Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney




乳腺上皮细胞单细胞亚群乳腺癌单细胞数据集也有十多个了,拿到表达量矩阵后的第一层次降维聚类分群通常是:•immune (CD45+,PTPRC),•epithelial/cancer (EpCAM+,EPCAM),•stromal (CD10+,MME,fibo or CD31+,PECAM1,endo)参考我前面介绍过CNS图表复现08—肿瘤单细胞数据第一次分群通用规则,这3大单细胞亚群构成了肿瘤免疫微环境的复杂。

比如的文章《 A single-cell map of intratumoral changes during anti-PD1 treatment of patients with breast cancer 》,就是如此:第一层次降维聚类分群可以看到癌细胞非常散乱,因为每个病人的癌特征都不一样,所以才需要精准医疗以及个性化医疗。


但是也有不少文章是抓住stromal 里面的fibo 和endo进行细分,并且编造生物学故事的。




但是文章:《Stromal cell diversity associated with immune evasion in human triple-negative breast cancer》做了一个还算是比较好的例子,如下所示:乳腺上皮的basal和lum一般来说,在肿瘤样品单细胞测序能区分出来normal luminal 和myoepithelial 就挺好的了,上面的文章给出来的luminal上皮细胞亚群标记基因是ESR1这样的激素相关基因,而myoepithelial是KRT5+, KRT14+ and ACTA2+).如果我们想比较好的知道乳腺上皮细胞的戏份亚群其实需要看正常乳腺的单细胞取样建库测序数据了,比如2018的文章:《Profiling human breast epithelial cells using single cell RNA sequencing identifies cell diversity》正常乳腺的单细胞可以看到,这个时候的 an inner layer of secretory luminal cells 可以细分成为“Basal” or “Myoepithelial” ,但是界限非常的模糊。



【第一作者】许 静,女,主治医师,主要研究方向:肿瘤病理。E-mail:xujingviky@
【通讯作者】许 静

2结 果 2.1 临床特征 4例患者包括男性3例,女性1例,男女比 3∶1,年龄39~57岁,平均年龄48岁,肿瘤最大径6.5cm, 平均最大径4.8cm。左肾3例,右肾1例。其中3例伴血尿、腰
【关键词】肾细胞癌;甲状腺样;滤泡癌;免疫组织化学 【中图分类号】R737.2 【文献标识码】A 【基金项目】深圳市科技创新委员会基础研究面上项目(JCYJ20190806154610953) DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1009-3257.2021.04.002
Clinicopathological Analysis of Thyroid-Like Follicular Renal Cell Carcinoma*

根治性肾切除 无转移
根治性肾切除 无转移
随访(月) 24 36 96 60
2.2 大体特征 切面灰黄暗红色,界限清楚,质地柔软,可见 出血及坏死,其中2例见微囊性改变,内含灰褐粘稠样物。 2.3 组织学特征 肿瘤被覆纤维性包膜与周围肾组织界清, 由似甲状腺滤泡癌的大滤泡和微滤泡组成,间质富于纤细血 管。管腔充满均质嗜酸性物质,无吸收空泡。高倍镜观察, 胞质嗜酸,核卵圆形,核分裂约1~2个/10HPF,可见核重叠 及磨玻璃样核,核仁可见,偶见核沟,部分病例周围伴出血




分泌孕酮 分泌雌激素

体腔上皮来源的肿瘤 50-70% 性索间质肿瘤 5% 生殖细胞肿瘤 20-30% 转移性肿瘤 5-10% 脂质细胞瘤 性腺母细胞瘤 非卵巢特异性软组织肿瘤 未分类肿瘤 瘤样病变
浆液性肿瘤 粘液性肿瘤 子宫内膜样肿瘤 透明细胞瘤 勃勒纳瘤 混合性上皮瘤 未分化癌

蒂扭转(torsion) 破裂(rupture) 感染(infection) 恶变(malignant
一侧的肿瘤 •蒂由骨盆漏斗韧带、卵 巢固有韧带和输卵管 组成 •静脉回流受阻,瘤体急 剧增大;动脉血流受阻 发生坏死,易破裂和继
卵丘:卵母细胞+透明带+放射冠+部分卵泡 细胞 卵泡腔形成 卵泡膜:内层细胞多、富含毛细血管,后期细 胞增大,胞质内含类脂质并分泌性激素;外层 血管少,与周围结缔组织无明显界限。
卵泡膜外层 卵泡膜内层
透明带 细胞核 卵细胞
卵泡腔 卵泡细胞 毛细血管

人类卵泡12-14天发育成熟并向卵巢表面 凸出

典型男性性索肿瘤+典型女性性索肿瘤=两性母 细胞肿瘤
无性细胞瘤 内胚窦瘤 胚胎癌 多胚瘤 绒毛膜癌 畸胎瘤 混合型

卵巢上皮性肿瘤 卵巢生殖细胞肿瘤 卵巢性索间质肿瘤 卵巢转移性肿瘤
epithelial ovarian tumor



肾结核 (renal tuberculosis)
肾结核早期在乳头部或髓质锥体的深部形成结核结节 或肉芽肿,中心发生干酪坏死,随着病变扩展与肾盏相通, 坏死物质经肾盏排出,形成空洞,病变进一步扩展可自一 个肾盏至一组肾盏,成为肾盂结核。
根据病情的发展不一样,形态学可分为:结节型,囊 肿型,积水型,积脓型,萎缩型,钙化型,混合型。
增强扫描可表现为边缘环形强化并内部分隔 明显强化。静止期或寄生虫死亡时可出现钙化。 治疗及预后:
(a) 平扫右肾复杂性囊性肿块 (b) 增强CT扫描病变环形强化伴分隔明显强化
肾小球囊肿病 (glomerulocystic kidney disease, GCKD)
肾脓肿 ( renal abscesses )
肾实质感染所致广泛的化脓性病变,或输尿管梗阻后 肾盂肾盏积水、感染而形成的一个集聚脓液的囊腔。
早期肾实质内略低密度影,轻度不 规则强化。
成熟期为类圆形均匀低密度影,增 强呈低密度影周围伴环形强化。
男性单侧发病较多;女性则以双侧发病较多,且往往 左肾受累更明显。
患肾呈不规则分 叶的多发囊肿或 呈葡萄状,几乎 看不到肾实质。
肾脏多发葡萄串样囊变,囊肿间有互不相通的分隔, 分隔或少量实体部分可强化。
获得性肾囊性疾病 (acquired cystic kidney disease,ACKD)



2020年第五版WHO卵巢肿瘤组织学分类浆液性肿瘤Serous tumours良性benign浆液性囊腺瘤非特指型Serous cystadenoma NOS浆液性表面乳头状瘤Serous surface papilloma浆液性腺纤维瘤非特指型Serous adenofibroma NOS浆液性囊性腺纤维瘤非特指型Serous cystadenofibroma NOS交界性borderline浆液性交界性肿瘤非特指型Serous borderline tumour NOS浆液性交界性肿瘤,微乳头亚型Serous borderline tumour,Micropapillary variant浆液性癌,非浸润性,低级别serous carcinoma,non-invasive,Low-grade恶性malignant低级别浆液性癌Low-grade serous carcinoma高级别浆液性癌High-grade serous carcinoma粘液性肿瘤Mucinous tumours良性黏液性囊腺瘤非特指型Mucinous cystadenoma NOS黏液性腺纤维瘤特指型Mucinous adenofibroma NOS交界性黏液性交界性肿瘤Mucinous borderline tumour恶性黏液性癌Mucinous carcinoma子宫内膜样肿瘤Endometrioid tunours良性子宫内膜样囊腺瘤非特指Endometrioid cystadenoma NOS子宫内膜样腺纤维瘤Endometrioid adenofibroma NOS交界性子宫内膜样交界性肿瘤Endemetrioid borderline tumour恶性子宫内膜样癌非特指型Endometrioid carcinoma NOS浆液黏液性癌Seromucinous carcinoma透明细胞肿瘤Clear cell tumours良性透明细胞囊腺瘤Clear cell cystadenoma透明细胞腺纤维瘤Clear cell adenofibroma交界性透明细胞交界性肿瘤Clear cell borderline tumourr恶性透明细胞癌非特指Clear cell carcinoma NOS浆液粘液性肿瘤Seromucinous tumours良性浆液粘液性囊腺瘤Seromucinous cystadenoma浆液粘液性腺纤维瘤Seromucinous adenofibroma交界性浆液粘液性交界性肿瘤Seromucinous borderline tumourBrenner肿瘤Brenner tunours良性Brenner瘤非特指型Brenner tumour NOS交界性Brenner肿瘤,交界恶性Brenner tumour,borderline malignancy恶性Brenner瘤,恶性Brenner tumour,malignant其它类型癌中肾样腺癌 mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma癌,未分化,非特指carcinoma,undifferentiated,NOS去分化癌 dedifferentiated carcinoma癌肉瘤非特指型carcinosarcoma NOS混合细胞腺癌 mixed cell carcinoma间叶性肿瘤Mesenchymal tumours子宫内膜间质肉瘤,低级别endemetrioid stromal sarcoma,low-grade子宫内膜间质肉瘤,高级别endemetrioid stromal sarcoma,high-grade平滑肌瘤非特指型leiomyoma NOS平滑肌肉瘤非特指型leiomyosarcoma NOS恶性潜能未定平滑肌肿瘤smooth muscle tumour of uncertain malignant potential黏液瘤Myxoma混合性上皮和间叶肿瘤Mixed epithelial and mesenchymal tumours腺肉瘤Adenosarcoma性索-间质肿瘤(sex cord-stromal tumours)纯间质肿瘤纤维瘤非特指型Fibroma NOS富细胞纤维瘤Cellular fibroma卵泡膜细胞瘤非特指型Thecoma NOS黄素化卵泡膜细胞瘤Luteinized thecoma硬化性间质瘤sclerosing stromal tumour微囊性间质瘤Microcystic stromal tumour印戒细胞型间质瘤signet-ring stromal tumour卵巢莱迪细胞瘤非特指型Leydig cell tumour of the ovary NOS 类固醇细胞瘤非特指型Steroid cell tumour NOS类固醇细胞瘤,恶性Steroid cell tumour, malignant纤维肉瘤Fibrosarcoma纯性索肿瘤成年型颗粒细胞瘤Adult granulosa cell tumour幼年型颗粒细胞瘤granulosa cell tumour,juvenile支持细胞瘤非特指型Sertoli cell tumour NOS环小管性索瘤Sex cord tumour with annular tubules混合性性索-间质肿瘤Mixed sex cord-stromal tumours支持-莱迪细胞肿瘤非特指型Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours NOS 支持-莱迪细胞肿瘤,高分化型Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours,Well differentiated支持-莱迪细胞肿瘤,中分化型Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours,Moderately differentiated支持-莱迪细胞肿瘤,低分化型Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours,Poorly differentiated支持-莱迪细胞肿瘤,网状型Sertoli-Leydig cell tumours,Retiform性索肿瘤非特指型sex cord tumour NOS性母细胞瘤 Gynandroblastoma生殖细胞肿瘤Germ cell tumours畸胎瘤,成熟teratoma,mature未成熟性畸胎瘤非特指型immature teratoma NOS无性细胞瘤Dysgerminoma卵黄囊瘤非特指型Yolk sac tumour NOS胚胎性癌非特指型Embryonal carcinoma NOS绒毛膜癌非特指型choriocarcinoma NOS混合性生殖细胞肿瘤Mixed germ cell tumour单胚层畸胎瘤和起源于皮样囊肿的体细胞型肿瘤Monodermal teratoma and somatic-type tumours arising from a dermoid cyst甲状腺肿非特指型Struma ovaryi NOS恶性甲状腺肿Struma ovarii,malignant甲状腺肿类癌Strumal carcinoid畸胎瘤伴恶性转化teratoma with malignant transformation囊性畸胎瘤非特指cystic teratoma NOS生殖细胞-性索-间质肿瘤Germ cell-sex cord-stromal tumours性腺母细胞瘤GonadoblastomaDissecting gonablastoma未分化性腺组织undifferentiated gonadal tissue混合性生殖细胞-性索-间质肿瘤非特指Mixed germ cell-sex cord-stromal tumour NOS杂类肿瘤Miscellaneous tumours卵巢网腺瘤Adenoma of rete ovarii卵巢网腺癌Adenocarcinoma of rete ovarii午菲管肿瘤Wolffian tumour实性假乳头状肿瘤Solid pseudopapillary neoplasm小细胞癌,高钙血症型Small cell carcinoma,hypercalcaemic type小细胞癌,大细胞型 Small cell carcinoma, large cell variant肾母细胞瘤Wilms tumour瘤样病变Tumour-like lesions滤泡囊肿Follicle cyst黄体囊肿Corpus luteum cyst巨大孤立性黄素化滤泡囊肿Large solitary luteinized follicle cyst过度黄素化反应Hyperreactio luteinalis妊娠黄体瘤Pregnancy luteoma间质增生Stromal hyperplasia间质卵泡膜细胞增生Stromal hyperthecosis纤维瘤病Fibromatosis卵巢巨型水肿Massive oedema莱迪细胞增生Leydig cell hyperplasia转移到卵巢metastasis to ovary。


肾脏肿瘤组织学分类 一、肾细胞肿瘤renalcellcarcinoma 透明细胞肾细胞癌rcc[=renalcellcarcinoma] 多房囊性肾细胞癌multilocularcysticrenalcellcarcinoma[ˌmʌltɪ'lɒkjʊlə] 乳头状肾细胞癌Papillaryrenalcellcarcinoma[pə'pɪlərɪ]
二、后肾肿瘤metanephric tumors ['metənɪfrɪk] 后肾腺瘤Metanephric adenoma 后肾腺纤维瘤metanephric adenofibroma [ædənəʊfaɪ'brəʊmə] 后肾间质肿瘤metanephric interstitial tumor [ˌɪntəˈstɪʃl] 三、肾母细胞肿瘤Wilms tumor 肾源性残件Nephrogenic remnants ['remnənts] 肾母细胞瘤embryoma of kidney; nephroblastoma; Whilms tumor; Wilm tumor [embrɪ'əʊmə] [nefrɒb'lɑ:stəmə] 囊性、部分分化性肾母细胞瘤Cystic part, differentiation of Wilms tumor
骨肉瘤osteosarcoma [ɒstɪəʊsɑ:'kəʊmə] 血管肌肉脂肪瘤 上皮样血管肌肉脂肪瘤Epithelioid angiomyolipoma [ænɡɪəma'ɪɒlɪpəmə] 平滑肌瘤leiomyoma [laɪəʊmaɪ'əʊmə] 脂肪瘤lipoma 血管瘤angioneoplasm;hemangioma;vascular tumor [ændʒəni:əʊp'læzəm] [hi:ˌmændʒi:'əʊmə] 淋巴管瘤lymphangioma[lɪmˌfændʒɪ'əʊmə] 球旁细胞瘤juxtaglomerular cell tumor;reninoma [dʒʌkstəglɒ'merʊlə] [ri:nɪ'nəʊmə] 肾髓质间质细胞瘤Renal medullary interstitial cell tumor [ˌɪntəˈstɪʃl] 神经鞘瘤neurilemmoma;neurinoma [nɜ:raɪ'leməʊmə] [njʊəraɪ'nəʊmə] 孤立性纤维性肿瘤Solitary fibrous tumor


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高临床和病理医师对该肿瘤的认识,也有助于评估该肿瘤的 生物学行为及预后。
[1] MichalM,SyrucekM.Benignmixedepithelialandstromaltumor ofthekidney[J].PatholResPract,1998,194(6):445.
[2] MochH,HumphreyP,UlbrghtT,etal.WHO classificationof tumoursoftheurinarysystem andmalegenitalorgan[M].Lyon: IARCPress,2016:5-8.
1 材料与方法
1.1 临床资料 收集河南省人民医院病理科 2010~2017 年诊断的 3例肺腺癌转移至卵巢、十二指肠、前列腺病例,临 床及影像学资料均查自电子病历系统。例 1女性,47岁,无 吸烟史,1年 前 外 院 细 胞 学 检 查 诊 断 肺 腺 癌,多 基 因 检 测: EGFR、KRAS、BRAF、ROS1基 因 为 野 生 型,ALK基 因 为 融 合 型。全身检查未提示转移,CT示肿块最大径 4cm,胸膜无凹 陷。化疗 1年后逐渐出现下腹部增大。盆腔 MRI示盆腔囊 实性占位,考虑左侧附件交界性囊腺瘤或囊腺癌可能 (图 1)。例 2女性,70岁,因黑便 3天急诊入院,无明确病史。 胃镜示十二指肠多发新生物。临床诊断十二指肠占位。例 3男性,73岁,因骶尾部疼痛半年余,尿频、尿痛半个月就诊。 彩超示前列腺增大伴异常回声。全身骨显像骶骨及左侧髋 关节摄取放射性增高灶,可疑骨转移,无明确病史,临床诊断 前列腺癌骨转移。 1.2 方法 标本分别为手术肿瘤完整切除、内镜下活检及 穿 刺活检标本。均经10%中性福尔马林固定,脱水、石蜡包


















血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VD)是一种由脑血管病变导致的疾病,其临床症状包括引起记忆和执行功能障碍等。


目前,在亚洲和发展中国家的痴呆病例中,VD 约占30%,高于北美和欧洲(15%~20%)[2-3]。


研究表明,我国约有1507万人60岁以上的痴呆患者,其中约有392万人为VD 患者[6]。

VD 会造成日常生活质量不断下降,而且不能扭转,给家庭和社会带来极大的冲击和负担。


Progress of compound ciYizhi capsule in the treatment of vascular dementia Di Shuai, Zhang Jiapeng, Liu Yixuan, LiYanan, Zhang Jiang, Zhou Fuling. The Affiliated Hospital of North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063000, China【Abstract 】Compound ciYizhi capsule has the effect of nourishing liver,promoting turbidity and activating blood, and increasing wisdom and brain. It is suitable for mild to moderate vascular dementia with liver and kidney deficiency and phlegm stasis blocking collateral syndrome. Recently, it has been widely used in the long-term and synergistic treatment of vascular dementia with remarkable efficacy.To summarizes the clinical and experimental studies of compound ciYizhi capsule. It is found that compound ciYizhi capsule can treat vascular dementia by reducing the expression of MARKS mRNA in hippocampus, inhibiting oxidative stress in brain tissue, protecting mitochondria, reducing the range of cerebral infarction, protecting cerebral ischemic injury and pound ciYizhi capsule combined with other anti-dementia drugs can significantly improve the clinical symptoms of patients with vascular dementia and improve the self-care ability and quality of life.In order to provide some reference for the subsequent study of compound cistanche qianyi capsule.【Key words 】Vascular dementia; Compound ciYizhi capsule; Dementia; Clinical application 复方苁蓉益智胶囊治疗血管性痴呆的研究进展邸帅 张佳朋 刘乙璇 李亚楠 张江* 周福玲作者单位:063000 河北省唐山市,华北理工大学附属医院神内二、四病区*通讯作者【摘要】 复方苁蓉益智胶囊具有益智养肝,化浊活血和增智健脑的功效,适用于肝肾亏虚兼痰瘀阻络证的轻中度血管性痴呆。



妇产科英语词汇外阴色素减退及外阴搔痒chronic vulvardystrophy 慢性外阴营养不良pruritus vulvae 外阴搔痒外阴炎、阴道炎、宫颈炎vulvitis 外阴炎bartholins gland abscess 前庭大腺脓肿bartholins gland cyst前庭大腺囊肿trichomonas vaginitis 滴虫性阴道炎monilial vaginitis 念珠菌性阴道炎senile vaginitis老年性阴道炎cervicitis宫颈炎cervical erosion宫颈糜烂cervical polyp 宫颈息肉Nabothian cyst 纳氏囊肿盆腔炎pelvic inflammatory disease <PID> 盆腔炎ascending infection 上行性感染salpingitis输卵管炎frozen pelvis 冰冻骨盆pelvic tuberculosis 盆腔结核妊娠合并性传播性疾病gonorrhea 淋病syphilis 梅毒condyloma acuminata尖锐湿疣sexually transmitted disease (STD)性传播性疾病human papilloma virus (HPV)人乳头状病毒genital herpes 生殖器疱疹herpes simplex virus <HSV〉单纯疱疹病毒chlamydia 衣原体子宫颈癌cervical squamous cancer 子宫颈鳞癌cervical adenocarcinoma 子宫颈腺癌cervical carcinoma in situ 〈CIS〉子宫颈原位癌cervied intraepithelial carcinoma 子宫上皮内癌cervical intraepithelial neoplasm (CIN) 子宫颈上皮内瘤样病变cervical squamous atypical hyperplasia 鳞状上皮不典型增生squamous metaplasia 鳞状上皮化生micro—invasive carcinoma 镜下早期浸润癌herpes simplex virus (HSV) 单纯疱疹病毒human papilloma virus 人类乳头瘤病毒human cytomegalovirus 〈CMV〉人类巨细胞病毒pap smear 巴氏涂片检查colposcopy 阴道镜检查biopsy 活检cervical conization 子宫颈锥形切除子宫肌瘤myoma of uterus 子宫肌瘤intramural myoma 肌壁间肌瘤subserous myoma 浆膜下肌瘤submucous myoma 粘膜下肌瘤total hysterectomy 全子宫切除术subtotal hysterectomy 次全子宫切除术myomectomy 肌瘤切除术hyaline degeneration 玻璃样变性cystic degeneration 囊性变性red degeneration 红色变性sarcomatous change 肉瘤变性子宫内膜癌carcinoma of endometrium 子宫内膜癌irregular vaginal bleeding 阴道不规则流血adenocarcinoma 腺癌adenoacarthorna 腺角化癌adeno—squamous carcinoma 鳞腺癌chemotherapy 化疗radiotherapy 放疗fractional curettage 分段诊刮卵巢肿瘤ovarian tumour 卵巢肿瘤epithelial tumour of ovary 卵巢上皮性肿瘤serous cystadenoma 浆液性囊腺瘤borderline serous cystadenoma 交界性浆液性囊腺病serous cystadenocarcinoma 浆液性囊腺癌mucinous cystadenoma 粘液性肿瘤mucinous cystadenocarcinoma 粘液性囊腺癌endometrioid tumour 子宫内膜样肿瘤endometrioid carcinoma 子宫内膜样癌clear cell tumour 透明细胞瘤teratoma 畸胎瘤dysgerminoma 无性细胞瘤endodermal sinus tumour 内胚窦瘤granulosa—stromal cell tumor 颗粒间质细胞瘤theca cell tumor 卵泡膜细胞瘤fibroma 纤维瘤sertoli—leydig cell tumour 支持一间质细胞瘤tumour—like condition 卵巢瘤样病变solitary follicle cyst 单发性滤泡囊肿corpus luteum cyst黄体囊肿germ cell tumor生殖细胞瘤sex cord stromal tumor 性索间质细胞瘤benign 良性的malignant 恶性的laparotomy 剖腹探查tumor marker 肿瘤标志物torsion of ovarian tumor 卵巢肿瘤蒂扭转Polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) 多囊卵巢综合征Insulin resistance 胰岛素抵抗Cyproterone acetate (CPA)醋酸环丙孕酮子宫脱垂、尿瘘uterine prolapse 子宫脱垂stress incontinence 张力性尿失禁urinary fistula 尿瘘cystocele 膀胱膨出enterocele 直肠膨出女性生殖器官发育异常imperforate hymen 处女膜闭锁(无孔处女膜)congenital absence of vagina 先天性无阴道atresia of vagina 阴道闭锁transverse vaginal septum 阴道横膈longitudinal vaginal septum 阴道纵膈congenital absence of uterus 先天性无子宫primordial uterus 始基子宫hypoplasia of uterus 子宫发育不良infantile uterus 幼稚子宫uterus didelphys 双子宫不孕症infertility 不孕症hysterosalpingography<HSG〉子宫输卵管造影术in vitro fertilization (IVF) 体外授精妇女保健计划生育family planning 计划生育contraception 避孕intrauterine device (IUD)宫内节育器condom 阴茎套conrtaceptive 避孕药oral conrtaceptive pill(ocp) 口服避孕药artificial abortion 人工流产medical abortion 药物流产sterilization 绝育indication 适应证contraindication 禁忌证complication 并发症womens healthcare 妇女保健女性生殖系统生理menstruation月经steroid hormone 甾体激素estrogen 雌激素progesterone 孕激素androgen 雄激素proliferative phase 增生期secretive phase 分泌期ovary 卵巢follicle 卵泡ovulation 排卵corpus lutein 黄体feedback 反馈prolactin (PRL)泌乳素follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)卵泡刺激素luteinizing hormone (LH) 黄体生成激素妊娠生理(包括妊娠期母体变化)pregnancy 妊娠placenta 胎盘fetus 胎儿umbilical cord 脐带amniotic membrane 羊膜amniotic fluid 羊水villus 绒毛human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 绒毛膜促性腺激素human placental lactogen(HPL)胎盘生乳素妊娠诊断amenorrrhea 停经morning sickness 早孕反应fetal lie 胎产式longitudinal lie 纵产式transverse lie 横产式fetal presentation 胎先露fetal position 胎位孕期监护及保健expected date of confinement, EDC 预产期last menstrual period,LMP 末次月经four maneuver of Leopold 四步触诊法external pelvimetry 骨盆外测量internal pelvimetry 骨盆内测量acceleration 加速early deceleration 早期减速variable deceleration 变异减速late deceleration 晚期减速non-stress tess,NST 无应激试验oxytocin challenge test, OCT 缩宫素激惹试验contraction stress tess, CST 宫缩应激试验fetal maturity 胎儿成熟度lecithin/sphingomyelin,L/S 卵磷脂/鞘磷脂正常分娩delivery 分娩premature delivery 早产term delivery 足月产postterm delivery 过期产pelvic inlet 骨盆入口pelvic outlet 骨盆出口effacement of cervix 宫颈管消失dilatation of cervix 宫口扩张biparietal diameter (BPD)双顶径mechanism of labor 分娩机制engagement 衔接descent 下降flexion 俯屈internal rotation 内旋转extension 仰伸restitution 复位external rotation 外旋转show 见红partogram 产程图crowning of head 胎头着冠push 向下屏气episiotomy (EP)会阴切开术正常产褥puerperium 产褥期involution of uterus 子宫复旧colostrums 初乳after pains 产后宫缩痛lochia 恶露bottle feeding 人工喂养breast feeding 母乳喂养early suckling 早吸吮流产abortion 流产threatened abortion 先兆流产inevitable abortion 难免流产incomplete abortion 不完全流产complete abortion 完全流产missed abortion 过期流产habitual abortion 习惯性流产异位妊娠ectopic pregnancy 异位妊娠tubal pregnancy 输卵管妊娠abdominal pregnancy 腹腔妊娠ovarian pregnancy 卵管妊娠cervical pregnancy 宫颈妊娠culdocentesis 后穹窿穿刺laparoscopy 腹腔镜检查conservative surgery 保守性手术rupture of tubal pregnancy 输卵管妊娠破裂妊娠高血压综合征edema 水肿proteinuria 蛋白尿hypertension 高血压hemolysis,elevated liver enzyme,low platelets syndrome HELLP 综合征antihypertensive 抗高血压药物anti convulsant 抗抽搐药物diuretics 利尿药sedative 镇静药物pregnancy induced hypentension syndrome,PIH 妊娠高血压综合征preeclampsia 先兆子痫eclampsia 子痫mean arterial blood pressure,(mABP)平均动脉压前置胎盘placenta previa 前置胎盘complete previa 完全性(中央性)前置partial previa 部分性前置marginal previa 边缘性前置胎盘早期剥离placental abruption 胎盘早剥disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)弥散性血管内凝血uteroplacental apoplexy 子宫卒中revealed abruption 显形剥落concealed abruption 隐性剥落mixed hemorrhage 混合性出血妊娠合并心脏病perinatal cardiomyopathy 围产期心肌病heart failure 心力衰竭cardiac function 心功能rheumatic heart disease 风湿性心脏病congenital heart disease 先天性心脏病妊娠合并乙型肝炎intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy 妊娠期肝内胆汁郁积症acute fatty liver of pregnancy 妊娠急性脂肪肝妊娠合并糖尿病gestational diabetes mellitus,GDM 妊娠期糖尿病macrosomia 巨大儿shoulder dystocia 肩难产congenital malformation 先天性畸形oral glucose tolerance test 口服葡萄糖耐量试验高危妊娠high risk pregnancy 高危妊娠fetal monitoring 胎儿监护non—stress test ,(NST)无应激试验contraction stress test (CST)宫缩应激试验oxytocin challenge test (OCT)催产素激惹试验amniocentesis 羊膜腔穿刺lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S)卵磷脂/鞘磷脂perinatal mortality rate围产儿死亡率deceleration 减速acceleration 加速biophysical profile score (BPS)B超生物物理评分fetal movement 胎动fetal tone 胎儿张力fetal breath movement 胎儿呼吸样运动amniotic fluid index (AFI) 羊水指数异常分娩dystocia 异常分娩primipara 初产妇multipara 经产妇hypotonic uterine contraction 低张性子宫收缩hypertonic uterine contraction 高张性子宫收缩oxytocin 催产素prostaglandin 前列腺素simple flat pelvis 单纯扁平骨盆funnel shaped pelvis 漏斗骨盆generally contracted pelvis 均小骨盆persistent occipitoposterior position 持续性枕后位persistent occipitotransverse position 持续性忧横位sincipital presentation高直位anterior asynclitism 前不均倾位face presentation 面先露breech presentation 臀先露shoulder presentation 肩先露shoulder dystocia 肩难产hydrocephalus 脑积水spina bifida 脊柱裂conjoined twins 联体双胎产后出血postpartum hemorrhage 〈PPH> 产后出血uterine atony 宫缩乏力trauma of genital tract 生殖道创伤placental implantation 胎盘植入子宫破裂rupture of uterus 子宫破裂pathologic retraction ring 病理缩过期妊娠postterm pregnancy 过期妊娠meconium 胎粪induction of labor 引产placental function 胎盘功能胎儿窘迫fetal distress 胎儿窘迫perinatal medicine 围产医学产褥感染puerperal infection 产褥感染puerperal morbidity 产褥病率late postpartum hemorrhage 晚期产后出血。



临床医学China &Foreign Medical Treatment 中外医疗子宫内膜息肉给予宫腔镜息肉电切术辅以左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统的疗效分析张丽艳,孙爽长春中医药大学附属医院妇产诊疗中心,吉林长春 130021[摘要] 目的 观察在子宫内膜息肉的治疗当中在给予宫腔镜息肉电切术之后辅助使用左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统治的效果。

方法 便利选取2022年1月—2023年2月长春中医药大学附属医院收治的98例子宫内膜息肉患者。




结果 观察组术后1个月月经量更少、血红蛋白水平上升,且观察组术后3及6个月其子宫内膜厚度及月经量少于对照组,血红蛋白水平高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);治疗后观察组腺上皮及间质雌激素受体、腺上皮及间质孕激素受体、血清指标水平均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);观察组的复发率为4.08%,低于对照组的16.33%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.455,P <0.05)。

结论 在子宫内膜息肉的患者的宫腔镜息肉电切术之后辅以左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统治疗,能够使原本较厚的子宫内膜变薄,并减少原本过多的月经量,恢复血红蛋白及血清糖类抗原125、高敏C 反应蛋白、血管内皮生长因子水平,调节雌激素及孕激素受体表达平衡,降低复发率,且具有良好的治疗安全性。

[关键词] 子宫内膜息肉;宫腔镜;息肉电切术;左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统;子宫内膜厚度;月经量[中图分类号] R713 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2023)11(b)-0059-04Efficacy of Hysteroscopic Electropolypectomy Combined with Levonorg⁃estrel Intrauterine Sustained Release System for Endometrial PolypsZHANG Liyan, SUN ShuangDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology Diagnosis and Treatment Center, the Affiliated Hospital of Changchun Uni⁃versity of Chinese Medicine, Changchun, Jilin Province, 130021 China[Abstract] Objective To observe the effect of levonorgestrel intrauterine sustained release system after hysteroscopic electropolypectomy in the treatment of endometrial polyps. Methods A total of 98 patients with endometrial polyps ad⁃mitted to the Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2022 to Febru⁃ary 2023 were conveniently selected. According to the random number table method, they were divided into twogroups, 49 cases in each group. The control group was treated with hysteroscopic polyp resection, and the observationgroup was supplemented with levonorgestrel intrauterine sustained-release system on the basis of the control group. The glandular epithelial and stromal estrogen receptors, glandular epithelial and stromal progesterone receptors, serum indexes, and recurrence rate were compared after treatment. Results The menstrual volume of the observation group was lower and the hemoglobin level was higher 1 month after operation, and the endometrial thickness and menstrualvolume of the observation group were less than those of the control group 3 and 6 months after operation, and the he⁃moglobin level were higher than that of the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P <0.05) af⁃ter treatment, the levels of estrogen receptor in glandular epithelium and stroma, progesterone receptor in glandularepithelium and stroma, and serum indexes in the observation were all lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P <0.05), the recurrence rate of the observation group was 4.08%, which was DOI :10.16662/ki.1674-0742.2023.32.059[作者简介] 张丽艳(1989-),女,硕士,住院医师,研究方向为妇产科学临床研究。






磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)具有扫描范围多、层面外干扰小以及空间结构显示好等多个优势,能利用多方位扫描定量定性分析卵巢肿瘤,增加诊断准确性[4-5]。







1.2方法1.2.1MRI检查方法采用仰卧体位,腹部联合相控阵线圈,通过Philips公司的1.5T MRI扫描仪(Prodiva型号)对卵巢行多方位扫描,首先行MRI横断面、冠状面、矢状面序列扫描,参数为:T1WI的TR为700ms、TE为11ms,T2WI的TR为4800ms、TE为90ms、层间距为1mm、层厚为4mm、矩阵为312×256、视野为40cm×40cm,平扫后行动态增强磁共振成像(dynamic enhanced magnetic resonance imaging,DCE-MRI),高压注射器经肘静脉快速注射0.1mmol/kg的钆喷酸葡甲胺,速度3.0mL/s;经三维容积式内插法屏气序列行多期扫描,参数为:层间距为0.8mm、层厚为4mm、矩阵为256×192,视野为34cm×34cm、翻转角15°;动态扫描获20期图像,后获延迟期冠状面、矢状面、横断面图像;原始数据导到Philips公司8.1版的QLAB对比增强定量分析软件,选肿瘤实性成分最显著区域作感兴趣区(region of interest,ROI),注意避开囊变、出血区、大血管与坏死区,取3次平均值制作时间-信号强度曲线(time-signal ietensity curve,TIC),计算容积转移常数(K trans)、速率常数(K ep)。



国际医学放射学杂志IntJMedRadiol2020Nov 鸦43穴6雪胰腺囊性病变的影像表现与临床特点(下)徐建国1唐光健2彭泰松1赵丽丽1于萍1任龙飞1许志高1【摘要】胰腺囊性病变(PCL)是胰腺上皮和间质组织发生囊腔病变的一大类疾病,以胰腺内囊性包块为主要特征,具有不同的病因、临床和组织病理学特点。

本文的前两部分介绍了胰腺炎症相关囊性病变(包括胰腺假性囊肿与胰腺包裹性坏死)与胰腺真性囊肿(包括孤立性胰腺上皮囊肿、von Hippel-Lindau 病、多囊肾和囊性纤维化)以及常见的胰腺浆液性囊腺瘤、胰腺黏液性囊腺瘤和胰腺实性假乳头状瘤的影像表现与临床特点。


【关键词】胰腺囊性病变;体层摄影术,X 线计算机;磁共振成像;导管内乳头状黏液瘤;囊性肿瘤中图分类号:R576;R445.2;R445.3文献标志码:APancreatic cystic lesions:imaging findings and clinical features (Part 3)XU Jianguo 1,TANG Guangjian 2,PENGTaisong 1,ZHAO Lili 1,YU Ping 1,REN Longfei 1,XU Zhigao 1.1Department of Radiology,Third People ’s Hospital of Datong City,Datong 037008,China;2Department of Radiology,Peking University First Hospital【Abstract 】Pancreatic cystic lesions (PCLs)are a broad spectrum of diseases with cystic lesions in pancreaticepithelial and interstitial tissues,characterized by cystic mass,with various etiology,clinical and histopathological characteristics.The first two parts of the article introduces the imaging manifestations and clinical features of 1)pancreatitis related cystic lesionincluding pancreatic pseudocyst and pancreatic encapsulated necrosis,2)pancreatic true cysts including isolated pancreatic epithelial cyst,von Hippel Lindau disease,polycystic kidney and cystic fibrosis,and3)the common cystic tumors of the pancreas including serous cystadenoma,mucinous cystadenoma and solid pseudopapilloma of the pancreas.In the last part of this issue,we introduce another common cystic tumor of pancreas (intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas)and rare cystic tumors of the pancreas,in order to provide an important basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cystic lesions.【Keywords 】Cystic disease of pancreas;Tomography,X -ray computed;Magnetic resonance imaging;Intraductalpapillary mucinous neoplasm;Cystic tumorIntJMedRadiol,2020,43(6):716-720作者单位:1大同市第三人民医院医学影像科,大同037008;2北京大学第一医院放射科通信作者:唐光健,E-mail:***************.com DOI:10.19300/j.2020.J18513图文讲座3.4胰腺导管内乳头状黏液瘤胰腺导管内乳头状黏液瘤(intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm,IPMN )实际上并不是囊性肿瘤,由于肿瘤分泌黏液,引起胰腺导管扩张,大体病理与影像表现为伴有囊的病变,故在胰腺囊性病变内一并讨论。



※ 通信作者:王健明,Email:wjming68@sina.com肾脏混合性上皮和间质肿瘤1例报告王健明※ 耿庆伟 张正园(临沂市人民医院 泌尿外科,山东 临沂 276000) 肾脏混合性上皮和间质肿瘤是一种很少见的肾脏肿瘤,文献报道较少。


1 病例简介患者,女,24岁。










2 讨论肾脏混合性上皮和间质肿瘤(mixedepitheIialandstromaltumourofthekidney,MESTK)是由上皮和间质成分混合构成的良性肾肿瘤。


MESTK是一种很少见的肾肿瘤,国内外文献报道较少,目前文献报道190余例,男女之比为1 8,年龄范围8~92岁,平均51岁,多见于围绝经期女性[1,2]。

图1 CT检查示右肾一囊性低密度影,增强可见分隔强化图2 病理检查示囊肿性病变,倾向于混合性上皮和间质肿瘤。



子宫腺癌是一种由源自子宫内膜腺体的恶性上 皮 细 胞 组 成 的 肿 瘤 ,是 母 兔 最 常 见 的 子 宫 肿 瘤 ,相关 研 究 表 明 [4], 在 家 兔 2 〜3 岁 的 发 病 率 约 为 4 % ,在 5 〜6 岁 的 发 病 率 约 为 8 0 % ,子宫腺癌多在临床发病 后 12〜2 4 个月发生转移。 由于宠物家兔通常比其 它 宠 物 数 量 要 少 ,就 诊 病 例 都 比 较 年 轻 ,所以子宫腺 癌 在 宠 物 家 兔 和 研 究 机 构 的 发 病 率 相 对 较 低 。在黑 貂 兔 、荷 兰 银 兔 、法 国 银 兔 、狮 子 头 兔 等 不 同 品 种 的 家 兔 中 均 有 子 宫 腺 癌 病 理 的 报 道 :5]。子宫平滑肌肿 瘤也 是 家 兔 常 见 肿 瘤 之 一 ,占肿瘤检测病例的14.6% (30/205)®,其 良 性 居 多 ,诊 断 平 滑 肌 肿 瘤 良 恶 性 的 主 要 依 据 是 细 胞 密 度 、核 异 型 性 、和 分 裂 数 、肿瘤的 凝 固 性 坏 死 、侵 润 性 边 缘 ,有 无 宫 外 侵 润 等 综 合 因 素 。恶 性 苗 勒 管 混 合 瘤 较 为 少 见 ,分为同源亚型和 异 源 亚 型 ,主 要 发 生 在 绝 经 期 后 的 女 性 ,根据上皮和 非 上 皮 的 组 织 学 外 观 进 行 分 类 ,组 织 细 胞 在 镜 检 下少 [7'8]。
2. College ofLife Sciences , Heilongjiang University,Harbin 1500S0,China)
Abstract:In this study,three cases(Oryctolagus cuniculus) of uterine tumors in pet rabbits were analyzed pathologically.Histological identification was performed by H.E.staining and immunohistochemical methods of paraffin sections.For case one,histopathologically,the uterine masses revealed papillary projections and most neoplastic glands were lined by single to multiple layers of cells.Neo­ plastic glandular epithelia had dark basophilic nucleus,prominent nucleoli,scant cytoplasm,low mito­ sis,and cellular pleomorphism.According to immunohistochemistry,the tumor cells in uterine masses demonstrated strong positive signals for cytokeratin,but negative for vimentin.Based on the gross, histopathologic and immunohistochemical features,this case was diagnosed as uterine adenocarcinoma; For case two,histopathologically ,the neoplastic mass had invaded the myometrium with poorly demarcat­ ed.The cell appeared as cribriform/tubular type and solid arrangement,lined by single to multiple lay­ ers,which had the characteristics of cell aggregation.Neoplastic epithelial cells consisted of col~ umn,polygonal cells,with moderately abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and distinct cell borders.The hyperchromatic nuclei varied from oval to round,with moderate anisokaryosis and distinct nucleoli.Ac­

子宫体部ミュラー氏腺肉肿の1症例 ―特に中胚叶性肿疡の文献的.

子宫体部ミュラー氏腺肉肿の1症例 ―特に中胚叶性肿疡の文献的.
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肾混合性上皮间质肿瘤1例及文献复习发布时间:2022-10-27T05:43:43.090Z 来源:《健康世界》2022年14期作者:李虎博①胡俊超①贾鸣飞①康绍叁①[导读] 肾混合性上皮间质肿瘤(MESTK)是一种无明显临床特异性表现的罕见疾病,通常见于女性患者。

李虎博①胡俊超①贾鸣飞①康绍叁①华北理工大学 063000 河北唐山;①华北理工大学附属医院泌尿外科 [摘要] 肾混合性上皮间质肿瘤(MESTK)是一种无明显临床特异性表现的罕见疾病,通常见于女性患者。




[关键词] 成人中胚层肾瘤肾混合性上皮间质肿瘤 MESTK [中图分类号] R 692.9 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] Mixed epithelial stromal tumor of kidney: a case report and review of literature LI Hubo,JIA Mingfei,Kang Shaosan,( North China University of Science and Technology TangShan,063000,China) [ABSTRACT] Renal mixed epithelial-mesenchymal tumor (MESTK) is a rare disease with no obvious clinical specificity and usually occurs in women. Its most common manifestations are abdominal mass, hematuria and abdominal pain, and the commonly used treatment is surgical resection with a good prognosis. We report a 60-year-old woman with mixed epithelial and stromal tumors of the left kidney. The tumor was removed by partial nephrectomy of the left kidney and did not recur one and a half years after surgery. [KEY WORDS] Mesoblastic nephroma in adult. Mixed epithelial stromal tumor of the kidney. MESTK 肾混合性上皮和间质肿瘤(mixed epitheIial and stromaltumour of the kidney,MEsTK)是由上皮和间质成分混合构成的良性肾肿瘤,由于其形态学和病理特征均不具有特异性,故以往报道中也曾称其为成人中胚层肾瘤(adult mesoblastic nephrom)[1]。



【摘要】肾混合性上皮间质肿瘤(mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney,MESTK)是一种罕见的肾脏肿瘤,其特点是囊性扩张且不等量增生的腺上皮细胞与排列方式各异的梭形细胞混合。





腮腺混合瘤又称为多形性腺瘤,起源于腮腺 上皮组织;腮腺腺淋巴瘤又称Warthin瘤,淋巴 囊腺瘤或淋巴乳头状囊腺瘤,目前研究认为其起 源于腮腺内、外淋巴结内异位的唾液腺导管上皮
组织[1-2]。两者分别居腮腺常见肿瘤的前两位, 虽然两者均为良性肿瘤,但腮腺混合瘤若切除 不彻底,则容易复发,5年后复发率为3.4%,10 年后为6.8%,且有发生恶变的可能,而腺淋巴
高信号,21例呈混杂信号,增强扫描病灶明显 不均匀强化,且有进行性强化的特点(图1)。 42例腺淋巴瘤患者中11例为多发病灶(其中9例 双侧多发,2例为单侧多发);24例病灶伴有囊 变,病灶边界清楚,T1WI上均呈低信号,T2WI 上10例呈均匀稍高信号,32例信号不均匀,其中 24例病灶伴有囊变,囊变部分呈高信号,增强扫 描病灶实性部分早期明显强化,延迟扫描造影 剂迅速廓清,信号明显减低,囊变部分无强化 (图2)。
2.1 临床特点 本组68例均以触及耳前慢性无痛性包块就 诊,病程长约1个月至3年不等。本组患者中混合 瘤26例,其中男性12例,女性14例,平均发病年 龄约为44岁;腺淋巴瘤42例,其中男性41例,女 性1例,平均发病年龄约为62岁。综合分析混合 瘤多发于中青年女性,而腺淋巴瘤好发于中老年 男性,与文献报道相符[5]。 2.2 MRI影像学特征 26例混合瘤中病变均为单发,病灶边界清 楚,T1WI上均呈低信号,T2WI上5例呈均匀稍
Oncoradiology 2020 Vol.29 No.3
·论 著·
腮腺混合瘤与腺淋巴瘤的磁共振成像表现对比 分析
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Chao-jun Wang,1Yi-wei Lin,1Hua Xiang,2Dan-bo Fang,1Peng Jiang,1 and Bo-hua Shen1Mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney (MESTK), is a rare kidney tumor [1]. The tumor was first identified by Michal and Syrucek in 1998 [2] and has been ariously termed ‘cystic hamartoma of the renal pelvis,’ ‘adult mesoblastic nephroma,’ ‘cystic nephroma,’ ‘mature nephroblastic tumor’ or ‘cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma.’ To date, approximately 100 cases have been reported [3], with most of these reports focusing on the pathological and radiological features of the tumors. In this paper, we report detailed clinicopathological findings and clinical outcomes of a series of MESTK cases, and review the related literature.Go to:During the period 2005 to 2012, eight cases with a diagnosis of MESTK were identified from the surgical pathology files of the urology department at our hospital. The clinical information and pathological data were obtained from the medical records, and demographic information, presenting symptoms, treatment, tumor size, immunohistochemical staining profiles, and scheduled follow-up data were collected.The clinical features and follow-up data are summarized in Table 1. Of the eight patients, six were women and two were men. Mean age at presentation was 38 years. The initial clinical presentation in one patient was flank pain, but all the other cases were discovered incidentally during regular examination. None of these patients had any history of hormonal therapy. In all cases, the computed tomography (CT) scan showed a partially cystic mass in the kidney, which was classified as a Bosniak III or IV lesion, indicating a pre-operative clinical impression of cystic renal cancer (Figure 1). Thus all eight patients underwent either nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy, and the diagnosis of MESTK was made postoperatively.Table 1Clinicopathologic features of 8 patients with mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidneyFigure 1Representative radiological findings of mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney. (A) Patient 3. Abdominal computed tomography scan showed a left renal tumor with cystic and solid components. (B)Patient 7. T2-weighted coronal magnetic resonance ...On gross examination, the excised specimens were found to be of varying size and consisted of multi-cystic and solid septa. Histological examination showed that all specimens were composed of cysts or dilated tubules of diverse diameter. All specimens presented with the characteristic mixture of epithelial and stromal components (Figure 2A). The tubular glandular epithelium was scattered within abundant spindle cells. Assays showed that the specimens had diverse immunochemical profiles (Table 1).Figure 2Representative pathological findings of mixed epithelial and stromal tumor of the kidney. (A) MESTK showed characteristic biphasic components, including tubules embedded in the spindle cell stroma. (B)The mesenchymal component resembled that of densely ...The patients were followed up for a mean duration of 28 months (4 to 50 months); at the end of which, all eight patients were alive without any evidence of recurrence or metastasis.Go to:MESTK, which was included in the WHO 2004 renal tumor classification, is a rare and distinctive kidney tumor composed of both epithelium and stroma with solid andprognosis, thus the histogenesis and clinical behavior of MESTK warrants further study.Go to:MESTK is a rare clinical entity. It is generally considered to be a benign tumor with good prognosis, but there is malignant potential. MESTK should be considered as a possible diagnosis in cases of cystic renal mass, especially in peri-menopausal women or those who have received hormonal therapy.Go to:Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this report and any accompanying images.Go to:The authors declare that they have no competing interests.Go to:CW and YL summarized the clinicopathologic data and writed the manuscript; HX provided the pathological information; DF and PJ collected the clinical data, and BS revised and edited the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.Go to:4.Eble JN, Sauter G, Epstein JI, Sesterhenn IA. Pathology and Genetics ofTumours of the Urinary System and Male Genital Organs. Lyon: IARC Press;2004.5.Adsay NV, Eble JN, Srigley JR, Jones EC, Grignon DJ. Mixed epithelial andstromal tumor of the kidney. Am J Surg Pathol. 2000;11:958–970. doi:10.1097/00000478-200007000-00007. 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