51VOA慢速英语是美国之音(Voice of America)的一个特色
voa慢速英语学习方法1、从网站下载一个 5 分钟的 report 到〔电脑〕里(包括下载report的MP3录音和文本),准备好一本英汉词典或电子词典。
2用VOA 练出纯正英语发音的方法第一步:下载一个 VOA Special English 节目的 mp3 录音和配套文本到电脑里或MP3播放器里;第二步:先不要播放mp3录音,而是自己当一次播音主持,对着节目文本,大声的朗诵,并录制到电脑或其它可以录制声音的设备里;第三步:循环播放自己的录音,并对照节目的正式mp3录音,认真找出自己的在单词发音和句子升降调、轻重发音方面的问题;第四步:认真阅读节目文本,学习表达事物、情感等用到的各类句式。
VOA Special English 节目里的所有 short report(5分钟的)和 feature report(15分钟)的一般都可以做为训练素材,特别是 Words and Their Stories 和 American Stories 最正确,这是因为 Words and Their Stories 和 American Stories 是讲故事性质的,主持人在播读这两个专题时更富有感情色彩。
usedmostoftenforwindowsorforcontainerstoholdliquids go-v.tomovefromoneplacetoanother;toleave
goal-n.thattowardwhichaneffortisdirected;thatwhichisaimedat;theendofa triporrace
grind-v.toreducetosmallpiecesbycrushing nd;theearth'ssurface;soil
group-n.anumberofpeopleorthingstogether;agatheringofpeopleworkingfora commonpurpose
3 ——文章来源网,仅供分享学习参考
green-ad.havingthecolorlikethatmadebymixingyellowandblue;havingthecol orlikethatofgrowingleavesandgrass
gas-n.anysubstancethatisnotsolidorliquid;anysubstancethatburnstoprovi deheat,lightorpower
VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以F开头的单词)VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以F开头的单词)Fface-n.thefrontofthehead:eyes,nose,mouth;v.tolooktoward;toturntoward;tohavebeforeyou,suchasaproblemordangerfact-n.somethingknownorprovedtobetruefactory-n.abuildingorgroupofbuildingswheregoodsaremadefail-v.tonotsucceed;tonotreachagoalfair-ad.just;honest;whatisrightfall-v.togodownquickly;tocomedown;todroptothegroundoralowerposition false-ad.nottrue;notcorrectfamily-n.thegroupthatincludeschildrenandtheirparentsfamous-ad.knownverywelltomanypeoplefar-ad.at,toorfromagreatdistancendusedtogrowcropsandanimalsforfoodfast-ad.movingorworkingatgreatspeed;quickfat-n.tissueinthebodiesofhumansandanimalsusedtostoreenergyandtokeepwa rm;ad.thick;heavyfather-n.themaleparent;amanwhohasachildorchildrenfear-v.tobeafraid;toworrythatsomethingbadisnearormayhappen("Hefearedf allingdown.");n.astrongemotionwhenthereisdangerortrouble("Hehadafeart hathewouldfalldown.")federal-ad.oforhavingtodowithanationalorcentralgovernmentfeed-v.togivefoodtofeel-v.tohaveorexperienceanemotion;toknowbytouchingfemale-n.awomanorgirl;thesexthatgivesbirth;ad.oforaboutwomenfence-n.somethingaroundanareaoflandtokeepanimalsorpeopleinorout fertile-ad.richinproductionofplantsoranimals;producingmuchfew-ad.notmany;asmallnumberoffield-n.anareaofopenland,usuallyusedtogrowcropsortoraiseanimals fierce-ad.extremelystrong;violent;angryfight-v.touseviolenceorforce;toattempttodefeatordestroyanenemy;n.theu seofforce;abattlefill-v.toputorpoursomethingintoacontaineruntilthereisspacefornomorefilm-v.torecordsomethingsoitcanbeseenagain;tomakeamotionpictureormovi e;n.athinpieceofmaterialformakingpictureswithacamera;amoviefinal-ad.attheend;lastfinancial-ad.oforaboutthesystemthatincludestheuseofmoney,credit,investmentsandbanksfind-v.todiscoverorlearnsomethingbysearchingorbyaccident;todecideacou rtcase("Thejuryfindsthemanguiltyofmurder.")fine-n.apaymentorderedbyacourttopunishsomeoneforacrime;ad.verygood;ve rysmallorthinfinish-v.tocomplete;toendfire-v.toshootagun;n.theheatandlightproducedbysomethingburning firework-n.rocketsproducingbrightfireinthesky,usedinholidaycelebrationsfirm-ad.noteasilymovedorchanged("Sheisfirminheropinion.")ingbeforeallothersfish-n.acreaturethatlivesandcanbreatheinwaterfit-v.tobeofthecorrectsizeorshape("Theseshoesfitmyfeet.")fix-v.tomakegoodorrightagainflag-n.apieceofcoloredclothusedtorepresentanation,governmentororganizationflat-ad.smooth;havingnohighplacesflee-v.torunawayfromfloat-v.tobeonwaterwithoutsinking;tomoveorbemovedgentlyonwaterorthrou ghairflood-v.tocoverwithwater;n.themovementofwateroutofariver,lakeoroceanontolandfloor-n.thebottompartofaroomforwalkingon("Thebookfelltothefloor.");th elevelofabuilding("Thefirewasonthefirstfloor.")flow-v.tomovelikealiquidflower-n.thecoloredpartofplantsthatcarryseedsfluid-n.anysubstancethatcanflow,suchasaliquidfly-v.tomovethroughtheairwithwings,likeabirdorairplane;totravelinanairplaneorflyingvehiclefog-n.amassofwetairthatisdifficulttoseethrough;acloudclosetotheground follow-v.tocomeorgoafter;toaccepttheruleorpowerof;toobeyfood-n.thatwhichistakeninbyalllivingthingsforenergy,strengthandgrowthfool-v.tomakesomeonebelievesomethingthatisnottrue;totrick;n.apersonwh oistrickedeasilyfoot-n.thebottompartoftheleg;thepartofthebodythattouchesthegroundwhen apersonoranimalwalksfor-prep.becauseof("Heisfamousforhiswork.");inexchange("Givemeonedoll arforthebook.");throughspaceortime("Theytravelledforonehour.");repres entativeof("Ispeakforallpeople.");tobeemployedby("Sheworksforacompute rcompany.")force-v.tomakesomeonedosomethingormakesomethinghappenbyusingpower;n.p ower,strength;strengthusedagainstapersonorobject;militarypowerofanation;am ilitarygroupforeign-ad.of,aboutorfromanothernation;notfromone'sownplaceorcountryforest-n.aplaceofmanytreesforget-v.tonotrememberforgive-v.topardon;toexcuse;toremoveguiltform-v.tomake;tostart;toshape("Theyformedaswimteam.");n.akind("Swimmi ngisaformofexercise.")former-ad.earlierintime;notnowforward-ad.thedirectioninfrontof;towardthefrontfree-v.torelease;ad.notcontrolledbyanotherorbyoutsideforces;notinpris on;independent;notlimitedbyrules;withoutcostfreedom-n.theconditionofbeingfreefreeze-v.tocauseortobecomeverycold;tomakeortobecomehardbycold fresh-ad.newlymadeorgathered;recentfriend-n.apersononelikesandtrustsfrighten-v.tocausegreatfearfrom-prep.havingaperson,placeorthingasabeginningorcause("Itisamessagefromthepresident.");ataplacedistant,notnear("Theschoolisfivekilometersfrommyhome.");becauseof("Heissuffer ingfromcancer.")front-n.theforwardpart;theoppositeofback;thebeginning;thefirstpart fruit-n.foodfromtreesandplantsfuel-n.anysubstanceburnedtocreateheatorpowerfull-ad.containingasmuchasapersonorthingcanhold;completefun-n.anythingthatispleasingandcauseshappinessfuneral-n.aceremonyheldinconnectionwiththeburialorburningofthedeadfuture-n.timeafternow("Wecantalkaboutitinthefuture.");ad.inthetimetoc ome("Allfuturemeetingswillbeheldinthisroom.")。
VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以W开头的单词)VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以W开头的单词)Wwage-n.moneyreceivedforworkdonewait-v.todelayacting;topostponewalk-v.tomovebyputtingonefootinfrontoftheotherwall-n.thesideofaroomorbuildingformedbywood,stoneorothermaterial;astructuresometimesusedtoseparateareasofland want-v.todesire;towishfor;toneedwar-n.fightingbetweennations,orgroupsinanation,usingweapons warm-ad.almosthot;havingorfeelingsomeheatwarn-v.totellofpossibledanger;toadviseorinformaboutsomethingbadthatma yhappenwash-v.tomakeclean,usuallywithwaterwaste-v.tospendorusewithoutneedorcare;tomakebaduseof;n.aspendingofmon ey,timeoreffortwithnovaluegainedorreturned;somethingthrownawayashavingno value;theliquidandsolidsubstancesthatresultfrombodyprocessesandarepas sedoutofthebodywatch-v.tolookat;toobserveclosely;tolookandwaitforwater-n.theliquidthatfallsfromtheskyasrainorisfoundinlakes,riversandoceanswave-v.tomoveorcausetomoveonewayandtheother,asaflaginthewind;tosignalbymovingthehandonewayandtheother;n.alargemas sofwaterthatformsandmovesonthesurfaceofalakeoroceanway-n.apathonlandorseaorintheair;howsomethingisdone;methodwe-pro.twoormorepeople,includingthespeakerorwriter("HeandIwillgotogether,andwewillreturntogether.")weak-ad.havinglittlepower;easilybroken,damagedordestroyed;oppositestrongwealth-n.alargeamountofpossessions,moneyorotherthingsofvalue weapon-n.anythingusedtocauseinjuryortokillduringanattack,fightorwarwear-v.tohaveonthebody,asclothesweather-n.theconditionoftheatmosphereresultingfromsun,wind,rain,heatorcoldweek-n.aperiodoftimeequaltosevendaysweigh-v.tomeasurehowheavysomeoneorsomethingiswelcome-v.toexpresshappinessorpleasurewhensomeonearrivesorsomethingde velopswell-ad.inawaythatisgoodorpleasing;ingoodhealth;n.aholeinthegroundwhe rewater,gasoroilcanbefoundwest-n.thedirectioninwhichthesungoesdownwet-ad.coveredwithwaterorotherliquid;notdryedtoaskaboutsomethingortoaskforinformationaboutsomething(" Whatisthis?");ad.whichorwhichkind("Hewantstoknowwhatyouwouldliketodri nk.")wheat-n.agrainusedtomakebread;theplantthatproducesthegrainwheel-n.aroundstructurethatturnsaroundacenterwhen-ad.atwhattime;atanytime("Whenwillshecomehome?");conj.duringoratt hetime("IstudiedhardwhenIwasinschool.")where-ad.,conj.at,toorinwhatplace("Whereishishouse?""Thehousewherehelivesisintheoldpart ofthecity.")edtoaskaboutwhatoneorwhatonesofagroupofthingsorpeople("Wh ichprogramdoyoulikebest?""Whichstudentswilltakethetest?")while-n.aspaceoftime("Pleasecometomyhouseforawhile.");conj.atorduring thesametime("Itmaynotbeagoodideatoeatwhileyouarerunning.")white-ad.havingthecolorlikethatofmilkorsnowwho-pro.whatorwhichpersonorpersonsthat("Whowantstogo?");thepersonorpe rsons("Theyaretheoneswhowanttogo.")whole-ad.thecompleteamount;alltogether;notdivided;notcutintopieceswhy-ad.forwhatcauseorreason("Whydidshedoit?");conj.thereasonforwhich( "Idonotknowwhyshedidit.")wide-ad.havingagreatdistancefromonesidetotheother;notlimitedwife-n.awomanwhoismarriedwild-ad.livingandgrowinginnaturalconditionsandnotorganizedorsupervise dbyhumans;angry;uncontrolledwill-v.awordusedwithactionwordstoshowfutureaction("Theywillholdtalkst omorrow.")willing-ad.beingreadyorhavingadesireto("Theyarewillingtotalkaboutthep roblem.")win-v.togainavictory;todefeatanotherorothersinacompetition,electionorbattlewind-n.astrongmovementofairwindow-n.anopeninginawalltoletinlightandair,usuallyfilledwithglasswinter-n.thecoldesttimeofyear,betweenautumnandspringwire-n.along,thinpieceofmetalusedtohangobjectsortocarryelectricityorelectroniccomm unicationsfromoneplacetoanotherwise-ad.havingmuchknowledgeandunderstanding;abletouseknowledgeandunde rstandingtomakegoodorcorrectdecisionswish-v.towant;toexpressadesireforwith-prep.alongorbythesideof;together;using("Hefixeditwithatool.");ha ving("thehousewiththereddoor")withdraw-v.totakeormoveout,awayorback;toremovewithout-prep.withno;nothavingorusing;freefrom;notdoingwoman-n.anadultfemalehumanwonder-v.toaskoneself;toquestion("Shewondersifitistrue.");n.afeelingo fsurprisewonderful-ad.causingwonder;especiallygoodwood-n.thesolidmaterialofwhichtreesaremadeword-n.oneormoreconnectedsoundsthatformasinglepartofalanguagework-v.tousephysicalormentalefforttomakeordosomething;n.theeffortused tomakeortodosomething;thatwhichneedseffort;thejobonedoestoearnmoney world-n.theearth;thepeoplewholiveontheearthworry-v.tobeconcerned;tocontinuethinkingthatsomething,possiblybad,canhappenworse-ad.morebadthanworth-n.valuemeasuredinmoneywound-v.toinjure;tohurt;tocausephysicaldamagetoapersonoranimal;n.anin jurytothebodyofahumanoranimalinwhichtheskinisusuallycutorbrokenwreck-v.todamagegreatly;todestroy;n.anythingthathasbeenbadlydamagedor brokenwreckage-n.whatremainsofsomethingseverelydamagedordestroyedwrite-v.touseaninstrumenttomakewordsappearonasurface,suchaspaper。
VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以W开头的单词)Wwage - n. money received for work donewait - v. to delay acting; to postponewalk - v. to move by putting one foot in front of the otherwall - n. the side of a room or building formed by wood, stone or other material; a structure sometimes used to separate areas of landwant - v. to desire; to wish for; to needwar - n. fighting between nations, or groups in a nation, using weaponswarm - ad. almost hot; having or feeling some heatwarn - v. to tell of possible danger; to advise or inform about something bad that may happenwash - v. to make clean, usually with waterwaste - v. to spend or use without need or care; to make bad use of; n. a spending of money, time or effort with no value gained or returned; something thrown away as having no value; the liquid and solid substances that result from body processes and are passed out of the bodywatch - v. to look at; to observe closely; to look and wait forwater - n. the liquid that falls from the sky as rain or is found in lakes, rivers and oceanswave - v. to move or cause to move one way and the other, as a flag in the wind; to signal by moving the hand one way and the other; n. a large mass of water that forms and moves on the surface of a lake or oceanway - n. a path on land or sea or in the air; how something is done; methodwe - pro. two or more people, including the speaker or writer ("He and I will go together, and we will return together.") weak - ad. having little power; easily broken, damaged or destroyed; opposite strongwealth - n. a large amount of possessions, money or other things of valueweapon - n. anything used to cause injury or to kill during an attack, fight or warwear - v. to have on the body, as clothesweather - n. the condition of the atmosphere resulting from sun, wind, rain, heat or coldweek - n. a period of time equal to seven daysweigh - v. to measure how heavy someone or something iswelcome - v. to express happiness or pleasure when someone arrives or something developswell - ad. in a way that is good or pleasing; in good health; n. a hole in the ground where water, gas or oil can be found west - n. the direction in which the sun goes downwet - ad. covered with water or other liquid; not drywhat - pro. used to ask about something or to ask for information about something ("What is this?"); ad. which or which kind ("He wants to know what you would like to drink.")wheat - n. a grain used to make bread; the plant that produces the grainwheel - n. a round structure that turns around a centerwhen - ad. at what time; at any time ("When will she come home?"); conj. during or at the time ("I studied hard when I was in school.")where - ad., conj. at, to or in what place ("Where is his house?" "The house where he lives is in the old part of the city.") which - pro. used to ask about what one or what ones of a group of things or people ("Which program do you like best?" "Which students will take the test?")while - n. a space of time ("Please come to my house for a while."); conj. at or during the same time ("It may not be a good idea to eat while you are running.")white - ad. having the color like that of milk or snowwho - pro. what or which person or persons that ("Who wants to go?"); the person or persons ("They are the ones who want to go.")whole - ad. the complete amount; all together; not divided; not cut into pieceswhy - ad. for what cause or reason ("Why did she do it?"); conj. the reason for which ("I do not know why she did it.")wide - ad. having a great distance from one side to the other; not limitedwife - n. a woman who is marriedwild - ad. living and growing in natural conditions and not organized or supervised by humans; angry; uncontrolledwill - v. a word used with action words to show future action ("They will hold talks tomorrow.")willing - ad. being ready or having a desire to ("They are willing to talk about the problem.")win - v. to gain a victory; to defeat another or others in a competition, election or battlewind - n. a strong movement of airwindow - n. an opening in a wall to let in light and air, usually filled with glasswinter - n. the coldest time of year, between autumn and springwire - n. a long, thin piece of metal used to hang objects or to carry electricity or electronic communications from one place to anotherwise - ad. having much knowledge and understanding; able to use knowledge and understanding to make good or correctdecisionswish - v. to want; to express a desire forwith - prep. along or by the side of; together; using ("He fixed it with a tool."); having ("the house with the red door") withdraw - v. to take or move out, away or back; to removewithout - prep. with no; not having or using; free from; not doingwoman - n. an adult female humanwonder - v. to ask oneself; to question ("She wonders if it is true."); n. a feeling of surprisewonderful - ad. causing wonder; especially goodwood - n. the solid material of which trees are madeword - n. one or more connected sounds that form a single part of a languagework - v. to use physical or mental effort to make or do something; n. the effort used to make or to do something; that which needs effort; the job one does to earn moneyworld - n. the earth; the people who live on the earthworry - v. to be concerned; to continue thinking that something, possibly bad, can happenworse - ad. more bad thanworth - n. value measured in moneywound - v. to injure; to hurt; to cause physical damage to a person or animal; n. an injury to the body of a human or animal in which the skin is usually cut or brokenwreck - v. to damage greatly; to destroy; n. anything that has been badly damaged or brokenwreckage - n. what remains of something severely damaged or destroyedwrite - v. to use an instrument to make words appear on a surface, such as paper。
坚持听VOA慢速英语练听力首先Morris在这边为大家推荐这个网站,里面有很多VOA Special(VOA慢速英语)的材料供大家下载,请多多善用~那么以下就是用VOA慢速英语来训练听力的一些小tips~ Morris也会每周更新一些有翻译稿的VOA Special材料,附上mp3,并给各位打印出来,请各位回家抽空进我们的公共邮箱去下载相应的mp3~ Morris在这里恳请各位亲一定要脚踏实地,记住咱们要求的第一条:Attitude is everything. There is no shortcut, and nothing can take the place of persistence.扫除词汇障碍在正式听之前,先通览全文一遍,强迫自己不要去看句子意思和文章意思,仅仅只是在文章中挑出不认识的单词,然后用字典查好单词的意思,词性,用法,把单词归纳到小本子上。
以下是一个典型的VOA慢速英语短篇新闻示例:Title: The Power of FriendshipOnce upon a time, there was a young girl named Alice who had a best friend named Bob. They met at school and quickly became inseparable. Alice and Bob shared a love of music and spent many hours playing their guitars together.One day, Alice learned that she would be leaving the city for a few months to visit family. She was very sad and didn't want to leave her friend behind. Before she left, she gave Bob a special gift - an acoustic guitar with their initials on it.When Alice returned, she found that Bob had learned to play theguitar and they could now play together even more than before. The power of their friendship had brought them closer together and made their bond even stronger.这个短篇新闻讲述了一个关于友谊的故事,通过慢速的语速和简单的语言,使学习者能够更容易地理解和学习。
voa慢速英语 文本 单词 -回复
voa慢速英语文本单词-回复[voa慢速英语文本单词] 基础上写的主题文章Step by Step: How to Improve Your English with VOA Slow English TranscriptsLearning a new language can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. It requires dedication, practice, and exposure to authentic content. One valuable resource for English learners is VOA Slow English Transcripts. In this article, we will guide you step by step on how to effectively utilize these transcripts to improve your English skills.Step 1: Familiarize yourself with VOA Slow EnglishBefore diving into the transcripts, it is essential to understand what VOA Slow English is all about. VOA (Voice of America) produces news and information in various languages, including English. The Slow English program intentionally slows down the pace of spoken English, making it easier for non-native speakers to comprehend. The transcripts accompany the audio, helping learners follow along and understand the content more effectively.Step 2: Start with shorter transcriptsBegin your language learning journey by selecting shorter transcripts. Start with topics that interest you or align with your current vocabulary level. The transcripts cover a wide range of subjects, from politics and technology to culture and entertainment. By choosing familiar topics, you will find it easier to engage with the content and retain new vocabulary and grammar structures.Step 3: Listen to the audio firstTo improve your listening skills, it is crucial to listen to the audio before reading the transcript. This practice helps you train your ears to understand natural spoken English. Pay attention to the pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm of the speaker's voice. While the slow pace makes comprehension easier, it is still important to get accustomed to the flow of spoken English.Step 4: Read the transcript while listeningAfter listening to the audio, read the transcript while following along with the speaker's voice. This step helps reinforce what you have listened to and trains your brain to connect the written and spoken forms of English. Focus on any new phrases or expressions and try to understand their meaning in context. It is helpful to make a note of any words or phrases you find challenging for future reference.Step 5: Analyze the vocabulary and grammarOnce you have listened to the audio and read the transcript, take some time to analyze the vocabulary and grammar used in the text. Look for new words and phrases that you don't understand and make a list of them. Use online dictionaries or language learning apps to look up their meanings and usage. Similarly, pay attention to the sentence structures and grammatical patterns used. Understanding the language on a deeper level will enhance your overall comprehension and communication skills.Step 6: Practice speaking and writingTo fully internalize the language, it is vital to practice speaking andwriting based on the transcripts. Use the new vocabulary and expressions you have learned in your own sentences or conversations. Write short summaries or reflections on the content of each transcript. This exercise helps strengthen your speaking and writing skills while allowing you to integrate what you have learned into your own language production.Step 7: Gradually increase the difficulty levelAs you become comfortable with shorter and simpler transcripts, gradually challenge yourself with longer and more complex ones. This step allows you to expand your vocabulary, improve your reading skills, and adjust to different registers of spoken English. Pushing yourself to work with more challenging material will accelerate your language learning progress.Remember, learning a new language takes time and effort. Consistency is key. By following these steps and regularly practicing with VOA Slow English transcripts, you will see significant improvement in your English skills. Embrace the journey, stay motivated, and enjoy the process of becoming a confident andfluent English speaker.。
VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以B开头的单词) VOA慢速英语词汇表-(以B开头的单词)Bbaby-n.anewlyborncreatureback-n.thepartbehindthefront;ad.theotherwayfromforward bad-ad.wrong;actingagainstthelaw;notgoodbalance-v.tomaketwosidesorforcesequalball-n.somethingroundballoon-n.adeviceofstrong,lightmaterialthatriseswhenfilledwithgaslighterthanairballot-n.apieceofpaperusedforvotingban-v.tonotpermit;tostop;n.anofficialrestrictionbank-n.anorganizationthatkeepsandlendsmoneybar-v.topreventorblockbarrier-n.anythingthatblocksormakesanactiondifficultbase-n.amilitarycenter;v.toestablishasafact("Herresearchwasbasedonexp eriments.")battle-n.afightbetweenopposingarmedforcesbe-v.tolive;tohappen;toexistbeat-v.tohitagainandagainbeauty-ad.thatwhichpleasestheeye,earorspiritbecause-prep.forthereasonthat("Heleftbecausehewassick.")become-v.tocometobebed-n.asleepingplacebefore-prep.earlierbegin-v.todothefirstpartofanaction;tostartbehind-ad.atthebackof;inbackofbelieve-v.tothink;tofeelsureof;toacceptastrue;totrustbell-n.aninstrumentthatmakesamusicalsound("achurchbell")belong-v.tobeownedby;tobeamemberofbelow-ad.lowerthanbest-ad.themostgoodbetray-v.toturnagainst;tobefalsetobetter-ad.moregoodthanbetween-ad.inthespaceortimethatseparates;fromonetotheother("talksbetw eentwonations")big-ad.ofgreatsize;notsmallbill-n.alegislativeproposalbiology-n.thescientificstudyoflifeorlivingthingsinalltheirforms bird-n.acreaturethatfliesbite-v.tocutwiththeteethblack-ad.dark;havingthecolorlikethatofthenightskyblame-v.toaccuse;toholdresponsibleblanket-n.aclothcoverusedtokeepwarmbleed-v.tolosebloodblind-ad.notabletoseeblock-v.tostopsomethingfrombeingdone;topreventmovementblood-n.redfluidinthebodyblow-v.tomovewithforce,asinair("Thewindblows.")blue-ad.havingthecolorlikethatofaclearskyboat-n.somethingbuilttotravelonwaterthatcarriespeopleorgoodsbody-n.allofapersonoranimal;theremainsofapersonoranimalboil-v.toheataliquiduntilitbecomesveryhotbomb-n.adevicethatexplodeswithgreatforce;v.toattackordestroywithbombs bone-n.thehardmaterialinthebodybook-n.alongwrittenworkforreadingborder-n.adividinglinebetweennationsborn-v.tocometolife;tocomeintoexistenceborrow-v.totakeasaloanboth-ad.notjustoneoftwo,butthetwotogetherbottle-n.acontainer,usuallymadeofglass,toholdliquid bottom-ad.thelowestpartofsomethingbox-n.somethingtoputthingsinto;acontainer,usuallymadeofpaperorwoodboy-n.ayoungmalepersonboycott-v.torefusetotakepartinordealwithbrain-n.thecontrolcenterofthought,emotionsandbodyactivityofallcreaturesbrave-ad.havingnofearbread-n.afoodmadefromgrainbreak-v.todivideintopartsbyforce;todestroybreathe-v.totakeairintothebodyandletitoutagainbridge-n.astructurebuiltoverawaterway,valleyorroadsopeopleandvehiclescancrossfromonesidetotheotherbrief-ad.short;notlongbright-ad.givingmuchlight;strongandclearincolorbring-v.tocomewithsomethingbroadcast-v.tosendinformation,storiesormusicbyradioortelevision;n.aradioortelevisionprogrambrother-n.amalewiththesamefatherormotherasanotherpersonbrown-ad.havingthecolorlikethatofcoffeebudget-n.aspendingplanbuild-v.tojoinmaterialstogethertomakesomethingbuilding-n.anythingbuiltforuseasahouse,factory,office,school,storeorplaceofentertainmentbullet-n.asmallpieceofmetalshotfromagunburn-v.tobeonfire;todestroyordamagebyfireburst-v.tobreakopensuddenlybury-v.toputintothegroundandcoverwithearthbus-n.apublicvehicletocarrypeoplebusiness-n.one'swork;buyingandsellingtoearnmoney;tradebusy-ad.doingsomething;veryactivebut-conj.however;otherthan;yetbuy-v.togetbypayingsomething,usuallymoneyby-conj.near;at;nextto("bytheroad");from("aplaybyWilliamShakespeare") ;notlaterthan("bymidnight")。
VOA慢速英语节目介绍VOA慢速英语收听广播时间与频率VOA慢速英语每周节目时间表VOA慢速英语节目主题音乐介绍VOA慢速英语节目组人员介绍VOA慢速英语美音版词汇手册VOA慢速英语每周同步字幕电视美国之音(以下称VOA)的英语节目,按播音速度可分为两种:Standard English (标准英语)和Special English(特别英语)。
Special English 又叫“慢速英语”,是VOA 专为全世界非英语国家初学英语的听众安排的一种简易、规范的英语广播节目。
该节目创始于50年代末期,是VOA 的专家们研究如何与世界各地的英语学习者进行交际的产物。
30多年来,VOA 为了办好Special English节目,进行了大量的调查研究工作,对播音速度、内容及用词范围都作了具体规定,基本上达到了既能为英语学习者提供信息,又不损害英语本身风格的目的,使之成为VOA 独具特色,拥有最大量听众的节目。
美国著名词汇学家S. B. Flexmer 指明了Special English的三条标准,也就是它所“特别”的地方:1、它是一种由美国人最常用的1500个基本单词为主体构成的美国英语;2、它用简短、明晰的句子写作和广播;3、它以每分钟90个单词的速度,即2/3的Standard English(标准英语)速度进行广播。
Special English的节目可分为两大类:一类是新闻节目;一类是专题节目。
1.新闻节目VOA Special English 的新闻广播向听众提供世界范围内的政治、经济、军事、外交、国际关系、宗教、天气以及各种重大事件和珍闻奇事等各个方面的信息,每天向东南亚地区广播五次,早上两次,晚上三次,每逢半点播出。
voa慢速英语 文本 单词
二、Vocabulary1. phenomenon(n.)- a remarkable event or occurrencee.g. The Northern Lights are a natural phenomenon that can be seen in certain parts of the world.2. enhance(v.)- to improve or increase the quality, value, or attractiveness ofe.g. The new software update aims to enhance the user experience.3. crucial(adj.)- extremely important or necessarye.g. Time management is crucial for success in any professional field.4. widespread(adj.)- happening or existing over a large area or among many peoplee.g. The flu has become widespread, affecting people all over the country.5. significant(adj.)- important; valuablee.g. The discovery of a new species in the rainforest is significant for biodiversity research.6. extraordinary(adj.)- very unusual or remarkablee.g. The athlete's performance was extraordinary, breaking multiple world records.7. illustrate(v.)- to explain or make something clear by using examples, charts, etc.e.g. The professor used diagrams to illustrate the complex scientific concept.8. indicate(v.)- to show, point, or make clear in another waye.g. The data indicates a decrease in sales over the past month.9. evaluate(v.)- to judge or determine the value, importance, effectiveness, or quality of somethinge.g. The teacher will evaluate the students' essays based on their content and grammar.10. demonstrate(v.)- to show or make something clear through evidence or examplese.g. The scientist will demonstrate the experiment to the class to ensure understanding.三、Conclusion本文介绍了VOA慢速英语文本中常用的单词,这些单词对于读者理解和学习VOA慢速英语报道非常重要。
NO-BOOK 慢速英语(上下册)TXT文本
to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window
at his house and questioned by the police.
In spite of all this, Maradona is still loved and respected
as one of the greatest players in the 20th century.
His world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity
and color of the world outside.
The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake.
Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats.
who had died peacefully in his sleep.
The other man asked if he could be moved next to the window.
He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed.
Maradona met career problems after he was accused of drug use in 1991.
例如:The turtle is very slow.(这只乌龟非常慢。
)又如:He is a slow learner.(他学习进度较慢。
)在上述例句中,“slow”被用来直接描述名词(turtle / learner),传达了它们缓慢或迟钝的特性。
例如:She walked slowly towards the park.(她缓慢地朝公园走去。
)再比如:He spoke slowly and calmly.(他说话缓慢而冷静。
)在上述例句中,“slowly”用来修饰动词(walked / spoke),表达了动作的速度缓慢和持续进行。
例如:The traffic is slow.(交通很拥堵。
)或者:The traffic is slowly moving.(交通拥堵,行驶缓慢。
2.slow也可以用作宾语补足语,slow前可用rather, too等来修饰。
如:She gave a slow smile.
如:I missed the fast train and had to get the slow one
如:They were very slow paying me.
如:He's the slowest in the class.
如:Don't be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring.
如:My watch is five minutes slow 我的手表慢五分钟。
例句:progress was slower than expected.进展比预计的缓慢。
the slow movement opens with a cello solo.快乐章结尾就是一段大提琴演奏。
she wasn't slow to realize what was going on.她很快意识到出来了什么事。
he's the slowest in the class.他就是班里最急躁的。
例句:could you go a little slower?你能走慢点吗?3、做为动词时,意为(并使)减慢速度,减慢,松懈。
例句:the bus slowed to a halt .公共汽车失速停在了下来。
we hope to slow the spread of the disease.我们期望能减慢疾病的传播速度。
例句:please could you speak more slowly?恳请您说道快一点好不好?slowly things began to improve.慢慢地,情况已经开始转好了。
the stream meanders slowly down to the sea.这条小河弯弯曲曲缓慢地流向大海。
he found that life moved slowly in the countryside.他辨认出乡村的生活节奏快。
slow down的意思
slow down的意思SLOW DOWN的意思是:减速,放慢速度;使……慢下来
SLOW 读法英 [sləʊ] 美 [sloʊ]
1、adj. 慢的;减速的;迟钝的
2、vi. 变慢;变萧条
3、vt. 放慢;阻碍
4、adv. 慢慢地;迟缓地
1、slow speed 慢速,低速
2、slow but sure 龟兔赛跑;虽然慢但最后一定胜利
3、slow motion 慢动作;慢镜头
4、slow start 慢启动;缓慢起动
5、slow wave 慢波
He spoke slowly and deliberately.
dull 读法英 [dʌl] 美 [dʌl]
1、adj. 钝的;迟钝的;无趣的;呆滞的;阴暗的
2、vt. 使迟钝;使阴暗;缓和
3、vi. 减少;变迟钝
dull, monotonous, tedious, dreary这组词都有“单调的、乏味的、厌烦的”的意思,其区别是:
1、dull 指缺乏鲜明、吸引力或情趣而显得乏味、沉闷。
2、monotonous 指没有变化、重复单调的。
3、tedious 侧重指文章、演讲、演出等冗长乏味或环境等单调、沉闷,缺乏活力,使感到不舒服。
4、dreary 侧重无趣味的,不活泼的事或思想状态。
The pain, usually a dull ache, gets worse with exercise.
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THIS IS AMERICA - 'Brokeback Mountain,' 'Crash': Oscar Hopefuls Present a Serious Side of HollywoodBy Shelley GollustBroadcast: Monday, February 27, 2006(MUSIC)VOICE ONE:Welcome to THIS IS AMERICA in VOA Special English. I'm Barbara Klein.VOICE TWO:And I'm Steve Ember. Today, we tell about the seventy-eighth Academy Awards ceremony which takes place next Sunday in Los Angeles, California. For people who make movies and for people who love to watch them, it is the most exciting event of the year.(MUSIC)VOICE ONE:On March fifth, actors, directors, producers and other filmmakers will gather in Hollywood, the center of the American film industry. They will receive Academy Awards for the best acting, directing, writing, editing, music and other work on movies released last year.The winners will receive an award called an Oscar. This statue is shaped like a man. It is made of several metals covered with gold. The Oscar is only about thirty-four centimeters tall. It weighs less than four kilograms. But the award can be priceless to the person who receives it.Winning an Oscar can mean becoming much more famous. It can mean getting offers to work in the best movies. It also can mean earning much more money.VOICE TWO:Five films are nominated for best motion picture. They are "Brokeback Mountain," "Good Night, and Good Luck," "Crash," "Capote" and "Munich." The directors of these movies were also nominated for best director.These five films are different from the ones that are often nominated for best picture. They are all realistic films for adults that deal with serious political or social issues. Four of the movies were mainly produced outside the major Hollywood movie studio system. They cost far less money to produce than most major Hollywood movies.VOICE ONE:"Brokeback Mountain" received eight nominations, the most of any movie this year. They include best director for Ang Lee and nominations for two actors and one actress in the film. "Brokeback Mountain" is the story of two young cowboys inthe western state of Wyoming. They fall in love during thenineteen sixties. They marry young women and havechildren. But the two men continue their secret relationshipfor twenty years.VOICE TWO: Two of the other films received six nominations each. "GoodNight, and Good Luck" is about the television newsmanEdward R. Murrow in the nineteen fifties. His broadcasts opposed the powerful Senator Joseph McCarthy.George Clooney directed "Good Night, and Good Luck." He also wrote the screenplay with Grant Heslov. And Clooney acts in the movie. Clooney was also nominated as best actor in a supporting role in another movie, "Syriana." He plays a secret United States government agent in the Middle East.The film "Crash" also received six nominations. Paul Haggis wrote and directed the movie. "Crash" is about racial tensions among a group of people in Los Angeles. These strangers meet during thirty-six hours and are involved in car crashes and crimes.VOICE ONE:Bennett Miller directed "Capote," another nominee for bestpicture. It is a true story about the writer Truman Capote.It tells about his relationship with two men sentenced to beexecuted for killing a family in a small town in Kansas.Capote wrote about the killings in his famous book, "In Cold Blood." The last nominee for best picture is "Munich," directed by Steven Spielberg. It is also based on true events. "Munich" deals with the killing of eleven Israeli athletes and coaches by Palestinian terrorists. That happened at the Olympic Games in Munich, Germany, innineteen seventy-two. The movie is about Israeli agents and their efforts to find and kill the men responsible for the deaths.(MUSIC)Heath Ledger, left and JakeGyllenhaal in scene from'Brokeback Mountain'Matt Dillon and Thandie Newton in scene from CRASHVOICE TWO:Five men were nominated for the best performance by an actor in a leading role. Three of them play famous American men during the nineteen fifties and sixties. The three actors changed their appearances and voices to look and sound like the real people.David Strathairn plays Edward R. Murrow in "Good Night, and Good Luck." Philip Seymour Hoffman plays Truman Capote in "Capote." And Joaquin Phoenix plays the famous country singer Johnny Cash in "Walk the Line."Heath Ledger was nominated for his role as one of the gaycowboys in "Brokeback Mountain."And Terrence Howard was nominated for his role in themovie "Hustle and Flow." He plays a man who tries tobecome a rap music singer in Memphis, Tennessee.VOICE ONE: Five women received nominations for best performance by an actress in a leading role. Judy Dench plays a women who owns a musical theater in London during World War Two. Her movie is called "Missus Henderson Presents." Keira Knightley plays a young woman in a family of five sisters who seek husbands innineteenth-century England. The movie is based on the book called "Pride and Prejudice." Reese Witherspoon plays, and sings the songs of, the famous country music singer June Carter Cash in "Walk the Line."Charlize Theron was nominated for the movie "NorthCountry." She plays a woman who works in a mine. Shetakes legal action against the male workers who mistreather.And, in the most unusual role, Felicity Huffman wasnominated for "Transamerica." She plays a man about tohave an operation to become a woman. The mandiscovers for the first time that he has a teenage son. (MUSIC)VOICE TWO:Five movies were nominated for best documentary, a movie showing real people andevents. "Darwin's Nightmare" is about the difficult life for the poor people of Tanzania. The movie shows how valuable fish from the country's waters are sent to rich countries while thepeople of Tanzania are left hungry. "March of the Penguins" is a French movie about the struggle for survival of emperor David Strathairn as Edward R.Murrow in the new movie 'GoodNight and Good Luck'Reese Witherspoon in scene from Walk The Linepenguins in Antarctica. "Murderball" is about disabled American athletes who compete in specially designed wheelchairs in a sport called Quad Rugby.VOICE ONE:Another nominee for best documentary is "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room." It is about the top officials of the formerly powerful energy-trading company. The failure of the company affected the lives of its employees and American business. Two of those Enron officials are currently on trial on charges of plotting to cheat investors."Street Fight" is the fifth nominee. It is about a recent election for mayor in Newark, New Jersey. The film raises hard questions about American politics, democracy and race. VOICE TWO:More than twenty Academy Awards will be presented on Sunday. The people who designed the best costumes, makeup and special effects will receive awards. So will the people who wrote the best screenplays and did the best film and sound editing.Songs from "Crash," "Hustle and Flow" and "Transamerica" are nominated as best original song. Musical scores from five other movies are nominated for best original score.VOICE ONE:The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presents the Oscars each year. Almost six thousand people who work in the movie industry belong to the organization.Members of the Academy begin the process of choosing award winners. These people work in thirteen different professions. They nominate candidates for Academy Awards.The members choose among people doing the same kind of work. For example, actors nominate actors. Directors nominate directors. Designers nominate designers.All Academy members vote to choose the final winners.VOICE TWO:The awards are presented in the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. Important people in the movie industry attend the Academy Awards ceremony. Crowds of people wait outside the theater. They watch the famous movie stars as they arrive for the ceremony.The women wear beautiful dresses and costly jewelry provided by famous designers. Camera lights flash. The actors and actresses smile for the photographers and television cameras.During the Academy Awards ceremony, famous actors and actresses announce the names of the nominees and the winners. Then the winners go up onto the stage to receive their Oscars. Their big moment has arrived. They thank all the people who helped them win the award.Hundreds of millions of people in the United States and around the world will watch the Academy Awards show on television Sunday night. The American film industry will honor the best movies, actors and technicians. These winners will go home with a golden Oscar.(MUSIC)VOICE ONE:Our program was written by Shelley Gollust. It was produced by Caty Weaver. I'm Barbara Klein.VOICE TWO:And I'm Steve Ember. Join us again next week for THIS IS AMERICA, in VOA Special English.。