



2020年1月第59卷第1期湖北农业科学(半月刊)贮藏·加工纳米材料Ce-ZnO 结构表征及光催化降解罗丹明B 染料研究……………徐家豪,陈柔霖,杨舒怡,等(119)东北红松蘑多糖提取及抗氧化活性研究……………………………………金志民,柴军红,何婷婷,等(123)响应面法优化金花葵微波萃取工艺研究及香气分析………………………蒋美红,李仙,张勃,等(126)检测分析GC-MS 法对广西莪术不同种质类型高挥发油含量的测定………………………杨妮,王建,谢巍(131)HS-SPME-GC-MS 鉴别高良姜及大良姜……………………………………李锦周,杨红兵,刘毅,等(135)高效液相色谱法测定调味茶饮料中甜味剂和防腐剂………………………渠惠琳,窦凯凯,祁国烨,等(139)HS-SPME-GC-MS 分析青皮挥发性成分…………………………………………韩蔓,江汉美,马银宇(142)一种新的柱前衍生RP-HPLC 法测定渔产品中的生物胺……………………李素媛,喻玺,黄龙,等(145)生物工程卡其百合的不定芽诱导及植株再生…………………………………………李浩,刘玉超,黄子轩,等(149)工程大肠杆菌高效转化外源脂肪酸生成羟基脂肪酸的研究………………………………………王相伟(152)虾青素法夫酵母β-胡萝卜素转化酶的生物信息学分析……………………张爽,许勇,童琳,等(156)经济·管理抚州市人口城镇化与土地城镇化协调发展研究…………………………………………金泽韬,刘平辉(159)负面报道对旅游目的地信任的影响———基于性格特征与感知背叛的分析…………………………………鄢志武,谢云虎,田琪,等(164)旅游产业集群视角下美食旅游开发策略研究———以湖北省黄冈市为例………………………………………………………………………程文谦(170)基于SEM 的城乡环城游憩行为机理研究………………………………………李江敏,柴亚朵,高洁(175)社会治理视角下困境儿童救助研究———以江苏省沭阳县参加春蕾计划的困境儿童为例…………………………………………何梦婷(182)重庆市土地流转和经济发展对生态系统服务价值的影响………………………张维维,张理平,杨叶红(187)环境保护税征收对企业的影响及其筹划策略……………………………………胡井军,刘熙宇,沈晓梅(194)湖北幕阜山片区粮食生产功能区建设研究…………………………………孙志国,刘之杨,熊晚珍,等(198)广告·信息………………………………………………………………………………………………(31,封四)。


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Large-scale pattern growth of graphene films for stretchable transparent electrodes

Large-scale pattern growth of graphene films for stretchable transparent electrodes

LETTERS Large-scale pattern growth of graphene films for stretchable transparent electrodesKeun Soo Kim1,3,4,Yue Zhao7,Houk Jang2,Sang Yoon Lee5,Jong Min Kim5,Kwang S.Kim6,Jong-Hyun Ahn2,3, Philip Kim3,7,Jae-Young Choi5&Byung Hee Hong1,3,4Problems associated with large-scale pattern growth of graphene constitute one of the main obstacles to using this material in device applications1.Recently,macroscopic-scale graphene films were prepared by two-dimensional assembly of graphene sheets chem-ically derived from graphite crystals and graphene oxides2,3. However,the sheet resistance of these films was found to be much larger than theoretically expected values.Here we report the direct synthesis of large-scale graphene films using chemical vapour deposition on thin nickel layers,and present two different methods of patterning the films and transferring them to arbitrary sub-strates.The transferred graphene films show very low sheet resis-tance of280V per square,with80per cent optical transparency. At low temperatures,the monolayers transferred to silicon dioxide substrates show electron mobility greater than3,700cm2V21s21 and exhibit the half-integer quantum Hall effect4,5,implying that the quality of graphene grown by chemical vapour deposition is as high as mechanically cleaved graphene6.Employing the outstanding mechanical properties of graphene7,we also demonstrate the mac-roscopic use of these highly conducting and transparent electrodes in flexible,stretchable,foldable electronics8,9.Graphene has been attracting much attention owing to its fasci-nating physical properties such as quantum electronic transport4,5,a tunable band gap10,extremely high mobility11,high elasticity7and electromechanical modulation12.Since the discovery of the first iso-lated graphene prepared by mechanical exfoliation of graphite crys-tals6,many chemical approaches to synthesize large-scale graphene have been developed,including epitaxial growth on silicon carbide (refs13,14)and ruthenium(ref.15)as well as two-dimensional assembly of reduced graphene oxides3,16–18and exfoliated graphene sheets2.Epitaxial growth provides high-quality multilayer graphene samples interacting strongly with their substrates,but electrically isolated mono-or bilayer graphene for device applications has not been made.On the other hand,the self-assembly of soluble graphene sheets demonstrates the possibility of low-cost synthesis and the fabrication of large-scale transparent films.However,these assembled graphene films show relatively poor electrical conductivity owing to the poor interlayer junction contact resistance and the structural defects formed during the vigorous exfoliation and reduc-tion processes.In this work,we develop a technique for growing few-layer graphene films using chemical vapour deposition(CVD)and successfully transferring the films to arbitrary substrates without intense mechanical and chemical treatments,to preserve the high crystalline quality of the graphene samples.Therefore,we expect to observe enhanced electrical and mechanical properties.The growth, etching and transferring processes of the CVD-grown large-scale graphene films are summarized in Fig.1.It has been known for over40years that CVD of hydrocarbons on reactive nickel or transition-metal-carbide surfaces can produce thin graphitic layers19–21.However,the large amount of carbon sources absorbed on nickel foils usually form thick graphite crystals rather than graphene films(Fig.2a).To solve this problem,thin layers of nickel of thickness less than300nm were deposited on SiO2/Si sub-strates using an electron-beam evaporator,and the samples were then heated to1,000u C inside a quartz tube under an argon atmosphere. After flowing reaction gas mixtures(CH4:H2:Ar550:65:200standard cubic centimetres per minute),we rapidly cooled the samples to room temperature(,25u C)at the rate of,10u C s21using flowing argon. We found that this fast cooling rate is critical in suppressing formation of multiple layers and for separating graphene layers efficiently from the substrate in the later process20.A scanning electron microscope(SEM;JSM6490,Jeol)image of graphene films on a thin nickel substrate shows clear contrast between areas with different numbers of graphene layers(Fig.2a).Transmission electron microscope(TEM;JEM3010,Jeol)images(Fig.2b)show that the film mostly consists of less than a few layers of graphene.After transfer of the film to a silicon substrate with a300-nm-thick SiO2 layer,optical and confocal scanning Raman microscope(CRM200, Witech)images were made of the same area(Fig.2c,d)22.The brightest area in Fig.2d corresponds to monolayers,and the darkest area is composed of more than ten layers of graphene.Bilayer structures appear to predominate in both TEM and Raman images for this particular sample,which was prepared from7min of growth on a 300-nm-thick nickel layer.We found that the average number of gra-phene layers,the domain size and the substrate coverage can be con-trolled by changing the nickel thickness and growth time during the growth process(Supplementary Figs1and2),thus providing a way of controlling the growth of graphene for different applications. Atomic force microscope(AFM;Nanoscopes IIIa and E,Digital Instruments)images often show the ripple structures caused by the difference between the thermal expansion coefficients of nickel and graphene(Fig.2c,inset;see also Supplementary Fig.3)19.We believe that these ripples make the graphene films more stable against mech-anical stretching23,making the films more expandable,as we will discuss later.Multilayer graphene samples are preferable in terms of mechanical strength for supporting large-area film structures,whereas thinner graphene films have higher optical transparency.We find that a,300-nm-thick nickel layer on a silicon wafer is the optimal sub-strate for the large-scale CVD growth that yields mechanically stable, transparent graphene films to be transferred and stretched after they are formed,and that thinner nickel layers with a shorter growth time yield predominantly mono-and bilayer graphene film for microelec-tronic device applications(Supplementary Fig.1c).1Department of Chemistry,2School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering,3SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology,4Center for Nanotubes and Nanostructured Composites,Sungkyunkwan University,Suwon440-746,Korea.5Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology,PO Box111,Suwon440-600,Korea.6Department of Chemistry,Pohang University of Science and Technology,Pohang790-784,Korea.7Department of Physics,Columbia University,New York,New York10027,USA.doi:10.1038/nature077191SiO Ni/C layerCH /H /Ar Ar Cooling ~RTPatterned Ni layer (300 nm)FeCl (aq)or acids Ni-layer etchingHF/BOE -layer etching (short)Ni-layer etching PDMS/graphene Downside contact (scooping up)HF/BOE StampingFloating graphene/NiGraphene/Ni/SiO 2/Sia cNi SiFigure 1|Synthesis,etching and transfer processes for the large-scale and patterned graphene films.a ,Synthesis of patterned graphene films on thin nickel layers.b ,Etching using FeCl 3(or acids)and transfer of graphene films using a PDMS stamp.c ,Etching using BOE or hydrogen fluoride (HF)solution and transfer of graphene films.RT,room temperature (,25uC).I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)Raman shift (cm –1)a c 5 µme2 µm3 layersBilayer4–5 layers 0.34 nmb5 µmd>54321Figure 2|Various spectroscopic analyses of the large-scale graphene films grown by CVD.a ,SEM images of as-grown graphene films on thin (300-nm)nickel layers and thick (1-mm)Ni foils (inset).b ,TEM images of graphene films of different thicknesses.c ,An optical microscope image of thegraphene film transferred to a 300-nm-thick silicon dioxide layer.The inset AFM image shows typical rippled structures.d ,A confocal scanning Raman image corresponding to c .The number of layers is estimated from the intensities,shapes and positions of the G-band and 2D-band peaks.e ,Raman spectra (532-nm laser wavelength)obtained from the corresponding coloured spots in c and d .a.u.,arbitrary units.d eg h2 cm2 cmStampingPatterned grapheneab fc5 mmFigure 3|Transfer processes for large-scale graphene films.a ,Acentimetre-scale graphene film grown on a Ni(300nm)/SiO 2(300nm)/Si substrate.b ,A floating graphene film after etching the nickel layers in 1M FeCl 3aqueous solution.After the removal of the nickel layers,the floating graphene film can be transferred by direct contact with substrates.c ,Various shapes of graphene films can be synthesized on top of patterned nickel layers.d ,e ,The dry-transfer method based on a PDMS stamp is useful in transferring the patterned graphene films.After attaching the PDMS substrate to the graphene (d ),the underlying nickel layer is etched and removed using FeCl 3solution (e ).f ,Graphene films on the PDMS substrates are transparent and flexible.g ,h ,The PDMS stamp makes conformal contact with a silicon dioxide substrate.Peeling back the stamp (g )leaves the film on a SiO 2substrate (h ).LETTERSNATURE2Etching nickel substrate layers and transferring isolated graphene films to other substrates is important for device ually,nickel can be etched by strong acid such as HNO 3,which often produces hydrogen bubbles and damages the graphene.In our work,an aqueous iron (III )chloride (FeCl 3)solution (1M)was used as an oxidizing etchant to remove the nickel layers.The net ionic equation of the etching reaction can be represented as follows:2Fe 3z (aq )z Ni (s )?2Fe 2z (aq )z Ni 2z (aq )This redox process slowly etches the nickel layers effectively within a mild pH range without forming gaseous products or precipitates.In a few minutes,the graphene film separated from the substrate floats on the surface of the solution (Fig.3a,b),and the film is then ready to be transferred to any kind of e of buffered oxide etchant (BOE)or hydrogen fluoride solution removes silicon dioxide layers,so the patterned graphene and the nickel layer float together on the solution surface.After transfer to a substrate,further reaction with BOE or hydrogen fluoride solution completely removes the remain-ing nickel layers (Supplementary Fig.5).We also develop a dry-transfer process for the graphene film using a soft substrate such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)stamp 24.Here we first attach the PDMS stamp to the CVD-grown graphene film on the nickel substrate (Fig.3d).The nickel substrate can be etched away using FeCl 3as described above,leaving the adhered graphene film on the PDMS substrate (Fig.3e).By using the pre-patterned nickel substrate (Fig.3c),we can transfer various sizes and shapes of gra-phene film to an arbitrary substrate.This dry-transfer process turns out to be very useful in making large-scale graphene electrodes and devices without additional lithography processes (Fig.3f–h).Microscopically,these few-layer transferred graphene films often show linear crack patterns with an angle of 60u or 120u ,indicating a particular crystallographic edge with large crystalline domains (Supplementary Fig.1b)25.In addition,the Raman spectra measured for graphene films on nickel substrates show a strongly suppressed defect-related D-band peak (Supplementary Fig.3).This D peak grows only slightly after the transfer process (Fig.2e),indicating overall good quality of the resulting graphene film.Further optimi-zation of the transfer process with substrate control makes possible transfer yields approaching 99%(Supplementary Table 1).at 550 nm1010101010101010Stretching (%)123456789R e s i s t a n c e (k Ω)Bending radius (mm)BendingyxyxR R xy1011021031042nd 1st R e s i s t a n c e (Ω)Stretching (%)R y R xStable Stretching cycles84TrR s T r a n s m i t t a n c e (%)Wavelength (nm)0–40–60V g (V)M a g n e t o r e s i s t a n c e (k Ω)010–10–15–55420–60060R e s i s t a n c e (k Ω)V g (V)–20604020RecoveryR e s i s t a n c e (Ω)302510530630abc d Figure 4|Optical and electrical properties of the graphene films.a ,Transmittance of the graphene films on a quartz plate.The discontinuities in the absorption curves arise from the different sensitivities of the switching detectors.The upper inset shows the ultraviolet (UV)-induced thinning and the consequent enhancement of transparency.The lower inset shows the changes in transmittance,Tr,and sheet resistance,R s ,as functions ofultraviolet illumination time.b ,Electrical properties of monolayer graphene devices showing the half-integer quantum Hall effect and high electron mobility.The upper inset shows a four-probe electrical resistancemeasurement on a monolayer graphene Hall bar device (lower inset)at 1.6K.We apply a gate voltage,V g ,to the silicon substrate to control the charge density in the graphene sample.The main panel shows longitudinal (R xx )and transverse (R xy )magnetoresistances measured in this device for a magnetic field B 58.8T.The monolayer graphene quantum Hall effect isclearly observed,showing the plateaux with filling factor n 52at R xy 5(2e 2/h )21and zeros in R xx .(Here e is the elementary charge and h is Planck’s constant.)Quantum Hall plateaux (horizontal dashed lines)are developing for higher filling factors.c ,Variation in resistance of a graphene filmtransferred to a ,0.3-mm-thick PDMS/PET substrate for different distances between holding stages (that is,for different bending radii).The left inset shows the anisotropy in four-probe resistance,measured as the ratio,R y /R x ,of the resistances parallel and perpendicular to the bending direction,y .The right inset shows the bending process.d ,Resistance of a graphene film transferred to a PDMS substrate isotropically stretched by ,12%.The left inset shows the case in which the graphene film is transferred to an unstretched PDMS substrate.The right inset shows the movement of holding stages and the consequent change in shape of the graphene film.NATURELETTERS3For the macroscopic transport electrode application,the optical and electrical properties of131cm2graphene films were respectively measured by ultraviolet–visible spectrometer and four-probe Van der Pauw methods(Fig.4a,b).We measured the transmittance using an ultraviolet–visible spectrometer(UV-3600,Shimazdu)after transfer-ring the floating graphene film to a quartz plate(Fig.4a).In the visible range,the transmittance of the film grown on a300-nm-thick nickel layer for7min is,80%,a value similar to those found for previously studied assembled films2,3.Because the transmittance of an individual graphene layer is,2.3%(ref.26),this transmittance value indicates that the average number of graphene layers is six to ten.The transmit-tance can be increased to,93%by further reducing the growth time and nickel thickness,resulting in a thinner graphene film(Supple-mentary Fig.1).Ultraviolet/ozone etching(ultraviolet/ozone cleaner, 60W,BioForce)is also useful in controlling the transmittance in an ambient condition(Fig.4a,upper inset).Indium electrodes were deposited on each corner of the square(Fig.4a,lower inset)to mini-mize contact resistance.The minimum sheet resistance is,280V per square,which is,30times smaller than the lowest sheet resistance measured on assembled films2,3.The values of sheet resistance increase with the ultraviolet/ozone treatment time,in accordance with the decreasing number of graphene layers(Fig.4a).For microelectronic application,the mobility of the graphene film is critical.To measure the intrinsic mobility of a single-domain gra-phene sample,we transferred the graphene samples from a PDMS stamp to a degenerate doped silicon wafer with a300-nm-deep ther-mally grown oxide layer.Monolayer graphene samples were readily located on the substrate from the optical contrast26and their iden-tification was subsequently confirmed by Raman spectroscopy22. Electron-beam lithography was used to make multi-terminal devices (Fig.4b,lower inset).Notably,the multi-terminal electrical measure-ments showed that the electron mobility is,3,750cm2V21s21at a carrier density of,531012cm22(Fig.4b).For a high magnetic field of8.8T,we observe the half-integer quantum Hall effect(Fig.4b) corresponding to monolayer graphene4,5,indicating that the quality of CVD-grown graphene is comparable to that of mechanically cleaved graphene(Supplementary Fig.6)6.In addition to the good optical and electrical properties,the gra-phene film has excellent mechanical properties when used to make flexible and stretchable electrodes(Fig.4c,d)7.We evaluated the fold-ability of the graphene films transferred to a polyethylene terephthalate (PET)substrate(thickness,,100m m)coated with a thin PDMS layer (thickness,,200m m;Fig.4c)by measuring resistances with respect to bending radii.The resistances show little variation up to the bending radius of2.3mm(approximate tensile strain of6.5%)and are perfectly recovered after unbending.Notably,the original resistance can be restored even for the bending radius of0.8mm(approximate tensile strain of18.7%),exhibiting extreme mechanical stability in compari-son with conventional materials used in flexible electronics27.The resistances of graphene films transferred to pre-strained and unstrained PDMS substrates were measured with respect to uniaxial tensile strain ranging from0to30%(Fig.4d).Similar to the results in the folding experiment,the transferred film on an unstrained sub-strate recovers its original resistance after stretching by,6%(Fig.4d, left inset).However,further stretching often results in mechanical failure.Thus,we tried to transfer the film to pre-strained substrates28 to enhance the electromechanical stabilities by creating ripples similar to those observed in the growth process(Fig.2c,inset;Supplementary Fig.4).The graphene transferred to a longitudinally strained PDMS substrate does not show much enhancement,owing to the transverse strain induced by Poisson’s effect29.To prevent this problem,the PDMS substrate was isotropically stretched by,12%before transfer-ring the film to it(Fig.4d).Surprisingly,both longitudinal and trans-verse resistances(R y and R x)appear stable up to,11%stretching and show only one order of magnitude change at,25%stretching.We suppose that further uniaxial stretching can change the electronic band structures of graphene,leading to the modulation of the sheet resistance.These electromechanical properties thus show our graphene films to be not only the strongest7but also the most flexible and stretchable conducting transparent materials so far measured26. In conclusion,we have developed a simple method to grow and transfer high-quality stretchable graphene films on a large scale using CVD on nickel layers.The patterned films can easily be transferred to stretchable substrates by simple contact methods,and the number of graphene layers can be controlled by varying the thickness of the catalytic metals,the growth time and/or the ultraviolet treatment time.Because the dimensions of the graphene films are limited sim-ply by the size of the CVD growth chamber,scaling up can be readily achieved,and the outstanding optical,electrical and mechanical properties of the graphene films enable numerous applications including use in large-scale flexible,stretchable,foldable transparent electronics8,9,30.Received5October;accepted8December2008.Published online14January2009.1.Geim,A.K.&Novoselov,K.S.The rise of graphene.Nature Mater.6,183–191(2007).2.Li,X.et al.Highly conducting graphene sheets and Langmuir–Blodgett films.Nature 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Cooperation of Science and Technology),the Brain Korea21project(Korea Research Foundation)and the information technology research and development programme of the Korea Ministry of Knowledge Economy(2008-F024-01).Author Contributions B.H.H.planned and supervised the project;J.-Y.C.supported and assisted in supervision on the project;S.Y.L,J.M.K.and K.S.K.advised on the project;K.S.K.and B.H.H.designed and performed the experiments;B.H.H.,P.K., J.-H.A and K.S.K.analysed data and wrote the manuscript;Y.Z.and P.K.made the quantum Hall devices and the measurements;and H.J.and J.-H.A.helped with the transfer process and the electromechanical analyses.Author Information Reprints and permissions information is available at /reprints.Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to B.H.H.(byunghee@)or J.-Y.C.(jaeyoung88.choi@).NATURE LETTERS5。

IPK Gatersleben, Pattern Recognition Group, Gatersleben,

IPK Gatersleben, Pattern Recognition Group, Gatersleben,

ESANN'2005 proceedings - European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks Bruges (Belgium), 27-29 April 2005, d-side publi., ISBN 2-930307-05-6.
perception and self-ideal discrepancies can be detected [1]. The second questionnaire is the Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI) reflecting a set of personality properties including social orientation, inhibition, contentment, aggressiveness, stress, somatic complaints, openess, sensitivity and emotionality/neuroticism [9]. The set of questionnaires is completed by the Invetory for Assesment of Interpersonal Relations (IIP) which judges the interpersonal relations. Based on these data, the question for machine learning is to identify the relevant attributes and a possible hypothesis how experts and BPI, respectively, make their decision. We tackle this problem learning classifiers from the given data, which allow insight into their classification and which provide a hypothesis for the respective decision rule.



异质性研发、知识溢出与企业创新产出基于创新链视角的实证分析蒋欣娟1,吴福象1,丛海彬2(1.南京大学商学院,江苏南京210093;2.宁波大学商学院,浙江宁波315000)收稿日期:2020-07-28基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(71803078);国家社会科学基金重大项目(14Z D A 024);江苏省333人才支持计划项目(B R A 2017358)作者简介:蒋欣娟(1995-),女,吉林长春人,南京大学商学院博士研究生,研究方向为企业创新㊁产业经济;吴福象(1966-),男,安徽安庆人,博士,南京大学商学院教授㊁博士生导师,研究方向为产业经济㊁区域经济;丛海彬(1978-),男,吉林洮南人,博士,宁波大学商学院副教授㊁硕士生导师,研究方向为区域经济㊂摘 要:畅通创新链的首要前提,是科学认识嵌入创新链的不同类型企业所承载的创新功能差异及企业间技术经济联系㊂利用2012 2018年我国上市公司授权专利的前向索引数据进行统计分析发现,不同所有制企业存在异质性研发行为,国有企业研发活动更多承担了基础研究创新功能,而民营企业研发活动更多承担了应用研究创新功能㊂运用面板T o b i t 模型实证分析异质性研发知识溢出对企业创新产出的影响,结果表明,国有企业知识溢出对企业发明专利与非发明专利申请均表现为促进作用,民营企业知识溢出对企业发明专利申请表现为促进作用,而对非发明专利申请表现为抑制作用,且作用大小在不同所有制以及不同生命周期的企业间存在差异㊂由此,基于创新链构建新型国家创新体系过程中,应引导国有企业优先布局高度依赖基础研究的科学领域,解决市场失灵问题并充分发挥其创新促进效应;鼓励民营企业在共性技术研究领域展开协作,规避同业竞争所形成的创新抑制效应;因企制宜㊁分类施策,实现创新资源高效配置和综合集成㊂关键词:异质性研发;知识溢出;创新产出;创新链D O I :10.6049/k j j b yd c .2020060395 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(O S I D ):中图分类号:F 273.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-7348(2020)24-0080-10I d i o s y n c r a t i c R&D ,K n o w l e d g e S p i l l o v e r a n d t h e I n n o v a t i o n O u t p u t o f E n t e r pr i s e s A n E m p i r i c a l S t u d y f r o m t h e P e r s pe c t i v e of I n n o v a t i o n C h a i n J i a ng X i n j u a n 1,W u F u x i a n g 1,C o n g Ha ib i n 2(1.E c o n o m i c S c h o o l ,N a n j i n g U n i v e r s i t y ,N a n j i n g 210093,C h i n a ;2.B u s i n e s s S c h o o l ,N i n g b o U n i v e r s i t y ,N i n gb o 315000,C h i n a )A b s t r ac t :T h e p r i m a r y p r e m i s e f o r s m o o t h i n g t h e i n n o v a t i o n c h a i n i s t o f o r m a t s c i e n t i f i c c o gn i t i o n o f t h e d i f f e r e n t i a l i n n o v a -t i v e f u n c t i o n u n d e r t o o k b y d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f e n t e r p r i s e s a n d t h e t e c h n i c a l e c o n o m i c r e l a t i o n s b e t w e e n t h e e n t e r p r i s e s .B a s e d o n t h e d a t a o f t h e l i s t e d m a n u f a c t u r i n g c o m p a n i e s 'p a t e n t f o r w a r d c i t a t i o n s f r o m 2012t o 2018,t h i s p a p e r f o u n d t h a t t h e r e e x i s t i d i o s y n c r a t i c R&D b e h a v i o r s a m o n g d i f f e r e n t o w n e r s h i p e n t e r pr i s e s .T h e R&D a c t i v i t i e s o f s t a t e -o w n e d e n t e r -p r i s e s h a v e m o r e a s s u m e d t h e i n n o v a t i v e f u n c t i o n o f b a s i c r e s e a r c h ,w h i l e t h e R&D a c t i v i t i e s o f p r i v a t e e n t e r pr i s e s h a v e m o r e a s s u m e d t h e i n n o v a t i v e f u n c t i o n o f a p p l i e d r e s e a r c h .T h i s p a p e r u s e d t h e p a n e l T o b i t m o d e l t o e m p i r i c a l l y a n a l y z e t h e i m p a c t o f i d i o s y n c r a t i c R&D 's k n o w l e d g e s p i l l o v e r o n e n t e r p r i s e s 'i n n o v a t i o n o u t pu t .T h e r e s u l t s s h o w e d t h a t t h e k n o w l -e d g e s p i l l o v e r o f s t a t e -o w n e d e n t e r p r i s e s c a n s i g n i f i c a n t l y p r o m o t e t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s o f a l l k i n d s o f pa t e n t ,w h i l e t h e k n o w l -e d g e s p i l l o v e r o f p r i v a t e e n t e r p r i s e s s h o w s a p r o m o t i n g e f f e c t o n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s o f i n v e n t i o n p a t e n t s a n d a n i n h ib i t o r y e f f ec t o n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s o f n o n -i n v e n t i o n p a t e n t s .A nd t he l e v e l of i n f l u e n c e v a r i e s a m o ng th e e n t e r p ri s e s w i t h d i f f e r e n t o w n e r s h i p o r d i f f e r e n t s t a g e s o f l i f e -c y c l e .T h i s p a p e r c o n t a i n s t h e f o l l o w i n g p o l i c y i m p l i c a t i o n s .D u r i n gt h e p r o c e s s o f c o n -s t r u c t i n g a n e w n a t i o n a l i n n o v a t i o n s y s t e m b a s e d o n t h e i n n o v a t i o n c h a i n ,s t a t e -o w n e d e n t e r pr i s e s s h o u l d b e g u i d e d i n t o t h e s c i e n t i f i c f i e l d s w h i c h a r e h i g h l y d e p e n d e n t o n b a s i c r e s e a r c h i n o r d e r t o s o l v e t h e p r o b l e m o f m a r k e t i n e f f i c i e n c y a n d g i v e f u l l p l a y t o i t s i n n o v a t i o n p r o m o t i o n e f f e c t .P r i v a t e e n t e r p r i s e s s h o u l d b e e n c o u r a g e d t o c o l l a b o r a t e i n t h e f i e l d o f c o m -m o n t e c h n o l o g y i n o r d e r t o a v o i d t h e i n n o v a t i o n i n h i b i t i o n e f f e c t f o r m e d b y h o r i z o n t a l c o m p e t i t i o n .M a k i n g a p p r o p r i a t e p o l -i c i e s a c c o r d i n g t o t h e e n t e r p r i s e s 's i t u a t i o n s w i l l a l s o b e c o n d u c i v e t o t h e e f f i c i e n t a l l o c a t i o n a n d c o m p r e h e n s i v e i n t e g r a t i o n o f i n n o v a t i v e r e s o u r c e s .K e y Wo r d s :I d i o s y n c r a t i c R&D ;K n o w l e d g e S p i l l o v e r ;I n n o v a t i o n O u t p u t ;I n n o v a t i o n C h a i n0引言近年来,我国在由发达国家主导的全球价值链分工体系中,持续推动中间产品创新升级,实现国际分工地位攀升和贸易利得增加[1,2]㊂然而,随着我国科技水平与世界前沿差距不断缩小,发达国家对我国采取的贸易保护措施愈加激烈,针对我国产品的贸易摩擦频发,美国甚至不惜通过阻滞供应链循环打压我国高技术企业发展[3]㊂从本质上说,发达国家的上述行为就是意图通过削弱以中间品及资本品贸易为主要渠道的国际知识溢出效应,遏制我国技术创新突破,避免我国通过占据产业技术制高点获取超额利润㊂跨国创新知识吸收渠道受限,意味着我国只有通过强化本土创新主体间的技术经济联系,提高技术创新绩效并促进产业自主发展,才能在国际技术竞争与产业竞争中谋得话语权㊂2020年,中央政府工作报告的战略部署也体现出这一思想,不仅提出稳定支持基础研究和应用基础研究,还强调畅通创新链㊂基于创新链构建系统技术政策体系,不仅是推动我国企业创新产出水平提升㊁重塑我国制造业全球竞争优势的关键环节,更是在国际经济大变局下落实创新驱动发展战略㊁构建国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局的重要支撑㊂根据不同的创新功能,创新链可分为基础研究㊁应用研究与产品创新3个环节[4,5]㊂明确嵌入创新链各类创新主体的功能定位及技术经济联系,是系统构建技术政策体系,促进科学技术化㊁技术工程化㊁工程产业化的首要前提[6]㊂2018年,我国各类企业的R&D经费支出在全国R&D经费投入总量中的占比达76.6%,企业已成为最重要的创新载体㊂因此,本文主要围绕各类企业展开研究㊂已有研究从组织双元创新视角揭示企业在开展R&D活动时存在异质性研发行为[7,8],但鲜有研究从创新功能视角考察嵌入创新链的企业是否存在异质性研发行为㊂此外,以往围绕不同所有制企业创新展开的研究,大多仅关注国有企业创新绩效低下问题[9,10],忽视了国有资本介入可能在解决技术创新市场失灵问题方面发挥的重要作用㊂基于此,本文从创新链视角出发,通过统计分析对嵌入创新链的不同所有制企业所承载的创新功能加以区分,在此基础上,进一步通过实证分析异质性研发对企业创新产出的知识溢出效应㊂本研究既加深了对企业间技术经济联系的认识,也为基于创新链构建新型国家创新体系提供政策参考㊂1文献回顾1.1创新链与企业异质性研发自M a r s h a l l&V r e d e n b u r g[11]提出创新链概念以来,国内外学者围绕创新链内涵㊁构成环节㊁功能节点及其技术经济联系展开了系列研究㊂所谓创新链,是指在推动以满足市场需求为目标的创新成果产出过程中,创新主体间形成的用于创新要素传递与转化的链接结构[12]㊂从构成环节看,创新链可依据创新功能分为基础研究㊁应用研究与产品创新3个环节[4,5]㊂其中,基础研究是不以特定应用为目的㊁仅为探索知识原理而开展的研究;应用研究是为满足特定应用需求而围绕相关技术㊁方法或工艺开展的研究;产品创新囊括了将研究结果转移到产品环节所涉及的技术活动[13]㊂从创新主体看,政府部门㊁行业协会㊁金融机构是创新链的主要支撑点,高校㊁科研院所与企业则是创新链上的重要功能节点[14]㊂围绕功能节点间技术经济联系展开的研究,大多将公共研发部门视为基础研究的创新载体,将各类企业视为应用研究的创新载体,集中探究高校与科研院所研发创新对企业创新产出的影响机制㊂如梁俊伟和黄德成[15]发现,高校通过知识溢出促进企业研发投入提高,进而激励企业进行发明专利申请;李柏洲和周森[16]发现,科研院所的组织内部创新与组织外部创新均能促进企业新产品绩效提升㊂还有研究围绕企业创新功能展开深入探讨,发现企业研发行为存在异质性㊂部分研究关注不同所有制企业的异质性研发行为,如H a l l&M a f f i o l i[17]发现,墨西哥㊁巴西㊁阿根廷等国家存在专门深耕基础研究的国有企业;张杰等[18]发现,在我国高新技术产业中,国有企业平均发明专利申请数高于民营企业,且自 十二五 规划提出 国有经济的战略性调整政策 以来,国有资本加速向战略性新兴产业集中㊂还有学者利用上市公司面板数据,探讨内部财务状况与外部经济环境对企业异质性研发行为的影响,如唐清泉和肖海莲[7]将涉及研究阶段的研发投入定义为探索式创新投资,将只关注开发阶段的研发投入定义为常规式创新投资,研究发现,探索式创新投资的现金流敏感度高于常规式创新投资,政府如果在进行研发补贴时适当向探索式创新投资倾斜,就能取得更好的政策效果;顾群等[8]将研究阶段的研发投入定义为探索式创新,将开发阶段的研发投入定义为开发式创新,研究发现,经济政策不确定性会促使企业开展探索式创新,但对开发式创新行为不存在显著影响㊂1.2知识溢出与企业创新产出近年来,国内外学者围绕知识溢出渠道㊁测度方法及创新效应进行了大量研究㊂曲如晓和李雪[19]将知识溢出渠道区分为物化型与非物化型两种㊂其中,物化型知识溢出渠道包括中间品及资本品的市场交易[20]㊁资本与人才等研发要素流动[21]等㊂非物化型知识溢出渠道主要是指以学术论文㊁专利为载体的知识扩散[22];㊃18㊃第24期蒋欣娟,吴福象,丛海彬:异质性研发㊁知识溢出与企业创新产出段会娟[23]总结了知识溢出的4种测度方法,即技术流量法㊁生产函数法㊁成本函数法和文献追踪法,并发现采用技术流量法测度知识溢出时,需要选择合理的权重度量知识受体内部化外溢知识的能力㊂在研究区域间知识溢出的创新效应时,可选择的权重矩阵包括地理距离权重矩阵㊁经济距离权重矩阵和技术距离权重矩阵[24];王庆喜等[25]发现,随着以通讯技术为代表的空间可压缩技术进步,专利可编码性与公共属性增强,知识溢出的地理局限大为削弱,由技术距离决定的知识搜寻能力成为知识溢出的主要影响因素;周敏等(2019)利用技术距离权重矩阵构造企业研发支出的溢出池,发现由于技术机会效应的存在,其它企业的研发支出会抑制本企业专利申请;高山行等[26]发现,跨国公司的技术溢出会抑制我国企业基础创新产出,而且内外资企业技术差距越大,抑制效应越显著㊂通过文献回顾发现,目前聚焦于企业异质性研发行为的研究大多局限于组织双元创新理论范畴,虽然部分文献探讨了不同所有制企业研发行为差异,但鲜有研究基于创新链角度,总结不同类型企业承担的创新功能差异㊂此外,考虑到创新链上各环节所承载的创新功能不同,且各环节间存在知识反馈机制[27],以往将从事异质性研发的企业视为同质知识源,据此分析知识溢出创新效应的做法可能无法全面反映企业间技术经济联系㊂从我国现实情况看,相比于民营企业,我国国有企业普遍成立时间更长㊁创新要素累积优势更显著,而且一向受到研发补贴政策的优待[28]㊂那么,我国国有企业是否也同拉丁美洲国家的国有企业一样,更多地承担了基础研究的创新功能?相应地,民营企业是否更多地承担了应用研究的创新功能如果国有企业与民营企业确实在创新链上存在明显的环节分布与功能定位差异,那么两类企业异质性研发所形成的知识溢出,对整个经济系统的创新产出是否发挥了不同作用?为回答上述问题,本文基于统计分析,从创新链视角揭示不同所有制企业存在异质性研发行为的特征事实㊂在此基础上,测度异质性研发的知识溢出,并探究其对不同类型创新产出的影响㊂最后,根据上述研究内容,围绕如何合理部署创新链提出针对性政策建议㊂2制造企业异质性研发的特征事实本文首先从专利授权情况㊁专利前向索引情况以及专利通用性指数3个角度,揭示我国制造企业存在异质性研发行为这一特征事实,即基于创新链视角,国有企业的研发活动更多地承担了基础研究的创新功能,民营企业的研发活动更多地承担了应用研究的创新功能㊂本文采用的2012 2018年制造业上市公司专利数据,依据公司年报披露的公司名称经谷歌专利检索系统(刘雯,2018)查询㊁汇总得到,企业产权属性信息由C C E R数据库得到㊂据此,将上市公司分为国有企业与民营企业进行统计分析㊂2.1基于专利授权情况的特征事实分析发明专利只有通过新颖性㊁实用性和非显而易见性方面的实质审查才能被授权,往往被视为基础研究的研发成果(李柏洲㊁苏屹,2010)㊂根据发明专利与非发明专利的授权情况,能够初步判断不同所有制企业是否存在异质性研发行为㊂表1揭示了如下3个特征事实:①尽管上市公司中国有企业数量少于民营企业,但历年国有企业发明专利授权数始终高于民营企业,且两者间的差距没有缩小趋势;②民营企业实用新型与外观设计专利授权总数高于国有企业,且两者间的差距逐年扩大;③从专利授权结构看,2012 2018年国有企业发明㊁实用新型㊁外观设计授权专利在专利授权总数中的占比分别为28.9%㊁58.6%㊁12.4%,民营企业上述3类专利的占比分别为21.1%㊁60.0%㊁18.9%㊂上述特征事实初步揭示,我国国有企业倾向于开展基础研究领域的研发活动,民营企业倾向于开展应用研究领域的研发活动㊂表1国有企业与民营企业专利授权情况专利授权年份公司总数国有企业民营企业发明授权数国有企业民营企业差值实用新型授权数国有企业民营企业差值外观设计授权数国有企业民营企业差值2012509883549845169821472611232349438774697-820 2013508913553849985402229917037526244195906-1487 2014515990700764975102477423311146345516878-2327 2015525110911666947621902299130745-775450729263-4191 20165321298151671324219252399529933-5938491610153-5237 20175411571184901711713732532240304-14982597713891-7914 20185451628199731784721263469757523-22826695015472-8522注: 差值 列,由国有企业发明(实用新型/外观设计)专利授权数减民营企业发明(实用新型/外观设计)授权数得到2.2基于专利前向索引的特征事实分析根据刘林青等(2020)的研究成果,前向索引频次较高的专利在相关技术领域具备基础性特征㊂鉴于此,本文统计了不同所有制企业授权专利的前向索引情况㊂表2揭示了如下3个特征事实:①国有企业被授权的发明专利与实用新型专利中,至少被其它专利引用过一次㊃28㊃科技进步与对策2020年的专利占比分别为64.4%㊁70.7%,而民营企业的这一占比分别为59.6%㊁8.4%;②历年国有企业被授权专利的前向索引总频次都高于民营企业;③国有企业被授权专利平均前向索引频次,在绝大多数年份都高于民营企业㊂上述特征事实进一步揭示,相比于民营企业,国有企业开展了更多基础研究领域的研发活动㊂表2 授权专利前向索引情况专利授权年份至少被引用一次的专利数(项)国有企业民营企业至少被引用一次的专利占比(%)国有企业民营企业前向索引总频次(次)国有企业民营企业平均前向索引频次(次)国有企业民营企业差值发明专利20124339352878.9278.1223538203744.2814.512-0.23020134273391477.1678.3120823196863.7603.939-0.17920145011422671.5165.0521932187433.1302.8850.24520158314609371.2764.3035001236803.0002.4990.50120169412691262.0652.2030812217932.0321.6460.38620178829727447.7542.5029234211191.5811.2340.34720188377657341.9436.8320964164381.0500.9210.129实用新型专利201212630140785.7712.533940629692.6760.2642.412201319575178687.7810.484462136662.0010.2151.786201421759242787.8310.414552649771.8380.2141.624201520941312491.0810.163953753181.7200.1731.547201617232263271.818.792840338641.1840.1291.0552********196550.674.881847924630.7300.0610.66920186840108319.711.88871212380.2510.0220.230注: 至少被引用一次的专利占比 列,统计的是至少被引用一次的发明(实用新型)专利在当年被授权的发明(实用新型)专利总数中的占比㊂ 前向索引总频次 列统计的是专利自申请日起㊁至2019年底的被引用总次数㊂ 平均前向索引频次 列由前向索引总频次除以当年专利授权数得到㊂ 差值 列由国有企业平均前向索引频次减民营企业相应指标得到2.3 基于专利通用性指数的特征事实分析已有研究表明,引用某一项专利的技术领域分布越广,该专利的通用性越高,基础性特征越显著[29]㊂因此,根据专利前向索引情况计算的专利通用性指数能够判断不同类型企业研发行为是更接近于基础研究抑或是应用研究领域㊂专利通用性指数计算公式为:G p =1-ð650k =1(C R p k/C R p )2㊂其中,k 表示技术领域,以专利I P C 分类号主分类号的前4位加以区分[30],共计650类;C R p k 表示专利p 被技术领域k 的专利引用次数;C R p 表示专利p 的前向索引总频次㊂通用性指数的取值范围为[0,1],该指数越接近1,意味着专利被越多技术领域引用,专利越接近基础研究范畴;该指数越接近0,意味着专利越接近应用研究范畴㊂表3所整理的专利通用性指数揭示了如下3个特征事实:①国有企业被授权发明专利的通用性指数始终高于民营企业;②国有企业被授权实用新型专利的通用性指数始终高于民营企业;③无论是国有企业还是民营企业,各年度授权发明专利的通用性指数均高于实用新型专利的通用性指数㊂上述特征事实充分揭示,基于创新链视角不同所有制企业的研发行为存在异质性,国有企业的研发活动更多地承担了基础研究的创新功能,而民营企业的研发活动更多地承担了应用研究的创新功能㊂表3 授权发明专利与实用新型专利通用性指数专利授权年份发明专利国有企业民营企业差值实用新型专利国有企业民营企业差值两类专利对比国有企业民营企业20120.26670.26230.00440.15630.10800.04830.11040.154320130.25460.23680.01780.13740.09690.04050.11720.139920140.23220.21330.01890.11610.08770.02840.11610.125620150.21680.20770.00910.09560.06420.03140.12120.143520160.18900.17810.01090.07430.04420.03020.11470.133920170.15680.15150.00530.05190.02360.02840.10490.127920180.14740.13580.01160.02470.01250.01210.12270.1233注: 差值 列,由国有企业发明(实用新型)专利的通用性指数减民营企业发明(实用新型)专利的通用性指数得到㊂ 两类专利对比 列,由国有企业(民营企业)发明专利的通用性指数减国有企业(民营企业)实用新型专利通用性指数得到㊃38㊃第24期 蒋欣娟,吴福象,丛海彬:异质性研发㊁知识溢出与企业创新产出3模型设定与数据上述特征事实分析发现不同所有制企业存在异质性研发行为㊂在此基础上,本文进一步通过实证分析考察国有企业与民营企业异质性研发所形成的知识溢出,对企业发明专利与非发明专利这两类创新产出的影响㊂3.1模型设定根据G r i l i c h e s-J a f f e知识生产函数[31,32]的基本思想,企业研发支出及其接受的知识溢出都是自身在创新过程中所投入的资源㊂参考已有研究[19,33],本文设定如下计量模型考察异质性研发知识溢出对企业创新产出的影响㊂I n n o v a t i o n i t=α0+α1s p i l l s o e i t-1+α2s p i l l p o e i t-1+α3y f t r i t-1+α4X i t-1+ηy e a r+εi t(1)其中,i表示企业,t表示年份㊂考虑到创新活动并非一蹴而就,同时为了缓解内生性问题,所有解释变量和控制变量均滞后被解释变量一期[34]㊂I n n o v a t i o n i t 表示企业i在t年的创新产出;s p i l l s o e i t-1表示国有企业对企业i的知识溢出;s p i l l p o e i t-1表示民营企业对企业i的知识溢出,y f t r i t-1表示企业i在第t-1年的研发投入;X i t-1包括除研发投入外,其它可能影响企业创新产出的控制变量;εi t为误差项㊂由于各年度实施的创新激励政策也会影响企业创新产出(龙小宁㊁王俊,2015),所以在设定模型时加入企业所处年份的虚拟变量ηy e a r以控制时间层面的外部冲击㊂3.2变量定义3.2.1被解释变量参考曲如晓和李雪[19]的研究成果,本文以专利申请数量衡量企业创新产出,实证研究采用企业当年专利申请量加1后取自然对数的方法㊂根据我国专利法的定义,相比实用新型与外观设计专利,发明专利更能直接推动技术创新突破㊂因此,为更准确地揭示异质性研发知识溢出对企业创新产出的影响,本文从发明专利申请数量(f m)与非发明专利申请数量(f f m)两个角度衡量企业创新产出㊂3.2.2核心解释变量本文采用技术流量法测度异质性研发知识溢出,并以J a f f e指数度量的企业间技术邻近程度作为技术距离权重矩阵[35]㊂J a f f e指数计算公式为ωi j=ð650k=1p i k p j kð650k=1p2i kð650k=1p2j k,其中,p i k表示企业i在样本期内第k类专利授权量在该企业全部专利授权总量所占份额㊂国有企业与民营企业知识溢出的计算公式分别为:s p i l l s o e i t=l o g1+ðjʂi,jɪs o eωi j R D j t,s p i l l p o e i t= l o g1+ðjʂi,jɪp o eωi j R D j t,其中,R D j t为企业j在第t年的研发投入㊂3.2.3控制变量参考以往研究,选取企业研发投入㊁企业年龄㊁企业规模㊁固定资产占比㊁资产流动性㊁薪酬激励㊁市场势力和市场集中度作为控制变量,主要变量定义及计算公式如表4所示㊂3.3样本选择与数据来源本文数据主要来源于C S MA R数据库与谷歌专利检索系统(G o o g l e P a t e n t)㊂谷歌专利检索系统提供了1790年至今的专利授权信息,以及2001年至今的专利申请信息㊂通过检索申请人名称可以得到相应专利文本,获知专利的法律状态及引用情况㊂C S MA R数据库提供了沪深A股制造业上市公司的基本信息㊁研发投入以及财务数据㊂研发投入数据是本文计算知识溢出的必要数据,但这一数据在可得性与数据质量方面存在两个问题:一是在2006年底财政部公布‘企业会计准则“前,披露研发投入信息的上市公司比例很低,导致企业研发投入数据在2007年前存在大量缺失值;二是2007 2011年,制造业上市公司研发投入和实际专利申请行为间存在投入与产出 倒挂 现象[36],这一期间披露研发投入数据的企业比例在11%~35%之间震荡,但进行专利申请的企业比例从42%上升至65%,有相当数量进行了专利申请的企业在当年以及此前年份都没有报告研发投入㊂考虑到研发投入数据可得性以及数据质量对研究结果的影响,本文以2012 2018年作为实证研究样本期,剔除在观测期内被S T㊁*S T 等特殊处理以及财务数据缺失的上市公司后,最终样本涉及2068家企业㊂表4主要变量定义及计算公式变量名称变量符号计算公式发明申请专利数f m l n(1+发明专利申请数)非发明申请专利数f f m l n(1+实用新型专利申请数+外观设计专利申请数)国有企业知识溢出s p i l l s o e计算公式详见前文,单位为十亿元民营企业知识溢出s p i l l p o e计算公式详见前文,单位为十亿元研发投入l n y f t r l n(研发投入),单位为百万元企业年龄l n a g e l n(公司自成立年份起的年数)企业规模l n s i z e l n(总资产),单位为亿元固定资产占比f a s s e t固定资产净额/总资产资产流动性l i q u i d i t y(流动资产-流动负债)/总资产薪酬激励l n b s m l n(董事㊁监事及高管年薪总额),单位为百万元市场势力l n m a r k e t l n(1+营业收入/营业成本)市场集中度h h i营业收入HH I指数㊃48㊃科技进步与对策2020年3.4描述性统计表5为变量描述性统计分析结果㊂从核心解释变量看,国有企业知识溢出的平均值高于民营企业㊂从被解释变量看,发明专利申请数与非发明专利申请数均呈现出明显的左归并(l e f t-c e n s o r e d)特征㊂具体而言,在8708个样本中,发明专利申请数为0的样本有1263个,非发明专利申请数为0的样本有1594个㊂当被解释变量的概率分布呈零值堆积与正值连续共存的混合分布时,O L S方法无法得到一致估计㊂因此,后文采用面板T o b i t模型进行回归估计㊂表5描述性统计分析结果变量样本数平均值标准差最小值最大值f m87082.1451.4640.0002.079 f f m87082.3111.6100.0002.398 s p i l l s o e87082.0940.6930.0032.160 s p i l l p o e87081.6920.5710.0171.717 l n y f t r87083.9831.2970.0003.912 l n ag e87082.8220.3201.6092.833 l n s i z e87083.5161.1080.4323.359 f a s s e t87080.2320.1350.0000.207 l i q u i d i t y87080.2660.249-1.6990.269 l n b s m87081.6130.5280.0001.547 l n m a r k e t87080.9140.2240.5160.855h h i87080.1220.1100.0220.082 4实证结果及分析本文首先从核心解释变量与控制变量两个方面,对基准回归模型估计结果进行分析㊂为更准确地揭示异质性研发知识溢出对企业创新产出的影响,本文根据企业所有制性质与所处生命周期阶段,在进行样本分类后作进一步探讨,最后进行稳健性检验㊂4.1基准回归模型的估计结果表6为实证方程式(1)的估计结果,前两列采用的估计方法为混合最小二乘回归(P O L S),后两列采用的估计方法为面板T o b i t模型㊂对比发现,当采用两种不同的方法进行回归时,各变量系数大小有所变化,但正负没有发生改变㊂下文在分析回归估计结果时,以面板T o b i t模型估计结果为准㊂首先,考察异质性研发知识溢出对企业创新产出的影响㊂估计结果显示,国有企业知识溢出与民营企业知识溢出均能促进企业发明专利申请,且国有企业知识溢出的正向促进作用大于民营企业㊂但在非发明专利申请方面,国有企业知识溢出表现为促进作用,而民营企业知识溢出表现为抑制作用㊂上述结果说明,对于发明专利这类层次较高的创新产出而言,无论是基础研究领域的知识溢出,还是应用研究领域的知识溢出,均能起到扩展创新可能性边界的作用㊂对于实用新型与外观设计专利而言,一方面,基础研究领域的知识溢出通过为企业提供快速㊁低价掌握前沿理论的途径,促进企业应用创新;另一方面,由于这两类专利与企业核心产品迭代及市场推广结合更为紧密,随着其它企业被授权专利数量增多,企业通过突破现有技术创造市场竞争优势的潜在利益空间不断收窄㊂因此,应用研究领域的知识溢出反而会削弱企业创新动力,进而抑制企业创新产出㊂其次,考察控制变量对企业创新产出的影响㊂企业研发投入增加能够显著促进企业进行各类专利申请㊂企业规模越大㊁薪酬激励越高,申请的专利项目越多,说明创新资源获取以及激励政策实施都能够促进企业创新产出;企业年龄越大,申请的专利项目越少,说明初创企业在创新方面表现更为积极;企业市场势力越大,申请的专利项目越少,说明具有更高加价能力的企业缺乏创新动力;企业固定资产占比越高,资产流动性越低,申请的专利项目越少,意味着重资产企业可能缺乏创新精神;企业市场集中度越高,发明专利申请数量越少,非发明专利申请数量越多,说明企业在面临更激烈的市场竞争时,会减少在基础研究领域的投入,着力于进行难度相对较低的实用新型与外观设计专利申请㊂4.2分样本回归估计结果4.2.1基于企业所有制的分样本分析鉴于国有企业与民营企业在创新链上所承担的创新功能存在区别,对两类企业进行分样本回归,以进一步揭示创新知识沿创新链的流动情况以及知识溢出效应㊂表7回归结果表明,国有企业知识溢出对企业非发明专利申请起促进作用,民营企业知识溢出对企业非发明专利申请起抑制作用㊂从发明专利申请看,国有企业知识溢出对国有企业㊁民营企业的发明专利申请起显著促进作用,而民营企业知识溢出只对民营企业的发明专利申请起显著促进作用㊂鉴于国有企业从事了更多的基础研究,而民营企业从事了更多的应用研究,从创新链视角看,这一回归结果说明,在我国制造业领域,创新知识从基础研究过渡到应用研究的环节衔接较为顺畅,但根据应用研究的创新需求倒逼基础研究领域实现创新突破的信息反馈机制尚未成熟㊂㊃58㊃第24期蒋欣娟,吴福象,丛海彬:异质性研发㊁知识溢出与企业创新产出。




2、什么是 CN类刊物?所谓CN 类刊物是指在我国境内注册、国内公开发行的刊物。

该类刊物的刊号均标注有 CN 字母,人们习惯称之为 CN类刊物。



3、什么是ISSN类刊?所谓ISSN (国际标准连续出版物编号,International Standard Serial Number)类刊物是指在我国境地外注册,国内、外公开发行的刊物。

该类刊物的刊号前标注有 ISSN字母。

现在国内正式期刊同时具有 CN 和 ISSN两种刊号,“CN”是中国国别代码,只有ISSN国际刊号而无国内统一刊号的期刊在国内被视为非法出版物。









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Enzyme-cleavable prodrug compounds

Enzyme-cleavable prodrug compounds

专利名称:Enzyme-cleavable prodrug compounds 发明人:Vincent Dubois,Anne MarieFernandez,Sanjeev Gangwar,EvanLewis,Thomas J. Lobl,Matthew H.Nieder,Lesley B. Pickford,AndreTrouet,Geoffrey T. Yarranton申请号:US12228636申请日:20080814公开号:US20090110753A1公开日:20090430专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The prodrug of the invention is a modified form of a therapeutic agent and comprises a therapeutic agent, an oligopeptide, a stabilizing group and, optionally, a linker group. The prodrug is cleavable by the enzyme Thimet oligopeptidase, or TOP. Also disclosed are methods of designing prodrugs by utilizing TOP-cleavable sequences within the conjugate and methods of treating patients with prodrugs of the invention.申请人:Vincent Dubois,Anne Marie Fernandez,Sanjeev Gangwar,Evan Lewis,Thomas J. Lobl,Matthew H. Nieder,Lesley B. Pickford,Andre Trouet,Geoffrey T. Yarranton 地址:Fleurus BE,Brussels BE,Alameda CA US,Daly City CA US,Foster City CAUS,Burlingame CA US,Menlo Park CA US,Herent BE,Burlingame CA US国籍:BE,BE,US,US,US,US,US,BE,US更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Air-Cooled Plate-Fin Phase-Change Radiator with Co

Air-Cooled Plate-Fin Phase-Change Radiator with Co

专利名称:Air-Cooled Plate-Fin Phase-Change Radiatorwith Composite Capillary Grooves发明人:Junjie LIU,Wencai Tan,Liya Gu,QingheZong,Yuanbang Sun申请号:US16069787申请日:20170614公开号:US20190257590A1公开日:20190822专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An air-cooled plate-fin phase-change radiator with composite capillary grooves includes a heat exchanger box and a base plate. Inside said base plate, there is a baseplate inner cavity holding the working medium. The heat exchanger box includes a cooling medium channel. There are radiating fins I, and phase-change channels set alternately inside the cooling medium channel. The heat exchanger box is mounted on said base plate, connecting the phase-change channels to the base plate inner cavity. The phase-change channels and the base plate inner cavity form a closed phase-change heat exchange chamber. Grooves are set on the inner wall of phase-change channels. There are radiating fins II or metal fiber felt inside said phase-change channels. Capillary channels are set on the inner wall of said base plate inner cavity. The highly integrated radiating fins I-phase-change channel compact structure saves space effectively.申请人:CRRC DALIAN INSTITUTE CO., LTD.地址:Dalian, Liaoning CN国籍:CN更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:EASY OPEN SEAL发明人:MILTON ALBERT HOWE 申请号:AU8449682申请日:19820604公开号:AU544367B2公开日:19850523专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:Disclosed is a package for cheese, luncheon meat and the like having an easy open seal. The package comprises a pouch-like receptacle constructed from flexible thermoplastic film having at least two layers wherein the outer surface layer has a tensile strength greater than the bond strength between the outer layer and its adjacent layer. To form the easy open seal the edges of the mouth of the receptacle are folded inwardly, flattened, and a heat seal applied to compress and seal together the resulting four layers of film with the seal being located between the edges and the fold lines. The resulting two folds provide grippable halves which can be pulled apart thereby rupturing one of the outer layers and delaminating the film from the point of rupture to the edge of the film, the delamination occurring between the outer layer and the adjacent layer.申请人:GRACE, W.R. + CO.更多信息请下载全文后查看。



技术标准对企业研发的支撑分析■ 徐平江 邵 瑾 付青琴(北京智芯微电子科技有限公司)摘 要:本文阐述了技术标准对企业研发工作的支撑作用。




关键词:技术标准,标准体系,研发DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1002-5944.2021.03.012Analysis of the Support of Technical Standards for Enterprise R & DXU Ping-jiang SHAO Jin FU Qing-qin(Beijing Intelligent Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.)Abstract: The supporting role of technical standards in the R & D of enterprises is expounded in this paper. Firstly, it introduces the concept of technical standards system, and illustrates the method of establishing the system. In addition to the regular guidance of technical standards on R & D details, this paper explains how to set the direction of enterprise R & D, improve the efficiency of R & D cases and unify the requirements from three aspects of technical standards system, professional technical standards and general technical standards. This paper provides a theoretical support for the research and development of technical standards system.Keywords: technical standard, standards system, R&D学术研讨1 引 言随着中国经济、社会的飞速发展,各个行业涌现一批大型头部企业。

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亚信研发OpenBOSS产品电子月刊2007年12月刊出刊单位:研发部杭州研发中心总监办目录亚信研发OpenBOSS产品电子月刊 (1)2007年12月刊 (1)第一章新业务介绍 (3)1 OpenBOSS复合需求总体设计方案-集团-商信通业务 (3)1.1整体说明 (3)1.2进度要求 (3)1.3需求解决方案 (3)1.3.1 总体结构关系图 (3)1.3.2 流程图 (4)1.3.3 商用业务受理描述(PRM系统) (4)1.3.4 EC业务信息同步述(CBOSS系统) (4)第二章推荐方案 (4)1 BOSS应急系统 (4)1.1系统概述 (4)1.2体系架构图 (5)1.3系统功能图 (6)1.4数据流图 (7)1.5数据恢复 (7)2 集团产品资费知识库 (8)2.1背景资料 (8)2.2需求解决方案 (9)第三章本期热点 (9)1 江西物资管理平台 (9)1.1需求开发背景 (9)1.2总体功能 (9)1.3业务流程 (11)1.3.1 采购以及入库时序图 (12)1.3.2 物资下拨时序图 (13)1.3.3 营业厅物资退库时序图 (14)1.4系统功能说明 (15)1.4.1 采购单管理 (15)1.4.2 物资库存管理 (16)1.4.3 物资稽核管理 (17)1.4.4 系统配置管理 (17)1.4.5 各类报表 (18)第一章新业务介绍1 OpenBOSS复合需求总体设计方案-集团-商信通业务供稿人:杭州研发中心应理静1.1 整体说明商信通业务是指依托中国移动和中国国际电子商务中心现有资源,建立中国首席商讯通商务应用平台,为内外贸企业及商务人士提供及时、准确、权威、便捷的无线商务信息服务和移动业务处理服务,为国内、外企业提供及时、准确的供求信息互动平台,为企业创造更多商机。


1.2 进度要求商信通业务的模式属于中央ADC业务,先期在山东和江苏进行试点,目前过渡方案推广至全国。



1.3 需求解决方案1.3.1 总体结构关系图C商信通业务主要涉及到PRM系统、CBOSS、帐务系统等系统。


1.3.2 流程图该业务基本同中心业务处理。

1.3.3 商用业务受理描述(PRM系统)支持集团客户的商信通业务受理;支持商信通业务的签约成员维护;完成按MAS业务接口规范将EC业务订购信息和成员签约信息与CBOSS系统的接口。

1.3.4 EC业务信息同步述(CBOSS系统)按MAS业务规范,实现EC信息同步和EC业务信息、EC成员订购信息同步到本省BOSS系统。



第二章推荐方案1 BOSS应急系统供稿人:广州办事处邹爱军1.1 系统概述江西省移动通信公司在2006年初成功上线了业务运营支撑系统(BOSS1.5)。










1.2 体系架构图BOSS应急系统从逻辑层面来看,可以分为三层结构,分别为接入层、业务层、数据层。






1.3 系统功能图1、面向前台的受理功能普通开户:受理客户资料、HLR鉴权开户,可以正常打电话;缴费:缴费后自动帐务复机补卡:废弃用户的旧卡,启用新卡帐务复机(主要是充值、缴费后自动发起,也单独提供帐务复机操作,复机时检查帐户余额是否满足复机条件)2、IVR自动语音充值用户可通过电话充值,充值后自动复机3、应急后台管理功能应急切换控制应急系统和生产系统之间的切换,可以通过脚本的方式来进行:●启用应急系统●应急系统回切分别根据应急系统启用和回切流程准备切换脚本,并将该脚本纳入统一管理和控制,提供相应的操作界面和流程来完成整个应急切换和回切工作。


1.4 数据流图下面,描述了一个典型的应急系统业务从受理到开通的数据流图。


接入层:应急系统WEB受理界面,IVR自动语音充值平台后台服务:应急系统的业务逻辑层具体数据流图如下:1.5 数据恢复在生产系统恢复正常后,需要把应急系统受理的业务数据以业务办理当时场景的信息恢复到生产系统。



数据恢复流程图如下:2 集团产品资费知识库供稿人:杭州研发中心李海俊2.1 背景资料随着集团业务的开展,集团产品的数量逐渐增加。




2.2 需求解决方案建立集团产品资费知识库的主要目的主要是为了方便相关操作员对相关集团产品资费信息有个全面的了解。








第三章本期热点1 江西物资管理平台供稿人:广州办事处邹爱军1.1 需求开发背景随着公司高速和规模发展,市场促销形式不断多样化,促销物资品种和数量的增长也呈直线上升趋势,对于促销品的精细化管理迫在眉睫,按照财务账实相符原则和SOX存货管理流程风险控制点的要求,各分公司对于市场促销物资信息管理平台的建立提出了非常迫切的要求。

为了充分贯彻“ONE CM”的理念,落实集团公司“集中化、标准化、信息化”的集中采购管理要求,充分整合现有资源,建立全省统一的物资管理平台势在必行。


1.2 总体功能建立前台营业、稽核、物流、业务管理及后台报表考核等操作的闭环管理平台;实现市场促销物资(包括手机、卡品、市场促销品)的实时整体业务流程管理和控制;建立省公司-市公司-县公司-营业网点(包括渠道)的四级物资管理模式;真实记录市场促销物资的实体流向,实现采购、库存、业务办理、退库等业务流程的实时记录;营业员物资的出库必须经过稽核的确认,控制管理风险;实现实时统计和分析功能。
