因为人只有一辈子,未来可消费历史上的我们,而我们无法消费未来。 一个好的时代,不会因遇到苛求而恼羞成怒。 一个好的时代,不需要世人去感激,只期待爱与批评。 ? 这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代 ? 这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代 当我们正在为生活疲于奔命的时候, 生活已经离我们而去。 约翰·列侬 如果我说我们对它既是不能忍受的又与它相处得不错,你会理解我的意思吗? 萨特 1 19世纪的狄更斯在《双城记》开头写道:“那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代;那是智慧的年头,那是愚昧的年头;那是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光 明的季节,那是黑暗的季节 ” 这是段让人隐隐动容的话。 他的指向是法国大革命。起先,我以为这样的评语只适于精神激昂、大变革和大撕裂的时代分泌的希望和绝望同样多、创造力和破坏力同样大。但现在,我改了看法,觉得它几乎匹配任何岁月,每个人都会对自己的现世发出类 似感慨。 前几天,接受一位独立制片人采访,地点是明城墙旁的酒吧,当被问“你怎么评价这个时代”时,狄更斯的话猛然在空气中一闪,像玻璃片的反光,我本能地眯起眼。朋友说,你眯眼的样子像是皱眉和闪躲,又像憧憬或陶醉。 那个寒风尖锐,但有阳光和红茶的下午,我说: “这是个最好的时代,也是个最坏的时代。” 两个“最”,说明逻辑的极度矛盾和混乱。但感情上,我们没理由不爱现世、不支持和肯定当代价值,因为我们只有它,我们的摇篮和坟墓、生涯和意义都住在里头就像蚯蚓淹没在泥土里。我们把一辈子,仅有的一辈子都抵押给它,献身于 它了。 俄国乡村诗人叶赛宁自杀后,高尔基哀鸣:他生得太早,或太晚了。 我以为,这是句悲伤过度的话。其实,每个人都生逢其时,每个人都结实地拥抱了自己的时代。每个人,都在厌恶与赞美、冷漠与狂热、怀疑与信任、逃避与亲昵中完成了对时代的认领。 更何况,每个人都从 周围人堆里找到了恋人、情人、友人,都娶了当代某女为妻,或以幸福名义嫁给了某男,而对方,恰恰是时代的分泌物。 当你说爱一个人的时候,其实说的就是爱这个时代。 除了爱,别无选择。连敌视和诅咒,亦属同样感情。 2 采访中,对方还提了个有趣的问题:能说说“世界”的 含义吗? 我犹豫了一下,断续表达了这样的意思 世界是谁的?人类的吗?不,世界至少有两个组成、两个系统:人间和“非人间”,或者说社会与自然、文明与荒野。前者是人类自身的成就,诸如国家、民族、政治、经济、文化、伦理等一切文明范畴,这项成就史尚不足万年;而后者 乃大自然的成就,即原始地理和物种繁衍,诸如山岳、湖泽、沙漠、冰川、海洋、生物、矿藏、气候,其历史已达46亿年。可你细打量,即会发现这样一个事实,围绕我们身边的,几乎全是人类自己的成就:城乡、街巷、交通、社区、学校、医院、银行、商场、法律 20世纪中叶后的人 类,正越来越深陷此境:我们只生活在自己的成就里!正拼命用自己的成就去篡改和毁灭大自然的成就! 可别忘了:连人类也是大自然的成就之一! 有个最新的科学推测:正是19亿年前某瞬间猝现的一种可用阳光生产氧气的细菌,激发出了植物和生命,并彻底改变了地球进化史。而这 记瞬间,偶然得不能再偶然,脆弱得不能再脆弱,堪称一个荒唐的奇迹。 许久许久以来,人类的价值观犯了个大错:想当然地以为世界即人间,即人类领地和家园,实则谬矣,人和万物一样,只是地球的匆匆过客,投宿而已。人不是地球业主,只是它的孩子,和草木虫豸细菌一样,受 地球抚养你可以视地球为家,但须看到它也是老虎、狮子和一棵草的家,它不止你一个孩子,而且在它眼里,所有孩子都是平等的,一视同仁。也许它无法阻止你去侵害别的孩子,但会颁布最严厉的惩罚,那就是:当它的孩子越来越少时,人这个野心勃勃的物种也将面临末日,或精神上 孤独而死,或肉体上被烈日席卷、缺氧窒息在自然伦理上,若不能克服“人本位”“人类中心论”,人终将死于自己,死于欲望的腐败。 人的悲剧尚在于,他凭借强大的智商、逻辑和麻木,早已把现实给无理地合理化了。 人必须学会节制和谦卑,必须承认占有了很多不该占有的地盘, 消耗了很多不该消耗的资源。我们目前所有的伦理、美德和情怀,都只对内部成员才使用,一旦越过了物种边界,人类就变成了纳粹,野兽的能量即释放出来了 我想,也许人类还有一种成就的可能,亦堪称最高成就:保卫大自然成就的成就!只是,留给人类的机会和时日,恐怕不多了。 3 那个阳光和红茶的下午,说着说着,我发觉自己的情绪陡然激烈了,像烧柴一样噼啪响,有点失态。 我清楚,这和哥本哈根有关。那个童话之城,刚结束了一场所谓“拯救人类最后机会”的大会,其悲怆堪比哈姆雷特的那句:活着,还是死去? 就在此前,好莱坞刚推出了世界末日大 片:《2012》。而在印度洋岛国马尔代夫,刚上演了一场悲情“行为艺术”:总统纳希德和14名部长佩带呼吸器,潜入海底召开内阁会。照现在的气候变暖趋势,本世纪内,该国将被海水淹没。而在喜马拉雅山,为抗议冰川速融,尼泊尔总理与众幕僚,头戴氧气罩,空降在海拔5000多米 的珠穆朗玛峰地区。还有沉陷中的威尼斯,还有斐济人的哭泣,还有乞力马扎罗的雪,还有极地冰层和北极熊的忧郁 然而,这却是个让人类蒙羞的政客大会。13天里,上万名代表围绕所谓“共同而有区别的责任”吵得面红耳赤,一群孩子为赡养母亲讨价还价,唇焦舌燥,不外乎义务的 大小、摊派的多少这是怎样的不敬不孝?他们还把自己当成生存共同体吗?延期一天后,大会终于在遮羞布中落幕了,用“绿色和平”执行干事长库米的话说:“如罪男罪女般逃往机场。” 而这13天里,我所在的电视频道每天直播这群人的吵架,不仅充当光荣的看客,还当起了裁判。 关于环境和人类命运,我不想再多说了,我愿采摘20年前比尔·麦克基本在《自然的终结》里的几束声音: 将来,飓风、雷暴和大雨已不再是上帝的行动,而是我们的行动。 人类第一次变得如此强大,我们改变了周围的一切从每一立方米的空气、温度计的每一次上升中,都可找到我们 的欲求和习惯。 如果有人对我说,2010年世界将发生极其不幸的事,我会在表面上显得关切,而潜意识里把它撂到一边。 我们没有创造这个世界,我们正忙于削弱它。我们需要找到如何使我们自己变小一些、不再是世界中心的办法。 4 十几年前,《读书》杂志刊过李皖的一篇文章, 《这么早就回忆了》。 内容忘了,但题目记住。这是一个时代的精神题目。 世界变得太快,眼花缭乱,来不及驻留,来不及回味,来不及告别和回头再看一眼。一眨眼功夫,无数事物只剩下背影,成了往事和收藏。你跟不上,一个敏感者,一个内心喜欢稳定和秩序的人,会痛苦,会失 措和迷惘。 伤逝提前降临了,这是对清晨的怀念。 现代人过早地进入了心灵黄昏。 大约10年前,我写过一篇文章,《古典之殇》,主题是:当我们大声朗读古典诗词时,殊不知,那些美丽的乡土和自然风物、那些曾把人类引入美好意境的物境,早已荡然无存;现实空间里,我们找不 到古人的精神现场,找不到对应物,连遗址都没有古诗词,成了大自然的悼词和殇碑。 其实,何须祭奠古诗,何须凭吊人类童年,连我这代人的儿时记忆也被摧毁了:那些草长莺飞、鱼戏虾翩,那些青山绿水、星河灿烂,那些夏夜流萤、遍地蛙声,还有古老的祠堂、绕村的小河和隆重 的民俗皆一夜间蒸发了。从乡村到城市,每个人的故乡都在沦陷,每个归来的游子都成了陌生人。而这,远非“发展”“进步”“新貌”“建设”等词所能遮掩得了的。 有个写作构想我频频给朋友提起,我说你们拿去写吧,一个非常有意义但我无暇顾及的题目,那就是:对比古代生活 和人类童年 ,搜索一下我们今天究竟流逝了什么?用美学的眼睛,用心灵的触角,用自然和人文角度,列个清单,慢慢建档,别急于评论我说你知道古人取什么水煮茶吗?江河水!《茶经》中,它的名次排在井水前。我说你耳朵里还住着寂静吗?你读“长安一片月,万户捣衣声”的最 大感受是什么?我觉得那会儿的夜真静啊!我说你有多少年没见萤火虫、没遇到过黑夜了?真正的黑夜!我说你见过蹦蹦跳跳自己上学或放学的城市孩子吗?我们那代人全是在这条路上长大的呀!我说这些年,你见过一只登堂入室的燕子吗?你见过一只自然长大的鸡或猪吗?你嚼过不含 添加剂的馒头吗?你尝过不喂化肥农药的蔬菜吗?你吃过自己种的哪怕一丁点粮食或瓜果吗? 是啊,这么早就开始怀念了。 说上述话的时候,我30岁。 5 人是高于自然的吗?文明是以摆脱自然性为标志的吗? 我绝不承认。和社会复杂性、文明的深邃与诡异相比,我越来越支持人的本 位落户于自然,和草木鸟兽没什么两样,唯一差异即人能更深刻地领悟这点。正像霍尔姆斯·罗尔斯顿所称:“生命是自然赋予人类的,我们有着自然给予的脑和手、基因和血液中的化学反应,我们生命内容的90%仍是自然的,只有剩下的那点属于人为。” 距狄更斯100年后,他的话被 一个人所重复 我们生于一个野蛮、残忍,但同时又极美的世界。判定这世界无意义成分还是有意义成分居多,这由个人性情决定我珍视这样一种渴望,即有意义的成分将居主导,并取得胜 利有这么多东西满溢了我的心:草木、鸟兽、云彩、白昼与黑夜,还有人内心的永恒。我越对自己 感到不确信,即越有一种想跟万物亲近的感觉。(卡尔·荣格) 与狄更斯的政治民生这一经典社会矛盾相比,作为心理学大师,荣格把现代人更隐深的精神困境和灵魂危机抖落了出来。对21世纪的我来说,荣格的感受来得更强烈和清晰,更贴近我的日常状态,仿佛每天醒来要说的第一 句话,也是我与自己对话时最重要和频繁的内容。 责备和爱,尖锐与温情,落魄和信心,是我对当代的基本态度,如此矛盾又如此和谐。与荣格一样,我内心常涌起一股“永恒”和“安宁” 当我把双脚插入泥泞和草丛时,当我觉得生命像蜻蜓稳稳落于枝头、在自然本位上时。 那一刹, 我知道自己是谁,我从哪里来、到哪里去。 那一刹,我清楚了生命真相、世界真相、灵魂真相。 当真相大白,当事物恢复了它的本来面目,惶恐和悲伤就散去了。 正像海子的醒来:“从明天起,做一个幸福的人,喂马,劈柴从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜 ” 6 关于这本书,再说点什么 呢? 让我想想,我为什么
高中英语 Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage S
Module 6 The World’s Cultural HeritageSection ⅢGrammarⅠ.连词填空1.Sit________you like.答案:wherever2.________pure the water looks,I do not want to drink it.答案:However/No matter how3.Make a mark________you have a question.答案:where4.________he is not in the office,he must be out for lunch.答案:If5.________you believe it or not,it’s true.答案:Whether6.You may borrow the book______________you keep it clean.答案:so long as7.You can go swimming______________you don’t go too far away from the river bank.答案:on condition that8.________he was exhausted,he kept on working.答案:Although/Though9.Object________you may,I’ll go.答案:as10.We won’t be discouraged________________we fail ten times.答案:even if/even though11.Half an hour later,Lucy still couldn’t get a taxi________the bus had dropped her.答案:where12.You will never gain success________you are fully devoted to your work.答案:unlessⅡ.句型转换1.Though she is a pop star,she still needs to improve.→________ ________ ________ ________ ________,she still needs to improve.答案:Pop star as/though she is2.Whatever you say,I’ll never change my mind.→________ ________ ________ ________ ________,I’ll never change my mind.答案:No matter what you say3.We must camp in the place,where we can get water.→We must camp________ ________ ________ ________ ________.答案:where we can get water4.No matter who you are,you must keep the law.→________ ________ ________,you must keep the law.答案:Whoever you are5.It is important for teenagers to learn skills.→________ ________ ______that teenagers ________ ________skills.答案:It is important;should learn6.People required that the earth should be protected well.→________ ________ ________ ________the earth ________ ________ protected well.答案:It is required that;should beⅢ.完成句子1.要求任何人不要在此抽烟。
高中英语外研版选修七教师用书Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage
Module 6The World's Cultural Heritage【美文阅读】“上有天堂,下有苏杭”,人间美景在苏杭,如此美丽的景色,如何保持其永久的魅力呢?After a 12-year wait,the West Lake,in Hangzhou,has finally made the list of World Heritage Sites.UNESCO recognized the West Lake as a classic landscape reflecting traditional Chinese esthetics(美学).The West Lake of Hangzhou in East China has been named as a World Heritage Site.The 35th UNESCO World Heritage mittee made the unanimous(一致同意的,无异议的) decision on Friday to approve the area,bringing an end to the long application process,which began in 1999.This is China's 41st World Heritage Site,and the 29th Cultural Heritage Site.The West Lake landscape was initially(最初;开始) developed in the 9th century during the Tang Dynasty.Now,after 12 centuries,it has finally bee a treasure for the whole world.For a nation that recognizes 12 as a cycle of heaven and earth,maybe it's appropriate (适当的,恰当的,相称的)after all that the nation waited 12 years for the West Lake to get the recognition it deserves.【诱思导学】1.How long is the application process of the West Lake?_______________________________________________2.Do you know an attraction about love in the West Lake?_______________________________________________【答案】 1.Twelve years.2.The Broken Bridge.Period ⅠPreviewing(教师用书独具)●教学目标本课时主要是学生通过对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,为下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。
【语法讲解】选修⑦Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage语法重点解析本单元主要训练的是虚拟语气在某些从句中的应用和地点、条件、让步状语从句。
下面我们分类归纳和总结:一、虚拟语气在从句中的应用:1.在suggest, order, demand, propose, command, request, desire, insist, recommend等动词后的宾语从句中,用虚拟语气。
例如:He proposed that we (should) go for a walk.他提议我们去散步。
She recommended that we (should) avoid giving offense.她建议我们避免找麻烦。
The general director of the project ordered that the work (should) be started at once.工程总指挥命令立即开始工作2.在it is suggested, it is requested, it was ordered, it was proposed, it isnecessary, it is important等结构后的主语从句,用虚拟语气。
例如:It is requested that every teacher in our class (should) give a performance at the party.我们班上的每一位老师都得在晚会上表演节目。
It is highly important that we (should) combine revolutionary sweep with practicalness.对我们来说,把革命气概和实际精神结合起来是很重要的。
3.在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, motion, recommendations等名词后面的表语从句或同谓语从句,用虚拟语气。
高中英语 单元概览(Module6 The World’s Cultural Heritage)教学素材(外研版选修7)
exposure n. 暴露, 显露
recommend v. 建议
请注意recommend 表示 “建议”时,若后面接that从句, 从句要用should+v. 结构。
bid n. 投标; 努力, 争取
请记住动词词组bid for sth. (投标)争取某物。
enlarge v. (使)扩大, (使)增大
compromise n. 折中;妥协
undertake v. 许诺做某事, 同ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้做某事
As long as..., you’ll...只要……, 你会……
Even though/if...即使……, 尽管……
No matter what/how/when...无论……, 不管……
Whatever/whenever/wherever...无论……, 不管……
of vital importance 至关重要
请记住be of+名词的意义和用法。
at the mercy of...受……支配
Expressing place, condition and concession(表述地点、条件、让步)
2019年高中英语 Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage
Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading —Language Points一、这样记单词记得准·写得对记得快·记得多Ⅰ.基础词汇1.preserve v.保护;保存2.remains n. 遗迹;遗体3.list v. (按某次序)把……列表,列清单4.recommend v. 建议5.precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的6.request n. 请求;要求Ⅱ.拓展词汇1.agreement n.协议→agree v.赞同;同意2.invest v.投资→investment n.投资→investor n.投资者3.existence n.存在→exist v.存在;生存4.relation n.亲属;亲戚→relationship n.关系,关联→relate v.使……有联系;叙述→related adj.有关系的,相关的5.sharpen v.使变锋利→sharp adj.锋利的→sharply adv.锋利地;锐利地6.evolution n.进化;演变→evolve v.发展;(使)进化7.exposure n.暴露;显露→expose v.暴露;(使)曝光;揭露→exposed adj.无遮蔽的;无保护的8.contribute v.促成→contribution n.贡献;捐献→contributor n.捐献者;投稿人9.endangered adj.濒危的→endanger v.使遭受损失,危及→danger n.危险→dangerous adj.危险的1.preserve v.保护;保存[联想] ①reserve vt.保留,预定②conserve v.保护;节省③deserve v.应受;值得④serve n.提供,端上(饭菜等);为(顾客)服务2.sharpen v.使变锋利[联想] 盘点后缀en结尾动词①weaken削弱②widen加宽③deepen使加深④lengthen加长⑤strengthen使……变长,加强,巩固3.recommend v.建议[同义] propose, suggest, advise4.request v.要求 n.请求;要求[联想] ①require vt.要求,需要②demand vt.强烈要求,需要5.agreement n.协议[串记] Finally we all agreed with what he said and reached an agreement.6.invest v.投资[串记]The AmericanChinese investor invested all his life savings in education that needs investment.7.existence n.存在[串记]The island existed for centuries; no one knows when it came into existence.8.exposure n.暴露;显露[串记] Never expose the paint to the洲社会的重要信息,还为我们提供了人类进化历程中惊人的证据。
英语.新高考总复习选修7 Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage
Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage
2. agreement n. 协议
3. item
n. (一)件
4. existence n. 存在
5. relation n. 亲属;亲戚
6. span
n. 时距;期间
7. sharpen v. 使变锋利
8. list
v. (按某次序)把……列表,列清单
9. exposure n. 暴露;显露
10. contribute v. 促成
[要点提炼] not only...but also...是并列连词词组,连接并列成分。
2.They are a precious part of our cultural heritage—it is
of vital importance
that we do something.
11. maintain v. 保持;维持;保养
Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage
考纲单词分层 常用短语
重点句型 主题语篇填空
12. endangered adj.濒危的 13. recommend v. 建议 14. awareness n. 意识;认识;感悟能力 15. propose v. 建议;提议 16. assistance n. 帮助,援助 17. precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的 18. length n. 长度 19. request n. 请求;要求 20. inhabitant n. 居民 21. mankind n. 人类 22. enlarge v. (使)增大;(使)扩大 23. advocate v. 主张,拥护
外研社选修6 M6 The World’s Cultural Heritage 单词讲解
Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage单词讲解1.preserve(1)保护;防护;维护The Town Council spent a lot of money to preserve the old castle and other places of historic interest.市政委员会花了不少钱来维修那座古城堡和其它古迹。
(2)保存;保藏You can preserve meat or fish in salt.你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。
(3)保持;维持It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order.警察的职责之一是维持公共秩序。
(4)防腐Salt preserves food from decay.盐能防止食物腐烂。
2.invest 投资(常与in连用)投入(精力、时间等)The state has planned to invest two millions in the dam.国家计划投资两百万元修建这个大坝。
She invested in a painting.她投资于一幅油画。
I've invested a lot of time and effort in this plan. (喻)我已在这计划中投入了大量的时间和精力。
3.divert转向;转移A ditch diverted water from the stream into the fields.一条沟渠把水从河里引向田间。
Traffic was ordered to divert to another road because of the repair of the main road."由于主干道在进行修理,所以命令车辆改道行驶。
"The government is planning to divert the river to supply water to the town.政府正计划改变河道为那座城镇供水。
高中英语 Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage Sectio
Section ⅡIntroduction & Reading and Vocabulary—LanguagePointsexistence n.存在;生存,生活(方式)(教材P72)These discoveries proved the existence of a human species who lived in the area between 700,000 and 200,000 years ago.这些发现证明:在70万到20万年前就有人类生活在该地区。
(1)e into existence/being 出现;产生(2)exist vi. 存在,生存exist in 在于……exist on=live on 靠……生存There exist(s)... 有……(3)existing adj. 现存的;现行的①This is the most magnificent bridge in existence.这是现有的最宏伟的桥。
②(某某卷)The development of industry has been a gradual process throughout human existence, from stone tools to modern technology.工业的发展贯穿于人类的存在历史之中,从石制工具到现代技术。
[即学即练]——单句语法填空①You can’t imagine what difficulty they have existing on the money he’s earning.②The parking place for bikes was an existing(exist) problem for a long time in our school.③I was unaware of his existence(exist) until today.[写作]——完成句子④众所周知,青年人和老年人之间存在着代沟。
Module 6 The World's Cultural HeritageⅠ。
阅读理解Three divers enter a hole leading to a water。
filled cave on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula。
They swim for an hour. Finally, they reach a large room 60 feet underground and about the size of two basketball courts。
Here,they discover an upside。
down human skull。
Other bones lie nearby.The team came across the skull in 2007。
The divers then told the Mexican government about the finding。
Soon the government formed a team of scientists to look into it. The group, which included archaeologist Dominique Rissolo, believed that the skull belonged to someone who lived in the last ice age。
At the ice age some twenty thousand years ago, sea levels dropped and new land appeared。
Over time, rain and wind ate holes into some of the land。
“The person may have died after entering the cave,” Rissolo says. Then,when the ice age ended some ten thousand years ago, sea levels rose。
高中英语 Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage Sectio
Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage天坛,世界文化遗产,是“天地日月”诸坛之首,是我国和世界上现存最大的古代祭祀性建筑群。
The Temple of HeavenThe Temple of Heaven is situated in the southern part ofthe city of Beijing.It was built in 1420, covering an area of273 hectares(公顷).The temple was the place where the emperors of the Mingand Qing Dynasties worshiped heaven and prayed for good harvests.It is regarded as one of the greatest architectural(建筑学的) structures in the world.Some environmental artists and gardeners describe the temple as a place where people can talk to heaven.In Beijing, four imperial(皇帝的)temples were built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.At the southern end of the city axis is the Temple of Heaven.It is the most important of the four.The other three are the Altar of Earth in the north, the Altar of Moon in the west, and the Altar of Sun in the east just behind the Beijing Friendship Store.All of them are still standing, but the Temple of Heaven is the largest group of temple building of its kind in China, nearly four times larger than the Forbidden City(紫禁城).It was designed in a way that makes you close to heaven.In making the heaven like structures, the designers made good use of the color, sound, and figures of the circle and the square. The bination of building and gardens helps to make it appear mysterious and magical. The temple’s architecture has two themes. One is “on the earth” while the other is “in the heaven”.In imperial days, the Chinese people believed that the sky was circular and the earth was square.On the basis of this traditional concept, the circle was widely adopted in the design of the temple’s main building.It is in accordance(依据;依照) with people’s imagination of heaven.Section ⅠIntroduction & Reading and Vocabulary—prehending重点单词写作词汇1.preserve v.保护;保存2.remains n. 遗迹;遗体3.list v. (按某次序)把……列表,列清单4.maintain v. 保持;维持;保养5.remend v.建议6.fund n.基金;专款7.precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的8.estimate n. 估计;估算9.request n. 请求;要求拓展词汇10.agreement n.协议→agree v.同意;承认;商定11.invest v.投资→investment n.投资→investor n.投资者12.existence n.存在→exist vi.存在13.relation n.亲属;亲戚→relationship n.关系;关联→ relate v.使……有联系→related adj.有关系的;相关的14.sharpen v.使变锋利→sharp adj.锋利的15.evolution n.进化;演变→evolve v.发展,(使)进化16.exposure n.暴露;显露→expose v.暴露;揭露17.contribute v.促成→contribution n.贡献18.endangered adj.濒危的→endanger v.危险;危机→danger n.危险→dangerous adj.危险的19.awareness n.意识;认识;感悟能力→aware adj.认识到的20.assistance n.帮助,援助→assist vt.援助→assistant n.助手21.length n.长度→long adj.长的→lengthen v.变长阅读词汇22.venue n.会场;举办地点23.divert v. 使改道24.prehistoric adj. 史前的;有历史记载以前的25.primitive adj. (人类或动植物)原始的,原生的26.skull n. 头颅;颅骨27.item n. (一)件28.span n.时距;期间29.fossil n. 化石30.beast n. 野兽31.excavation n. 发掘32.evolution n. 进化;演变33.weed n. 野草;杂草34.propose v. 建议;提议35.catastrophe n. 毁灭性的大灾难重点短语1.of vital importance 至关重要2.apart from除……之外3.in danger处于危险之中4.be made from/of由……制成5.at the moment 目前;现在6.take place发生7.agree on就……达成一致8.contribute to导致;有助于重点句型1.分词结构作结果状语:Some areas are almost pletely covered in weeds, causing serious damage(损坏严重).2.be+adj.+to do(不定式主动表被动):The site is extremely expensive to maintain(维护需要高额的费用) and it will cost between three and five million yuan to repair it.3.be of+抽象名词:They are a precious part of our cultural heritage—it is of vital importance(极其重要) that we do something.ⅠScan the text and tell the following statements True (T) or False (F).1.What changed China’s knowledge of its history were some prehistoric human bones discovered by archaeologists in Zhoukoudian in the 1920s.( )2.Beijing Man and his relations lived in the trees on the hill.( ) 3.Beijing Man died very young.( )4.The Zhoukoudian Beijing Man Site is the most important world heritage site in China.( )5.The reason why Zhoukoudian is in serious danger is that it is polluted by some nearby cement factories.( )答案:1-5.TFTFFⅡRead the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text. 1.This passage is mainly about ________.A.the amazing caves of ZhoukoudianB.Beijing Man Heritage Site in dangerC.the amazing caves of Zhoukoudian and Beijing Man Heritage Site in danger D.how to protect Zhoukoudian2.Which of the following sentences is NOT true about Zhoukoudian?A.It’s a small village about 50 kilometers southwest of Beijing. B.Archaeologists discovered some prehistoric human bones there in 1920.C.It was listed as a world heritage site in December 1987.D.A human species once lived in the area between 700,000 and 200,000 years ago.3.Why did the excavations at the Beijing Man Site stop in 1937?A.Because there was nothing underground.B.Because the government forbade digging.C.Because Japan invaded China.D.Because the fossils had been dug up.4.From the passage we can infer that________.A.both the government and the ordinary people can help preserve the site B.Zhoukoudian is in dangerC.Zhoukoudian has been an important place for archaeologists from all over the world D.if nothing is done to repair it, Zhoukoudian could be removed from the list 答案:1-4.CBCAⅢAnalyze the following difficult sentences in the text.1.Ashes were found alongside the fossils which showed they used fire for cooking food and also for light,warmth and protection from wild beasts.[翻译] 跟化石一起被发现的灰烬表明他们用火来做饭、照明、取暖和抵御野兽。
高中英语 Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage Sectio
Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world and the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture. It is at Agra in northern India. It lies beside the River Jumna in the middle of gardens withquiet pools.The Taj Mahal was built by the Mogul emperor Shah Jehan, who ruled India in the seventeenth century. It is in memory of his favourite wife, Arjumand Banu Bagam, known as Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. The building, which was pleted between 1632 and 1638, was designed by a local Muslim architect Ustad Ahmad Lahori. The whole building, with gardens and gateway structures, was pleted in 1643. The Taj Mahal stands at one end of the garden tomb with marble path. The room is softly lighted by the light that passes through double screens of carved marble set high in the walls. The building now is kept in good condition.The Taj Mahal took 22 years to build. Shah Jehan planned a similar building, but in black instead of white, to lie on the other side of the river. But before it could be built, Shah Jehan was imprisoned by his son and buried next to his wife in the Taj Mahal.Section ⅠIntroduction & Reading —Prereading[原文呈现][读文清障]Part 1The Amazing①Caves of ZhoukoudianZhoukoudian is a small village about 50 kilometres southwest of Beijing. In the 1920s②,archaeologists③discovered some prehistoric④human bones there which changed China's knowledge⑤ of its history⑥. They came from an unknown species⑦ of man and were the first evidence⑧ of primitive⑨ human life in China thousands of years ago. The remains⑩ were ... three teeth!In 1929, a plete skull⑪ was also discovered. Eventually⑫, archaeologists found almost 200 items⑬,including⑭six skulls and more than⑮150 teeth. Thesediscoveries⑯ proved the existence⑰ of a human species who lived in the area⑱between 700,000 and 200,000 years ago.Four sites where Beijing Man and his relations⑲ lived⑳ were discovered on the21 Dragon Bone Hill (Longgushan). They lived in the limestone○22 northern face of○caves in the area.①amazing adj.令人大为惊奇的②in the 1920s=in the 1920's③archaeologist/ˌɑːki'ɒlədʒIst/ n.考古学家④prehistoric/ˌpriːhI'stɒrIk/ adj.史前的;有历史记载以前的prehistory n.[U]史前时期⑤knowledge n.[U]知晓,了解⑥which引导定语从句,代指上文提到的事情。
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单元加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练Ⅰ.完形填空When others get off the train to finally go home, Leonie Müller stays __1__. That’s because the train is her home, and she says she __2__ this way. “It all started with a __3__ I had with my landlord (房东),” Müller says.“I instantly __4__ I didn’t live there anymore — and then I realized: __5__, I didn’t want to live anywhere anymore.”__6__, she bought a subscription (预定) that allows her to board every train in the country for free. Now, Müller __7__ in the train and writes her college papers __8__ traveling at a speed of up to 190 mph. She says that she enjoys the __9__ she has experienced since she gave up her apartment. “I really feel at home on trains. It’s like being on __10__ all the time,” says Müller.“I read, I write, I look out of the window and I meet __11__ people all the time, who give me a hand,” says Müller. Since __12__ the move, Müller’s life __13__ a small backpack in which she carries clothes, her tablet computer and college documents.So far, she has __14__ a lot. Financially, she __15__ from living on a train: The flatrate ticket only costs her about $380, whereas she had to pay about $450 for her previous apartment. However, living __16__ is not the only goal she has in mind. “I want to __17__ people to question their habits and the things they consider to be __18__,” Müller says. “There are always more __19__ than one thinks there are. The next __20__ is waiting just around the corner —provided that you want to find it.”语篇解读:大学生Müller 因与房东发生争执,从此不愿再住公寓。
1.A.behind B.upC.away D.outside解析:选 A 由下文“the train is her home”可知,大家下了火车回家,她却留了下来不走。
stay behind 意为“留在后面;留下来不走”。
2.A.regrets B.likesC.ignores D.hates解析:选B 由9空前的“enjoys” 可知,她喜欢 (likes) 这种生活方式。
3.A.game B.jokeC.quarrel D.conversation解析:选C 由下文内容可知,Müller 不想再住公寓,由此推断出她和房东发生了争执 (quarrel)。
4.A.doubted B.believedC.worried D.determined解析:选D 空格后就是她决定 (determined) 的内容,即决定不再在那里居住了。
5.A.Actually B.FrequentlyC.Hopelessly D.Unfortunately解析:选A 由下文她生活在火车里可知,实际上 (Actually), 不论是哪里的公寓她都不想住了。
6.A.Moreover B.OtherwiseC.Instead D.Besides解析:选 C 她反而 (Instead) 购买了一种可以让她免费乘坐国内每一辆火车的预定。
7.A.wanders B.livesC.struggles D.recovers解析:选 B 由上文的她不离开火车及下文的写论文可知,当 (while) 火车在行驶时,她生活 (lives) 在火车上,并在上面写她的大学论文。
8.A.while B.afterC.before D.until解析:选A 参见上题解析。
9.A.speed B.freedomC.occupation D.journey解析:选B 由下文“I really feel at home on trains” 可知,她喜欢离开租住公寓后的自由 (freedom)。
10.A.strike B.guardC.business D.vacation解析:选D Müller 一直生活在火车上,由此推断出,她的这种生活就像一直在度假(vacation)。
11.A.kind B.familiar解析:选A 由下文的“give me a hand” 可知,她在火车上遇见的这些人给予她帮助。
由此可知,她遇见了善良 (kind) 的人。
12.A.considering B.riskingC.quitting D.discovering解析:选 B 由常识可知,相对于住在常规的房子里,移居到火车上是一种冒险(risking)。
13.A.steps into B.deals withC.fits into D.disagrees with解析:选 C 自从冒险移居到火车上,她的生活就纳入到了 (fits into) 她的背包里。
14.A.lost B.gainedC.accepted D.changed解析:选 B 由下文内容可知,到目前为止,她收获 (gained) 很多。
15.A.suffers B.benefitsC.learns D.differs解析:选 B 由空格后的“The flatrate ticket only costs her about D|S380”可知,这里是指获益 (benefits)。
16.A.alone B.apartC.cheaply D.happily解析:选C 由上文“only costs”可知,这是一种便宜的 (cheaply)生活方式。
17.A.inspire B.persuadeC.allow D.teach解析:选 A 她想启发 (inspire) 人们去审视他们的习惯及人们认为是正常的(normal) 事物。
18.A.normal B.strangeC.special D.boring解析:选A 参见上题解析。
19.A.trains B.apartmentsC.troubles D.opportunities解析:选D总有很多的机会(opportunities), 只要你愿意,下一个冒险(adventure) 就会等着你。
20.A.trip B.story解析:选D 参见上题解析。
Ⅱ.阅读理解Many people tend to complain about not having good friends in their lives. Sadly, they seem to think that their own company is not enough to make them happy. Nothing could be further from the truth though. In order to get along with others, the first thing you need to do is to learn to get along with yourself. Only in this way will you succeed in developing healthy, solid relationships with others. How to develop?Listen to your inner voice. Remember that inner voice keeps whispering to you what you really want and need as well as what you do not really want and need. It is about time you started listening to it. In order to get to know yourself in depth, it is important to learn and accept what you want and what you do not want.Learn to enjoy your own company. You will be surprised to find out how many things you can do by yourself and actually have fun with in the process. Reading romantic novels, poetry or science fiction is only one of a few of the things that you can do by yourself, which can not only offer you hours of enjoyment, but also the chance to get to know yourself better.Satisfy yourself. Pay special attention to your personal hygiene (卫生). Do your hair and nails often and experiment with new styles. Follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly to stay in good shape. No matter how busy your daily schedule is, always find at least an hour per day for yourself, when you can relax either by doing absolutely nothing, or doing something that you enjoy.Learn to respect your own boundaries. Find out what your boundaries are and learn to respect them. You are the only one who knows what you can and what you cannot accept; no one else can point that out to you, or force you to compromise (妥协).语篇解读:这是一篇议论文。