牛津上海版高二第一学期Unit5 Reading课文解读

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《哈里波特》是一本让全球儿童着迷的妙 哈里波特》 不可言的好书。 不可言的好书。 Harry Potter is a magic book that fascinates so many children all over the world. magical adj. (像)魔法的 魔术的 魔法的/ magician n. 魔术师 变戏法的人 魔术师;
12. inspect v.
1) examine sth. closely or in detail in order to judge quality 仔细检查 海关官员查看我的护照。 海关官员查看我的护照。 The customs officer inspected my passport. 2) make an official visit to judge the quality of an organization 视察 inspect a school/ factory 视察一所学校/ 视察一所学校 一家工厂 inspection n. 视察 inspector n. 巡视员,查票员 巡视员,
这些票子使你能够在三天时间里免费乘坐 地铁。 地铁。 The tickets enable you to ride free on the underground for three days.
8. distinguish
v. to recognize a difference区别 区分 辨别 区别,区分 区别 区分,辨别 这对双胞胎让人难以辨认。 这对双胞胎让人难以辨认。 It’s difficult to distinguish the twins. 区分A和 区分 和B distinguish A from B =tell A from B =tell the difference between and B 色盲症患者无法区分红绿两种颜色。 色盲症患者无法区分红绿两种颜色。 A colour-blind man cannot distinguish red from green.
13. concerned
v. 1) be the business of sb.; be important to 是某人的事;对…有影响/有重要性 e.g. That does not concern us. 这与我们无关。 It is a problem that concerns public health. 此事影响到公众健康。 2) involve 使…牵涉,使…参与, concern sb./oneself in/with … 使某人(自己)从事…
10. thrill
n. [C,U] excitement 兴奋,激动 兴奋, v. cause (sb) to feel a thrill or thrills 某人) 使(某人)感到兴奋或激动 sth thrill sb
The film thrilled the audience. 那部电影对观众很有刺激性。 那部电影对观众很有刺激性。 thrilling Their ________ performance thrilled made the people ________. thrilling令人兴奋的 thrilled感到兴奋的 令人兴奋的 感到兴奋的
observe that…/ wh-… 我注意到他们迟到了/他们去了哪里 他们去了哪里。 我注意到他们迟到了 他们去了哪里。 I observed that they were late / where they went. 2) obey (rules, laws) 遵守 遵守交通规则 observe the traffic regulations 3) celebrate 庆祝 过(节日) 庆祝, 节日) observe Christmas 过圣诞节 observation n. 观察 under observation 在观察中
5. image n.
1) appearance of sth. in a mirror or through the lens of a camera 影像 You can see your image in the mirror. 你在镜中看得到你的影像。 你在镜中看得到你的影像。 2) a picture in the mind (心目中的)形 心目中的) 象,印象 I have this image of you as always being cheerful. 在我的印象里你总是兴高采烈。 在我的印象里你总是兴高采烈。
imagination n. 想象,想象力 想象, 充满想象力 full of imagination adj. imaginary 可想象的, 可想象的 可能的 imaginative 富有想象力的 imaginable 虚构的, 虚构的,假想的 imaginary a. The story is _________. Don’t
3) general impression of a person, firm, etc. gives to the public 形象 我们怎样才能改善我们的公众形象? 我们怎样才能改善我们的公众形象? How can we improve our public image? imagine v. 想象 imagine sth imagine (sb) doing imagine that-clause/wh-clause
2) achieve, arrive at 达成,达到,获得 达成,达到, reach a conclusion/decision 作出结论,决定 作出结论 决定 reach an agreement 达成协议 n. extent to which a hand can be stretched out 伸手可及的距离,范围 伸手可及的距离, within one’s reach 伸手可及 beyond/ out of one’s reach 手不能及 一定要把药放在孩子够不到的地方。 一定要把药放在孩子够不到的地方。 Be sure to keep the medicine out of children’s reach/out of reach of the children.
7. enable
vt.1) make sb able to do sth. 使某人能够做某事 2) make possible 使(某事)成为可能 某事) enable sb./sth. to do sth. 这本词典将使你能理解更多的英文单词。 这本词典将使你能理解更多的英文单词。 This dictionary will enable you to understand more English words.
2. reality
n. a thing that is actually experienced or seen 现实 逃避现实 escape from reality 面对现实 face reality 使某人面对现实 bring sb back to reality 事实上, in reality 事实上,实际上
3. thanks to 由于,多亏+名词 由于,多亏+
because of = ____________= _____________ owing to due to as a result of = ____________= _____________ on account = ____________of 幸亏你及时帮忙,我们才按时完成了任务。 幸亏你及时帮忙 我们才按时完成了任务。 我们才按时完成了任务 Thanks to your timely help, we accomplished the task on time.
Unit Five Reading Language Points
1. virtual adj.
1)of sth not real but made to appear real by the use of computer software 虚拟的 virtual space 虚拟空间 2)being or acting as what is described 事实上的, 事实上的 实质上的 A virtual state of war exists between the two countries. 这两国间实际上处于战争状态。 这两国间实际上处于战争状态。
4. magic
n. 1) art of doing tricks 魔术 play/perform magic 表演魔术 2) charming quality 魔力,魅力 魔力, 女孩微笑的魅力使他坠入爱河。 女孩微笑的魅力使他坠入爱河。 The magic of her smile made him fall in love with her. adj. wonderful, excellent 有魔力的, 不可思议的, 有魔力的 不可思议的,好极了的
believe it. b. The house has the most imaginable beautiful view _________. c. I like this imaginative child. _________
6. reach
v. 1)stretch out one’s hand in order to touch, grasp or take sth 伸手去够或拿… reach out (a hand) for sth reach for sth 伸出手去拿 伸出手去拿… 他伸手去拿架子上的书, 但够不到。 他伸手去拿架子上的书 但够不到。 He reached (out a hand) for the book on the shelf, but he couldn’t reach it. reach for sth 伸手去拿 reach sth 够得到 够得到…
11. mБайду номын сангаасnufacture
v. produce or make by machinery in large quantities 大批量生产 生产汽车 manufacture cars n. 1) [U] 大规模制造业 the manufacture of cars 汽车制造 2) [C] (pl.) 制品 steel manufactures 钢制品 manufacturer n. 制造业者 厂商 制造业者,
distinguished adj. outstanding 杰出的, 杰出的,卓越的 a distinguished basketball player 一位著名的篮球运动员 ~ guests 尊敬的来宾
9. observe v.
1) watch with careful attention 观察, 观测, 注意, 觉察到 observe sb. do sth. observe sb. doing sth. 警察注意到他带着枪进了/正进入银行。 警察注意到他带着枪进了 正进入银行。 正进入银行 The police observed him enter / entering the bank with a shotgun.
很难想象生活在没有汽车的地方。 很难想象生活在没有汽车的地方。 It’s hard to imagine living in a place where there are no cars. 你能想象乔治做饭(的样子) 你能想象乔治做饭(的样子)么? Can you imagine George cooking? 想象一下你独自一人在孤岛上。 想象一下你独自一人在孤岛上。 Imagine that you are alone on the desert island. 你能想象没有电的生活是怎样的? 你能想象没有电的生活是怎样的? Can you imagine what the life would be like without electricity?