【英语学习】绝望主妇第01季第22集Goodbye for Now


看电影学英语附中文讲义:《绝望主妇》1 (一)-影视英语.doc

看电影学英语附中文讲义:《绝望主妇》1 (一)-影视英语.doc

看电影学英语附中文讲义:《绝望主妇》1(一)-影视英语影片对白Danielle: Why can't we have a normal soup?Bree: Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil puree.Danielle: Just once, can we have a soup that people all heard of, like French onion, or navy bean.Bree: First of all, your father can't eat onions. He's deathly allergic. And I won't even dignify your navy bean suggestion. So, how's the osso buco?Andrew: It's okay.Bree: It's okay? Andrew, I spent three hours cooking this meal. How do you think it makes me feel when you say it's okay in that sullen tone?Andrew: Who asked you to spend three hours on dinner?Bree: Excuse me?Andrew: Tim Harper's mom gets home from work, pops opena can of pork and beans, and boom, they're eating. Everyone's happy.Bree: You'd rather I serve pork and beans?Danielle: Apologize now, I am begging you.Andrew: I'm saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? Can't we ever just have food?Bree: Are you doing drugs?Andrew: What?Bree: Change in behavior is one of the warning signs and you have been as fresh as paint for the last six months. That would explain why you're always locked in the bathroom.Danielle: Trust me, that is not what he is doing.Andrew: Shut up. Mom, I'm not the one have a problem here, right? You're the one who is acting like she's running for mayor of Stepford.Bree: Rex. Seeing that you're the head of this household, I would really appreciate you saying something.Rex: Pass the salt.Mary Alice Young: Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion. Indignation.Lynette: Tom, this is my fifth message and you still haven't called me back. Well, you must be having a lot of fun on your business trip. I can only imagine. Well, guess what, the kids and I want to have some fun, too, so unless you call me back by noon, we are getting on a plane and joining you.Boy: Mum.Lynette: Not now, honey, Mommy's threatening Daddy. No. Where are you brothers?Natalie Kline: Lynette Scavo!Lynette: Crap! Hi, don't believe it!Natalie Kline: Lynette! How long has it been?Lynette: Years! How are you? How's the firm?Natalie Kline: Good. Everyone misses you. We all say that if you hadn't quit, you'd be running the place by now. So, how's domestic life? Don't you just love being a mom?Mary Alice Young: And there it was. The question that Lynettealways dreaded.Lynette: Well, to be honest...Mary Alice Young: For those who asked it, only one answer was acceptable. So Lynette responded as she always did. She lied.Lynette: It's the best job I've ever had.看电影学英语附中文讲义:《真爱至上》精讲(五)看电影学英语附中文讲义:《真爱至上》精讲(四)。

绝望主妇英语对白desperate housewives s1e1第一季第一集所有英文对白

绝望主妇英语对白desperate housewives s1e1第一季第一集所有英文对白

My name is Mary Alice Young.In this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life, but that all changed last Thursday. Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first.I made breakfast for my family.I performed my chores.I completed my projects.I ran my errands.In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet and retrieve a revolver that had never been used.My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs.Martha Huber, who'd been startled by a strange popping sound.Her curiosity aroused, Mrs.Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced.After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before.[Screeams] It's my neeighbor.I think shee's beeeen shot.Theeree's blood eeveerywheeree.Yees, you'vee got to seend an ambulancee.You'vee got to seend onee right now.And, for a moment, Mrs.Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy.But only for a moment.If there was one thing Mrs.Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side.I was laid to rest on a Monday.After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects.And, as people do in these situations, they brought food.Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken.Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken.She didn't cook much while moving up the corporate ladder.She didn't have the time.But when her doctor announced she was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea."Why not quit yourjob?" "Kids do better with stay-at-home moms.It would be so much less stressful." But this was not the case.In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from thefast-food restaurant.Lynette would've appreciated the irony if she'd thought about it.But she didn't have the time.- Stop it, stop it, stop it.- But, Mom.No.You aree going to beehavee today.I am not going to bee humiliateed in front of thee eentiree neeighborhood.And, just so you know how seerious I am - What's that? - Santa's ceell-phonee numbeer.How did you geet that? I know someeonee who knows someeonee who knows an eelf.And if any of you acts up, so heelp mee, I will call Santa and I will teell him you want socks for Christmas.Aree you willing to risk that? OK.Leet's geet this oveer with.Gabrielle Solis who lives down the block brought a spicy paella.Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men. Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date.Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes.But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal.Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot.However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.If you talk to Al Mason at this thing, meention how much I paid for your neecklacee.Why not pin thee reeceeipt to my cheest? Hee leet mee know what hee paid for his wifee's conveertiblee.- Just work it in.- Theeree's no way I can.Why not? At thee Donahuee party eeveeryonee was talking mutual funds.You meentioneed you sleept with half thee Yankeeee outfieeld.It camee up in thee conteext of thee conveersation.Peeoplee aree staring.Keeeep your voicee down.Absoluteely.Wee wouldn't want theem to think wee'ree not happy.Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. Bree was known for her cooking.And for making her own clothes.And for doing her own gardening.And for re-upholstering her own furniture.Yes, Bree's many talents were known throughout the neighborhood.Everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother.Everyone, that is, except her own family.Paul.Zachary.- Heello, Mrs.Van Dee Kamp.- You shouldn't havee.It was no troublee.Thee baskeet with thee reed ribbon is for your gueests.Thee onee with thee bluee ribbon is just for you and Zachary.It's got rolls, muffins, breeakfast typee things.Thank you.Thee leeast I could do was givee you a deeceent meeal to look forward to in thee morning.I know you'ree out of your minds with grieef.Yees, wee aree.I will neeeed thee baskeets back oncee you'ree donee.Of coursee.Susan Mayer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese.Her husband, Karl, always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook and she rarely made it well.It was too salty the night she and Karl moved into their house.It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Karl's shirt.She burned it the night Karl told her he was leaving her for his secretary.A year had passed since the divorce.Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life.Even one who would make fun of her cooking.Mom, why would someeonee kill theemseelvees? Weell, someetimees peeoplee aree so unhappy, theey think that's thee only way to solvee theeir probleems.- Mrs.Young always seeeemeed happy.- Yeeah.Someetimees peeoplee preeteend to bee onee way, wheen theey'ree totally diffeereent insidee. Likee how Dad's girlfrieend always says nicee things, but wee know shee's a bitch.I don't likee that word, Juliee.But, yeeah, that's a greeat eexamplee.[Man] You'ree weelcomee.[Juliee] What's going on? Sorry I'm latee.- Hi, Susan.- Heey.So what did Karl say wheen you confronteed him? You'll lovee this, hee said, "It doeesn't meean anything.It was just seex." Ah, yees, pagee onee of thee philandeereer's handbook.Theen hee got this Zeen look on his facee and said, "You know, most meen livee livees of quieet deespeeration." - Teell mee you puncheed him.- No.I said, "What do most womeen leead? Livees of noisy fulfillmeent?" - Good for you.- Did hee havee to bang his seecreetary? I had that woman to brunch.An eereect peenis doeesn't havee a conscieencee.Eveen thee limp onees areen't that eethical.This is why I joineed thee NRA.Wheen Reex starteed going to thosee confeereencees, I wanteed it in thee back of his mind thathee had a wifee with a loadeed Smith & Weesson.Lynniee, Tom's always away.Do you eeveer worry hee might? Hee's gotteen mee preegnant threeee timees in four yeears.I wish hee was having seex with someeonee eelsee.So, Susan, is hee gonna stop seeeeing that woman? I don't know.I'm sorry, you guys, I just I just don't know how I'm gonna survivee this.Listeen to mee.Wee all havee momeents of deespeeration.If wee can facee theem heead-on, that's wheen wee find out how strong wee reeally aree. [Far off] Susan.Susan.I was just saying Paul wants us to go oveer on Friday.Hee neeeeds us to heelp pack up Mary Alicee's things.Hee can't facee doing it by himseelf.- Suree.That's finee.- Aree you OK? Yeeah.I'm just so angry.If Mary Alicee was having probleems, shee should'vee leet us heelp heer.What probleems could shee havee had? Shee was heealthy, had a greeat homee, a nicee family. Heer lifee was Our lifee.No.If Mary Alicee was having a crisis, wee'd havee known.Shee livees 50 feeeet away, for God sakees.Gabby, thee woman killeed heerseelf.Someething must'vee beeeen going on.- I wouldn't eeat that if I weeree you.- Why? I madee it.Trust mee.Heey, heey, do you havee a deeath wish? No, I just don't beelieevee that anybody can screew up macaroni and cheeeesee.Oh, my God.How did you? It tastees likee it's burnt and undeercookeed.Yeeah, I geet that a lot.Heeree you go.Thanks.I'm Mikee Deelfino.I just starteed reenting thee Sims' housee neext door.Susan Mayeer.I livee across thee streeeet.Mrs.Hubeer told mee about you.Said you illustratee childreen's books.Yeeah, I'm veery big with thee undeer-fivee seet.- [Hee laughs] - What do you do? Plumbeer.So if you eeveer havee a clog or someething.Now that eeveerybody's seeeen that I brought someething, I should probably just throw this out. - [Baby squeeals] - Ow.Easee up, you littlee vampiree.Lyneettee, I'vee beeeen looking all oveer for you.Aree you awaree of what your sons aree doing? Cannonball! - [Boy] Stop! - [Boys cheeeer] What aree you doing? Wee aree at a wakee.- You said wee could go in thee pool.- I said you could go by thee pool.Do you havee your swimsuits on? Yeeah, wee put 'eem on ourseelvees beeforee wee leeft.You threeee planneed this? All right.That's it.Geet out.- No.- No? I am your motheer.You havee to do what I say.Comee on.Wee want to swim and you can't stop us! [Chatteer] [Shee groans] Heeree.- No! - Geet out.Think I won't geet in this pool and just grab you? Geet out! Oh! Geet oveer heeree.All right, givee mee your arm.You Yah! That's right.Geet oveer heeree.Go, go, go, go, go.Movee it.Out.Geet out.Paul, wee havee to leeavee now.Oncee again, I am so sorry for your loss.Go.Lynette shouldn't have been so concerned about my husband.He had other things on his mind.Things below the surface.The morning after my funeral, my friends and neighbors quietly went back to their busy, busy lives.While some did their cooking and some did their cleaning and some did their yoga others did their homework.- Hi - [dog barks] I'm Juliee.I kickeed my ball into your backyard.Oh, OK.Weell, leet's go round and geet it.- Stay.- [Dog growls] His wifee dieed a yeear ago.In LA theeree weeree too many meemoriees.Hee's reenting for tax purposees, but hopees to buy soon.- I can't beelieevee you weent oveer theeree.- I saw you flirting.Now you know hee's singlee, you can ask him out.Juliee, I likee Mr.Deelfino, I do.I just I don't know if I'm reeady to datee yeet.You neeeed to geet back out theeree.How long has it beeeen sincee you'vee had seex? - Aree you mad I askeed you that? - No, I'm trying to reemeembeer.I don't want to talk to you about my lovee lifee.I wouldn't havee said anything.Just What? I heeard Dad's girlfrieend ask if you'd dateed anyonee sincee thee divorcee.And Dad said hee doubteed it.And theen theey both laugheed.[Dog barks] Heey, Susan.Hi, Mikee.I brought you a housee-warming gift.I should'vee brought someething by eearlieer.- Actually, you'ree thee first to stop by.- Reeally? - Susan knew she was lucky.- Weell An eligible bachelor had moved on to Wisteria Lane and she was the first to find out. She also knew that good news - Heello theeree.travels quickly.Edie Britt was the most predatory divorc�e in a five-block radius.Her conquests were numerous.Varied.And legendary.[Prieest] Wh Ah! Hi, Susan.I hopee I'm not inteerrupting.You must bee Mikee Deelfino.Hi, I'm Ediee Britt.I livee oveer theeree.Weelcomee to Wisteeria Lanee.Susan had met the enemy.And she was a slut.Thank you.What's this? Sausagee puttanesca.It's just someething I threew togeetheer.Weell, thanks, Ediee.That's greeat.I'd invitee you in, but I was in thee middlee of someething.- I'm latee for an appointmeent.- I just wanteed to say hi.And just like that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun.For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly.Oh, Mikee, I heeard you'ree a plumbeer.But she was reminded that when it came to men Could you stop by lateer and takee a look at my pipees? women don't fight fair.- Suree.Thanks.Byee, Susan.- You can't ordeer mee around.- Gabrieellee.No, no.I'm not going.Tanaka eexpeects eeveeryonee to bring theeir wivees.Eveery timee I'm around that man, hee triees to grab my ass.I madee oveer 200,000 doing busineess with him last yeear.If hee wants to grab your ass, leet him.[Wind chimees] - John.- Ow! Mr.Solis, you scareed mee.Why is that bush theeree? You weeree supposeed to dig it up.- I didn't havee timee.- I don't want eexcusees.Just takee caree of it.I reeally hatee thee way you talk to mee.And I hatee that I speent $15,000 on your diamond neecklacee you couldn't livee without.But I'm leearning to deeal with it.So can I teell Tanaka wee'll bee theeree tomorrow? John, wee havee bandagees top sheelf in thee kitcheen.Thanks, Mrs.Solis.Finee, I'll go.But I'm keeeeping my back preesseed against thee wall thee eentiree timee.Seeee, now this is what a marriagee is all about.Compromisee.- Is your fingeer OK? - Yeeah, it's just a small cut.Leet mee seeee.Mmm.You know, Mrs.Solis, I reeally likee it wheen wee hook up, but, um, you know, I got to geet my work donee and I can't afford to losee this job.This tablee was hand-carveed.Carlos had it importeed from Italy.It cost him $23,000.You want to do it on thee tablee this timee? Absoluteely.[Geentlee classical music] Why can't wee eeveer havee normal soup? Danieellee, theeree is nothing abnormal about basil pur�ee.Oncee, can wee havee a soup peeoplee havee heeard of? - Likee Freench onion or navy beean? - Your fatheer can't eeat onions.Hee's deeathly alleergic.And I won't eeveen dignify your navy beean suggeestion.So, how's thee osso buco? - It's OK.- It's OK? I speent threeee hours cooking this meeal.How do you think it feeeels wheen you say, "It's OK" in that sulleen tonee? Who askeed you to speend threeee hours on dinneer? Excusee mee? Tim Harpeer's mom geets homee from work, pops opeen a can of pork and beeans, and theey'ree eeating, eeveeryonee's happy.- You'd ratheer I seerveed pork and beeans? - Apologizee now, I beeg.I'm saying do you always havee to seervee cuisinee? Can't wee just havee food? - Aree you doing drugs? - What? Changee in beehavior is a warning sign and you havee beeeen as freesh as paint for thee last six months.It eexplains why you'ree always in thee bathroom.- That is not what hee's doing.- Shut up.Mom, I'm not thee onee with thee probleem heeree.You'ree thee onee acting likee shee's running for Mayor of Steepford.Reex seeeeing that you'ree thee heead of this houseehold, I'd appreeciatee you saying someething. Pass thee salt? Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion.Indignation.Tom, this is my fifth meessagee and you still haveen't calleed mee back.You must bee having a lot of fun on your busineess trip.I can only imaginee.Gueess what, thee kids and I want to havee somee fun too, so unleess you call mee back by noon, wee'ree geetting a planee and joining you.- Mom.- Not now.Mommy's threeateening Daddy.- Mom.- No, I - Wheeree aree your brotheers? - Noodlees, my favoritee.- Lyneettee Scavo? - [Undeer heer breeath] Crap.Nataliee Kleein.I don't beelieevee it.- Lyneettee.How long has it beeeen? - Yeears.How aree you? How's thee firm? - Good.Eveeryonee missees you.- Yeeah.Wee all say, if you hadn't quit you'd bee running thee placee by now.Yeeah, weell.So how's domeestic lifee? Don't you just lovee beeing a mom? And there it was.The question that Lynette always dreaded.Weell, to bee honeest For those who asked it, only one answer was acceptable.So Lynette responded as she always did.She lied.It's thee beest job I'vee eeveer had.[Gasps] - You know what I don't geet? - What? Why you marrieed Mr.Solis.Weell, hee promiseed to givee mee eeveerything I'vee eeveer wanteed.- And did hee? - Yees.Theen why areen't you happy? Turns out I wanteed all thee wrong things.So do you lovee him? I do.So theen why aree wee heeree? Why aree wee doing this? Beecausee I don't want to wakee up onee morning with a suddeen urgee to blow my brains out.- Heey, can I havee a drag? - Absoluteely not.You aree much too young to smokee.How would you feeeel if I useed your child support paymeents for plastic surgeery? Stop beeing neervous.You'ree just asking him to dinneer.No big deeal.You'ree right.So is that your projeect for school? In fifth gradee I madee thee Whitee Housee out of sugar cubees.Stop stalling and go.Beeforee Mikee figurees out hee can do beetteer.Teell mee again why I fought for custody of you.- You weeree using mee to hurt Dad.- Oh, that's right.Oh, God.- Hi.- Heey, Susan.- Aree you busy? - No, not at all.What's up? Weell, I I just, uh, was wondeering if if theeree was any chancee that you, uh I just wanteed to ask if - Ediee.- Heey, theeree, Susan.- What aree you? - I was making ambrosia.And I madee too much so I thought I'd bring somee oveer to Mikee.- What's going on? - Susan was gonna ask mee someething.Uh - I havee a clog.- Excusee mee? - And you'ree a plumbeer, right? - Yeeah.- Thee clog's in thee pipee.- Yeeah, that's usually wheeree theey aree.- Weell, I'vee got onee.- OK.Leet mee geet my tools.Now? You want to comee oveer now? You havee company.I don't mind.Just givee mee two minutees.I'll bee right oveer.[Squeeals quieetly] [Breeathees heeavily] That's it.- Stuff thee hair down.- I stuffeed it.- It's not eenough to clog it.- Heeree.Heeree.Look.Put in this peeanut butteer.And this cooking oil.- Mom - And theesee olivees.- It's not working.- [Doorbeell] Oh, God.That's him.How am I gonna stop up thee sink? Weell, heeree's your probleem. Someebody stuffeed a bunch of Popsiclee sticks down heeree.I'vee told Juliee a million timees not to play in thee kitcheen.Kids, you know.I'll go put in your ordeers and I'll bee back with your platees for thee salad bar. Thank you.Andreew, Danieellee, napkins.Thank you.Theey havee videeo gamees.Can wee go play until our food geets heeree? - This is family timee.I think - Go aheead and play.I know you think I'm angry about coming heeree, but I'm not.Thee kids wanteed a changee of pacee, someething fun.I geet it.Theey'll want someething heealthieer tomorrow, though.- I'm thinking chickeen saltimbocca.- I want a divorcee.I just can't livee in this this deeteergeent commeercial anymoree.Thee salad bar's theeree.Heelp yourseelf.Thank you.Um, I think I'll go geet your salad for you.- Breeee Van Dee Kamp.- Oh, heello, Mrs.Hubeer.Wee didn't geet a chancee to talk at Mary Alicee's wakee.How aree you doing? Bree longed to share the truth about her husband's painful betrayal.But sadly for Bree, admitting defeat was not an option.Greeat.Eveerything is just greeat.I got you thee honeey mustard dreessing.Thee ranch lookeed a littlee bit suspeect.Aree wee gonna talk about what I said? If you think I'll discuss my marriagee in a placee with reest-rooms labeeleed "Chicks" and "Dudees", you'ree out of your mind.- What's in this? - What do you meean? It's salad.- With with onions.- What? - You put onions in my salad.- No I didn't.Oh, wait.[Digging] The sound that awakened my son was something he'd heard only once before.Many years ago when he was quite young.But he recognized it instantly.[Grunts] It was the sound of a family secret.[Grunts] Seven days after my funeral, life on Wisteria Lane finally returned to normal. Which, for some of my friends, was unfortunate.- Mommy, Mommy! - Now what? - Daddy's homee! - [Boys cheeeer] Comee on! Heey, is anybody homee? - Heey! - Heey! I wasn't eexpeecting you for a weeeek.I havee to go back to 'Frisco in thee morning.But I got your call.You soundeed frazzleed.Yeeah.- It's beeeen a littlee rough.- Hi.Yeeah.Peeachees.Did you buy us any preeseents? Oh, God, preeseents.Wait up.Leet mee seeee.- Ohhh! - Yeeah! But I'm not giving it to you unleess you promisee to go outsidee right now and practisee throwing for 20 minutees.- Yeeah! Yeeah! Yeeah! - Punks.Geet out! Who's opeen? Go out.Deeeepeer.Deeeepeer.Touchdown! Oh, my God.Oh, no.You got to bee kidding.I'm eexhausteed.I look teerriblee.I'm coveereed in peeachees.- I'm sorry, baby.I got to havee you.- Weell, is it OK if I just liee heeree? - Absoluteely.- [Shee laughs] - I lovee you.- I lovee you moree Oh, baby.Wait.I was having troublee with sweelling.Thee doctor took mee off thee pill.Put on a condom.- A condom? - Yeeah.What's thee big deeal? Leet's risk it.- Leet's risk it? - Yeeah.- I can't beelieevee you trieed to kill mee.- Yees, weell, I feeeel badly about that.Mrs.Hubeer camee oveer and I got distracteed.It was a mistakee.- Sincee wheen do you makee mistakees? - What doees that meean? It meeans I'm sick of you beeing so damn peerfeect all thee timee.I'm sick of thee bizarree way your hair doeesn't movee.I'm sick of you making our beed in thee morning beeforee I'vee useed thee bathroom.You'ree this plastic suburban houseewifee, with heer peearls and spatula, who says things likee "Wee owee thee Heendeersons a dinneer." Wheeree's thee woman I feell in lovee with who useed to burn thee toast and drink milk out of thee carton? And laugh.I neeeed heer.Not this cold, peerfeect thing you'vee beecomee.Theesee neeeed wateer.Bree sobbed quietly in the restroom for five minutes, but her husband never knew.Because when Bree finally emerged she was perfect.- I found my eearrings.Wee can go now.- Was John heeree today? Weell, yeeah.Thee lawn hasn't beeeen moweed.I'vee had it.Wee'ree geetting a reeal gardeeneer.- Why? - Aree you deeaf? I just said hee's not doing his job.It's dark.You just can't seeee thee lawn has beeeen moweed.- It hasn't.Feeeel this grass.- I'm not feeeeling thee grass.Leet's just geet going.Comee on, wee'ree latee.- Takee caree of it.- Yees, sir.Theeree's Tanaka.Timee for mee to go and do my dancee.Good luck, sweeeetheeart.You seeee that man just walkeed away? Can you makee suree hee has a drink in his hand all night long? Yees, ma'am.[Squeeals] Mm.- Susan? Susan! - Mrs.Hubeer, how aree you doing? Not too weell, I'm afraid.I'm trying to find someething to soothee my stomach.- It's upseet? - Yeeah.I had thee worst macaroni and cheeeesee at thee wakee.It's beeeen running through mee.And I neeeed to bee at my beest.Ediee Britt's son is speending thee night.Hee's speending thee night? Ediee is having a geentleeman frieend oveer for dinneer, and I think shee plans on eenteertaining into thee weeee hours, if you know what I meean.Oh, heeree's somee antacid.Havee you eeveer trieed this? I can't beelieevee it.This can't bee happeening.Mikee can't likee Ediee beetteer than mee.You don't know what's going on.Maybee theey'ree just having dinneer.You'ree right.Theey'ree doing it.Ediee? Ediee? Heello? Anybody homee? I neeeed to borrow sugar.[# Marvin Gayee: Let's Get It On plays on steereeo] [Ediee] Oh, my God! Oh, yees! Givee it to mee! And just like that, the possibility Susan had clung to, the maybe of Mike Delfino, was gone forever.[Sighs] And despite the precariousness of her situation, Susan took a moment to mourn her loss. [Gasps] Oh.[blows] Oh! Oh! [Squeeals] It didn't take Susan long to realize, this was just not her night. [Ediee] Is someebody out theeree? - [Smokee alarm] - Oh, my God! That's smokee! [Sireens] [Two-way radio] Oh, my God.Shee leeft candlees unatteendeed in thee deen.Parameedic said shee was lucky.Shee could'vee beeeen killeed.[Lyneettee] Shee ran out with nothing on.- Shee was having seex with somee guy.- What happeeneed to him? Hee got smokee inhalation.Hee's at thee hospital.Oh.Susan, aree you all right? You look awful.I'm finee.I'm finee.I just, uh, feeeel reeally bad for Ediee.Oh, honeey, don't worry about Ediee.Shee's a strong lady.Absoluteely.Shee'll geet through this.Shee'll find a way to survivee.Wee all do.Comee on.- Wow! What happeeneed? - Mikee! And suddenly there he was.Like a phoenix rising from the ashes.I I thought you weeree uh Wheeree weeree you? I just got back from thee moviees.Ediee had a firee, huh? Yeeah.Yeeah, but shee's finee now.Eveerything's finee now.And just like that, Susan was happy.Life was suddenly full of possibilities.Not to mention a few unexpected surprises.- Hello.- It's mee.- Have anything yet? - No, nothing yeet.But don't worry.I'm deefiniteely geetting closeer.I brought somee champagnee.I thought wee should havee a toast.The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life.All right, ladiees, lift 'eem up.To Mary Alicee, a good frieend and neeighbor.Wheereeveer you aree, wee hopee you'vee found peeacee.- To Mary Alicee.- To Mary Alicee.Leet's geet this show on thee road.You guys, cheeck out Mary Alicee's clothees.Sizee eeight? Ha! Shee always told mee shee was a sizee six.- Wee found thee skeeleeton in heer closeet.- Not quite, Gabrielle, not quite.- What's that? - A leetteer addreesseed to Mary Alicee.How ironic.To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret, treated so casually.- What aree you doing? That's privatee.- It's opeen.What's thee big deeal? - What doees this meean? - Don't know. Cheeck out thee postmark.Oh, my God.Shee got it thee day shee dieed.Do you think this is why shee? I'm so sorry, girls.I never wanted you to be burdened with this.Oh, Mary Alicee, what did you do?。

desperate housewife

desperate housewife

2009-07-06 12:06绝望的主妇经典台词第一季 Desperate Housewives Season 1 1-01 The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this.第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。





1-02Ah, But Underneath Yes, as I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see. 是的,当我回头看我身后的世界,它变得如此清晰。




绝望地主妇第一季中英文台词对照第一集(Season 1, Episode 1)场景:主角颖儿和她的家人坐在客厅里,看电视。



费德勒:颖儿,你在看啥?Ying'er, what are you watching?颖儿:我正在看这个超级有趣的美剧。



可以借我看吗?Sounds interesting. Can I borrow it?颖儿:当然可以!但我保证你会上瘾的。

Of course! But I guarantee you'll get addicted.(几个小时后,费德勒一直盯着电视屏幕)费德勒:这个剧真的太好笑了!我下次会继续看的。


颖儿:嘿,安妮!最近怎么样?Hey, Anne! How have you been?安妮:哎呀,我最近有点闷。




你有没有想过要做些什么让自己开心的事情?I understand. There are always some worries in life. Have you thought about doing something that makes you happy?安妮:没错。


True. I've always wanted to learn how to bake, but I never started.颖儿:那就现在开始吧!我可以帮你找一些食谱。

Then start now! I can help you find some recipes.场景:颖儿和她的丈夫人在餐厅用餐。



Honey, I want to get a job. We need more financial support.丈夫:但你应该是家庭主妇啊。

【快乐学英语】绝望的主妇1 3季(第一部分)备考资料

【快乐学英语】绝望的主妇1 3季(第一部分)备考资料

编辑电影学英语美剧学英语漫画学英语听歌学英语游戏英语英语精品阅读助您学习进步- 1 -爱英语使用说明书1练习口语口语是说出来的,跟读模仿是最行之有效的方法之一剧集中的对话都是生活常用语,是练习口语最好的材料。













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绝望的主妇第一季10-23集单词短语绝望的主妇第十集arrest: 逮捕take it: 猜想nightmare: 恶梦run errands for: 为…跑腿misunderstood: 被误解的exhilarating: 令人喜欢的membership: 成员资格pity: 同情lamb: 羔羊deceitful: 骗人的defendant: 被告client: 顾客、委托人sole: 唯一的sensitive: 敏感的、神经质的hug: 紧抱、拥抱awful: 极坏的、糟透的weird: 怪异的、古怪的perfume: 香水、香气control: 克制、控制gun: 枪、炮promise: 允诺cause: 引起、导致swear: 发誓、宣誓be going to: 将要see: 交际、约见mutual: 共同的、相互的be ashamed of: 惭愧、害臊mystery: 神秘的receipt: 收据、发票degree: 学位、学衔hidden: 隐藏的、秘密的trust: 信任、信赖overrate: 评价过高、高估curious: 好奇的situation: 情况、状态fluid: 不稳固的、不稳定的hell: 地狱、邪恶soon: 早、快attack: 疾病发作、攻击prep: 预备的poke: 指向、伸向warm up: 预热、热身cliff: 悬崖、峭壁nail: 指甲put through: 使经受、遭受junk: 废物、垃圾lawyer: 律师spare: 备用的、额外的discipLinarian: 纪律严明者die for: 渴望、期望how: 怎样、如何thrill: 激动的、兴奋地第十一集suspicion: 怀疑,猜疑end in: 以…为结果excuse me: 对不起、打扰一下apparently: 似乎、显然attack: 疾病发作、攻击put through: 使经受、遭受trial: 考验,试验throw at: 投向swell: 优秀的、上流的over one’s head: 超出某人能力之外bother: 烦恼,打扰keep one’s distance: 与…保持一定的距离then: 然后within: 不超过manage to do: 设法,达成insult: 侮辱make fun of: 嘲弄,取笑cruel: 残忍的vanish: 消失,突然不见trace: 踪迹,痕迹embarrassed: 尴尬的,窘迫的resemblance: 相像、相似become: 逐渐成为apparent: 明显的、表面上的kick: 踢、冲撞temporary: 暂时的、临时的at noon: 在中午imagine: 幻想、猜测freak out: 吓坏了、行为反常hate: 憎恶、憎恨wretched: 讨厌的,可恨的echo: 回响jump on: 跳上;责备essence: 本质、精髓behalf: 利益、支持anger: 激怒、愤怒awake: 醒着的、不睡的manage to: 达成talented: 有才能的attack: 攻击、疾病发作creepy: 恐怖的、令人毛骨悚然的roach: 蟑螂pray: 祈祷、祈求release: 释放、解放recuperate: 恢复、复原第十二集creepy: 古怪的undone: 解开的;毁灭的burn down: 烧毁absolutely: 绝对地accuse of: 控告handsome: 英俊的sweep: 席卷scene: 现场follow: 遵照awkward: 奇怪的,尴尬的move out: 搬出house arrest: 软禁condition: 条件bail: 保释haute: 时髦又昂贵的,高级的couture: 服装immediately: 马上put together: 拼凑burial: 埋葬estate: 房产disappear: 消失,不见garbage: 垃圾embarrass: 使困窘convince: 说服accident: 意外事故high:醉了,被麻醉品麻醉了的dig up on sb.: 挖到,发现rush: 繁忙的活动weird: 奇怪的dig in: 开始吃,全力以赴地做起来visit: 看望,探望solid: 坚固的crispy: 脆的burnt: 烧焦的steamy: 潮湿的bullet: 子弹macaroon: 蛋白杏仁饼干squeeze: 挤压trigger: 扳机并扣扳机serious: 严重的rough: 粗暴的perky: 得意洋洋的,快活的pull: 拉,扯apparently: 显然地press on: 用力压go through: 经受,遭受enlightenment: 愉快row: 划dump: 倾倒ash: 骨灰snuck:偷偷查看already: 已经deliever: 送货非常感谢spend on: 在…花费时间planet: 星球,世界sideline: 变线第十三集behave: 举止,行为affectionate: 充满感情的perfect: 完美的saw: 看见seed 的过去式freak: 失去理性,行为反常try: 尝试divide: 分割proposed: 被提议的settlement: 协议,结案instead: 代替,顶替detail: 细节,详情revenge: 报复level: 同等的field: 位置,领域secret: 秘密afterward: 后来gun: 枪支betrayal: 背叛wipe: 消除,拭去smirk: 假笑vow: 誓约doubt: 疑我很疑suck: 糟糕,太烂了gardening: 园艺volunteer: 自愿者beg: 恳求uproot: 连根拔除screaming: 尖叫guess: 想;认为date: 约会cardiologist: 心脏病学家prescription: 药方perceptive: 感知的,有理解力的eavesdrop: 偷听private: 私人的obviously: 显然地wise: 明智的我想那是明智的kid: 孩子rule: 规则,规章cheat: 欺骗,作弊sweet: 可爱的,好的truth: 真相deal: 交易我不想离开overreact: 反应过激entirely: 完全地harshly: 刺耳的,难听的responsible: 负责任的bear: 负荷,忍受freak: 失去理性第十四集spice: 香料,调味品porch: 门廊property: 财产reservation: 预定blanket: 毛毯florist: 花商afraid: 害怕lecture: 谴责,说教implode: 内爆pretty: 相当,颇belt: 皮带resistance: 阻力offense: 犯罪,冒犯serve: 提供,端上hide: 隐瞒swear: 发誓criminal: 罪犯offense: 冒犯toffee: 太妃糖affair: 绯闻completely: 完全地bet: 打赌close: 接近的toe: 脚趾diva: 歌剧女主角policy: 保险单make over: 改造,改变pull up: 提高,改善napkin: 餐巾humiliation: 丢脸be on the fire: 着火matter: 要紧funny: 好笑的,滑稽的passion: 激情pretty: 颇,相当gonna:将要crumb: 碎屑terror: 淘气包punish: 惩罚trying: 困难的,费劲的motivate: 刺激extraordinary: 惊人的,特别的sacrifice: 牺牲第十五集value: 价值观hamper: 障碍物put back: 放回pleasant: 令人愉快的, 舒适的tie up: 阻碍,占用gotta :必须mention: 提及, 说起right now: 立刻fancy: 精美的lettering: 写字,印字abdicate: 放弃(职位,权力等) abstinence: 节制, 节欲, 戒酒urge: 冲动advice: 建议mortgage: 抵押freeze: 冻结zone: 地域grocery : 食品杂货店pancake: 薄烤饼embarrassed: 困窘的jail: 监狱straight: 径直fool: 傻子important: 重要的truth: 真相,事实jewelry: 珠宝,首饰grave: 墓穴, 坟墓piece: 块check out: 看看hold over: 推迟,延迟gonna :将要buddy: 密友, 伙伴freak out: 反常,抓狂face: 面对suppose: 猜想,推想pull: 按动trafficking: 非法交易alter: 使注意care: 介意howl: 嚎叫, 怒号, 嚎哭promotion: 晋升stress: 压力shocking: 骇人听闻的drug: 毒品dealer: 经商, 商人forever: 永远choke: 使窒息savings: 储蓄exactly: 精确地完全正确。



《绝望主妇》中的经典话语--中英文对照(第一季)1-02Yes, as I look back to the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled. The mysteries that long to be uncovered. But people so rarely stopped to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame really, there's so much to see.是的, 当我回头看看身后这个世界时, 一切都如此的清晰. 等待被发现的美丽. 和等待被揭开的神秘. 但人们很少会停下来看上一眼. 他们只是不停地往前走. 这真的很遗憾, 有那么多值得一看的东西.1-03Yes, I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember the most is how afraid I was. What a waste! You see, to live in fear, is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who f ace their fears… and there will always be those who run away.是的, 我记得这个世界. 每一个细节都记得. 而我记得最多的是我有多害怕. 真是浪费! 你看, 生活在恐惧中, 并不是真正的生活. 我希望能把这个告诉我丢下的人, 但是会有用吗? 也许不会. 我现在明白了, 总是会有人要面对他们的恐惧… 也总有人会选择逃避.1-05People, by their very nature, are always on the lookout for intruders… trying to prevent those on the outside from getting in. but there will always be those who force their way into our lives… just as there will be those we invite in. but the most troubling of all will be the ones who stand on the outside looking in… the ones we never truly get to know.人, 本能地, 都在留心入侵者… 尽力阻止引狼入室. 但总有些人强行闯入我们的生活… 正如那些被邀请进入我们生活圈的人一样. 但是最令人头疼的是那些站在外面向里面偷窥的人… 一些你根本无法真正去了解的人.1-06The search for power begins when we're quite young. As children, we're taught that the power of good triumphs over the power of evil. But as we get older, we realize that nothing is ever that simple. Traces of evil always remain…我们从很小的时候就开始寻找力量. 小时候, 我们被告知正义的力量能战胜邪恶. 但当我们长大了, 我们意识到没有什么事情会如此简单. 邪恶的脚步永不停息…1-07Competition, it means different things to different people. But whether it's a friendly rivalry… or a fight to the death, the end result is the same. There will be winners— and there will be losers. Of course, the trick is to know which battles to fight. You see, no victory comes without a price.竞争, 因人而异. 但不管是友好竞争… 还是生死决斗, 结果总是相同的. 有赢家——也有输家. 当然, 诀窍是懂得去参加什么样的竞争. 要知道, 胜利都是用代价换来的.1-08There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone feels guilt over the bad things they do. In contrast, there are those who assume more than their share of the blame. There are others, who sooth their consciences with small acts of kindness. Or by telling themselves their sins were justified. Finally, there are the ones who simply vow to do better next time, and pray for forgiveness. Sometimes, their prayers are answered.有一本流行的书告诉我们每个人都是罪人. 当然了, 不是每个人都对他们所做的坏事感到愧疚. 相反地, 有些人应该受到对他们更多的谴责. 还有些人, 用他们善意的小事安抚他们的良心. 或者告诉自己他们的罪行是正当的. 最后, 有些人会发誓下一次会做好些, 然后为了饶恕而祈祷. 有时候, 他们的祈祷就被回应了.1-09People are complicated creatures. On the one hand, able to perform great acts of charity. On the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal. It's a constant battle that ranges within all of us, between the better angels of our nature, and the temptation of our inner demons. And sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness… is to shine the light of compassion.人是一种复杂的生物. 一方面, 可以做出很好的慈善事. 另一方面, 却糟到别人卑劣的背叛. 在我们本性的善良, 和内心的黑暗面之间的, 是一场持久战. 有时候摆脱黑暗的唯一方法… 就是要有点同情心.1-10Trust is a fragile thing… Once earned, it affords us tremendous freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is, we never know who we can trust.Those we're closest to can betray us. And total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.信任真是一件脆弱的东西… 一旦赢得了, 会提供给我们巨大的空间. 而一旦失去了, 就不可能再恢复. 当然事实是, 我们永远不知道能信任谁. 那些我们最亲近的人可能会背叛我们. 而陌生人却能拯救我们. 到头来, 大多数人决定只信任他们自己. 这的确是简单的方法来防止引火上身.1-11We are all searching for someone. That special person who will provide us what's missing in our lives. Someone who can offer companionship… or assistance… or security… And sometimes if we search very hard, we can find someone who provides us… with all three. Yes, we are all searching for someone. And if we can't find the n, we can only pray… they find us.我们都在寻找一个人. 他能带来我们生活中所缺少的东西. 有些人能提供陪伴… 或是协助… 或是安全… 而有时候如果努力寻找, 我们能找到… 同时提供以上三者的人. 是的, 我们都在寻找一个人. 如果我们找不到, 那只能祈祷… 他们来找我们.1-12Death is inevitable. It's a promise made to each of us at birth. But before that promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us. Whether it is the thrill of romance… The joy of raising a family… Or the anguish of great loss… We all hope to experience something that makes our lives meaningful. But the sad fact is, not all lives have meaning. Some people spend their time on this planet just sitting on the sidelines… waiting for something to happen to them, before it's too late.死亡无法避免. 那是我们出生时就许下的诺言. 但是在履行诺言之前, 我们都希望会有些事情发生. 不管那是浪漫的激情… 养家的快乐… 还是巨大损失的悲痛… 我们都希望经历一些让生命有意义的事. 但不幸的是, 并不是所有的生命都有意义. 一些人只是天天坐视旁观… 等待着事情在不算太晚之前, 落在他们身上.1-13Sooner or later, the time comes when we all must become responsible adults… and learn to give up what we want, so we can chose to do what is right. Of course, a lifetime of responsibility isn't always easy. And as the years go on, it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear. But still we try to do what is best, what is good. Not only for ourselves, but for those we love. Yes, sooner or later we must all become responsible adults. No one knows this better than the young.或早或晚, 总有一天我们都必须成为负责任的成年人… 并且学会放弃我们想要的东西, 才能选择去做正确的事情. 当然, 做到一辈子负责任总不是那么简单的. 随着时间的流逝, 对某些人而言那将成为不能承受之重负. 但我们依然试图做最好的, 有利的.不仅仅为自己, 还有我们所爱的人. 是啊, 或早或晚我们都必须成为负责任的成年人. 没有人比年轻人更懂得这一点.1-14It's impossible to grasp just how powerful love is…it can sustain us through trying times… or motivate us to make extraordinary sacrifices… it can force decent men to commit the darkest deeds… or compel ordinary women to search for hidden truths… and long after we're gone, love remains burned into our memories. We all search for love, but some of us, after we found it, wish we hadn't.我们不可能理解爱是如何的强大… 它能支持我们度过困难时光… 或者激励我们做出非同寻常的牺牲… 它能迫使正派的男人做出最黑暗的事… 或者促使普通的女人寻找隐藏的真相… 在我们过世很久以后, 爱就深深刻在我们的记忆中. 我们都在寻找爱, 但有一些人, 在找到它之后, 却宁愿没有过.1-15Yes, each new day in suburbia brings with it a new set of lies. The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep. We whispered in the dark telling ourselves… we're happy… Or… that he is happy... That we can change… Or that he will change his mind. We persuade ourselves we can live with our sins… or that we can live without him. Yes, each night before we fall asleep, we lie to ourselves and desperate, desperate hope the coming morning, it will all be true.是的, 在郊区的每个新的一天的到来总是伴随着一系列的谎言. 而其中最糟的是那些我们用来自己骗自己的. 在我们入睡之前我们在黑暗中低声地告诉自己… 我们很快乐… 或者… 他很快乐… 我们可以改变… 或者他会改变主意. 我们说服自己可以带着罪恶继续生活… 或者我们没有他也一样可以生活. 是的, 每天晚上在我们入睡前, 我们对自己说谎并且近乎绝望地希望着, 当黎明到来的时候, 一切都能成真.1-16Yes, everyone loves a scandal… no matter how big or small. After all… what could be more entertaining than watching the downfall of the high and mighty? What could be more amusing than the public exposure of hypocritical sinners? Yes, everyone loves a scandal. And if for some reason, you're not enjoying the latest one… well… the next one is always around the corner.是的, 每个人都喜欢… 无论大小的丑闻. 毕竟… 有什么能比看着别人从高峰跌到低谷更令人愉快呢? 有什么能比丑陋的隐私被公布于众更有趣呢? 是的, 每个人都喜欢丑闻. 如果因为某些原因, 你觉得现在这个没劲了… 没关系… 下一个总是很快就来临.1-17We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their daring… Sometimes for their bravery… Sometimes for their goodness… But m ostly we honor heroes because at one point or another, we all dream of being rescued. Of course, if the right hero doesn't come along, sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves.我们都因为各种各样的原因崇拜英雄. 有时是因为他们的胆识… 有时是因为他们的勇敢… 有时是因为他们的善良… 但是绝大部分是因为或多或少, 我们都梦想着被拯救. 当然, 如果我们盼望的英雄没有出现, 有时候我们就不得不自我拯救了.1-18Children come into the world with their own agendas. Some to brighten our days… Some to test our patience… Some to give us purpose… Some to take care of us… Yes, when they come children change everything. Especially when they're not invited.孩子们带着他们的使命来到人世间. 有些孩子来点亮我们的生活… 有些孩子来考验我们的耐心… 有些孩子来给予我们目标… 有些孩子来照顾我们自己… 是的, 孩子的到来改变了一切. 尤其当他们是不请自来的时候.1-19Yes, life is a journey. One that is much better traveled with a companion by our side. Of course, that companion can be just about anyone. A neighbor on the other side of the street… Or theman on the other side of the bed. The companion can be a mother with good intentions… Or a child who's up to no good. Still, despite our best intentions, some of us will lose our companions along the way. And then the journey becomes unbearable. You see, human beings are designed for many things, but loneliness isn't one of them.是的, 生命就像一段旅程. 一段最好能有人在身边陪伴的旅程. 当然, 这伴侣可以是任何人. 可能是街对面的邻居… 或是枕边的男人. 这伴侣可能是善解人意的母亲… 或是不怀好意的孩子. 如此, 尽管我们充满善意, 一些人仍然会在途中失去伴侣. 从此旅程只剩凄风苦雨. 你看, 人类天生就能应对很多事情, 但孤独却是例外.1-20Spring comes every year to Wisteria Lane, but not everyone remembers to stop and smell the flowers. Some are too busy worrying about the future… Or mistakes they've made in the past. Others are preoccupied with not getting caught. Or thinking of ways to catch someone else. Still, there will always be a few who remember to take a moment and appreciate what spring has given them. Just as there will always be those who prefer to sit in the dark brooding over everything they've lost.春天每年都会降临, 但不是每个人都记得驻足欣赏花香. 有的忙于担心未来… 或是他们从前的过错. 还有的留心怕被抓到. 或者想方设法要抓住别人. 但仍然, 还是会有一些人会记得抽出一点时间去欣赏春天赐予他们的美好. 就像总会有些人更喜欢坐于黑暗之中沉思着他们所失去的一切.1-21The vow is simple, really. Those who take it promise to stay together for better or for worse. For richer or for poorer. Insickness and in health. To honor and to cherish. Forsaking all others. Until death do us part. Yes, the vow is simple. Finding someone worthy of such a promise is the hard part. But if we can, that's when we begin to live happily ever after.誓言是很简单的, 真的. 人们发誓无论境遇好坏都要在一起. 无论富有与贫穷. 无论病痛与健康. 互以为荣相互珍惜. 放弃其他所有. 直到死亡将我们分离. 是的, 誓言是简单的. 要找到那个值得这份誓言的人才是困难的. 但如果我们真的能够找到, 那我们就会永远幸福快乐地生活下去.1-22Nothing is forever and the time comes when we all must say goodbye to the world we knew. Goodbye to everything we had taken for granted. Goodbye to those we thought would never abandon us. And when these changes finally do occur, when the familiar has departed and the unfamiliar has taken its place, all any of us can really do is to say hello and welcome.没有什么事情是永恒的而且总会有一天我们都必须跟熟悉的世界说声再见. 跟我们一直拥有的东西说再见. 跟我们认为会一直陪伴着我们的人说再见. 当这一时刻真的来临, 熟悉被陌生代替时, 我们所能做的只有顺其自然.1-23It's an odd thing to look back on the world, to watch those I left behind. Each in her own way so brave, so determined, and so very desperate. Desperate to venture out, but afraid of what she'll miss when she goes. Desperate to get everything she wants, even when she's not exactly sure of what that is. Desperate for life to be perfect again, although she realizes it never really was. Desperate for a better future, if she can find a way to escape herpast. I not only watch, I cheer them on, these amazing women. I hope so much they'll find what they're looking for. But I know not all of them will. Sadly, that's just not the way life works. Not everyone gets a happy ending.回过头来观察世界和注视我身后的这些人, 让我觉得很奇怪. 每一个人都是那么勇敢, 那么坚定, 而且不顾一切. 不顾一切地想要出走, 但又不舍得因为出走而失去的东西. 不顾一切地想得到所有想要的东西, 即使她自己都还不知道到底要什么. 不顾一切地想要生活重归完美, 尽管她意识到从未完美过. 不顾一切地想要一个更美好的未来, 如果她有办法能摆脱过去. 我不只是注视, 还为这些了不起的女人们加油. 我真心希望她们都能够心想事成. 但我知道不是每个人都会称心如意. 可惜的是, 生活就是这样. 不是每个故事都有幸福的结局.。



绝望主妇第一季第集中英文学习笔记Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】Desperate Housewives 第一季 04集:Who's That Woman?Written by Tom Spezialy & Marc Cherry.Directed by Jeff Melman.-NARRATOR:Previously on Desperate Housewives…previously: 先前的 desperate: 绝望的 housewife: 家庭主妇前情提要:-NARRATOR:….Susan played with fire….play with fire: 玩火Susan不小心纵火烧掉邻居的房子。

-EDIE: That’s not my cup不是我的量杯-NARRATOR: ….And could get burnedburned: 烧毁的,烧坏的可能会弄伤自己的。

-CARLOS: Go to a spa, go shopping. Find a way to relaxspa: 温泉疗养地 relax: 放松去做个spa或者去购物,想办法让自己放松一下。

-GABRIELLE: Just get here as fast as you can快点来啊。

-NARRATOR: Gabrielle found herself a playmateplaymate: 性伴侣Gabrielle找到了一个性伴侣。

Whilst Lynette couldn’t get her kids to stop playingLynette 实在没办法控制她那两个调皮捣蛋的孩子。

-POLICEMAN: Ma’am do you know why I pulled you over?pull over: 靠边停车夫人,你现在知道我为何要你停车吗?-LYNETTE: I have a theorytheory: 原因,理论我有原因的。



《Desperate Housewives》第1季1-01The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this.第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。





1-02Yes, as I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see.是的,当我回头看我身后的世界,它变得如此清晰。




1-03Yes I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was, what a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who face their fears, and there will always be those who run away.是的,我记得这个世界的每一个细节。

绝望的主妇 中英文字幕+学习笔记 S01E22

绝望的主妇 中英文字幕+学习笔记 S01E22
finished: 结束了的、完结了的 murderer: 谋杀犯
-Susan: And that was your cue to come over and flirt?
cue: 提示,开端 come over: 过来 flirt: 调情
appear: 出现 doorway: 门口
-Edie: Susan!
-Susan: Hey there Edie.
-Edie: What are you...
-SБайду номын сангаасsan: Mike and I got back together.
(A construction worker walks over to Edie.)
construction worker: 建筑工人
-Cyrus: Ms. Britt, you look extra beautiful today.
-Susan: Well, I can’t have doughnuts and juice. It’s unnatural.
Sadly for Edie, the one man she wanted most to notice her...paid her no attention at all.
sadly: 伤心地、悲伤地 notice: 注意到 pay attention: 注意

绝望主妇第一季各集结束语 Desperate Housewives Season 1 中英

绝望主妇第一季各集结束语 Desperate Housewives Season 1 中英

绝望主妇第一季结束语Desperate Housewives Season 11-01Once some things are said...You can't take them back.The damage is already done.话一旦说了出去,你就没办法收回来。


1-02Yes , As I look back the world I left behind, it all so clear to me, the beauty that wait to be unwilled , the mystery that long uncovered , but people so rarely stop to take a look, they just keep moving, it's the shame really , there are so much to seeing .是的, 当我回头看看身后这个世界时, 一切都如此的清晰. 等待被发现的美丽. 和等待被揭开的神秘. 但人们很少会停下来看上一眼. 他们只是不停地往前走. 这真的很遗憾, 有那么多值得一看的东西.1-03Yes I remember the world every detail , and what I remember most is how afraid I was , what a waste , you see , to live in fear, is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this who those I leave behind ,but it would do any good? Probably not, I understand know, there will be always who face their fears , and there always be those who run away。



绝望主妇第一季中英文剧本对白绝望主妇第一季中英文剧本对白 - MARY ALICE:: My name is Mary Alice Young. 我是Mary Alice Young。

When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. 当你浏览今天的晨报,可能会读到一篇文章关于上个星期我所渡过的不平常的一天。

Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life. 通常,我的生活里是没有什么有新闻报道价值的。

That all changed last Thursday. 但是上个星期四一切都改变了。

Of course everything seemed as normal at first. 一切看起来都很平常。

I made my breakfast for my family. 我给一家人做好早餐。

-MARY ALICE: Here we are. Waffles. 华夫饼来了。

- MARY ALICE: I performed my chores. 我做好了做家务。

I completed my projects. 完成我的手工作品。

I ran my errands. 完成我的使命。

In truth, I spent the day as I spend every other day quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection. 事实上, 和平时没什么不同――一切都和往常一样,直到一件不寻常的事情的发生。

That's why it was so astonishing 这就是为什么一切令人震惊 when I decided to go to my hallway closet to retrieve a revolver that had never been used. 当我决定走向走廊的壁橱,拿起一把从没用过的左轮手枪。



绝望主妇英语对白d e s p e r a t e h o u s e w i v e s se第一季第一集所有英文对白Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】M y n a m e i s M a r y A l i c e Y o u n g. In this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual d a y I h a d l a s t w e e k. Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life, but that all c h a n g e d l a s t T h u r s d a y. O f c o u r s e,e v e r y t h i n g s e e m e d q u i t e n o r m a l a t f i r s t.I m a d e b r e a k f a s t f o r m y f a m i l y.I p e r f o r m e d m y c h o r e s.I c o m p l e t e d m y p r o j e c t s.I r a n m y e r r a n d s. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing t h e r o u t i n e o f m y l i f e u n t i l i t g l e a m e d w i t h p e r f e c t i o n. That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet a n d r e t r i e v e a r e v o l v e r t h a t h a d n e v e r b e e n u s e d. M y b o d y w a s d i s c o v e r e d b y m y n e i g h b o r,M r s. Martha Huber, who'd been startled by a strange popping sound.H e r c u r i o s i t y a r o u s e d,M r s. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced.After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had b o r r o w e d f r o m m e s i x m o n t h s b e f o r e. [S c r e e a m s]I t's m y n e e i g h b o r.I t h i n k s h e e's b e e e e n s h o t. T h e e r e e's b l o o d e e v e e r y w h e e r e e. Y e e s,y o u'v e e g o t t o s e e n d a n a m b u l a n c e e. Y o u'v e e g o t t o s e e n d o n e e r i g h t n o w.A n d,f o r a m o m e n t,M r s. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, grief-stricken by this senseless t r a g e d y.B u t o n l y f o r a m o m e n t.I f t h e r e w a s o n e t h i n g M r s. Huber was known for, it was her ability to look on the bright side.I w a s l a i d t o r e s t o n a M o n d a y. After the funeral, all the residents of Wisteria Lane came to pay their r e s p e c t s.A n d,a s p e o p l e d o i n t h e s e s i t u a t i o n s,t h e y b r o u g h t f o o d. L y n e t t e S c a v o b r o u g h t f r i e d c h i c k e n.L y n e t t e h a d a g r e a t f a m i l y r e c i p e f o r f r i e d c h i c k e n. S h e d i d n't c o o k m u c h w h i l e m o v i n g u p t h e c o r p o r a t e l a d d e r. S h e d i d n't h a v e t h e t i m e. But when her doctor announced she was pregnant, her husband Tom had an i d e a. "Why not quit yourjob" "Kids do better with stay-at-home moms.I t w o u l d b e s o m u c h l e s s s t r e s s f u l. "B u t t h i s w a s n o t t h e c a s e. In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her c h i c k e n f r o m t h e f a s t-f o o d r e s t a u r a n t. Lynette would've appreciated the irony if she'd thought about it.B u t s h e d i d n't h a v e t h e t i m e. -S t o p i t,s t o p i t,s t o p i t. -B u t,M o m. N o. Y o u a r e e g o i n g t o b e e h a v e e t o d a y.I am not going to bee humiliateed in front of thee eentiree neeighborhood.And, just so you know how seerious I am - What's that - Santa's ceell-p h o n e e n u m b e e r. How did you geet that I know someeonee who knows someeonee who knows an e e l f. And if any of you acts up, so heelp mee, I will call Santa and I will t e e l l h i m y o u w a n t s o c k s f o r C h r i s t m a s.A r e e y o u w i l l i n g t o r i s k t h a t O K. L e e t's g e e t t h i s o v e e r w i t h. Gabrielle Solis who lives down the block brought a spicy paella. Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for r i c h f o o d a n d r i c h m e n. Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third d a t e.G a b r i e l l e w a s t o u c h e d w h e n t e a r s w e l l e d u p i n h i s e y e s. But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal.G a b r i e l l e l i k e d h e r p a e l l a p i p i n g h o t. However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler. If you talk to Al Mason at this thing, meention how much I paid for your n e e c k l a c e e.Why not pin thee reeceeipt to my cheest Hee leet mee know what hee paid f o r h i s w i f e e's c o n v e e r t i b l e e. -J u s t w o r k i t i n. -T h e e r e e's n o w a y I c a n. Why not At thee Donahuee party eeveeryonee was talking mutual funds. You meentioneed you sleept with half thee Yankeeee outfieeld.I t c a m e e u p i n t h e e c o n t e e x t o f t h e e c o n v e e r s a t i o n. P e e o p l e e a r e e s t a r i n g. K e e e e p y o u r v o i c e e d o w n.A b s o l u t e e l y. W e e w o u l d n't w a n t t h e e m t o t h i n k w e e'r e e n o t h a p p y. Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins she b a k e d f r o m s c r a t c h.B r e e w a s k n o w n f o r h e r c o o k i n g.A n d f o r m a k i n g h e r o w n c l o t h e s.A n d f o r d o i n g h e r o w n g a r d e n i n g.A n d f o r r e-u p h o l s t e r i n g h e r o w n f u r n i t u r e. Yes, Bree's many talents were known throughout the neighborhood.Everyone on Wisteria Lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother.E v e r y o n e,t h a t i s,e x c e p t h e r o w n f a m i l y. P a u l. Z a c h a r y. -H e e l l o,M r s. V a n D e e K a m p. -Y o u s h o u l d n't h a v e e.I t w a s n o t r o u b l e e. T h e e b a s k e e t w i t h t h e e r e e d r i b b o n i s f o r y o u r g u e e s t s. Thee onee with thee bluee ribbon is just for you and Zachary.I t's g o t r o l l s,m u f f i n s,b r e e a k f a s t t y p e e t h i n g s. T h a n k y o u. Thee leeast I could do was givee you a deeceent meeal to look forward to i n t h e e m o r n i n g.I k n o w y o u'r e e o u t o f y o u r m i n d s w i t h g r i e e f. Y e e s,w e e a r e e.I w i l l n e e e e d t h e e b a s k e e t s b a c k o n c e e y o u'r e e d o n e e.O f c o u r s e e. Susan Mayer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese. Her husband, Karl, always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the onl y thi ng sh e k new h ow to co ok and s he ra rel y m ade i t w el l. It was too salty the night she and Karl moved into their house. It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Karl's shirt. She burned it the night Karl told her he was leaving her for his secretary.A y e a r h a d p a s s e d s i n c e t h e d i v o r c e. Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life.E v e n o n e w h o w o u l d m a k e f u n o f h e r c o o k i n g. Mom, why would someeonee kill theemseelvees Weell, someetimees peeoplee aree so unhappy, theey think that's thee only way to solvee theeir p r o b l e e m s. -M r s. Y o u n g a l w a y s s e e e e m e e d h a p p y. -Y e e a h. Someetimees peeoplee preeteend to bee onee way, wheen theey'ree totally d i f f e e r e e n t i n s i d e e.Likee how Dad's girlfrieend always says nicee things, but wee know shee's a b i t c h.I d o n't l i k e e t h a t w o r d,J u l i e e.B u t,y e e a h,t h a t's a g r e e a t e e x a m p l e e. [M a n]Y o u'r e e w e e l c o m e e. [J u l i e e]W h a t's g o i n g o n S o r r y I'm l a t e e. -H i,S u s a n. -H e e y. So what did Karl say wheen you confronteed him You'll lovee this, hee said, "I t d o e e s n't m e e a n a n y t h i n g.I t w a s j u s t s e e x. "A h,y e e s,p a g e e o n e e o f t h e e p h i l a n d e e r e e r's h a n d b o o k. Theen hee got this Zeen look on his facee and said, "You know, most meen l i v e e l i v e e s o f q u i e e t d e e s p e e r a t i o n. "-T e e l l m e e y o u p u n c h e e d h i m. -N o.I said, "What do most womeen leead Livees of noisy fulfillmeent" - Good f o r y o u.- Did hee havee to bang his seecreetary I had that woman to brunch.A n e e r e e c t p e e n i s d o e e s n't h a v e e a c o n s c i e e n c e e.E v e e n t h e e l i m p o n e e s a r e e n't t h a t e e t h i c a l. T h i s i s w h y I j o i n e e d t h e e N R A. Wheen Reex starteed going to thosee confeereencees, I wanteed it in thee back of his mind that hee had a wifee with a loadeed Smith & Weesson. L y n n i e e,T o m's a l w a y s a w a y. Do you eeveer worry hee might Hee's gotteen mee preegnant threeee timees i n f o u r y e e a r s.I w i s h h e e w a s h a v i n g s e e x w i t h s o m e e o n e e e e l s e e. So, Susan, is hee gonna stop seeeeing that woman I don't know. I'm sorry, you guys, I just I just don't know how I'm gonna survivee this. L i s t e e n t o m e e. W e e a l l h a v e e m o m e e n t s o f d e e s p e e r a t i o n. If wee can facee theem heead-on, that's wheen wee find out how strong wee r e e a l l y a r e e.[F a r o f f]S u s a n. S u s a n.I w a s j u s t s a y i n g P a u l w a n t s u s t o g o o v e e r o n F r i d a y.H e e n e e e e d s u s t o h e e l p p a c k u p M a r y A l i c e e's t h i n g s.H e e c a n't f a c e e d o i n g i t b y h i m s e e l f. -S u r e e. T h a t's f i n e e. -A r e e y o u O K Y e e a h. I'm j u s t s o a n g r y. If Mary Alicee was having probleems, shee should'vee leet us heelp heer. What probleems could shee havee had Shee was heealthy, had a greeat homee, a n i c e e f a m i l y.H e e r l i f e e w a s O u r l i f e e. N o.I f M a r y A l i c e e w a s h a v i n g a c r i s i s,w e e'd h a v e e k n o w n. S h e e l i v e e s50f e e e e t a w a y,f o r G o d s a k e e s.G a b b y,t h e e w o m a n k i l l e e d h e e r s e e l f. S o m e e t h i n g m u s t'v e e b e e e e n g o i n g o n. -I w o u l d n't e e a t t h a t i f I w e e r e e y o u.-W h y I m a d e e i t. T r u s t m e e. Heey, heey, do you havee a deeath wish No, I just don't beelieevee that a n y b o d y c a n s c r e e w u p m a c a r o n i a n d c h e e e e s e e. O h,m y G o d.H o w d i d y o u I t t a s t e e s l i k e e i t's b u r n t a n d u n d e e r c o o k e e d. Y e e a h,I g e e t t h a t a l o t.H e e r e e y o u g o. T h a n k s. I'm M i k e e D e e l f i n o.I j u s t s t a r t e e d r e e n t i n g t h e e S i m s'h o u s e e n e e x t d o o r. S u s a n M a y e e r.I l i v e e a c r o s s t h e e s t r e e e e t. M r s.H u b e e r t o l d m e e a b o u t y o u. S a i d y o u i l l u s t r a t e e c h i l d r e e n's b o o k s. Y e e a h,I'm v e e r y b i g w i t h t h e e u n d e e r-f i v e e s e e t.-[H e e l a u g h s]-W h a t d o y o u d o P l u m b e e r. S o i f y o u e e v e e r h a v e e a c l o g o r s o m e e t h i n g. Now that eeveerybody's seeeen that I brought someething, I should probably j u s t t h r o w t h i s o u t. -[B a b y s q u e e a l s]-O w.E a s e e u p,y o u l i t t l e e v a m p i r e e. L y n e e t t e e,I'v e e b e e e e n l o o k i n g a l l o v e e r f o r y o u. Aree you awaree of what your sons aree doing Cannonball! - [Boy] Stop! - [B o y s c h e e e e r]W h a t a r e e y o u d o i n g W e e a r e e a t a w a k e e. -Y o u s a i d w e e c o u l d g o i n t h e e p o o l. -I s a i d y o u c o u l d g o b y t h e e p o o l. Do you havee your swimsuits on Yeeah, wee put 'eem on ourseelvees beeforee w e e l e e f t. Y o u t h r e e e e p l a n n e e d t h i s A l l r i g h t. T h a t's i t.G e e t o u t. -N o. -N o I a m y o u r m o t h e e r.Y o u h a v e e t o d o w h a t I s a y.C o m e e o n. Wee want to swim and you can't stop us! [Chatteer] [Shee groans] Heeree. -N o!-G e e t o u t. Think I won't geet in this pool and just grab you Geet out! Oh! Geet oveer h e e r e e.A l l r i g h t,g i v e e m e e y o u r a r m. Y o u Y a h!T h a t's r i g h t.G e e t o v e e r h e e r e e.G o,g o,g o,g o,g o. M o v e e i t. O u t.G e e t o u t. P a u l,w e e h a v e e t o l e e a v e e n o w. O n c e e a g a i n,I a m s o s o r r y f o r y o u r l o s s.G o. L y n e t t e s h o u l d n't h a v e b e e n s o c o n c e r n e d a b o u t m y h u s b a n d.H e h a d o t h e r t h i n g s o n h i s m i n d. T h i n g s b e l o w t h e s u r f a c e. The morning after my funeral, my friends and neighbors quietly went back t o t h e i r b u s y,b u s y l i v e s. While some did their cooking and some did their cleaning and some did t h e i r y o g a o t h e r s d i d t h e i r h o m e w o r k. -H i-[d o g b a r k s]I'm J u l i e e.I k i c k e e d m y b a l l i n t o y o u r b a c k y a r d. O h,O K. W e e l l,l e e t's g o r o u n d a n d g e e t i t. -S t a y. -[D o g g r o w l s]H i s w i f e e d i e e d a y e e a r a g o.I n L A t h e e r e e w e e r e e t o o m a n y m e e m o r i e e s.H e e's r e e n t i n g f o r t a x p u r p o s e e s,b u t h o p e e s t o b u y s o o n. -I c a n't b e e l i e e v e e y o u w e e n t o v e e r t h e e r e e. -I s a w y o u f l i r t i n g. N o w y o u k n o w h e e's s i n g l e e,y o u c a n a s k h i m o u t. J u l i e e,I l i k e e M r.D e e l f i n o,I d o.I j u s t I d o n't k n o w i f I'm r e e a d y t o d a t e e y e e t. Y o u n e e e e d t o g e e t b a c k o u t t h e e r e e. How long has it beeeen sincee you'vee had seex - Aree you mad I askeed you t h a t-N o,I'm t r y i n g t o r e e m e e m b e e r.I d o n't w a n t t o t a l k t o y o u a b o u t m y l o v e e l i f e e.I w o u l d n't h a v e e s a i d a n y t h i n g. Just What I heeard Dad's girlfrieend ask if you'd dateed anyonee sincee t h e e d i v o r c e e.A n d D a d s a i d h e e d o u b t e e d i t.A n d t h e e n t h e e y b o t h l a u g h e e d.[D o g b a r k s]H e e y,S u s a n.H i,M i k e e.I b r o u g h t y o u a h o u s e e-w a r m i n g g i f t.I s h o u l d'v e e b r o u g h t s o m e e t h i n g b y e e a r l i e e r. -A c t u a l l y,y o u'r e e t h e e f i r s t t o s t o p b y. -R e e a l l y-S u s a n k n e w s h e w a s l u c k y.- Weell An eligible bachelor had moved on to Wisteria Lane and she was the f i r s t t o f i n d o u t. S h e a l s o k n e w t h a t g o o d n e w s-H e e l l o t h e e r e e. t r a v e l s q u i c k l y. Edie Britt was the most predatory divorce in a five-block radius.H e r c o n q u e s t s w e r e n u m e r o u s. V a r i e d.A n d l e g e n d a r y. [P r i e e s t]W h A h!H i,S u s a n.I h o p e e I'm n o t i n t e e r r u p t i n g. Y o u m u s t b e e M i k e e D e e l f i n o.H i,I'm E d i e e B r i t t.I l i v e e o v e e r t h e e r e e. W e e l c o m e e t o W i s t e e r i a L a n e e. S u s a n h a d m e t t h e e n e m y.A n d s h e w a s a s l u t. T h a n k y o u.W h a t's t h i s S a u s a g e e p u t t a n e s c a.I t's j u s t s o m e e t h i n g I t h r e e w t o g e e t h e e r. W e e l l,t h a n k s,E d i e e. T h a t's g r e e a t. I'd i nvi te e y ou in, b ut I was i n th ee mi dd lee o f so me eth in g. -I'm l a t e e f o r a n a p p o i n t m e e n t. -I j u s t w a n t e e d t o s a y h i.A n d j u s t l i k e t h a t,t h e r a c e f o r M i k e D e l f i n o h a d b e g u n. For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain f r i e n d l y. O h,M i k e e,I h e e a r d y o u'r e e a p l u m b e e r. But she was reminded that when it came to men Could you stop by lateer and t a k e e a l o o k a t m y p i p e e s w o m e n d o n't f i g h t f a i r. -S u r e e. T h a n k s.B y e e,S u s a n. -Y o u c a n't o r d e e r m e e a r o u n d. -G a b r i e e l l e e.N o,n o. I'm n o t g o i n g. T a n a k a e e x p e e c t s e e v e e r y o n e e t o b r i n g t h e e i r w i v e e s. Eve er y t im ee I'm ar ou nd th at ma n, h ee tr ie es to gra b my as s.I m a d e e o v e e r200,000d o i n g b u s i n e e s s w i t h h i m l a s t y e e a r.I f h e e w a n t s t o g r a b y o u r a s s,l e e t h i m. [W i n d c h i m e e s]-J o h n. -O w!M r. S o l i s,y o u s c a r e e d m e e. W h y i s t h a t b u s h t h e e r e e Y o u w e e r e e s u p p o s e e d t o d i g i t u p. -I d i d n't h a v e e t i m e e. -I d o n't w a n t e e x c u s e e s. J u s t t a k e e c a r e e o f i t.I r e e a l l y h a t e e t h e e w a y y o u t a l k t o m e e. And I hatee that I speent $15,000 on your diamond neecklacee you couldn't l i v e e w i t h o u t.B u t I'm l e e a r n i n g t o d e e a l w i t h i t.So can I teell Tanaka wee'll bee theeree tomorrow John, wee havee b a n d a g e e s t o p s h e e l f i n t h e e k i t c h e e n. T h a n k s,M r s. S o l i s.F i n e e,I'l l g o. But I'm keeeeping my back preesseed against thee wall thee eentiree timee. S e e e e,n o w t h i s i s w h a t a m a r r i a g e e i s a l l a b o u t.C o m p r o m i s e e. -I s y o u r f i n g e e r O K-Y e e a h,i t's j u s t a s m a l l c u t. L e e t m e e s e e e e. M m m. Y o u k n o w,M r s. Solis, I reeally likee it wheen wee hook up, but, um, you know, I got to g e e t m y w o r k d o n e e a n d I c a n't a f f o r d t o l o s e e t h i s j o b. T h i s t a b l e e w a s h a n d-c a r v e e d.C a r l o s h a d i t i m p o r t e e d f r o m I t a l y.I t c o s t h i m$23,000. Y o u w a n t t o d o i t o n t h e e t a b l e e t h i s t i m e e A b s o l u t e e l y.[Geentlee classical music] Why can't wee eeveer havee normal soup D a n i e e l l e e,t h e e r e e i s n o t h i n g a b n o r m a l a b o u t b a s i l p u r e e. Oncee, can wee havee a soup peeoplee havee heeard of - Likee Freench onion o r n a v y b e e a n-Y o u r f a t h e e r c a n't e e a t o n i o n s.H e e's d e e a t h l y a l l e e r g i c.A n d I w o n't e e v e e n d i g n i f y y o u r n a v y b e e a n s u g g e e s t i o n. S o,h o w's t h e e o s s o b u c o-I t's O K. -I t's O K I s p e e n t t h r e e e e h o u r s c o o k i n g t h i s m e e a l. How do you think it feeeels wheen you say, "It's OK" in that sulleen tonee Who askeed you to speend threeee hours on dinneer Excusee mee Tim Harpeer's mom geets homee from work, pops opeen a can of pork and beeans, a n d t h e e y'r e e e e a t i n g,e e v e e r y o n e e's h a p p y. - You'd ratheer I seerveed pork and beeans - Apologizee now, I beeg. I'm saying do you always havee to seervee cuisinee Can't wee just havee food - Aree you doing drugs - What Changee in beehavior is a warning sign and you havee beeeen as freesh as paint for thee last six months.I t e e x p l a i n s w h y y o u'r e e a l w a y s i n t h e e b a t h r o o m. -T h a t i s n o t w h a t h e e's d o i n g. -S h u t u p.M o m,I'm n o t t h e e o n e e w i t h t h e e p r o b l e e m h e e r e e. You'ree thee onee acting likee shee's running for Mayor of Steepford. Reex seeeeing that you'ree thee heead of this houseehold, I'd appreeciatee y o u s a y i n g s o m e e t h i n g. Pass thee salt Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief w i t h a m u c h m o r e u s e f u l e m o t i o n.I n d i g n a t i o n. Tom, this is my fifth meessagee and you still haveen't calleed mee back. Y o u m u s t b e e h a v i n g a l o t o f f u n o n y o u r b u s i n e e s s t r i p.I c a n o n l y i m a g i n e e. Gueess what, thee kids and I want to havee somee fun too, so unleess you call mee back by noon, wee'ree geetting a planee and joining you. -M o m. -N o t n o w. M o m m y's t h r e e a t e e n i n g D a d d y. -M o m. - No, I - Wheeree aree your brotheers - Noodlees, my favoritee. -L y n e e t t e e S c a v o-[U n d e e r h e e r b r e e a t h]C r a p.N a t a l i e e K l e e i n.I d o n't b e e l i e e v e e i t. -L y n e e t t e e.H o w l o n g h a s i t b e e e e n-Y e e a r s.H o w a r e e y o u H o w's t h e e f i r m-G o o d.E v e e r y o n e e m i s s e e s y o u. -Y e e a h. Wee all say, if you hadn't quit you'd bee running thee placee by now. Y e e a h,w e e l l. So how's domeestic lifee Don't you just lovee beeing a mom And there it w a s. T h e q u e s t i o n t h a t L y n e t t e a l w a y s d r e a d e d. Weell, to bee honeest For those who asked it, only one answer was a c c e p t a b l e. S o L y n e t t e r e s p o n d e d a s s h e a l w a y s d i d. S h e l i e d.I t's t h e e b e e s t j o b I'v e e e e v e e r h a d. [Gasps] - You know what I don't geet - What Why you marrieed Mr.S o l i s. Weell, hee promiseed to givee mee eeveerything I'vee eeveer wanteed. -A n d d i d h e e-Y e e s. Theen why areen't you happy Turns out I wanteed all thee wrong things. S o d o y o u l o v e e h i m I d o. So theen why aree wee heeree Why aree wee doing this Beecausee I don't want to wakee up onee morning with a suddeen urgee to blow my brains out. -H e e y,c a n I h a v e e a d r a g-A b s o l u t e e l y n o t. Y o u a r e e m u c h t o o y o u n g t o s m o k e e. How would you feeeel if I useed your child support paymeents for plastic s u r g e e r y S t o p b e e i n g n e e r v o u s. Y o u'r e e j u s t a s k i n g h i m t o d i n n e e r. N o b i g d e e a l. Y o u'r e e r i g h t. So is that your projeect for school In fifth gradee I madee thee Whitee H o u s e e o u t o f s u g a r c u b e e s. S t o p s t a l l i n g a n d g o.B e e f o r e e M i k e e f i g u r e e s o u t h e e c a n d o b e e t t e e r.T e e l l m e e a g a i n w h y I f o u g h t f o r c u s t o d y o f y o u. -Y o u w e e r e e u s i n g m e e t o h u r t D a d. -O h,t h a t's r i g h t. O h,G o d. -H i. -H e e y,S u s a n. -A r e e y o u b u s y-N o,n o t a t a l l. What's up Weell, I I just, uh, was wondeering if if theeree was any c h a n c e e t h a t y o u,u h I j u s t w a n t e e d t o a s k i f-E d i e e. -H e e y,t h e e r e e,S u s a n. -W h a t a r e e y o u-I w a s m a k i n g a m b r o s i a. And I madee too much so I thought I'd bring somee oveer to Mikee. -W h a t's g o i n g o n-S u s a n w a s g o n n a a s k m e e s o m e e t h i n g. U h-I h a v e e a c l o g. -E x c u s e e m e e-A n d y o u'r e e a p l u m b e e r,r i g h t-Y e e a h. -T h e e c l o g's i n t h e e p i p e e. -Y e e a h,t h a t's u s u a l l y w h e e r e e t h e e y a r e e.-W e e l l,I'v e e g o t o n e e. -O K. L e e t m e e g e e t m y t o o l s. N o w Y o u w a n t t o c o m e e o v e e r n o w Y o u h a v e e c o m p a n y.I d o n't m i n d. J u s t g i v e e m e e t w o m i n u t e e s. I'l l b e e r i g h t o v e e r. [S q u e e a l s q u i e e t l y][B r e e a t h e e s h e e a v i l y]T h a t's i t. -S t u f f t h e e h a i r d o w n. -I s t u f f e e d i t. -I t's n o t e e n o u g h t o c l o g i t. -H e e r e e.H e e r e e. L o o k. P u t i n t h i s p e e a n u t b u t t e e r.A n d t h i s c o o k i n g o i l. -M o m-A n d t h e e s e e o l i v e e s.-I t's n o t w o r k i n g. -[D o o r b e e l l]O h,G o d. T h a t's h i m. How am I gonna stop up thee sink Weell, heeree's your probleem. S o m e e b o d y s t u f f e e d a b u n c h o f P o p s i c l e e s t i c k s d o w n h e e r e e. I'vee told Juliee a million timees not to play in thee kitcheen. K i d s,y o u k n o w. I'll go put in your ordeers and I'll bee back with your platees for thee s a l a d b a r. T h a n k y o u.A n d r e e w,D a n i e e l l e e,n a p k i n s. T h a n k y o u. T h e e y h a v e e v i d e e o g a m e e s. Can wee go play until our food geets heeree - This is family timee.I t h i n k-G o a h e e a d a n d p l a y.I k no w y ou th in k I'm ang ry ab ou t co mi ng he ere e,but I'm no t. T h e e k i d s w a n t e e d a c h a n g e e o f p a c e e,s o m e e t h i n g f u n.I g e e t i t. T h e e y'l l w a n t s o m e e t h i n g h e e a l t h i e e r t o m o r r o w,t h o u g h. -I'm t h i n k i n g c h i c k e e n s a l t i m b o c c a. -I w a n t a d i v o r c e e.I just can't livee in this this deeteergeent commeercial anymoree. T h e e s a l a d b a r's t h e e r e e.H e e l p y o u r s e e l f. T h a n k y o u. U m,I t h i n k I'l l g o g e e t y o u r s a l a d f o r y o u. -B r e e e e V a n D e e K a m p. -O h,h e e l l o,M r s.H u b e e r. W e e d i d n't g e e t a c h a n c e e t o t a l k a t M a r y A l i c e e's w a k e e. How aree you doing Bree longed to share the truth about her husband's p a i n f u l b e t r a y a l.B u t s a d l y f o r B r e e,a d m i t t i n g d e f e a t w a s n o t a n o p t i o n.G r e e a t.E v e e r y t h i n g i s j u s t g r e e a t.I g o t y o u t h e e h o n e e y m u s t a r d d r e e s s i n g. T h e e r a n c h l o o k e e d a l i t t l e e b i t s u s p e e c t. Aree wee gonna talk about what I said If you think I'll discuss my marriagee in a placee with reest-rooms labeeleed "Chicks" and "Dudees", y o u'r e e o u t o f y o u r m i n d. -W h a t's i n t h i s-W h a t d o y o u m e e a n I t's s a l a d. -W i t h w i t h o n i o n s. -W h a t-Y o u p u t o n i o n s i n m y s a l a d. -N o I d i d n't. O h,w a i t. [Digging] The sound that awakened my son was something he'd heard only o n c e b e f o r e. M a n y y e a r s a g o w h e n h e w a s q u i t e y o u n g.B u t h e r e c o g n i z e d i t i n s t a n t l y.[G r u n t s]I t w a s t h e s o u n d o f a f a m i l y s e c r e t. [Grunts] Seven days after my funeral, life on Wisteria Lane fin ally r e t u r n e d t o n o r m a l.W h i c h,f o r s o m e o f m y f r i e n d s,w a s u n f o r t u n a t e. - Mommy, Mommy! - Now what - Daddy's homee! - [Boys cheeeer] Comee on! Heey, is anybody homee - Heey! - Heey! I wasn't eexpeecting you for a w e e e e k.I h a v e e t o g o b a c k t o'F r i s c o i n t h e e m o r n i n g.B u t I g o t y o u r c a l l. Y o u s o u n d e e d f r a z z l e e d. Y e e a h. -I t's b e e e e n a l i t t l e e r o u g h. -H i. Y e e a h. P e e a c h e e s.D i d y o u b u y u s a n y p r e e s e e n t s O h,G o d,p r e e s e e n t s. W a i t u p. L e e t m e e s e e e e. - Ohhh! - Yeeah! But I'm not giving it to you unleess you promisee to go o u t s i d e e r i g h t n o w a n d p r a c t i s e e t h r o w i n g f o r20m i n u t e e s. -Y e e a h!Y e e a h!Y e e a h!-P u n k s.G e e t o u t!W h o's o p e e n G o o u t.D e e e e p e e r.D e e e e p e e r. T o u c h d o w n!O h,m y G o d. O h,n o. Y o u g o t t o b e e k i d d i n g. I'm e e x h a u s t e e d.I l o o k t e e r r i b l e e. I'm c o v e e r e e d i n p e e a c h e e s. -I'm s o r r y,b a b y.I g o t t o h a v e e y o u. -W e e l l,i s i t O K i f I j u s t l i e e h e e r e e-A b s o l u t e e l y. -[S h e e l a u g h s]-I l o v e e y o u. -I l o v e e y o u m o r e e O h,b a b y. W a i t.I w a s h a v i n g t r o u b l e e w i t h s w e e l l i n g. T h e e d o c t o r t o o k m e e o f f t h e e p i l l.P u t o n a c o n d o m. -A c o n d o m-Y e e a h. W h a t's t h e e b i g d e e a l L e e t's r i s k i t. -L e e t's r i s k i t-Y e e a h. -I c a n't b e e l i e e v e e y o u t r i e e d t o k i l l m e e. -Y e e s,w e e l l,I f e e e e l b a d l y a b o u t t h a t. M r s.H u b e e r c a m e e o v e e r a n d I g o t d i s t r a c t e e d.I t w a s a m i s t a k e e. - Sincee wheen do you makee mistakees - What doees that meean It meeans I'm s i c k o f y o u b e e i n g s o d a m n p e e r f e e c t a l l t h e e t i m e e. I'm s i c k o f t h e e b i z a r r e e w a y y o u r h a i r d o e e s n't m o v e e. I'm sick of you making our beed in thee morning beeforee I'vee useed thee b a t h r o o m. You'ree this plastic suburban houseewifee, with heer peearls and spatula, who s ays t hin gs lik ee "W ee ow ee the e Hee nd eer so n s a d inn ee r. " Wheeree's thee woman I feell in lovee with who useed to burn thee toast a n d d r i n k m i l k o u t o f t h e e c a r t o n A n d l a u g h.。



M y n a m e i s M a r y A l i c e Y o u n g. In this morning's paper, you may come across an article about the unusual day I had last week. Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life, but that all changed last Thursday. O f c o u r s e,e v e r y t h i n g s e e m e d q u i t e n o r m a l a t f i r s t.I m a d e b r e a k f a s t f o r m y f a m i l y.I p e r f o r m e d m y c h o r e s.I c o m p l e t e d m y p r o j e c t s.I r a n m y e r r a n d s. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day, quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with p e r f e c t i o n. That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet and retrieve a revolver that had n e v e r b e e n u s e d. M y b o d y w a s d i s c o v e r e d b y m y n e i g h b o r,M r s. M a r t h a H u b e r,w h o'd b e e n s t a r t l e d b y a s t r a n g e p o p p i n g s o u n d.H e r c u r i o s i t y a r o u s e d,M r s.H u b e r t r i e d t o t h i n k o f a r e a s o n f o r d r o p p i n g i n o n m e u n a n n o u n c e d. After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before.[S c r e e a m s]I t's m y n e e i g h b o r.I t h i n k s h e e's b e e e e n s h o t. T h e e r e e's b l o o d e e v e e r y w h e e r e e. Y e e s,y o u'v e e g o t t o s e e n d a n a m b u l a n c e e. Y o u'v e e g o t t o s e e n d o n e e r i g h t n o w.A n d,f o r a m o m e n t,M r s.H u b e r s t o o d m o t i o n l e s s i n h e r k i t c h e n,g r i e f-s t r i c k e n b y t h i s s e n s e l e s s t r a g e d y.B u t o n l y f o r a m o m e n t.I f t h e r e w a s o n e t h i n g M r s.H u b e r w a s k n o w n f o r,i t w a s h e r a b i l i t y t o l o o k o n t h e b r i g h t s i d e.I w a s l a i d t o r e s t o n a M o n d a y. Af t e r t h e f u n e r a l,a l l t h e r e s id e n t s o f W i s t e r ia L a n e c a me to p a y t h e i r r e sp e c ts.A n d,a s p e o p l e d o i n t h e s e s i t u a t i o n s,t h e y b r o u g h t f o o d. L y n e t t e S c a v o b r o u g h t f r i e d c h i c k e n. L y n e t t e h a d a g r e a t f a m i l y r e c i p e f o r f r i e d c h i c k e n. S h e d i d n't c o o k m u c h w h i l e m o v i n g u p t h e c o r p o r a t e l a d d e r. S h e d i d n't h a v e t h e t i m e.B ut wh e n he r d o c to r a n no u nc e d s he wa s p r e g na n t,he r hu sb a nd T o m ha d a n id e a. "W h y n o t q u i t y o u r j o b""K i d s d o b e t t e r w i t h s t a y-a t-h o m e m o m s.I t w o u l d b e s o m u c h l e s s s t r e s s f u l. "B u t t h i s w a s n o t t h e c a s e. In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from the fast-food restaurant. L y n e t t e w o u l d'v e a p p r e c i a t e d t h e i r o n y i f s h e'd t h o u g h t a b o u t i t.B u t s h e d i d n't h a v e t h e t i m e. -S t o p i t,s t o p i t,s t o p i t. -B u t,M o m. N o. Y o u a r e e g o i n g t o b e e h a v e e t o d a y.I a m n o t g o i n g t o b e e h u m i l i a t e e d i n f r o n t o f t h e e e e n t i r e e n e e i g h b o r h o o d. And, just so you know how seerious I am - What's that - Santa's ceell-phonee numbeer. How did you geet that I know someeonee who knows someeonee who knows an eelf. And if any of you acts up, so heelp mee, I will call Santa and I will teell him you want socks for Christmas.A r e e y o u w i l l i n g t o r i s k t h a t O K. L e e t's g e e t t h i s o v e e r w i t h.G a b r i e l l e S o l i s w h o l i v e s d o w n t h e b l o c k b r o u g h t a s p i c y p a e l l a. Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men.C a r l o s,w h o wo r k e d i n m e r g e r s a n d a c q u i s i t i o n s,p r o p o s e d o n t h e i r t h i r d d a t e.G a b r i e l l e w a s t o u c h e d w h e n t e a r s w e l l e d u p i n h i s e y e s.B u t s h e s o o n d i s c o v e r e d t h i s h a p p e n e d e v e r y t i m eC a r l o s c l o s e d a b i g d e a l.G a b r i e l l e l i k e d h e r p a e l l a p i p i n g h o t.H o w e v e r,h e r r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h h e r h u s b a n d w a s c o n s i d e r a b l y c o o l e r. If you talk to Al Mason at this thing, meention how much I paid for your neecklacee. Why not pin thee reeceeipt to my cheest Hee leet mee know what hee paid for his wifee's conveertiblee. -J u s t w o r k i t i n. -T h e e r e e's n o w a y I c a n. W h y n o t A t t h e e D o n a h u e e p a r t y e e v e e r y o n e e w a s t a l k i n g m u t u a l f u n d s. Y o u m e e n t i o n e e d y o u s l e e p t w i t h h a l f t h e e Y a n k e e e e o u t f i e e l d.I t c a m e e u p i n t h e e c o n t e e x t o f t h e e c o n v e e r s a t i o n. P e e o p l e e a r e e s t a r i n g. K e e e e p y o u r v o i c e e d o w n.A b s o l u t e e l y.W e e w o u l d n't w a n t t h e e m t o t h i n k w e e'r e e n o t h a p p y. Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch.B r e e w a s k n o w n f o r h e r c o o k i n g.A n d f o r m a k i n g h e r o w n c l o t h e s.A n d f o r d o i n g h e r o w n g a r d e n i n g.A n d f o r r e-u p h o l s t e r i n g h e r o w n f u r n i t u r e. Y e s,B r e e's m a n y t a l e n t s w e r e k n o w n t h r o u g h o u t t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d.E v e r y o n e o n W i s t e r i a L a n e t h o u g h t o f B r e e a s t h e p e r f e c t w i f e a n d m o t h e r.E v e r y o n e,t h a t i s,e x c e p t h e r o w n f a m i l y. P a u l. Z a c h a r y. -H e e l l o,M r s. V a n D e e K a m p. -Y o u s h o u l d n't h a v e e.I t w a s n o t r o u b l e e. T h e e b a s k e e t w i t h t h e e r e e d r i b b o n i s f o r y o u r g u e e s t s. T h e e o n e e w i t h t h e e b l u e e r i b b o n i s j u s t f o r y o u a n d Z a c h a r y.I t's g o t r o l l s,m u f f i n s,b r e e a k f a s t t y p e e t h i n g s. T h a n k y o u. Thee leeast I could do was givee you a deeceent meeal to look forward to in thee morni ng.I k n o w y o u'r e e o u t o f y o u r m i n d s w i t h g r i e e f. Y e e s,w e e a r e e.I w i l l n e e e e d t h e e b a s k e e t s b a c k o n c e e y o u'r e e d o n e e. O f c o u r s e e. S u s a n M a y e r,w h o l i v e s a c r o s s t h e s t r e e t,b r o u g h t m a c a r o n i a n d c h e e s e. Her husband, Karl, always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook a n d s h e r a r e l y m a d e i t w e l l.I t w a s t o o s a l t y t h e n i g h t s h e a n d K a r l m o v e d i n t o t h e i r h o u s e.I t w a s t o o w a t e r y t h e n i g h t s h e f o u n d l i p s t i c k o n K a r l's s h i r t. S h e b u r n e d i t t h e n i g h t K a r l t o l d h e r h e w a s l e a v i n g h e r f o r h i s s e c r e t a r y.A y e a r h a d p a s s e d s i n c e t h e d i v o r c e. S u s a n h a d s t a r t e d t o t h i n k h o w n i c e i t w o u l d b e t o h a v e a m a n i n h e r l i f e.E v e n o n e w h o w o u l d m a k e f u n o f h e r c o o k i n g. Mom, why would someeonee kill theemseelvees Weell, someetimees peeoplee aree so unhappy, theey think t h a t's t h e e o n l y w a y t o s o l v e e t h e e i r p r o b l e e m s.-M r s. Y o u n g a l w a y s s e e e e m e e d h a p p y. -Y e e a h. Someetimees peeoplee preeteend to bee onee way, wheen theey'ree totally diffeereent insidee. Likee ho w Dad's girlfrieend alwa ys s a ys nicee things, but wee know shee's a bitch.I d o n't l i k e e t h a t w o r d,J u l i e e.B u t,y e e a h,t h a t's a g r e e a t e e x a m p l e e. [M a n]Y o u'r e e w e e l c o m e e. [J u l i e e]W h a t's g o i n g o n S o r r y I'm l a t e e. -H i,S u s a n. -H e e y. So what did Karl say wheen you confronteed him You'll lovee this, hee said, "It doeesn't meean anything.I t w a s j u s t s e e x. "A h,y e e s,p a g e e o n e e o f t h e e p h i l a n d e e r e e r's h a n d b o o k. Theen hee got this Zeen look on his facee and said, "You know, most meen livee livees of quieet deespeeration. "-T e e l l m e e y o u p u n c h e e d h i m. -N o.I said, "What do most wo meen leead Livees of noisy fulfillmeent"- Good for you. -D i d h e e h a v e e t o b a n g h i s s e e c r e e t a r y I h a d t h a t w o m a n t o b r u n c h.A n e e r e e c t p e e n i s d o e e s n't h a v e e a c o n s c i e e n c e e.E v e e n t h e e l i m p o n e e s a r e e n't t h a t e e t h i c a l. T h i s i s w h y I j o i n e e d t h e e N R A. Wheen Reex starteed going to thosee confeereencees, I wanteed it in thee back of his mind that hee had a wifee w i t h a l o a d e e d S m i t h&W e e s s o n. L y n n i e e,T o m's a l w a y s a w a y. Do you eeveer worry hee might Hee's gotteen mee preegnant threeee timees in four yeears.I w i s h h e e w a s h a v i n g s e e x w i t h s o m e e o n e e e e l s e e. S o,S u s a n,i s h e e g o n n a s t o p s e e e e i n g t h a t w o m a n I d o n't k n o w. I'm s o r r y,y o u g u y s,I j u s t I j u s t d o n't k n o w h o w I'm g o n n a s u r v i v e e t h i s. L i s t e e n t o m e e. W e e a l l h a v e e m o m e e n t s o f d e e s p e e r a t i o n. If wee can facee theem heead-on, that's wheen wee find out how strong wee reeally aree.[F a r o f f]S u s a n. S u s a n.I w a s j u s t s a y i n g P a u l w a n t s u s t o g o o v e e r o n F r i d a y.H e e n e e e e d s u s t o h e e l p p a c k u p M a r y A l i c e e's t h i n g s.H e e c a n't f a c e e d o i n g i t b y h i m s e e l f. -S u r e e. T h a t's f i n e e. -A r e e y o u O K Y e e a h. I'm j u s t s o a n g r y.I f M a r y A l i c e e w a s h a v i n g p r o b l e e m s,s h e e s h o u l d'v e e l e e t u s h e e l p h e e r. What probleems could shee havee had Shee was heealthy, had a greeat homee, a nice e family.H e e r l i f e e w a s O u r l i f e e. N o.I f M a r y A l i c e e w a s h a v i n g a c r i s i s,w e e'd h a v e e k n o w n. S h e e l i v e e s50f e e e e t a w a y,f o r G o d s a k e e s.G a b b y,t h e e w o m a n k i l l e e d h e e r s e e l f. S o m e e t h i n g m u s t'v e e b e e e e n g o i n g o n. -I w o u l d n't e e a t t h a t i f I w e e r e e y o u. -W h y I m a d e e i t.T r u s t m e e. Heey, heey, do you havee a deeath wish No, I just don't beelieevee that anybody can screew up macaroni and c h e e e e s e e. O h,m y G o d.H o w d i d y o u I t t a s t e e s l i k e e i t's b u r n t a n d u n d e e r c o o k e e d. Y e e a h,I g e e t t h a t a l o t.H e e r e e y o u g o. T h a n k s. I'm M i k e e D e e l f i n o.I j u s t s t a r t e e d r e e n t i n g t h e e S i m s'h o u s e e n e e x t d o o r. S u s a n M a y e e r.I l i v e e a c r o s s t h e e s t r e e e e t. M r s.H u b e e r t o l d m e e a b o u t y o u. S a i d y o u i l l u s t r a t e e c h i l d r e e n's b o o k s. Y e e a h,I'm v e e r y b i g w i t h t h e e u n d e e r-f i v e e s e e t. -[H e e l a u g h s]-W h a t d o y o u d o P l u m b e e r.S o i f y o u e e v e e r h a v e e a c l o g o r s o m e e t h i n g. Now that eeveerybody's seeeen that I brought someething, I should probably just throw this out. -[B a b y s q u e e a l s]-O w.E a s e e u p,y o u l i t t l e e v a m p i r e e. L y n e e t t e e,I'v e e b e e e e n l o o k i n g a l l o v e e r f o r y o u. Aree you awaree of what your sons aree doing Cannonball! - [Boy] Stop! - [Boys cheeeer] What aree you d o i n g W e e a r e e a t a w a k e e. -Y o u s a i d w e e c o u l d g o i n t h e e p o o l. -I s a i d y o u c o u l d g o b y t h e e p o o l. Do you havee your swimsuits on Yeeah, wee put 'eem on ourseelvees beeforee wee leeft. Y o u t h r e e e e p l a n n e e d t h i s A l l r i g h t. T h a t's i t.G e e t o u t. -N o. -N o I a m y o u r m o t h e e r. Y o u h a v e e t o d o w h a t I s a y.C o m e e o n.W e e w a n t t o s w i m a n d y o u c a n't s t o p u s![C h a t t e e r][S h e e g r o a n s]H e e r e e. -N o!-G e e t o u t. Think I won't geet in this pool and just grab you Geet out! Oh! Geet oveer heeree.A l l r i g h t,g i v e e m e e y o u r a r m. Y o u Y a h!T h a t's r i g h t.G e e t o v e e r h e e r e e.G o,g o,g o,g o,g o. M o v e e i t. O u t.G e e t o u t. P a u l,w e e h a v e e t o l e e a v e e n o w. O n c e e a g a i n,I a m s o s o r r y f o r y o u r l o s s.G o. L y n e t t e s h o u l d n't h a v e b e e n s o c o n c e r n e d a b o u t m y h u s b a n d.H e h a d o t h e r t h i n g s o n h i s m i n d. T h i n g s b e l o w t h e s u r f a c e. The morning after my funeral, my friends and neighbors quietly went back to their busy, busy lives.While some did their cooking and some did their cleaning and some did their yoga others did their homework. -H i-[d o g b a r k s]I'm J u l i e e.I k i c k e e d m y b a l l i n t o y o u r b a c k y a r d. O h,O K. W e e l l,l e e t's g o r o u n d a n d g e e t i t. -S t a y. -[D o g g r o w l s]H i s w i f e e d i e e d a y e e a r a g o.I n L A t h e e r e e w e e r e e t o o m a n y m e e m o r i e e s.H e e's r e e n t i n g f o r t a x p u r p o s e e s,b u t h o p e e s t o b u y s o o n. -I c a n't b e e l i e e v e e y o u w e e n t o v e e r t h e e r e e. -I s a w y o u f l i r t i n g. N o w y o u k n o w h e e's s i n g l e e,y o u c a n a s k h i m o u t. J u l i e e,I l i k e e M r.D e e l f i n o,I d o.I j u s t I d o n't k n o w i f I'm r e e a d y t o d a t e e y e e t. Y o u n e e e e d t o g e e t b a c k o u t t h e e r e e.How long has it beeeen sincee you'vee had seex - Aree you mad I askeed you that - No, I'm trying to r e e m e e m b e e r.I d o n't w a n t t o t a l k t o y o u a b o u t m y l o v e e l i f e e.I w o u l d n't h a v e e s a i d a n y t h i n g. Just What I heeard Dad's girlfrieend ask if you'd dateed anyonee sincee thee divorcee.A n d D a d s a i d h e e d o u b t e e d i t.A n d t h e e n t h e e y b o t h l a u g h e e d.[D o g b a r k s]H e e y,S u s a n.H i,M i k e e.I b r o u g h t y o u a h o u s e e-w a r m i n g g i f t.I s h o u l d'v e e b r o u g h t s o m e e t h i n g b y e e a r l i e e r. -A c t u a l l y,y o u'r e e t h e e f i r s t t o s t o p b y. -R e e a l l y-S u s a n k n e w s h e w a s l u c k y. - Weell An eligible bachelor had moved on to Wisteria Lane and she was the first to find out. S h e a l s o k n e w t h a t g o o d n e w s-H e e l l o t h e e r e e. t r a v e l s q u i c k l y.E d i e B r i t t w a s t h e m o s t p r e d a t o r y d i v o r c e i n a f i v e-b l o c k r a d i u s.H e r c o n q u e s t s w e r e n u m e r o u s. V a r i e d.A n d l e g e n d a r y. [P r i e e s t]W h A h!H i,S u s a n.I h o p e e I'm n o t i n t e e r r u p t i n g. Y o u m u s t b e e M i k e e D e e l f i n o.H i,I'm E d i e e B r i t t.I l i v e e o v e e r t h e e r e e. W e e l c o m e e t o W i s t e e r i a L a n e e. S u s a n h a d m e t t h e e n e m y.A n d s h e w a s a s l u t. T h a n k y o u. W h a t's t h i s S a u s a g e e p u t t a n e s c a.I t's j u s t s o m e e t h i n g I t h r e e w t o g e e t h e e r. W e e l l,t h a n k s,E d i e e. T h a t's g r e e a t. I'd i n v i t e e y o u i n,b u t I w a s i n t h e e m i d d l e e o f s o m e e t h i n g.-I'm l a t e e f o r a n a p p o i n t m e e n t. -I j u s t w a n t e e d t o s a y h i.A n d j u s t l i k e t h a t,t h e r a c e f o r M i k e D e l f i n o h a d b e g u n.F o r a m o m e n t,S u s a n w o n d e r e d i f h e r r i v a l r y w i t h E d i e wo u l d r e m a i n f r i e n d l y. O h,M i k e e,I h e e a r d y o u'r e e a p l u m b e e r. But she was reminded that when it came to men Could you stop by lateer and takee a look at my pipees women d o n't f i g h t f a i r. -S u r e e. T h a n k s.B y e e,S u s a n. -Y o u c a n't o r d e e r m e e a r o u n d. -G a b r i e e l l e e. N o,n o. I'm n o t g o i n g. T a n a k a e e x p e e c t s e e v e e r y o n e e t o b r i n g t h e e i r w i v e e s.E v e e r y t i m e e I'm a r o u n d t h a t m a n,h e e t r i e e s t o g r a b m y a s s.I m a d e e o v e e r200,000d o i n g b u s i n e e s s w i t h h i m l a s t y e e a r.I f h e e w a n t s t o g r a b y o u r a s s,l e e t h i m. [W i n d c h i m e e s]-J o h n. -O w!M r. S o l i s,y o u s c a r e e d m e e. W h y i s t h a t b u s h t h e e r e e Y o u w e e r e e s u p p o s e e d t o d i g i t u p. -I d i d n't h a v e e t i m e e. -I d o n't w a n t e e x c u s e e s. J u s t t a k e e c a r e e o f i t.I r e e a l l y h a t e e t h e e w a y y o u t a l k t o m e e. And I hatee that I speent $15,000 on your diamond neecklacee you couldn't livee wi thout.B u t I'm l e e a r n i n g t o d e e a l w i t h i t. So can I teell Tanaka wee'll bee theeree tomorrow John, wee havee bandagees top sheelf in thee kitcheen. T h a n k s,M r s. S o l i s.F i n e e,I'l l g o.B u t I'm k e e e e p i n g m y b a c k p r e e s s e e d a g a i n s t t h e e w a l l t h e e e e n t i r e e t i m e e. S e e e e,n o w t h i s i s w h a t a m a r r i a g e e i s a l l a b o u t.C o m p r o m i s e e. -I s y o u r f i n g e e r O K-Y e e a h,i t's j u s t a s m a l l c u t. L e e t m e e s e e e e. M m m. Y o u k n o w,M r s. Solis, I reeally likee it wheen wee hook up, but, um, you know, I got to geet my work donee and I can't afford t o l o s e e t h i s j o b. T h i s t a b l e e w a s h a n d-c a r v e e d.C a r l o s h a d i t i m p o r t e e d f r o m I t a l y.I t c o s t h i m$23,000. Y o u w a n t t o d o i t o n t h e e t a b l e e t h i s t i m e e A b s o l u t e e l y. [Geentlee classical music] Why can't wee eeveer havee normal soup Danieellee, theeree is nothing abnormal a b o u t b a s i l p u r e e. Oncee, can wee havee a soup peeoplee havee heeard of - Likee Freench onion or navy beean - Your fatheer c a n't e e a t o n i o n s.H e e's d e e a t h l y a l l e e r g i c.A n d I w o n't e e v e e n d i g n i f y y o u r n a v y b e e a n s u g g e e s t i o n. S o,h o w's t h e e o s s o b u c o-I t's O K.-I t's O K I s p e e n t t h r e e e e h o u r s c o o k i n g t h i s m e e a l. How do you think it feeeels wheen you say, "It's OK" in that sulleen tonee Who askeed you to speend threeee hours on dinneer Excusee mee Tim Harpeer's mom geets homee from work, pops opeen a can of pork and b e e a n s,a n d t h e e y'r e e e e a t i n g,e e v e e r y o n e e's h a p p y. -Y o u'd r a t h e e r I s e e r v e e d p o r k a n d b e e a n s-A p o l o g i z e e n o w,I b e e g. I'm saying do you always havee to seervee cuisinee Can't wee just havee food - Aree you doing drugs - What Changee in beehavior is a warning sign and you havee beeeen as freesh as paint for thee last six months.I t e e x p l a i n s w h y y o u'r e e a l w a y s i n t h e e b a t h r o o m. -T h a t i s n o t w h a t h e e's d o i n g. -S h u t u p. M o m,I'm n o t t h e e o n e e w i t h t h e e p r o b l e e m h e e r e e. Y o u'r e e t h e e o n e e a c t i n g l i k e e s h e e's r u n n i n g f o r M a y o r o f S t e e p f o r d. Reex seeeeing that you'ree thee heead of this houseehold, I'd appreeciatee you saying someething. Pass thee salt Three days after my funeral, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion.I n d i g n a t i o n. T o m,t h i s i s m y f i f t h m e e s s a g e e a n d y o u s t i l l h a v e e n't c a l l e e d m e e b a c k. Y o u m u s t b e e h a v i n g a l o t o f f u n o n y o u r b u s i n e e s s t r i p.I c a n o n l y i m a g i n e e.Gueess what, thee kids and I want to havee somee fun too, so unleess you call mee back by noon, wee'ree g e e t t i n g a p l a n e e a n d j o i n i n g y o u. -M o m. -N o t n o w. M o m m y's t h r e e a t e e n i n g D a d d y. -M o m. -N o,I-W h e e r e e a r e e y o u r b r o t h e e r s-N o o d l e e s,m y f a v o r i t e e. -L y n e e t t e e S c a v o-[U n d e e r h e e r b r e e a t h]C r a p. N a t a l i e e K l e e i n.I d o n't b e e l i e e v e e i t. -L y n e e t t e e.H o w l o n g h a s i t b e e e e n-Y e e a r s.H o w a r e e y o u H o w's t h e e f i r m-G o o d.E v e e r y o n e e m i s s e e s y o u. -Y e e a h. W e e a l l s a y,i f y o u h a d n't q u i t y o u'd b e e r u n n i n g t h e e p l a c e e b y n o w. Y e e a h,w e e l l.S o h o w's d o m e e s t i c l i f e e D o n't yo u j u s t l o v e e b e e i n g a m o m A n d t h e r e i t w a s. T h e q u e s t i o n t h a t L y n e t t e a l w a y s d r e a d e d. W e e l l,t o b e e h o n e e s t F o r t h o s e w h o a s k e d i t,o n l y o n e a n s w e r w a s a c c e p t a b l e. S o L y n e t t e r e s p o n d e d a s s h e a l w a y s d i d. S h e l i e d.I t's t h e e b e e s t j o b I'v e e e e v e e r h a d.[G a s p s]-Y o u k n o w w h a t I d o n't g e e t-W h a t W h y y o u m a r r i e e d M r. S o l i s. W e e l l,h e e p r o m i s e e d t o g i v e e m e e e e v e e r y t h i n g I'v e e e e v e e r w a n t e e d. -A n d d i d h e e-Y e e s. T h e e n w h y a r e e n't y o u h a p p y T u r n s o u t I w a n t e e d a l l t h e e w r o n g t h i n g s. S o d o y o u l o v e e h i m I d o. So theen why aree wee heeree Why aree wee doing this Beecausee I don't want to wakee up onee morning with a s u d d e e n u r g e e t o b l o w m y b r a i n s o u t. -H e e y,c a n I h a v e e a d r a g-A b s o l u t e e l y n o t. Y o u a r e e m u c h t o o y o u n g t o s m o k e e. How would you feeeel if I useed your child support paymeents for plastic surgeery Stop beeing neervous.Y o u'r e e j u s t a s k i n g h i m t o d i n n e e r. N o b i g d e e a l. Y o u'r e e r i g h t. So is that your projeect for school In fifth gradee I madee thee Whitee Housee out of sugar cubees. S t o p s t a l l i n g a n d g o.B e e f o r e e M i k e e f i g u r e e s o u t h e e c a n d o b e e t t e e r. T e e l l m e e a g a i n w h y I f o u g h t f o r c u s t o d y o f y o u. -Y o u w e e r e e u s i n g m e e t o h u r t D a d. -O h,t h a t's r i g h t. O h,G o d. -H i. -H e e y,S u s a n. -A r e e y o u b u s y-N o,n o t a t a l l. What's up Weell, I I just, uh, was wondeering if if theeree was any chancee that you, uh I just wanteed to ask if -E d i e e. -H e e y,t h e e r e e,S u s a n. -W h a t a r e e y o u-I w a s m a k i n g a m b r o s i a.A n d I m a d e e t o o m u c h s o I t h o u g h t I'd b r i n g s o m e e o v e e r t o M i k e e. -W h a t's g o i n g o n-S u s a n w a s g o n n a a s k m e e s o m e e t h i n g. U h-I h a v e e a c l o g. -E x c u s e e m e e-A n d y o u'r e e a p l u m b e e r,r i g h t-Y e e a h. -T h e e c l o g's i n t h e e p i p e e. -Y e e a h,t h a t's u s u a l l y w h e e r e e t h e e y a r e e. -W e e l l,I'v e e g o t o n e e. -O K. L e e t m e e g e e t m y t o o l s. N o w Y o u w a n t t o c o m e e o v e e r n o w Y o u h a v e e c o m p a n y.I d o n't m i n d. J u s t g i v e e m e e t w o m i n u t e e s. I'l l b e e r i g h t o v e e r. [S q u e e a l s q u i e e t l y][B r e e a t h e e s h e e a v i l y]T h a t's i t. -S t u f f t h e e h a i r d o w n. -I s t u f f e e d i t. -I t's n o t e e n o u g h t o c l o g i t.-H e e r e e.H e e r e e. L o o k. P u t i n t h i s p e e a n u t b u t t e e r.A n d t h i s c o o k i n g o i l. -M o m-A n d t h e e s e e o l i v e e s. -I t's n o t w o r k i n g. -[D o o r b e e l l]O h,G o d. T h a t's h i m.H o w a m I g o n n a s t o p u p t h e e s i n k W e e l l,h e e r e e's y o u r p r o b l e e m. S o m e e b o d y s t u f f e e d a b u n c h o f P o p s i c l e e s t i c k s d o w n h e e r e e. I'v e e t o l d J u l i e e a m i l l i o n t i m e e s n o t t o p l a y i n t h e e k i t c h e e n. K i d s,y o u k n o w. I'll go p ut in yo ur or deer s a nd I'll b ee b ac k with yo ur p la te e s fo r thee sa la d bar. T h a n k y o u.A n d r e e w,D a n i e e l l e e,n a p k i n s. T h a n k y o u.T h e e y h a v e e v i d e e o g a m e e s.C a n w e e g o p l a y u n t i l o u r f o o d g e e t s h e e r e e-T h i s i s f a m i l y t i m e e.I t h i n k-G o a h e e a d a n d p l a y.I k n o w y o u t h i n k I'm a n g r y a b o u t c o m i n g h e e r e e,b u t I'm n o t. T h e e k i d s w a n t e e d a c h a n g e e o f p a c e e,s o m e e t h i n g f u n.I g e e t i t. T h e e y'l l w a n t s o m e e t h i n g h e e a l t h i e e r t o m o r r o w,t h o u g h. -I'm t h i n k i n g c h i c k e e n s a l t i m b o c c a. -I w a n t a d i v o r c e e.I j u s t c a n't l i v e e i n t h i s t h i s d e e t e e r g e e n t c o m m e e r c i a l a n y m o r e e. T h e e s a l a d b a r's t h e e r e e.H e e l p y o u r s e e l f. T h a n k y o u. U m,I t h i n k I'l l g o g e e t y o u r s a l a d f o r y o u. -B r e e e e V a n D e e K a m p. -O h,h e e l l o,M r s.H u b e e r.W e e d i d n't g e e t a c h a n c e e t o t a l k a t M a r y A l i c e e's w a k e e. How aree you doing Bree longed to share the truth about her husband's painful betrayal.B u t s a d l y f o r B r e e,a d m i t t i n g d e f e a t w a s n o t a n o p t i o n.G r e e a t.E v e e r y t h i n g i s j u s t g r e e a t.I g o t y o u t h e e h o n e e y m u s t a r d d r e e s s i n g. T h e e r a n c h l o o k e e d a l i t t l e e b i t s u s p e e c t. Aree wee gonna talk about what I said If you think I'll discuss my marriagee in a placee with reest-rooms l a b e e l e e d"C h i c k s"a n d"D u d e e s",y o u'r e e o u t o f y o u r m i n d. -W h a t's i n t h i s-W h a t d o y o u m e e a n I t's s a l a d. -W i t h w i t h o n i o n s. -W h a t-Y o u p u t o n i o n s i n m y s a l a d. -N o I d i d n't. O h,w a i t. [Digging] The sound that awakened my son was something he'd heard only once before. M a n y y e a r s a g o w h e n h e w a s q u i t e y o u n g.B u t h e r e c o g n i z e d i t i n s t a n t l y.[G r u n t s]I t w a s t h e s o u n d o f a f a m i l y s e c r e t. [Grunts] Seven days after my funeral, life on Wisteria Lane finally returned to normal. W h i c h,f o r s o m e o f m y f r i e n d s,w a s u n f o r t u n a t e. - Mommy, Mommy! - Now what - Daddy's homee! - [Boys cheeeer] Comee on! Heey, is anybody homee -H e e y!-H e e y!I w a s n't e e x p e e c t i n g y o u f o r a w e e e e k.I h a v e e t o g o b a c k t o'F r i s c o i n t h e e m o r n i n g.B u t I g o t y o u r c a l l. Y o u s o u n d e e d f r a z z l e e d. Y e e a h. -I t's b e e e e n a l i t t l e e r o u g h. -H i. Y e e a h. P e e a c h e e s.D i d y o u b u y u s a n y p r e e s e e n t s O h,G o d,p r e e s e e n t s. W a i t u p. L e e t m e e s e e e e. - Ohhh! - Yeeah! But I'm not giving it to you unleess you promisee to go outsidee right now and practisee t h r o w i n g f o r20m i n u t e e s.。



E Noun Explanation 16memoirsprecautionlouse pl. Lice 虱子ridicule mock, scornsewage sewersuspense feeling of tenseness, worry, etc about what may happenout-take segment of film or tape, etc edited out before it is released because it contains a mistake 删减的片段grand sl 1000 dollars 1000美元dirt malicious gossip 流言蜚语fling short period of enjoyment in some, often irresponsible, activity check-up thorough examination, esp a medical one 全身检查anecdote ['?nik,d?ut]bug any small insect 小虫子measles infectious disease, esp of children, with a fever and small red pots that cover the whole body 麻疹camp-out live in a tent 露营John a prostitute’s customer嫖客DA District Attorneyupshot outcome; result 最终结果apricot 杏hose 軟管llama['lɑ:m?] 美洲驼,无峰驼standalleypeach thing that is exceptionally good or attractive of its kind; excellent, usu a personfriendthing that is very helpful or familiar Persistence has always been my friend.port-a-pottytilelimestone 石灰岩Jacuzzi bath-tub with underwater jets of water that massage the bodybongo 用手指敲打的小鼓exclusivity 独特性17ward patient roomcustodian person who take care of or look after sthperimeter boundary of an area 边界barrack any large ugly buildingrecidivism persistent offending 屡犯heart-to-heart frank conversation about personal matters 谈心belfry part of a church tower in which bells hang 钟楼archplea statement made by or for a person charged with an offence in courtbargain agreementdrape curtain 窗帘veneer [v?'ni?] n. 1. 2. ;外饰veneer(,)roots ; 祖籍blueprint detailed plan or scheme , 具体规划contractor person or firm that does jobs, esp construction, under contract sucker gadget; thing 玩意儿burrito [b?:'rit?u] () allowanceklutziness foolishness; stupidness 愚蠢 klutzy foolish; stupidbuggy 轻便马车padre ['pɑ:dri] priestcryptElectrolyte [i'lektr?u,lait] 电解质saint unselfish or patient persondeodorant odor smellmoron very stupid person 大傻瓜nacho n. ()jalapeno [,hɑ:l?'peinj?u] 墨西哥辣椒foremanhottie a sexually attractive personlasik LASIK Laser in Situ Keratomileusisstench very unpleasant smell 臭味con convictcompulsionlitigation lawsuitscratch-off 刮彩票的动作18drink alcoholic liquor 酒pantyhose (pantyhose = panty + hose)manslaughter crime of killing a person unlawfully but not intentionally 过失杀人term 条款savingsweed cigarettes 烟hysterectomypaperbackgut abdomen; stomach 腹部shack roughly-built house19etiquette ['eti'ket] formal rules of correct and polite behavior in society or among members of a profession 礼节;礼仪freezer 冰柜rosary string of beads for keeping count of prayers used in religion 念珠tombstone ['tu:mst?un] 墓碑counseling advice, esp from a professional person 咨询salsa kind of Latin American style of music and dance SALSAATM automatic teller machine 自动提款机guacamole[gwɑk?'mol?] 鳄梨色拉酱() batchwhispermandarin official standard spoken language of Chinachest large strong box for storing or shipping things in 大皮箱bratwurst['br?tw?st]refreshments snacksflat A term for wine lacking a refreshing, tart or sour taste, or sparkling wines that have lost their bubbles. Flat: Wine lacking a refreshing slightly sour taste and sparkling wines that have lost most of their carbon dioxide.bubbly champagne 香槟ministry 全体牧师sodomy anal sexual intercourse between a man and esp another man sodomite person practicing sodomybunion painful swelling 胀痛basementcouponcapper ['k?p?] the climax or clincher of sthWhen the butler tripped and served Mr. Wilson the entire dessert, in his lap, that was the capper to an exciting evening.casepink-eye 红眼病pharmacy drug storepiccolo['pik?l?u] 短笛outpouring uncontrollable expression of strong feelingscomplication new illness, or new development of an illness, that makes treatment more difficult 并发症heterosexual[,het?r?'sek?u?l] 异性恋的service20gravel small stones, as used to make the surface of road, etc 小石子pebblecornea['k?:ni?] 角膜cocoon [k?'ku:n] 茧nectar花蜜cardiologistdosage amount of medicine to be taken at a time or over a period 剂量sabbatical[s?'b?t?k!] 休假;公休calf小牛皮革boob woman’s breastpaperworksludge sewage 污水trench战壕sentiment attitude or opinion, usu influenced by emotionfalling-outall-nighter a person who often stays up all nightE Adjetive Explanation16sordid (of people, behavior, etc) dirty, displaying selfishness, meanness, etc down sad; depressedborderline between two different groups or categories 边缘性的sluggish slow-moving; not alert or livelyjuicy interesting, esp because scandaloushigh-profile keep a low-profilecrappy sl bad; worthless; unpleasantmaterialistic excessively interested in material possessions, bodily comforts, etc while neglecting spiritual valuesiffy doubtful; uncertainbouncydiscreet careful or showing good judgment in what one says or does; not too obvious 谨慎的everyused with abstract nouns all possible I have every intention of sleeping with him.I have every chance of success.I have every reason to punch him.skanky ugly; repellent, usually said of a woman 丑陋的cocky conceited, arrogant 自大的mortifyingdistasteful unpleasantcreepy causing or having an unpleasant feeling of fear or horror cold-blooded without pity; cruel 冷血的speedyhypocritical17thankless (of an action) not likely to win thanks, appreciation, or reward for the person performing itbleak bare; exposed 光秃秃的hand-engraved hand-carved hand-painted far-fetched (of a story, an account, etc) exaggerated; unbelievable orderly well-behaved; peacefulfaux (French) imitation; not genuinewacky loony; silly and giddy loony sl crazy or eccentric giddy having the feeling that everything is turning around and that one is going to fallphony false, faked, faux 虚假的perfect total, absolute 完全的hideous very ugly; frightfulpossessive treating sb as if one owns him, demanding total attention or love sketchy incomplete; roughhypothetical 假设的18dead no longer effective; no longer of any consequence That guy is dead—out of power.common (of people, their behavior and belongings) typical of the lower classes of society, showing a lack of taste; vulgar Don’t be common.unsubstantiated not provedblessed fortunateimpeccable free from mistakes; excellent or faultless 完美无暇的hollow empty; not solid 空洞的heated angry; excitedvibrant full of life and energy 活力四射的19god-awful extremely bad; terriblestunning impressive; splendidleastsmallest in size, amount, extent, etc That ‘s the least of my anxieties.Arthritis is the least of my problems.limber supple; flexible 灵敏的blue sad; depressedungrateful not recognizing a kindness, service, etc; not grateful ,gray 灰白的righteous morally justifiableproactive taking charge of a situation and causing things to happen by intervention, rather than reacting after the event /提前行动的ticklish(of a person) sensitive to tickling 痒的crabby bad-tempered; irritable20platonic [plei't?nik] of love or a friendship between two people close and deep but not sexualtender painful when touched; sensitiveachey painful continuously 持续疼痛的roomy having plenty of space to contain things or people 宽敞的torrid passionate; eroticembittered filled with bitter feelings 痛苦的dumb stupiddense stupidrock-solid immovable; dependableparanoidinviting tempting; attractive 吸引人的hazy not clear; vague so you'll forgive me if I'm hazy on the details. extensive large in amount; wide-rangingpreoccupiedinattentive because one is thinking of or worrying about sth else。



关于绝望主妇第一季各集经典旁白无望夫妇是一部值得看的电影,不知道大家有没有看过,以下是我给大家整理的《无望主妇》第一季各集经典旁白,盼望可以帮到大家Season 1 第1集Life was suddenly full of possibilities.Not to mention a few unexpected surprises.生命突然布满了无限的可能,更有一些意料之外的惊喜。

An odd thing happens when we die. Taste,touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory,but our sight --ah, our sight expands,and we can suddenly see the world weve left behind so clearly.Of course, most of whats visible to the dead could also be seen by the living,if theyd only take the time to look.人死后会有惊奇的事发生。



Season 1 第2集As I look back at the world I left behind, its all so clear to me:the beauty that waits to be unveiled,the mysteries that long to be uncovered.But people so rarely stop to take a look,they just keep moving.Its a shame really, theres so much to see.当我回头看这个身后的世界,它如此清楚。



Episode 01.22 - Goodbye For Now--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary Alice Voiceoverreviously on Desperate Housewives:Carlos:My electronic monitoring device.I'm on house arrest.It's a condition on my bail.Mary Alice Voiceover:Investigations began...Susan:I need you to check into someone else's background.There is this plumber I know.Mary Alice Voiceover:...boundaries were pushed,George:Bree, you are not going to regret taking this journey with me!Mary Alice Voiceover:and the news...Tometerson called me into his office today.Mary Alice Voiceover:...went from bad...Tom:He changed his mind.He's going to hold that promotion for Duggan.Mary Alice Voiceover:...to worse.Gabrielle: I'm pregnant, and it might be yours.End of Recap--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Edie Britt sits in her car at the construction site. She checks her appearance in the rearview mirror, then gets out of the car.)Mary Alice Voiceover:"Edie Britt's favorite moment of every day was her arrival at the construction site of her new home, because she knew what was about to happen. Her sudden appearance was always sure to generate a few appreciative glances, a few lascivious looks, and some downright ogling. Sadly for Edie, the one man she wanted most to notice her..."(Edie looks across the street to where Mike Delfino is bringing in the newspaper. She smiles and raises her hand in greeting, but he doesn't notice her.)Mary Alice Voiceover:"...paid her no attention at all. Yes, Edie needed attention to feel good about herself and she was determined to get it."(A construction worker walks over to her.)Cyrus: "Ms. Britt, you look extra beautiful today."Edie: "Oh, Cyrus, you're so sweet."Cyrus: "So anyhow, I, I was wondering if maybe I could, uh, take you out to dinner sometime." Edie: "Oh honey, you are so far out of your league that you are playing a completely different sport."(She takes a box of doughnuts from the top of his car and walks across the street, where she knocks on Mike's door. Mike answers.)Edie: "Hey, there."Mike: "Hi, Edie. What's up?"Edie: "Nice ensemble, you busy?"Mike: "No, not really."Edie: "Oh good, I bought a bunch of fresh doughnuts for my construction workers and as you can see, I bought a few too many, so I thought maybe you and I could -"(Susan appears at the doorway, next to Mike.)Edie: "Susan!"Susan: "Hey there, Edie."Edie: "What are you -"Susan: "Mike and I got back together."Edie: "Super."Susan: "I knew you'd be happy for us. So what's going on?"Mike: "Uh, Edie was just about to -"Edie: "Free doughnuts. Want 'em?or not?"Susan: "How sweet, thanks. Why don't you go put these on a plate? Oh, and save me one with sprinkles."(Mike goes into the kitchen.)Susan: "I cannot believe you are still coming onto him."Edie: "You said you two were finished. You thought he was a murderer."Susan: "And that was your cue to come over and flirt? You wasted your time and your doughnuts."Edie: "Not if you choke on them."Mike: "Well, thanks Edie. The doughnuts look great."Edie: "leasure. See ya."Susan: "You know, I'm gonna run home and get some milk to go with those doughnuts." Mike: "Hey, you know it's, it's a shame you got to keep running back and forth."Susan: "Well, I can't have doughnuts and juice. It's unnatural."Mike: "No, I mean we should move in together. Come on, what do you say?"Susan: "Um, I say, oh! Hold that thought. Edie, Edie stop! Stop! Hang on."Edie: "What now?"Susan: "Oh, I was just rude back there gloating and everything and I apologize."Edie: "Well, thank you, Susan. Very big of you."Susan: "And on a completely unrelated topic, Mike and I are moving in together. See ya." (She runs back to Mike.)Mary Alice Voiceover:"Yes, Edie Britt needed the attention of men to feel good about herself." (Edie pulls up in her car to the construction site.)Edie: "Hey, Cyrus. You have lunch plans?"Cyrus: "No."Mary Alice Voiceover:"And even she was amazed at how far she was willing to go to get it." Edie: "Ellsberg Hotel. Half an hour. Welcome to the majors."(She drives off.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Credits--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Wisteria Lane, Outside]Mary Alice Voiceover:"Mr. And Mrs. Edward Mullins were finally leaving Wisteria Lane. In the past year their street had played host to arson, violence, blackmail, and murder. Fearing they too would be infected by this moral decay, the Mullins felt it was time to say goodbye. Strangely enough none of their neighbors seemed to notice they were moving out."(The Mullins get into their packed car and drive off.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Gabrielle's House](Gabrielle comes out of her house to where Justin is mowing the front lawn.)Gabrielle: "Hey, I thought you might be thirsty."Justin: "No, I'm good."Gabrielle: "So, how's your roommate doing?"Justin: "He's hanging in there."Gabrielle: "Well, uh, I had to, um, tell him some news that was a little bit upsetting for him." Justin: "No kidding."Gabrielle: "Excuse me?"Justin: "Where do you get off telling John he's not good enough to raise a child? That kid can be his."Gabrielle: "It is a complicated situation."Justin: "It seems pretty simple to me. You're an unfeeling bitch."(From inside the house, Carlos looks out of the window and sees Gabrielle slap Justin across the face. Gabrielle storms inside and heads up the stairs.)Carlos: "Why'd you hit the lawn boy?"Gabrielle: "Well, if you saw what he did to our pogonias you'd slap him too."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Peterson Advertising](Lynette walks into Tom's workplace, carrying a large cake with the words "Welcome Back Duggan!" written on it. She walks into the office that Tom and Annabel share.)Lynette: "Hey."Tom: "Hey, Lynette what are you doing here? What's this?"Lynette: "You told me Duggan's coming back to work today, I thought I'd do something special for him."Tom: "Uh huh, and this wouldn't have anything to do with you checking up on me and Annabel?"Lynette: "What?"Tom: "Yesterday you brought my pictures of the kids. The day before that you brought me soup. Lynette, honey, it's gotta stop."Lynette: "Tom, I don't care about you working with Annabel. I told you that. This is for Duggan. He had a heart attack. I don't care about Annabel."(Annabel walks past them to leave the room.)Annabel: "Hey, Lynette."Lynette: "Huh. Speak of the devil. And I mean that."(Carrying the cake, Lynette leaves and follows Annabel into the office kitchen.)Annabel: "Well, you're becoming a regular fixture around here, aren't ya?"Lynette: "Oh, yeah. I wanted to do something nice for Duggan."Annabel: "I suppose filling his blood stream with butter fat might be considered nice." Lynette: "Actually, it's fruit juice sweetened. Can I cut you? A piece?"(From outside of the kitchen, a man's voice is heard.)Man: "Everyone, I need to see you right now."(Inside a conference room, a grey-haired man, Dan, speaks to the employees standing around the room.)Dan: "Okay, listen up. I just spoke with Tim Duggan's wife and it looks like he's not gonna be returning to work after all. Seems that he had a relapse last night which unfortunately puts us ina very tight spot. We're gonna work together as a team and do what we need to do, so Jerry you're taking the Holister account, Suzanne, you're covering Paradise Springs, and Annabel, I want you to take the lead on the Traveler's hotel chain. You're leaving for Hawaii in three days." Annabel: "I can't handle Traveler's by myself, especially not if they're moving into the print." Dan: "Well, choose someone to take with you."Annabel: "Oh, okay. Um, I choose Tom."(Lynette, holding the knife that she used to cut the cake, steps forward and Tom automatically puts his hand out to stop her.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Mini-Golf World](Bree and George play miniature golf together.)Bree: "Well, let's see I've beaten you to bridge, and mahjong and hearts. This is your last chance to redeem yourself."George: "Stop it. You're gonna make me laugh."(As George lines up his shot, Bree, standing behind him, walks her fingers over his back. He turns to look at her.)Bree: "Okay, okay, I'll be good."(She walks around to his side and whispers in his ear.)Bree: "Miss it, miss it, miss it."George: "Bree."Bree: "Come on, I'm allowed to psych you out."(She walks a little bit away and suddenly George gets a worried look on his face. He turns his feet in and hunches over, not moving.)Bree: "Okay, time's up. Take your best shot."George: "I'm not ready yet."Bree: "Hurry up. There're people waiting."George: "One more minute."Bree: "Come on, take your best -"(She reaches out and swipes gently at his arm. He pulls his arm away, still hunched over.) George: "Don't do that."Bree: "George, do you have an erection?"George: "I'm sorry."Bree: "What on earth?"George: "You were blowing on my ear."Bree: "I was teasing you."George: "Exactly."Bree: "You have got to get rid of it. There are children present."George: "How?"Bree: "I don't know. Um, um, think of something unpleasant."George: "Like what?"Bree: "Like famine, or disease, or hobos. Whatever. Just hurry."(Later, they walk away from the golf course.)George: "Look, you can't be mad about it. It's not something men can control."Bree: "I kept this friendship going because I though Rex's dislike of you was paranoid, but youhad feelings for me all along. God, this is just such a betrayal."George: "Come on, Bree. The only thing I am guilty of is loving you in silence."Bree: "Well, you shouldn't be doing that. In case you've forgotten I'm married."George: "To a selfish, two-faced liar who betrayed you with a hooker."Bree: "I told you in confidence. How dare you throw it back in my face."George: "So, you're ending our friendship, after everything I've done for you?"Bree: "What is that supposed to mean?"George: "Nothing. It didn't mean anything."Bree: "George, I do love you as a friend. I wish you could love me the same way back, but since you can't, goodbye."(She walks off.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Edie's House]Mary Alice Voiceover:"Later that day, Edie Britt witnessed something disturbing."(Edie looks out of her window and sees Mike, carrying a moving box, kissing Susan.)Mary Alice Voiceover:"Something she was determined to put a stop to."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Lynette's House](Bree, Lynette, and Gabrielle sit around the table, preparing for poker. Edie comes in from the living room.)Gabrielle: "So is Susan coming?"Lynette: "She said she might be a little late. They already started moving a few of Mike's things over to her house."Bree: "Already? Wow, good for her."Lynette: "Yeah, it's nice to see Susan so happy again."Edie: "Yeah, I'm happy for Susan. But don't you think she and Mike are moving a little fast? I mean two days ago, she was thinking he was a murderer and now she's moving in with him?" Gabrielle: "She found out it was in self-defense. I think they've cleared everything up."Bree: "Yeah, good point."Lynette: "Mike's a decent guy."Edie: "Yeah, that's true. Of course there was the gun shot wound."Lynette: "That's right. Did they ever explain that?"Bree: "No, and I know guns and that wound was not self-inflicted."Edie: "And then what about Mrs. Huber's blood-stained jewelry?"Lynette: "Yeah, that didn't walk into Mike's garage by itself."Gabrielle: "Maybe this is a mistake. If there's one thing I've learned men can't be trusted." Edie: "Hold it. Are you saying that we should put a stop to this?"Bree: "Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to sit her down and share our concerns."Gabrielle: "Yeah, we could do that."Lynette: "Yeah."Bree: "Edie, do you want to be a part of it?"Edie: "Well, normally, I'd prefer not to get involved, but if there's anyway that I could help Susan..."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Susan's Garage](Susan comes out to take a box from Mike, who's truck is parked on her driveway.)Susan: "We need to talk."Mike: "Okay."Susan: "When I was packing up your stuff in your bedroom, I found a box of bullets."Mike: "Oh."Susan: "Look, I feel really bad about Deirdre, and I know that you must want to find out who killed her, but if we're gonna move in together, we can't have this stuff hanging over us. You've gotta get rid of it. All of it: the file, the map, the gun, especially the gun and leave this to the police. They're the professionals."Mike: "Well, what can I say? It seems like a reasonable request."Susan: "Oh. Really? Well ,that was easy. Maybe after lunch we can talk about your leather bean bag chair."(Mike smiles and as Susan walks back in, he looks down the street. He sees Paul get out of his car, leave a box filled with items on a Martha Huber's doorstep, then get back in his car and drive away.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Martha Huber's House](Zach and Felicia sit at the kitchen table. The box from Paul is sitting on the table and Paul is reading from a note.)Zach: "I realize now that I've treated you badly. I'm the one who needs to get help not you, so I have to go away for a while, in the meantime Mrs. Tilman will look out for you."Felicia: "I don't consider it a burden. You know you're welcome here."Zach: "I left you some things, I hope you can take comfort in them. I got you a new mitt. Work on your curve ball while I'm gone. I love you. Dad. Well, I don't understand. Why wouldn't he come see me? Why just run away?"Felicia: "Your father's been very troubled, dear. I'm sure he did what he felt was best for you." Zach: "And he wants me to take comfort in this junk? I hate baseball. You think he would know that."Felicia: "Zach."(Zach runs away from the room. Felicia picks up a photo of Mary Alice that Zach knocked down. She begins cleaning up the rest of the items he knocked to the floor. She picks up the baseball mitt and after a second, she slips her hand into the mitt. She pulls out a note hidden in the mitt. It reads: "Zach, I didn't leave you. Meet me at the baseball field - Thursday at midnight. Dad") (Felicia crumples the note in her hand.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Bree's House, Nighttime](Gabrielle looks out the window.)Gabrielle: "Susan's coming."Edie: "Okay guys. Interventions are never pretty, so stay strong cause she's probably gonna cry." (The doorbell rings. Bree goes to answer it while Edie, Gabrielle, and Lynette line up near the couch.)Susan: "Bonjour. Oh, hi, I didn't know that the cooking lesson was gonna be a group activity. Well, the more the merrier, right? As long as nobody makes fun of my lousy crepes. How come I'm the only one wearing the apron?"(Later, all five women sit around the table, with coffee cups in front of them.)Lynette: "I know it seems like we're ganging up on you, but you're moving so fast we thought a sort of intervention was necessary."Edie: "I know it's tough to hear. None of us wanted to do this."Susan: "I appreciate what you guys are trying to do, I really do. Um, I'm not gonna change my mind. In my life, I've been hurt a lot, Karl, and uh, well, it's just taught me to be cynical, and to expect the absolute worst from people, and I don't want to live like that anymore, and when Mike asked me to move in with him, I was just happy, just ridiculously happy. I mean, I still am and I want to go with that feeling. I love him and I love him! So I'm gonna expect the best from Mike, and I know that he is gonna deliver that in return. Okay?"(Bree, Lynette, and Gabrielle lean to her and give her assurances.)Edie: "This is the worst intervention I have ever been to."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Restaurant](Baby Penny sits in a high chair while Lynette has lunch with Natalie.)Natalie: "This is fun. It's forever since we had lunch."Lynette: "Well, as happy as I am to see you, I actually have an agenda. I ran into someone last week who said you guys were looking to hire. Is that true?"Natalie: "Yeah. Are you thinking of coming back? Because say the word -"Lynette: "No, no, not me. I was actually thinking more about Tom."Natalie: "Oh, Tom?"Lynette: "Yeah, he's been thinking about making a move for a while. He kind of feels like he's done everything he can where he is now."Natalie: "Huh. Well, Tom's certainly solid."Lynette: "He's more then solid, Tom's ideas are spectacular. He's passionate about his work. His visual instincts are off the chart."Natalie: "Is he as good as you?"Lynette: "He's apples, I'm oranges, we excel in different areas. Trust me, you should give Tom a look."Natalie: "I don't need apples. I need someone like you. Cut throat. Ruthless."Lynette: "Geez, Nat, you make me feel like some kind of shark. Ah, okay. You know, actually, if that's the kind of exec you're looking for..."Natalie: "You'd get a shark for me?"Lynette: "Yes, a very pretty shark."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Bree's House, Outside](Bree gets into her car and drives off. Down the street, George watches. Once the car has driven away, he gets out and goes up to Bree's house.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Bree's House, Inside](George spills out Rex's prescription bottle. He fills it up with pills that he brought with him.)(In their bedroom, George opens up various dresser drawers. He comes to Bree's underwear drawer and stops, staring at the panties lying neatly in there.)(He lays down some panty-hose on the bed and when he pulls away, he takes out a digital camera, taking a picture of a bra, underwear, and panty-hose lying on the bed in the approximate positions they'd be on a woman.)(George opens up their closet, pushing aside clothing. He kneels down and sees a box. He opens it and begins pulling out various sexual toys: handcuffs, a riding whip, fuzzy handcuffs, and leather clothing.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Doctor's Office](Rex sits on the examining table, buttoning his shirt. Bree sits in a chair off to the side.) Doctor: "So, here's what I'm thinking. I'm gonna see if Dr. Morrison at the Lipstone Clinic in come in and consult."Rex: "You're wanna bring someone else in?"Doctor: "Your body isn't responding to the medication the way it should, and the tests we've run have all come back negative, so I, I just want to be on the safe side."(His pager goes off.)Doctor: "Excuse me. I need to take this."(He leaves the room.)Bree: "I don't know why, but I have this overwhelming feeling that you're gonna be just fine. I really do."Rex: "Lee Craig has the biggest ego of any doctor I know. If he wants to consult with someone, that means he's stumped, which means I'm screwed."Bree: "Don't say that."Rex: "Dammit, Bree, do you understand what's going on here? I could die."Bree: "So could I."Rex: "What?"Bree: "I could walk across a street tomorrow and be hit by a car."Rex: "What in god's name is your point?"Bree: "All I'm saying is that we're both gonna die eventually, and in the time that we have left, whether it's two days or two decades, I think that we should be nice to each other."Rex: "You're right."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Martha Huber's House](The doorbell rings. Felicia opens the door to find Mike standing there.)Mike: "Um, Mrs. Tilman. Paul Young's been missing the last couple of days, have you seen him?" Felicia: "Why ask me?"Mike: "Well, I saw him leave a box on the door step and I've also seen Zach over here." Felicia: "If I did know where Mr. Young was, why would I tell you?"Mike: "Look, um, the police think I killed your sister, and I'm sure you do too, but I swear to you I had nothing to do with it."Felicia: "And you think Paul Young did?"Mike: "Well, no, that's not what I'm saying."Felicia: "You've got to admit, it's a neat theory. Care for a snack?"(She walks away from the door, leaving it open. Mike stares after her, then follows.)(Later, Mike sits at the kitchen table, reading through a journal while Felicia sets down a teapot with cups, then sits down, herself.)Felicia: "Okay, so it's not such a stretch, the wonder if Paul avenged his wife's death by killing Martha for blackmailing them. But perhaps I'm alone in that."Mike: "You're not."Felicia: "Aren't you sweet? Tea?"Mike: "Thanks. Do these journals say anything about why your sister was blackmailing the Youngs?"Felicia: "Not specifically, but I got the definite impression that it involved a murder. Now here you are saying your friend was murdered."Mike: "Any reason you haven't showed these to the police?"Felicia: "Are you in favor of the death penalty?"Mike: "Um, yeah."Felicia: "So am I. We had it in Utah. Not in this state, though. A shame, don't you agree?" Mike: "Yeah, I do."Felicia: "I like you so much, Mr. Delfino."Mike: "You know where Paul Young is?"Felicia: "I'm afraid not, but I know where he'll be on Thursday night."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Gabrielle's House, Outside]Mary Alice Voiceover:"That afternoon after retrieving her mail, Gabrielle was surprised to finally learn the truth behind her pregnancy."(Gabrielle opens up a letter.)Mary Alice Voiceover:"Very surprised."(The rest of the mail drops out of her hands and lands on the ground.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Gabrielle's House, Inside]Carlos: "Hey babe, you want to go online and check out schools? What's going on?" Gabrielle: "I just want to say goodbye, because I'm leaving you."Carlos: "What?"Gabrielle: "You see, your health insurance sent us a letter because someone ordered a year's worth of birth control pills, and apparently our policy doesn't cover drugs bought by the kilo." Carlos: "I told you, it was mamá."Gabrielle: "The prescription was dated, Carlos, and Juanita was in a coma when this claim was filed. You did this, not your mother. At least be man enough to own up to it. She would've been." (She storms out of the house and is halfway across the lawn when Carlos catches up to her and grabs her arm.)Carlos: "Stop."Gabrielle: "Ah, ah, ah, pregnant, cave man, remember?"Carlos: "Where are you going?"Gabrielle: "Away."Carlos: "I'm going to jail. I'll be gone tomorrow."Gabrielle: "I know. That's why I only packed one bag."(She starts to drive off in her car.)Carlos: "What about the baby, Gabrielle, huh? What about my baby?"Gabrielle: "Oh, your baby?"Carlos: "Fine. Our baby. Hey, we're a family now. This baby needs its mother and its father." Gabrielle: "Oh, Carlos. Whoever said you were the father?"(She drives off. Edie drives up and gets out of her car, holding a "Sold" sign.)Edie: "Hey."(Carlos begins walking quickly to her car. His ankle bracelet begins beeping. )Carlos: "Hey."Edie: "Hey, what the hell are you doing?"(Carlos gets into her car and she quickly grabs her purse from the passenger's seat. Carlos drives off.)Edie: "Damn felon!"(Gabrielle and Carlos both drive.)(In a parked police car, two cops sit. They get a call over the speaker from dispatch.) Speaker: "All units code D-1630 suspect is a violation of house arrest. Currently headed west on Park Boulevard."Policeman: "Um, this is unit fourteen we're on our way. Looks like the feds have a runner." Policeman #2: "Let's go."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[John and Justin's Apartment, Inside](Justin, in a robe, starts to take a bite of a sandwich, but is interrupted by a knock on the door. He answers it and finds Gabrielle there.)Gabrielle: "Is John here?"Justin: "If I say no, are you gonna slap me again? He's working. Why?"Gabrielle: "I just left my husband."--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[John and Justin's Apartment, Outside](Carlos pulls up across the street from where Gabrielle's car is parked. He sees Gabrielle and Justin come out of the building and he slouches down so they can't see him. Gabrielle and Justin hug. Gabrielle walks to her car.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[John and Justin's Apartment, Inside](Justin starts to take a bite of his sandwich, but again is interrupted by a knock on the door.) Justin: "Hang on."(He opens the door and finds Carlos there. Carlos punches him and as Justin falls to the floor, Carlos begins kicking him.)Carlos: "Think just because you mow my lawn you can bang my wife?"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[John and Justin's Apartment, Outside](The policecar pulls up to where Carlos's car is parked. The cops get out and run towards the apartment.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[John and Justin's Apartment, Inside]。

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te: 浪费 你浪费了你的时间还有你的面包圈。 -Edie: Not if you choke on them. choke: 噎住 如果你噎到就不算浪费了。 -Mike: Well, thanks Edie. 谢谢,Edie。 The doughnuts look great. 面包圈看上去很诱人。 -Edie: Pleasure. See ya. ya=you【口语】 我很荣幸。过会见。 -Susan: You know, I’m gonna run home and get some milk to go with those doughnuts. gonna=going to: 将要 go with: 与...相配 我回家去拿点牛奶来配那些面包圈吃。 -Mike: Hey, you know it’s, it's a shame you’ve got to keep running back and forth. shame: 羞愧 back and forth: 来回地,反复地 你看。这样跑来跑去太不好了。 -Susan: Well, I can’t have doughnuts and juice. It’s unnatural. juice: 果汁 unnatural: 不自然的 我不能用果汁来配面包圈。吃起来多别扭。 -Mike: No, I mean we should move in together. mean:意思是 move in: 搬进 我是说,我们应该住在一起。 Come on, what do you say? come on:【口语】来吧,来呀 你说呢。 -Susan: Um, I say, oh! Hold that thought. Edie, Edie stop! Stop! Hang on. hold that thought: 等会再说 hang on: 稍等 我,我认为,啊。先等会儿。Edie! Edie! 停车!停一下! -Edie: What now? 现在又怎么了? -Susan: Oh, I was just rude back there gloating and everything and I apologize. rude: 粗鲁的、无礼的 back there【理解为“这里、那里”eg: Nobody back there can help you. 这里没人能够帮助你。I wanna be back there again.我希望再回到那里。】 gloating: 心满意足 的,沾沾自喜的 apologize: 道歉 我刚刚太无理了。直勾勾的看着你,我向你道歉。 -Edie: Well, thank you, Susan. Very big of you. big of you【理解为“你真是太棒了”】 谢谢,Susan。能道歉对你来说已经很不容易了。 -Susan: And on a completely unrelated topic, Mike and I are moving in together. See ya. unrelated: 不相关的 topic: (谈话、讨论等的)题目、话题 说一个完全不相干的话题。我和 Mike 同居了。再见。 -Mary Alice: Yes, Edie Britt needed the attention of men to feel good about herself. 是的,Edie Britt 需要男人的注意来让自己感觉好些。
(She takes a box of doughnuts from the top of his car and walks across the street, where she knocks on Mike's door. Mike answers.) doughnut: 油炸面包圈 knock on: 敲门
-Edie: Hey, there. 你好。 -Mike: Hi Edie. What’s up? what’s up: 怎么了 Edie,什么事? -Edie: Nice ensemble, you busy? ensemble: 全套匹配协调的女服装 穿这么帅啊. 你忙不忙? -Mike: No, not really. 不忙。 -Edie: Oh good, I bought a bunch of fresh doughnuts for my construction workers and as you can see, I bought a few too many, so I thought maybe you and I could … a bunch of: 一堆 fresh: 新鲜的 doughnut: 面包圈 a few too many【可以理解为“实在太多 了”】 好极了,我买了几个刚炸好的面包圈给建筑工人吃。你看,买得太多了。我想也许你和我可
Season 1, Episode 22: Goodbye for Now
Previously on Desperate Housewife 前情回顾。
-Carlos: My electronic monitoring device. electronic: 电子的 monitoring device: 监视装置 monitoring: 监视、追踪 device: 装置、设备 这是我的电子监控器。 I’m on house arrest, condition for my bail. house arrest:【法律】(本宅)软禁 condition: 条件 bail:【法律】保释 我正在家服刑,这是我保释的条件。 -Mary Alice: Investigations began. investigation: 调查 begin: 开始 调查开始了。 -Susan: I need you to check into someone else’s background. There’s this plumber I know. check into: 调查 background: 背景 plumber: 水管工人 我想让你调查一下一个人的背景。 -Mary Alice: Boundaries were pushed. boundary: 界限 push: 推进【此处理解为“界限被推进了,即界限被打破了”】 界限被打破了。 -Rex: You won’t regret taking this journey. regret: 懊悔、后悔 journey: 旅行 你不会后悔和饿哦一起进行这次“旅行”。 -Mary Alice: And the news… news:【用作单数或复数】新闻、消息、情况 关于新闻… -Tom: Peterson called me into hid office today. Peterson 今天早上让我进他的办公室。 -Mary Alice: …went from bad… 从坏消息, -Tom: He’s changed his mind. He’s holding the promotion for Duggan. change one’s mind: 改变想法、主意 hold: 保留、流行 promotion: 提升、晋级 他改变了主意,他把这次晋升机会留给了 Duggan。 -Mary Alice: …to worse. worse: 更坏的事、更坏的情况 变成噩耗。 -Gabrielle: I’m pregnant and it might be yours. pregnant: 怀孕的 我怀孕了,孩子可能是你的。 -Mary Alice: Edie Britt’s favorite moment of every day was her arrival at the construction site of her new home, because she knew what was about to happen. favorite: 最喜欢的 moment: 时候、时刻 construction site: 建筑工地 construction: 建筑、建 造 site: 位置、地点 arrival: 到达、来到 be about to: 即将、将要 happen: 发生 Edie Britt 每天最喜欢的时刻,就是来到她新居建筑工地。因为她知道将会发生什么。 Her sudden appearance was always sure to generate a few appreciative glances, a few lascivious looks, and some downright ogling. sudden: 突然的 appearance: 出现 be sure to: 必定会、一定会 generate: 产生 glances: 眼
神 appreciative: 欣赏的 glance: 一瞥、匆匆的一看 lascivious: 挑动情欲的 look(: 有表情的) 一瞥 downright: 显明的 ogling: 眉目传情 她的突然出现总是能带来赞赏有加的眼光,贪得无厌的神情,肆无忌惮的注视。 Sadly for Edie, the one man she wanted most to notice her...paid her no attention at all. sadly: 伤心地、悲伤地 notice: 注意到 pay attention: 注意 对 Edie 来说,伤心的是她最想吸引目光的男人,对她却毫不在意。 Yes, Edie needed attention to feel good about herself and she was determined to get it. attention: 注意力 feel good about: 对...感到满意 be determined to: 决心做... 没错,Edie 需要博得别人的注意来让自己感觉好些。所以她做出了一个决定。
(Susan appears at the doorway, next to Mike.) appear: 出现 doorway: 门口