规格书:H27U1G8F2B (Rev0.1)-nand flash
This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007 1HY27UF(08/16)1G2A Series1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1Gb NAND FLASHHY27UF081G2A HY27UF161G2ARev 0.4 / Jun. 200721Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashDocument Title1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision HistoryRevision No.History Draft DateRemark0.01Initial Draft.Dec. 28. 2005Preliminary0.11) Change NOP2) Change AC CharacteristicsMay. 18. 2006Preliminary0.21) Delete Memory array map 2) Change AC Characteristics3) Correct copy back function Oct. 02. 2006Preliminary0.31) Change 1Gb Package Type- FBGA package is added - Figure & dimension are changed 2) Delet PreliminaryNov. 23. 20060.41) Correct figure 19Jun. 11. 2007tOH Before 12After10tCStCEA tREA Before 253525After202520Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200731Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFEATURES SUMMARYHIGH DENSITY NAND FLASH MEMORIES - Cost effective solutions for mass storage applications NAND INTERFACE - x8 or x16 bus width.- Multiplexed Address/ Data- Pinout compatibility for all densitiesSUPPLY VOLTAGE- VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V : HY27UFxx1G2A Memory Cell Array= (2K+64) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 Blocks = (1K+32) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 BlocksPAGE SIZE- x8 device : (2K+64 spare) Bytes : HY27UF081G2A - x16 device : (1K+32 spare) Bytes : HY27UF161G2ABLOCK SIZE- x8 device: (128K + 4K spare) Bytes - x16 device: (64K + 2K spare) Words PAGE READ / PROGRAM - Random access: 25us (max.) - Sequential access: 30ns (min.) - Page program time: 200us (typ.)COPY BACK PROGRAM MODE- Fast page copy without external bufferingCACHE PROGRAM- Internal (2048+64) Byte buffer to improve the program throughputFAST BLOCK ERASE- Block erase time: 2ms (Typ.)STATUS REGISTER ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - 1st cycle: Manufacturer Code - 2nd cycle: Device Code- 3rd cycle: Internal chip number , Cell Type, Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages.- 4th cycle: Page size, Block size, Organization, Spare sizeSERIAL NUMBER OPTION CHIP ENABLE DON’T CARE - Simple interface sith microcontrollerDATA RETENTION- 100,000 Program/Erase cycles (with 1bit/528byte ECC) - 10 years Data RetentionPACKAGE- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T(P): 48-Pin TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T (Lead)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-TP (Lead Free)- HY27UF081G2A-S(P): 48-Pin USOP1 (12 x 17 x 0.65 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-S (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-SP (Lead Free) - HY27UF081G2A-F(P): 63-Ball FBGA (9 x 11 x 1.0 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-F (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-FP (Lead Free)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200741Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONThe Hynix HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is a 128Mx8bit with spare 4Mx8 bit capacity. The device is offered in 3.3V Vcc Power Supply.Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market. The memory is divided into blocks that can be erased independently so it is possible to preserve valid data while old data is erased.The device contains 1024 blocks, composed by 64 pages consisting in two NAND structures of 32 series connected Flash cells.A program operation allows to write the 2112-byte page in typical 200us and an erase operation can be performed in typical 2ms on a 128K-byte(X8 device) block.Data in the page can be read out at 30ns cycle time per byte. The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/output as well as command input. This interface allows a reduced pin count and easy migration towards different densities, without any rearrangement of footprint.Commands, Data and Addresses are synchronously introduced using CE, WE, ALE and CLE input pin. The on-chip Pro-gram/Erase Controller automates all program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and inter-nal verification and margining of data.The modify operations can be locked using the WP input pin or using the extended lock block feature described later .The output pin R/B (open drain buffer) signals the status of the device during each operation. In a system with multi-ple memories the R/B pins can be connected all together to provide a global status signal.Even the write-intensive systems can take advantage of the HY27UF(08/16)1G2A extended reliability of 100K pro-gram/erase cycles by providing ECC (Error Correcting Code) with real time mapping-out algorithm.The chip could be offered with the CE don’t care function. This function allows the direct download of the code from the NAND Flash memory device by a microcontroller , since the CE transitions do not stop the read operation.The copy back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management: when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase.The cache program feature allows the data insertion in the cache register while the data register is copied into the flash array. This pipelined program operation improves the program throughput when long files are written inside the memory. A cache read feature is also implemented. This feature allows to dramatically improve the read throughput when consecutive pages have to be streamed out.The HYNIX HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is available in 48 - TSOP1 12 x 20 mm, 48 - USOP 12 x 17 mmm, FBGA 9 x 11 mm.1.1 Product ListPART NUMBER ORIZATIONVCC RANGE PACKAGEHY27UF081G2A x8 2.7V - 3.6 Volt63FBGA / 48TSOP1 / 48USOP1HY27UF161G2Ax1648TSOP1Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200751Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO15 - IO8Data Input / Outputs (x16 only)IO7 - IO0Data Inputs / Outputs CLE Command latch enable ALE Address latch enable CE Chip Enable RE Read Enable WE Write Enable WP Write Protect R/B Ready / Busy Vcc Power Supply Vss Ground NCNo ConnectionTable 1: Signal NamesRev 0.4 / Jun. 200761Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 2. 48TSOP1 Contactions, x8 and x16 DeviceFigure 3. 48USOP1 Contactions, x8Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200771Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 4. 63FBGA Contactions, x8 Device (Top view through package)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200781Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1.2 PIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name DescriptionIO0-IO7IO8-IO15(1)DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTSThe IO pins allow to input command, address and data and to output data during read / program operations. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE). The I/O buffer float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.CLECOMMAND LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).ALEADDRESS LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).CECHIP ENABLEThis input controls the selection of the device. When the device is busy CE low does not deselect the memory.WEWRITE ENABLEThis input acts as clock to latch Command, Address and Data. The IO inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE.REREAD ENABLEThe RE input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE which also increments the internal column address counter by one.WP WRITE PROTECTThe WP pin, when Low, provides an Hardware protection against undesired modify (program / erase)operations.R/B READY BUSYThe Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory.VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe VCC supplies the power for all the operations (Read, Write, Erase). VSS GROUNDNCNO CONNECTIONTable 2: Pin DescriptionNOTE:1. A 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between the Vcc Supply Voltage pin and the Vss Ground pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200791Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO71st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A72nd Cycle A8A9A10A11L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A12A13A14A15A16A17A18A194th CycleA20A21A22A23A24A25A26A27Table 3: Address Cycle Map(x8)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.IO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO7IO8-IO151st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7L (1)2nd Cycle A8A9A10L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A11A12A13A14A15A16A17A18L (1)4th CycleA19A20A21A22A23A24A25A26L (1)Table 4: Address Cycle Map(x16)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.FUNCTION1st CYCLE2nd CYCLE3rd CYCLE4th CYCLEAcceptable commandduring busyREAD 100h 30h --READ FOR COPY-BACK 00h 35h --READ ID 90h ---RESETFFh ---YesPAGE PROGRAM 80h 10h --COPY BACK PGM 85h 10h --BLOCK ERASE60h D0h --READ STATUS REGISTER 70h ---YesCACHE PROGRAM 80h 15h --RANDOM DATA INPUT 85h ---RAMDOM DATA OUTPUT 05h E0h --CACHE READ START 00h 31h --CACHE READ EXIT34h---Table 5: Command SetRev 0.4 / Jun. 2007101Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashCLE ALE CE WE RE WP MODE H L L Rising H X Read ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H X Address Input(4 cycles)H L L Rising H H Write ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H HAddress Input(4 cycles)L L L Rising H H Data Input L L L (1)H Falling X Sequential Read and Data Output L L L H H X During Read (Busy)X X X X X H During Program (Busy)X X X X X HDuring Erase (Busy)X X X X X L Write Protect XXHXX0V/Vcc Stand ByTable 6: Mode SelectionNOTE:1. With the CE high during latency time does not stop the read operationRev 0.4 / Jun. 2007111Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash2. BUS OPERATIONThere are six standard bus operations that control the device. These are Command Input, Address Input, Data Input, Data Output, Write Protect, and Standby.Typically glitches less than 5 ns on Chip Enable, Write Enable and Read Enable are ignored by the memory and do not affect bus operations.2.1 Command Input.Command Input bus operation is used to give a command to the memory device. Command are accepted with Chip Enable low, Command Latch Enable High, Address Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 6 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements. Command codes are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.2 Address Input.Address Input bus operation allows the insertion of the memory address. To insert the 28 addresses needed to access the 1Gbit 4 clock cycles (x8 version) are needed. Addresses are accepted with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable High, Command Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 7 and table 16 for details of the timings requirements. Addresses are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.3 Data Input.Data Input bus operation allows to feed to the device the data to be programmed. The data insertion is serially and timed by the Write Enable cycles. Data are accepted only with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable low, Command Latch Enable low, Read Enable High, and Write Protect High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. See figure 8 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.4 Data Output.Data Output bus operation allows to read data from the memory array and to check the status register content, the lock status and the ID data. Data can be serially shifted out toggling the Read Enable pin with Chip Enable low, Write Enable High, Address Latch Enable low, and Command Latch Enable low. See figures 9,10,12,13 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.5 Write Protect.Hardware Write Protection is activated when the Write Protect pin is low. In this condition modify operation do not start and the content of the memory is not altered. Write Protect pin is not latched by Write Enable to ensure the pro-tection even during the power up.2.6 Standby.In Standby mode the device is deselected, outputs are disabled and Power Consumption is reduced.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007121Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3. DEVICE OPERATION3.1 Page Read.Upon initial device power up, the device defaults to Read mode. This operation is also initiated by writing 00h and 30h to the command register along with four address cycles. In two consecutive read operations, the second one does need 00h command, which four address cycles and 30h command initiates that operation. Second read operation always requires setup command if first read operation was executed using also random data out command.Two types of operations are available: random read. The random read mode is enabled when the page address is changed. The 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than 25us(tR). The system controller may detect the completion of this data transfer (tR) by analyzing the output of R/B pin. Once the data in a page is loaded into the data registers, they may be read out in 30ns cycle time (3.3V device) by sequentially pulsing RE. The repetitive high to low transitions of the RE clock make the device output the data starting from the selected column address up to the last column address.The device may output random data in a page instead of the consecutive sequential data by writing randomdata output command. The column address of next data, which is going to be out, may be changed to the address which follows random data output command.Random data output can be operated multiple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.Random data output is not available in cache read.3.2 Page Program.The device is programmed basically by page, but it does allow multiple partial page programming of a word or consec-utive bytes up to 2112 (X8 device) or words up to 1056 (X16 device), in a single page program cycle.The number of consecutive partial page programming operation within the same page without an intervening erase operation must not exceed 8; for example, 4 times for main array (X8 device:1time/512byte, X16 device:1time 256word) and 4 times for spare array (X8 device:1time/16byte ,X16 device:1time/8word).The addressing should be done in sequential order in a block. A page program cycle consists of a serial data loading period in which up to 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data may be loaded into the data register , followed by a non-volatile programming period where the loaded data is programmed into the appropriate cell.The serial data loading period begins by inputting the Serial Data Input command (80h), followed by the four cycle address inputs and then serial data. The words other than those to be programmed do not need to be loaded. The device supports random data input in a page. The column address of next data, which will be entered, may bechanged to the address which follows random data input command (85h). Random data input may be operated multi-ple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.The Page Program confirm command (10h) initiates the programming process. Writing 10h alone without previously entering the serial data will not initiate the programming process. The P/E/R controller automatically executes the algorithms and timings necessary for program and verify, thereby freeing the system controller for other tasks. Once . The system controller can detect the completion of a program cycle by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while programming is in progress. When the Page Program is complete, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. The internal write verify detects only errors for "1"s that are not successfully programmed to "0"s. The command register remains in Read Status command mode until another valid command is written to the command register . Figure 14 details the sequence.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007131Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.3 Block Erase.The Erase operation is done on a block basis. Block address loading is accomplished in two cycles initiated by an Erase Setup command (60h). Only address A18 to A27 (X8) or A17 to A26 (X16) is valid while A12 to A17 (X8) or A11 to A16 (X16) are ignored. The Erase Confirm command (D0h) following the block address loading initiates the internal erasing process. This two-step sequence of setup followed by execution command ensures that memory contents are not acci-dentally erased due to external noise conditions. At the rising edge of WE after the erase confirm command input, the P/E/R controller handles erase and erase-verify. Once the erase process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of an erase by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while erasing is in progress. When the erase operation is completed, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. Figure 18 details the sequence.3.4 Copy-Back Program.The copy-back program is configured to quickly and efficiently rewrite data stored in one page without utilizing an exter-nal memory. Since the time-consuming cycles of serial access and re-loading cycles are removed, the system perfor-mance is improved. The benefit is especially obvious when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block also need to be copied to the newly assigned free block. The operation for performing a copy-back program is a sequential execution of page-read without serial access and copyingprogram with the address of destination page. A read opera-tion with "35h" command and the address of the source page moves the whole 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data into the internal data buffer .As soon as the device returns to Ready state, Copy Back command (85h) with the address cycles of destination page may be written. The Program Confirm command (10h) is required to actually begin the programming operation. Data input cycle for modifying a portion or multiple distant portions of the source page is allowed as shown in Figure 16."When there is a program-failure at Copy-Back operation, error is reported by pass/fail status. But, if Copy-Back operations are accumulated over time, bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external error detection/correction scheme. For this reason, two bit error correction is recommended for the use of Copy-Back operation."Figure 16 shows the command sequence for the copy-back operation.The Copy Back Program operation requires three steps:1. The source page must be read using the Read A command (one bus write cycle to setup the command and then 4 bus write cycles to input the source page address). This operation copies all 2KBytes from the page into the Page Buffer .2. When the device returns to the ready state (Ready/Busy High), the second bus write cycle of the command is given with the 4bus cycles to input the target page address.3. Then the confirm command is issued to start the P/E/R Controller .Note:1. On the same plane.2. It’s prohibited to operate copy-back program from an odd address page (source page) to an even address page (target page) or from an even address page (source page) to an odd address page (target page). Therefore, the copy-back program is permitted just between odd address pages or even address pages.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007141Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.5 Read Status Register.The device contains a Status Register which may be read to find out whether read, program or erase operation is com-pleted, and whether the program or erase operation is completed successfully. After writing 70h command to the com-mand register , a read cycle outputs the content of the Status Register to the I/O pins on the falling edge of CE or RE, whichever occurs last. This two line control allows the system to poll the progress of each device in multiple memory connections even when R/B pins are common-wired. RE or CE does not need to be toggled for updated status. Refer to Table 14 for specific Status Register definitions, and Figure 10 for specific timings requirements . The command reg-ister remains in Status Read mode until further commands are issued to it. Therefore, if the status register is read dur-ing a random read cycle, the read command (00h) should be given before starting read cycles.3.6 Read ID.The device contains a product identification mode, initiated by writing 90h to the command register , followed by an address input of 00h. Four read cycles sequentially output the 1st cycle (ADh), and 2nd cycle (the device code) and 3rd cycle ID, 4th cycle ID, respectively. The command register remains in Read ID mode until further commands are issued to it. Figure 19 shows the operation sequence, while Tables 16 explain the byte meaning.3.7 Reset.The device offers a reset feature, executed by writing FFh to the command register . When the device is in Busy state during random read, program or erase mode, the reset operation will abort these operations. The contents of memory cells being altered are no longer valid, as the data will be partially programmed or erased.The command register is cleared to wait for the next command, and the Status Register is cleared to value E0h when WP is high. Refer to table 14 for device status after reset operation. If the device is already in reset state a new reset command will not be accepted by the command register . The R/B pin transitions to low for tRST after the Reset com-mand is written.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007151Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.8 Cache programCache Program is an extension of Page Program, which is executed with 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data registers, and is available only within a block. Since the device has 1 page of cache memory, serial data input may be executed while data stored in data register are programmed into memory cell. After writing the first set of data up to 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) into the selected cache registers, Cache Program com-mand (15h) instead of actual Page Program (10h) is input to make cache registers free and to start internal program operation. To transfer data from cache registers to data registers, the device remains in Busy state for a short period of time (tCBSY) and has its cache registers ready for the next data-input while the internal programming gets started with the data loaded into data registers. Read Status command (70h) may be issued to find out when cache registers become ready by polling the Cache- Busy status bit (I/O 6). Pass/fail status of only the previous page is available upon the return to Ready state.When the next set of data is input with the Cache Program command, tCBSY is affected by the progress of pending internal programming. The programming of the cache registers is initiated only when the pending program cycle is finished and the data registers are available for the transfer of data from cache registers. The status bit (I/O5) for internal Ready/Busy may be polled to identify the completion of internal programming.If the system monitors the progress of programming only with R/B, the last page of the target programming sequence must be programmed with actual Page Program command (10h). If the Cache Program command (15h) is used instead, status bit (I/O5) must be polled to find out when the last programming is actually finished before starting other operations such as read. Pass/fail status is available in two steps. I/O 1 returns with the status of the previous page upon Ready or I/O6 status bit changing to "1", and later I/O 0 with the status of current page upon true Ready (returning from internal programming) or I/O 5 status bit changing to "1". I/O 1 may be read together when I/O 0 is checked. See Fig. 18 for more details.NOTE : Since programming the last page does not employ caching, the program time has to be that of Page Program. However , if the previous program cycle with the cache data has not finished, the actual program cycle of the last page is initiated only after completion of the previous cycle, which can be expressed as the following formula.tPROG=Program time for the last page + Program time for the (last-1)page - (Program command cycle time + Last page data loading time)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007161Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.9 Cache ReadCache read operation allows automatic download of consecutive pages, up to the whole device. Immediately after 1st latency end, while user can start reading out data, device internally starts reading following page.Start address of 1st page must be at page start (A<10:0>=00h) : in this way after 1st latency time (tr) , automatic data download will be uninterrupted. In fact latency time is 25us, while download of a page require at least 100us for x8 device (50us for x16 device).Cache read operation command is like standard read, except for confirm code (30h for standard read, 31h for cache read) user can check operation status using :- R/B ( ‘0’ means latency ongoing, download not possible, ‘1’ means download of n page possible, even if device in ternally is active on n+1 page- Status register (SR<6> behave like R/B, SR<5> is ‘0’ when device is internally reading and ‘1’ when device is idle)To exit cache read operation, a cache read exit command (34h) must be issued. This command can be given any time (both device idle and reading).If device is active (SR<5>=0) it will go idle within 5us, while if it is not active, device itself will go busy for a time shorter then tCBSY before becoming again idle and ready to accept any further commands. Figure 17 describes how to handle Cache Read through Status register .If user reads last byte/word of the memory array, then he has to stop by giving a cache read exit command. In general,if user wants to terminate a cache read, then he must give a cache read exit command (or reset command) before starting any new operation.Random data output is not available in cache read.Cache read operation must be done only block by block if system needs to avoid reading also from invalid blocks.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007171Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash4. OTHER FEATURES4.1 Data Protection for Power on/off SequenceThe device is designed to offer protection from any involuntary program/erase during power-transitions. An internal voltage detector disables all functions whenever Vcc is below about 2.0V (3.3V version). WP pin provides hardware protection and is recommended to be kept at VIL during power-up and power-down. A recovery time of minimum 10us is required before internal circuit gets ready for any command sequences as shown in Figure 24. The two-step com-mand sequence for program/erase provides additional software protection.If the power is dropped during the ready read/write/erase operation, Power protection function may not guaranteed the data. Power protection function is only available during the power on/off sequence.4.2 Ready/Busy.The device has a Ready/Busy output that provides method of indicating the completion of a page program, erase, copy-back, cache program and random read completion. The R/B pin is normally high and goes to low when the device is busy (after a reset, read, program, erase operation). It returns to high when the P/E/R controller has finished the operation. The pin is an open-drain driver thereby allowing two or more R/B outputs to be Or-tied. Because pull-up resistor value is related to tr(R/B) and current drain during busy (Ibusy), an appropriate value can be obtained with the following reference chart (Figure 25). Its value can be determined by the following guidance.。
H27UG8T2B_F20 64Gb B MLC_Legacy_Rev1.2_120621
F20 64Gb MLCNAND Flash MemoryLegacy LGA52This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. SK hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Document Title64Gbit(8192M x 8bit) NAND Flash MemoryRevision HistoryRevision No.History Draft Date Remark0.0 Initial Draft Mar.07.2011 Preliminary0.1 Modified some numbers Mar.18.2011 Preliminary0.2 Revised errata Sep.22.2011 Preliminary0.3 Add paired page address table Oct.12.2011 Preliminary1.0 1.0 Released Oct.21.20111.1 CLE, ALE Hold Time Changed Nov.18.20111.2 Correct No. of Valid Blocks Jun.21.2012Product Feature■ Multi Level Cell (MLC) Technology■ Power Supply Voltage- VCC / VCCq= 2.7V ~ 3.6V■ Organization- Page Size : 16,384 + 1,280(Spare) bytes- Block Size : 4M + 320K bytes, 256pages- Plane Size : 1024 + 42(Extended) blocks- Device Size : 2048 + 84(Extended) blocks■ Page Read Time- Random Read Time (tR) : TBD- Sequential Access (tRC/tWC) : 16ns(Min.)■ Page Write Time- Page Program Time : 1500 (Typ.)■ Block Erase Time- Block Erase Time : 5.0ms(Typ.)■ Hardware Data Protection- Program/Erase locked during power transitions ■ Package- Package type : VLGA- Chip count : SDP- Pin(Ball) count : 52 ball- Size : 14mm x 18mm x 1mm■ Electronic Signature- 1st cycle : Manufacturer code- 2nd cycle : Device code- 3rd cycle : Internal chip number, Cell type,Number of simultaneously programmed pages - 4th cycle : Page size, Block size, Organization, Spare size- 5th cycle : Multi-plane information- 6th cycle : Technology, EDO, Interface ■ Reliability- TBD1. Summary Description …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1.1. Product List ……..…………………………………………………………………..………………………….…. 1.2. Pin Descriptions ..…………………………………………………………………..…………………..……..... 1.3. Pin Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 1.4. Pin Assignments ………………………………………………………………………..……..…………..…….. 1.5. Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 1.6. Array Organization ..................................................................................................................... 1.7. Addressing ................................................................................................................................. 1.8. Extended Blocks Arrangement .................................................................................................. 1.9. Command Set ……………………………………………………………………………….………………..…… 1.10. Mode Selection …………………………………………………………………………….…………………..…. 1.11. Bad Block Management ………………………………………………………………….……………………. 1.12. Bad Block Replacement …………………………………………………………………….…………………. 2. Electrical Characteristics ……………………………………………………………………...………………… 2.1. Valid Blocks …………………………………………………………………………………………….………….. 2.2. Absolute Maximum Rating ………………………………………………………………………….…………. 2.3. DC and Operating Characteristics ……………………………………………………………….…………… 2.4. AC Test Conditions …………………………………………………………………………………….…………. 2.5. Pin Capacitance (T A =25℃, F=1.0㎒) .......................................................................................... 2.6. Program/ Read / Erase Characteristics ..................................................................................... 2.7. AC Timing Characteristics ………………………………………………………………………….………….. 2.8. Status Register Coding ……………………………………………………………………………………….… 2.8.1. Status Register Coding For 70h/78h command ………….…………………………………….….. 2.8.2. Status Register Coding For 75h command ……………………….……………………………….… 2.9. Device Identifier Coding …………………………………………………………………………………….…. 2.10. Read ID Data Table ………………………………………………………………………………………….… 2.10.1. 3rd Byte of Device Identifier Description …………………………………………………………… 2.10.2. 4th Byte of Device Identifier Description …………………………………………………………… 2.10.3. 5th Byte of Device Identifier Description …………………………………………………………… 2.10.4. 6th Byte of Device Identifier Description …………………………………………………………… 3. Timing Diagram ………………………………………………………………………………………….………..… 3.1. Command Latch Cycle Timings ……………………………………………………………………….……….. 3.2. Address Latch Cycle Timings .………………………………………………………………………….………. 3.3. Input Data Latch Cycle Timings …………………………………………………………………….………… 3.4. Data Output Cycle Timings …………………………………………………………………………….………. 3.5. Data Output Cycle Timings (EDO type) ……………………………………………………………….……… 3.6. Read Status Cycle Timings …………………………………………………………………………….………. 3.7. Multi Plane Read Status Timings …………………………………………………………………….………. 3.8. Page Read Operation Timings .……………………………………………………………………….………. 3.9. Page Read Operation Timings (Intercepted by CE#) ………………………………………………….…… 3.10. Page Read Operation Timings with CE# don’t care …………………………………………….……… 3.11. Random Data Output Timings ………………………………………………………………………….……. 3.12. Multi Plane Page Read Operation with Random Data output Timings ……………………….…… 3.13. Cache Read Operation Timings ……………………………………………………………………….…….. 3.14. Multi Plane Cache Read Operation Timings ……………………………………………………….…….. 3.15. Read ID Operation Timings ……………………………………………………………………………….…. 3.16. Page Program Operation Timings ……………………………………………………………………….…. 3.17. Page Program Operation Timings with CE# don’t care ………………………………………………..66 7 8 9 11 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 33 33 34Table of Contents3.18. Random Data Input Timings …………………………………………………………………………………3.19. Multi Plane Page Program Operation Timings …………………………………………………………..3.20. Copy-Back Program Operation Timings with Random Date Input .………………………………..3.21. Cache Program Operation Timings …………………………………………………………………………3.22. Multi Plane Cache Program Operation Timings ………………………………………………………….3.23. Block Erase Operation Timings ………………………………………………………………………………3.24. Multi Plane Erase Operation Timings ......................................................................................3.25. Reset Timings ……………………………………………………………………………………………………4. Device Operation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………4.1. Page Read …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4.2. Cache Read …………………………………………………………………………………………………………4.3. Cache Read Enhanced …………………………………………………………………………………………..4.4. Multi Plane Page Read …………………………………………………………………………………………..4.5. Multi Plane Cache Read ………………………………………………………………………………………...4.6. Multi Plane Cache Read Enhanced …………………………………………………………………………..4.7. Read ID ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4.8. Read Status Register …………………………………………………………………………………………….4.9. Page Program ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..4.10. Multi Plane Program ……………………………………………………………………………………………4.11. Cache Program .………………………………………………………………………………………………….4.12. Multi Plane Cache Program .………………………………………………………………………………….4.13. Copy-Back Program …………………………………………………………………………………………….4.14. Multi-Plane Copy-Back Program …………………………………………………………………………….4.15. Block Erase ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4.16. Multi Plane Block Erase ………………………………………………………………………………………..4.17. Reset ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5. Other Features …………………………………………………………………………………………………………5.1. Data Protection & Power on/off Sequence …………………………………………………………………5.2. Ready / Busy .………………………………………………………………………………………………………5.3. Write Protect Operation …………………………………………………………………………………………6. Application Notes and Comments ...…………….……………………….………………………………………6.1. Paired Page Address Information (34)35363637373838393940404142424343444546484950515252535354555657Table 1 : List of supported versions / packagesPART NUMBER ORGANIZATIONOPERATING RANGEPACKAGE H27UCG8T2BYR-BCX82.7 to3.6V52-LGA1. Summary DescriptionThe product part No. H27UCG8T2BYR-BC is a single 3.3V 64Gbit NAND flash memory. The Device contains 2planes in a single die. Each plane is made up of the 1066 blocks. Each block consists of 256 programmable pages. Each page contains 17,664 bytes. The pages are subdivided into an 16,384 byte main data storage area with a spare 1,280 byte district.Page program operation can be performed in typical 1500us, and a single block can be erased in typical 5ms.1.1. Product ListPin Name DescriptionI/O 0― I/O 7DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTSThe I/O pins is used to COMMAND LATCH cycle, ADDRESS INPUT cycle, and DATA in-out cycles during read / write operations. The I/O pins float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.CLECOMMAND LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the I/O inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE#).ALEADDRESS LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the I/O inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE#).CE#CHIP ENABLEThis input controls the selection of the device. When the device is busy, CE# low does not deselect the memory. The device goes into Stand-by mode when CE# goes High during the device is in Ready state. The CE# signal is ignored when device is in Busy state, and will not enter Standby mode even if the CE# goes high.WE#WRITE ENABLEThis input acts as clock to latch Command, Address and Data. The I/O inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE#.RE#READ ENABLEThe RE# input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE# which also increments the internal column address counter by one.WP#WRITE PROTECTThe WP# pin, when Low, provides a hardware protection against undesired write operations. Hardware Write Protection is activated when the Write Protect pin is low. In this condition modify operation do not start and the content of the memory is not altered. Write Protect pin is not latched by Write Enable to ensure the protection even during the power up phases. R/B# READY / BUSYThe Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory. V CC Q SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR I/O BUFFER V SS Q GROUND FOR I/O BUFFERV CC SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe VCC supplies the power for all the operations. (Read, Write, and Erase). V SS GROUND NCNO CONNECTEDNOTE: A 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between the Vcc (Supply Voltage) pin and the Vss (Ground) pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations.Table 2 : Signal descriptions1.2. Pin DescriptionsFigure 1 : Pin diagram(SDP)VCC ALE CLE VSS R/B#IO0~IO7CE#WE#RE#WP#VSSQVCCQ1.3. Pin Diagram1.4. Pin AssignmentsFigure 2 : 52-VLGAFigure 3 : Package Mechanical DataFigure 3 : Block diagram(SDP)Figure 4 : Array organization1.5. Block Diagram1.6. Array OrganizationVccQ VssQ17,664 bytes8 , 832 8 , 192 8 , 832 1,280 I / O 0I / O 71 B lock 1 B lockPlane 0 Plane 11024 blocks / plane2132 blocks / deviceCache register Data register1 Page = (16,384 + 1,280) bytes1 Block = (16,384 + 1,280) bytes x 256 pages = (4M+ 320K) bytes1 Device = (16,384 + 1,280) bytes x 256 pages x 2,132 blocks1066 b locks/plane 2132 blocks/device Cache register Data register 16,384 16,38416,384 1,2801,280 1,28017,664 bytes 16,384A15-A34A0-A14Bus cycle I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 1st Cycle A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 2nd Cycle A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 L (1) 3rd Cycle A15 A16 A17 A17 A19 A20 A21 A22 4th Cycle A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 5th CycleA31A32A33A34L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)Notes:1. L must be set to Low.2. The device ignores any additional address input cycle than required.3. The Address consists of column address (A0~A14), page address (A15 ~ A22), plane address (A23), and block address (A24 ~ the last address).1.7. Addressing1.8. Extended Blocks ArrangementThe device offers 84 extended blocks to increase valid blocks. These blocks can be accessed when the block address A34 is …High‟.Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5· · · Block 2045 Block 2046 Block 2047 Block 2048 Block 2049· · · Block 2130 Block 21310000h 0001h 0002h 0003h 0004h 0005h· · ·07FDh 07FEh 07FFh 0800h 0801h· · ·0852h 0853h 0853hRow Address (Hexadecimal)Main Blocks (2048 Blocks)Extended Blocks (84 Blocks)FUNCTION 1stCycle NumberofAddresscyclesDataInputcycles2ndCycleNumberofAddresscyclesDatainputcycles3rdCycleAcceptablecommandDuringbusyPAGE READ 00h 5 - 30h - - - No READ FOR COPY-BACK 00h 5 - 35h - - - No RANDOM DATA OUTPUT1)05h 2 - E0h - - - No SINGLE/MULTI-PLANECACHE READ 5)31h - - - - - - No SINGLE/MULTI-PLANECACHE READ END 5)3Fh - - - - - - No READ ID 90h 1 - - - - - No READ STATUS REGISTER 70h - - - - - - Yes PAGE PGM (start)/CACHE PGM 5) (end) 80h 5 Yes 10h - - - No RANDOM DATA INPUT1)85h 2 Yes - - - - No COPY-BACK PGM 85h 5 option 10h - - - No CACHE PGM (start)5)80h 5 Yes 15h - - - No BLOCK ERASE 60h 3 - D0h - - - No RESET FFh - - - - - - Yes MULTI-PLANE PAGE READ 60h 3 - 60h 3 - 30h No MULTI-PLANE CACHE READSTART 5) 6)60h 3 - 60h 3 - 33h No MULTI-PLANE READ FORCOPY-BACK 60h 3 - 60h 3 - 35h No MULTI-PLANE BLOCK ERASE 60h 3 - 60h 3 - D0h No MULTI-PLANE RANDOMDATA OUTPUT 1) 3)00h 5 - 05h 2 - E0h No MULTI-PLANE READSTATUS REGISTER 78h 3 - - - - - Yes MULTI-PLANE READSTATUS REGISTER (legacy) 75h - - - - - - Yes MULTI-PLANE PAGE PGM/MULTI-PLANE CACHE PGM(end)80h 5 Yes 11h-81h 2) 5 Yes 10h NoMULTI-PLANE COPY-BACKPGM 85h 5 option 11h-81h 2) 5 option 10h No MULTI-PLANE CACHE PGM(start) 5)80h 5 Yes 11h-81h 2) 5 Yes 15h No CACHE READ ENHANCED 00h 5 - 31h - - - No MULTI-PLANE CACHE READENHANCED 60h 3 - 60h 3 - 31h No 1.9. Command SetNotes:1. Random Data Input/Output must be performed in a selected page.2. Any command between 11h and 81h is prohibited except 70h, 78h, 75h and FFh.3. Multi-plane Random data-out must be used after multi-plane read operations(Multi-plane Page Read, Multi-plane Cache Read and Multi-plane Read for Copy Back). 4. Do not change plane address order when using all multi-plane operations.5. All cache operation (cache program, cache read) is available only within a block.6. It‟s possible to confirm the multi -plane cache read first step using both 30h and 33h.Caution:1. Any undefined command inputs are prohibited except for above command set.2. Multi-plane page read, multi-plane cache read, and multi-plane read for copy-back must be usedafter multi-plane programmed page, multi-plane cache program, and multi-plane copy-back program.CLE ALE CE# WE# RE# WP# MODE H L L H X Read ModeCommand Input L H L H X Address Input (5 Cycles) H LL H H Write Mode Command Input L HL H H Address Input (5 Cycles)L LL HH Data InputL LL HXSequential Read and Data Output X XX HHX During Read (Busy) X XX X X H During Program (Busy) X X X X X H During Erase (Busy) X X X X X LWrite ProtectXXHXX0V/Vcc Stand-ByNotes:1. X can be V IL or V IH . H = Logic level “High”. L = Logic level “Low”.2. WP# should be biased to CMOS high or CMOS low for stand-by mode.3. WE# and RE# during Read Busy must be keep on high to prevent unplannedcommand/address/data input or to avert unintended data out. In this time, only Reset, Read Status, and Multi-plane Read Status can be inputted to the device.1) 1) 1) 3) 3) 2) 1.10. Mode SelectionFigure 5 : Bad block management flow chartNotes:1. Do not try to erase the detected bad blocks, because the bad bock information will be lost.2. Do not perform program and erase operation in invalid block, it is impossible to guarantee the input data and to ensure that the function is normal.1.11. Bad Block ManagementDevices with Bad Blocks have the same quality level and the same AC and DC characteristics as devices where all the blocks are valid. A Bad Block does not affect the performance of valid blocks because it is isolated from the bit line and common source line by a select transistor. The devices are supplied with all the locations inside valid blocks erased (FFh). The Bad Block Information is written prior to shipping. Any block where the 1st Byte in the spare area of the first and last page does not contain FFh is a Bad Block. The Bad Block Information must be read before any erase is attempted as the Bad Block Information may be erased. For the system to be able to recognize the Bad Blocks based on the original information it is recommended to create a Bad Block tablefollowing the flowchart shown in Figure 5. The 1st block, which is placed on 00h block address, is guaranteed to be a valid block at the time of shipment.16,38416,384Table 4 : Block failureFigure 6 : Block replacementNotes:1. An error occurs on nth page of the Block A during Program or Erase operation.2. Data in Block A is copied to same location in Block B which is valid block.3. Nth page of block A which is in controller buffer memory is copied into nth page of Block B4. Bad block table should be updated to prevent from erasing or programming Block A.1.12. Bad Block ReplacementThis device may have the invalid blocks when shipped from factory. An invalid block is one that contains one or more bad bits. Over the lifetime of the device additional Bad Blocks may develop. In this case, the block has to be replaced by copying the data to a valid block. These additional Bad Blocks can be identified as attempts to program or erase them will give errors in the Status Register.The failure of a page program operation does not affect the data in other pages in the same block. Bad block can be replaced by re-programming the current data and copying the rest of the replaced block to an available valid block. Refer to Table 4 and Figure 6 for the recommended procedure to follow if an error occurs during an operation.Operation Recommended ProcedureErase Block Replacement Program Block ReplacementReadECCSymbolMin TypMax Unit Valid Block NumberN VB20462132BlocksNotes:1. The 1st block is guaranteed to be a valid block at the time of shipment.2. This single device has a maximum of 86 invalid blocks.3. Invalid blocks are one that contains one or more bad bits. The device may contain bad blocks on shipment.SymbolParameterValue Unit Min T AAmbient Operating Temperature (Commercial Temperature Range) 0 to 70 ℃ Ambient Operating Temperature (Extended Temperature Range) -25 to 85 ℃ Ambient Operating Temperature (Industrial Temperature Range)-40 to 85 ℃ T BIAS Temperature Under Bias -50 to 125 ℃ T STG Storage Temperature -65 to 150 ℃ V IO Input or Output Voltage-0.6 to 4.6 V V CCSupply Voltage-0.6 to 4.6VNotes:1. Except for the rating “Operating Temperature Range”, stresses above those listed in the Table“Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the Operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Refer also to the SK hynix SURE Program and other relevant quality documents.2. Minimum voltage may undershoot to -2V during transition and for less than 20ns during transitions. Maximum voltage may overshoot to Vcc+2V during transition and for less than 20ns during transitions.2. Electrical Characteristics2.1. Valid Blocks2.2. Absolute Maximum RatingParameterSymbolTest Conditions 3.3VUnitsMin Typ Max Power on reset currentI CC0FFh command input after power on --50 per devicemAOperating CurrentReadI CC1 t RC = t RC (min), CE#=V IL , I OUT =0 ㎃- - 50 mA Program I CC2 - - 50 mA EraseI CC3 -- 50 mA Stand-by Current(TTL)I CC4 CE#=V IH , WP#=0V/V CC - - 1 mA Stand-by Current(CMOS) I CC5CE#=V CC -0.2, WP#=0V/V CC - 10 50 uA Input Leakage Current V IN =0 to V CC(MAX)- - ±10 uA Output Leakage Current I LO V OUT =0 to V CC(MAX)- - ±10 uA Input High Voltage V IH - Vccx0.8 - Vcc+0.3 V Input Low Voltage V IL - -0.3 - 0.2xVccV Output High Voltage Level V OH I OH =-400 ㎂ 2.4 - - V Output Low Voltage Level V OL I OL =2.1 ㎃ - - 0.4 V Output Low Current (R/B#)I OL (R/B#)V OL =0.4V810-mAParameter Value2.7V ≤ VccQ ≤3.6VInput Pulse Levels 0 V to V CC Input Rise and Fall Times 5 ㎱ Input and Output Timing LevelsV CC / 2Output Load (2.7V-3.6V)1 TTL GATE and CL=50㎊Note:These parameters are verified device characterization and are not 100% tested.2.3. DC and Operating Characteristics2.4. AC Test ConditionsSymbol Parameter Test ConditionMin Max Unit C IN Input Capacitance V IN = 0V - 10 pF C I/OInput/Output CapacitanceV IL = 0V-10pFParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Program (following 10h) t PROG - 1500 4000 us Cache Program (following 15h)t CBSYW - - 4000 us Multi-plane Program / Multi-plane Cache Program / Multi-plane Copy-back Program (following 11h) t DBSY -0.5 3 us Cache Read / Multi-plane Cache Read (following 31h/3Fh)t CBSYR 3 90 us Block Erase / Multi-plane Block Eraset BERS - 5 10 ms Number of partial Program Cycles in the same pageNOP- -1cyclesNotes:Typical value is measured at V CC =3.3V, T A =25℃. Not 100% tested.2.5. Pin Capacitance (T A =25℃, F=1.0㎒)2.6. Program/ Read / Erase CharacteristicsParameter Symbol3.3VUnit Min MaxCLE setup time t CLS 6 nsCLE Hold time t CLH 3 nsCE# setup time t CS20 nsCE# hold time t CH 5 nsWE# pulse width t WP8 nsALE setup time t ALS 6 nsALE hold time t ALH 3 nsData setup time t DS 6 nsData hold time t DH 2 nsWrite cycle time t WC16 nsWE# high hold time t WH 6 ns Data transfer from cell to register t R90 us ALE to RE# delay t AR10 nsCLE to RE# delay t CLR10 nsReady to RE# low t RR20 nsRE# pulse width t RP8 nsWE# high to busy t WB100 nsRead cycle time t RC16 nsRE# access time t REA16 ns RE# high to output high Z t RHZ100 nsCE# high to output high Z t CHZ50 nsRE# high to output hold t RHOH15 nsRE# low to output hold t RLOH 5 ns RE# or CE# high to output hold t COH15 ns RE# high hold time t REH 6 nsWE# high to RE# low t WHR80 ns WE# high to RE# low for Random data out t WHR2200 ns RE# high to WE# low t RHW100 nsOutput high Z to RE# low t IR0 ns CE# low to RE# low t CR10 ns Address to data loading time t ADL200 ns Device resetting time (Read/Program/Erase) t RST20/30/500 us Write protection time t WW100 ns 2.7. AC Timing CharacteristicsNotes:1. If Reset Command (FFh) is written at Ready state, the device goes into Busy for maximum 5us.2. Program / Erase Enable Operation: WP# high to WE# High. Program / Erase Disable Operation: WP# Low to WE# High.3. The transition of the corresponding control pins must occur only while WE# is held low.4. t ADL is the time from the WE# rising edge of final address cycle to the WE# rising edge of first data cycle.I/O Page Program Block Erase Read Cache Read Cache Program Coding 70h / 78h 0 Pass / Fail Pass / Fail N/A N/A Pass / Fail (N) N pagePass : …0‟ Fail : …1‟ 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A Pass / Fail (N-1) N -1 page Pass : …0‟ Fail : …1‟2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A …0‟3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A …0‟4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A …0‟5 N/A N/A N/A Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Busy : …0‟ Ready : …1‟6 Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Data Cache Ready / Busy Busy : …0‟ Ready : …1‟7Write ProtectWrite ProtectWrite ProtectWrite ProtectWrite ProtectProtected : …0‟ Not Protected : …1‟Notes:1. I/O0 : This bit is only valid for Program and Erase operations. During Cache Program operations, this bit is only valid when I/O5 is set to one.2. I/O1 : This bit is only valid for cache program operations. This bit is not valid until after the second 15h command or the 10h command has been transferred in a Cache program sequence. When Cache program is not supported, this bit is not used.3. I/O5 : If set to one, then there is no array operation in progress. If cleared to zero, then there is a command being processed (I/O6 is cleared to zero) or an array operation in progress. When overlapped interleaved operations or cache commands are not supported, this bit is not used.4. I/O6 : If set to one, then the device or interleaved address is ready for another command and all other bits in the status value are valid. If cleared to zero, then the last command issued is not yet complete and Status Register bits<5:0> are invalid value. When cache operations are in use, then this bit indicates whether another command can be accepted, and I/O5 indicates whether the last operation is complete.2.8. Status Register Coding2.8.1. Status Register Coding For 70h/78h commandI/O Page Program Block Erase Read Cache Read Cache Program Coding 75h 0/ Fail / Fail N/AN/AChip Pass / Fail (N) N pagePass : …0‟ Fail : …1‟ 1 Plane 0 Pass / Fail Plane 0 Pass / Fail N/A N/APlane 0 Pass / Fail (N) N pagePass : …0‟ Fail : …1‟ 2 Plane 1 Pass / Fail Plane 1 Pass / Fail N/A N/APlane 1 Pass / Fail (N) N page Pass : …0‟ Fail : …1‟ 3 N/AN/AN/A N/APlane 0 Pass / Fail (N-1) N -1 page Pass : …0‟ Fail : …1‟ 4 N/A N/A N/A N/A Plane 1 Pass / Fail (N-1) N -1 page Pass : …0‟ Fail : …1‟ 5 N/A N/A N/A Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Busy : …0‟ Ready : …1‟ 6Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Ready / Busy Data Cache Ready / Busy Busy : …0‟ Ready : …1‟ 7Write ProtectWrite ProtectWrite ProtectWrite ProtectWrite ProtectProtected : …0‟ Not Protected : …1‟Parameter Symbol Device Identifier ByteDescription 1st Manufacturer Code 2nd Device Identifier3rd Internal chip number, cell Type, Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages, Interleaved Program, Write Cache.4th Page size, Block size, Redundant area size5th Plane Number, ECC Level6thTechnology (Design Rule), EDO, Interface2.8.2. Status Register Coding For 75h command2.9. Device Identifier CodingPart Number Voltage BusWidth ManufactureCodeDeviceCode3rd4th5th6thH27UCG8T2B 3.3V X8 ADh DEh 94h EBh 74h 44h 3rd cycle Description I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0Internal Chip Number / CE 12481111Cell Type 2 Level Cell4 Level Cell8 Level Cell16 Level Cell1111Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages 12481111Interleaved Program Between Multiple dieNotSupported1Write Cache NotSupported 0 12.10. Read ID Data Table2.10.1. 3rd Byte of Device Identifier Description2.10.2. 4th Byte of Device Identifier Description4th cycle Description I/O7 I/O6 I/O5 I/O4 I/O3 I/O2 I/O1 I/O0Page Size (Without Spare Area) 2KB4KB8KB16KB1111Block Size (Without Spare area)128KB256KB512KB768KB1MB2MB4MBReserved111111111111Redundant Area Size /8KB 640Bytes448Bytes224Bytes128Bytes64Byte32Byte16ByteReserved111111111111。
H27UCG8T2MYR_REV0.0 现代 8GB FLASH 芯片规格书
Revision History
Revision No.
Initial Draft.
Draft Date Remark Apr. 27. 2010 Preliminary Aug. 17. 2010 Advanced
Rev 1.0 / Aug. 2010
Product Feature
This input activates the latching of the I/O inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write
Enable (WE#).
■ Organization - Page size : 8,640 Bytes(8,192+448 bytes) - Block size : 256 pages(2M+112K bytes) - Plane size : 2,048 blocks - Chip size : 2 planes (4,096 blocks)
This input activates the latching of the I/O inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write
Enable (WE#).
This input controls the selection of the device. When the device is busy, CE# low does not deselect the
Q2’2015 DATABOOKRev 0.0PRODUCT TECH. DENSITY BLOCK SIZE STACK VCC/ORG PKG. AVAIL. REMARK H27U1G8F2B4xnm1Gb128KB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP / FBGA Now-H27S1G8F2B4xnm1Gb128KB SDP 1.8V / x8FBGA Now-H27U1G8F2C3xnm1Gb128KB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now-H27U2G8F2C4ynm2Gb128KB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now-H27S2G8F2C4ynm2Gb128KB SDP 1.8V / x8FBGA Now-H27U2G8F2D3xnm2Gb128KB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now-H27U4G8F2D4ynm4Gb128KB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now-H27U4G8F2E3xnm4Gb128KB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now-H27U8G8G5D4ynm8Gb128KB DDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now-SLCPRODUCT TECH. DENSITY BLOCK SIZE STACK VCC/ORG PKG. AVAIL. REMARK H27UCG8T2A2ynm64Gb2MB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now-H27UCG8T2B2ynm64Gb4MB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP /FGBA(132ball) Now-H27UBG8T2C2ynm32Gb2MB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now-H27UAG8T2C2ynm16Gb2MB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP / PGD2Now-H27QDGDUDB2ynm128Gb4MB DDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QEGDVEB2ynm256Gb4MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QFGDYEB2ynm512Gb4MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27UCG8T2E1xnm64Gb4MB SDP 3.3V / x8TSOP Now -H27QCG8T2E1xnm64Gb4MB SDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QDG8UDE1xnm128Gb4MB DDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8VEE1xnm256Gb4MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8YEE1xnm512Gb4MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QCG8T2F1xnm64Gb4MB SDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QDG8UDF1xnm128Gb4MB DDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8VEF1xnm256Gb4MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8YEF1xnm512Gb4MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QDG8T2B1xnm128Gb4MB SDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(152ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8UDB1xnm256Gb4MB DDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(152ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8VEB1xnm512Gb4MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(152ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q1T8YEB1xnm1024Gb4MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(152ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8VQB1xnm512Gb4MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(316ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q1T8YQB1xnm1024Gb4MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(316ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q2T8CQB1xnm2048Gb4MB HDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(316ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG84EB1xnm512Gb4MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(152ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q1T85EB1xnm1024Gb4MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(152ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q2T87EB1xnm2048Gb4MB HDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(152ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8PEM1xnm512Gb4MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(152ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q1T8QEM1xnm1024Gb4MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QDG8UDA2ynm128Gb2MB DDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(ONFi2.2) H27QEG8VEA2ynm256Gb2MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(ONFi2.2) H27QFG8YEA2ynm512Gb2MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(ONFi2.2) MLCPRODUCT TECH. DENSITY BLOCK SIZE STACK VCC/ORG PKG. AVAIL. REMARK H27QDG8M2M1xnm128Gb4MB SDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8NDM1xnm256Gb4MB DDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8PEM1xnm512Gb4MB QDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q1T8QEM1xnm1Tb4MB ODP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QCG882M1xnm64Gb6MB SDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QDG89DM1xnm128Gb6MB DDP 3.3V / x8FGBA(132ball)Now HS(Toggle2.0) TLCPRODUCT DENSITYBASE COMPONENTVCC/ORG VERSION AVAIL. REMARKTECH. DENSITY STACKH26M31001HPR4GB1xnm32Gb1 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 4.5Now 11.5x13x0.8 H26M41103HPR 8GB1xnm64Gb1 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 5.0Now11.5x13x0.8 H26M52103FMR 16GB1xnm64Gb2 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 5.0Now11.5x13x1.0 H26M64103EMR32GB1xnm64Gb4 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 5.0Now11.5x13x1.0 H26M78103CCR64GB1xnm64Gb8 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 5.0Now 11.5x13x1.2 H26M41208HPR 8GB1xnm64Gb1 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 5.1Q2'1511.5x13x0.8 H26M52208FMR 16GB1xnm64Gb2 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 5.1Q2'1511.5x13x0.8 H26M64208EMR32GB1xnm64Gb4 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 5.1Q2'1511.5x13x1.0 H26M78208CMR64GB1xnm64Gb8 3.3V / x4, x8MMC 5.1Q2'1511.5x13x1.0 eMMCPRODUCT TECH. DENSITY BLOCK SIZE STACK VCC/ORG PKG. AVAIL. REMARK H2JTCG8T21BMR1xnm64Gb4MB1 3.0V, 3.3V / x8WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTDG8UD1BMR1xnm128Gb4MB2 3.0V, 3.3V / x8WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTEG8VD1BMR1xnm256Gb4MB4 3.0V, 3.3V / x8WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTFG8YD1BMR1xnm512Gb4MB8 3.0V, 3.3V / x8WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTDG8UD1BMS1xnm128Gb4MB2 3.0V, 3.3V / x8WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JTEG8VD1BMS1xnm256Gb4MB4 3.0V, 3.3V / x8WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JTFG8YD1BMS1xnm512Gb4MB8 3.0V, 3.3V / x8WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JTCG8T21CMR 1xnm64Gb4MB1 3.0V, 3.3V / x9WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTDG8UD1CMR 1xnm128Gb4MB2 3.0V, 3.3V / x10WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTEG8VD1CMR 1xnm256Gb4MB4 3.0V, 3.3V / x11WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTFG8YD1CMR 1xnm512Gb4MB8 3.0V, 3.3V / x12WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTDG8UD1CMS 1xnm128Gb4MB2 3.0V, 3.3V / x13WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JTEG8VD1CMS 1xnm256Gb4MB4 3.0V, 3.3V / x14WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JTFG8YD1CMS 1xnm512Gb4MB8 3.0V, 3.3V / x15WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JTFG8PD1MMR 1xnm512Gb4MB4 3.0V, 3.3V / x16WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JT1T8QD1MMR 1xnm1024Gb4MB8 3.0V, 3.3V / x17WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTFG8PD1MMS 1xnm512Gb4MB4 3.0V, 3.3V / x18WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JT1T8QD1MMS 1xnm1024Gb4MB8 3.0V, 3.3V / x19WLGA Now EMI Shielded E2NAND3.0SSD : Standard 2.5” 7mm Form FactorPRODUCT DENSITYNAND COMPONENTForm Factor I/F. AVAIL. TECH.DENSITY STACKHFS064G32MNB-2200A64GB2ynm64Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MNB-2200A128GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G32MNB-2200A256GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS512G32MNB-2200A512GB2ynm64Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS060G32MNB-2000A60GB2ynm64Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS120G32MNB-2000A120GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS240G32MNB-2000A240GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS480G32MNB-2000A480GB2ynm64Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS060G32MEB-2400A60GB2ynm64Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS120G32MEB-2400A120GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS240G32MEB-2400A240GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS480G32MEB-2400A480GB2ynm64Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MND-2200A128GB1xnm128Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G32MND-2200A256GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS512G32MND-2200A512GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MNC-2200A128GB1xnm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MND-3310A128GB1xnm128Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G32MND-3310A256GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS512G32MND-3310A512GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MNC-3310A128GB1xnm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3BMND-3310A128GB1xnm128Gb2STD. SSD 2.5"/5mm SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G3BMND-3310A256GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5"/5mm SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS512G3BMND-3310A512GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5"/5mm SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS250G32TND-3310A250GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS500G32TND-3310A500GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS120G32MED-3410A120GB1xnm128Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS240G32MED-3410A240GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS480G32MED-3410A480GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS960G32MED-3410A960GB1xnm128Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS1T9G32MED-3410A1920GB1xnm128Gb16STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS400G32EED-3410A400GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q3'15 HFS800G32EED-3410A800GB1xnm128Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q3'15 HFS1T6G32EED-3410A1600GB1xnm128Gb16STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q3'15SSD : mSATAPRODUCT DENSITYNAND COMPONENTForm Factor I/F. AVAIL. TECH.DENSITY STACKHFS032G3AMNB-2200A32GB2ynm64Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS064G3AMNB-2200A64GB2ynm64Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3AMNB-2200A128GB2ynm64Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G3AMNB-2200A256GB2ynm64Gb8mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3AMND-2200A128GB1xnm128Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G3AMND-2200A256GB1xnm128Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3AMNC-2200A128GB1xnm64Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS064G3AMND-3310A64GB1xnm128Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS128G3AMND-3310A128GB1xnm128Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G3AMND-3310A256GB1xnm128Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS512G3AMND-3310A512GB1xnm128Gb8mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS064G3AMNC-3310A64GB1xnm64Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3AMNC-3310A128GB1xnm64Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)NowSSD : NGFF (M.2)PRODUCT DENSITYNAND COMPONENTForm Factor I/F. AVAIL. TECH.DENSITY STACKHFS032G34MNB-2200A 32GB2ynm64Gb4M.2 2242 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G36MNB-2300A128GB2ynm64Gb4M.2 2260 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G36MNB-2300A256GB2ynm64Gb8M.2 2260 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS064G38MNB-2200A64GB2ynm64Gb4M.2 2280SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G38MNB-2200A128GB2ynm64Gb4M.2 2280 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G38MNB-2200A256GB2ynm64Gb8M.2 2280 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G39MND-2300A256GB1xnm128Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS032G34MNC-2200A32GB1xnm64Gb4M.2 2242 Double SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G39MNC-2300A128GB1xnm64Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G39MND-3310A128GB1xnm128Gb4M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G39MND-3310A256GB1xnm128Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS512G39MND-3310A512GB1xnm128Gb16M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G39MND-3510A128GB1xnm128Gb4M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Q2'15 HFS064G39MNC-3510A64GB1xnm64Gb4M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G39MNC-3510A128GB1xnm64Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G39MNC-3310A128GB1xnm64Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256GA6MND-4210A256GB1xnm128Gb8M.2 2260 Double PCIe Gen2x2Q2'15 HFS512GA6MND-4210A512GB1xnm128Gb16M.2 2260 Double PCIe Gen2x2Q2'15 HFS256GB9MND-4210A256GB1xnm128Gb8M.2 2280 Single PCIe Gen2x4Now HFS512GB9MND-4210A512GB1xnm128Gb16M.2 2280 Single PCIe Gen2x4Now HFS512GA9MND-4210A512GB1xnm128Gb16M.2 2280 Single PCIe Gen2x2Now。
Q4’2014 DATABOOKRev 0.0PRODUCT TECH. DENSITY BLOCK SIZE STACK VCC/ORG PKG. AVAIL. REMARK H27U1G8F2B4xnm class1Gb128KB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP/FBGA Now-H27S1G8F2B4xnm class1Gb128KB SDP 1.8v/X8FBGA Now-H27U1G8F2C3xnm class1Gb128KB SDP3,3v/X8TSOP/FBGA Now-H27S1G8F2C3xnm class1Gb128KB SDP 1.8v/X8FBGA Now-H27U2G8F2C4ynm class2Gb128KB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP/FBGA Now-H27S2G8F2C4ynm class2Gb128KB SDP 1.8v/X8FBGA Now-H27U2G8F2D3xnm class2Gb128KB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now-H27U4G8F2D4ynm class4Gb128KB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now-H27U4G8F2E3xnm class4Gb128KB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now-H27U4G8F2F2xnm class4Gb256KB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now -H27S4G8F2F2xnm class4Gb256KB SDP 1.8v/X8TSOP Now -H27U8G8G5D4ynm class8Gb128KB DDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now-PRODUCT TECH. DENSITY BLOCK SIZE STACK VCC/ORG PKG. AVAIL. REMARK H27UCG8T2A2ynm class64Gb2MB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now-H27UCG8T2B2ynm class64Gb4MB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP/FBGA-132 Now-H27UBG8T2C2ynm class32Gb2MB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP Now-H27UAG8T2C2ynm class16Gb2MB SDP 3.3v/X8TSOP/PGD2Now-H27QCGDT2B2ynm class64Gb4MB SDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QDGDUDB2ynm class128Gb4MB DDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QEGDVEB2ynm class256Gb4MB QDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QFGDYEB2ynm class512Gb4MB ODP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27UCG8T2E1xnm class64Gb4MB SDP 3.3v/x8TSOP Now -H27QCG8T2D1xnm class64Gb2MB SDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QDG8UDD1xnm class128Gb2MB DDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QEG8VED1xnm class256Gb2MB QDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QFG8YED1xnm class512Gb2MB ODP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi3.0) H27QCG8T2E1xnm class64Gb4MB SDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QDG8UDE1xnm class128Gb4MB DDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8VEE1xnm class256Gb4MB QDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8YEE1xnm class512Gb4MB ODP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QCG8T2F1xnm class64Gb4MB SDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Q4'14HS(Toggle2.0) H27QDG8UDF1xnm class128Gb4MB DDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Q4'14HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8VEF1xnm class256Gb4MB QDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Q4'14HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8YEF1xnm class512Gb4MB ODP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Q4'14HS(Toggle2.0) H27QDG8T2B1xnm class128Gb4MB SDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-152Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8UDB1xnm class256Gb4MB DDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-152Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8VEB1xnm class512Gb4MB QDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-152Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q1T8YEB1xnm class1024Gb4MB ODP 3.3v/x8FBGA-152Now HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8T2M3D-V2 class256Gb9MB SDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Q2'15HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8UDM3D-V2 class512Gb9MB DDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Q2'15HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q1T8VEM3D-V2 class1Tb9MB QDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Q2'15HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q2T8YEM3D-V2 class2Tb9MB ODP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Q2'15HS(Toggle2.0) H27QCG8T2A2ynm class64Gb2MB SDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi2.2) H27QDG8UDA2ynm class128Gb2MB DDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi2.2) H27QEG8VEA2ynm class256Gb2MB QDP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi2.2) H27QFG8YEA2ynm class512Gb2MB ODP 3.3v/x8FBGA-132Now HS(ONFi2.2)PRODUCT TECH. DENSITY BLOCK SIZE STACK VCC/ORG PKG. AVAIL. REMARK H27QDG8M2M1xnm class128Gb4MB SDP 3.3v/X8FBGA-132Q4'14 (TBD)HS(Toggle2.0) H27QEG8NDM1xnm class256Gb4MB DDP 3.3v/X8FBGA-132Q4'14 (TBD)HS(Toggle2.0) H27QFG8PEM1xnm class512Gb4MB QDP 3.3v/X8FBGA-132Q4'14 (TBD)HS(Toggle2.0) H27Q1T8QEM1xnm class1Tb4MB ODP 3.3v/X8FBGA-132Q4'14 (TBD)HS(Toggle2.0)eMMCPRODUCT DENSITYBASE COMPONENTVCC/ORG VERSION AVAIL. REMARK TECH. DENSITY STACKH26M21001FPR2GB2ynm class16Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now11.5x13x0.8 H26M21001FRR2GB2ynm class16Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41Now11x10x0.8 H26M31002GPR4GB2ynm class32Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41EOL11.5x13x0.8 H26M31002GRR4GB2ynm class32Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.41EOL11x10x0.8 H26M31003GMR4GB2ynm class32Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.5EOL11.5x13x1.0 H26M31001HPR4GB1xnm Class32Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.5Now 11.5x13x0.8 H26M42003GMR8GB2ynm class32Gb2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.5EOL11.5x13x1.0 H26M41001HPR8GB1xnm Class64Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.5EOL11.5x13x0.8 H26M41103HPR 8GB1xnm Class64Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC5.0Now11.5x13x0.8 H26M52003EQR16GB2ynm class64Gb2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.5EOL12x16x1.0 H26M54003EMR16GB2ynm class32Gb4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.5EOL11.5x13x1.0 H26M52001FMR16GB1xnm class64Gb2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC4.5EOL11.5x13x1.0 H26M52001FPR 16GB 1xnm class64Gb2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC5.0EOL11.5x13x0.8 H26M52103FPR 16GB1xnm class64Gb2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC5.0Now11.5x13x0.8 H26M52103FMR 16GB1xnm class64Gb2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC5.0Now11.5x13x1.0 H26M64003DQR32GB2ynm class64Gb4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 4.5EOL12x16x1.0 H26M64001EMR32GB1xnm class64Gb4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 4.5EOL11.5x13x1.0 H26M64103EMR32GB1xnm class64Gb4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 5.0Now11.5x13x1.0 H26M78003BFR64GB2ynm class64Gb8 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 4.5EOL12x16x1.2 H26M78103CMR 64GB1xnm class64Gb8 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 5.0EOL11.5x13x1.0 H26M78103CCR64GB1xnm class64Gb8 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 5.0Now 11.5x13x1.2 H26M41208HPR 8GB1xnm class64Gb1 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 5.1Q1'1511.5x13x0.8 H26M52208FMR 16GB1xnm class64Gb2 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 5.1Q1'1511.5x13x0.8 H26M64208EMR32GB1xnm class64Gb4 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 5.1Q1'1511.5x13x1.0 H26M78208CMR64GB1xnm class64Gb8 3.3V/x8/x4MMC 5.1Q1'1511.5x13x1.0E2NAND3.0PRODUCT TECH. DENSITY BLOCK SIZE STACK VCC/ORG PKG. AVAIL. REMARK H2JTCG8T21BMR1xnm class64Gb4MB1 3.0V,3.3V/x8WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTDG8UD1BMR1xnm class128Gb4MB2 3.0V,3.3V/x8WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTEG8VD1BMR1xnm class256Gb4MB4 3.0V,3.3V/x8WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTFG8YD1BMR1xnm class512Gb4MB8 3.0V,3.3V/x8WLGA Now Non Shielded H2JTDG8UD1BMS1xnm class128Gb4MB2 3.0V,3.3V/x8WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JTEG8VD1BMS1xnm class256Gb4MB4 3.0V,3.3V/x8WLGA Now EMI Shielded H2JTFG8YD1BMS1xnm class512Gb4MB8 3.0V,3.3V/x8WLGA Now EMI ShieldedStandard 2.5" 7mm Form FactorPRODUCT DENSITYNAND COMPONENTForm Factor I/F. AVAIL. TECH.DENSITY STACKHFS064G32MNB-2200A64GB2ynm64Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MNB-2200A128GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G32MNB-2200A256GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS512G32MNB-2200A512GB2ynm64Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS250G32MNB-2000A250GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)EOL HFS500G32MNB-2000A500GB2ynm64Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)EOL HFS060G32MNB-2000A60GB2ynm64Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS120G32MNB-2000A120GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS240G32MNB-2000A240GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS480G32MNB-2000A480GB2ynm64Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS060G32MEB-2400A60GB2ynm64Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS120G32MEB-2400A120GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS240G32MEB-2400A240GB2ynm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS400G32MEB-2420A400GB2ynm64Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)EOL HFS480G32MEB-2400A480GB2ynm64Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MND-2200A128GB1xnm128Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G32MND-2200A256GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS512G32MND-2200A512GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MNC-2200A128GB1xnm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G32MND-3310A128GB1xnm128Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS256G32MND-3310A256GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS512G32MND-3310A512GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS128G32MNC-3310A128GB1xnm64Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS250G32TND-3300A250GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS500G32TND-3300A500GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS120G32MED-3400A120GB1xnm128Gb2STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS240G32MED-3400A240GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS480G32MED-3400A480GB1xnm128Gb4STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS960G32MED-3400A960GB1xnm128Gb8STD. SSD 2.5”SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14mSATAPRODUCT DENSITYNAND COMPONENTForm Factor I/F. AVAIL. TECH.DENSITY STACKHFS032G3AMNB-2200A32GB2ynm64Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS064G3AMNB-2200A64GB2ynm64Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3AMNB-2200A128GB2ynm64Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G3AMNB-2200A256GB2ynm64Gb8mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3AMND-2200A128GB1xnm128Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G3AMND-2200A256GB1xnm128Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3AMNC-2200A128GB1xnm64Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G3AMND-3310A128GB1xnm128Gb2mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS256G3AMND-3310A256GB1xnm128Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS512G3AMND-3310A512GB1xnm128Gb8mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS128G3AMNC-3310A128GB1xnm64Gb4mSATA SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14NGFF (M.2)PRODUCT DENSITYNAND COMPONENTForm Factor I/F. AVAIL. TECH.DENSITY STACKHFS032G34MNB-2200A 32GB2ynm64Gb4M.2 2242 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G36MNB-2300A128GB2ynm64Gb4M.2 2260 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G36MNB-2300A256GB2ynm64Gb8M.2 2260 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS064G38MNB-2200A64GB2ynm64Gb4M.2 2280SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G38MNB-2200A128GB2ynm64Gb4M.2 2280 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G38MNB-2200A256GB2ynm64Gb8M.2 2280 SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G39MND-2200A128GB1xnm128Gb4M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS256G39MND-2200A256GB1xnm128Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G39MNC-2200A128GB1xnm64Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Now HFS128G39MND-3310A128GB1xnm128Gb4M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS256G39MND-3310A256GB1xnm128Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS512G39MND-3310A512GB1xnm128Gb16M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS128G39MNC-3310A128GB1xnm64Gb8M.2 2280 Single SATA Ⅲ (6Gbps)Dec'14 HFS256GA6MND-4210A256GB1xnm128Gb8M.2 2260 Double PCIe Gen2x2Nov'14 HFS512GA6MND-4210A512GB1xnm128Gb16M.2 2260 Double PCIe Gen2x2Dec'14 HFS128GB9MND-4210A128GB1xnm128Gb4M.2 2280 Single PCIe Gen2x4Nov'14 HFS256GB9MND-4210A256GB1xnm128Gb8M.2 2280 Single PCIe Gen2x4Nov'14 HFS512GB9MND-4210A512GB1xnm128Gb16M.2 2280 Single PCIe Gen2x4Dec'14 HFS128GB9MNC-4210A128GB1xnm64Gb8M.2 2280 Single PCIe Gen2x4Dec'14 HFS256GB9MNC-4210A256GB1xnm64Gb16M.2 2280 Single PCIe Gen2x4Dec'14。
HY27UF081G2A NAND Flash数据手册
This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007 1HY27UF(08/16)1G2A Series1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1Gb NAND FLASHHY27UF081G2A HY27UF161G2ARev 0.4 / Jun. 200721Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashDocument Title1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision HistoryRevision No.History Draft DateRemark0.01Initial Draft.Dec. 28. 2005Preliminary0.11) Change NOP2) Change AC CharacteristicsMay. 18. 2006Preliminary0.21) Delete Memory array map 2) Change AC Characteristics3) Correct copy back function Oct. 02. 2006Preliminary0.31) Change 1Gb Package Type- FBGA package is added - Figure & dimension are changed 2) Delet PreliminaryNov. 23. 20060.41) Correct figure 19Jun. 11. 2007tOH Before 12After10tCStCEA tREA Before 253525After202520Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200731Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFEATURES SUMMARYHIGH DENSITY NAND FLASH MEMORIES - Cost effective solutions for mass storage applications NAND INTERFACE - x8 or x16 bus width.- Multiplexed Address/ Data- Pinout compatibility for all densitiesSUPPLY VOLTAGE- VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V : HY27UFxx1G2A Memory Cell Array= (2K+64) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 Blocks = (1K+32) Bytes x 64 Pages x 1,024 BlocksPAGE SIZE- x8 device : (2K+64 spare) Bytes : HY27UF081G2A - x16 device : (1K+32 spare) Bytes : HY27UF161G2ABLOCK SIZE- x8 device: (128K + 4K spare) Bytes - x16 device: (64K + 2K spare) Words PAGE READ / PROGRAM - Random access: 25us (max.) - Sequential access: 30ns (min.) - Page program time: 200us (typ.)COPY BACK PROGRAM MODE- Fast page copy without external bufferingCACHE PROGRAM- Internal (2048+64) Byte buffer to improve the program throughputFAST BLOCK ERASE- Block erase time: 2ms (Typ.)STATUS REGISTER ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - 1st cycle: Manufacturer Code - 2nd cycle: Device Code- 3rd cycle: Internal chip number , Cell Type, Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages.- 4th cycle: Page size, Block size, Organization, Spare sizeSERIAL NUMBER OPTION CHIP ENABLE DON’T CARE - Simple interface sith microcontrollerDATA RETENTION- 100,000 Program/Erase cycles (with 1bit/528byte ECC) - 10 years Data RetentionPACKAGE- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T(P): 48-Pin TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-T (Lead)- HY27UF(08/16)1G2A-TP (Lead Free)- HY27UF081G2A-S(P): 48-Pin USOP1 (12 x 17 x 0.65 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-S (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-SP (Lead Free) - HY27UF081G2A-F(P): 63-Ball FBGA (9 x 11 x 1.0 mm)- HY27UF081G2A-F (Lead)- HY27UF081G2A-FP (Lead Free)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200741Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONThe Hynix HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is a 128Mx8bit with spare 4Mx8 bit capacity. The device is offered in 3.3V Vcc Power Supply.Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market. The memory is divided into blocks that can be erased independently so it is possible to preserve valid data while old data is erased.The device contains 1024 blocks, composed by 64 pages consisting in two NAND structures of 32 series connected Flash cells.A program operation allows to write the 2112-byte page in typical 200us and an erase operation can be performed in typical 2ms on a 128K-byte(X8 device) block.Data in the page can be read out at 30ns cycle time per byte. The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/output as well as command input. This interface allows a reduced pin count and easy migration towards different densities, without any rearrangement of footprint.Commands, Data and Addresses are synchronously introduced using CE, WE, ALE and CLE input pin. The on-chip Pro-gram/Erase Controller automates all program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and inter-nal verification and margining of data.The modify operations can be locked using the WP input pin or using the extended lock block feature described later .The output pin R/B (open drain buffer) signals the status of the device during each operation. In a system with multi-ple memories the R/B pins can be connected all together to provide a global status signal.Even the write-intensive systems can take advantage of the HY27UF(08/16)1G2A extended reliability of 100K pro-gram/erase cycles by providing ECC (Error Correcting Code) with real time mapping-out algorithm.The chip could be offered with the CE don’t care function. This function allows the direct download of the code from the NAND Flash memory device by a microcontroller , since the CE transitions do not stop the read operation.The copy back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management: when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase.The cache program feature allows the data insertion in the cache register while the data register is copied into the flash array. This pipelined program operation improves the program throughput when long files are written inside the memory. A cache read feature is also implemented. This feature allows to dramatically improve the read throughput when consecutive pages have to be streamed out.The HYNIX HY27UF(08/16)1G2A series is available in 48 - TSOP1 12 x 20 mm, 48 - USOP 12 x 17 mmm, FBGA 9 x 11 mm.1.1 Product ListPART NUMBER ORIZATIONVCC RANGE PACKAGEHY27UF081G2A x8 2.7V - 3.6 Volt63FBGA / 48TSOP1 / 48USOP1HY27UF161G2Ax1648TSOP1Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200751Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO15 - IO8Data Input / Outputs (x16 only)IO7 - IO0Data Inputs / Outputs CLE Command latch enable ALE Address latch enable CE Chip Enable RE Read Enable WE Write Enable WP Write Protect R/B Ready / Busy Vcc Power Supply Vss Ground NCNo ConnectionTable 1: Signal NamesRev 0.4 / Jun. 200761Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 2. 48TSOP1 Contactions, x8 and x16 DeviceFigure 3. 48USOP1 Contactions, x8Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200771Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 4. 63FBGA Contactions, x8 Device (Top view through package)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200781Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash1.2 PIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name DescriptionIO0-IO7IO8-IO15(1)DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTSThe IO pins allow to input command, address and data and to output data during read / program operations. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE). The I/O buffer float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.CLECOMMAND LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).ALEADDRESS LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).CECHIP ENABLEThis input controls the selection of the device. When the device is busy CE low does not deselect the memory.WEWRITE ENABLEThis input acts as clock to latch Command, Address and Data. The IO inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE.REREAD ENABLEThe RE input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE which also increments the internal column address counter by one.WP WRITE PROTECTThe WP pin, when Low, provides an Hardware protection against undesired modify (program / erase)operations.R/B READY BUSYThe Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory.VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe VCC supplies the power for all the operations (Read, Write, Erase). VSS GROUNDNCNO CONNECTIONTable 2: Pin DescriptionNOTE:1. A 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between the Vcc Supply Voltage pin and the Vss Ground pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 200791Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO71st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A72nd Cycle A8A9A10A11L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A12A13A14A15A16A17A18A194th CycleA20A21A22A23A24A25A26A27Table 3: Address Cycle Map(x8)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.IO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO7IO8-IO151st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7L (1)2nd Cycle A8A9A10L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A11A12A13A14A15A16A17A18L (1)4th CycleA19A20A21A22A23A24A25A26L (1)Table 4: Address Cycle Map(x16)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.FUNCTION1st CYCLE2nd CYCLE3rd CYCLE4th CYCLEAcceptable commandduring busyREAD 100h 30h --READ FOR COPY-BACK 00h 35h --READ ID 90h ---RESETFFh ---YesPAGE PROGRAM 80h 10h --COPY BACK PGM 85h 10h --BLOCK ERASE60h D0h --READ STATUS REGISTER 70h ---YesCACHE PROGRAM 80h 15h --RANDOM DATA INPUT 85h ---RAMDOM DATA OUTPUT 05h E0h --CACHE READ START 00h 31h --CACHE READ EXIT34h---Table 5: Command SetRev 0.4 / Jun. 2007101Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashCLE ALE CE WE RE WP MODE H L L Rising H X Read ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H X Address Input(4 cycles)H L L Rising H H Write ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H HAddress Input(4 cycles)L L L Rising H H Data Input L L L (1)H Falling X Sequential Read and Data Output L L L H H X During Read (Busy)X X X X X H During Program (Busy)X X X X X HDuring Erase (Busy)X X X X X L Write Protect XXHXX0V/Vcc Stand ByTable 6: Mode SelectionNOTE:1. With the CE high during latency time does not stop the read operationRev 0.4 / Jun. 2007111Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash2. BUS OPERATIONThere are six standard bus operations that control the device. These are Command Input, Address Input, Data Input, Data Output, Write Protect, and Standby.Typically glitches less than 5 ns on Chip Enable, Write Enable and Read Enable are ignored by the memory and do not affect bus operations.2.1 Command Input.Command Input bus operation is used to give a command to the memory device. Command are accepted with Chip Enable low, Command Latch Enable High, Address Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 6 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements. Command codes are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.2 Address Input.Address Input bus operation allows the insertion of the memory address. To insert the 28 addresses needed to access the 1Gbit 4 clock cycles (x8 version) are needed. Addresses are accepted with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable High, Command Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 7 and table 16 for details of the timings requirements. Addresses are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.3 Data Input.Data Input bus operation allows to feed to the device the data to be programmed. The data insertion is serially and timed by the Write Enable cycles. Data are accepted only with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable low, Command Latch Enable low, Read Enable High, and Write Protect High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. See figure 8 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.4 Data Output.Data Output bus operation allows to read data from the memory array and to check the status register content, the lock status and the ID data. Data can be serially shifted out toggling the Read Enable pin with Chip Enable low, Write Enable High, Address Latch Enable low, and Command Latch Enable low. See figures 9,10,12,13 and table 13 for details of the timings requirements.2.5 Write Protect.Hardware Write Protection is activated when the Write Protect pin is low. In this condition modify operation do not start and the content of the memory is not altered. Write Protect pin is not latched by Write Enable to ensure the pro-tection even during the power up.2.6 Standby.In Standby mode the device is deselected, outputs are disabled and Power Consumption is reduced.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007121Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3. DEVICE OPERATION3.1 Page Read.Upon initial device power up, the device defaults to Read mode. This operation is also initiated by writing 00h and 30h to the command register along with four address cycles. In two consecutive read operations, the second one does need 00h command, which four address cycles and 30h command initiates that operation. Second read operation always requires setup command if first read operation was executed using also random data out command.Two types of operations are available: random read. The random read mode is enabled when the page address is changed. The 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than 25us(tR). The system controller may detect the completion of this data transfer (tR) by analyzing the output of R/B pin. Once the data in a page is loaded into the data registers, they may be read out in 30ns cycle time (3.3V device) by sequentially pulsing RE. The repetitive high to low transitions of the RE clock make the device output the data starting from the selected column address up to the last column address.The device may output random data in a page instead of the consecutive sequential data by writing randomdata output command. The column address of next data, which is going to be out, may be changed to the address which follows random data output command.Random data output can be operated multiple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.Random data output is not available in cache read.3.2 Page Program.The device is programmed basically by page, but it does allow multiple partial page programming of a word or consec-utive bytes up to 2112 (X8 device) or words up to 1056 (X16 device), in a single page program cycle.The number of consecutive partial page programming operation within the same page without an intervening erase operation must not exceed 8; for example, 4 times for main array (X8 device:1time/512byte, X16 device:1time 256word) and 4 times for spare array (X8 device:1time/16byte ,X16 device:1time/8word).The addressing should be done in sequential order in a block. A page program cycle consists of a serial data loading period in which up to 2112 bytes (X8 device) or 1056 words (X16 device) of data may be loaded into the data register , followed by a non-volatile programming period where the loaded data is programmed into the appropriate cell.The serial data loading period begins by inputting the Serial Data Input command (80h), followed by the four cycle address inputs and then serial data. The words other than those to be programmed do not need to be loaded. The device supports random data input in a page. The column address of next data, which will be entered, may bechanged to the address which follows random data input command (85h). Random data input may be operated multi-ple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.The Page Program confirm command (10h) initiates the programming process. Writing 10h alone without previously entering the serial data will not initiate the programming process. The P/E/R controller automatically executes the algorithms and timings necessary for program and verify, thereby freeing the system controller for other tasks. Once the program process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of a program cycle by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while programming is in progress. When the Page Program is complete, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. The internal write verify detects only errors for "1"s that are not successfully programmed to "0"s. The command register remains in Read Status command mode until another valid command is written to the command register . Figure 14 details the sequence.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007131Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.3 Block Erase.The Erase operation is done on a block basis. Block address loading is accomplished in two cycles initiated by an Erase Setup command (60h). Only address A18 to A27 (X8) or A17 to A26 (X16) is valid while A12 to A17 (X8) or A11 to A16 (X16) are ignored. The Erase Confirm command (D0h) following the block address loading initiates the internal erasing process. This two-step sequence of setup followed by execution command ensures that memory contents are not acci-dentally erased due to external noise conditions. At the rising edge of WE after the erase confirm command input, the P/E/R controller handles erase and erase-verify. Once the erase process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of an erase by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while erasing is in progress. When the erase operation is completed, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. Figure 18 details the sequence.3.4 Copy-Back Program.The copy-back program is configured to quickly and efficiently rewrite data stored in one page without utilizing an exter-nal memory. Since the time-consuming cycles of serial access and re-loading cycles are removed, the system perfor-mance is improved. The benefit is especially obvious when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block also need to be copied to the newly assigned free block. The operation for performing a copy-back program is a sequential execution of page-read without serial access and copyingprogram with the address of destination page. A read opera-tion with "35h" command and the address of the source page moves the whole 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data into the internal data buffer .As soon as the device returns to Ready state, Copy Back command (85h) with the address cycles of destination page may be written. The Program Confirm command (10h) is required to actually begin the programming operation. Data input cycle for modifying a portion or multiple distant portions of the source page is allowed as shown in Figure 16."When there is a program-failure at Copy-Back operation, error is reported by pass/fail status. But, if Copy-Back operations are accumulated over time, bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external error detection/correction scheme. For this reason, two bit error correction is recommended for the use of Copy-Back operation."Figure 16 shows the command sequence for the copy-back operation.The Copy Back Program operation requires three steps:1. The source page must be read using the Read A command (one bus write cycle to setup the command and then 4 bus write cycles to input the source page address). This operation copies all 2KBytes from the page into the Page Buffer .2. When the device returns to the ready state (Ready/Busy High), the second bus write cycle of the command is given with the 4bus cycles to input the target page address.3. Then the confirm command is issued to start the P/E/R Controller .Note:1. On the same plane.2. It’s prohibited to operate copy-back program from an odd address page (source page) to an even address page (target page) or from an even address page (source page) to an odd address page (target page). Therefore, the copy-back program is permitted just between odd address pages or even address pages.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007141Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.5 Read Status Register.The device contains a Status Register which may be read to find out whether read, program or erase operation is com-pleted, and whether the program or erase operation is completed successfully. After writing 70h command to the com-mand register , a read cycle outputs the content of the Status Register to the I/O pins on the falling edge of CE or RE, whichever occurs last. This two line control allows the system to poll the progress of each device in multiple memory connections even when R/B pins are common-wired. RE or CE does not need to be toggled for updated status. Refer to Table 14 for specific Status Register definitions, and Figure 10 for specific timings requirements . The command reg-ister remains in Status Read mode until further commands are issued to it. Therefore, if the status register is read dur-ing a random read cycle, the read command (00h) should be given before starting read cycles.3.6 Read ID.The device contains a product identification mode, initiated by writing 90h to the command register , followed by an address input of 00h. Four read cycles sequentially output the 1st cycle (ADh), and 2nd cycle (the device code) and 3rd cycle ID, 4th cycle ID, respectively. The command register remains in Read ID mode until further commands are issued to it. Figure 19 shows the operation sequence, while Tables 16 explain the byte meaning.3.7 Reset.The device offers a reset feature, executed by writing FFh to the command register . When the device is in Busy state during random read, program or erase mode, the reset operation will abort these operations. The contents of memory cells being altered are no longer valid, as the data will be partially programmed or erased.The command register is cleared to wait for the next command, and the Status Register is cleared to value E0h when WP is high. Refer to table 14 for device status after reset operation. If the device is already in reset state a new reset command will not be accepted by the command register . The R/B pin transitions to low for tRST after the Reset com-mand is written.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007151Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.8 Cache programCache Program is an extension of Page Program, which is executed with 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) data registers, and is available only within a block. Since the device has 1 page of cache memory, serial data input may be executed while data stored in data register are programmed into memory cell. After writing the first set of data up to 2112byte (X8 device) or 1056word (X16 device) into the selected cache registers, Cache Program com-mand (15h) instead of actual Page Program (10h) is input to make cache registers free and to start internal program operation. To transfer data from cache registers to data registers, the device remains in Busy state for a short period of time (tCBSY) and has its cache registers ready for the next data-input while the internal programming gets started with the data loaded into data registers. Read Status command (70h) may be issued to find out when cache registers become ready by polling the Cache- Busy status bit (I/O 6). Pass/fail status of only the previous page is available upon the return to Ready state.When the next set of data is input with the Cache Program command, tCBSY is affected by the progress of pending internal programming. The programming of the cache registers is initiated only when the pending program cycle is finished and the data registers are available for the transfer of data from cache registers. The status bit (I/O5) for internal Ready/Busy may be polled to identify the completion of internal programming.If the system monitors the progress of programming only with R/B, the last page of the target programming sequence must be programmed with actual Page Program command (10h). If the Cache Program command (15h) is used instead, status bit (I/O5) must be polled to find out when the last programming is actually finished before starting other operations such as read. Pass/fail status is available in two steps. I/O 1 returns with the status of the previous page upon Ready or I/O6 status bit changing to "1", and later I/O 0 with the status of current page upon true Ready (returning from internal programming) or I/O 5 status bit changing to "1". I/O 1 may be read together when I/O 0 is checked. See Fig. 18 for more details.NOTE : Since programming the last page does not employ caching, the program time has to be that of Page Program. However , if the previous program cycle with the cache data has not finished, the actual program cycle of the last page is initiated only after completion of the previous cycle, which can be expressed as the following formula.tPROG=Program time for the last page + Program time for the (last-1)page - (Program command cycle time + Last page data loading time)Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007161Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.9 Cache ReadCache read operation allows automatic download of consecutive pages, up to the whole device. Immediately after 1st latency end, while user can start reading out data, device internally starts reading following page.Start address of 1st page must be at page start (A<10:0>=00h) : in this way after 1st latency time (tr) , automatic data download will be uninterrupted. In fact latency time is 25us, while download of a page require at least 100us for x8 device (50us for x16 device).Cache read operation command is like standard read, except for confirm code (30h for standard read, 31h for cache read) user can check operation status using :- R/B ( ‘0’ means latency ongoing, download not possible, ‘1’ means download of n page possible, even if device in ternally is active on n+1 page- Status register (SR<6> behave like R/B, SR<5> is ‘0’ when device is internally reading and ‘1’ when device is idle)To exit cache read operation, a cache read exit command (34h) must be issued. This command can be given any time (both device idle and reading).If device is active (SR<5>=0) it will go idle within 5us, while if it is not active, device itself will go busy for a time shorter then tCBSY before becoming again idle and ready to accept any further commands. Figure 17 describes how to handle Cache Read through Status register .If user reads last byte/word of the memory array, then he has to stop by giving a cache read exit command. In general,if user wants to terminate a cache read, then he must give a cache read exit command (or reset command) before starting any new operation.Random data output is not available in cache read.Cache read operation must be done only block by block if system needs to avoid reading also from invalid blocks.Rev 0.4 / Jun. 2007171Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash4. OTHER FEATURES4.1 Data Protection for Power on/off SequenceThe device is designed to offer protection from any involuntary program/erase during power-transitions. An internal voltage detector disables all functions whenever Vcc is below about 2.0V (3.3V version). WP pin provides hardware protection and is recommended to be kept at VIL during power-up and power-down. A recovery time of minimum 10us is required before internal circuit gets ready for any command sequences as shown in Figure 24. The two-step com-mand sequence for program/erase provides additional software protection.If the power is dropped during the ready read/write/erase operation, Power protection function may not guaranteed the data. Power protection function is only available during the power on/off sequence.4.2 Ready/Busy.The device has a Ready/Busy output that provides method of indicating the completion of a page program, erase, copy-back, cache program and random read completion. The R/B pin is normally high and goes to low when the device is busy (after a reset, read, program, erase operation). It returns to high when the P/E/R controller has finished the operation. The pin is an open-drain driver thereby allowing two or more R/B outputs to be Or-tied. Because pull-up resistor value is related to tr(R/B) and current drain during busy (Ibusy), an appropriate value can be obtained with the following reference chart (Figure 25). Its value can be determined by the following guidance.。
8Gb 8Gb 8Gb 8Gb 16Gb 16Gb 1Gb 1Gb 2Gb 2Gb 2Gb 4Gb 4Gb 4Gb 8Gb 8Gb 8Gb 16Gb 16Gb 1Gb 1Gb 2Gb 2Gb 4Gb 8Gb 2Gb 2Gb 4Gb 4Gb 8Gb 1Gb 1Gb 1Gb 4Gb
512MBx2 512MBx2 1GB 1GB 1GBx2 1GBx2 128MB 128MB 256MB 256MB 256MB 512MB 512MB 512MB 512MBx2 512MBx2 1GB 1GBx2 1GBx2 128MB 128MB 256MB 256MB 512MB 1GB 256MB 256MB 512MB 512MB 512MBx2 128MB 128MB 128MB 512MB
SLC (Large Block)
256Mb 512Mb 512Mb 512Mb 512Mb 1Gb 1Gb 256Mb 512Mb 1Gb 512Mb 512Mb 1Gb 512Mb 1Gb 1Gb 2Gb 2Gb 2Gb 2Gb 4Gb 4Gb 4Gb 4Gb 8Gb 32MB 64MB 64MB 64MB 64MB 128MB 128MB 32MB 64MB 128MB 64MB 64MB 128MB 64MB 128MB 128MB 128MBx2 256MB 256MB 256MB 256MBx2 512MB 512MB 512MB 512MBx2 SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SLC SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB LB 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 16K + 0.5K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K 128K + 4K Applicaction Status
Power Input
常用NAND Flash支持列表
第25脚 不能接
32 Samsung 1GB MLC-2K K9G8G08U0A EC D3 14 A5 1CE 4b/512B 51nm 8Bit Y
33 Samsung 1GB MLC-2K K9G8G08U0M EC D3 14 25 1CE 4b/512B 60nm 8Bit Y
34 Samsung 1GB MLC-2K K9L8G08U0A EC D3 55 25 1CE 4b/512B 60nm 8bit Y
2 Samsung 16GB MLC-4K K9MDG08U5M EC D7 55 B6 4CE 4b/512B 51nm 8bit Y
3 Samsung 8GB MLC-8K K9LCG08U1M EC D7 94 72 2CE 24b/1KB 35nm 8bit Y
4 Samsung 8GB MLC-4K K9HCG08U5M EC D3 14 A5 4CE 4b/512B 51nm 8Bit Y
23 Samsung 2GB MLC-4K KLEAG8ZUMM EC D7 99 35 1CE
51nm 8Bit Y
24 Samsung 2GB MLC-2K K9LAG08U0M EC D5 55 25 1CE 4b/512B 60nm 8Bit Y
25 Samsung 2GB MLC-2K K9HAG08U1M EC D3 55 25 2CE 4b/512B 90nm 8Bit Y
Flash Support List
Vendor 品牌
Capaci ty 容
Type 类 型
Rev 0.6 / Nov. 2005 1128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND FlashDocument Title128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision HistoryRevision No.History Draft DateRemark0.0Initial Draft.Sep. 2004Preliminary0.11) Correct Summary description & page.7- The Cache feature is deleted in summary description.- Note.3 is deleted. (page.7)2) Correct table.5 & Table.123) Correct TSOp1, WSOP1 Pin description - 38th pin has been changed Lockpre4) Add Bad Block Management & System Interface using CE don’t care 5) Change TSOP1, WSOP1, FBGA package dimension & figures.- Change TSOP1, WSOP1, FBGA package mechanical data - Change TSOP1, WSOP1 package figures Nov. 29. 2004Preliminary0.21) LOCKPRE is changed to PRE.- Texts, Tables and figures are changed.2) Change Command Set- READ A and B are changed to READ 1.- READ C is changed to READ 2.3) Change AC, DC characterics- tRB, tCRY , tCEH and tOH are added.4) Correct Program time (max)- before : 700us - after : 500us 5) Edit figures- Address names are changed.6) Change AC charactericsMar . 03. 2005PreliminarytRPtREA Before 3035After2530Rev 0.6 / Nov. 2005 2128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND FlashRevision History - Continued -Revision No.HistoryDraft Date Remark0.31) Change AC Characteristics (1.8V device)2) Change AC Parameter3) Add Read ID Table4) Edit Automatic Read at Power On & Power On/Off Timing - Texts & Figure are Changed.5) Insert the Marking Information.6) Change 128Mb Package Type.- FBGA package is deleted.- WSOP package is changed to USOP package.- Figure & dimension are changed.Jun. 13. 2005Preliminary0.41) Delete the 1.8V device’s features.2) Change AC Conditions table3) Add tWW parameter ( tWW = 100ns, min)- Texts & Figures are added.- tWW is added in AC timing characteristics table.4) Edit Copy Back Program operation step5) Edit System Interface Using CE don’t care Figures.6) Correct Address Cycle Map.Jul. 26. 20050.51) Correct PKG dimension (TSOP , USOP PKG)Sep. 02. 20050.61) Correct USOP figure.Nov. 07. 2005tRCtRP tREH tWC tWP tWH tREA Before 50251550251530After60402060402040tCRY(3.3V)tCRY(1.8V)tOH Before 50+tr(R/B#)50+tr(R/B#)15After60+tr(R/B#)60+tr(R/B#)10CPBefore 0.050After0.100Rev 0.6 / Nov. 2005 3128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND FlashFEATURES SUMMARYHIGH DENSITY NAND FLASH MEMORIES- Cost effective solutions for mass storage applications NAND INTERFACE - x8 or x16 bus width.- Multiplexed Address/ Data- Pinout compatibility for all densitiesSUPPLY VOLTAGE- 3.3V device: VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V : HY27USXX281A Memory Cell Array= (512+16) Bytes x 32 Pages x 1,024 Blocks = (256+8) Words x 32 pages x 1,024 BlocksPAGE SIZE- x8 device : (512 + 16 spare) Bytes : HY27US08281A - x16 device: (256 + 8 spare) Words : HY27US16281ABLOCK SIZE- x8 device: (16K + 512 spare) Bytes - x16 device: (8K + 256 spare) Words PAGE READ / PROGRAM - Random access: 10us (max.)- Sequential access: 3.3V device: 50ns (min.) - Page program time: 200us (typ.)COPY BACK PROGRAM MODE- Fast page copy without external bufferingFAST BLOCK ERASE- Block erase time: 2ms (Typ.)STATUS REGISTER ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE - Manufacturer Code - Device CodeCHIP ENABLE DON'T CARE OPTION - Simple interface with microcontrollerAUTOMATIC PAGE 0 READ AT POWER-UP OPTION - Boot from NAND support - Automatic Memory Download SERIAL NUMBER OPTION HARDWARE DATA PROTECTION- Program/Erase locked during Power transitionsDATA INTEGRITY- 100,000 Program/Erase cycles - 10 years Data RetentionPACKAGE- HY27US(08/16)281A-T(P): 48-Pin TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm)- HY27US(08/16)281A-T (Lead)- HY27US(08/16)281A-TP (Lead Free) - HY27US(08/16)281A-S(P): 48-Pin USOP1 (12 x 17 x 0.65 mm)- HY27US(08/16)281A-S (Lead)- HY27US(08/16)281A-SP (Lead Free)Rev 0.6 / Nov. 2005 4128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONThe HYNIX HY27US(08/16)281A series is a 16Mx8bit with spare 4G bit capacity. The device is offered in 1.8V Vcc Power Supply and in 3.3V Vcc Power Supply.Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market.The memory is divided into blocks that can be erased independently so it is possible to preserve valid data while old data is erased.The device contains 1024 blocks, composed by 32 pages consisting in two NAND structures of 16 series connected Flash cells.A program operation allows to write the 512-byte page in typical 200us and an erase operation can be performed in typical 2ms on a 16K-byte(X8 device) block.Data in the page mode can be read out at 50ns cycle time per byte. The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/output as well as command input. This interface allows a reduced pin count and easy migration towards dif-ferent densities, without any rearrangement of footprint.Commands, Data and Addresses are synchronously introduced using CE#, WE#, ALE and CLE input pin.The on-chip Program/Erase Controller automates all program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and internal verification and margining of data. The modifying can be locked using the WP# input pin.The output pin RB# (open drain buffer) signals the status of the device during each operation. In a system with mul-tiple memories the RB# pins can be connected all together to provide a global status signal.Even the write-intensive systems can take advantage of the HY27US(08/16)281A extended reliability of 100K program/erase cycles by providing ECC (Error Correcting Code) with real time mapping-out algorithm.Optionally the chip could be offered with the CE# don’t care function. This option allows the direct download of the code from the NAND Flash memory device by a microcontroller , since the CE# transitions do not stop the read opera-tion.The copy back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management: when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase.This device includes also extra features like OTP/Unique ID area, Block Lock mechanism, Automatic Read at Power Up, Read ID2 extension.The Hynix HY27US(08/16)281A series is available in 48 - TSOP1 12 x 20 mm, 48 - USOP1 12 x 17 mm.1.1 Product ListPART NUMBER ORIZATIONVCC RANGE PACKAGE HY27US08281A x8 2.7V - 3.6 Volt48TSOP1/48USOP1HY27US16281Ax16Rev 0.6 / Nov. 2005 5128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO15 - IO8Data Input / Outputs (x16 Only)IO7 - IO0Data Input / Outputs CLE Command latch enable ALE Address latch enable CE#Chip Enable RE#Read Enable WE#Write Enable WP#Write Protect RB#Ready / Busy Vcc Power Supply Vss Ground NC No ConnectionPREPower-On Read Enable, Lock UnlockTable 1: Signal NamesRev 0.6 / Nov. 2005 6128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 2. 48TSOP1 Contactions, x8 and x16 DeviceFigure 3. 48USOP1 Contactions, x8 and x16 DeviceRev 0.6 / Nov. 20057128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash1.2 PIN DESCRIPTIONPin Name DescriptionIO0-IO7IO8-IO15(1)DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTSThe IO pins allow to input command, address and data and to output data during read / program operations. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE#). The I/O buffer float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.CLECOMMAND LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE#).ALEADDRESS LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE#).CE#CHIP ENABLEThis input controls the selection of the device. When the device is busy CE# low does not deselect the memory.WE#WRITE ENABLEThis input acts as clock to latch Command, Address and Data. The IO inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE#.RE#READ ENABLEThe RE# input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE# which also increments the internal column address counter by one.WP#WRITE PROTECTThe WP# pin, when Low, provides an Hardware protection against undesired modify (program /erase) operations.RB#READY BUSYThe Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory.VCC SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe VCC supplies the power for all the operations (Read, Write, Erase).VSS GROUNDNCNO CONNECTIONPRETo Enable and disable the Lock mechanism and Power On Auto Read. When PRE is a logic high,Block Lock mode and Power-On Auto-Read mode are enabled, and when PRE is a logic low, Block Lock mode and Power-On Auto-Read mode are disabled. Power-On Auto-Read mode is available only on 3.3V device.Not using LOCK MECHANISM & POWER-ON AUTO-READ, connect it Vss or leave it N.C.Table 2: Pin DescriptionNOTE:1. For x16 version only2. A 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between the Vcc Supply Voltage pin and the Vss Ground pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations.Rev 0.6 / Nov. 20058128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND FlashIO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO71st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A72nd Cycle A9A10A11A12A13A14A15A163rd CycleA17A18A19A20A21A22A23L (1)Table 3: Address Cycle Map(x8)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.2. A8 is set to LOW or High by the 00h or 01h Command.IO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO7IO8-IO151st Cycle A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7L (1)2nd Cycle A9A10A11A12A13A14A15A16L (1)3rd CycleA17A18A19A20A21A22A23L (1)L (1)NOTE:1. L must be set to Low.FUNCTION1st CYCLE 2nd CYCLE3rd CYCLE4th CYCLEAcceptable commandduring busyREAD 100h/01h --READ 250h --READ ID 90h --RESETFFh --YesPAGE PROGRAM 80h 10h -COPY BACK PGM 00h 8Ah (10h)BLOCK ERASE60h D0h -READ STATUS REGISTER 70h --YesEXTRA AREA EXIT 06h LOCK BLOCK 2Ah LOCK TIGHT2Ch UNLOCK (start area)23h UNLOCK (end area)24h READ LOCK STATUS7AhTable 5: Command SetRev 0.6 / Nov. 20059128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND FlashCLE ALE CE#WE#RE#WP#MODE H L L Rising H X Read Mode Command Input L H L Rising H X Address Input(3 cycles)H L L Rising H H Write Mode Command Input L H L Rising H H Address Input(3 cycles)L L L Rising H H DataInputL L L (1)H Falling X Sequential Read and Data Output L L L H H X During Read (Busy)X X X X X H During Program(Busy)X X X X X H During Erase(Busy)X X X X X L WriteProtect XXHXX0V/VccStandByTable 6: Mode Selection NOTE:1. With the CE# don’t care option CE# high during latency time does not stop the read operationRev 0.6 / Nov. 200510128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash2. BUS OPERATIONThere are six standard bus operations that control the device. These are Command Input, Address Input, Data Input, Data Output, Write Protect, and Standby.Typically glitches less than 5 ns on Chip Enable, Write Enable and Read Enable are ignored by the memory and do not affect bus operations.2.1 Command Input.Command Input bus operation is used to give a command to the memory device. Command are accepted with Chip Enable low, Command Latch Enable High, Address Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modifying operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 5 and table 12 for details of the timings requirements. Command codes are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).2.2 Address Input.Address Input bus operation allows the insertion of the memory address. Three cycles are required to input the addresses for the 128Mbit devices. Addresses are accepted with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable High, Com-mand Latch Enable low and Read Enable high and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See figure 6 and table 10 for details of the timings requirements. Addresses are always applied on IO7:0, disregarding the bus configuration (X8/X16).In addition, addresses over the addressable space (A23 for 128Mbit) are disregarded even if the user sets them during command insertion.2.3 Data Input.Data Input bus operation allows to feed to the device the data to be programmed. The data insertion is serially and timed by the Write Enable cycles. Data are accepted only with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable low, Command Latch Enable low, Read Enable High, and Write Protect High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. See figure 7 and table 12 for details of the timings requirements.2.4 Data Output.Data Output bus operation allows to read data from the memory array and to check the status register content, the lock status and the ID data. Data can be serially shifted out toggling the Read Enable pin with Chip Enable low, Write Enable High, Address Latch Enable low, and Command Latch Enable low. See figures 8 to 12 and table 12 for details of the timings requirements.2.5 Write Protect.Hardware Write Protection is activated when the Write Protect pin is low. In this condition modify operation do not start and the content of the memory is not altered. Write Protect pin is not latched by Write Enable to ensure the pro-tection even during the power up.2.6 Standby.In Standby mode the device is deselected, outputs are disabled and Power Consumption is reduced.Rev 0.6 / Nov. 200511128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash3. DEVICE OPERATION3.1 Page Read.Upon initial device power up, the device defaults to Read1 mode. This operation is also initiated by writing 00h to the command register along with followed by the three address input cycles. Once the command is latched, it does not need to be written for the following page read operation.Three types of operations are available: random read, serial page read and sequential row read.The random read mode is enabled when the page address is changed. The 528 bytes (x8 device) or 264 word (x16 device) of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than access random read time tR (10us). The system controller can detect the completion of this data transfer tR (10us) by analyzing the output of RB# pin. Once the data in a page is loaded into the registers, they may be read out in 50ns cycle time by sequentially puls-ing RE#. High to low transitions of the RE# clock output the data stating from the selected column address up to the last column address.After the data of last column address is clocked out, the next page is automatically selected for sequential row read.Waiting tR again allows reading the selected page. The sequential row read operation is terminated by bringing CE# high.The way the Read1 and Read2 commands work is like a pointer set to either the main area or the spare area. Writing the Read2 command user may selectively access the spare area of bytes 512 to 527. Addresses A0 to A3 set the start-ing address of the spare area while addresses A4 to A7 are ignored. Unless the operation is aborted, the page address is automatically incremented for sequential rowRead as in Read1 operation and spare sixteen bytes of each page may be sequentially read. The Read1 command (00h/01h) is needed to move the pointer back to the main area. Figure_10 to 13 show typical sequence and timings for each read operation.Devices with automatic read of page0 at power up can be provided on request.3.2 Page Program.The device is programmed basically on a page basis, but it does allow multiple partial page programming of a byte or consecutive bytes up to 528 (x8 device), in a single page program cycle. The number of consecutive partial page pro-gramming operations within the same page without an intervening erase operation must not exceed 1 for main array and 2 for spare array. The addressing may be done in any random order in a block. A page program cycle consists of a serial data loading period in which up to 528 bytes (x8 device) or 264 word (x16 device) of data may be loaded into the page register , followed by a non-volatile programming period where the loaded data is programmed into theappropriate cell. Serial data loading can be started from 2nd half array by moving pointer . About the pointer operation, please refer to Figure_27.The data-loading sequence begins by inputting the Serial Data Input command (80h), followed by the three address input cycles and then serial data loading. The Page Program confirm command (10h) starts the programming process. Writing 10h alone without previously entering the serial data will not initiate the programming process. The internal Program Erase Controller automatically executes the algorithms and timings necessary for program and verify, thereby freeing the system controller for other tasks. Once the program process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered, with RE# and CE# low, to read the status register . The system controller can detect the completion of a program cycle by monitoring the RB# output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register . Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while programming is in progress. When the Page Program is complete, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked Figure_14.The internal write verify detects only errors for "1"s that are not successfully programmed to "0"s. The command reg-ister remains in Read Status command mode until another valid command is written to the command register .Rev 0.6 / Nov. 200512128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.3 Block Erase.The Erase operation is done on a block (16K Byte) basis. It consists of an Erase Setup command (60h), a Block address loading and an Erase Confirm Command (D0h). The Erase Confirm command (D0h) following the block address loading initiates the internal erasing process. This two-step sequence of setup followed by execution com-mand ensures that memory contents are not accidentally erased due to external noise conditions.The block address loading is accomplished in two to three cycles depending on the device density. Only block addresses (A14 to A23) are needed while A9 to A13 is ignored.At the rising edge of WE# after the erase confirm command input, the internal Program Erase Controller handles erase and erase-verify. When the erase operation is completed, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. Figure_16 details the sequence.3.4 Copy-Back Program.The copy-back program is provided to quickly and efficiently rewrite data stored in one page within the plane to another page within the same plane without using an external memory. Since the time-consuming sequential-reading and its reloading cycles are removed, the system performance is improved. The benefit is especially obvious when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block also need to be copied to the newly assigned free block. The operation for performing a copy-back program is a sequential execution of page-read without burst-reading cycle and copying-program with the address of destination page. A normal read operation with "00h" command and the address of the source page moves the whole 528byte data into the internal buffer . As soon as the device returns to Ready state, Page-Copy Data-input command (8Ah) with the address cycles of destination page followed may be written. The Program Confirm command (10h) is not needed to actually begin the programming operation. For backward-compati-bility, issuing Program Confirm command during copy-back does not affect correct device operation.Copy-Back Program operation is allowed only within the same memory plane. Once the Copy-Back Program is finished, any additional partial page programming into the copied pages is prohibited before erase. Plane address must be the same between source and target page"When there is a program-failure at Copy-Back operation, error is reported by pass/fail status. But, if Copy-Back operations are accumulated over time, bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external error detection/correction scheme. For this reason, two bit error correction is recommended for the use of Copy-Back operation."Figure 15 shows the command sequence for the copy-back operation.The Copy Back Program operation requires three steps:- 1. The source page must be read using the Read A command (one bus write cycle to setup the command and then 3 bus cycles to input the cource page address.) This operation copies all 264 Words/ 528 Bytes from the page into the page Buffer .- 2. When the device reutrns to the ready state (Ready/Busy High), the second bus write cycle of the command is given with the 3cycles to input the target page address. A23 must be the same for the Source and Target Pages.- 3. Then the confirm command is issued to start the P/E/R Controller .Rev 0.6 / Nov. 200513128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash3.5 Read Status Register.The device contains a Status Register which may be read to find out whether read, program or erase operation is com-pleted, and whether the program or erase operation is completed successfully. After writing 70h command to the com-mand register , a read cycle outputs the content of the Status Register to the I/O pins on the falling edge of CE# or RE#, whichever occurs last. This two line control allows the system to poll the progress of each device in multiple memory connections even when RB# pins are common-wired. RE# or CE# does not need to be toggled for updated status. Refer to table 13 for specific Status Register definitions. The command register remains in Status Read mode until further commands are issued to it. Therefore, if the status register is read during a random read cycle, a read command (00h or 50h) should be given before sequential page read cycle.3.6 Read ID.The device contains a product identification mode, initiated by writing 90h to the command register , followed by an address input of 00h. Two read cycles sequentially output the manufacturer code (ADh), the device code. The com-mand register remains in Read ID mode until further commands are issued to it. Figure 17 shows the operation sequence, while tables 17 explain the byte meaning.3.7 Reset.The device offers a reset feature, executed by writing FFh to the command register . When the device is in Busy state during random read, program or erase mode, the reset operation will abort these operations. The contents of memory cells being altered are no longer valid, as the data will be partially programmed or erased. The command register is cleared to wait for the next command, and the Status Register is cleared to value E0h when WP# is high. Refer to table 12 for device status after reset operation. If the device is already in reset state a new reset command will not be accepted by the command register . The RB# pin transitions to low for tRST after the Reset command is written. Refer to figure 23.Rev 0.6 / Nov. 200514128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash4. OTHER FEATURES4.1 Data Protection & Power On/Off SequenceThe device is designed to offer protection from any involuntary program/erase during power-transitions. An internal voltage detector disables all functions whenever Vcc is below about 2.0V (3.3V device). WP# pin provides hardware protection and is recommended to be kept at VIL during power-up and power-down. A recovery time of minimum 10us is required before internal circuit gets ready for any command sequences as shown in Figure 24. The two-step com-mand sequence for program/erase provides additional software protection.4.2 Ready/Busy.The device has a Ready/Busy output that provides method of indicating the completion of a page program, erase, copy-back, cache program and random read completion. The RB# pin is normally high and goes to low when the device is busy (after a reset, read, program, erase operation). It returns to high when the internal controller has fin-ished the operation. The pin is an open-drain driver thereby allowing two or more RB# outputs to be Or-tied. Because pull-up resistor value is related to tr(RB#) and current drain during busy (Ibusy), an appropriate value can be obtained with the following reference chart (Fig 25). Its value can be determined by the following guidance.4.3 Lock Block FeatureIn high state of PRE pin, Block lock mode and Power on Auto read are enabled, otherwise it is regarded as NAND Flash without PRE pin.Block Lock mode is enabled while PRE pin state is high, which is to offer protection features for NAND Flash data. The Block Lock mode is divided into Unlock, Lock, Lock-tight operation. Consecutive blocks protects data allows those blocks to be locked or lock-tighten with no latency. This block lock scheme offers two levels of protection. The first allows software control (command input method) of block locking that is useful for frequently changed data blocks, while the second requires hardware control (WP# low pulse input method) before locking can be changed that is use-ful for protecting infrequently changed code blocks. The followings summarized the locking functionality. - All blocks are in a locked state on power-up. Unlock sequence can unlock the locked blocks.- The Lock-tight command locks blocks and prevents from being unlocked. Lock-tight state can be returned to lock state only by Hardware control(WP low pulse input).1. Block lock operation 1) Lock- Command Sequence: Lock block Command (2Ah). See Fig. 18.- All blocks default to locked by power-up and Hardware control (WP# low pulse input) - Partial block lock is not available; Lock block operation is based on all block unit- Unlocked blocks can be locked by using the Lock block command, and a lock block’s status can be changed to unlock or lock-tight using the appropriate commands- On the program or erase operation in Locked or Lock-tighten block, Busy state holds 1~10us(tLBSY)Rev 0.6 / Nov. 200515128Mbit (16Mx8bit / 8Mx16bit) NAND Flash2) Unlock- Command Sequence: Unlock block Command (23h) + Start block address + Command (24h) + End block address. See Fig. 19.- Unlocked blocks can be programmed or erased.- An unlocked block’s status can be changed to the locked or lock-tighten state using the appropriate sequence of commands.- Only one consecutive area can be released to unlock state from lock state; Unlocking multi area is not available. - Start block address must be nearer to the logical LSB (Least Significant Bit) than End block address. - One block is selected for unlocking block when Start block address is same as End block address.3) Lock-tight- Command Sequence: Lock-tight block Command (2Ch). See Fig. 20.- Lock-tighten blocks offer the user an additional level of write protection beyond that of a regular lock block. A block that is lock-tighten can’t have its state changed by software control, only by hardware control (WP# low pulse input); Unlocking multi area is not available- Only locked blocks can be lock-tighten by lock-tight command.- On the program or erase operation in Locked or Lock-tighten block, Busy state holds 1~10us(tLBSY)4) Lock Block Boundaries after Unlock Command issuing- If Start Block address = 0000h and End Block Address = FFFFh , the device is all unlocked- If Start Block address = End Block Address = FFFFh , the device is all locked except for the last Block - If Start Block address = End Block Address = 0000h , the device is all locked except for the first Block2. Block lock Status ReadBlock Lock Status can be read on a block basis to find out whether designated block is available to be programmed or erased. After writing 7Ah command to the command register and block address to be checked, a read cycle outputs the content of the Block Lock Status Register to the I/O pins on the falling edge of CE# or RE#, whichever occurs last. RE# or CE# does not need to be toggled for updated status. Block Lock Status Read is prohibited while the device is busy state.Refer to table 16 for specific Status Register definitions. The command register remains in Block Lock Status Read mode until further commands are issued to it.In high state of PRE pin, write protection status can be checked by Block Lock Status Read (7Ah) while in low state by Status Read (70h).4.4 Power-On Auto-ReadThe device is designed to offer automatic reading of the first page without command and address input sequence dur-ing power-on.An internal voltage detector enables auto-page read functions when Vcc reaches about 1.8V . PRE pin controls activa-tion of auto- page read function. Auto-page read function is enabled only when PRE pin is logic high state. Serial access may be done after power-on without latency. Power-On Auto Read mode is available only on 3.3V device.。
② struct nand_ecc_ctrl中的读写 函 数,如read_page_ raw、write_page等,主要用来做一些与 ECC 有关的操作。
③ struct nand_chip中的读写函数,如read_buf、cmd- func等,与具 体 的 NAND controller相 关,就 是 这 部 分 函 数与硬件的交互。
NAND Flash的单元 尺 寸 几 乎 是 NOR Flash 器 件 的 一 半,由 于 生 产 过 程 更 为 简 单 ,也 就 相 应 地 降 低 了 价 格 。 容量比较大,由于价格便宜,更适合存储大量的数据 。
1.1.3 可 靠 性 和 耐 用 性 采用 Flash介 质 时 一 个 需 要 重 点 考 虑 的 问 题 是 可 靠
性。对于需要扩展 MTBF 的系 统 来 说,Flash是 非 常 合 适 的存储方案。可以从寿命(耐用性)、位交换和坏块 处 理 三 个方面来比较 NOR Flash 和 NAND Flash 的 可 靠 性。 寿 命(耐用性)在 NAND Flash 闪 存 中 每 个 块 的 最 大 擦 写 次 数是 一 百 万 次,而 NOR Flash 的 擦 写 次 数 是 十 万 次。 NAND Flash除了具 有 10∶1的 块 擦 除 周 期 优 势,典 型 的 NAND Flash块 尺 寸 要 比 NOR 器 件 小 8 倍,每 个 NAND Flash块在给定的时间内的删除次数要少一些 。
SYNCHRONOUS RESET (FCh)When the synchronous interface is active, the SYNCHRONOUS RESET (FCh) commandis used to put a target into a known condition and to abort command sequences in pro-gress. This command is accepted by all die (LUNs), even when they are BUSY.When FCh is written to the command register, the target goes busy for t RST. Duringt RST, the selected target (CE#) discontinues all array operations on all die (LUNs). Allpending single- and multi-plane operations are cancelled. If this command is issuedwhile a PROGRAM or ERASE operation is occurring on one or more die (LUNs), the datamay be partially programmed or erased and is invalid. The command register is clearedand ready for the next command. The data register and cache register contents are inva-lid and the synchronous interface remains active.During or after t RST, the host can poll each LUN's status register.SYNCHRONOUS RESET is only accepted while the synchronous interface is active. Itsuse is prohibited when the asynchronous interface is active.Figure 38: SYNCHRONOUS RESET (FCh) OperationCycle type DQ[7:0]R/B#16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb Asynchronous/Synchronous NANDReset OperationsError ManagementEach NAND Flash die (LUN) is specified to have a minimum number of valid blocks (NVB) of the total available blocks. This means the die (LUNs) could have blocks that are invalid when shipped from the factory. An invalid block is one that contains at least one page that has more bad bits than can be corrected by the minimum required ECC.Additional blocks can develop with use. However, the total number of available blocks per die (LUN) will not fall below NVB during the endurance life of the product.Although NAND Flash memory devices could contain bad blocks, they can be used quite reliably in systems that provide bad-block management and error-correction algo-rithms. This type of software environment ensures data integrity.Internal circuitry isolates each block from other blocks, so the presence of a bad block does not affect the operation of the rest of the NAND Flash array.NAND Flash devices are shipped from the factory erased. The factory identifies invalid blocks before shipping by attempting to program the bad-block mark into every loca-tion in the first page of each invalid block. It may not be possible to program every location with the bad-block mark. However, the first spare area location in each bad block is guaranteed to contain the bad-block mark. This method is compliant with ON-FI Factory Defect Mapping requirements. See the following table for the first spare area location and the bad-block mark.System software should check the first spare area location on the first page of each block prior to performing any PROGRAM or ERASE operations on the NAND Flash de-vice. A bad block table can then be created, enabling system software to map around these areas. Factory testing is performed under worst-case conditions. Because invalid blocks could be marginal, it may not be possible to recover this information if the block is erased.Over time, some memory locations may fail to program or erase properly. In order to ensure that data is stored properly over the life of the NAND Flash device, the following precautions are required:•Always check status after a PROGRAM or ERASE operation•Under typical conditions, use the minimum required ECC (see table below)•Use bad-block management and wear-leveling algorithmsThe first block (physical block address 00h) for each CE# is guaranteed to be valid with ECC when shipped from the factory.Table 16: Error Management Details16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb Asynchronous/Synchronous NAND Error Management•ALE and CLE are latched LOW on the rising edge of CLK•The final two data bytes of the data input sequence are written to DQ[7:0] to the cache register on the rising and falling edges of DQS after the last cycle in the data input sequence in which ALE and CLE are latched HIGH.•DQS is held LOW for t WPST (after the final falling edge of DQS)Following t WPST, the bus enters bus idle mode and t CAD begins on the next rising edge of CLK. After t CAD starts, the host can disable the target if desired.Data input is ignored by die (LUNs) that are not selected or are busy.Figure 33: Synchronous DDR Data Input CyclesCLKALECLEDQ[7:0]DQSCE#W/R#Notes: 1.When CE# remains LOW, t CAD begins at the first rising edge of the clock after t WPSTcompletes.2.t DSH (MIN) generally occurs during t DQSS (MIN).3.t DSS (MIN) generally occurs during t DQSS (MAX).Synchronous DDR Data OutputData can be output from a die (LUN) if it is ready. Data output is supported following a READ operation from the NAND Flash array.To enter the DDR data output mode, the following conditions must be met:•CLK is running•CE# is LOW•The host has released the DQ[7:0] bus and DQS•W/R# is latched LOW on the rising edge of CLK to enable the selected die (LUN) to take ownership of the DQ[7:0] bus and DQS within t WRCK•t CAD is met•ALE and CLE are HIGH on the rising edge of CLK 16Gb, 32Gb, 64Gb, 128Gb Asynchronous/Synchronous NAND Bus Operation – Synchronous Interface。
SLC闪存芯片型号容量表品牌类型容量型号Samsung SLC16M K9F2808U0M/A/B/C Samsung SLC16M K9F2816Q0C(x16) Samsung SLC32M K9F5608U0M/A/B/C Samsung SLC32M K9F5616U0C(x16) Samsung SLC32M K9F5616U0B(x16) Samsung SLC64M K9F1208U0M/A/B/C Samsung SLC64M K9F1208Q0CSamsung SLC64M K9K1216U0C(x16) Samsung SLC64M K9k1216Q0C(x16) Samsung SLC128M K9K1G08Q0ASamsung SLC128M K9K1G08U0M/A/B Samsung SLC128M K9K1G16U0A(x16) Samsung SLC128M K9F1G16U0M(x16) Samsung SLC128M K9F1G08U0ASamsung SLC128M K9F1G08R0ASamsung SLC128M K9F1G08U0M/A Samsung SLC128M K9F1G08R0M/A Samsung SLC128M K9F1G08U0BSamsung SLC128M K9F1G16Q0B(x16) Samsung SLC128M K9F1G16Q0M(x16) Samsung SLC256M K9E2G08U0MSamsung SLC256M K9E2G08U1MSamsung SLC256M K9K2G08U1ASamsung SLC256M K9K2G08Q0M/A Samsung SLC256M K9K2G08U0M/A Samsung SLC256M K9K2G16Q0M/A(x16) Samsung SLC256M K9K2G16U0M/A(x16) Samsung SLC256M K9F2G08U0MSamsung SLC256M K9F2G16U0M(x16) Samsung SLC256M K9F2G08U0ASamsung SLC256M K9F2G08R0ASamsung SLC512M K9W4G08U1MSamsung SLC512M K9W4G16U1M(x16) Samsung SLC512M K9K4G08U0M Samsung SLC512M K9F4G08U0M Samsung SLC1G K9W8G08U1M Samsung SLC1G K9K8G08U1M Samsung SLC1G K9K8G08U0M/A Samsung SLC1G K9F8G08U0M Samsung SLC2G K9WAG08U1M/A Samsung SLC2G K9KAG08U0M Samsung SLC4G K9NBG08U5M/A Samsung SLC4G K9WBG08U1M Samsung SLC8G K9NCG08U5MMicron SLC128M MT29F1G08ABBMicron SLC128M MT29F1G16ABB(x16) Micron SLC128M MT29F1G08ABCMicron SLC128M MT29F1G16ABC(x16) Micron SLC128M MT29F1G08AACMicron SLC128M MT29F1G16AAC(x16) Micron SLC128M MT29F1G08AACMicron SLC256M MT29F2G08AAAMicron SLC256M MT29F2G08AABMicron SLC256M MT29F2G16AAB(x16) Micron SLC256M MT29F2G08ABDMicron SLC256M MT29F2G16ABD(x16) Micron SLC256M MT29F2G08AADMicron SLC256M MT29F2G16AAD(x16) Micron SLC256M MT29F2G08ABBEA Micron SLC256M MT29F2G16ABBEA(x16) Micron SLC256M MT29F2G08ABAEA Micron SLC256M MT29F2G16ABAEA(x16) Micron SLC256M MT29F2G16AAA(x16) Micron SLC512M MT29F4G08BBCMicron SLC512M MT29F4G16BBC(x16) Micron SLC512M MT29F4G08BABMicron SLC512M MT29F4G16BAB(x16) Micron SLC512M MT29F4G08ABA/CMicron SLC512M MT29F4G16ABA/C(x16) Micron SLC512M MT29F4G08AAA/CMicron SLC512M MT29F4G08ABBDAMicron SLC512M MT29F4G16ABBDA(x16) Micron SLC512M MT29F4G08ABADAMicron SLC512M MT29F4G16ABADA(x16) Micron SLC512M MT29F4G16AAA/C(x16) Micron SLC1G MT29F8G08FABMicron SLC1G MT29F8G08DAAMicron SLC1G MT29F8G08BAAMicron SLC1G MT29F8G16BAA(x16) Micron SLC1G MT29F8G08ADBDAH4 Micron SLC1G MT29F8G16ADBDAH4(x16) Micron SLC1G MT29F8G08ADADAH4 Micron SLC1G MT29F8G16ADADAH4(x16) Micron SLC1G MT29H8G08ACAH1Micron SLC1G MT29F8G08ABABAMicron SLC1G MT29F8G08AAAMicron SLC2G MT29F16G08FAAMicron SLC2G MT29F16G16FAA(x16) Micron SLC2G MT29F16G08ABABA Micron SLC2G MT29H16G08ECAH1 Micron SLC2G MT29F16G08DAAMicron SLC4G MT29F32G08FAAMicron SLC4G MT29H32G08GCAH2 Micron SLC4G MT29F32G08AFABA Micron SLC8G MT29F64G08AJABAIntel SLC512M JS29F04G08AANB1Intel SLC1G JS29F08G08CANB1Intel SLC1G JS29F08G08BANB1Intel SLC1G JS29F08G08AANC1Intel SLC1G JS29F08G08AAND1/2Intel SLC2G JS29F16G08FANB1Intel SLC2G JS29F16G08AAND1/2Intel SLC2G JS29F16G08CANC1Intel SLC4G JS29F32G08FANC1Intel SLC4G JS29F32G08CAND1/2Intel SLC8G JS29F64G08JAND1/2 Spectek SLC128M FxxMx9xxxK3WGSpectek SLC512M FxxM40AxxK3xGSpectek SLC512M FxxMx9xxxK3W2Spectek SLC1G FxxM40AxxK3x2Spectek SLC1G FxxMx9xxxK3W4Spectek SLC1G FxxM51AxxK3xGSpectek SLC1G FxxM61AxxK3xGSpectek SLC2G FxxM40AxxK3x4Spectek SLC2G FxxM51AxxK3x2Spectek SLC2G FxxM62BxxK3xGSpectek SLC4G FxxM51AxxK3x4Spectek SLC4G FxxM62BxxK3x2Spectek SLC8G FxxM62BxxK3x4 PowerFlash SLC64M PF79AL1208 PowerFlash SLC64M PF79BL1208 PowerFlash SLC256M ASU2GA30GT PowerFlash SLC512M ASU4GA30GT Hynix SLC16M HY27US08281AHynix SLC16M HY27US16281A(x16)Hynix SLC32M HY27US08561M/AHynix SLC32M HY27US16562M/A(x16) Hynix SLC32M HY27SS08561M/AHynix SLC32M HY27SS16561M/A(x16) Hynix SLC64M HY27US08121M/AHynix SLC64M HY27US16121M/A(x16) Hynix SLC64M HY27SS08121M/AHynix SLC64M HY27SS16121M/A(x16) Hynix SLC128M H27U1G8F2BHynix SLC128M HY27UA081G4MHynix SLC128M HY27(U/S)A081G1M Hynix SLC128M HY27(U/S)A161G1M(x16) Hynix SLC128M HY27SS081G1XHynix SLC128M HY27UF081G2MHynix SLC128M HY27UF081G2AHynix SLC128M HY27SF081G2M(x16) Hynix SLC256M HY27(U/S)B082G4M Hynix SLC256M HY27(U/S)B162G4M(x16) Hynix SLC256M HY27UF082G2MHynix SLC256M HY27SF082G2MHynix SLC256M HY27UF162G2M(x16) Hynix SLC256M HY27SF162G2M(x16) Hynix SLC256M HY27UF082G2AHynix SLC256M HY27UF162G2A(x16) Hynix SLC256M HY27SF162G2A(x16) Hynix SLC256M HY27UF082G2BHynix SLC256M HY27SF082G2B(x16) Hynix SLC512M HY27UG084G2MHynix SLC512M HY27SG084G2MHynix SLC512M HY27UG164G2M(x16) Hynix SLC512M HY27SG164G2M(x16) Hynix SLC512M HY27UF084G2MHynix SLC512M HY27UF084G2BHynix SLC512M HY27UF164G2B(x16) Hynix SLC512M HY27SF084G2BHynix SLC512M HY27SF164G2B(x16) Hynix SLC1G HY27UH088G2MHynix SLC1G HY27UG088G5MHynix SLC1G HY27UG088G5BHynix SLC1G HY27UG088G2MHynix SLC1G H27U8G8F2MHynix SLC2G HY27UH08AG5MHynix SLC2G HY27UH08AG5BHynix SLC2G H27UAG8G5MHynix SLC4G HY27UK08BGFMHynix SLC4G HY27UK08BGFBHynix SLC4GB H27UBG8H5MHynix SLC8GB H27UCG8KFMST SLC16M NAND128R3AST SLC16M NAND128W3AST SLC16M NAND128R4A(x16)ST SLC16M NAND128W4A(x16) ST SLC32M NAND256R3AST SLC32M NAND256W3AST SLC32M NAND256R4A(x16)ST SLC32M NAND256W4A(x16) ST SLC64M NAND512R3AST SLC64M NAND512W3AST SLC64M NAND512R4A(x16)ST SLC64M NAND512W4A(x16) ST SLC64M NAND512W3BST SLC128M NAND01GR3AST SLC128M NAND01GW3AST SLC128M NAND01GR4A(x16) ST SLC128M NAND01GW4A(x16) ST SLC128M NAND01GW3B2AST SLC128M NAND01GR3B2BST SLC128M NAND01GW3B2BST SLC128M NAND01GR4B2B(x16) ST SLC128M NAND01GW4B2B(x16) ST SLC128M NAND01GR3B2CST SLC128M NAND01GW3B2CST SLC128M NAND01GR4B2C(x16) ST SLC128M NAND01GW4B2C(x16) ST SLC256M NAND02GR3B2CST SLC256M NAND02GW3B2CST SLC256M NAND02GR4B2C(x16)ST SLC256M NAND02GW4B2C(x16)ST SLC256M NAND02GR3B2DST SLC256M NAND02GW3B2DST SLC256M NAND02GR4B2D(x16)ST SLC256M NAND02GW3B2AST SLC256M NAND02GW4B2D(x16)ST SLC512M NAND04GW3B2BST SLC512M NAND04GR3B2DST SLC512M NAND04GW3B2DST SLC512M NAND04GR4B2D(x16)ST SLC512M NAND04GW4B2D(x16)ST SLC1G NAND08GW3B2AST SLC1G NAND08GR3B4CST SLC1G NAND08GW3B4CST SLC1G NAND08GR3B2CST SLC1G NAND08GW3B2CST SLC1G NAND08GR4B2C(x16)ST SLC1G NAND08GW4B2C(x16)ST SLC1G NAND08GW3F2AST SLC2G NAND16GW3B4DST SLC2G NAND16GW3F4AST SLC2G NAND16GW3F2AST SLC4G NAND32GW3F4A Toshiba SLC16M TC58DVM72A1FT00 Toshiba SLC32M TC58DVM82A1FT00 Toshiba SLC64M TC58NVM9S3BTG00 Toshiba SLC64M TC58NVM9S8CTA00(x16) Toshiba SLC64M TC58DVM92A1FT00 Toshiba SLC128M TC58DVG02A1FT00 Toshiba SLC128M TC58NVG0S3ETA00 Toshiba SLC128M TC58NVG0S3AFT05 Toshiba SLC128M TC58NVG0S3BTGI0 Toshiba SLC128M TC58NVG0S3BTG00 Toshiba SLC256M TC58DVG12A1FT00Toshiba SLC256M TH58NVG1S3AFT05 Toshiba SLC256M TC58NVG1S3BFT00 Toshiba SLC256M TC58NVG1S3BFT00 Toshiba SLC256M TC58NVG1S8BFT00(x16) Toshiba SLC256M TC58NVG1S8BFT00(x16) Toshiba SLC256M TC58NVG1S3ETA00 Toshiba SLC512M TH58NVG2S3BFT00 Toshiba SLC1G TC58NVG3S0DTG00 Toshiba SLC2G TH58NVG4S0DTG20 Toshiba SLC4G TC58NVG5S0DTG20 SanDisk SLC64M SDTNFCH-512SanDisk SLC128M SDTNKGHSM-1024 SanDisk SLC256M SDTNGBHE0-2048 SanDisk SLC256M SDTNGFHE0-2048 SanDisk SLC512M SDTNIHHSM-4096 SanDisk SLC512M SDTNIHHSM-4096(x16) SanDisk SLC512M SDTNKEHSM-4096 SanDisk SLC512M SDTNKEHSM-4096(x16) SanDisk SLC1G SDTNKFHSM-8192 SanDisk SLC1G SDTNLJAHSM-1024 SanDisk SLC1G SDTNKFHSM-8192(x16) SanDisk SLC2G SDTNKGHSM-16384 SanDisk SLC2G SDTNKGHSM-16384(x16) SanDisk SLC2G SDTNLJBHSM-2048 SanDisk SLC4G SDTNLJCHSM-4096 Infineon SLC64M HYF33DS512800ATC Infineon SLC64M HYF33DS512800BTC Infineon SLC64M HYF33DS512804(5)BTC/I Infineon SLC128M HYF33DS1G800CTI Spansion SLC64M S30MS512RSpansion SLC64M S39MS512RSpansion SLC128M S30MS01GRSpansion SLC128M S39MS01GRSpansion SLC256M S39MS02GRSpansion SLC256M S30MS02GR Spansion SLC512M S30MS04GR表制程CE Pin1111111111111111111112211111111211221 50nm12 50nm14 50nm2 50nm411111111111111 M69A1 M69A1 M69A1 M69A11111111 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A112211 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 M60A1 50nm1 34nm1 50nm122 34nm1 50nm2 50nm2 50nm2 50nm2 34nm2 34nm2112 50nm1 34nm134nm1 50nm2 50nm2 34nm2 34nm411122 50nm1 34nm12 50nm2 34nm1 50nm2 34nm2 34nm211111111111111 41nm1111111221111111111111111111221 48nm12248nm244 48nm2 48nm4111111111111111111111111111111111111111122111112212111111 43nm111111111 43nm11 56nm1 56nm2 56nm21111111111111111111 65nm1 65nm1 65nm1 65nm1 65nm165nm1 65nm1。
NAND FLASH芯片种娄及NAND FLASH芯片规格及NAND FLASH芯片数量专业IC烧录工厂 张工:yingming421@ qq:88037025芯片容量芯片编号芯片PIN数芯片封装芯片规格NAND512Mx 8HY27UF084G2B(PXA)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16H8BXXX0MCP(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16K524G2GACB(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16KA100O015(QFIT)NAND256Mx 8H27U2G8F2C_(Y45H)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(Y45H)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYAB0A11125x(F31e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(OR01)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8MT29F1G08ABA(2027)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(SMP)48TSOP12.4mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(SMPe)48TSOP12.4mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8H27U2G8F2C_(Y4502)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(Y4502)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8MT29F2G08AAH4(PTS)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(PTS)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H8ACS0EJ0MCP(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8H8BCS0RJ0M46(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GR3B2x(QFIT)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8H9DA1GG51HA3(MBF)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C/D(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QI0AAR(F53)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QI0AAR(F53e)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A2D(SKCJC)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A2D(SKCJN)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8H27S1G8F2BF(5551)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H27S1G8F2BF(5551e)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H9DA1GG1GJM(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H9DA1GG1GJM(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KF98G16Q4X(QFIT4et)63FBGA11mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(NB1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0x__(NB1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3ET(NB1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND16Mx 8HY27US08281A(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8HY27US08281A(MBFP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND32Mx 8HY27US08561A(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND32Mx 8HY27US08561A(MBFP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2B(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2B(MBFP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(MBFP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 16TY0D000114(QFIT4et)63TFBGA11mmx 10mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QIOAA(Q464e)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mmNAND128Mx 16H9DA2GH1GHA(Q464e)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND512Mx 16KAT008015M(NAv3)168FBGA12mmx 12mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16TC58RYM9S8E(MV03)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 16TC58RYG0S8E(MV03)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K521F1GACA(MV02e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 8TC58NVG2S3E(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3ET(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3ET(BT12G48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND16Mx 8HY27US08281M(PIX1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND32Mx 8HY27US08561A(PIX1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2B(PIX1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8H9LA1GG51JM(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K511F13ACC(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K521F1GACA(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8KA100Z018M(5551e)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND512Mx 8H8BES0UP0(Q464e)4G107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND64Mx 16H8ACS0QJ0MC(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KAT008015M(NAv2)168FBGA12mmx 12mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(JV1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(JV2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 8K9F4G08U0D(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(HUM)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(HUM)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8ACS0QJ0MC(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0D__(PNX3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(SOC3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0C__(SOC3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3ET(MAV1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8TC58DVM92A5(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3ET(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8H27U2G8F2CTR(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C021PB(5551e)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0AMR(5551e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8KAL00R018A(5551e)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND256Mx 16TYMCDD23124(E85)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND1Gx 8KFM8G16Q5M(NAv2)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(PNX3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 8K9F4G08U0D(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(NANDe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KA100O0xD(Q400e)4G153FBGA9mmx 10mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16KF98G16Q4X(Q4K2e)63FBGA11mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KF98G16Q4X(Q4K3e)63FBGA11mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(F13)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(F13e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(MDP9)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND1Gx 8TC58DVG3S0E(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8TC58DVG3S0E(PXA)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H9LA1GG51JM(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K511F13ACC(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K521F1GACA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8KA100Z018M(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 8TY9A0A111311(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8TYAA0A111376(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND1Gx16KAV00N002M/POP(MBF)201BGA13.0mm x13.0mmNAND512Mx 16K5W8G13ACM/POP(MBF)201BGA13.0mm x13.0mmNAND1Gx16KAV00N002M(MBF)136FBGA13mm x13mmNAND512Mx 16K5W8G13ACM(MBF)136FBGA13mm x13mmNAND128Mx 8K511F57ACD(NAv1)128FBGA12mmx 12mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K521F1GACA(MV02)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KBY00UxVA(Q400e)4G137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16KAT008015M(NAv1)168FBGA12mmx 12mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16KFM8G16Q5M(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BT(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3E(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3E(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND32Mx 8K9F5608U0D(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QIOMA(Q464e)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16H8BCS0QIOMA(QFIT)149FBGA10mmx 14mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8TC58DVM92A5(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv5)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND512Mx 8NAND04GW3B2x(MBF)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 8NAND04GW3B2x(MBFe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16PF58F0026M0Y1B2105S-CSP13mmx 11mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(E82)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(E82e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0B(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0B(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16MT29C8GxA(Q464e)4G137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND512Mx 16KBY00UxVM(Q464e)4G137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND128Mx 8CT48248NS(PI27e)119FBGA13.0mmx 10.0mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 8K9F4G08U0B(NA4G)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2(QFIT)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2(QFITe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(2381)63TFBGA10mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8TC58NVG1S3E(2381e)63TFBGA10mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NN5081K0H22(Q464e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND32Mx 8HY27US08561A(PIX)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(MDP6)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv4)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND1Gx 8K9F8G08U0M(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv3)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(SMP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(SMPe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8K5D1213ACK(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5E1213ACE(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3ET(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYAB0A11125x(E81)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8CT48248NS(PI27)119FBGA13.0mmx 10.0mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0ACR(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0ACR(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16TC58EVM9S8E(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8TC58NYG0S3E(IJP)63TFBGA9mm倶 11mmNAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND384Mx16KBN00X00XM(NAv2)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8H27U518S2(IJP)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8MT29F1G08ABC(IJP)63VFBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1mm NAND64Mx 8H27U518S2(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8MT29F1G08ABC(NAND)63VFBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1mm NAND256Mx 16K5W4G2GACD(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8H27U518S2C(MDP7e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16KFM2G16Q2A(NAv2)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND32Mx 16TY890A11122(Q464e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16TY890A11122(QFIT)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16TY890A11122(QFITe)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(PNX2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(PNX2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYAB0A11125(Q464e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0x(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0x(NANDe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8MT29F1G08ABC(PI27)63VFBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C021PB(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C031PB(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C041PB(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND64Mx 8KAL00R018A(5551)215FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(E67)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYLB0A21123x(E67e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C(MBF1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C(MBF1e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2A__(P2e3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND384Mx16KCD00D00BA(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND384Mx16KCD00D00BA(NAv2)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND256Mx 16TYMCDD23124(QF4G)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16TYMCDD23124(QF4Ge)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(SOC1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(SOC2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0B__(SOC2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mmNAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0x__(SOC1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2A__(P2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2A__(P2e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(SOC1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2BTR(SOC2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(SOC1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C__(SOC2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8H8BCS0CH0MMR(555e)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND2Gx 8SDIN2C-2G169BGA16mmx 12mmx 0.85mm NAND512Mx 16KFM8GH6Q4M(MBF)101FBGA11mmx 9mmNAND512Mx 16KFM8GH6Q4M(MSG)101FBGA11mmx 9mmNAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 16K558G13ACM/POP(MBF)201BGA13.0mm x13.0mm NAND512Mx 16K558G13ACM/POP(MSG)201BGA13.0mm x13.0mm NAND512Mx 16K558G13ACM(MSG)136FBGA13mm x13mmNAND32Mx 16TC58EVM9S8E(MV02)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 16TC58EVG0S8E(MV02)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(MAV1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01E031MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8EHF01C031MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0AMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CH0AMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8BCS0CH0AMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0C(MAV1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm Nand2Gx 8THGVN1G4D1E52LGA18mm x14mmNAND2Gx 8THGVN1G4D1E(MDP)52LGA18mm x14mmNAND2Gx 8THGVN1G4D1E(PNP)52LGA18mm x14mmNAND2Gx 8THGVN1G4D1E(VFP)52LGA18mm x14mmNAND128Mx 8EHE01E051MA(NAND)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16EHD013151MA(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND384Mx16KFT6G16Q2A(NAv3)63FBGA11mmx 9mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8HYC0SEF0MF3(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HYC0SEF0MF3(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HYC0SEH0AF3(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H8ACS0EH0ACR(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8H8ACS0EH0ACR(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8HYG0SGH0MF3(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8HYG0SGH0MF3(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1258ACB(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND128Mx 8K5D1G13ACH(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K5D1G13ACH(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8KAL00X00UM(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8KAL00X00UM(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8BCZ0CH0MMR(MDP1)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND1Gx 8K9G8G08U0A(MDP5e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(MDP4)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mmNAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2B(BT12G48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0B__(BT12G48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(BT12G48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(MDP2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(PI27)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2x(PI27)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND16Mx 8NAND128W3A2B(PIX)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8HYC0SEH0AF3(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1258ACB(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND32Mx 16KFG1216U2B(MV02)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(MV02)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8TC58NVG0S3CT(MV02)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16KFG1G16U2C(MV02)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16NANDC3R4N5A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDD3R4N5A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HY27US08121B(B3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208U0x(B3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(B3)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8H27U1G8F2B__(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0B__(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2B(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(BT1)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(2027)63FBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2B(2027)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(2027)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.05mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2xN48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND384Mx16KFT6G16Q2A(NAv1)63FBGA11mmx 9mmx 1.4mm NAND16Mx 8HY27US08281M(PIX)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 16TYA000B000Ax(D74)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B000Ax(D74e)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND384Mx16KFT6G16Q2A(NAv2)63FBGA11mmx 9mmx 1.4mm NAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2M__(P2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2M__(P2e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8HY27UU08AG5A(P2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8HY27UU08AG5A(P2e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8EHF01C022MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8TY990A111132(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16TYCC0A22111(QFIT)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16TYCC0A22111(QFITe)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KAV00Q013M(NAv1)152FBGA14mmx 14mmx 1.07mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B000Ax(D74B)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(S2P)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(S2Pe)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 16KFN8GH6Q4M(MBF)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(E30e)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16K558G13ACM(MBF)136FBGA13mm x13mmNAND256Mx 16TYT7DT0000B(NAND)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16TYT7DT0000B(QFIT)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16TYT7DT0000B(QFITe)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(NAe)48TSOPNAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(NAND)48TSOPNAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(B21G)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08U0B__(B21G)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2C(B21G)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(NAe)48TSOPNAND256Mx 8NAND02GW3B2D(NAND)48TSOPNAND128Mx 16TYL000BC00B(NL15e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC00B(NS15e)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC00BFGP137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0C(SKCJ_C)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0C(SKCJ_N)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND2Gx 8K9GAG08U0M(B16)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8K9GAG08U0M(B16e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8K9LAG08U0A(B16)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND2Gx 8K9LAG08U0A(B16e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16NANDDBR4N5B(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16TYB000DCX1A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16TYB000DCX1A(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND512Mx 16TYB000DCX1A(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2M(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8H27UAG8T2M(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8HY27UU08AG5M(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND2Gx 8HY27UU08AG5M(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 8HY27UT084G2A(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND512Mx 8HY27UT084G2A(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8HY27UT088G2A(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8HY27UT088G2A(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8HY27UT088G2M(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8HY27UT088G2M(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8MT29F8G08MAD(B40)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND1Gx 8MT29F8G08MAD(B40e)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(Q464e)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND64Mx 16TYA000A000A(Q464e)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mmNAND256Mx 16KFN4G16Q2A(NAv3)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(E30)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(NAND)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(NANDe)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(QFIT)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16K522H1HACA(QFITe)107FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.1mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(D69e)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8EHE01C011MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8EHF01C021MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8TY90009800B(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 16KBY00N00HA(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16KBY00N00HA(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND64Mx 16TYA000A000A(QFIT)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16TYA000A000A(QFITe)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 8HY27UF081G2A(NAND)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CF0MMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8ACS0CH0MMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8H8BCS0CH0MMR(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HY27US08121B(B2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208U0x(B2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(B2)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KFN4G16Q2A(NAv2)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND256Mx 16TYT7DJ4000B(QFIT)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND32Mx 8NAND256W3A(PNX)48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8EHF01C011MA(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1213ACG(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1258ACC(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5E1213ACC(5551)130FBGA8mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2A48TSOPNAND128Mx 16TYBD00BC00AOGG225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16KFM2G16Q2A(NAv1)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0C(NAND)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0C(QFIT)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8HY27US08121B(F)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KBY00N00HA(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16NANDCBR4N3A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16TYB000CC10A(NAND)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16TYB000CC10A(QFIT)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16TYB000CC10A(QFITe)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND256Mx 16TYMC0A311136(NAND)137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND256Mx 16TYMC0A311136(QFIT)137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND256Mx 16TYMC0A311136(QFITe)137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(D70)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000B810Cx(D69)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 16KFN4G16Q2A(NAv1)63FBGA13mmx 10mmx 1.1mmNAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A(NPBC)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8EHF0020A1x(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8EHF0030A1x(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1213ACF(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND128Mx 16TYB000BC00A(QFITe)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYB000BC00A(QFIT)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8K9F2G08U0x(NAND)48TSOPNAND64Mx 8TY90009000D(D71)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A(QFIT)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv4)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv5)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND64Mx 16TY000AC00G(QFIT)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16TYK000AC00G(NAND)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A(NABC)63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv3)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND64Mx 8TY90009000D(D55v2)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND32Mx 16TY90009000L(NAND)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16TYK000AC00F(NAND)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND32Mx 8NAND256R3A(NABZ)55VFBGA10mm x 8mmNAND256Mx 8HY27UF082G2A(NAND)48TSOPNAND64Mx 8HYC0SEF0MF3(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv1)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND128Mx 16KAF00F900M(NAv2)109FBGA13mm x13mm x1.09mm NAND128Mx 8K9F1G08R0A(QFIT)63FBGA12mm x9.5mm x1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYBD00BC00BTGK224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8NAND01GW3B2xN48TSOP12mmx 20mmNAND64Mx 8HY27US08121B(NAND)48TSOPNAND128Mx 16TYA000BC10Cx(D60)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1258ACB(5551)137FBGA13mmx 10.5mmx 0.9mm NAND64Mx 8K5D1213ACE137FBGA13mmx 11.5mmx 1.1mm NAND256Mx 16TYB000CC10BOGG225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208U0x(F)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512W3A(F)48TSOP12mmx 20mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16TY9000A000E(QFIT)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC00B0GG10225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC10(100)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYL000BC10B(105)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TC58NVG1S8CTG0548TSOPNAND32Mx 8NAND256R3A55VFBGA10mm x 8mmNAND16Mx 16KFG5616Q1A(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND16Mx 16KFG5616U1A(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16KFG1216Q2B(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16KFG1216U2B(MV01)48FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 16TYA000BC00C(QF20)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND256Mx 8KMZGE0A0AM(NAND)199FBGA16mmx 12mmNAND256Mx 8KMZGE0A0AM(QF20)199FBGA16mmx 12mmNAND64Mx 16TYK000AC00E(QF20)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 16TYT7TD9000B(QF20)224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND64Mx 16TYK000AC00E(NAND)225BGA14mmx 11mmx 1.2mm NAND128Mx 8KAL00M00WM-AJ55137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND1Gx 8K9K8G08U0A(NA4G)48TSOPNAND1Gx 8K9K8G08U0A(NA8G)48TSOPNAND128Mx 16TYT5ZW9000BTGK224FBGA12mmx 18mmx 1.2mm NAND32Mx 8HY27US08561x(5551)63TBGA9mmx 11mmNAND32Mx 8K9F5608U0x__(5551)63TBGA9mmx 11mmNAND256Mx 8TYA000B410(D42)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND256Mx 8TYA000B410(D42WS)149FBGA10mmx 13.5mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8HYC0SEH0MF3(NAND)137FBGA10.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8D422863VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND16Mx 16KFG5616U1A-DIB548FBGA7mmx 9mmx 1.0mm NAND256Mx 8KBE00S003M(NAND)107FBGA14mmx 12mmx 1.3mm NAND256Mx 8KBE00S00AM(NAND)137FBGA14mmx 12mmx 1.33mm NAND256Mx 16KCCB0CB00M(NAND)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 8NAND512R3A2BZA6E63VFBGA9mmx 11mmx 1.0mm NAND128Mx 8K9K1G08R0B(NAND)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND64Mx 8K9F1208R0B(NAND)63FBGA8.5mmx 13mmx 1.0mm NAND32Mx 16K9K1216Q0C(NAND)63TBGA9mmx 11mmNAND32Mx 16KAU26N000M(NAND/0)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND32Mx 16KAU26N000M(NAND/1)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16KAU26N000M109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16KAU26W000M(NAND/0)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND64Mx 16KAU26W000M(NAND/1)109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND101.2Mx 16K AU26W000M109FBGA11.5mmx 13mmx 1.4mm NAND8Gx 8SDIN2B2-8G169BGA18mmx 12mmx 0.85mm NAND2Gx 8SDIN2C2-2G169BGA16mmx 12mmx 0.85mm.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm 20mmx 1.2mm 20mmx 1.2mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.1mm.5mmx 1.1mm mmx 1.07mm .5mmx 1.1mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mmmmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm7mm.5mmx 0.9mm mmx 1.07mmmmx 1.07mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 0.9mm 10.0mmx 1.2mm.5mmx 0.9mm mmx 1.07mmmmx 1.07mm 10.0mmx 1.2mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mmmmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm mmx 1.07mm mmx 1.07mm5mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm.0mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm.5mmx 1.4mm .5mmx 1.4mm mmx 1.07mm .5mmx 1.4mm.9mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 0.9mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm 3mmx 1.0mm 3mmx 1.0mm.5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.0mm .5mmx 1.1mm .5mmx 1.4mm.1mm .5mmx 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1 产品综述8R68机芯是以Realtek低成本的单芯片3D方案RTD2692,实现了高端机型的配置。
1.1 机芯概述本机芯主要在本地、网络酷影基础上实现低成本3D功能,并在机芯成本、稳定性及可靠性方面也做出了巨大的努力,能为市场降低出故障风险。
1.2 主要功能本机芯主要功能带有三路HDMI、1路AV、1路AV输出、1路电脑输入、2路USB、1路高清YPbPr、1路TV输入。
2 电路介绍2.1电源部分(主板上供电网络)在检测主板时,首先要保证主板工作在开机状态,电源网络各部分电压都能够正常输出。
2.1.1待机Standby_5v供电系统图1 Standby 电路待机控制电路为二级反向电路,当主芯片2692控制I/O口Power_EN为零电平时,机器进入待机状态。
推荐使用用IC SY8082FAC,开关频率1MHz,最大支持2A电流输出。
使用的是深圳大雁科技的IC LD1117-ADJ。
图2 待机时芯片的st_d1v2、a1v2供电系统2.1.2 12v供电系统Pwr_12v转TUNER_5V、D_5v(D_5v再转D1v8)、D1v3。
This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Rev 0.5 / Oct. 2004 11Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashDocument Title1Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND Flash Memory Revision HistoryNo.History Draft DateRemark0.01) Initial DraftNov. 28. 2003Preliminary 0.11) Add 1.8V Operation Product to Data sheetMar . 11. 2004Preliminary0.21) Change AC Characteristics- tWP(25ns->40ns), tWC(50ns->60ns), - tRP(30ns->40ns), tRC(50ns->60ns), - tREADID(35ns->45ns)Apr . 29. 2004Preliminary0.31) Add Errata (3V Product)2) Add Applicaiton NoteReset command must be issued when the controller writes data to another 512Mb.(i.e. When A26 is changed during program.)3) Modify the description of Device Operations- /CE Don’t Care Enabled(Disabled) -> Sequential Row Read Disabled (Enabled) (Page22)4) Add the description of System Interface Using /CE don’t care (Page37)May. 14. 2004Preliminary0.41) Delete Errata2) Change Characteristics3) Delete Cache ProgramJun. 01. 2004Preliminary0.51) Change TSOP1, WSOP1, FBGA package dimension 2) Edit TSOP1, WSOP1 package figures 3) Change FBGA package figureOct. 20. 2004tWHtREH Specification 1515Relaxed value2020tCRYtREA@ID ReadBefore 60 + tr 35After70 + tr45This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Rev 0.5 / Oct. 2004 21Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFEATURES SUMMARYHIGH DENSITY NAND FLASH MEMORIES - Cost effective solutions for mass storage applications NAND INTERFACE - x8 or x16 bus width.- Multiplexed Address/ Data- Pinout compatibility for all densitiesSUPPLY VOLTAGE- 3.3V device: VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V : HY27UAXX1G1M - 1.8V device: VCC = 1.7 to 1.95V : HY27SAXX1G1M1.8V Operation Product : TBDMemory Cell Array- 1056Mbit = 528 Bytes x 32 Pages x 8,192 BlocksPAGE SIZE- x8 device: (512 + 16 spare) Bytes : HY27(U/S)A081G1M - x16 device: (256 + 8 spare) Words : HY27(U/S)A161G1MBLOCK SIZE- x8 device: (16K + 512 spare) Bytes : HY27(U/S)A081G1M - x16 device: (8K + 256 spare) Words : HY27(U/S)A161G1MPAGE READ / PROGRAM - Random access: 12us (max) - Sequential access: 50ns (min) - Page program time: 200us (typ)COPY BACK PROGRAM MODE- Fast page copy without external bufferingFAST BLOCK ERASE- Block erase time: 2ms (Typ)STATUS REGISTER ELECTRONIC SIGNATURESequential Row Read OptionAUTOMATIC PAGE 0 READ AT POWER-UP OPTION- Boot from NAND support- Automatic Memory DownloadSERIAL NUMBER OPTIONHARDWARE DATA PROTECTION- Program/Erase locked during Power transitionsDATA INTEGRITY- 100,000 Program/Erase cycles - 10 years Data RetentionPACKAGE- HY27(U/S)A(08/16)1G1M-T(P): 48-Pin TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm)- HY27(U/S)A(08/16)1G1M-T (Lead)- HY27(U/S)A(08/16)1G1M-TP (Lead Free) - HY27(U/S)A08121A-V(P): 48-Pin WSOP1 (12 x 17 x 0.7 mm)- HY27(U/S)A081G1M-V (Lead)- HY27(U/S)A081G1M-VP (Lead Free) - HY27(U/S)A(08/16)121M-F(P): 63-Ball FBGA (8.5 x 15 x 1.2 mm)- HY27(U/S)A(08/16)1G1M-F (Lead)- HY27(U/S)A(08/16)1G1M-FP (Lead Free)Rev 0.5 / Oct. 2004 31Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashDESCRIPTIONThe HYNIX HY27(U/S)A(08/16)1G1M series is a family of non-volatile Flash memories that use NAND cell technology. The devices operate 3.3V and 1.8V voltage supply. The size of a Page is either 528 Bytes (512 + 16 spare) or 264 Words (256 + 8 spare) depending on whether the device has a x8 or x16 bus width.The address lines are multiplexed with the Data Input/ Output signals on a multiplexed x8 or x16 Input/ Output bus. This interface reduces the pin count and makes it possible to migrate to other densities without changing the footprint.Each block can be programmed and erased over 100,000 cycles. To extend the lifetime of NAND Flash devices it is strongly recommended to implement an Error Correction Code (ECC). A Write Protect pin is available to give a hard-ware protection against program and erase operations.The devices feature an open-drain Ready/Busy output that can be used to identify if the Program/ Erase/Read (PER) Controller is currently active. The use of an open-drain output allows the Ready/ Busy pins from several memories to be connected to a single pull-up resistor .A Copy Back command is available to optimize the management of defective blocks. When a Page Program operation fails, the data can be programmed in another page without having to resend the data to be programmed.The devices are available in the following packages: - 48-TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm) - 48-WSOP1 (12 x 17 x 0.7 mm)- 63-FBGA (8.5 x 15 x 1.2 mm, 6 x 8 ball array, 0.8mm pitch)Three options are available for the NAND Flash family:- Automatic Page 0 Read after Power-up, which allows the microcontroller to directly download the boot code from page 0.- Chip Enable Dont Care, which allows code to be directly downloaded by a microcontroller , as Chip Enable transitions during the latency time do not stop the read operation.- A Serial Number , which allows each device to be uniquely identified. The Serial Number options is subject to an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) and so not described in the datasheet. For more details of this option contact your near-est HYNIX Sales office.Devices are shipped from the factory with Block 0 always valid and the memory content bits, in valid blocks, erased to '1'.Rev 0.5 / Oct. 200441Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashI/O 8-15Data Input/Outputs for x16 Device I/O 0-7Data Input/Output, Address Inputs, or Com-mand Inputs for x8 and x16 deviceALE Address Latch Enable CLE Command Latch EnableCEChip Enable RE Read EnableRBRead/Busy (open-drain output)WE Write Enable WP Write Protect VCCSupply VoltageVSS GroundNC Not Connected InternallyDUDo Not UseTable 1: Signal NameFigure 1: Logic DiagramFigure 2. LOGIC BLOCK DIAGRAMRev 0.5 / Oct. 2004 51Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 3. 48-TSOP1 Contactions, x8(x16) DeviceFigure 4. 48-WSOP1 Contactions, x8 DeviceRev 0.5 / Oct. 200461Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 5. 63-FBGA Contactions, x8 Device (Top view through package)Figure 6. 63-FBGA Contactions, x16 Device (Top view through package)Rev 0.5 / Oct. 200471Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashMEMORY ARRAY ORGANIZATIONThe memory array is made up of NAND structures where 16 cells are connected in series.The memory array is organized in blocks where each block contains 32 pages. The array is split into two areas, the main area and the spare area. The main area of the array is used to store data whereas the spare area is typically used to store Error Correction Codes, software flags or Bad Block identification.In x8 devices the pages are split into a main area with two half pages of 256 Bytes each and a spare area of 16 Bytes. In the x16 devices the pages are split into a 256 Word main area and an 8 Word spare area. Refer to Figure 8, Memory Array Organization.Bad BlocksThe NAND Flash 528 Byte/ 264 Word Page devices may contain Bad Blocks, that is blocks that contain one or more invalid bits whose reliability is not guaranteed. Additional Bad Blocks may develop during the lifetime of the device.The Bad Block Information is written prior to shipping (refer to Bad Block Management section for more details). The values shown include both the Bad Blocks that are present when the device is shipped and the Bad Blocks that could develop later on.These blocks need to be managed using Bad Blocks Management, Block Replacement or Error Correction Codes.Figure 7. Memory Array OrganizationRev 0.5 / Oct. 200481Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashSIGNAL DESCRIPTIONSSee Figure 1, Logic Diagram and Table 1, Signal Names, for a brief overview of the signals connected to this device.Inputs/Outputs (I/O 0-I/O 7)Input/Outputs 0 to 7 are used to input the selected address, output the data during a Read opertion or input a com-mand or data during a Write operation. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. I/O 0-I/O 7 can be left floating when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.Inputs/Outputs (I/O 8-I/O 15)Input/Outputs 8 to 15 are only available in x16 devices. They are used to output the data during a Read operation or input data during a Write operation. Command and Address Inputs only require I/O 0 to I/O 7.The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. I/O 8-I/O 15 can be left floating when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.Address Latch Enable (ALE)The Address Latch Enable activates the latching of the Address inputs in the Command Interface. When ALE is high, the inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable.Command Latch Enable (CLE)The Command Latch Enable activates the latching of the Command inputs in the Command Interface. When CLE is high, the inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable.Chip Enable (CE)The Chip Enable input activates the memory control logic, input buffers, decoders and sense amplifiers. When Chip En-able is low, V IL , the device is selected. If Chip Enable goes high, V IH , while the device is busy, the device remains se-lected and does not go into standby mode.When the device is executing a Sequential Row Read operation, Chip Enable must be held low (from the second page read onwards) during the time that the device is busy (t BLBH1). If Chip Enable goes high during t BLBH1 the operation is aborted.The Read Enable, RE, controls the sequential data output during Read operations. Data is valid t RLQV after the falling edge of RE. The falling edge of RE also increments the internal column address counter by one.The Write Enable input, WE, controls writing to the Command Interface, Input Address and Data latches. Both addresses and data are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable.During power-up and power-down a recovery time of 1us (min) is required before the Command Interface is ready to accept a command. It is recommended to keep Write Enable high during the recovery time.Write Protect (WP).The Write Protect pin is an input that gives a hardware protection against unwanted program or erase operations. When Write Protect is Low, V IL , the device does not accept any program or erase operations. It is recommended to keep the Write Protect pin Low, V IL , during power-up and power-down.Rev 0.5 / Oct. 200491Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashReady/Busy (RB)The Ready/Busy output, RB, is an open-drain output that can be used to identify if the Program/ Erase/ Read (PER) Controller is currently active.When Ready/Busy is Low, V OL , a read, program or erase operation is in progress. When the operation completes Ready/Busy goes High, V OH .The use of an open-drain output allows the Ready/ Busy pins from several memories to be connected to a single pull-up resistor . A Low will then indicate that one, or more, of the memories is busy.Refer to the Ready/Busy Signal Electrical Characteristics section for details on how to calculate the value of the pull-up resistor .V CC Supply VoltageV CC provides the power supply to the internal core of the memory device. It is the main power supply for all operations (read,program and erase).An internal voltage detector disables all functions whenever V CC is below 2.5V (for 3V devices) or 1.5V (for 1.8V devices) to protect the device from any involuntary program/erase during power-transitions.Each device in a system should have V CC decoupled with a 0.1uF capacitor . The PCB track widths should be sufficient to carry the required program and erase currents V SS GroundGround, V SS , is the reference for the power supply. It must be connected to the system ground.BUS OPERATIONSThere are six standard bus operations that control the memory. Each of these is described in this section, see Tables 2, Bus Operations, for a summary.Command InputCommand Input bus operations are used to give commands to the memory. Command are accepted when Chip Enable is Low, Command Latch Enable is High, Address Latch Enable is Low and Read Enable is High. They are latched on the rising edge of the Write Enable signal.Only I/O 0 to I/O 7 are used to input commands. See Figure 21 and Table 14 for details of the timings requirements.Address InputAddress Input bus operations are used to input the memory address. Four bus cycles are required to input theaddresses for the 512Mb devices (refer to Tables 3 and 4, Address Insertion). The addresses are accepted when Chip Enable is Low, Address Latch Enable is High, Command Latch Enable is Low and Read Enable is High. They are latched on the rising edge of the Write Enable signal. Only I/O 0 to I/O 7 are used to input addresses. See Figure 22 and Table 14 for details of the timings requirements. Data InputData Input bus operations are used to input the data to be programmed.Data is accepted only when Chip Enable is Low, Address Latch Enable is Low, Command Latch Enable is Low and Read Enable is High. The data is latched on the rising edge of the Write Enable signal. The data is input sequentially using the Write Enable signal.See Figure 23 and Tables 14 and 15 for details of the timings requirements.Rev 0.5 / Oct. 2004101Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashData OutputData Output bus operations are used to read: the data in the memory array, the Status Register , the Electronic Signa-ture and the Serial Number . Data is output when Chip Enable is Low, Write Enable is High, Address Latch Enable is Low, and Command Latch Enable is Low. The data is output sequentially using the Read Enable signal. See Figure 24 and Table 15 for details of the timings requirements.Write ProtectWrite Protect bus operations are used to protect the memory against program or erase operations. When the Write Protect signal is Low the device will not accept program or erase operations and so the contents of the memory array cannot be altered. The Write Protect signal is not latched by Write Enable to ensure protection even during power-up.StandbyWhen Chip Enable is High the memory enters Standby mode, the device is deselected, outputs are disabled and power consumption is reduced.Rev 0.5 / Oct. 2004111Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashTable 2. Bus OperationNote : (1) Only for x16 devices.(2) WP must be V IH when issuing a program or erase command.Table 3: Address Insertion, x8 DevicesNote: (1). A8 is set Low or High by the 00h or 01h Command, see Pointer Operations section. (2). Any additional address input cycles will be ignored with tALS > 0ns.Table4: Address Insertion, x16 DevicesNote: (1). A8 is Don 't Care in x16 devices.(2). Any additional address input cycles will be ignored with tALS > 0ns. (3). A1 is the Least Significant Address for x16 devices. (4). The 01h Command is not used in x16 devices.BUS Operation CE ALE CLE RE WE WP I/O 0 - I/O 7I/O 8 - I/O 15(1)Command Input V IL V IL V IH V IH Rising X (2)Command X Address Input V IL V IH V IL V IH Rising X Address X Data Input V IL V IL V IL V IH Rising X Data Input Data Input Data Output V IL V IL V IL Falling V IH X Data OutputData OutputWrite Protect X X X X X V IL X X StandbyV IHXXXXXXXBus Cycle I/O 7I/O 6I/O 5I/O 4I/O 3I/O 2I/O 1I/O 0 1st Cycle A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0 2nd Cycle A16A15A14A13A12A11A10A9 3rd Cycle A24A23A22A21A20A19A18A17 4th CycleV ILV ILV ILV ILV ILV ILA26A25Bus Cycle I/O 8-I/O 15I/O 7I/O 6I/O 5I/O 4I/O 3I/O 2I/O 1I/O 0 1st Cycle X A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A0 2nd Cycle X A16A15A14A13A12A11A10A9 3rd Cycle X A24A23A22A21A20A19A18A17 4th CycleV ILV ILV ILV ILV ILV ILV ILA26A25Rev 0.5 / Oct. 2004121Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashCOMMAND SETAll bus write operations to the device are interpreted by the Command Interface. The Commands are input on I/O 0-I/O 7 and are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable when the Command Latch Enable signal is high. Device opera-tions are selected by writing specific commands to the Command Register . The two-step command sequences for pro-gram and erase operations are imposed to maximize data security.The Commands are summarized in Table 5, Commands.Table 5: Command SetNote: (1). Any undefined command sequence will be ignored by the device.(2). Bus Write Operation(1st , 2nd and 3rd Cycle) : The bus cycles are only shown for issuing the codes. The cycles required to input the addresses or input/output data are not shown.DEVICE OPERATIONSPointer OperationsAs the NAND Flash memories contain two different areas for x16 devices and three different areas for x8 devices (see Figure 8) the read command codes (00h, 01h, 50h) are used to act as pointers to the different areas of the memory array (they select the most significant column address).The Read A and Read B commands act as pointers to the main memory area. Their use depends on the bus width of the device.- In x16 devices the Read A command (00h) sets the pointer to Area A (the whole of the main area) that is Words 0 to 255.- In x8 devices the Read A command (00h) sets the pointer to Area A (the first half of the main area) that is Bytes 0 to 255, and the Read B command (01h) sets the pointer to Area B (the second half of the main area) that is Bytes 256 to 511.In both the x8 and x16 devices the Read C command (50h), acts as a pointer to Area C (the spare memory area) that is Bytes 512 to 527 or Words 256 to 263.FUNCTION1st CYCLE2nd CYCLE3rd CYCLECommand accepted during busyREAD A 00h -- READ B 01h -- READ C50h -- READ ELECTRINIC SIGNATURE 90h -- READ STATUS REGISTER 70h --YesPAGE PROGRAM 80h 10h - COPY BACK PROGRAM 00h 8Ah 10h BLOCK ERASE 60h D0h - RESETFFh--YesRev 0.5 / Oct. 2004131Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashOnce the Read A and Read C commands have been issued the pointer remains in the respective areas until another pointer code is issued. However , the Read B command is effective for only one operation, once an operation has been executed in Area B the pointer returns automatically to Area A.The pointer operations can also be used before a program operation, that is the appropriate code (00h, 01h or 50h) can be issued before the program command 80h is issued (see Figure 9).Figure 8. Pointer OperationFigure 9. Pointer Operations for ProgrammingRev 0.5 / Oct. 2004141Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashRead Memory ArrayEach operation to read the memory area starts with a pointer operation as shown in the Pointer Operations section. Once the area (main or spare) has been selected using the Read A, Read B or Read C commands four bus cycles. The device defaults to Read A mode after powerup or a Reset operation. Devices, where page0 is read automatically at power-up, are available on request.When reading the spare area addresses: - A0 to A3 (x8 devices) - A0 to A2 (x16 devices)are used to set the start address of the spare area while addresses: - A4 to A7 (x8 devices) - A3 to A7 (x16 devices)are ignored.Once the Read A or Read C commands have been issued they do not need to be reissued for subsequent read opera-tions as the pointer remains in the respective area. However , the Read B command is effective for only one operation, once an operation has been executed in Area B the pointer returns automatically to Area A and so another Read B command is required to start another read operation in Area B.Once a read command is issued three types of operations are available: Random Read, Page Read and Sequential Row Read.Random ReadEach time the command is issued the first read is Random Read.Page ReadAfter the Random Read access the page data is transferred to the Page Buffer in a time of t WHBH (refer to Table 15 for value). Once the transfer is complete the Ready/Busy signal goes High. The data can then be read out sequentially (from selected column address to last column address) by pulsing the Read Enable signal.Sequential Row ReadAfter the data in last column of the page is output, if the Read Enable signal is pulsed and Chip Enable remains Low then the next page is automatically loaded into the Page Buffer and the read operation continues. A Sequential Row Read operation can only be used to read within a block. If the block changes a new read command must be issued. Refer to Figures 12 and 13 for details of Sequential Row Read operations. To terminate a Sequential Row Read opera-tion set the Chip Enable signal to High for more than t EHEL . Sequential Row Read is not available when the Chip Enable Don't Care option is enabled.Rev 0.5 / Oct. 2004151Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashNote: 1. If t ELWL is less than 10ns, t WLWH must be minimum 35ns, otherwise, t WLWH may be minimum 25ns.Note: 1. Highest address depends on device density.Figure 10. Read (A, B, C) OperationFigure 11. Read Block DiagramsRev 0.5 / Oct. 2004161Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashFigure 12. Sequential Row Read OperationFigure 13. Sequential Row Read Block DiagramsRev 0.5 / Oct. 2004171Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashPage ProgramThe Page Program operation is the standard operation to program data to the memory array. The main area of the memory array is programmed by page, however partial page programming is allowed where any number of bytes (1 to 528) or words (1 to 264) can be programmed.The max number of consecutive partial page program operations allowed in the same page is one in the main area and two in the spare area. After exceeding this a Block Erase command must be issued before any further program opera-tions can take place in that page.Before starting a Page Program operation a Pointer operation can be performed to point to the area to be pro-grammed. Refer to the Pointer Operations section and Figure 9 for details. Each Page Program operation consists of five steps (see Figure 14):1. one bus cycle is required to setup the Page Program command2. four bus cycles are then required to input the program address (refer to Table 3)3. the data is then input (up to 528 Bytes/ 264 Words) and loaded into the Page Buffer4. one bus cycle is required to issue the confirm command to start the Program/ Erase/Read Controller .5. The Program/ Erase/Read Controller then programs the data into the array.Once the program operation has started the Status Register can be read using the Read Status Register command. During program operations the Status Register will only flag errors for bits set to '1' that have not been successfully programmed to '0'.During the program operation, only the Read Status Register and Reset commands will be accepted, all other com-mands will be ignored.Once the program operation has completed the Program/ Erase/Read Controller bit SR6 is set to '1' and the Ready/Busy signal goes High.The device remains in Read Status Register mode until another valid command is written to the Command Interface.Note: Before starting a Page Program operation a Pointer operation can be performed. Refer to Pointer section for details.Figure 14. Page Program OperationRev 0.5 / Oct. 2004181Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashCopy Back ProgramThe Copy Back Program operation is used to copy the data stored in one page and reprogram it in another page.The Copy Back Program operation does not require external memory and so the operation is faster and more efficient because the reading and loading cycles are not required. The operation is particularly useful when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block needs to be copied to the newly assigned block.If the Copy Back Program operation fails an error is signalled in the Status Register . However as the standard external ECC cannot be used with the Copy Back operation bit error due to charge loss cannot be detected. For this reason it is recommended to limit the number of Copy Back operations on the same data and/or to improve the performance of the ECC.The Copy Back Program operation requires three steps:- 1. The source page must be read using the Read A command (one bus write cycle to setup the command and then 4 bus write cycles to input the source page address). This operation copies all 264 Words/ 528 Bytes from the page into the Page Buffer .- 2. When the device returns to the ready state (Ready/Busy High), the second bus write cycle of the command is given with the 4 bus cycles to input the target page address. A25 & A26 must be the same for the Source and Target Pages.- 3. Then the confirm command is issued to start the P/E/R Controller .After a Copy Back Program operation, a partial page program is not allowed in the target page until the block has been erased.See Figure 15 for an example of the Copy Back operation.Block EraseErase operations are done one block at a time. An erase operation sets all of the bits in the addressed block to '1'. All previous data in the block is lost. An erase operation consists of three steps (refer to Figure 17):1. One bus cycle is required to setup the Block Erase command.2. Only three bus cycles for the devices are required to input the block address. The first cycle (A0 to A7) is notrequired as only addresses A14 to A26 (highest address depends on device density) are valid, A9 to A13 are ignored. In the last address cycle I/O 0 to I/O 7 must be set to V IL .3. One bus cycle is required to issue the confirm command to start the P/E/R Controller .Figure 15. Copy Back OperationRev 0.5 / Oct. 2004191Gbit (128Mx8bit / 64Mx16bit) NAND FlashOnce the erase operation has completed the Status Register can be checked for errors.ResetThe Reset command is used to reset the Command Interface and Status Register . If the Reset command is issued dur-ing any operation, the operation will be aborted. If it was a program or erase operation that was aborted, the contents of the memory locations being modified will no longer be valid as the data will be partially programmed or erased.If the device has already been reset then the new Reset command will not be accepted. The Ready/Busy signal goes Low for t BLBH4 after the Reset command is issued. The value of t BLBH4 depends on the operation that the device was performing when the command was issued, refer to Table 15 for the values.Read Status RegisterThe device contains a Status Register which provides information on the current or previous Program or Erase opera-tion. The various bits in the Status Register convey information and errors on the operation.The Status Register is read by issuing the Read Status Register command. The Status Register information is present on the output data bus (I/O 0- I/O 7) on the falling edge of Chip Enable or Read Enable, whichever occurs last. When several memories are connected in a system, the use of Chip Enable and Read Enable signals allows the system to poll each device separately, even when the Ready/Busy pins are common-wired. It is not necessary to toggle the Chip Enable or Read Enable signals to update the contents of the Status Register .After the Read Status Register command has been issued, the device remains in Read Status Register mode until another command is issued. Therefore if a Read Status Register command is issued during a Random Read cycle a new read command must be issued to continue with a Page Read or Sequential Row Read operation.The Status Register bits are summarized in Table 6, Status Register Bits. Refer to Table 6 in conjunction with the fol-lowing text descriptions.Write Protection Bit (SR7)The Write Protection bit can be used to identify if the device is protected or not. If the Write Protection bit is set to '1' the device is not protected and program or erase operations are allowed. If the Write Protection bit is set to '0' the device is protected and program or erase operations are not allowed.Figure 17. Block Erase Operation。
青岛海信电器 LED55T28GPN(1100) 液晶电视 服务手册
R液晶电视服务手册 LED55T28GPN(1100)MST6i78机芯方案青岛海信电器股份有限公司开发中心开发一部2010.08LED55T28GPN(1100) (3)一、产品介绍 (3)(一)、产品外观介绍 (3)(二)、产品功能规格、特点介绍 (5)(三)、产品差异介绍: (6)二、方案概述: (6)三、原理说明 (6)电路框图构架: (6)电源分配 (7)四、产品爆炸图及明细 (26)五、主板及电源板图 (28)六、软件升级方法 (31)液晶电视服务手册LED55T28GPN(1100)一、产品介绍(一)、产品外观介绍LED55T28GPN(1100)外观:技术参数:各端子电平特性:(三)、产品差异介绍:本机型电路方面除采用模拟高频头外,其它与LED55T29GP相似。
主要特点包括:1. 芯片内置了VIF及SIF解码,可以实现PAL、NTSC和SECAM 的接收;2. 同时芯片内置了4路HIMI输入(支持CEC功能,暂不开发)、3路YPbPr/RGB输入、5路AV输入、2路USB输入。
可以采用USB进行升级;3. 支持MPEG-2、H.264、AVS(up to 1920*1088@30fps)、VC1等多种解码;4.多媒体(USB2.0)功能,图片支持JPEG(8192x8192)、BMP(3000x3000)、PNG(3000x3000);音乐支持MP3、WMA、WAV;电影支持AVI、MP4、MPG、MPEG、VOB、TS、MOV、MKV、RM、RMVB、ASF、WMV、FLV;5.强大的Widget网络功能;6.支持wifi(USB dangle形式)功能。
三、原理说明电路框图构架:6i78 采用了3核独立CPU架构、提升性能:1、MIPS cpu:用于网络部分处理;2、32Bit CPU:用于TV的软件3、DSP:多媒体解码电源分配1. 电源部分---系统3.3Vstb 3.3Vstb 为待机3.3V,通过待机5V 转换而来,待机不受控。
gigabyte m28u gaming monitor user 说明书
Gaming Monitor User GuideCopyright© 2020 GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. All rights reserved.The trademarks mentioned in this manual are legally registered to their respective owners.DisclaimerInformation in this manual is protected by copyright laws and is the property of GIGABYTE.Changes to the specifications and features in this manual may be made by GIGABYTE without prior notice.No part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, translated, transmitted, or published in any form or by any means without GIGABYTE’s prior written permission.• In order to assist in the use of this monitor, carefully read the User Guide.• For more information, check on our website at:https://Gaming Monitor User Guide CONTENTSSOFTWARE INSTALLATION (4)Preparation (4)Installing the Software (5)Uninstalling the Software (6)USING THE SOFTWARE (7)Launching the Software (7)Configuring the Settings (7)DISPLAY SETTING (8)HOT KEY (17)GENERAL SETTING (19)ABOUT (20)Gaming Monitor User GuideSOFTWARE INSTALLATION Preparation1. Connect one end of a USB (A-Male to B-Male) cable to the USBport of the LCD monitor and the other end to the USB port of your computer.2. Connect any of the following:• One end of an HDMI cable to the HDMI port of the LCD monitor and the other end to the HDMI port of your computer.• One end of a DisplayPort cable to the DP port of the LCD monitor and the other end to the DP port of your computer.3. Plug the power adapter to the DC port on the monitor. Then plug thepower cables of your computer and the LCD monitor into a power outlet.4. Turn on your computer and the LCD monitor.Gaming Monitor User GuideInstalling the SoftwareIMPORTANT! If you have installed an older version of the software on your computer, you have to remove the previously installed software first before proceeding with the following installation process. To uninstall the software, refer to the “Uninstalling the Software” section.1. Open the web browser and enterhttps:///Monitor/All-Series to the address bar. 2. Click on your gaming monitor name and download the software toyour computer.3. Double-click UpdPack.exe. The extracting wizard appears.4. Wait until the installation is complete and click OK when prompted.Gaming Monitor User GuideUninstalling the Software1. From the Windows desktop, click and select GIGABTYE.2. Right-click on OSD_Sidekick. Then select Uninstall.3. The Programs and Features page appears on the screen. SelectOSDSidekick from the list.4. Right-click on OSDSidekick and select Uninstall. Then follow theon-screen instructions to uninstall the software.Gaming Monitor User Guide USING THE SOFTWARELaunching the SoftwareIMPORTANT! Before launching the software, make sure your computer is connected to the LCD monitor through a USB cable as described in step 1 in “Preparation” on page 4.After the driver installation is complete, the OSD Sidekick software shortcut icon appears on the desktop.Double-click the icon to launch the software.Note: The first time you open the OSD Sidekick software, you need to run it as an administrator. To do so, right-click OSD_Sideclick in > GIGABYTE folder, and select More > Run as administrator. Then launch the software.Configuring the SettingsUsing the OSD Sidekick software, you can configure the advanced settings for the monitor.Gaming Monitor User GuideNote:• Most of the configuration options are similar with the OSD menu and Quick menu that you can directly access using the Control button on the monitor. For more information, refer to the monitor user guide.• To make the adjustment, generally, you can do one of the following:D Drag the slider to adjust the setting.D Click the ON /OFF button to enable or disable the function.D Click the q icon to select the available option.• All the changes will be applied directly to the monitor.DISPLAY SETTINGConfigure the game, image, multi-picture, Dashboard, and Game Assistrelated settings.Configuring the Picture Mode ProfilesBy default, there are 6 preset Picture Mode profiles. These profiles cannot be deleted.Note: Hover the cursor over the preset Picture Mode name and click toreset the preset Picture Mode profile to its default settings.Gaming Monitor User Guide However, you can still do the following:D Click E-sports Customize > to add an additional profile or importother profile.√To add an additional profile, select Add profile.Note: Make sure to configure the necessary Gaming & Picture settingsbefore creating a new profile.√To import other profile from the specified folder, select Import profile.Browse the location and select the profile file to import. Thenclick OK to import the file.Gaming Monitor User GuideNote: The default Profile folder is located at the OSDsidekick installation path.D Click to export a profile to the specified folder.Browse the location and enter the file name. Then click OK to export the file.Note: The default Profile folder is located at the OSDsidekick installation path.D Click and do any of the following to customize the profile:- Rename the profile.- Click to modify the profile picture. Browse for the picture, and click OK to upload.- Click to confirm the modifications.- Click to reject the modifications.D Click to delete the customized profile.D Click to close the E-sports Customize menu.Note: The user defined Picture Mode applies to the monitor Custom 3.Customizing the Crosshair CursorSet the CROSSHAIR setting to ON to activate the function. Then select one of the rectangular grids (marked in the illustration below) and click .Select the desired color and line thickness. Then draw a new crosshair cursor.Once complete, click Save. The new crosshair cursor will appear on the screen.Exporting/Importing the Crosshair CursorD Click Export to export the Crosshair file to the specified folder.Browse the location and enter the file name. Then click OK to export the file.Note: The default Crosshair folder is located at the OSDsidekick installation path.D Click Import to import the Crosshair file from the specified folder.Browse the location and select the Crosshair file to import. Then click OK to import the file.Note: The default Crosshair folder is located at the OSDsidekick installation path.Linking Apps to the ProfileClick to link the profile with an application.Then select the application (*.exe) you want to link and click OK.When you open that application, the display setting will automatically change to the profile you linked.Customizing the Dashboard InformationSet the DASHBOARD setting to ON to activate the function. Then configure the following settings:D In LOCATION, click the q icon to set the location of the options onthe screen to Up or Down.Note: The DASHBOARD location on the right side or on the left side of the screen depends on the Game Assist location setting. For example, if the Game Assist items are on the left side of the screen, then the DASHBOARD items are on the right side of the screen and vice versa.D Click SETTINGS and check the desired option(s) to be shown on thescreen.Note: Uncheck the option to hide it from the screen.Customizing the Game Assist SettingsConfigure the following Game Assist settings:D Set the REFRESH RATE setting to ON to enable displaying therefresh rate.D Set the GAMING TIMER setting to ON to enable displaying thegaming timer.- Select either COUNT UP or COUNT DOWN the timer.- Click the q icon to set the countdown time.D Set the GAMING COUNTER setting to ON to enable displaying thegaming counter.D In LOCATION, click the q icon to set the gaming counter location onthe screen to Left Top, Left Center, Left Bottom, Right Top, Right Center, or Right Bottom.HOT KEYManage the keyboard shortcut to access a particular function which you are using frequently.Note: By default, the assigned hot keys appears on the HOT KEYS panel.Assigning a Hot Key1. On the FUNCTION panel, scroll down to select the function youwant to assign a hot key to.2. Click to add the function to the HOT KEYS panel.3. To assign a hot key to the function, do as follows:a) Click on one or more modifier key(s): ALT, SHIFT, and/or CTRL.b) Click on the symbol field and enter any desired symbol.c) Click to save the settings.Note: A function hot key consists of one or more modifier keys (Alt, Shift, Ctrl) plus a symbol.Editing a Hot KeyTo edit a hot key, do as follows:1. Select the function on the HOT KEYS panel and click .2. To assign a new hot key, do as follows:a) Click on one or more modifier key(s): ALT, SHIFT, and/or CTRL.b) Click on the symbol field and enter any desired symbol.c) Click to save the settings.Deleting a Hot KeyOn the HOT KEYS panel, select the hot key you want to delete and click .GENERAL SETTINGConfigure the display screen, system, and hot keys (for the Controlbutton) related settings.Changing the Hot Key for the Control ButtonOn the QUICK SWITCH panel, you can change the preset hot key function for the Controlbutton.the q icon . ThenABOUTView the current firmware and software version and give you options to update the latest version.IMPORTANT! During the firmware updating process, do not turn off the monitor. Any interruption may cause the device to malfunction.Updating the Software AutomaticallyClick LIVE UPDATE to check and automatically update software when a new version is available.Set the AUTO UPDATE setting to ON to allow the system to checkfor software updates and display a message when a new update is available every time you open the app.Note: Checking and updating software automatically requires Internet connection.Gaming Monitor User GuideUpdating the Firmware ManuallyNote: Updating firmware manually does not require Internet connection.1. Click DOWNLOAD. Then download the latest firmware fromGIGABYTE web site and save the file on your computer..2. Click BROWSE. Then select for the firmware file (*.bin) and click OKthe firmware to the latest version.4. Wait until the updating process is complete. Once the process iscomplete, a “Success” message appears on the screen. Then click OKto close the message window.- 21 -。
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This document is a general product description and is subject to change without notice. Hynix does not assume any responsibility for use of circuits described. No patent licenses are implied.Rev 0.1 / Jul. 2008 11 Gb NAND Flash H27U1G8F2BDocument Title1 Gbit (128 M x 8 bit) NAND Flash MemoryRevision HistoryRevisionNo.History Draft Date Remark0.0Initial Draft.May. 13. 2008Preliminary0.11) Correct Table 5. Mode Selection.Jul. 4. 2008Preliminary CLE ALE CE WE RE WP MODEL L L H H X During Read (Busy)↓↓↓X X X H H X During Read (Busy)FEATURES SUMMARYHIGH DENSITY NAND FLASH MEMORIES- Cost effective solutions for mass storage applicationsNAND INTERFACE- x8 bus width.- Address / Data Multiplexing- Pinout compatiblity for all densitiesSUPPLY VOLTAGE- 3.3 V device : Vcc = 2.7 V ~3.6 VMEMORY CELL ARRAY- (2 K + 64) bytes x 64 pages x 1024 blocksPAGE SIZE- (2 K + 64 spare) BytesBLOCK SIZE- (128 K + 4 K spare) BytesPAGE READ / PROGRAM- Random access : 25 us (max.)- Sequential access : 25 ns (min.)- Page program time : 200 us (typ.)FAST BLOCK ERASE- Block erase time: 2 ms (Typ)ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE- 1st cycle : Manufacturer Code- 2nd cycle : Device Code- 3rd cycle : Internal chip number, Cell Type, Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages.- 4th cycle : Page size, Block size, Organization, Spare size COPY BACK PROGRAM- Fast Data Copy without external bufferingCACHE READ- Internal buffer to improve the read throughputCHIP ENABLE DON'T CARE- Simple interface with microcontrollerSTATUS REGISTER- Normal Status Register (Read/Program/Erase)HARDWARE DATA PROTECTION- Program/Erase locked during Power transitions.DATA RETENTION- 100,000 Program/Erase cycles(with 1 bit / 528 byte ECC)- 10 years Data RetentionPACKAGE- H27U1G8F2BTR-BX: 48-Pin TSOP1 (12 x 20 x 1.2 mm)- H27U1G8F2BTR-BX (Lead & Halogen Free)1. SUMMARY DESCRIPTIONHynix NAND H27U1G8F2B Series have 128 M x 8 bit with spare 4 M x 8 bit capacity. The device is offered in 3.3 V Vcc Power Supply, and with x8 I/O interface. Its NAND cell provides the most cost-effective solution for the solid state mass storage market. The memory is divided into blocks that can be erased independently so it is possible to preserve valid data while old data is erased.The device contains 1024 blocks, composed by 64 pages. A program operation allows to write the 2112 byte page in typical 200 us and an erase operation can be performed in typical 2.0 ms on a 128 K byte block.Data in the page can be read out at 25ns cycle time per byte. The I/O pins serve as the ports for address and data input/ output as well as command input. This interface allows a reduced pin count and easy migration towards different densities, without any rearrangement of footprint.Commands, Data and Addresses are synchronously introduced using CE, WE, RE, ALE and CLE input pin. The on-chip Program/Erase Controller automates all program and erase functions including pulse repetition, where required, and inter-nal verification and margining of data. The modify operations can be locked using the WP input.The chip supports CE don't care function. This function allows the direct download of the code from the NAND Flash memory device by a microcontroller, since the CE transitions do not stop the read operation.The output pin R/B (open drain buffer) signals the status of the device during each operation. In a system with multiple memories the R/B pins can be connected all together to provide a global status signal.Even the write-intensive systems can take advantage of the H27U1G8F2B Series extended reliability of 100 K program/ erase cycles by providing ECC (Error Correcting Code) with real time mapping-out algorithm.The copy back function allows the optimization of defective blocks management: when a page program operation fails the data can be directly programmed in another page inside the same array section without the time consuming serial data insertion phase. Data read out after copy back read is allowed.This device includes also extra features like OTP/Unique ID area, Read ID2 extension.The H27U1G8F2B is available in 48-TSOP1 12 x 20 mm.1.1 Product ListPART NUMBER ORGANIZATION Vcc RANGE PACKAGEH27U1G8F2B x8 2.7V ~ 3.6V48-TSOP1Figure 2 : 48-TSOP1 Contact, x8 DeviceIO7 - IO0Data Input / Outputs CLECommand latch enable ALE Address latch enableCE Chip Enable RE Read Enable WE Write Enable WP Write Protect R/B Ready / Busy Vcc Power Supply Vss Ground NCNo ConnectionTable 1 : Signal Names1.2 PIN DESCRIPTIONTable 2 : Pin DescriptionNOTE :1. A 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between the Vcc Supply Voltage pin and the Vss Ground pin to decouple the current surges from the power supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to carry the currents required during program and erase operations.Pin Name DescriptionIO0 ~ IO7DATA INPUTS/OUTPUTSThe IO pins allow to input command, address and data and to output data during read / program operations. The inputs are latched on the rising edge of Write Enable (WE). The I/O buffer float to High-Z when the device is deselected or the outputs are disabled.CLECOMMAND LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Command Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).ALE ADDRESS LATCH ENABLEThis input activates the latching of the IO inputs inside the Address Register on the Rising edge of Write Enable (WE).CE CHIP ENABLEThis input controls the selection of the device.WEWRITE ENABLEThis input acts as clock to latch Command, Address and Data. The IO inputs are latched on the rise edge of WE.REREAD ENABLEThe RE input is the serial data-out control, and when active drives the data onto the I/O bus. Data is valid tREA after the falling edge of RE which also increments the internal column address counter by one.WP WRITE PROTECTThe WP pin, when Low, provides an Hardware protection against undesired modify (program / erase)operations.R/B READY BUSYThe Ready/Busy output is an Open Drain pin that signals the state of the memory.Vcc SUPPLY VOLTAGEThe Vcc supplies the power for all the operations (Read, Write, Erase). Vss GROUND NCNO CONNECTIONFigure 3 : Array OrganizationTable 3 : Address Cycle MapNOTE:1. L must be set to Low.2. 1st & 2nd cycle are Column Address.3. 3rd to 4th cycle are Row Address.IO0IO1IO2IO3IO4IO5IO6IO71st CycleA0A1A2A3A4A5A6A72nd CycleA8A9A10A11L (1)L (1)L (1)L (1)3rd Cycle A12A13A14A15A16A17A18A194th CycleA20A21A22A23A24A25A26A27Table 4 : Command SetNOTE : With the CE don't care option CE high during latency time does not stop the read operationTable 5 : Mode SelectionFUNCTION1st 2nd 3rd 4th Acceptable Command During BusyPAGE READ00h 30h --READ FOR COPY-BACK 00h 35h --READ ID 90h ---RESETFFh ---Yes PAGE PROGRAM 80h 10h --COPY BACK PGM 85h 10h --BLOCK ERASE60h D0h --READ STATUS REGISTER 70h ---Yes RANDOM DATA INPUT 85h ---RANDOM DATA OUTPUT 05h E0h--CACHE READ START 31h --CACHE READ EXIT3Fh---CLE ALE CE WE RE WP MODEH L L Rising H X Read ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H X Address Input (4 cycles)H L L Rising H H Write ModeCommand Input L H L Rising H H Address Input (4 cycles)L L L Rising H H Data InputL L L H Falling X Data Output X X X H H X During Read (Busy)X X X X X H During Program (Busy)X X X X X H During Erase (Busy)X X X X XLWrite Protect XXHXX 0 V / VccStand By2. BUS OPERATIONThere are six standard bus operations that control the device. These are Command Input, Address Input, Data Input, Data Output, Write Protect, and Standby.Typically glitches less than 5 ns on Chip Enable, Write Enable and Read Enable are ignored by the memory and do not affect bus operations.2.1 Command Input.Command Input bus operation is used to give a command to the memory device. Command are accepted with Chip En-able low, Command Latch Enable High, Address Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See Figure 5 and Table 12 for details of the timings requirements.2.2 Address Input.Address Input bus operation allows the insertion of the memory address. To insert the 28 addresses needed to access the 1Gbit 4 clock cycles are needed. Addresses are accepted with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable High, Command Latch Enable low and Read Enable High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. Moreover for commands that starts a modify operation (write/erase) the Write Protect pin must be high. See Figure 6 and Table 12 for details of the timings requirements.2.3 Data Input.Data Input bus operation allows to feed to the device the data to be programmed. The data insertion is serially and timed by the Write Enable cycles. Data are accepted only with Chip Enable low, Address Latch Enable low, Command Latch Enable low, Read Enable High, and Write Protect High and latched on the rising edge of Write Enable. See Figure 7 and Table 12 for details of the timings requirements.2.4 Data Output.Data Output bus operation allows to read data from the memory array and to check the status register content, the lock status and the ID data. Data can be serially shifted out toggling the Read Enable pin with Chip Enable low, Write Enable High, Address Latch Enable low, and Command Latch Enable low. See Figure 8, 9, 10 and Table 12 for details of the timings requirements.2.5 Write Protect.Hardware Write Protection is activated when the Write Protect pin is low. In this condition modify operation do not start and the content of the memory is not altered. Write Protect pin is not latched by Write Enable to ensure the protection even during the power up.2.6 Standby.In Standby the device is deselected, outputs are disabled and Power Consumption reduced.3. DEVICE OPERATION3.1 Page Read.Upon initial device power up, the device defaults to Read mode. This operation is also initiated by writing 00h and 30h to the command register along with four address cycles. In two consecutive read operations, the second one does need 00h command, which four address cycles and 30h command initiates that operation. Second read operation always re-quires setup command if first read operation was executed using also random data out command.Two types of operations are available: random read , serial page read. The random read mode is enabled when the page address is changed. The 2112 bytes of data within the selected page are transferred to the data registers in less than 25 us(tR). The system controller may detect the completion of this data transfer (tR) by analyzing the output of R/B pin. Once the data in a page is loaded into the data registers, they may be read out in 25 ns cycle time by sequentially pulsing RE. The repetitive high to low transitions of the RE clock make the device output the data starting from the selected column address up to the last column address.The device may output random data in a page instead of the consecutive sequential data by writing random data output command.The column address of next data, which is going to be out, may be changed to the address which follows random data output command.Random data output can be operated multiple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.After power up, device is in read mode so 00h command cycle is not necessary to start a read operation.Any operation other than read or random data output causes device to exit read mode.Check Figure 11, Figure 12, and Figure 13 as references.3.2 Page Program.The device is programmed basically by page, but it does allow multiple partial page programming of a word or consec-utive bytes up to 2112, in a single page program cycle. The number of consecutive partial page programming operation within the same page without an intervening erase operation must not exceed 8; for example, 4 times for main array (1time/512byte) and 4 times for spare array (1time/16byte).A page program cycle consists of a serial data loading period in which up to 2112 bytes of data may be loaded into the data register, followed by a non-volatile programming period where the loaded data is programmed into the appropriate cell.The serial data loading period begins by inputting the Serial Data Input command (80h), followed by the four cycle ad-dress inputs and then serial data. The words other than those to be programmed do not need to be loaded. The device supports random data input in a page. The column address of next data, which will be entered, may be changed to the address which follows random data input command (85h). Random data input may be operated multiple times regardless of how many times it is done in a page.The Page Program confirm command (10h) initiates the programming process. Writing 10h alone without previously en-tering the serial data will not initiate the programming process. The internal write state controller automatically executes the algorithms and timings necessary for program and verify, thereby freeing the system controller for other tasks. Once the program process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register. The system controller can detect the completion of a program cycle by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Register. Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while programming is in progress. When the Page Program is complete, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked. The internal write verify detects only errors for "1"s that are not successfully programmed to "0"s. The command register remains in Read Status command mode until another valid command is written to the command register. Figure 14 and Figure 15 detail the sequence.3.3 Block Erase.The Erase operation is done on a block basis. Block address loading is accomplished in two cycles initiated by an Erase Setup command (60h). Only address A18 to A27 is valid while A12 to A17 are ignored. The Erase Confirm command (D0h) following the block address loading initiates the internal erasing process. This two-step sequence of setup followed by ex-ecution command ensures that memory contents are not accidentally erased due to external noise conditions.At the rising edge of WE after the erase confirm command input, the internal write controller handles erase and erase-verify.Once the erase process starts, the Read Status Register command may be entered to read the status register. The system controller can detect the completion of an erase by monitoring the R/B output, or the Status bit (I/O 6) of the Status Reg-ister. Only the Read Status command and Reset command are valid while erasing is in progress. When the erase operation is completed, the Write Status Bit (I/O 0) may be checked.Figure 18 details the sequence.3.4 Copy-Back Program.The copy-back program is configured to quickly and efficiently rewrite data stored in one page without utilizing an ex-ternal memory. Since the time-consuming cycles of serial access and re-loading cycles are removed, the system perform-ance is improved. The benefit is especially obvious when a portion of a block is updated and the rest of the block is also needed to be copied to the newly assigned free block. The operation for performing a copy-back program is a sequential execution of page-read without serial access and copying-program with the address of destination page. A read operation with "35h" command and the address of the source page moves the whole 2112byte data into the internal data buffer. As soon as the device returns to Ready state, optional data read-out is allowed by toggling RE, or Copy Back command (85h) with the address cycles of destination page may be written. The Program Confirm command (10h) is required to actually begin the programming operation. Data input cycle for modifying a portion or multiple distant portions of the source page is allowed as shown in Figure 17."When there is a program-failure at Copy-Back operation, error is reported by pass/fail status. But, if Copy-Back opera-tions are accumulated over time, bit error due to charge loss is not checked by external error detection/correction scheme. For this reason, two bit error correction is recommended for the use of Copy-Back operation."Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the command sequence for the copy-back operation.Please note that WP value is don't care during Read for copy back, while it must be set to Vcc when performing the program .3.5 Read Status Register.The device contains a Status Register which may be read to find out whether read, program or erase operation is com-pleted, and whether the program or erase operation is completed successfully. After writing 70h command to the command register, a read cycle outputs the content of the Status Register to the I/O pins on the falling edge of CE or RE, whichever occurs last. This two line control allows the system to poll the progress of each device in multiple memory connections even when R/B pins are common-wired. RE or CE does not need to be toggled for updated status. Refer to Table 13 for specific Status Register definitions, and Figure 10 for specific timings requirements. The command register remains in Sta-tus Read mode until further commands are issued to it. Therefore, if the status register is read during a random read cycle, the read command (00h) should be given before starting read cycles.3.6 Read ID.The device contains a product identification mode, initiated by writing 90h to the command register, followed by an ad-dress input of 00h. Four read cycles sequentially output the manufacturer code (20h), and the device code and 00h, 4th cycle ID, respectively. The command register remains in Read ID mode until further commands are issued to it. Figure 19 shows the operation sequence, while Table 14 to Table 17 explain the byte meaning.3.7 Reset.The device offers a reset feature, executed by writing FFh to the command register. When the device is in Busy state during random read, program or erase mode, the reset operation will abort these operations. The contents of memory cells being altered are no longer valid, as the data will be partially programmed or erased. The command register is cleared to wait for the next command, and the Status Register is cleared to value E0h when WP is high. Refer to Table 13 for device status after reset operation. If the device is already in reset state a new reset command will not be accepted by the com-mand register. The R/B pin transitions to low for tRST after the Reset command is written (see Figure 20).3.8 Read CacheThe Read Cache function permits a page to be read from the page register while another page is simultaneously read from the Flash array. A Read Page command, as defined in 3.1, shall be issued prior to the initial sequential or random Read Cache command in a read cache sequence.The Read Cache function may be issued after the Read function is complete (SR[6] is set to one). The host may enter the address of the next page to be read from the Flash array. Data output always begins at column address 00h. If the host does not enter an address to retrieve, the next sequential page is read. When the Read Cache function is issued, SR[6] is cleared to zero (busy). After the operation is begun SR[6] is set to one (ready) and the host may begin to read the data from the previous Read or Read Cache function. Issuing an additional Read Cache function copies the data most recently read from the array into the page register. When no more pages are to be read, the final page is copied into the page register by issuing the 3Fh command. The host may begin to read data from the page register when SR[6]is set to one (ready). When the 31h and 3Fh commands are issued, SR[6] shall be cleared to zero (busy) until the page has finished being copied from the Flash array.The host shall not issue a sequential Read Cache (31h) command after the last page of the device is read.Figure 21 defines the Read Cache behavior and timings for the beginning of the cache operations subsequent to a Read command being issued. SR[6] conveys whether the next selected page can be read from the page register. Figure 21 also shows the Read Cache behavior and timings for the end of cache operation.4. OTHER FEATURES4.1 Data Protection.The device is designed to offer protection from any involuntary program/erase during power-transitions. An internal volt-age detector disables all functions whenever Vcc is below about 1.8 V (3.3 V version). WP pin provides hardware protection and is recommended to be kept at V IL during power-up and power-down. A recovery time of minimum 10us is required before internal circuit gets ready for any command sequences as shown in Figure 22. The two-step command sequence for program/erase provides additional software protection.4.2 Ready/Busy.The device has a Ready/Busy output that provides method of indicating the completion of a page program, erase, copy-back, cache program and random read completion. The R/B pin is normally high and goes to low when the device is busy (after a reset, read, program, erase operation). It returns to high when the internal controller has finished the operation. The pin is an open-drain driver thereby allowing two or more R/B outputs to be Or-tied. Because pull-up resistor value is related to tr(R/B) and current drain during busy (I busy), an appropriate value can be obtained with the following reference chart (Figure 23). Its value can be determined by the following guidance.Table 6 : Number of Valid BlocksNOTE:1. The 1st block is guaranteed to be a valid block at the time of shipment.Table 7 : Absulute maximum ratingsNOTE:1. Except for the rating "Operating Temperature Range", stresses above those listed in the Table "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the Operating sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Refer also to the HYNIX SURE Program and other relevant quality documents.2. Minimum Voltage may undershoot to -2V during transition and for less than 20ns during transitions.Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Valid Block NumberN VB10041024BlocksSymbol ParameterValue Unit T A Ambient Operating Temperature (Temperature Range Option 1)0 to 70°C Ambient Operating Temperature (Temperature Range Option 6)– 40 to 85°C T BIAS Temperature Under Bias – 50 to 125°C T STG Storage Temperature – 65 to 150°C V IO (2)Input or Output Voltage– 0.6 to 4.6V V CCSupply Voltage– 0.6 to 4.6VFigure 4 : Block DiagramTable 8 : DC and Opeating CharacteristicsTable 9 : AC Test ConditionsParameterSymbol Test Conditions3.3 VoltUnitMin Typ Max Operating CurrentSequential Read I CC1t RC = 50 ns, CE = V IL, I OUT = 0 mA-1530mA Program I CC2--1530mA EraseI CC3--1530mA Stand-by Current (TTL)I CC4CE = V IH , WP = 0 V/V CC1mA Stand-By Current (CMOS)I CC5CE = V CC -0.2, WP = 0/V CC 1050uA Input Leakage Current I LI V IN = 0 to Vc (max)-±10uA Output Leakage Current I LO V OUT = 0 to Vcc(max)-±10uA Input High Voltage V IH -0.8 x V CC -V CC + 0.3V Input Low Voltage V IL --0.3-0.2 x V CCV Output High Voltage Level V OH I OH = - 400 uA 2.4--V Outpul Low Voltage Level V OLI OL = 2.1 mA--0.4V Output Low Current (R/B)I OL (R/B)V OL = 0.4 V 810-mA Vcc supply voltage (erase andprogram) lockoutV LKO-1.8-VParameter Value 3.3 Volt Input Pulse Levels 0 V to V CCInput Rise and Fall Times 5 ns Input and Output Timing Levels V CC / 2Output Load (1.65V – 1.95V & 2.5V - 3.6V)1 TTL GATE and CL = 50 pFTable 10 : Pin Capacitance (TA = 25 ℃, f = 1.0 MHz)Table 11 : Program / Erase CharacteristicsNOTE :Typical program time is defined as the time when which more than 50 % of the whole pages are programmed at Vcc = 3.3 V and 25 ℃.ItemSymbol Test ConditionMin Max Unit Input / Output CapacitanceC I/O V IL = 0V -10pF Input CapacitanceC INV IN = 0V-10pFParameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Program Timet PROG -200700us Dummy Busy Time for Cache Program t CBSY -3700us Dummy Busy Time for the Lock or Lock-tight Blockt LBSY -510us Number of partial Program Cyclesin the same pageNop --8Cycle Block Erase Timet BERS-23msTable 12 : AC Timing CharacteristicsNOTE :1) If Reset Command (FFh) is written at Ready State, the device goes into Busy for maximum 5 usParameter Symbol 3.3 Volt Unit Min MaxCLE Setup time t CLS 12ns CLE Hold time t CLH 5ns CE Setup time t CS 20ns CE Hold time t CH 5ns WE Pulse width t WP 12ns ALE Setup time t ALS 12ns ALE Hold time t ALH 5ns Data Setup time t DS 12ns Data Hold time t DH 5ns Write Cycle time t WC 25ns WE High Hold time t WH 10ns Address to Data Loading time t ADL 70ns Data Transfer from Cell to Registert R 25us ALE to RE Delay t AR 10ns CLE to RE Delay t CLR 10ns Ready to RE Low t RR 20ns RE Pulse Width t RP 12ns WE High to Busy t WB 100ns Read Cycle Time t RC 25ns RE Access Time t REA 20ns RE High to Output Hi-Z t RHZ 100ns CE High to Output Hi-Z t CHZ 30ns CE High to ALE or CLE Don’t caret CSD 10ns RE High to Output Hold t RHOH 15ns RE Low to Output Hold t RLOH 5ns CE High to Output Hold t COH 15ns RE High Hold Time t REH 10ns Output Hi-Z to RE Low t IR 0ns RE High to WE Low t RHW 100ns WE High to RE Lowt WHR 60ns Device Resetting Time (Read/Program/Erase)t RST5/10/500 1)usTable 13 : Status Register CodingTable 14 : Device Identifier CodingTable 15 : Read ID Data TableIO Page Program Block Erase Read Cache Read CODING 0Pass / FailPass / FailNA NA Pass: ‘0’ Fail: ‘1’1NA NA NA NA -2NA NA NA NA -3NA NA NA NA -4NA NA NA NA -5Ready/Busy Ready/Busy Ready/Busy P/E/R ControllerBit Active: ‘0’ Idle:’1’6Ready/Busy Ready/Busy Ready/Busy Ready/BusyBusy: ‘0’ Ready:’1’7Write ProtectWrite ProtectWrite ProtectNAProtected: ‘0’ Not Protected: ‘1’DEVICE IDENTIFIER BYTEDESCRIPTION 1st Manufacturer Code 2nd Device Identifier3rd Internal Chip Number , Cell Type, etc.4thPage Size, Block Size, Spare Size, OrganizationPart Number Voltage Bus Width 1st cycle(Manufacture Code)2nd cycle (Device Code)3rd cycle 4th cycle H27U1G8F2B3.3Vx8ADhF1h00h95hTable 16 : 3rd Byte of Device Identifier DescriptionTable 17 : 4th Byte of Device Identifier DescriptionDescriptionIO7IO6IO5 IO4IO3 IO2IO1 IO0Die / Package12480 00 11 01 1Cell Type2 Level Cell 4 Level Cell 8 Level Cell 16 Level Cell0 00 11 01 1Number of Simultaneously Programmed Pages 12480 00 11 01 1Interleave Program Between multiple chipsNotSupported 01Write CacheNotSupported01DescriptionIO7IO6IO5-4IO3IO2IO1-0Page Size(Without Spare Area)1KB 2KB 4KB 8KB 0 00 11 01 1Spare Area Size (Byte / 512Byte)81601Serial Access Time45 ns 25 ns Reserved Reserved 00110101Block Size(Without Spare Area)64K 128K 256K 512KB 0 00 11 01 1OrganizationX8X1601。