英文文献及中文翻译 陈未峰
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中北大学信息商务学院毕业论文外文文献原文及译文学生姓名:林慧萍学号:08060341X08系别:电子与计算机科学系专业:计算机科学与技术指导教师:郭铁成2012 年 5 月Old and New Models for Office AutomationElliot ColeThe emerging generation of office automation systems combines new and existing software and procedures. While managers may be able to select from a broad array of software tools, they may also be required to use certain others. This article discusses organization design as the context for office automation; mature computer based systems as one application of organization design variables; and emerging office automation systems as another application of those variables. The article concludes that Management Information System models developed for mature systems may be helpful where the use of software application is required for the individual worker; diffusion of innovation models recently developed for computing systems may be helpful where the type of software is optional for the individual worker.The emerging generation of office automation systems combines new concepts and components with existing ones. While there may be a combination of first-time applications for some organizational activities, there may be replacement applications for others. Our ability to understand and plan for office automation depends on the availability and adequacy of our models. This article examines some of the assumptions underlying office automation, and then evaluates the adequacy of current models applied to the analysis and implementation of both the first-time and replacement applications. The article begins with a discussion of office automation's context factors in organization design. Next is a discussion of mature computer-based information systems, particularly Management Information Systems (MIS), followed by their similarities and different from emerging information systems. The final section examines the use of diffusion of innovation models and their relevance to office automation studies within the scope of Information Science.Organization DesignOrganization design is concerned with the structure and function of organizations, and consequently occupies a central role in office automation activities. Such design involves two basic elements, the types of positions in organizations and control over task structure. Office automation systems assume the presence of both these elements.Types of PersonnelComputers have been assisting humans for nearly 40 years. What makes the earlier user communities different from the emerging communities is the level of positions that are affected. Now managers are becoming end-users.In the past, white collar workers have been classified as professional, managerial, andclerical, based on the horizontal (breadth) and vertical (depth) specialization of their tasks. Professional positions have great vertical specialization, i.e., they require great depth of knowledge in a narrow area. In contrast, management positions require great horizontal specialization, i.e., they require great breadth of knowledge but with narrow depth. Managers are considered generalists rather than specialists. Clerical positions are narrow in breadth and depth.The first computer users were professionals (scientists) who applied information technology to extend the capabilities of their work teams. These "value-added" applications, to use Landau, Bair, and Shalom terminology, included solving complex mathematical problems. Today's computer users routinely include a broad spectrum of professionals who use these tools in pure research, applied research, and professional practice. Next, clerical personnel became users. Computers appeared in functional areas of organizations with large clerical staffs, what man calls the first office automation revolution. In these areas, applications included transaction processing, for example, payroll, inventory, and order-entry. Automation was introduced principally for what Landau, Bair, and Shalom call "cost displacement" applications, saving labor costs by substituting capital for labor.Currently, the user community is expanding to include management staff. Few managers in organizations of any size have been untouched by computer services and systems. At a minimum, they have received computer printout reports. At most, they may have used systems through some intermediary. In the emerging generation of office automation, as Martin has described, managers are expected to become hands-on users of an array of software.An objective of this generation of office automation is to remove certain tasks from managerial and professional positions by reallocation to a combination of clerical positions and information processing hardware and software. Open systems models of organizations, discussed by Daniel in this issue of Perspectives, provides an understanding of these design issues.Control Task StructureTask structure includes both (1) what work one is to perform, and (2) how one is to perform it. It is the "how" which is the primary focus here. To the Classical Management of school which was prominent early in this century, deciding how work was to be performed was a management responsibility, not merely a management prerogative. Followers of this school of thought directed their attention primarily to the production activities of industry. Responsibility for structuring the tasks for clerical workers is still generally considered to rest with management. Many of the tasks of those workers have been described as routine, standardized, structured, andconsequently easily rationalized, i.e., separated into a set of simple steps. It is this last quality that facilitates automating the function. In the Human Relations school of thought, development of participatory management allows the workers to have an input in the design of their tasks—even a substantial input—but the responsibility for granting and approving the input has remained with management. In effect, the manager has standardized the work processes of clerical and production line workers. Organizations have several means of assuring that they are able to produce an output which is consistent. Among these mechanisms are: (1) standardization of process—the procedures which are to be followedin performing a task, (2) standardization of output—specifications which each unit must meet, and (3) standardization of skills—instruction on how work is to be performed. This standardization extends to the forms that are used, the tools applied, and the manner in which they are applied.In contrast, the manager is given abroad latitude over the processes to perform his or her job. The organization of one's work has been considered a prerogative of the manager, although Stress man has challenged this view as a means of organization's better managing its information flow. In effect, this latitude represents a standardization of the "what" of a manager's work, but not of the "how," the processes which produce this output. The flexibility of the manager's choice of work processes allows for the development of work habits, which to the external observer may seem idiosyncratic. The tools used by the manager in drafting memos and reports—whether pencil and paper, pen and paper, dictation machine, or typewriter—are generally a personal choice rather than an organizational mandate. This flexibility has long allowed management (and professional staff) to choose to bring work home. During media transformations, secretarial staff may reformat information prepared by the manager to conform to the organization's format, should one exist.For professionals, what tasks they perform, and how the tasks are to be performed are set out in codes of conduct which provide formal and informal guidelines. This is a means of external control in standardizing the process of organizational work. Professional workers also perform some tasks which are similar to those of managerial staff, e.g., supervising projects and people. These tasks may be controlled by the organization according to its standardization of output. In summary, differences in the control over task structure can be seen in professional, managerial, and clerical personnel. While managerial and clerical tasks have been largely the provinces of their organization—internally controlled—professional tasks involve the professional society's standards of acceptability, and thus are externally controlled. In thisrespect, the organization has relatively less control over the task structure and work processes for professional staff than for managerial and clerical staff. Office automation is designed to have an impact on the task structure, i.e., the process by which one performs an activity. These differences in task structure control raise the possibility of it being a mediating variable in office automation models; differences in task structure control may lead to qualitative differences in office system designs.Computer-Based Information SystemsOffice automation includes a range of systems, including a variety of software and data. The combination may include databases which receive input from many organizational units and functional areas as well as personal databases. Some systems are designed to be used by many workers in a mandatory and specified manner as part of the job requirements and as a condition of employment. Other systems may be used to mechanize a task at the option of the user; the user is also free to perform that task manually.Existing Systems with Required UseManagement Information Systems (MIS) are a principal class of information system for modern organizations. MIS collects data for a database, manipulates it, and produces reports to a broad spectrum of managers concerned with decision making and accountability. Many data entry tasks are small components of larger MIS, with global databases spanning organization units and being continually updated. In order for the system to process information properly, data entry personnel must use the system in a prescribed manner. If they do not, the accuracy and validity of the receiving database may be compromised. There is no room for individual creativity or innovation on the part of individuals providing input to the system's database. Transaction processing stuff use software according to a standard manual which applies to all workers with similar responsibilities. Systems can be sabotaged by personnel in the data input chain who cannot or will not provide complete and accurate data for the database.MIS have a number of characteristics relevant to emerging office systems. First, MIS are integrated across organization functions and levels of responsibility. Individuals cannot unilaterally change system procedures without compromising the system. Second, MIS automate some organizational communication and information flows through collection and manipulation of input data. Third, MIS are planned and designed to serve stated organizational functions and objectives. Fourth, workers, particularly those providing input data, must use the system, and use it in a prescribed manner.Other examples of mandatory systems involve personal databases. Word processingsystems are designed to be used by secretaries and word processing operators to prepare documents which are requested by others, e.g., a manager or professional. Document characteristics—such as length, footnotes, permanence—and their contents—such as vocabulary and topic—may vary across organization subunits. Secretaries use software for tasks specified by others. Again, use of this information technology is not voluntary to the worker, but is required for the job, and its use is defined in a standardized manner without modification by the individual user.Existing Systems with Optional UseManagers enjoy some leeway in how they use MIS output, notwithstanding the intended benefits built into the system design. MIS have report-generating modules which prepare standardized reports for the anticipated needs of each manager. While these systems specify mandatory modes for the entry of data, there are no enforceable requirements for use of system-generated output. In fact, there is a large literature on the failure of some systems to provide managers with information that is necessary for job performance, or even useful. Specify reports may not be timely, accurate, or necessary. Martin and system design stages are more frequent and more time-consuming than errors in the coding stage. These shortcomings have been an impetus for the development of user-controlled analytic tools and data management systems.The distinction between mandatory and optional use of systems is important because it relates to different models used for the design and implementation of each of these systems. Mandatory systems of office automation bear a resemblance to MIS (particularly data input aspects), an area to which we may turn for models (see Mick for a description of some of these models). In contrast, optional use or nonuse of systems may be seen as the diffusion of innovation which is discussed later in the article.新旧办公自动化模式埃利奥特·科尔新一代的办公自动化系统结合新的和现有的软件及程序。
员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译员工培训参考文献及员工培训外文文献翻译参考文献[1] 黄维德.刘燕人力资源管理实务[M].上海: 立信会计出版社,2004:167-198. [2] 王伟强. 员工培训木桶理论〆重在分清主次[DB/OL] [3] 刘东.家族企业以及经济的文献[DB/OL] [4] 许玉林. 绩效管理[C] 上海:复旦大学出版社,2001:154-256. [5] Gary. Desler Human resources management (6th edition) [M]. Beijing〆People's University of China Press 1999 : 213-397. 六维[6] 王丽娟译.员工招募、面试甄选和岗前引导[M] 北京:中国人民大学出版社1995:123-178,301. [7] 张易. 国有企业的家族化[A], 浙江:社会科学文献出版社.2002-01-01:45 —49. [8] 王伟. 员工培训误区面面观[DB] [9] 王先庆. 现代零售丛书-零售企业员工培训[J] 广东: 广东经济出版社.2004-8月:32-75. [10] 湛新民. 人力资源管理概论[J] 北京:清华大学出版社2005:86-103,233-262.[11] 谢晋宇. 企业员工流失[C] ,广东:经济与管理出版社,1999年3 月.132-162. [12] 任少葱. 以企业战略为中心建立科学的员工培训体系[D]. [13] Raymond A .Noe R. Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart,Pateick M. Wright, Human Resource Management ,3rd Ddition, Beijing, Qinghua University Press, October 2003 . [14] Germany gan P. Enterprise management personnel quality and capacity factor Empirical Study P19-31. [15] tash.Control of Enterprises Training Human Kinetics Publishers,2003. 1 培训的过程1.1 导言〆培训和响应培训就是给新雇员或现有雇员传授其完成本职工作所必需基本技能的过程。
广东工业大学华立学院本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文系部城建学部专业土木工程年级 2011级班级名称 11土木工程9班学号 23031109000学生姓名刘林指导教师卢集富2015 年5 月目录一、项目成本管理与控制 0二、Project Budget Monitor and Control (1)三、施工阶段承包商在控制施工成本方面所扮演的作用 (2)四、The Contractor's Role in Building Cost Reduction After Design (4)一、外文文献译文(1)项目成本管理与控制随着市场竞争的激烈性越来越大,在每一个项目中,进行成本控制越发重要。
2.项目控制和监测的概念和目的Erel and Raz (2000)指出项目控制周期包括测量成……原因以及决定纠偏措施并采取行动。
项目成功与良好的沟通密...决( Diallo and Thuillier, 2005)。
第四,项目管理者应该检测高风险活动,高风险活动最有...重要(Cotterell and Hughes, 1995)。
但是, 在有关胃癌方面没有可利用的数据。
结果—livin mRNA和蛋白质的表达检测40例中有19例(47.5%)有胃癌和SGC-7901细胞。
相关发现在livin基因的表达和肿瘤的微小分化和淋巴结转移一样(P < 0.05)。
其中之一,能有效地减少livin基因的表达,抑制基因不少于70%(P < 0.01)。
当livin基因沉默,胃癌细胞的生殖活动明显低于对照组(P < 0.05)。
研究还表明,IC50上的5-Fu 和顺铂在胃癌细胞的治疗上是通过shRNA减少以及刺激这些细胞(5-Fu proapoptotic和顺铂)(P < 0.01)。
南京航空航天大学金城学院毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译系部管理系专业市场营销学生姓名唐敏学号2109064116指导教师袁昊职称助教2013年 2 月network marketingPeter KenzelmannAbstract:Today,mankind has entered the era of rapid economic development of e —commerce-based network. A full range of rapid development and wide application of computer network technology on contemporary society, but also brought great changes to the enterprise marketing management。
Network Marketing the new marketing methods to adapt to the changes of the era of the development of network technology and information networks,it has changed the traditional marketing concept,marketing strategy, marketing,ways and means,will become the mainstream of the current era of corporate marketing. The face I had many problems in the SME network marketing,we should also be a clear understanding of the inevitability of its development,which requires all aspects of synergy and cooperation, to build a good network consumption environment, and promote the continued development of network marketing.Keywords: network marketing sales model of network management marketing planning SME.work Marketing TheoryNetwork marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of computer network technology, as represented by information technology。
英文文献翻译第1 篇 Effects of sevoflurane on dopamine, glutamate and aspartate release in an vitro model of cerebral ischaemia七氟醚对离体脑缺血模型多巴胺、谷氨酸和天冬氨酸释放的影响兴奋性氨基酸和多巴胺的释放在脑缺血后神经损伤中起重要作用。
第2篇The Influence of Mitochondrial K ATP-Channels in the Cardioprotection of Proconditioning and Postconditioning by Sevoflurane in the Rat In Vivo线粒体K ATP通道在离体大鼠七氟醚预处理和后处理中心肌保护作用中的影响挥发性麻醉药引起心肌预处理并也能在给予再灌注的开始保护心脏——一种实践目前被称为后处理。
郑州大学西亚斯国际学院中英文翻译文献名称Analysis Of The Wahaha Group Strategy 指导教师苏醒职称讲师学生姓名陈文强学号 20111241129 专业工商管理(国际企业管理)班级 11级国际企业管理1班院(系)商学院工商管理系Food supply chain management and food quality and safety Since the 1990s, supply chain management has become academia and industry hot topic, especially the successful supply chain management applied after IBM, P & G, DELL companies such as management, food and agricultural industries to follow suit and to improve their competitiveness by means of the supply chain management of this tool. In 1996, Zuurbier and other scholars in general based on the supply chain, first proposed the concept of the food supply chain, and that the food supply chain management of agricultural and food production and marketing organizations, food and agricultural products in order to reduce logistics costs, improve their quality and safety and vertical integration mode of operation of logistics services carried out. Today, in the United States, Britain, Canada and the Netherlands, more developed countries in agricultural production, this management model has been widely used, and has become the key issue in today's academic research.Research on the food supply chain management has gone through three phases: the first phase of the business flow management, research include agricultural and food processing enterprises output stage business flow to the consumer prior to consumption, which is usually included research The second stage is the stage of integrated logistics management, logistics management separate from the marketingof agricultural products out and extend upstream to the agricultural and food production and the production process, emphasizing the production should be based on market demand and; in the marketing category cost control throughout the supply chain; the purpose of the third stage of the supply chain integration management stage, the research scope extends further upstream to the most upstream agricultural products (such as seed suppliers, etc.), the extension is to track and trace food quality and safety of agricultural products question, in order to quickly and efficiently identify and solve problems. This article describes the characteristics of different systems of food production logistics supply chain and the food supply chain and the development of food quality and safety management are analyzed and discussed.One. Causes food supply chain managementIn recent years, the emergence and development of the food supply chain is the people's food consumption increasing demands of the inevitable result. Specifically, the causes are: (1) consumer freshness of food and agricultural products have become increasingly demanding and require delivery of food and agricultural products, the production period as short as possible. (2) the quality requirements of consumers of food and agricultural products have become more sophisticated, forcing food manufacturers to implement the food supply chain management to ensure a stable supply of raw materials upstream and downstream sales channels. (3) The quality and safety of food consumers are increasingly concerned. In order to meet consumer demand for food and agricultural products in the type and quantity requirements, companies continue to seek and develop new technologies. Therefore, enterprises need in all aspects of the production process for product inspection.Two. Food supply chain tracking and food quality and safetyIn recent years, the quality of the food supply chain to ensure the delivery of cooperation to strengthen the focus gradually shifted from the original quality and safety of food and agricultural products, such as mad cow disease, foot and mouth disease and the emergence of genetically modified foods. Food quality and safety of agricultural products and food supply chain management tracking inseparable, so based on the quality and safety of the food supply chain has become a key and difficult to track the food supply chain management. Golan.E by the United States and other fresh produce, cereals and oilseed rape investigation and beef products found three after the food supply chain tracking, there are great differences in food quality and safety. The analysis of these differences, they found three kinds of agricultural food supply chain management in common, that is, there are three driving forces. This is also the enterprises need to analyze the implementation of the food supply chain management study of the problem:1. differentiation in favor of food and agricultural products marketing to increase sales of food and agricultural products. Through those small or food quality and safety features can not be directly found, it can distinguish between different types of agricultural products and foodstuffs. Because there are a lot of single grains and meat products not only in the food and agricultural markets, but also according to different consumer preferences and tastes tailored food. Quality of some agricultural products and foodstuffs could easily be identified, while others are not easy to direct discrimination, even after the consumer can not be found immediately its quality problems.2. favor of agricultural products and food quality and safety tracking, reduce the cost of food and agricultural products recall. Many companies have taken advantageof the food supply chain tracking system, to minimize the potential loss of the food safety system deficiencies may cause. Suppliers usually have strong economic driver, and when found food safety hazards and quality issues, they tend to take measures to prevent food safety problems to their own brand or have a negative impact. Based on the food supply chain can help companies shorten the track to identify and clean up the food in question time, for many foreign companies will be disclosed in the relevant identification information on food packaging, in order to facilitate consumer recognition and identification. Some companies are using the advanced RSS bar code systems and EAN / UCC Global Identification System, and more particularly to reveal identifying information of the food supply chain, such as seeds of each product, fertilization, the use of antibiotics, the production time, production lines, , the production technique used and the production order, and so on. Therefore a product if there are problems, they will be able to identify the information play a significant role.3. Conducive to enhance and improve the logistic management of the supply side. For enterprises, the management of production logistics and tracking related retail information (such as bar code), to help businesses understand the logistics out of the situation which the food supply chain, in order to flow into the upstream supply chainlogistics for effective management. In particular, some businesses have adopted based on the quality and safety of the food supply chain of high-tech tracking system, such as farmers use electronic ear identification and related data collection card to keep track of food and agricultural products immunization records, health records and keeping records. This information also enables food supply chain food or agricultural products, its quality and consistent price on the market.However, the implementation of all food and agricultural products quality and safety of the food supply chain tracking is not necessary. Van Weele according to the market demand for agricultural products and food information to determine the food supply chain information to track width, depth and precision. Similarly, companies in the food supply chain information to track width, depth and precision of a comprehensive orientation also reflects their costs and benefits based on the quality and safety of the food supply chain. Because the information track width, depth and precision determinant of business investment in the integration of the food supply chain and cost. Only when the benefits outweigh the costs, width, depth and accuracy is chosen by the implementation of power and ensure quality and safety of the supply chain to track.食品供应链管理和食品质量安全上世纪90年代以来,供应链管理已成为学术界和实业界关注的热门话题,特别是供应链管理成功地应用于IBM、P&G、DELL 等公司的经营管理以后,食品和农产品行业也纷纷效仿并借助供应链管理这一工具来提高自身的竞争力。
国内功能派翻译理论研究述评上海翻译Shanghai Journal o f Translator s 2007No .4[收稿⽇期]2007205215[作者简介]何庆机(1966-),男,浙江理⼯⼤学外国语学院副教授,研究⽅向:英美⽂学,翻译研究。
国内功能派翻译理论研究述评何庆机 (浙江理⼯⼤学外国语学院,杭州310018)[摘要]德国功能派翻译理论引⼊我国虽然时间不长,但近年来我国对该派的理论研究和应⽤有了长⾜的发展;这不仅仅表现在相关研究论⽂的数量上,还表现在研究的范围上,包括述评研究、理论研究、⽂学翻译研究和应⽤翻译研究。
[关键词]功能派翻译理论;述评;理论研究;⽂学翻译研究;应⽤翻译研究[中图分类号]H 059[⽂献标识码]A[⽂章编号]167229358(2007)0420016205德国功能派翻译理论是指,以“侧重功能或⽂本功能”的视⾓,研究翻译的各种理论(Nord ,2001:1),其中包括⽬的论(Skopotheorie )和受到⽬的论的启发⽽发展的翻译理论。
功能派的第⼀代领袖⼈物包括提出“⽬的论”的弗美尔(Hans J.Vermeer ),提出⽂本功能类型学(text typology )的赖斯(K atharina Reiss ),提出翻译⾏为理论(translatorial action )的芬兰翻译学者曼特瑞(Justa H olz2Manttari );第⼆代核⼼⼈物包括提出功能翻译类型学(functional translation typology ,即⽂献翻译与⼯具翻译理论)和忠诚原则(loyalty principle )的诺德(Christiane Nord )。
⼴义的说,功能派第⼆代核⼼⼈物还包括四位“外围”学者(因为他们虽受⽬的论启发,但已经偏离,有些甚⾄⽐较远),即借⽤“格式塔”概念建⽴起翻译研究综合法(integral approach )的霍恩⽐(Mary Snell 2H ornby ,赖斯和弗美尔的学⽣),致⼒于“发声思维分析法”研究(T APs ,Think 2aloud Protocol )的霍尼(Hans H onig )和库斯莫尔(Paul K ussmaul )(根茨勒在其著作中对这两位有所介绍,但并不把他们归⼊功能派),以及放弃研究专职从事翻译的阿曼(Margaret Ammann )。
外文文献译文及原文 - 副本(DOC)
目录1外文文献译文 (3)1外文文献原文 (4)2外文文献译文 (7)2外文文献原文 (9)1、外文文献译文《人力资本投资》节选作者:西奥多·威廉·舒尔茨《人力资本投资》---- 简要介绍1960年舒尔茨在美国经济学会年会上发表的题为《人力资本投资》的演说中,对于人力资本观点作了非常系统的论述。
《人力资本投资》---- 内容提要舒尔茨这篇《人力资本投资》被人称之为:人力资本研究新领域的“独立宣言”,其在文中提出了九项主张:“在税收政策上应该给人力资本给予优惠;防止人人力资本的闲置和老化;避免对人力资本投资进行人为的干扰;完善人力资本市场,银行应积极主动地提供人力资本所需的费用,鼓励私人和公共投资;政府应承担人力资本投资的大部分费用,特别是资助劳动力向城市转移;重视低收入者的人力资本投资;明确教育和保健同样具有经济意义,它们是一项投资,要扭转投资在这方面的不平衡;增加政府投入、扩大人力资本投资,以减少收入的不平等;舒尔茨所提出的人力资本理论的基本内涵是:把资本分为物质资本和人力资本两种形式。
090105009罗浩猛 外文文献原稿和译文
外文文献原稿和译文原稿Methanol Distillation System: Process Analysis and Column DesignAbstract:Base on industrial research and experience, the process of methanol distillation is analyzed, and above all, a new concept of high pressure flowsheet and low pressure flowsheet is defined. The new configuration helps to handle problems encountered in many factories in China. The inter influence between process and column internal pattern is also pointed out. Recommendation of new column internal designs is given. Finally, industrial examples tell the how the new concept works and the possibility of combining process to give more opens to solve engineering problems.Keywords:methanol distillation, two - effect distillation, high pressure flowsheet and low pressure flowsheet, flowsheet analysis, simulation with hydraulic, column internal designINTRODUCTIONA very important material in organic chemical industry, methanol is widely involved in the manufacture of plastic material, synthetic fiber and rubber, dyestuff, covering material, spice, medical field, pesticide and etc. Also, it is not only a fine solvent for many organic compounds but a sound substitute for gasoline in many countries as green energy. With the quick development of the national economy, the demand (actual or potential) of methanol has sharply increased, which accelerates the development of the methanol industry and increment of the methanol output. Presently, methanol distillation technology has been developed to be large - scale, low energy consuming and more environmental. The main patent dealers in this industry of the world have the equipments designed for 5 000 7 500 t/dEz~. But China (mainland) has hardly no running units withcapability over 200kt/a of high quality (such as O - M - 232E US). Recently, National Engineering Research Center for Distillation Technology at Tianjin University (NERCDT) has done much on technical and market research, including the simulation of all the familiar flowsheets on industrial and lab data, especially studying the 2 - effect heat exchange between the 2 methanol refining columns. As a summary of our work, the high pressure process and the low pressure process for 3 + 1 – column process was put forward.1. PROCESS DESCRIPTIONMethanol can be synthesized from many materials, for instance, natural gas, gas oil, fuel oil, coal, etc. Except for the difference in catalysts, reaction mechanics and the concentration of methanol in raw product, the subsequent distillation process and equipments are similar, falling into three main assortments: 2 – column process, 3 -column process and 3+1 –column process. A 2 -column process is composed of light ends column and methanol refining column or main column which is found in factories under 100 kt/a, offering simple process, equipments and low investment. 3 -column process is built up by light ends column, pressured methanol refining column (PMRC) and atmospheric methanol refining column (AMRC), forming a 2 -effects distillation with the mixture of the distillates from the 2 methanol refining columns the methanol product. The characteristic of this process is the 2 –effect distillation pattern between PMRC and AMRC, meaning heat exchange between the top of PMRC and the bottom of AMRC. This pattern saves the energy (by 30% ~40~) and the recycle rate of cooling water. If a methanol recovery column, or stripper, or water column involves after the low pressure methanol refining column to improve the quality of the wastewater, the process will turn into 3+1-column process.1.1 Light Ends ColumnNo matter in 2 - column process, 3–column process or 3+1-column process, the Light End Column (LEC) plays the same Role. Some of the light component in raw methanol fatal to the product are removed in this column, such as methyl formate (MFOR), dimethyl ether (DME), C1 ~ C6, as well as acetone and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). Some publications define MFOR,DME and C1 ~ C6 as the alcoholic – soluble impurities, while DME and MEK the aquatic- soluble impurities. The standard of the division can be found in Table 1.Industrial investigation shows that the basic measures of the removal operation include large reflux ratio and process water inlet or both taken. The principles respectively employ the difference of boiling point or relative volatility and solubility of the components.As a routine method, large reflux ratio; say 0. 7~0. 9 ( reflux to column feed), requires high condenser temperature to remove light impurities of high boiling point, for example acetone. Obviously, this method is accompanied by high energy consumption .Because the above method can not reduce the loss of methanol, process water is added to the column to change the concentration of methanol and water in order to weaken the solubility of the liquid mixture in the column to the alcoholic- soluble impurities. The process water is normally fed to the column in 3 ways: into the 2nd condenser, at the top of the column and along with the raw methanol feed.To get the same methanol and water concentration at the inlet position, process water in the first way amounts approximately 5 % that of the feed, while the others, 10%~20%.In many units, an alkaline solution (~15% NaOH) is added to the exhaustion section of the column to balance the acids for a moderate pH value of the refined raw methanol. 1.2 Refining Column/Main Column FlowsheetThis column,packed or trayed,have the product methanol by side draw near the top of the column in the distillation section, taking up 85%effective length of the column. At the middle of the exhaustion section, a side draw removes methanol, ethanol, isopropanol and propanol , etc.To assure high purity of the wastewater (<100 PPM methanol) . When high quality methanol product required,another side draw,called ethanol side draw in factories,is opened at the bottom of the distillation section and just a little higher than the feed inlet,to help reduce the concentration of ethanol in methanol product.1.3 Refining Columns in 3-column FlowsheetIn the 3 multiple-effect distillation types, feed splitting(FS),light spilt/forward (LSF) and 1igh (split/reverse (LSR),the LSF 2 -effectpattern by Lurgi is the most popular in China.As showed in Figure 2 the entire feed stream (refined raw methanol) is pumped to PMRC.About half of the 1ight key component (methanol) is removed inthe distillate at relatively high purity.The bottom product,containing remainder of the key light component is fed to AMRC and is purified in this column. One or two Side lines Will be drawn to help the purification of wastewater and the distillate.In this case the heat integration is in the direction of mass flow.At high pressure,the relative volatility is decreased. This contributes to explain the reason why in many factories the methanol from the PMRCContains more impurities than that from AMRC, though the reflux ratio in PMPC is 1arger than that of the AMRC.The other reasons are bobble point reflux temperature and the existence of remainder light ends.The two products can be sold at different prices or in mixture.Besides this,the shortage includes the increased pumping costs to increase the feed pressure, the purchase cost for thicker column wall needed for high pressure and operation cost for the more complicated flowsheet.But in many cases, these increases are small when compared with the large savings in the utilities in boiling and condensing.Since in 3-column flowsheet, purity of both the methanol at the top and waste water at the bottom is required,a minimum T between the flows in the reboilier of AMRC and condenser of PMRC to give enough heat duty for these services. This, usually 20, is determined by the operation pressure of PMRC, and the pressure drop of the AMRC, while the latter is determined by the internals of the column at a certain column I. D..1.4 The High Pressure Flowsheet (HPF)In methanol distillation units of large scale (say, 300 kt/a, usually in 3 - column flowsheet), methanol lost within the side draw (s) of the AMRC, as well as high pressure it imposes on the wastewater treatment, can not be omitted. The solution is feeding the side draw from exhaustion section of the AMRC to a methanol recovery column (or stripper) on the basis of 3- column process. Most of the purified wastewater, in this case, drains from the AMRC bottom, another little portion of it from that of the forth column. This requires much higher bottom temperature in order to ripe off methanol and other light organic impurities in wastewater. Because the thermal resource of reboiler for this column is the overhead methanol vapor in the PMRC, to maintain normal operation, the operation pressure of the high pressure methanol refining column must be high enough to offer thetemperature gradient in heat exchange (condenser/reboiler) .1.5 The Low Pressure Flowsheet (LPF)The configuration of low pressure process comes from the comparison with the high pressure flowsheet, differing in the feed pattern of the methanol recovery column. This defines a flowsheet with AMRC to abandon its requirement to the bottom wastewater and the bottom product (with 5%~10% wt methanol in it) as the feed of the forth column. The variation saves the side draws form the exhaustion section of AMRC, making the column structure simpler, and, of the most importance, obtains a lower reboiling temperature because of the change in bottom composition. This situation, as the logic of the high pressure flowsheet, calls for a lower operation temperature of the top vapor flow at PMRC and a lower operation pressure accordingly.1.6 Comparison of the HPF and LPFThe operation pressure of PMRC in HPF is around 850~900 kPa(A), while that of LPF 640~700 kPa(A). Obviously rise up at the first glance the differences in costs for feed pumping and requirement for the condition of heating medium. And, to obtain both the aim of high purity methanol and wastewater, HPF permits an optional methanol recovery column,meaning intermittent shut down in large units or cancellation of the 4th column in small ones where theside draw flow rate is ignorable, whereas LPF must have the 4th column keep running in the operation duration. Another slight variation may be the purity of PMRC methanol at the same reflux ratio caused by dissimilar relative volatility at two pressures. There is also a fact that, due to the flow rate and composition of the feed to the 4th column, the difficulty in fractionation distillation under the same product demand to the 4th column differs. HPF, with a feed of smaller flow and higher methanol concentration, requires small reflux ratio and, consequently, a small column in diameter~ the counterpart, low methanol concentration, larger reflux ratio and especially large liquid flow in exhaustion section make a bigger column unavoidable.1.7 The Recovery Column and the type of returnIn running units, several patterns of methanol recovery columns or stripper can be found.As the simplest one, stripper receives its feed at the top and a steam at the bottom,with or without side draw. The main service is to get rid of methanol in the bottom stream, and spontaneously, with the top stream in low methanol concentration. This operation also directly loses steam and turns some of it to wastewater.A refluxed stripper is fed at the lower part of the column, able to recover methanol in top product in a concentration of over 90%, with optional side draw(s), makes the flowsheet a little more complex. Apparently it has the same problems as the stripper.In many cases, the recovery column is miniature of the AMRC in HPF, with the exhaustion section larger in portion to the distillation section, one or two optional side draws and a top product of 90 % methanol or nearly qualified methanol. The nearly qualified methanol, when merged in those from PMRC and AMRC, causes almost no difference to the composition due to its relatively small mount and slight composition difference, contributes to lift the total recovery of the whole unit up to 99.2% ~99. 5%. In this case, the return of the top stream to raw methanol drums or other columns in the unit is unnecessary.In HPF, the wastewater from the 4th column, though contains more organic impurities, cannot make any difference to the unit wastewater when submerged into that from AMRC.For the top stream with methanol concentration far apart from qualified, returning it to the raw methanol, PMRC or AMRC is a better method to increase the total methanol recovery of the unit. The position of this feed back is determined by the composition and condition of the returned stream. Although back to AMRC seems better, most factories in China prefer to the raw methanol drum.2. PROCESS SIMULATIONFor designing, unit analyzing or troubleshooting, process simulation is one of the most effect way. The understanding to the detail of the flowsheet facilitates the establishment of the mirror units in the software and keeps the result reasonable. From 2001, NERCDT began to relative progresses in methanol distillation and gradually establish a serious of simulation frameworks on the base of Proll with PROVISION. The information included came from lab research, industrial investigation and research of process packages form dealers within China. The process framework, or a simplifiedprocess package, involves not only the process aims, parts of the heat exchange equipments and pumps relative to distillation operation, but simultaneous column hydraulic calculation of the designated internals. The results also help to optimum arrangement or design of internals to the columns. In contrast with the on - site data from running units, the process framework gives sound uniformity. The running time, under continuous improvement, decreased from 3 days in 2001 (artificial adjustment) to 30 minutes now.2. 1 Selection of the SoftwareThe factors determining the selection of software includes the familiarity of the user to it, and more importantly, the accuracy of description to the thermodynamic behavior of the components involved, especially the trace components but fatal the quality of refined methanol, such as ethanol, cetone and methyl ethyl ketone, etc. Since the alcohol package in Porll offers the smallest adjustment work and habituation of most of our faculty, it was finally locked.2.2 Selection of the thermodynamic package for the columns in the flowsheetsAlthough we found that the Alcohol Package describe the main column or PMRC and AMRC or even methanol recovery with satisfaction, it has problems in simulating the LEC, especially the removal of light paraffin in raw methanol in this column and the slight error for acetone. Some of the publications pointed out that UNIFAC is the best thermodynamic package for this column, and certified that with the aid of process water paraffin can be effectively removed. But because of the different quality standard between countries, there is hardly any report on the removal of the key light components like acetone and MEK. According to the lab and on - site investigation data, NERCDT modified some of the parameters in the UNIFAC model relative to the 2 components. This new model describes the column with satisfaction.In the research, the authors found that, although large process water flow helps subtraction of paraffin, MFOR and DME, yet it has the reverse effect to the deduction of other key light impurities, such as acetone and MEK, for they are both very aquatic and alcoholic soluble. Figure 2 shows the research (on Proll with Provision, with data in Table 1)The work , along with Figure 4 ( from publication ) tells that to remove both aquatic and alcoholic soluble impurities, a best ratio (process water/ raw methanol) exists, which is the function of concentration of both aquatic and alcoholic impurities).2. 3 Other RemarksThe flowsheet simulation frameworks above have some points in common:(1) In HPF or LPF, a pseudo stream is drawn out as the heating medium of the reboiler to AMRC, and in the AMRC only one specification is given. This method avoids the artificial decision of the heating duty in simulation and offers a more accurate result in contrast with industrial data. In several troubleshooting works for factories in East China, in which a lower operation pressure is designated to a HPF along with a improper arrangement of internals, the simulation output and the on - site data showed the same, that, in AMRC, the qualified product and wastewater cannot be obtained simultaneously. After checking the original design, one of mistakes was found that the designer simulated the PMRC and AMRC separately and just considered a same absolute amount of heat load at the PMRC condenser and AMRC reboiler. See Table 2 for detail.(2) For energy saving, the condensates from reboilers from columns' except for AMRC, before feeding back to boiler system, are collected to heat the refined raw methanol to near bobble point, and along with the wastewater of the unit and hot methanol product from PMRC, raise the temperature of raw methanol to 67~69 *(2. The former pre- heating also helps to realize a balanced vapor - liquid load in distillation and exhaustion section in PMRC.(3) With the calculation block in the software, most of the parameters or features of the simulated unit are output in one of the simulation blocks. Table shows a example fora LPF.(4) All the columns in the frameworks involve simultaneous hydraulic calculation with the simulation. The reasons include that differences in column I. D. , internal pattern and throughput have influence on the quality of products and wastewater. To offer close datato on- site counterparts, this is the most recommended way.3. INTERNAL DESIGN OF THE COLUMNSThe aim of internal selection is always meet the needs of process requirements and lowest fuel consumption and lowest purchase costs. Difference in materials for methanol synthesis and the correspondent processes has influence on determination the internal design.3.1 Influence of the Process and Factors for the decision of column patternIn hydraulic design for a methanol unit using coal or coke oven gas, the heating steam is produced in synthetic system. For energy saving purpose, structure packing is recommended for the whole LEC, the distillation section and the upper section between the feed and side draw in exhaustion section of HPF AMRC; valve tray for whole PMRC and the section from side draw to bottom in HPF AMRC to facilitate the arrangement of optional side draws. For LPF AMRC, a packed exhaustion section is feasible. The methanol recovery column, or stripper, adopts similar structure as AMRC in HPF. From the viewpoints of process, AMRC requires a pressure drop as low as possible. Thus, a whole packed exhaustion section seems sound. But the requirement of lowest pressure drop should be abandoned considering the process requirement of optional side draw. In PMRC, simulations on packed and trayed make almost no difference. In this case, the whole pressure drop takes small portion to the operating pressure, no matter packed or trayed, with the bottom temperature difference within 2. That is, using the two kinds of column structure in this equipment will get nearly the same bottom temperature, with no impact on outside heat exchange network. That is how an economical low energy consumption design comes out. The running units of high methanol quality in China by foreign dealers all adopted a trayed PMRC, also giving a feasible proof. See Table 4 for detail (trayed and packed column are of the same size).In another design for natural gas synthetic methanol, the synthetic gas from the reaction section, instead of the steam, is often employed for heating medium of the distillation section. This means steam consumption has no significance. The distillation section reboilers act as the cooler of the synthetic gas. In this case, LEC can also be designed in tray column.3.2 New internal techniques for methanol distillationIndustrial investigation shows that a variety of internals are found in methanol distillation columns: structured packing, trays and distributors from many dealers. In spite of integration techniques of different internals that influenced by the process, the features of he internals also plays an important role. This section introduces some of the patented techniques of Tianjin University, suitable for this process.(1) Spray Guide Trapezoid Valve Tray (SGTV)A unique trapezoid valve, the outline with the aid of vapor guiding components in it forms unique propel to liquid layer on the tray deck downstream. This function 6ffers features like low clear liquid depth on deck, low pressure drop, low liquid entrainment, etc.. This tray was designed and adopted in many fields in columns with diameter up to 9300mm in ethylene unit. In methanol distillation, the best position for it is the exhaustion section of PMRC, where there is a large liquid flow.(2) Bone structure for gauze wire structured packingA packing of high efficiency, gauze packing pies have low strength and rigidity. If the bed depth is high enough, the top surface sunken in the middle, the weight of the bed makes the specific density differs at difference points in the bed. This will have negative effect in mass transfer in the bed. The bone structure, without influence on the throughput and efficiency of the gauze packing bed, give strength and rigidity to the bed. by experience.A successfully running DN3000 packed column, with the depth of the boned bed up to 5000mm, only have 3mm the depth of the sunken.(3) Chimney tray re - distributor with dripping guideThe orifices are opened in the wall of the gas riser. A dripping guider welded to the inner surface of the gas riser protecting the liquid drops or flows accelerate in the guider until they left the turbulent area just beneath the deck. This design assures steady dripping points at the top of the bed and low entrainment. Also there is a reverse design with the liquid in trough and vapor flow outside, having a larger path. This solution facilitates seal between the troughs, avoiding that of deck to support ring welded to the column wall.4. INDUSITRIAL EXAMPLE: TROUBLESHOOTINGIn the past years, 2~3 running large – scale methanol units in East China were found with problems, high quality methanol and wastewater are not available, or both. It is inthe work of trouble shooting and industrial investigations that the concept of HPF and LPF were summarized.5. SUMMARYThis work summarizes industrial investigation, experience and research work about several technical points in methanol distillation. On the basis of process analysis and description to running methanol units in China, including detailed light ends removal and integration re - utilization of the heat, the 3-column or 3+1-column flowsheet is classified into high pressure flowsheet and low pressure flowsheet. The key point of the classification in HPF an LPF is the operation pressure of PMRC. In two - effect distillation, the condition of heat medium from PMRC to AMRC is directly determined by this credit.A methanol recovery column or stripper in HPF or LPF may have different operation manner.Industrial investigation and research shows that the concept of HPF and LPF largely facilitates process troubleshooting and optimization. In some of the cases, HPF and LPF can exchange to each other and 2 - column 3 - column flowsheets can be combined to solve engineering problems.From the point of research and design, considering not only the heat integration but column hydraulic calculation within process simulation gives advantages. Internals have influence on the pressure distribution along the columns, which in turn have effect on the temperature difference between PMRC top and AMRC bottom. The temperature reversely determines the operation of the unit or whether a process belongs to HPF or LPF. Simulation involving as many factors as possible offers more reliable outcome.It is also the simulation with hydraulic calculation that helps to concludes that a trayed PMRC makes almost no difference in energy consumption compared with a packed, no matter in HPF or LPF. This is very useful for technicians in factories and engineering company. To save fuel the AMRC should have its as large portion as possible of its internals packed beds. Difference in material making methanol and the consequent manner of heat integration between the units also have difference best suitable column structures, especially the internal pattern of LEC.Some of the new internal designs are recommended to improve column design orgive better option in revamping.The two examples, no matter troubleshooting or revamp, shows the importance of understanding the process to detail and in depth, which facilitate solving engineering problems. It also indicate that the possibility of combining different process or equipment pattern in industrial experience to open more ways to manipulate troubles.译文甲醇精馏系统:过程分析与塔的设计摘要:基于工业的研究和经验,对甲醇精馏过程进行了分析,最重要的是,高压和低压浮选工艺流程这一新概念的定义。
e-Book45005阴极保护进入数值模拟时代Cathodic protection is moving tothe numerical simulation era王向农Spring River e-Book2013年4月目录1)阴极保护进入数值模拟时代 (3)Cathodic protection is moving to the numerical simulation era2)管道阴极保护系统的设计与优化 (6)Design and optimization of pipeline cathodic protection systems3)罐底板阴极保护电流与电位分布模型 (13)Current and potential distribution modeling for cathodic protection of tank bottoms4)计算机模拟有助于阴极保护系统设计和干扰的预测 (25)Computer simulation as an aid to CP system design and interference prediction5)计算机模型预测减缓埋地防腐管道上交流电压的影响 (34)Computer modeling to predict the magnitude of AC voltages on buried and well coated pipelines6)墨西哥太平洋近岸油气管网阴极保护干扰问题的数值模型诊断和解决 (51)Numerical modeling for CP diagnosis and solutions to interference problems in shore fuel oil and gas pipeline networks in the Pacific coast of Mexico7)受到各种干扰的地下管网阴极保护设计专用模拟软件的应用 (57)The use of dedicated simulation software for the design and understanding of the cathodic protection of underground pipeline networks under various interference conditions8)受到直流牵引机车杂散电流干扰的大型埋地管网阴极保护的模拟软件 (70)A user-friendly simulation software for the cathodic protection of large networks of buriedpipelines influenced by DC-traction stray currents9)电潜泵油井套管和相邻阴极保护管道杂散电流腐蚀的模型技术 (80)Modeling of stray current corrosion in ESP well casings and adjacent cathodically protected pipelines10)用计算机模拟改进管道的完整性 (90)Improving pipeline integrity using computer simulation11)用计算机模型加强深井套管阴极保护系统的设计和监控 (101)Enhancing design and monitoring of cathodic protection systems for deep well casings with computational modeling12)用阴极保护计算机模型评价海上浮式生产储油船强制电流系统 (112)Evaluation of impressed current system on EPSO by use of CP computer modeling13)用于近海与海洋环境中阴极保护的专家三维软件模拟 (128)Expert 3D software simulations for cathodic protection in offshore and marine environments14)预测和减缓交流电干扰的模拟软件 (139)A user-friendly simulation software for AC predictive and mitigation techniques15)预测有大量干扰的阴极保护系统的性能 (152)Predicting the performance of cathodic protection systems with large scale interference16)在设计阶段应用模型技术减缓轻轨系统杂散电流干扰 (158)The application of modeling system at the design stage to the mitigation of stray current interference17)魁北克-波士顿高压直流输电系统对地下和水下管道的干扰 (171)High voltage direct current interference with underground/underwater pipelines阴极保护进入数值模拟时代Cathodic protection is moving to the numerical simulation era作者:比利时Elsyca公司Jacques Parlongue与Leslie Bortels 翻译:王向农(美国《Pipeline & Gas Journal》杂志2009年10月刊)由于管网越来越密,管道经营方正面对日益加剧的直流干扰问题。
外文文献翻译原文及译文标题:The Research of the Growth of New Retail Formats 作者:Piyush Kumar Sinha, Sanjay Kumar Ka期刊:Research and Publications年份:2017原文The Research of the Growth of New Retail FormatsPiyush Kumar Sinha, Sanjay Kumar KarAbstractThe Indian retail sector is going through a transformation and this emerging market is witnessing a significant change in its growth and investment pattern. Both existing and new players are experimenting with new retail formats. Currently two popular formats -hypermarkets and supermarkets are growing very fast. Apart from the brick -mortar formats, brick -click and click-click formats are also increasingly visible on the Indian retail landscape. Consumer dynamics in India is changing and the retailers need to take note of this and formulate their strategies and tactics to deliver value to the consumer. This paper investigates modern retail developments and growth of modern formats in this country. We also discuss the challenges and opportunities available to the retailers to succeed in this country.Keywords: New Retail, Formats, Development Strategy IntroductionRetailing in India is receiving global recognition and attention and this emerging market is witnessing a significant change in its growth and investment pattern. It is not just the global players likeWal-Mart, Tesco and Metro group are eying to capture a pie of this market but also the domestic corporate behemoths like Reliance, KK Modi , Aditya Birla group, and Bharti group too are at some stage of retail development. Reliance, announced that it will invest $3.4 billion to become the country's largest modern retailer by establishing a chain of 1,575 stores by March 2007. The last couple of years have been rosy for real estate developers and the retailers are finding suitable retail space in prominent locations. The industry is buoyant about growth and the early starters are in expansion mood. There is increased sophistication in the shopping pattern of consumers, which has resulted in big retail chains coming up in most metros; mini metros and towns being the next target. Consumer taste and preferences are changing leading to radical alteration in lifesty les and spending patterns which in turn is giving rise to new business opportunities. Companies need to be dynamic and proactive while responding to the ever- changing trends in consumer lifesty le and behavior.Retailing in India is currently estimated to be a USD 200 billion industry, of which organised retailing makes up 3 percent or USD 6.4 billion. By 2010, organised retail is projected to reach USD 23 billion1 and in terms of market share it is expected to rise by 20 to 25 per cent2. The report also predicts a stronger retailer growth thanthat of GDP in the coming five years.The generic growth is likely to be driven by changing lifestyles and by strong surge in income, which in turn will be supported by favorable demographic patterns. Rapid growth in international quality retail space brings joy to shoppers and shopping malls are becoming increasingly common in large cities, and announced development plans project at least 150 new shopping malls by 2008. The number of department stores is growing at a much faster pace than overall retail, at 24 per cent annually. Supermarkets have been taking an increasing share of general food and grocery trade over the last two decades.Development of mega malls in India is adding new dimensions to the booming retail sector. Shopping experience in the nation of shopkeepers is changing and changing very fast. There is significant development in retail landscape not only in the metros but also in the smaller cities. Even ITC went one step ahead to revolutionize rural retail by developing ‘Choupal Sagar’a rural mall. On one hand there are groups of visionary corporate working constantly to improve upon urban shopping experience and on the other hand some companies are try ing to infuse innovative retail experience into the rural set up.The Larger PictureIndian economy has shown an impressive growth of over 6 per cent for last five years and continues to surge ahead. GDP growth rate in 2003-04 recorded a fifteen year high of 8.5% and subsequently maintained a steady growth for the next two years. Real GDP growth accelerated from 7.5 per cent during 2004-05 to per cent during 2005-06 on the back of buoyant manufacturing and services activity supported by a recovery in the agricultural sector.3 The central bank forecasts similar growth of 7.5-8 percent during 2006-07. With strong economic growth consumerism is increasing in the country and India is the fourth largest economy as far as purchasing power parity is concerned, just behind USA, Japan a nd China. Consumer TrendIndia is currently having the largest young population in the world and 54 per cent of India’s population is below 25 years of age and 80 per cent are below 45 years. As per India’s Marketing Whitebook (2006) by Businessworld, India has around 192 million households. Of these only a little over six million are ‘affluent’–that is, with household income in excess of INR215, 000. Another 75 million households are in the category of ‘w ell off’immediately below the affluent, earning between INR45,000 and INR215,000.This is a sizable proportion which offers excellent opportunity for organized retailers to serve.AC Nielsen’s Retail and Shopper Trends 2004 Report made the following observations on shopper’s behaviour in India:(1)Indian shoppers spend an average of INR2500 on food, groceries and personal care items every month and (2) convenience stores are booming in most markets, as the number of such stores exceeds 80,000.According to the report, 48 per cent of shoppers in India admit that they ‘lo v e to try new things’,making them the most novelty seeking shoppers around the region and total average monthly expenditure is only $50, of this, $21 is spent on fresh food, comprising 42 per cent of the entire monthly spend. Indians also appear to spend more on groceries and personal care items.Business communities believe that sizable disposable income in India is concentrated in the urban areas and well off and affluent classes; income distribution is unequal compared to other Asian economies. In fact, the 20 million middle class home in rural India equal the number in urban India4 and thus have the same purchasing power. Therefore, there is significant and considerable opportunity for organized retailers in the rural areas. There is no denying that the rural market holds immense promise for the organized retail butcompanies ponder over how to serve that market profitably.Unlike the urban market, it is less developed in terms of infrastructure and facilities. More than any thing else, the larger issue is to find out a suitable business model and retail format to fit local taste and preference. Of course cost of doing business in rural market would be lesser compared to urban market but reaching out to the mass is a concern. It is not impossible but a bit more difficult. For example the most successful and the largest incorporation Wal-Mart started in the rural market where as competition started in the urban market. This retailer has proved that it is important to understand how do you operate your business model rather than where you do it.Given the increasing urban exposure of rural India, the urban and the rural upper-income groups can form an interesting continuum market, giving it a scale of 23 million households, or 115 million consumers. In 2006-07, the consuming class would be about 60 million households, or 300 million consumers.NCAER data shows that for 1998-99, for a basket of 22 FMCG products it tracks, a total of over Rs 91,500 crore was spent. Of this, 37% was spent by the two lowest-income groups in rural India, and only about 20% by the top two income groups in urban areas. This is, perhaps, the best and only statement of the structure and potential ofthe Indian market. Hence, marketers have to worry about purchasing power of consumer not where he is living. For example there are nearly 42,000 rural haats, average number of sales outlets per haat is 300 and average sales per outlet is INR 900 and average foot fall in a haat is about 4,500. In rural India there are 50 million Kisan Credit Card (KCC) holders and in 2002-03, LIC sold 50 percent of its policies in rural India.6 These are some of the indicators how rural India is performing.Drivers of RetailOn one hand favorable demographic and psychographic changes in the Indian consumer class, rising income, international exposure, availability of quality retail space, wider brand choice and better marketing communication are some of the factors driving Indian retail. On the other side a lot depends on the preparedness of Indian retailers in terms of having suitable formats, scalable business model, appropriate technology and relevant organization capability for the success.Currently the country has a population of over one billion, 60% of which is under 30 years of age. This means majority of the population is young and working class with higher purchasing power. The low median age of population means a higher current consumption rate which augurs well for the retail sector. Consumerspending in India has grown at over 12 percent since mid-1990s and 64 per cent of Indian GDP is accounted for by private consumption.7 Over the last decade, the average Indian spending has gone up from INR 5,745 in 1992-93 to INR 16,457 in 2003-04 and is expected to grow around its trend rate of 12 per centDrivers of RetailOn one hand favorable demographic and psychographic changes in the Indian consumer class, rising income, international exposure, availability of quality retail space, wider brand choice and better marketing communication are some of the factors driving Indian retail. On the other side a lot depends on the preparedness of Indian retailers in terms of having suitable formats, scalable business model, appropriate technology and relevant organization capability for the success.Development of Retail FormatsIt is difficult to fit a successful international format directly and expect a similar performance in India. The lessons from multinationals expanding to new geographies too point to this. For example, Wal-Mart is highly successful in USA but the story is different in Asian countries like China. Therefore, it is important for retailer to look at local conditions and insights into the local buying behaviour before shaping the format choice. Considering thediversity in terms of taste and preferences existing in India the retailers may go for experimentation to identify the winning format suited to different geographies and segments. For example, the taste in south is different from that in north and this brings challenges to the retailers. Therefore, most of grocery retailers are region- centric at this point in time. Now a number of retailers are in a mode of experimentation and try ing several formats which are essentially representation of retailing concepts to fit into the consumer mind space. Apart from geography even rural and urban divide poses different kind of challenge to the retailer. Pantaloon Retail India is experimenting with several retail formats to cater to a wide segment of consumers in the market. Some of the new formats are Fashion Station (popular fashion), Blue Sky (fashion accessories), aLL (fashion apparel for plus-size individuals), Collection i (home furnishings), Depot (books & music) and E-Zone (Consumer electronics). The retailer is try ing to segment the market with the help of format. The retailer developed another new format in the form of Wholesale Club to sell a segment of consumer who purchase on bulk and look out for discounts and offers. The new format is going to be kind of wholesale club which is likely to be located close to Food Bazaar. Consumers who are interested to purchase on bulk can take benefit from this format. Similarly the Land mark groupalso operates multiple formats such as hypermarket (Max), departmental store (Lifestyle), Shoemart and Funcity 12 etc.. Such experimentation and identification of an appropriate format for the local conditions would separate winners from losers in India, possibly implying multiple formats could be the reality in the long run.译文新零售模式发展研究Piy ush K um a r S inh a , S a nja y K um a r K a r摘要印度零售业正在经历转型,可以看到这个新兴市场的增长和投资格局的重大变化。
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Nine Years for A and B九年遂成AB部(1)克利斯朵夫·里克斯[1]著敏译塞缪尔·约翰逊博士[2]是最伟大的词典编纂人。
英文文献及中文翻译学生姓名: 学号: 学 院: 专 业: 指导教师:2014年6月苏钟伟 1006024146仪器与电子学院 微电子科学与工程 李杰基于FPGA的激光陀螺捷联惯导数据采集设计魏国,孙佳摘要导航计算机接收陀螺仪和加速度计从IMV(惯性测量单元)传来的信号,实现了基于FPGA的数据采集的设计,数据采集电路是激光陀螺捷联惯性导航系统中非常重要的组成部分,通过进一步分析激光陀螺仪和加速度计的输出,完成了基于FPGA的数据采集电路的设计,使用IP核来实现数字滤波模块。
关键词:FPGA;激光陀螺;数据采集;IP内核1 引言随着EDA技术的发展,FPGA被广泛应用于数字系统设计领域,它具有高集成度,可靠性和高速度等级,并且它还有许多I / O资源,以及灵活的控制模式,并成为许多种类的数据采集卡的首选组件。
2 激光陀螺数据采集电路A. 机械抖动激光陀螺的输出分析激光陀螺仪的惯性回转敏感信息被包含在所述频率差异的行波中,当沿相反的方向在环形激光器旋转传感器移动时,由模式对组成。
李响 外文文献翻译(OK)
科毕业设计外文文献及译文文献、资料题目:Research on the Theory and Parameters of Bar Cutting Based on High Speed and Restrained State文献、资料来源:机械工程与力学国际会议文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2005.10.26院(部):机电工程学院专业:机械工程及自动化班级:机械114姓名:李响学号:2011071225指导教师:靳同红翻译日期:2015.3.19外文文献:Research on the Theory and Parameters of Bar Cutting Based on High Speed and Restrained State Bar cutting process has a direct influence on the productivity and quality of products as well as the economic benefits in the field of manufacturing. Bar cutting theory and technology has been paid more and more attentions by scholars all over the world and has become a hot spot of research and exploration in the resent years. But up to now, there is still no effective bar cutting methodologies. Based on the high speed and restrained state, a kind of advanced bar cutting theory and technology is put forward and studied. The theory of fracture mechanics is utilized to analyze the cutting fracture process. The mechanism of high speed cutting and the characteristics of deformation are researched. Cutting parameters such as material temperature, cutting speed and die clearance are also analyzed. Theoretical analysis and experiments shows that better quality bar cutting can be obtained with this novel precision cutting technology.1. IntroductionBar cutting is the first and important procedure in the manufacturing process of products. The quality of bar cutting has a great influence on the productivity, the quality of products and the economic results. With the development of precise forming and precise processing, the demand for cutting quality of materials has become higher and higher. For the commonly used bar cutting method, because the cutting speed is low and there is no clipping apparatus, the quality of the cutting surface and the weight error can not meet the production demands. For a long period of time, scholars from different countries have done a lot of theoretical analysis and experimental research works on bar cutting technology and many achievements have been made. Because the cutting deformation process is a very complicated process and quality of the cutting surface is affected by many factors, up to now, there is still no effective theory and efficient cutting method can be used in production.The authors have been dedicated to the researches of precise cutting theory andmethods for several years. By synthesizing and referring to available research results, a new kind of bar cutting method and precise cutting machine has been put forward for the first time. In this paper, a kind of advanced bar cutting theory and method based on high speed and restrained state is put forward and researched. Theory of fracture mechanics is applied on the analysis of cutting crack process, and high-speed cutting mechanism and deformation characteristics are also researched. By means of analysis of the cutting deformation and stress state in the cutting area, a proper loading method is proposed. The influence of every cutting factors or parameters such as cutting speed, cutting temperature, restrained state and dies clearance on the quality of the cutting surface is analyzed and optimized cutting parameters have been obtained. Principle of the high speed cutting machine is put forward. Bar cutting experiments in the high speed cutting machine has been carried out and the experiment results have also been analyzed.2 .Analysis of the bar cutting processThe precise cutting of bar materials based on high speed and restrained state is performed between the high speed moving cutting die and a fixed cutting die. When the moving cutting die driven by the slide moves down at a high speed and cuts the material the lower clipping die follows down and produces a clipping force F in the up direction, by which the materials can be clipped. At the same time the upper clipping die produces another clipping force FZ and the delivered materials can be clipped between the upper clipping die and the fixed cutting die, shown in Figure 1Figure 1 Cutting process and the deformation of materials1. Moving cutting die2. Upper clipping die3. Delivered material4. Fixed cutting die5. Lower clipping die6. Cut materialAs shown in Figure 1, in the cutting process the bar material can be divided into three deformation areas, the violent deforming area I ,the participating deforming area II and non-participating deforming area III .Among which the violent deforming area I is the most important. The stress state of the materials and the deforming process in this area has a direct influence on the quality of the cutting surface.In high speed cutting and restrained state, materials in area I is in a three-dimensional pressed stress state. After proper simplifying of the mechanical model, the stress state of materials in area I is shown in Figure 2.Figure 2 Stress state of material in cutting deforming area(a) The stress state of material in the moving cutting edge(b) The stress state of material in the fixed cutting edgeThe cutting process can be divided into three steps: elastic and plastic deforming, crackles producing and fracturing steps. Applying the fracture mechanics theory, the displacement field in the fracture of the materials can be expressed as follows:=μ22cos 21(2sin 2EII)1(θθπν+++k r k (1) )22sin 21(2sin 2II)1(θθπνν++-+=k r E k (2) Where ν- Poisson ratio of materialE -the shearing modulus of elasticityK -stress strength factor of II typed cracklesA-the angle between cracking direction and the crack surfacek- coefficients of calculationr-crackle tip radius in the plastic areaFor the precision cutting in high speed and restrained state, materials in the deforming area is in three-dimensional restrained states. The crackle tip radius in the plastic area can be expressed as(43π=r )sII δk 2 (3) Where -the yield stress of materialIt can be shown in formula (3) that the radius of the plastic area in high speed and restrained state is 50% less than that in common cutting process. Therefore the crackle of the materials in high speed and restrained state cracks smoothly and better quality of the cracking surface can be obtained3 Cutting parametersThe quality of cutting surface is affected by many factors such as cutting speed, materials temperature, the restrained state and clearance of dies. In order to get the best cutting parameters and design high speed cutting machine it is necessary to analyze these cutting factors and parameters.3.1 Cutting speedWith the increase of the cutting speed, the plasticity and the cracking toughness will become lower. Thus the deformation of cutting surface will decrease and brittle cracking of the metals is easy to produce. The cutting surface is smooth and there are fewer burrs, and the quality of the cutting surface is much better. On the other hand, if the cutting speed is over high, with the increase of material temperatures caused by high speed, plasticity of the materials will increase and the quality of the cutting surface will be affected.According to the theory and calculating formulas proper range of the cutting speed can be obtained. Together with the experiment research in the high speed cutting machine and the analysis of the cutting quality, the better range of cutting speed for high-speed cutting is 5-10m/s3.2 Cutting temperatureCutting temperature is the temperature of material during cutting process. It is one of the most important cutting parameters affecting the cutting quality. According to the characteristic of materials and the theory of fracture mechanics, the temperature increases during high speed cutting process. The proper range of temperature should be in the range of brittle fracture temperature intervals.Through the experiments of high speed cutting in high speed cutting machine and analysis of the cutting surface, the unevenness relation curves of cutting surface with cutting temperature and cutting speed have been obtained for different materials. As for lower carbon steel, the proper range of cutting temperature is 350-380 C3.3 Restrained stateQuality of the cutting surface is directly affected by the stress state during the cutting process. The stress state can be changed by the restrained state of materials. As for commonly used cutting technology, there are no restrained measures to materials and bending deformation of the cutting materials can be produced, which will result to worse quality of the cutting surface.In the condition of precise cutting with restrained state (as shown in Figure 1), because of the squeezed action, the materials are in a three-dimensional pressed stress state, and the quality of cutting surface is much better.3.4 Clearances of diesThe clearance of dies during cutting varies with different materials and differentlength-diameter ratios. There are some theoretical formulas and experiential formulas can be referred. According to the calculation of the cracking angle of cracking surface, the clearance of dies for different length-diameter ratios can be determined as follows:D kk 1=δWhere: k-coefficient related with length-diameter ratiok 1- coefficient related material propertiesD-diameter of the materialsAs for the precise cutting in high speed and restrained state, the clearance of dies is less than that of the commonly used cutting methods. The more the clipping force the less the clearance is. 4 Loading ways and analysis of the experiment resultIn order to realize the high speed cutting with restrained state, a new kind of high speed hydraulic-pneumatic bar cutting machine has been developed and manufactured. In this machine the power is generated from a hydraulic system. Before working, the compressed air or nitrogen is filled into the air cylinder. When the piston together with the slider and moving cutting die driven by pressed fluid from hydraulic system moves up, the compressed air in air cylinder will be further compressed. When the fluid in the lower cylinder is drained out, the slider and the moving cutting die accelerates down under the action of the compressed air and the weight. The velocity of the slider is expressed as follows:))(2(gs mw e +=ην Where: W e -the expansion work of the airm- the mass of moving systemg- acceleration of gravityS-the stroke of moving systemη- mechanical efficiencyIn the cutting machine made by authors, the cutting speed is in the scope of 5-10m/s and is adjustable. When the moving cutting die cuts the materials, the lower clipping die produces a force in the up direction under the actions of springs and the materials are clipped. At the same time, the upper clipping dies produce another clipping force driven by the pressed fluid in the clipping cylinder and clips the materials. The working cylinder and the clipping cylinder are driven and controlled by the same hydraulic system.In this high-speed cutting machine, precise bar cutting experiments are performed under the condition of different speed and different temperature. According to the experiment results, the relation curves of unevenness of the cutting surface with different speeds and temperatures have been obtained. In order to observe the quality of the cutting surface, metallographic analysis of is performed with SEM. One of the comparisons of high speed cutting (5m/s) with common cutting method is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3 Metallographic analyses of high-speed cutting and common cuttingFigure 3 (a) is the test piece morphology of high speed cutting and b is the morphology of common cutting. It is obvious that there is no plastic deformation and tearing in the central area of high-speed cutting piece. The quality of the cutting surface of high speed cutting is much better than that of the commonly used cutting methods.5 ConclusionsThe quality of metal cutting has a direct influence on the quality, productivity and economic result of metal forming and mechanical manufacturing. Aiming at such problems as lower cutting quality, inefficient and waste of materials existed in commonly used cutting method, a new kind of precise cutting method and theory base on high speed and restrained state is put forward and researched by the authors for the first time.Through the analysis of the cutting process and the deformation of materials, the cutting mechanism and deformation characteristics for high speed and restrained state cutting are researched. Main factors and parameters affecting the cutting quality are analyzed and optimized values of the parameters are determined. The principle of the hydraulic-pneumatic high speed cutting machine is put forward and experiments of high speed cutting is carried out in this machine.Theoretical analysis, bar cutting experiments in high speed cutting machine and metallographic analysis of the cutting surface shows that with the new developed precise cutting theory and technology based on high speed and restrained state, better quality of the cutting materials and products can be obtained.AcknowledgmentsThis study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50475049).中文译文:基于高速和约束状态下的钢筋切割理论和参数的研究钢筋切割过程对生产效率,产品质量,以及制造业领域中的经济利益有直接的影响。
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%By SCIExpanded, the papers published by Linyi University Cited in SCI from 2005 to 2015 were collected an d analyzed, with respect to numbers, periodical distribution, authors, citations, research directions, financial aids, and cooperators . The suggestions were given to improve Linyi University scientific research strength and academic influence.【期刊名称】《临沂大学学报》【年(卷),期】2016(038)005【总页数】5页(P94-98)【关键词】临沂大学;SCI-E;Web of Knowledge;科技论文;统计分析【作者】陈爱香【作者单位】临沂大学图书馆,山东临沂276005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G254本文在ISI Web of Knowledge平台下,以SCIExpanded为来源进行检索,按照“AD=Linyi Univ or AD=Lin yi Univ or AD=Linyi Normal Univ or AD=Lin yi Normal Univ and PY=2005-2015”的检索条件,检索日期为2015年 4月22日,共检索到临沂大学科研人员在2005至2015年间发表SCI论文779篇。