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Tourist Attraction
帝国大厦(The Empire State Building) 百老汇(Broadway) 华尔街(Wall Street) 卡内基音乐厅(Carnegie Hall) 林肯表演艺术中心(Lincoln Center For The Performing Arts) 大都会艺术博物馆(Metropolitan Museum of Art) 美国自然历史博物馆(Museum Of Natural History) 惠特尼美术馆(Whitney Museum of American Art) 古根海姆美术馆(The Guggenheim Museum) 现代艺术博物馆(The Museum Of Modern Art - MoMA) 纽约广播博物馆(Museum of Broadcasting) 中央公园(Central Park) 联合广场(Union Square) 先锋广场(Herald Square) 麦迪逊广场花园(Madison Square Garden) 时报广场(Times Square) 哥伦布圆环(Columbus Circle)
译:是上市公司总 市值第一(2009年 数据),IPO数量及 市值第一(2009年 数据),交易量第 二(rty ( weight 450,000 pounds, 46 meters high, the base is 45 meters), its official name is “The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World(照耀世界的自由女神 ).” The whole statue has 120 steel works(骨架), 80 copper(铜片) for the jacket(外 皮), 300,000 rivets in the assembly fixed on the stent(支架 ), the total weight of 225 tons.
曼哈顿(Manhattan)这个名称来源自"Manna-hata"),最早出自罗伯 特· 朱艾特(Robert Juet)1609年的航海日志中。他是亨利· 哈得孙率领的半 月号(英语:Halve Maen)指挥船上的一名官员。1610年的一张地图上已 经将此地的毛里求斯河(Mauritius River,今哈得逊河)的东西两岸标注为 “Manna-hata”。而“曼哈顿”一词是从当地原住民雷纳佩人(英语: Lenape)的语言中翻译来的,在原住民语言中原意指“多山的岛屿”。
西元1609年,荷兰西印度公司代表亨利.哈德逊〈 Henry Hudson〉发现了这块地方,1626 年荷属美洲新尼 德兰省总督彼得〈Peter Minuit〉花了大约现值 24美元 向美国印第安人买下曼哈顿岛。1633年在这里建造了第一 个教堂,1653年曼哈顿成为新尼德兰省省府,并命名为新 阿姆斯特丹〈New Amsterdam〉 ,1653年前新阿姆斯特丹 的人口只有800人。之后大英帝国宣称哈得逊河流域〈 Hudson River〉是英国的土地,到了1664年约克公爵派遣 了一队人马把这块地以不流血的方式从荷兰人手中夺来, 并于1686年四月二十七日改名纽约并建市。 一七八五年至一七九○年,纽约市曾为美国国都,首任 总统华盛顿曾于一七八九年在纽约市就职。曼哈顿街道大 抵以数字来命名,南北走向称大道〈Avenue〉,东西走向 称街 〈Street〉,街又以第五大道为分界点再分东街、 西街。
Welcome to
General introduction
The name Manhattan derives from the word Manna-hata, as written in the 1609 logbook of Robert Juet, an officer on Henry Hudson's yacht Halve Maen (Half Moon), A 1610 map depicts the name as Manna-hata, twice, on both the west and east sides of the Mauritius River (later named the Hudson River). The word "Manhattan" has been translated as "island of many hills" from the Lenape language.
曼哈顿(英文:Manhattan)是美国纽约市5个行政区之 中最人口稠密的一个,与纽约县范围相当。这个行政区 主要由一个岛组成,并被东河、哈得孙河以及哈莱姆河 包围,并同时包括邻近的一些小岛屿和一块在大陆上的 飞地。曼哈顿被形容为整个美国的经济和文化中心 [1][2][3],也是联合国总部的所在地。[4]下曼哈顿的华尔 街是世上其中一个最重要的金融中心[5],有高达1.2兆 的本地生产总值[6],并拥有纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克。 它的房地产市场也是全世界最昂贵之一,[7] 许多跨国 企业也在此设立总部。
Wall Street is the financial district of New York City ,named after and centered on the eightblock-long, 0.7 miles (1.1 km) long street running from Broadway to South Street on the East River in Lower Manhattan. Over time, the term has become a metonym(词或短 语) for the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American financial sector (even if financial firms are not physically located there), or signifying New York-based financial interests. The famous New York Stock Exchange(纽约证券交易所 ) is here.
New York Stock Exchange (New York Stock Exchange, NYSE), is a listed company market capitalization(资本化) of the first (2009 data), IPO volume(量) and market value of the first (2009 data), the second volume (2008 data) of the Exchange .
Manhattan CBD
Manhattan CBD mainly includes the island‘s Downtown(老城), Midtown (中 城), the famous streets, Greenwich Street and Fifth Avenue and so on.
Central Business District(CBD ): 中央商务区、商务中心区或中心商务区
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 社区 曼哈顿华埠(Chinatown) 东村(East Village) 金融中心(Financial Center) 格林威治村(Greenwich Village) 哈莱姆区(Harlem) 地狱厨房(Hell's Kitchen) 下东城(Lower East Side) 肉品市场区(Meat Packing District) 西班牙哈莱姆区(Spanish Harlem,又称为东哈莱姆区) 戏院区(Theatre District) 上东城(Upper East Side) 上西城(Upper West Side) 西村(West Village)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • 教育 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University) 纽约大学(New York University) 茱丽亚音乐学院 (The Juilliard School) 曼哈顿音乐学院 (Manhattan School of Music) 糕包联盟学院(The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art) 福特汉姆大学(Fordham University) 视觉艺术学院(School of Visual Arts) 纽约公共图书馆 (New York Public Library) 道尔顿学校 (The Dalton School) 佩斯大学(曼哈顿下城区)(Pace University) 除了一些私立学校之外,曼哈顿境内的各级公共学校,是 由纽约市教育局负责管理。 纽约公共图书馆(NYPL)则是负责曼哈顿各公家图书馆的 管理。
曼哈顿是 纽约市 的象征,地处曼哈顿岛,面积57.91平 方公里〈三十一平方英里〉,占纽约市总面积的7%,东临东 河〈East River〉、西滨哈德逊河〈Hudson River〉、北临 哈林河〈Harlem River〉、南望史坦登岛〈Staten Island 〉。该岛北端经由 Henry Hudson Bridge, University Bridge、Washington Bridge、Triborough Bridge与布朗区 〈Bronx〉相接;透过 Queensboro Bridge、Midtown Tunnel 与皇后区〈Queens〉相连,经由 Manhattan Bridge 、Brooklyn Bridge、Williamsburg Bridge、BrooklynBattery Tunnel 与布鲁克林区〈Brooklyn〉相通;并有渡 轮连接史坦登岛。该岛西岸建有George Washington Bridge 、Lincoln Tunnel、Holland Tunnel,与新西州相连,交通 网路四通八达极为便捷。纽约市的观光景点大多集中在曼哈 顿,这里也可说是纽约的艺术之区。
Manhattan is the most densely(密集地) populated of the five boroughs(行政区) of New York City. The borough is coterminous(毗邻) with New York County, an original county of the U.S. state of New York. The borough mostly consists of Manhattan Island, bounded by the East, Hudson and Harlem Rivers, but also includes several small adjacent islands and a small area on the mainland. Manhattan has been described as the economic and cultural center of the United States and is home to the United Nations Headquarters.[4] Wall Street in Lower Manhattan is one of the financial capitals of the world,[5] has an estimated GDP of over $1.2 trillion,[6] and is home of both the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Manhattan's real estate market is among the most expensive in the world,[7] and many multinational media conglomerates are based in the borough.