American Dream
美国梦英文作文美国梦(英文:American Dream)自1776年以来,世世代代的美国人都深信不疑,只要经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活,即人们必须通过自己的勤奋、勇气、创意和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。
篇一:Three hundred years ago,the emigrants from England arrived at Maryland acrossing the Atlantic by "May Flower" to search for a "pure"land for the puritans to then American Dream has come gives every person all over the world equal can achieve their dreams by hardworking.Three hundred years later,this country has become a rich ,American Dream doesn't fade the development of the history,it has many meanings is the American Dream?different people hold different at any rate,American Dream contains several factors below:America offers every person an opportunity to succeed;Success depends on one's ability and effortregardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position;Every person has equal rights;Every person has free belief.When it comes to the 21st century-the information age,Bill Gates's success indicated that only if you have wisdom and talent,you can succeed in American Dream has changed,compared with its original 's the true motivation behind American Dream?Some historians considered it the thirst for wealth .Pursuing money is the eternal theme of American ,the over pursuit of wealth makes American Dream turn bad and lost its attraction to people worldwide gradually.As the changes of the times,the influence of American Dream may become less and increasing number of people confess to having lost faith in the American Dream.篇二:What Is American Dream?什么是美国梦?What is the American Dream? Is it the same for all Americans? Is it a myth? Is it simply a search for a better life? How has the American Dream changed overtime? Some see their dreams wither and die while others see their dreams fulfilled. Why? Everyone has dreams abut a personally fulfilled life... and what is your dream?什么是美国梦?所有的美国人都是一样的吗?它是虚构的事吗?它是为了追求更好的生活吗?美国梦随着时间是如何改变的?有些人的梦想破灭了而有些人却实现了梦想。
American Dream (正式版)
Late Industrialization
Work values changed dramatically when the assembly line(流水线) production and machine driven atmosphere of industrial America swallowed up skilled workers .
他指出:美国梦是梦想的土地,每个人都 会有更好,更富有和更充实的生活,并且 那些有能力或成就的人总是充满机会。
• American Dream , is a belief that as long as the United States after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life.
• “Early to Bed, and early to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
Benjamin Franklin
Golden Age
In 1848, James W. Marshall found gold in California and people began having golden dreams. That 19th century “American Dream”
the Colonial Period
• The immigrants arrived in the North America in order to pursuit religious liberty, hunt grounds and personal success.
所谓的美国梦(American Dream),有广义和狭义之分,广义上指美国的平等、自由、民主;狭义上是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须通过自己的勤奋工作、勇气、创意、和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。
这正如美国作家托马斯·沃尔夫(Thomas Wolfe,1900-1938)对美国梦解释的那样:“任何人,不管他出身如何,也不管他有什么样的社会地位,更不管他有何种得天独厚的机遇……他有权生存,有权工作,有权活出自我,有权依自身先天和后天条件成为自己想成为的人。
美国历史学家詹姆斯·特拉斯洛·亚当斯(James Truslow Adams,1878-1949)在《美国史诗》(Epic of America)中写道:“美国梦远远超过物质范畴,美国梦就是让个人才能得到充分发展,实现自我。
American Dream 美国梦
• 18世纪晚期,清教精神在美国梦中仍然扮演着重要角色。它关于自信、 乐观和探索的观点鼓励着美国人不断前进。美国独立战争的成功更是 加强了人们对美国梦的 信仰。由于《独立宣言》和1789年《宪法》的 颁布,出现了一股对美国梦的狂热。西进运动作为上帝给予的权利也 油然而生。伴随着工业化趋势的加强、移民的 涌入以及西进运动,美 国对于民主、宗教和政治平等及机会均等的追求产生了前所未有的信 心和乐观。 亨利•沃兹沃思•朗费罗是19世纪上半期美国最受欢迎的诗人。他的 人生和诗歌恰好体现了这一时代的信念。他的诗歌多是对人生对生活 的颂扬,呈现积极乐 观的生活态度,如他的《人生颂》——“那么, 让我们行动起来/怀着面对任何命运的心/继续追寻、继续实现/学会行 动、学会等待”朗费罗在诗中,严肃地驳斥 了消极的人生观,号召人 们积极行动起来,通过自己的努力来实现人生的价值。心灵的完善, 宗教的信仰都使生活变得光明而美好,即使是死神也不再可怕,因为 他 是“上帝的花匠”。
• 尽管人们曾经质疑通过战争寻求民主和自由以及 通过辛勤工作获得均等机会的观念,20世纪初的 年轻一代也似乎对美国梦已失去了信心,但美国 梦始终存在于作家 的作品中,美国精神的精华也 一代一代地被传承下来,即在压力下保持尊严并 提倡树立坚毅,刚强的男性形象——这是心灵觉 醒的痛苦过程,是在困难和死亡面前为 尊严而战 的精神,就如同海明威的座右铭“一个人可以被 摧毁但不能被打败”。
何况这梦也不全是美丽 的,比如出现在看台上的克 林顿,他也是美国梦的典型 代表,可他不仅仅有总统的 荣耀,也有莱温斯基的丑闻。
1607年,当“五月花”号在北美大陆登陆时,对于17—18世纪的欧洲,这 片土地似乎就变成了和平之地,政治与宗教平等之地以及机会均等之地。 此后,来 自英格兰和欧洲大陆的大量移民不断涌入。无论是为经济利益 而来,还是为追求政治宗教平等而来。他们的到来都促进了美国梦的形成。 事实上,美国梦更多是从清教徒那里继承而来。可以说17—18世纪的 美国是笼罩在清教的气氛下——随处都可以听到神父的演讲和布道,随处 可以看到清教 徒队以及思想和信仰的迫害。清教徒是为追求政治和宗教 自由而来到新英格兰,然而,当他们最初踏上这片土地时,他们经历了生 活上的各种困难,但清教徒用极大 的乐观主义精神和巨大的勇气克服了 所有的苦难,并在向西扩展的过程中,进一步推进了这种不断探索的先锋 精神,将这种享受牺牲和追求自由的精神融入到美国梦 中。爱默生、梭 罗和朗费罗等美国作家正是在这样的传统下长大的。
英语学习资料:美国梦(Americandream)的起源美国梦(American dream)这一词源于亚当斯(James Truslow Adams)1931年的著作《美国史诗》(The Epic of America)。
The term was first used by James Truslow Adams in his book The Epic of America which was written in 1931. He states: "The American Dream is "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position." (p.214-215)In the United States’ Declara tion of Independence, our founding fathers: "…held certain truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." Might this sentiment be considered the foundation of the American Dream?Were homesteaders who left the big cities of the east to find happiness and their piece of land in the unknown wilderness pursuing these inalienable Rights? Were the immigrants whocame to the United States looking for their bit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, their Dream? And what did the desire of the veteran of World War II - to settle down, to have a home, a car and a family - tell us about this evolving Dream? Is the American Dream attainable by all Americans? Would Martin Luther King feel his Dream was attained? Did Malcolm X realize his Dream?Some say, that the American Dream has bee the pursuit of material prosperity - that people work more hours to get bigger cars, fancier homes, the fruits of prosperity for their families - but have less time to enjoy their prosperity. Others say that the American Dream is beyond the grasp of the working poor who must work two jobs to insure their family’s survival. Yet other s look toward a new American Dream with less focus on financial gain and more emphasis on living a simple, fulfilling life.Thomas Wolfe said, "…to every man, regardless of his birth, his shining, golden opportunity ….the right to live, to work, to be himself, and to bee whatever thing his manhood and his vision can bine to make him."。
American dream美国梦
“美国梦”背后的真正动力是什么?一些历史学家认为, 就是对财富的渴求和追逐。康涅狄格州立大学历史学教授 马修· 沃肖尔指出:“对金钱的追求,是‘美国梦’中不 变的成分。 • 依据历史学家的说法,美国快速的经济发展和工业扩张并 非只是因为美国的自然资源丰富,更是因为所有人都有机 会借由自己的奋斗而获取财富。美国梦成为了吸引世界各 地人民移民美国的主要原因—无论过去或现在。在今天, 每年有超过一百万的人成为美国公民,是世界上最受欢迎 的移民地点。
• 看完仔细想想,美国梦就是不如中国 梦!!!主要美国说的是英语,这个梦再 好,可我英语不好呀!! • 当然了我也没钱,美国也不要我。话又说 回来,有钱也不移民去美国。
• Thank you for reading
• 明潜宇工作室 • 本文纯属原创,如有雷同,算我抄你。
• 到了21世纪的信息时代,微软的比尔· 盖茨、 雅虎的杨致远以及GOOGLE的三个创立者 变成了“美国梦”的新偶像。他们凭借自 己的智慧,年纪轻轻就积累了数百亿美元 的庞大资产。他们活生生的故事似乎表明, 只要有智慧,有天才,在美国就可以成功。
在美国历史上,本杰明· 富兰 克林、马克· 吐温等无数政治 家、社会活动家、作家使用过 “美国梦”这个字眼。奥巴马 2008年竞选总统时,他的一 本畅销书《无畏的希望:重申 美国梦》感召了众多美国人, 为他赢得了不少选票。奥巴马, 这个跟着母亲长大的非洲裔平 民百姓,通过个人努力攀登上 美国权力的顶峰,这就是美国 梦的一个例证。
• 美国学者普遍认为, 《独立宣言》是美国 梦的根基,自由女神 像是美国梦的象征。 “人人生而平等,造 物主赋予他们若干不 可剥夺的权利,其中 包括生命权、自由权 和追求幸福的权利。” 这句话吸引了世界各 地的男男女女来到美 国实现自己的梦想。
The American Dream encompasses various elements, including economic prosperity, homeownership, access to education, upward mobility, and equal opportunities. It is a belief that success and social mobility are achievable through hard work, innovation, and determination. The American Dream encourages individuals to pursue their ambitions, overcome obstacles, and strive for a better future for themselves and their families.
III. Impact of the American Dream on Society:
The American Dream has had a profound impact on American society, shaping its culture, values, and economic system. It has motivated generations of individuals to take risks, start businesses, and contribute to the nation's progress. The pursuit of the American Dream has also led to social mobility, as individuals from humble backgrounds have risen to positions of power and influence. However, critics argue that the American Dream can perpetuate inequality and create unrealistic expectations for those who are unable to achieve it.
美国梦英语作文满分The American Dream。
The American Dream is a concept that has been deeply ingrained in the cultural fabric of the United States for centuries. It is the belief that anyone, regardless oftheir background or circumstances, can achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and perseverance. The American Dream is often associated with the idea of upward mobility, the opportunity for people to improve their social and economic status and provide a better life for themselves and their families.One of the key elements of the American Dream is the idea of equality of opportunity. The United States is often referred to as the "land of opportunity," where people from all walks of life can pursue their goals and aspirations. This notion is deeply rooted in the country's history, as it was founded on the principles of freedom and equality. The American Dream represents the promise of a betterfuture, where individuals have the chance to create their own success and achieve their full potential.Another important aspect of the American Dream is the pursuit of happiness. The United States was founded on the belief that every person has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This idea is central to the American Dream, as it emphasizes the importance of personal fulfillment and well-being. For many people, the American Dream is about finding happiness and fulfillment in their lives, whether through career success, financial stability, or personal relationships.The American Dream has been a driving force behind the success and prosperity of countless individuals throughout the country's history. It has inspired people to overcome adversity, pursue their passions, and strive for a better future. The American Dream has also been a source of hope and motivation for immigrants and people from disadvantaged backgrounds, as it represents the promise of a better life and the opportunity to achieve their dreams.However, the American Dream is not without its challenges and criticisms. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the widening gap between the rich and the poor, and the increasing barriers to upward mobility. Many people argue that the American Dream is becoming increasingly unattainable for a large segment of the population, as economic inequality and social barriers continue to hinder people's ability to achieve success and prosperity.Despite these challenges, the American Dream continues to hold a powerful and enduring appeal for many people. It represents the belief in the possibility of a better future and the opportunity for individuals to create their own success. The American Dream is a testament to the resilience, determination, and optimism of the American spirit, and it continues to inspire people to pursue their dreams and aspirations.In conclusion, the American Dream is a fundamental part of the American identity, representing the belief in the possibility of success and prosperity through hard work anddetermination. It is a powerful and enduring concept that has inspired generations of people to pursue their dreams and strive for a better future. While the American Dream may face challenges and criticisms, its fundamental ideals of equality of opportunity and the pursuit of happiness continue to resonate with people across the country. The American Dream is a testament to the enduring optimism and resilience of the American spirit, and it continues to inspire people to pursue their dreams and aspirations.。
American Dream (正式版)
and gave California its
nickname of theLeabharlann ―Golden State‖.
Early Industrialization
The ubiquitous(普遍存在的) ―rags to riches‖ legend(传奇) became a cornerstone of American society; anyone could succeed and achieve wealth if they worked hard .
–Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey
talk show queen in the world
Oprah Winfrey(奥普拉温弗里) is an
American media personality, actress, television producer,literary critic and magazine publisher.She has been ranked the richest African-American in the 20th century,the most philanthropic AfricanAmerican of all
所谓的美国梦(American Dream),是一种相信只要 经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获致更好生活的理想。
Six Basic Beliefs
• • • • • • individual freedom self-reliance equality of opportunity competition material wealth hard work
2. American’s Great Pride
---- Abraham Lincoln
• Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win
glorious triumphs, even though checkered ( 成功与失败并存) by failure, than to take rank
• In 1848, James W. Marshall found gold in California and people
began having golden dreams. That 19th century "American Dream" motivated the Gold Rush and gave California its nickname of the "Golden State".
• Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. ---- Thomas Jefferson
• That whenever any form of government
American Dream 美国梦
Education Most Americans perceive a college education as the ticket to the American Dream. Some recent observers warn that soaring student loan debt crisis and shortages of good jobs may undermine this ticket. The point was illustrated in The Fallen American Dream, a documentary film that details the concept of the American Dream from its historical origins to its current perception.
The editors typically promoted the American Dream. Samuel argues: For many in both the working class and the middle class, upward mobility has served as the heart and soul of the American Dream, the prospect of "betterment" and to “improve one's lot" for oneself and one's children much of what this country is all about. “Work hard, save a little, send the kids to college so they can do better than you did, and retire happily to a warmer climate" has been the script we have all been handed
Unit 4 American Dream课文翻译
Text AThe American Dream means different things to different people. But for many, particularly immigrants, it means the opportunity to make a better life for themselves. For them the dream is that talent and hard work can take you from log cabin to White House. Tony Trivisonno did not rise quite so high, yet he managedto make his own dream come true.美国梦对不同的人有不同的意义。
Tony Trivisonno 'S American Dream托尼?特里韦索诺的美国梦Frederick C. Crawford弗雷德里克?C?克罗弗德1 He came from a rocky farm in Italy, somewhere south of Rome. How or when hegot to America, I don't know. But one evening I found him standing in the driveway, behind my garage. He was about five-foot-seven or eight, and thin.他来自意大利罗马以南某地———个满地石子的农庄。
美国梦-英语作文Ah, the American Dream. It's like a beacon in the night, guiding immigrants and dreamers alike. It's not just about wealth or fame, it's about the possibility of a better life.Some folks see it as the chance to own a house with a white picket fence and a dog barking in the yard. To them,it's a symbol of stability and comfort. But for others,it's about starting a business and making it big. They see the American Dream as an opportunity to innovate and create.For me, the American Dream is about freedom. It's about the freedom to speak my mind, to worship as I please, andto pursue the life I want. It's a dream that's within reach for anyone willing to work hard and seize opportunities.And it's not just about personal success. The American Dream also includes the idea of community and helping others. Many people see it as a responsibility tocontribute to society and make a difference in the lives ofothers.Sure, there are challenges and obstacles on the path to the American Dream. But that's part of the adventure, isn't it?。
American Dream美国梦
• • •
Turn one’s back on
Poverty Be paved with Capitalist system
• • •
Come true
Become gripped by Afford Reach out
Listen to an Interview
American Dream
Tony Trivisionno’s American Dream
Teaching Objectives
To understanding the main idea and structure of the text; To grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; To learn to describe a person by his/her characteristic features, together with supporting details which demonstrate the features; To have a general idea of American Dream.
Sentences Study
• (L 30) well, what do you do with such determination and hope?
♀ It is hard to refuse a person who is determined and hopeful to get a job.
Do you know what American Dream is?
American Dream 美国梦自1776年以来,世世代代的美国人都深信不疑,只要经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活,亦即人们必须通过自己的勤奋、勇气、创意和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。
美国梦美国梦(American Dream),是一种相信只要在美国经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获致更好生活的理想,亦即人们必须透过自己的工作勤奋、勇气、创意、和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。
从美国独立直至19 世纪末期,广大的土地都无人居住和拥有,任何有心人都可以加以占据并投资和开垦。
翻译:The so-called American Dream , is a belief that as long as the United States after a hard struggle will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life,that is, people have to work through their own hard work, courage, creativity and determination to move towards Prosperity, rather than rely on specific social classes and other assistance. This is usually on behalf of the people in the economic success or entrepreneurial spirit. Many European immigrants hold the American dream of the ideal of the United States. Despite some criticism of the American dream of excessive emphasis on material wealth and happiness in the measure of victory on the role, but many Americans really believe that the success of such an opportunity in the world is not found in other countries,does not exist. Because the United States has considerable economic freedom, the role of government is limited; these make the U.S. a great social mobility, a person may have through their own efforts towards the peak. Independence from the United States until the end of the 19th century, large areas of land are uninhabited and have no people can be occupied and investment and land reclamation 开垦. By the time the Industrial Revolution, the United States huge natural resources and advanced industrial technology is making rapid social mobility may change, and this trend is still increasing day by day. In all, Native American or immigrants from overseas, have the same dream of changing their social class and make their lifetime dream come true through their own efforts. This is what they often called "American dream".“美国梦”包含几个要素美国梦”包含几个要素:美国提供了人人都能成功的机会;成功取决于自己的才能和努力,而不是家世和背景;人人都拥有平等的权利;人人都有信仰的自由。
美国梦英文作文美国梦(英文:American Dream)自1776年以来,世世代代的美国人都深信不疑,只要经过努力不懈的奋斗便能获得更好的生活,即人们必须通过自己的勤奋、勇气、创意和决心迈向繁荣,而非依赖于特定的社会阶级和他人的援助。
美国梦英文作文篇一:Three hundred years ago,the emigrants from England arrived at Maryland acrossing the Atlantic by "May Flower" to search for a "pure"land for the puritans to then American Dream has come gives every person all over the world equal can achieve their dreams by hardworking.Three hundred years later,this country has become a rich ,American Dream doesn't fade the development of the history,it has many meanings is the American Dream?different people hold different at any rate,American Dream contains several factors below:America offers every person an opportunity to succeed;Success depends on one's ability and effortregardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position;Every person has equal rights;Every person has free belief.When it comes to the 21st century-the information age,Bill Gates's success indicated that only if you have wisdom and talent,you can succeed in American Dream has changed,compared with its original 's the true motivation behind American Dream?Some historians considered it the thirst for wealth .Pursuing money is the eternal theme of American ,the over pursuit of wealth makes American Dream turn bad and lost its attraction to people worldwide gradually.As the changes of the times,the influence of American Dream may become less and increasing number of people confess to having lost faith in the American Dream.美国梦英文作文篇二:What Is American Dream?什么是美国梦?What is the American Dream? Is it the same for all Americans? Is it a myth? Is it simply a search for a better life? How has the American Dream changed overtime? Some see their dreams wither and die while others see their dreams fulfilled. Why? Everyone has dreams abut a personally fulfilled life... and what is your dream?什么是美国梦?所有的美国人都是一样的吗?它是虚构的事吗?它是为了追求更好的生活吗?美国梦随着时间是如何改变的?有些人的梦想破灭了而有些人却实现了梦想。
实现美国人的梦想英语作文The American Dream is a concept deeply ingrained in thefabric of the United States, embodying the belief that anyone, regardless of their background, can achieve success and prosperity through hard work and determination. The following essay explores the essence of this dream and the various ways individuals strive to realize it.The Pursuit of the American Dream: A Journey of Ambition and PerseveranceIn the heart of every immigrant and many native-born Americans lies a dream—a vision of a life where success is a tangible reward for one's labor and dedication. This is the American Dream, a term that encapsulates the opportunity for social mobility and the chance to live life on one's own terms.The Roots of the DreamThe American Dream has its roots in the very founding of the nation. Early settlers were drawn to the New World with the promise of land, freedom, and the ability to build a betterlife for themselves and their families. Over time, this dream has evolved, but its core principle remains the same: the promise of a better future through personal effort.Defining SuccessSuccess in the context of the American Dream is subjective and varies from person to person. For some, it means economic prosperity and the accumulation of wealth. For others, it is about personal fulfillment, such as starting a family, pursuing a passion, or making a difference in the community. Regardless of the definition, the common thread is the belief that with enough effort, one can achieve their version of the dream.The Role of EducationEducation is often seen as the great equalizer and a key pathway to achieving the American Dream. It provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to secure well-paying jobs and advance in their careers. The United States boasts a robust system of public education and numerous prestigious universities, which are open to all who show the aptitude and commitment to learn.The Power of Hard WorkHard work is a fundamental component of the American Dream. It is the engine that drives individuals to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. From small business owners who put in long hours to establish their enterprises to students who work part-time while pursuing a degree, theethic of hard work is a common theme in the stories of those who have realized their dreams.Overcoming ChallengesThe journey to achieve the American Dream is not without its challenges. Economic disparities, systemic inequalities, and the ever-changing job market can make the path to success difficult. However, the resilience and determination of the American spirit have consistently shone through as peoplefind ways to adapt and thrive.The Importance of CommunityCommunity plays a vital role in supporting the pursuit of the American Dream. Networks of friends, family, and neighbors provide emotional and sometimes financial support, helping individuals to weather the storms they encounter on their journey. Additionally, community organizations and non-profits often offer resources and opportunities that can be crucial in helping people get a foothold on the ladder of success.The American Dream TodayIn contemporary times, the American Dream is not without its critics. Some argue that it is an unattainable myth for many, particularly in light of economic inequality and the rising cost of living. Yet, for countless individuals, the dream remains a powerful motivator, a beacon that guides their aspirations and fuels their efforts to improve their lives and the lives of their families.ConclusionThe American Dream is a complex and multifaceted concept that continues to inspire and challenge those who seek to achieve it. It is a testament to the enduring belief in the potential of the individual and the promise of a society that values hard work, determination, and the pursuit of happiness. As the United States continues to evolve, so too will the dream, reflecting the hopes and aspirations of the people it represents.。
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A dark side of the American dream: Correlates of financial success as a central life aspiration.
Why are so many people having American dreams? Who are the dreamers of today? How to Realize American dream? what exactly can we learn from these dreams?
Early Industrialization
In the midst of industrialization following the Civil War, many Americans experienced profound hardship in the changing economic landscape. They found solace(安慰,慰藉) in the tales of Horatio Alger, whose characters overcame adversity (逆境,不幸) through industry, perseverance, selfreliance, and self-discipline(自律). The ubiquitous(普遍存在的) “rags to riches” legend (传奇) became a cornerstone of American society; anyone could succeed and achieve wealth if they worked hard .Many believed that hard work allowed one to not only achieve financial success, but, through that success, revealed God's grace.
Six Basic Beliefs
individual freedom self-reliance(自力更生) equality of opportunity competition material wealth hard work
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed (赋予)by Creator with certain inalienable(不可剥夺的)rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ---The Declaration of Independence
Many people have expanded upon or refined the definition of the American Dream, and this concept has also been subject to a fair amount of criticism. Many people believe that the structure of American society belies(掩饰) the idealistic goal of the American Dream, pointing to examples of inequality rooted in class, race, and ethnic origin which suggest that the American Dream is not attainable for all.
Late Industrialization
Work values changed dramatically when the assembly line(流水线) production and machine driven atmosphere of industrial America swallowed up skilled workers . The aftermath(后果) of World War II exacerbated(加重,使恶化) the ethical shift as a consumer culture blossomed and Americans became preoccupied with(沉迷于) material goods. As one critic noted, “consumed by desires for status, material goods, and acceptance, Americans apparently had lost the sense of individuality, thrift, hard work, and craftsmanship that had characterized the nation.”
Who are the dreamers of today?
The dictionary defines “American Dream” as: 1.the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American. 2.a life of personal happiness and material comfort as traditionally sought by individuals in the U.S.
Why are so many people having American dreams?Fra bibliotek
Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind. The process of how the high achievers strived (努力,奋斗) have become the real life text book for parents to educate their children. With the avocation, many people living in the states have the dream of changing their lives.
the Colonial Period The Golden Age American Industrialization Contemporary
the Colonial Period
The immigrants arrived in the North America in order to pursuit religious liberty, hunt grounds and personal success. Benjamin Franklin counseled people on the "The Way to Wealth." “Early to Bed, and early to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” The key to wealth was industry(勤劳,勤勉): "Industry pays debts," Americans of the Early Republic expanded Franklin's notion of industry into a labor ideology.
The result of this shift in work ethic has actually spurred rather than lessened (降低,减少)the people’s desire to achieve the American Dream. Whether through the television entertainment industry, state-based lottery(彩票) marketing drives, or legal advertisements, Americans are told again and again that the road to the financial success of the American Dream is more a matter of luck than hard work.
the united states provides everyone the chance of success. success depends on your talents and efforts rather than your family and background. all person has equal rights
Golden Age
In 1848, James W. Marshall found gold in California and people began having golden dreams. That 19th century “American Dream” motivated the Gold Rush and gave California its nickname of the “Golden State”.