task-based language teaching




(一)任务型教学法的定义及其基本理念任务型教学(T ask-based Language Teaching)是指教师通过引导语言学习者在课堂上完成任务来进行的教学。

这是20世纪80年代兴起的一种强调“在做中学”(learning by doing)的语言教学方法,是交际教学法的发展.Skehan在“Task—based instruction”中对任务做了如下描述:“意义优先,任务完成为主,评估基于任务完成与否。



任务型语言教学的核心思想是要模拟人们在社会学校生活中运用语言所从事的各类活动,把语言与学习者在今后日常生活中的语应用结合起来任务型语言教学的理论依据来自许多方面,有心理学、社会语言学、语言习得研究等等.其中一个理论基础是“输入与互动假设”(input and interaction hypothesis)。









英语教学案例分析 (菁选最新4篇

英语教学案例分析 (菁选最新4篇

英语教学案例分析(菁选最新4篇英语教学案例分析篇一1、Task-Based Language Teaching,即TBLT这是新课标之后实行的新型教学方法——任务型教学,这个意识半会儿说不清楚,你得好好研究一下。


2、五步教学法:Step 1 Warming upStep 2 Presentation and practiceStep 3 PresentationStep 4 PracticeStep 5 Post Task3、五指教学法:RPCPPStep 1 ReviewStep 2 PresentationStep 3 ConsolidationStep 4 PracticeStep 5 ProjectPresentation4.3P教学法Warming-upPresentationPracticeProductionHomework5交际型教学Communicative Teaching在教学过程中创设或模拟真实情景交际,让学生通过听、说、理解等交际活动不断沟通交流、进行互动的一种教学模式下面谈一谈英语学习方式前面提到四种学习方式:合作学习/共同学习、自主学习、任务型学习、探究学习。











Engaging learners in task work provides a better context for the activation of learning processes than form-focused activities, and hence ultimately provides better opportunities for LL to take place
Definitions of task
Task is as a central unit of planning and teaching. It is an activity or goal that is carried out using language,
such as finding a solution to a puzzle, reading a map and giving directions, making a telephone call, writing a letter, or reading a set of instructions and assembling a toy:
vocabulary here includes the consideration of lexical phrases, sentence stems, prefabricated routines, and collocations.
“Conversation” is the central focus of language and the keystone of language acquisition: the majority of tasks proposed within
Approach: Theory of language


(1)分析(analysis): 在教师的指导下,学生对整个过程
进行回顾并分析其他组执行任务的情况,旨在使学生注意到 自己在语言表达能力上的欠缺; (2)操练(practice):学生在教师指导下练习语言难点, 巩固和掌握前阶段所运用的语言的某些特征。例如教师可根
Approach: Theory of language
1. 语言主要是一种可以创造意义的工具。
2. 语言的多种模型促进任务教学法的进程。
(1)结构模型:确定语言的复杂度 (2)功能模型:划分任务类型
性的。 (4)任务通常会产生非语言性结果,如根据所听天气 预报的信息决定怎样安排野炊、根据火车和汽车的时 刻表选择哪几班车能快捷地赶到某地开会。而练习总 是产生语言性结果,如用短语造句、用介词填空。
练习 VS 任务
练习 关注点 情景 结果 语言 错误 形式 无场景 正确的形式 练习既定的语言形式 即时修改 任务 意义 真实交际场景 任务的完成 选择语言形式和内容 延时修改
时间表:根据信息提示,绘制表格 画图:看图说话、看图作文 地图:描述位置 互补阅读 列举 排序
Design: Type of learning and teaching activity
1. Pica等人根据完成任务过程中所产生的互相影响把任务分 为五类:



任务教学法(Task-based Language Teaching, TBLT)是一种以完成具体交际任务为目标的教学方法,强调在真实的或模拟的情境中使用目的语进行有意义的交际活动。








例谈小学英语Task-Based Language Teaching

例谈小学英语Task-Based Language Teaching

学科教学探索英语任务型语言教学法(Task-Based Lan-guage Teaching Approach)是在真实语境下语言习得的现代语言教学理念。

它强调“在做中学(learning by doing)”,即学生在完成任务的过程中产生语言习得,最终达到掌握语言的目的。








热身活动类型很多,比如教师可以有意识地采用头脑风暴(brain storming)和思维导图(mind-map)等心理学策略来激发学生的兴趣、好奇心和积极性。

例如小学英语五年级上册Unit1My Family,教师首先布置任务,让学生每人带一幅家庭成员的照片,告诉学生收集有关家庭成员的单词,如father,mother,brother,sister, grandfather,grandmother等,准备有关家庭信息的讨论。




任务型教学法(Task-Based Language Teaching,TBLT)是一种以任务为中心的教学方法,旨在任务型教学法(Task-Based Language Teaching,TBLT)是一种以任务为中心的教学方法,旨在通过完成真实的语言任务来促进学生的语言学习。










任务型教学法定义:Task-based Language Teaching is a meaning-focused teaching method, aiming at fulfilling language communicative tasks.The teacher accords on the goal of curriculum and combines course content, designs concrete teaching activities,to attract and organize the students to participate these activities. The students can learn and use English and complete the study task by thinking, investigation and discussion, communication and cooperation way任务型教学就是教师依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。



Prabhu自1979年至1984年连续五年在印度南部的Bangalore进行了一项强交际法的实验(Bangalore Project),该实验的突出特点是强调“用中学”,提出了许多任务类型,并把学习内容设计成各种交际任务,让学生通过完成任务进行学习。






Design: Syllabus
传统大纲 功能 主题 能力 语言结构 语篇类型 词汇目标 听、说、读、写
Design: Syllabus
(1)真实性的交际任务 观点:直接通过课堂让学生用英语完成各种真实的生活、 学习、工作等任务。
(2)教学型的交际任务 观点:学习语言知识的活动,即为教学而设计的活动。
关注点 情景 结果 语言 错误
练习 VS 任务
练习 形式 无场景 正确的形式 练习既定的语言形式 即时修改
任务 意义 真实交际场景 任务的完成 选择语言形式和内容 延时修改
Approach: Theory of language
1. 语言主要是一种可以创造意义的工具。
Krashen:理解性输入是语言习得成功的基本保证。 Swain: 研究表明,在加拿大沉浸式语言教学中的某些学生,多年之后, 其语言能力仍然落后于英语为母语的学生。所以不仅要有足够的输入, 还应该有足够的“可理解的输出”。在任务型语言教学过程中,学生 应分小组或结对完成各种任务。通过这种小组活动,学生的语言能力 得以成倍地增长。 其他观点:“意义的交流”,把它作为作为第二语言习得的必要基础。 “意义的交流”把学习者的注意力聚焦于表达,因此可被看成是语言 习得的刺激因素。
要求:安排多种任务帮助学生意识到目的语的特征 26
任务改编者 教师在设计任务时应考虑多方面的因素: 学生现有的语言水平 学生在完成任务过程中的可能出现的困难 任务完成过程中如何保证良好的课堂秩序 任务的真实性、可操作性 任务完成后以何种方式呈现结果最具直观性和展示性
Design: The role of instructional materials


焦点在过程上,而不在结果上。 基本要素是强化交际和意义表达,进行有目的的活动。 在进行活动和完成任务中,学习者有目的地多开口讲话,
彼此产生影响。 语言活动和任务既是学习者现实生活的需要,也是课堂教
学特定的教学目标。 教学活动和任务应该按难度大小循序渐进。 一项任务的难度取决于一系列因素,包括学习者先前的学
1. 任务前(Pre-task)
教师先讨论新的话题,引入任务即呈现和学习完成任务所 需的语言知识,介绍任务的要求及实施任务的步骤。
教师可以先介绍本课的背景知识,包括对文章语言点和词 汇的介绍,以及对本课主题的介绍。适当介绍和激活学生的 背景知识,可以帮助学生扫除使用语言的障碍,让学生对将 要学习的内容有一定了解,激发其学习语言的欲望,为完成 任务而进行知识和能力方面的储备。
图表:列出课文的人物、情节、事物发展的顺序 时间表:根据信息提示,绘制表格 画图:看图说话、看图作文 地图:描述位置 互补阅读 列举 排序 比较 预测
Design: Type of learning and teaching activity
1. Pica等人根据完成任务过程中所产生的互相影响把任务分 为五类: (1)拼板式任务(Jigsaw task) (2)信息差任务(Information gap task) (3)解决问题式任务(Problem solving tasks) (4)做决定式任务(Decision making tasks) (5)交换意见式任务(Opinion exchange tasks)



英语教学中的任务型英语教学中的任务型一、任务型语言教学的概念所谓任务型语言教学(task-based language teaching)就是直接通过课堂教学让学生用英语完成各种真实的生活、、工作等任务(task),将课堂教学的目标真实化,任务化,从而培养其运用英语的能力。












任务型教学法 Task-based Language Teaching

任务型教学法 Task-based Language Teaching

• Lexical units are central in language use
and language learning (e.g. Skehan 1996)
• “Conversation” is the central focus of language and the keystone of language acquisition
2.Theory of learning
• Tasks provide both the input and output processing necessary for language acquisition
• Task activity and achievement are motivational
• Learning difficulty can be negotiated and finetuned for particular pedagogical purposes
• The task-based approach aims at providing opportunities for the learners to experiment with and explore both spoken and written language through learning activities which are designed to engage learners in the authentic, practical and functional use of language for meaningful purposes. (香港中小学英语大纲)
Source and history:



任务是人们在日常生活中所从事的 有目的的活动。
What people do in everyday life:
painting a fence, dressing a child, filling out a form, buying a pair of shoes, borrowing a library book taking a driving test making an airline reservation writing a check finding a street destination,
Task-Based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学
Anshan Normal University
Task-Based Language Teaching 任务型语言教学
任务的定义(Definition) 任务的基本因素(Components ) 任务型语言教学的优势(Advantages) 任务型语言教学的特点(Features) 任务的设计原则(Guidelines) 任务活动的类型 (task types) 任务型语言教学与评价(assessment and evaluation)
The learner will listen to an aural text and answer questions afterwards on whether given statements are true or false.
Another good example is on page2 in unit 11,bookII(speaking part)
4. 基本上以“交际”为导向的课堂教学,但同 时也有明确的语法讲解,要比只注重语法教学 或回避语法讲解的沉浸式教学都更好

Task-Based Language Teaching任务教学法

Task-Based Language Teaching任务教学法
❖ Social Constructivism Theory believes learning and development are social and cooperative activities.
The Procedure of Task-Based Language Teaching
Three phases in a task-based lesson : 1. Pre-task phase 2. While-task phase 3. Post-task phase

Students prepare a short oral or written report to tell the class what happened during their task. They then practice what they are going to say in their groups. Meanwhile the teacher is available for the students to ask for advice to clear up any language questions they may have.
What is Task?
❖ …an activity or goal that is carried out using language.
❖ …an activity which have meaning as their primary focus. Success in tasks is evaluated in terms of achievement of an outcome, and tasks generally bear some resemblance to real-life language use.



任务型的课堂教学一开始就应呈现任务,让学生在任 务的驱动下学习语言知识和进行技能训练。这样的学 习过程是任务驱动(task-driven)的过程,一般按 以下四步进行: 1.Talent-show(属学前热身过程,可以展示以前学 习成果,也可以是学前准备。) 2.Pre-task(准备材料,任务输入)
任务是一种涉及到学习者理解,运用所学语言进行交 流的课堂活动。学生的注意力主要集中在语言的意义 上,而不是语言的形式上。

"Task" is a special term in language teaching and it's different from language exercise. It has its specific features, forms and teaching steps. There are varieties of tasks in English teaching, but the focus of every task is on solving a communicative problem, which has some connections with a real world of learners' lives and learning experience, and which can arouse learners' interest and participation. It starts from the learners' needs and emphasizes learning language by doing things. The learners begin by carrying out a communicative task, without specific focus on form. After they have done the task, they report and discuss how they accomplished this.

Task-based language teaching

Task-based language teaching

162018年34期总第422期ENGLISH ON CAMPUSTask-based language teaching文/夏倩【Abstract】Task-based language teaching enjoys popularity for a long period of time. This article will delve into its definition and its framework in the hope that it can be made the most of in language teaching.【Key words】Task-based language teaching(TBL T); definition; framework【作者简介】夏倩(1991-),女,汉族,重庆沙坪坝人,现执教重庆师范大学涉外商贸学院,对外英语教学专业,英国爱丁堡大学硕士,研究方向:英语教学,英语教师发展。

A task based approach has been used as the overall framework by many teachers. Although the task based approach has reached the status of a popular orthodoxy, there is no consensus on what constitutes a task. Different scholars define “task” from their own perspectives, so as Bygate, Skehan, and Swain puts it, definitions of task will need to vary on the basis of intentions for which tasks are employed. They put forward a fundamental, multipurpose definition, that is, “a task is an activity which requires learners to use language, with emphasis on meaning, to attain an objective”. This definition is appreciated because it is clear-cut and can be a specific guideline to follow. Willis shares a similar idea with them; she maintains that “tasks are always activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose in order to achieve an outcome”. They all regard task as a means through which learners communicate to realize a predetermined goal, which is easy to follow and makesclass logic and cohesive. In terms of a specific framework, Willis’framework consists of pre-task, task cycle (task, planning and reporting) and language focus (analysis and practice). The pre-task stage introduces the topic and the task to learners, activating topic language. This stage can offer scaffolding materials for students to rely on in the following class. When it comes to the task cycle, the task stage provides learners with the golden opportunity of using whatever language they can master to implement the task in pairs or small groups in order to achieve the task goals. The task will be conducted in the form of group work. This is Cooperative Language Learning (CLL) or Collaborative Learning (CL), through which learners are responsible for their own learning and are motivated to increase other ’s learning. Negotiation of meaning or information exchange will appear through the task to make themselves understood, so the objective to enhance communicative language ability will be achieved. For instance, CLL can provide learners with opportunities to develop communicative strategies to express themselves for successful interaction. When the task has been completed, students will step into plan and report stage. Planning enables them to generate ideas anew, experiment with language and construct knowledge and ideas with the help of their group, teacher and other resources. Reporting can motivate them to upgrade and polish their language in order to express themselves accurately. Language focus is the last phase including analysis and practice elements, which concentrates on explicit study of language form that is contextualized in the task itself.Compared with the framework of Willis, Nunan proposes a detailed one including six stages: schema building, controlled practice, authentic listening, linguistic focus, freer practice and a pedagogical task. Willis’ framework will be a priority for some teachers in that it is flexible and allows them to create more activities. Besides, it fulfills four basic conditions for learning: “exposure, use, motivation and explicit study of language form”. However, Nunan’s principles for task-based teaching will also play a pivotal role in underpinning class, including scaffolding, task dependency, recycling, active learning, integration, reproduction to creation, and reflection, since these principles are workable and meaningful.In conclusion, TBLT is a useful teaching approach and its framework carries a series of practical principles. It is beneficial to deploy it based on certain context. References:[1]Bygate,M.P.Skehan & Swain,M.Researching Pedagogic Tasks[J]. Second,2001.[2]Language Learning, Teaching and Testing[J].Harlow: Longman.[3]Hedge,T.Teaching and learning in the language classroom.Oxford: Oxford[M].University Press,2000.[4]Littlewood,W.The task-based approach: Some questions and suggestions[J].ELT journal,2004,58(4):319-326.[5]Nunan,D.Task Based Language Teaching.Cambridge:Cambridge[M]. University Press,2004.[6]Olsen,R.&Kagan,S.About cooperative learning.In C.[J].Kessler (Ed.),1992.[7]Cooperative Language Learning:A Teacher’s Resource Book(pp. 1-30)[J].NewYork:Prentice Hall.[8]Richards,J.C.&Rodgers,T.S.Cooperative Language Learning,2001.[9]In:Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching(pp.192-203) [M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.[10]Willis,J.A Framework for Task Based Learning[J].Harlow, England:Longman,1996.Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.。

任务型教学法 Task-based language teaching

任务型教学法 Task-based language teaching

• Because of its links to CLT methodology and support from SLA theorists, TBLT has gained considerable attention within applied linguistics, though there have been few large-scale practical applications of it and little documentation concerning its implications or effectiveness as a basis for syllabus design, materials development, and classroom teaching
Tasks are proposed as useful vehicles for applying these principles. Early applications of this approach in Malaysian and Bangalore Projects were short lived, but the role of tasks received further support from research of SLA, without much evidence of success in grammar-focused teaching activities. Engaging learners in task work provides a better context for the activation of learning processes than form-focused activities, and hence ultimately provides better opportunities for LL to take place LL is believed to depend on immersing ss not merely in “comprehensible input” but in tasks that require them to negotiate meaning and engage in naturalistic and meaningful communication.

Task-based_Language_Teaching 任务型语言教学

Task-based_Language_Teaching 任务型语言教学
A purpose
Clark, Scarino and Brownell
A context
A process
A pring sure the students have a reason for undertaking the task.
Describing a photograph of one’s family
From the above definitions, we can see:
A task can hold different meanings for different people.
3. Four components of a task
3)基本上以“交际”为导向的课堂教学,但同 时也有明确的语法讲解,要比只注重语法教学 或回避语法讲解的沉浸式教学都更好
• Classrooms that were basically “communicative” for explicit grammatical instruction, were superior to both traditional classrooms that focused heavily on grammar, and to immersion programs that eschewed explicit grammatical instruction.
根据语言习得的规律 1) 语法知识的记忆不能保证语言使用的正确
• Knowledge of grammatical rules was no guarantee of being able to use those rules for communication. Learners who were able to identify instances of rule violation, and who could even state the rule, frequently violated the rules when using language for communication.



英语教学方法有哪几种1. Communicative Language Teaching (交流式教学法): 这种方法侧重于提高学生的语言交流能力,通过实际的交际活动来帮助学生掌握语言技能。

2. Task-Based Language Teaching (任务型教学法): 这种方法将语言教学与实际任务相结合,要求学生通过完成任务来实践语言运用。

3. Content-Based Instruction (以内容为基础的教学法): 这种方法将语言学习与学科知识相结合,以提高学生的学科知识和语言能力。

4. Total Physical Response (全身反应法): 这种方法通过运动、动作和身体反应来帮助学生理解和掌握语言。

5. Cooperative Learning (合作学习法): 这种方法通过学生之间的合作学习来提高语言能力,培养学生的团队合作和沟通能力。

6. Suggestopedia (暗示式教学法): 这种方法通过创造宽松、积极的学习环境,激发学生的学习兴趣和潜能。

7. The Silent Way (沉默法): 这种方法强调学生的主动参与和发现,教师在教学中保持沉默,让学生自己探索和发现语言规律。

8. Community Language Learning (社区语言学习法): 这种方法强调建立积极的、互动的学习社区,通过教师和学生的合作来帮助学生学习语言。

9. Lexical Approach (词汇法): 这种方法强调词汇的教学和运用,认为词汇是语言学习的核心。

10. Grammar-Translation Method (语法-翻译法): 这种方法侧重于教授语法知识和翻译技巧。

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Task-BasedLanguage TeachingXiaoping LiangCalifornia State University, Long BeachCommunicative Language TeachingCommunication as the key dimension of learning and teaching.Early models:Language functions as the unit of organization and practice.More recently:Tasks as an alternative unit of organization and practice.task-based language syllabus?A task-based language syllabus places task at the center of the curriculum development process.Question-based languageteaching?“An approach to the design of language course in which the point of departure is not an ordered list of linguistic items, but a collection of tasks ” (Nunan, 1999, p. 24).QuestionFeatures of TasksOpportunities for negotiation of meaning.Use of communication strategies.Contextualized linguistic input.tasks in the operation of content classrooms and language classrooms. In content classes, task is a basic unit of analysis of student work. From the student standpoint, the curriculum is ‘a collection of academic tasks ’ . . . . In language classes, task as a unit of analysis can provide a coherent approach to ‘all six phases of program design: needsidentification, syllabus design, methodology design, materials writing, testing and program evaluation’” (Mohan, Leung, & Davison, 2001, p. 121).Importance of Student TasksPlaces task at the center of the curriculum development process.Focuses on student-centered learning.Focuses on process-oriented learning.Characteristics ofTask-Based Language TeachingTwo Types of TasksTarget tasks(or real-world tasks).Pedagogical tasks(psycholinguistic tasks).Target (or Real-World) TasksIndividuals typically do outside the classroom.Long (1985, p. 89): A task “is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or forothers, freely or for some reward. . . . In other words, by task is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life , at work, at play, and in-between.”Examples of Target TasksPainting a fence Dressing a child Filling out a form Buying a pair of shoesMaking an airline reservation Borrowing a library book Taking a driving test Typing a letter Weighing a patient Sorting lettersTaking a hotel reservation Writing a checkFinding a street destination Helping someone across a road.Target Tasks for L2 StudentsReading instructions and completing application forms.Listening to a lecture and taking notes.Reading exam questions and writing answers.Pedagogical (or Psycholinguistic) TasksUsed to facilitate the development of a learner’s general language proficiency.A pedagogical task is “an activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language ... For example, drawing a map while listening to a tape, listening to an instruction and performing acommand …” (Richards, Platt, & Weber, 1986, p. 289).that involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing, or interacting in the target language …, and in which the intention is to convey meaning rather than to manipulate form. The task should also have a sense of completeness, being able to stand alone as a communicative act in its own right with a beginning, a middle and an end” (Nunan, 1989, Designing tasks for the communicative classrooms, p. 10).Examples of Pedagogical TasksListening to a tape and repeating.Doing a jigsaw reading task.Solving a problem in small groups.Role-play based on a picture story.Listening to a song while filling out the missing words on a worksheet.Writing a paragraph describing what is happening in a picture.Conduct a needs identification of students’ target tasks .2.Classify them into target task types .3.Sequence them to form the task-based syllabus.4.Design pedagogical tasks in which students can rehearse target tasks .Relationships BetweenTarget & Pedagogical Tasks(Long & Crooks, 1992, p. 44)Principles of Task Design The authenticity principle.The form / function principle.The task dependency principle.Task Difficulty & SequencingCode complexity.Cognitive municative stress.How do we sequence tasks?From reception to production.Reproductive tasks (production) precedecreative (production) tasks.Tasks & GrammarThe task-based syllabus:Begins with a list of target tasks.Then asks what learners need to know and be able to do in order to performthose tasks.First-order activity: Choosing the tasks. Second-order activity: Listing, sequencing, and integrating linguistic/language items (e.g., grammar).Content & MethodIn traditional syllabusesContent as the destination.Methodology as the route.Reach the destination through the route.In a task-based syllabus:The destination:Be able to perform target tasks in the targetlanguage.The method:Rehearse that performance in class.The route becomes the destination.Difficult to separate content and method.Designing Task-BasedPerformance Assessment Evaluate learner performance within the range of: Language ability requirements inherent of a given task. Task characteristics found in a given task.ReferencesKris Van den Branden(Ed.) (2006). Task-based language education: From theory to practice . Cambridge University Press.Kris Van den Branden, Martin Bygate, John M. Norris (Eds.) (2009). Task-based language teaching: A reader. John Benjamins Publishing Company.Dave Willis & Jane Willis (2007). Doing task-based teaching. Oxford University Press.Task-Based Lesson Plans/english_grmmar/grammar_task_based.htm Provides an introduction to task-based grammar teaching in addition to a sample lesson plan./learner-based-task-based-reading-lesson.htm A sample of a learner-based and task-based reading lesson./lessons/Yeh-TruStories.htmlA lesson on how to blend multimedia into a task-based activity..hk/eng/staff/_dc/56.4%20article%20Carless.docA short article about how to implement task-based learning with young learners. /SUPPORT/downloads/sampleict.docA task-based activity that encourages the learner to incorporate a range of internet skills and resources in their preparation and final presentation of work.http://digilander.libero.it/ALLRIGHTMATE/1%20Silvana%20INSET%20plan.rtfAn introduction to task-based learning and a detailed lesson planning ourlining3 hours of various task-based activities./News/Magazine/Archive?elt_taskbased.htmAn article about task-based learning, methodology, and sample worksheets.。
