, "What' s wrong, little brother?" "My parents were dead. So I had nothing. "He was sad. I touched my money. I really wanted to buy some delicious snacks to eat. At last, I gave him my money! He was very happy, so was I.八年级下学期英语作文篇三旅游是人们生活中常经历的事件,请你以Travelling为题,从人们的喜恶两方面来表明个人的观点。



江西省吉安市井冈山市2023-2024学年八年级下学期期末英语试题一、单项选择1.I find ________ easy ________ English.A.that; study B.it; to studyC.it’s; study D.it; study2.—Would you mind my opening the window?—________. I have a cold.A.Never mind B.You’d better not C.All right D.With pleasure 3.—Do you know Shanghai is one of ________ in the world?—Yes, it’s bigger than________ cities in China.A.the biggest city; any B.the biggest cities; anyC.the biggest cities; any other D.bigger; any other4.When you feel helpless and ________, just remember you are not ________ in the world because your friends are around you.A.alone; alone B.alone; lonely C.lonely; alone D.lonely; lonely 5.If people ________ cutting down the forest, they will have nowhere _______.A.keep, to live in B.will keep, to live in C.keep, to live D.will keep, to live 6.一I hear your father _______ to Japan once.一Yes. He ________ there a year ago.A.went; has been B.has been; wentC.goes; went D.has been; has been7.12. — I have never been to European countries. What about you?— ______.A.So do I B.So have I C.Neither do I D.Neither have I 8.—Did you see a boy in black pass by two minutes ago?—No, sir. I ________ an English magazine.A.read B.am reading C.was reading D.reads二、完形填空Once a rich farmer lost some expensive things on his farm. He thought that one of his servants (仆人) 9 them. Then he went to visit Mark who was the 10 in the village. After Mark knew all about it, he went to the 11 with the farmer. He asked all the servants to met under a big 12 . Mark asked them who had stolen the owner’s things.13 none of them agreed that they had stolen the owner’s things.Mark thought for a few minutes, and then he gave a 14 to each servant. Each stick was of the same length (长度). The farmer was kind of 15 and he wanted to know the reason. Later the clever man told the servants that the stick of the real thief would be 16 by 5 centimeters the next day. All the servants should come to the tree again the next 17 with their sticks.The servants 18 to their rooms without saying anything. The next day they 19 at the same place. Mark asked them to 20 him their sticks. One of the servants had a stick shorter by 5 centimeters. Mark said to the owner, “This 21 stole your things, sir,” Later the rich man asked Mark, “ 22 did you catch the thief?” Mark said, “By comparing his stick with 23 . The thief had already cut his stick shorter by 5 centimeters in the evening. He feared that his stick would be longer by 5 centimeters by morning.”9.A.took B.borrowed C.hid D.stole 10.A.slowest B.cleverest C.oldest D.youngest 11.A.village B.town C.factory D.farm 12.A.tree B.building C.umbrella D.town 13.A.And B.So C.But D.Because 14.A.book B.bag C.stick D.shirt 15.A.puzzled B.tired C.angry D.upset 16.A.shorter B.longer C.thinner D.thicker 17.A.day B.week C.month D.year18.A.ran out B.went back C.came back D.rushed back 19.A.dropped B.hurt C.fell D.met 20.A.make B.buy C.show D.sell21.A.person B.girl C.doctor D.cleaner 22.A.Where B.How C.Why D.When 23.A.mine B.yours C.ours D.others三、选词填空先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。









本册教材特点如下:1. 强调语言的实际运用。

2. 着重培养学生的语言能力。

3. 突出激发学生学习兴趣。

4. 重视师生之间的双向交流。

5. 融合跨学科教学内容。

6. 重视教学活动的灵活性与扩展性。

7. 实现教学内容与活动的整体设计。

三、教学总体目标1. 学生应能听、说、读、写一定数量的单词或短语,以及一定组数的句子和单句,涵盖长度、重量、高度、看病、情感、周末和假期活动、旅行、晚会等话题。

2. 学生应完成一定数量的手工制作项目。

3. 学生应能听懂并学会演唱六首歌曲。

4. 学生应能听懂并学会吟唱六首歌谣。

5. 学生应完成一定数量的自我评价活动。

6. 学生应能理解若干幽默小故事。

7. 学生应了解一定数量的中西方文化知识。




二、教学内容与目标1. 学生需掌握一定数量的单词或短语,并能运用这些词汇组合成句子。



2023-2024学年八年级英语下学期期中检测全真模拟试卷时间70分钟,满分75分第一部分选择题 (50分)Ⅰ、完形填空(10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

If you pay a visit to Becker’s bread shop during work hours, you will find something unusual. The kitchen of Becker’s is especially ____1____ except the sound of the machine. The quiet environment is not the ____2____ of the strict rules, but because all the workers are deaf. They use sign language to communicate with each other from time to time. Becker’s shop is in Changsha City, Hunan Province. It ____3____ many kinds of German bread, cakes and coffee. It is very popular for the story of Becker who opened it.Over twenty years ago, Becker and his wife ____4____ a Chinese public project. It provided language training for the disabled children, but it was short of trainers in Changsha. So they came in 2002 with a common wish to do something ____5____ in life.In Changsha, working with other Chinese ____6____, they helped children improve their hearing and language pronunciation (发音). Every little progress (进展) each child experienced was a great ____7____ to them, and they achieved their goal in life.After ten years of hard working for this project, they found that the disabled adults couldn’t be independent (独立的) because they had no professional skills. Then Becker and his wife ____8____ a bread shop to teach these people how to make bread. With their help, all of them were able to ____9____ on their own and support their families.Luckily, Becker and his wife have also got the support from the local government. More people join them and understand that disabled people can work as ____10____ as others whe n they have the same chances. “We are proud that most consumers come here because of our products and professional skills, instead of feeling sorry for the disabled people.” Becker says.1. A. quiet B. noisy C. dirty D. clean2. A. reason B. end C. way D. result3. A. sells B. lends C. borrows D. buys4. A. heard about B. handed out C. gave up D. looked for5. A. comfortable B. pleasant C. meaningful D. difficult6. A. teachers B. trainers C. engineers D. workers7. A. challenge B. experience C. decision D. encouragement8. A. set out B. set down C. set off D. set up9. A. live B. match C. organize D. describe10. A. quickly B. well C. happily D. hardII、阅读理解 (40分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。



初二下学期英语知识点人教版八年级英语下册各知识点归纳总结Unti1what’s the matter?短语归纳1.too much 太多2.liedown 躺下3.get an X-ray 做个X光检查4.take one ’s temperature量体温5.put some medicine on ......在....上敷药6.have a fever 发烧7.take breaks/take a break 休息 8.without thinking twice 没多想9.get off 下车 10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院11.wait for等待12.to one’s surprise使.......惊讶的13.thanks to多亏于;由于 14.in time及时15.think about 考虑 16.havea heart problem患有心脏病17.get into the trouble 遇到麻烦 18.do the right thing做正确的事情事情19.fall down 摔倒20.put ...... on sth把...放在某物上21.get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤22.be interested in 对.....感兴趣23.be used to 习惯于.... 24.take risks/take a risk 挑战25.lose one’slife失去生命26.because of 因为27.run out of 用完28.cut off 切除29.get out of 从...出来30.make adecision/decisions 做决定31.be in control of 掌管;管理 32.give up 放弃用法归纳1.need to do sth .需要去做某事2.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事3.ask sb sth 询问某人某事4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事5.agree to do sth 同意做某事6.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事7.want to do sth 想要做某事 8.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事9.have problems(in) doing sth 做某事有困难 e sth to do sth用某物去做某事11.be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 12.seem to do sth 好像做某事13.keep on doing sth 继续做某事 14.mind doing sth 介意做某事语法点1.询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法2.情态动词should的用法3.不定代词的用法精细解读1. What’s thematter (with you)?怎么了?出什么事了?What’s the trouble/ the problem /wrong with sb./ sth.?2. I had a cold.我感冒了。



(完整word)八年级英语下学期阅读理解20篇(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整word)八年级英语下学期阅读理解20篇(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。



新目标英语八年下阅读理解20篇阅读理解1Jack is a twenty—year—old young man. Two years ago, when he finished middle school, he found work in a shop。

Usually he works until ten o'clock in the evening。

He is very tired when he gets home. After a quick supper he goes to bed and soon falls asleep。

His grandma who lives downstairs is satisfied with (满意) him.One day, on his way home, he met Mary。

They were both happy。

He asked the girl to his house, she agreed happily. He bought some fruit and drinks for her. And they talked about their school, teachers, classmates and their future (未来)。



2021-2022八年级英语下学期单元话题满分写作Unit 3:Could you please clean your room?单元话题:家务劳动范文11.(2021·广东·阳西县教育局教学研究室八年级单元测试)请你根据提示及要求,以Let’s help our parents do chores为题,写一篇英文倡议书。



Let’s help our parents do choresDear students,Helping our parents do chores is one of the best ways to care about them. _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Doing chores is not difficult, but it means a lot. From now on, let’s help our parents do chores.【答案】例文Let’s help our parents do choresDear students,Helping our parents do chores is one of the best ways to care about them. Our parents are always busy with work. They are tired after work, but they still have to do chores. If we help them do some chores, they will have more time to rest. And sharing housework can help us understand our parents better. So we should help them do housework as much as we can. In fact, we can do lots of housework at home. For example, wecould make the bed, clean up the room, wash clothes, do the dishes and take out the trash.Doing chores is not difficult, but it means a lot. From now on, let’s help our parents do chores.【详解】1.题干解读:题目要求以“Let’s help our parents do chores”为题,根据写作要点写一篇倡议书,可适当增加细节。

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One hundred and tewenty
One hundred and f
One hundred And thirty eight
What does he / she do ? Where does he /she work? What about your father/ mother / brother/ sister? What do they do? Where do they work?
Ask and answer
Listen and answer
Listening: A: Is Betty Hill English or American? B: _____________________________ A: She’s from New York, right? B: ______________________________ A: How old is she? B: _____________________________. A: What do her parent do? B: ______________________________. A: In which school does Betty study? B: _____________________________. A: What time does she go to school in the morning? B: _________________________________. A: What time does she come back home? B: ________________________________.
You are wrong!
Unit 26 Lesson 102
Practice Listen and answer
Revision Presentation
Ask and answer
Please read out the number in English
One hundred
One hundred and forty two
指出与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。 1. We have four lessons in the morning. A. schools B.classes C. grades D. rows 2. Mr. Green likes working in China very much. A.many B. a little C. at all D. a lot 3. Where do you come from? A. are you from B. are you C. do you come from D. you are from 4. Miss Li teaches us English. A. is a teacher B. is teaching English C. is our English teacher D. is English