计算机网络工程师-4(总分100, 做题时间90分钟)一、选择题1.______适用于综合布线系统中配置标准较高的场合,用光缆和铜芯双绞电缆混合组网。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 基本型综合布线系统B 增强型综合布线系统C 综合型综合布线系统D 以上均不对分值: 1答案:C[解析] 基本型适用于综合布线系统中配置标准较低的场合,用铜芯双绞线电缆组网。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 结点可直接通过汇聚层的路由器或交换机接入B 可以不设计接入层网络与汇聚层网络C 一般需要按3层结构来设计D 以上都不合适分值: 1答案:A[解析] 是否需要分成3层组建的经验数据是:结点数为250~500个,一般需要按3层结构来设计;结点数为100~500个,可以不设计接入层网络,结点可直接通过汇聚层的路由器或交换机接入;结点数为5~250个,可以不设计接入层网络与汇聚层网络。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 城域网网络平台采用层次结构B 核心交换层解决的是“最后一公里”的问题C 边缘汇聚层结构设计重点是可靠性、可扩展性与开放性D 用户接入层进行本地路由、过滤、流量均衡及安全控制等处理分值: 1答案:A[解析] 宽带城域网的网络平台采用层次结构,分为核心交换层、边缘汇聚层和用户接入层三部分。
SSS_SINGLE_SELA 事件的相关性B 系统事件C 安全性事件D 应用程序事件分值: 1答案:A[解析] 基于网络的入侵检测系统采用的识别技术主要有事件的相关性、统计意义上的非正常现象检测、频率或阀值以及模式匹配,故选A。
2、A.相应B.频率C.时间片D.波长3、A.时分多路B.频分多路 C.空分多址D.码分多址传统电话网采用的交换方式是,帧中继网采用的交换方式是。
4、A.电路交换 B.报文交换 C.虚电路交换D.数据报交换5、A.电路交换 B.报文交换 C.虚电路交换D.数据报交换ARP协议属于协议,它的作用是。
8、A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. 249、A. B.、把4个网络220.117.34.0/23、、和220.117.8.0/20 汇聚成一个超网,其目标地址是。
A.> 设有4 个IP 地址:、>、,如果子网掩码为255.255.240.0,则属于同一个子网的是。
A.W AN B.LAN C.MAN D.GAN10、下列IP地址中合法的是(A)。
A. B. D.202 201 18 2011、下列(A)是教育机构的域名。
A.edu B.www C.gov D.com12、拥有计算机并以拨号方式进入网络的用户需要使用(D)。
A.CD-ROM B.鼠标C.电话机D.Modem 13、互联网络上的服务都是基于一种协议,WWW服务基于(B)协议。
计算机网络考试复习题及参考答案work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR中南大学现代远程教育课程考试复习题及参考答案计算机网络一、选择题:1、市话网在数据传输期间,在源节点与目的节点之间有一条利用中间节点构成的物理连接线路。
这种市话网采用( )技术。
A、报文交换B、电路交换C、分组交换D、数据交换2、在点到点的数据传输时钟同步中,外同步法是指接收端的同步信号是由( )。
A、自己产生的B、信息中提取出来的C、发送端送来的D、接收端送来的3、在数据通信中,当发送数据出现差错时,发送端无须进行数据重发的差错控制方法为( )。
A、ARQB、FECC、BECD、CRC、4、Internet的网络层含有四个重要的协议,分别为( )。
A、MAC,LLC等三层B、LLC,MHS等三层C、MAC,FTAM等三层D、LLC,VT等三层6、在码元速率为1600波特的调制解调器中,采用8PSK(8相位)技术,可获得的数据速率为( )。
A、2400bpsB、4800bpsC、9600bpsD、1200bps7、IBM PC BSC 通信适配器主要是为( )。
A 总线形B 环形C 星形D 树形11、 X.25分组头用于网络控制,其长度随分组类型不同而有所不同,但到少包含前( )。
若系统采用20 个二进制位表示虚拟地址,其中页内地址部分占用 12 个二进制位,则允许一个进程最大有多少个页面( )。
A、2^32B、2^12C、2^8D、2^20正确答案:C2.在交互式系统中,若用户数为 100,为保证响应时间≤100ms,忽略其他系统开销,则操作系统应将时间片设为( )。
A、≤1000msB、≤10msC、≤100msD、≤1ms正确答案:D3.某 4 核处理器的计算机系统中共有50个进程,那么,处于运行状态的进程最多有几个( )。
A、1B、0C、50D、4正确答案:D4.关于以太网标准的描述中,正确的是( )。
A、IEEE802.3ba是GigabitEthernet标准B、IEEE802.3ae是40/100GigabitEthernet标准C、IEEE802.3u是FastEthernet标准D、IEEE802.3z是10GigabitEthernet标准正确答案:C5.IEEE802.3规定的Ethernet帧的最小长度为( )。
A、32BB、46BC、48BD、64B正确答案:D6.下列各种数据对象中,与进程具有一一对应关系的是( )。
A、进程控制块B、动态库C、堆栈D、程序正确答案:A7.在某页式存储管理系统中,页面大小为 4KB,物理内存为 512MB,进程地址空间为 1GB,只考虑一级页表,则页表长度(页表项个数)为()。
A、2 17B、2 18C、2 29D、2 30正确答案:B8.FTP的数据连接建立模式有两种,它们是( )。
A、上传模式与下载模式B、明文模式与密文模式C、文本模式与二进制模式D、主动模式与被动模式正确答案:D9.关于NFS的描述中,正确的是( )。
A、只工作于Unix平台B、采用域的概念C、挂接的文件不复制到本地硬盘D、基于P2P结构正确答案:C10.IEEE802.11帧的地址字段中使用的是( )。
计算机网络技术练习题、选择题(每小题 2分,共50分.每小题只有一个正确选项)1、在 rip 中跳数等于____为不可达。
A.8B.10C.15D.162、将数据传输到 DCE的客户设备是()A.CPEB.DGEC.DTED. 以上都不是3、 VLAN的封装类型中属于 IEEE标准的有()A.ISLB.802.1qC.802.1dD.802.1x4、 VLAN表示()A. 以太网B. 细缆以太网C. 双绞线以太网D. 虚拟局域网5、对在下面所示的路由条目中各部分叙述正确的是_____。
R 172.16.8 .0 [120 /4] via 172 .16 .7 .9 , 00 :00:23 ,serial10A.R 表示该路由条目的来源是 RIPB.172 .16 .8 .0 表示目标网段或子网C.172 .16 .7 .9 表示该路由条目的下一跳地址D.00:00:23 表示该路由条目的老化时间6、在提示符为 Router (config -if)# 的配置下, exit 命令的作用是()A. 退出当前的接口配置模式B. 到达特权配置模式提示符C. 退出路由器D. 切换到用户 EXEC提示符7、以下采用最短路径优先算法的路由协议是()A . OSPF B.RIPC . IGRP D.BGP8、 DNS服务器的默认端口号是()A . 25 B.53C . 80 D.1609、路由器的缺点是()A .成为网络瓶颈B.不能进行局域网连接C.无法隔离广播D .无法进行流量控制10、静态 NAT是指()A .内部本地地址和内部全局地址一对一的永久映射B .内部本地地址和内部全局地址的临时对应关系C .把内部地址引射到外部网络的一个 IP 地址的D .临时的一对一 "IP+ 端口 " 映射关系11、计算机接入网络通常使用()A .网卡B.交换机C .路由器D.网关12、以下配置默认路由的命令正确的是()A.ip route ip route ip route ip router、交换机中所有端口的默认 VLAN ID 是( ) . 1B .100 . 1024D .4096 、标准访问控制列表的编号范围是( ) . 1~99 B .100~199. 1~1023D .1~4096 、标准访问控制列表的编号范围是( ) . 1~99 B .100~199. 1~1023D .1~4096 、以下不属于目前流行的网络操作系统的是 ( ) C .NetWare D . Windows 98、DHCP 服务向主机提供的参数不包括( ) . IP 地址 B .网关地址 . DNS 地址 D .MAC 地址、通过控制口配置交换机及路由器时使用的连接电缆是( ) .直连线 B .交叉线 .反转线 D .同轴线、不支持可变长子网掩码的路由协议有( ) .RIP v1 B .RIP v2 . OSPF D .IS-IS、 Windows Server 2003 所支持的文件系统不包括 ( )A .NTFSB . EXT3C .FATD .FAT32、建筑群子系统间使用的连接线缆通常是( ) .光纤 B .同轴电缆 .超 5类双绞线D .6类双绞线 、将域名映射为 IP 地址的系统称为( )A .DNSB .DHCPC .WINSD . FTP、VLAN 的封装类型中属于 IEEE 标准的是 ( )B . 802.1q D . ISL OSI 七层的( ) B .二层C .三层D .三层以上支持可变长子网掩码的路由协议有.RIP v1 B .RIP v2 C .OSPF D .IS-IS 、 随着电信和信息技术的发展,出现了“三网融合”的趋势,下列不属于三网的是 13A C 14A C 15A C 1617A C 18 A C 19 A C 2021AC 222324 25A26A . LinuxB . Windows NT Server A . 802.1dC .802.1x 、交换机工作在 A .一层D. 允许255.255.255.255 32 、 DHCP 服务中不能够向主机提供的内容是 ( )A 、 IP 地址B 、网关地址C 、DNS 主机地址D 、MAC 地址 33 、 DHCP 服务中不能够向主机提供的内容是 ( )A 、 IP 地址B 、网关地址C 、DNS 主机地址D 、MAC 地址 34 、DNS 的作用 是( )。
计算机网络技术考试试题及答案一. 填空(每空0.5分,共10分)1. 计算机网络的主要功能为______共享. ________共享. 用户之间的信息交换。
2. 从局域网媒体访问控制方法的角度可以把局域网划分为________局域网和________局域网两大类。
3. 计算机网络系统由和资源子网组成4. 10BASE-T标准规定的网络拓扑结构是________,网络速率是________,网络所采用的网络介质是________,信号是________。
5. 国内最早的四大网络包括原邮电部的ChinaNet. 原电子部的ChinaGBN. 教育部的___________和中科院的CSTnet。
6. 在TCP/IP中,负责将IP地址映像成所对应的物理地址的协议是_______。
7. DNS服务器(DNS服务器有时也扮演DNS客户端的角色)向另一台DNS 服务器查询IP地址时,可以有3种查询方式:________.________ 和________。
8. Internet采用的协议簇为_______;若将个人电脑通过市话网上Internet 需配置_____。
9. 在计算机的通信子网中,其操作方式有两种,它们是面向连接的和无连接的。
10. 局域网与Internet主机的连接方法有两种,一种是通过,另一种是通过与Internet主机相连。
二. 单选题(每题1分,共30分)1. 以太网媒体访问控制技术CSMA/CD的机制是( )。
A. 争用带宽B. 预约带宽C. 循环使用带宽D. 按优先级分配带宽2. 完成路径选择功能是在OSI模型的( )。
A. 物理层B. 数据链路层C. 网络层D. 运输层3. ATM网络采用固定长度的信元传送数据,信元长度为( )。
A. 1024BB. 53BC. 128BD. 64B4. 在同一个信道上的同一时刻,能够进行双向数据传送的通信方式是( )。
A. 单工B. 半双工C. 全双工D. 上述三种均不是5. 交换机和网桥属于OSI模型的哪一层( )。
计算机网络考试试题复习资料(带答案)计算机网络期末考试复习资料一、选择题:1、Internet中发送邮件协议是(B )。
A、FTPB、SMTPC、HTTPD、POP2、在OSI模型中,第N层和其上的N+l层的关系是(A)A.N层为N十1层提供服务B.N十1层将从N层接收的信息增加了一个头C.N层利用N十1层提供的服务D.N层对N+1层没有任何作用3、早期的计算机网络是由(D )组成系统。
A、计算机-通信线路-计算机B、P C机-通信线路-PC机C、终端-通信线路-终端D、计算机-通信线路-终端4、传输速率为(B)的以太网称为传统以太网A、1M bpsB、10M bpsC、100M bpsD、1000M bps5、采用全双工通信方式,数据传输的方向性结构为( A )A、可以在两个方向上同时传输B、只能在一个方向上传输C、可以在两个方向上传输,但不能同时进行D、以上均不对6、在OSI参考模型中,负责提供可靠的端到端数据传输的是(A )的功能。
A.ICMP B.ARP C.RARP D.IGMP2.在令牌环中,令牌是()、()。
A.集线器B.交换机C.路由器D.网桥4.带宽是对下列哪种媒体容量的度量?()A.快速信息通信 B.传送数据C.在高频范围内传送的信号D.上述所有的5.报文交换方式的特点是()。
A.源节点和目标节点在交换时无需建立专用通路B.利于实时交互性通信C.利于减少网络传输的延迟D.任何情况下发出的报文都能够按顺序达到目的地6.在电缆中屏蔽有什么好处?()A.减少信号衰减 B.减少电磁干扰辐射和对外界干扰的灵敏度C.减少物理损坏 C.减少电磁的阻抗7.PPP协议是()协议。
A.物理层 B.数据链路层 C.网络层 D.传输层8.在OSI模型中,一个层N与它的上层(第N+1层)的关系是()A.第N层为第N+1层提供服务。
计算机四级网络工程师题库(附答案)一、单选题(共80题,每题1分,共80分)1、在计算机系统中被创建的进程具有多种特性,所谓进程的“动态性”是指( )。
A、进程始终处于运行过程中B、进程每一次的运行结果是完全一样的C、进程和程序一样,可以永久保存D、进程动态产生、动态变化、动态消亡正确答案:D2、在采用页式存储管理方案的系统中,逻辑地址用 32 位表示,内存分块大小为 2 10 。
则用户程序最多可划分成多少页( )。
A、2 10B、2 32C、2 20D、2 22正确答案:D3、在OSI参考模型中,提供透明的比特流传输的层次是( )。
若系统采用 20 个二进制位表示虚拟地址,其中页内地址部分占用 12 个二进制位,则允许一个进程最大有多少个页面( )。
A、2^32B、2^20C、2^8D、2^12正确答案:C5、局域网交换机中,与端口建立映射关系的是( )。
A、MAC地址B、子网掩码C、域名D、IP地址正确答案:A6、如果数据传输速率为100Mbps,那么发送12.5M字节数据需要用( )。
A、0.1sB、0.01sC、10sD、1s正确答案:D7、一个应用进程被动等待,另一个应用进程通过请求启动通信的应用模式称为( )。
A、循环模式B、递归模式C、客户机/服务器模式D、对等计算模式正确答案:C8、页式存储管理方案中,若地址用 24 位二进制表示,页内地址部分占11 个二进制位,则最大允许进程有多少个页面( )。
A、16384B、8192C、4096D、1024正确答案:B9、关于MIB的描述中,错误的是( )。
A、MIB数据可通过轮询方式访问B、全称是管理信息库C、代理收集数据并更新MIBD、其格式由ISO制订正确答案:D10、在IPv4互联网中,如果需要指定一个IP数据报经过路由器的完整路径,那么可以使用的数据报选项( )。
因此,为传输报头所占用的网络带宽百分比为:nh/(nh+m)×100%3.对于带宽为4000Hz通信信道,如果采用16种不同的物理状态来表示数据,信道的信噪比S/N为30dB,按照奈奎斯特定理,信道的最大传输速率是多少?按照香农定理,信道的最大传输速率是多少?解答:因为30dB=10log10(S/N),所以S/N=1000;奈奎斯特定理:C=2Wlog2M=4000Xlog2X16=32000b/s香农公式:C=Wlog2(1+S/N)=4000Xlog2X1001=40 000b/s4.假设需要在相隔1000km的两地间传送3kb的数据。
⽹络⼯程计算机⽹络原理参考复习题四(有答案)_1 Which Layer 1 devices can be used to enlarge the area covered by a single LAN segment? (Select two)DEA. SwitchB. RouterC. NICD. hubE. RepeaterF. RJ-45 transceiver1.2 An ISDN link can be encapsulated using either PPP or HDLC. What are the advantages of using PPP? (Select two answer choices)BDA. PPP is easier to configure and maintain than HDLC.B. PPP is consistently implemented among different equipment vendors.C. PPP will run faster and more efficiently than HDLC on circuit-switched ISDN links.D. PPP authentication will prevent unauthorized callers from establishing an ISDN circuit.E. PPP can be routed across public facilities, while HDLC is not routable incircuit-switched networks.F. PPP supports asynchronous communication.3 Which of the following protocols operate at the 'Application layer' of the OSI model? (Select all valid answers) BCA. TCPB. TelnetC. FTPD. ARPE. IPF. None of the above4 Which three of the protocols below belong to the application layer? (Select three answer choices) BCEA. ARPB. HTTPSC. SMTPD. CDPE. TFTPF. ICMP5 In which Spanning-Tree states does a switch port learn MAC addresses? (Selecttwo)CDA. BlockingB. ListeningC. ForwardingD. LearningE. Relaying6 Which OSI layer is associated with the following: The acknowledgement of transmissions, sequencing, and flow control across a network? (choose one) CA. Layer 2B. Layer 3C. Layer 4D. Layer 5E. Layer 6F. Layer 77 Refer to the graphic. Two 2950 switches connect through ports Fa0/24 and a straight-through cable. Based on the output of the show cdp neighbor command from both switches and the information given, what can be concluded?A. Port Fa/24 on each switch must be configured in VLAN 1 in order for the switches tosee neighbor information.B. Port Fa0/24 on each switch must be configured as a trunk port in order for neighborinformation to be received.C. The switches are not cabled properly.D. An IP address needs to be assigned to both switches.E. VTP is incorrectly configured on switch TK1.8 Which of the protocols below, operates at Layer 2 of the OSI model, and is used to maintain a loop-free network?(choose one) BA. RIPB. STPC. IGRPD. CDPE. VTP9 You have set up an Internet based FTP server, where people can upload and download files. In terms of the OSI model, what is the highest layer used during the FTP sessions. AA. ApplicationB. PresentationC. SessionD. TransportE. InternetF. Data LinkG. Physical10 Four TestKing switches are connected together as shown in the diagram below:Study the Exhibit carefully. What is the purpose of the Spanning Tree Protocol thatis operating in the exhibited switch topology?BA. To elect a particular switch as backup designated switch.B. To have one active Layer 2 path through the switches network.C. To select the best path to a remote destination that is on a different network.D. To learn the MAC addresses of host attached to the switches network.E. To distribute VLAN configuration information throughout the switched network.11 Which OSI layer header contains the address of a destination host that is another network? EA. applicationB. presentationC. sessionD. transportE. networkF. data linkG. physical12 In the communications industry, what are the features and benefits of using the layered OSI model? (Select the two best answers) ADA. It encourages industry standardization by defining what functions occur at each layer of the model.B. It necessitates changes in functionality in one layer to other layers.C. It enables equipment efficiency from different vendors to use the same electronic components.D. It divides the network communication process into smaller and simpler components, thus aiding component development, design, and troubleshooting.E. It supports the evolution of multiple competing standards, and thus enhances business equipment manufacturing opportunities.13 Which of the statements below are true regarding the availability of bandwidth on a network? (Select all that apply.)CDA. Bandwidth availability is decreasing.B. Bandwidth availability is infinite.C. Bandwidth is used when analyzing network performance.D. Bandwidth availability is finite.E. Bandwidth availability is fixed.14 Which one of the following is the most commonly used layer 2 network device? CA. HubB. BridgeC. SwitchD. RouterE. RepeatersF. None of the above15. A Corporation office's network topology is shown in the diagram below:16 Host PC1 needs to communications with the e-mail server shown above. What address will be placed on the destination address field of the frame when it leaves host PC1?A. The MAC address of PC1B. The MAC address of switch Switch1C. The MAC address of the fa0/0 interface of the router.D. The MAC address of the Eth1/0 interface of the router.E. The MAC address of switch TestKing2F. The MAC address of the email server17. Which of the following layers of the TCP/IP model most closely corresponds to the network layer of the OSI model? BA. ApplicationB. InternetC. TransportD. NetworkE. Data Link18You have an Ethernet network. Which of the conditions below can lead to increasedcongestion on your network? (Select two answer choices)DFA. The use of Full-Duplex Mode.B. The Creation on New Collision Domains.C. The Creation on New Broadcast Domains.D. The Addition of Hubs to the Network.E. The use of switches in the Network.F. The Amount of ARP or IPX SAP Traffic.19 What is the purpose of the spanning-tree algorithm in a switched LAN?CA. To provide a monitoring mechanism for networks in switched environments.B. To manage VLANs across multiple switches.C. To prevent switching loops in networks with redundant switched paths.D. To segment a network into multiple collision domains.E. To prevent routing loops in networks.20 A Corporation LAN is displayed in the diagram below:21 Host B sends a frame to host C. What will the switch do with the frame?A. Drop the frameB. Send the frame out all ports except port 0/9C. Return the frame to host BD. Send an ARP request for host CE. Send an ICMP Host Unreachable message to Host BF. Record the destination MAC address in the switching table and send the frame directly to Host C22. The Corporation LAN consists of 6 switches connected together as shown in the diagram below:23 What is the name of the potential problem of this switch setup, and what protocolcan prevents its occurrence. (Select only one answer choice) FA. routing loops, hold down timersB. switching loops, split horizonC. routing loops, split horizonD. switching loops, VTPE. routing loops, STPF. switching loops, STP24 You have been contracted by TestKing to replace the network cabling of their LAN's. The System Administrator gives you specific instructions that he needs to use cabling in the LAN that is NOT susceptible to EMI.What kind of cable would you use to satisfy the administrator's needs?EA. Thicknet coaxial cable.B. Thinnet coaxial cable.C. Category 5 UTP cable.D. Category 5 STP cable.E. Fiber optic cable.F. All of the above25 . Which two of the following values does STP take into consideration when it elects the root bridge? (Select two answer choices) CEA. The BPDU version numberB. The access layer bridge settingC. The Bridge IDD. The spanning-tree update numberE. The bridge priorityF. The VLAN number26. Which one of the following actions would actually increase congestion on an Ethernet network? CA. Increasing the number of collision domains.B. Micro-segmenting the network.C. Adding hubs for connectivity to the network.D. Putting additional switches in the network.E. Implementing VLANs in the network.27 What is the IEEE standard associated with Gigabit Ethernet? (Select two answerchoices)CEA. 802.11B. 802.5C. 802.3abD. 802.3aeE. 802.3zF. 802.3u28. In a switched LAN network, what is the Spanning-Tree algorithm used for? CA. It is used to provide a mechanism for routing updates in switched environments.B. It is used to prevent routing loops in networks with redundant routes.C. It is used to prevent switching loops in networks with redundant switched routes.D. It is used to manage, the addition, deletion, and naming of VLANs across multiple switches.E. It is used to segment a network into multiple collision domains.F. None of the above.G. All of the above are functions of STP.29. On a half-duplex Ethernet LAN, two hosts attempt to send data simultaneously, resulting in a collision. Following this collision, what will the hosts do? (Select all valid answers) CA. The destination host sends a request to the source for retransmission.B. The hosts will attempt to resume transmission after a time delay has expired.C. The hosts will do nothing, as the higher layers are responsible for data error correction and re-transmission.30. Why is full-duplex Ethernet superior to its single-duplex counterpart? (Select two answer choices.) BDA. It uses inexpensive hubsB. It operates without collisionsC. It operates on switchesD. It provides faster data transferE. It utilizes fewer wiring pairs31 Which of the following statements correctly describe the differences between half-duplex and full-duplex Ethernet? (Select two answer choices.)BDA. Full-duplex Ethernet uses CSMA/CD to prevent collisions.B. Half-duplex Ethernet uses a loopback circuit to detect collisions.C. A full-duplex Ethernet card allows 20Mbps for data transmission.D. Full-duplex Ethernet makes use of two pairs of wires for data.E. An Ethernet hub can operate both half and full duplex simultaneously.32. Which of the following statements correctly describe the differences between half-duplex and full-duplex Ethernet? (Select two answer choices.) BDA. Full-duplex Ethernet uses CSMA/CD to prevent collisions.B. Half-duplex Ethernet need to detect collisions.C. An Ethernet hub can operate both half and full duplex simultaneously.D. Full-duplex Ethernet makes use of two pairs of wires for data.33. Which of the following processes, is used to find the hardware address of a LAN device? DA. Inverse-ARPB. Reverse-ARPC. Proxy ARPD. ARP34 What are the differences between full-duplex Ethernet and half-duplex Ethernet? (Select all that apply)ADA. Half-duplex Ethernet operates in a shared collision domain.B. Full-duplex Ethernet has a lower effective throughput.C. Half-duplex Ethernet operates in a private collision domain.D. Full-duplex Ethernet allows two-way communication.E. Half-duplex Ethernet operates in a private broadcast domain.35. Which IEEE standard is used to define Wi-Fi? EA. IEEE 802.3B. IEEE 802.5C. IEEE 802.16D. IEEE 802.8E. IEEE 802.1136. What does a Layer 2 switch use to decide where to forward a received frame? FA. source MAC addressB. source IP addressC. source switch portD. destination IP addressE. destination port addressF. destination MAC address37 When you compare the differences between half-duplex and full-duplex Ethernet,which of the following characteristics are exclusive to half-duplex? (Select two answer choices)ADA. Half-duplex Ethernet operates in a shared collision domain.B. Half-duplex Ethernet operates in an exclusive broadcast domain.C. Half-duplex Ethernet has efficient throughput.D. Half-duplex Ethernet has lower effective throughput.E. Half-duplex Ethernet operates in an exclusive collision domain.38. Assuming you build networks to exact specifications, what is the recommended maximum length a 10BaseT cable can be before it has to be segmented or repeated?AA. 100 metersB. 100 feetC. 100 yardsD. 200 meters39. Which of the following technologies can be used in distance vector routing protocols to prevent routing loops? (Select two) DEA. Spanning Tree ProtocolB. Shortest path first treeC. Link-state advertisements (LSA)D. Hold-down timersE. Split horizon40. The Sales and Production networks are separated by a router as shown in the diagram below:41 Which of the following statements most accurately describes the characteristics of the above networks broadcast and collision domains? (Select the two best answer choices) AFA. There are two broadcast domains in the network.B. There are four broadcast domains in the network.C. There are six broadcast domains in the network.D. There are four collision domains in the network.E. There are five collision domains in the network.F. There are six collision domains in the network.42 The Sales and Production networks are separated by a Testking router as shown in the diagram below:Which of the following statements most accurately describes the characteristics of the above networks broadcast and collision domains? (Select the two best answer choices)AFA. There are two broadcast domains in the network.B. There are four broadcast domains in the network.C. There are six broadcast domains in the network.D. There are four collision domains in the network.E. There are five collision domains in the network.F. There are seven collision domains in the network.43. Which statements are true regarding classless routing protocols? Select two.BEA. The use of discontiguous subnets is not allowedB. The use of variable length subnet masks is permittedC. RIP v1 is a classless routing protocolD. IGRP supports classless routing within the same autonomous systemE. RIP v2 supports classless routing44. Which of the addresses below is an example of a valid unicast address? AA. FFFF.FFFF.FFFFE. All of the above45. Some of the routers have been configured with default routes. What are some of the advantages of using default routes? (Choose two) BDA. They establish routes that will never go down.B. The keep routing tables small.C. They require a great deal of CPU power.D. The allow connectivity to remote networks that are not in the routing table.E. They direct traffic from the Internet into corporate networks.46 A trunk is configured between two Catalyst switches in the Testking network as shown in the diagram below:Based on the information above, how many broadcast domains exist in the diagram?CA. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. FourE. FiveF. Six47. What does a Layer 2 switch do if it receives a frame with a destination MAC address that is not found in its MAC address table? CA. The frame is dropped.B. The frame is addressed with a broadcast MAC address and sent out all ports.C. The frame is sent out all ports except the receiving port.D. An ARP request is sent out all ports except the receiving port.E. A destination unreachable message is sent back to the source address.F. None of the above.48. Which of the following protocols utilize UDP as the layer 4 transport mechanism? (Choose all that apply) DFA. TACACSB. TelnetC. SMTPD. SNMPE. HTTPF. TFTP49 What does a Layer 2 switch do if it receives a frame with a destination MAC address that is not found in its MAC address table?CA. The frame is dropped.B. The frame is addressed with a broadcast MAC address and sent out all ports.C. The frame is sent out all ports except the receiving port.D. An ARP request is sent out all ports except the receiving port.E. A destination unreachable message is sent back to the source address.F. None of the above.50. Part of the job as a network administrator is being able to make a distinction between routed protocols and routing protocols. Which of the following statements is true regarding them? (Choose all that apply) BCA. A routing protocol is assigned to an interface and determines the method of packet delivery.B. A routed protocol is assigned to an interface and determines the method of packet delivery.C. A routing protocol determines the path of a packet through a network.D. A routed protocol determines the path of a packet through a network.E. A routing protocol operates at the transport layer of the OSI model.F. A routed protocol updates the routing table of a router.51. Which protocol automates all of the following functions for hosts on a network: IP configuration, IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, and DNS server information? CA. CDPB. SNMPC. DHCPD. ARPE. DNSF. None of the above52 What does a Layer 2 switch use to decide where to forward a received frame?FA. source MAC addressB. source IP addressC. source switch portD. destination IP addressE. destination port addressF. destination MAC address53. Which one of the routing protocol below does NOT use a distance vector algorithm to calculate a route to a given destination? (Choose one answer) DEA. RIPB. IPX RIPC. IGRPD. OSPF54, When comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences between bridges and switches, which of the following are valid statements? Choose all the valid answer choices) BCA. Bridges are faster than switches because they have fewer ports.B. A switch is a multiport bridge,C. Bridges and switches learn MAC addresses by examining the source MAC address of each frame received.D. A bridge will forward a broadcast but a switch will not.E. Bridges and switches increase the size of a collision domain.F. None of the above statements are true.55 Non-contiguous networks can pose a problem for network reachability in certaincircumstances. Which of the following routing protocols have means of minimizing the risk? (Select three choices)BCEA. RIP v1B. RIP v2C. EIGRPD. IGRPE. OSPFF. VLSM56 routing protocols? (Choose all that apply.) ACEA. The exchange of an advertisement is triggered by a change in the network.B. All routers exchange routing tables with each other in a multipoint network.C. Packets are routed based upon the shortest path to the destination.D. Paths are chosen depending on the cost efficiency factor.E. Every router in an OSPF area is capable of representing the entire network topology.F. Only the designated router in an OSPF area can represent the entire network topology.57. What functions do routers perform in a network? (Choose two).ACA. Packet SwitchingB. Access Layer SecurityC. Path Selection.D. VLAN Membership Assignment.E. Bridging between LAN segments.F. Micro-segmentation of Broadcast Domains.58 Which of the following technologies can be used in distance vector routing protocols to prevent routing loops? (Select two)DEA. Spanning Tree ProtocolB. Shortest path first treeC. Link-state advertisements (LSA)D. Hold-down timersE. Split horizonF. VRP59. What are the different characteristics of distance vector and link state routing protocols? ADA. Distance vector protocols send the entire routing table to directly connected neighbors.B. Distance vector protocols are responsible for sending updates to all networks listed in the routing table.C. Link state protocols are responsible for sending the entire routing table to the whole network.D. Link state protocols send updates regarding their own links status to all other routers on the network.E. None of the above60. Which of one the following fields is contained within an IEEE Ethernet frame header? AA. source and destination MAC addressB. source MAC address and destination network address onlyC. source and destination network address onlyD. source network address and destination MAC addressE. source and destination MAC address and source and destination network address61 Which of the following statements describe the characteristic of link state routing protocols? (Choose all that apply.)ACEA. The exchange of an advertisement is triggered by a change in the network.B. All routers exchange routing tables with each other in a multipoint network.C. Packets are routed based upon the shortest path to the destination.D. Paths are chosen depending on the cost efficiency factor.E. Every router in an OSPF area is capable of representing the entire network topology.F. Only the designated router in an OSPF area can represent the entire network topology.62 . Which of the following statements are correct in regard to classless routing protocols? (Select two) BEA. Discontiguous subnets are not allowed.B. Variable length subnet masks are allowed.C. RIP v1 is a classless routing protocol.D. IGRP supports classless routing within the same autonomous system.E. RIP v2 supports classless routing.63. Which two of the addresses below are available for host addresses on the subnet (Select two answer choices) ACA. None of the above64. Which of the protocols below use TCP at the transport layer? (Select four) BDEFA. TFTPB. SMTPC. SNMPD. FTPE. HTTPF. HTTPS65. You have a Class C network, and you need ten subnets. You wish to have as many addresses available for hosts as possible. Which one of the following subnet masks should you use? CA. None of the above66 In EIGRP, what kind of route information is stored in RAM and maintained by way of hello packets and update packets? (Select two answer choices)ADA. Neighbor TableB. SRF TableC. RTP TableD. Topology TableE. Query TableF. Dual Table67 . A PC on a network segment sends data to another PC on a different segment. Which of the following correctly describe the correct order of how this data will be encapsulated? FA. Data, Frame, Packet, Segment, BitB. Data, Frame, Segment, Packet, BitC. Data, Packet, Frame, Segment, BitD. Data, Packet, Segment, Frame, BitE. Data, Segment, Frame, Packet, BitF. Data, Segment, Packet, Frame, Bit68. What is the subnet for the host IP address CA. A router receives a packet on interface The source IP of the packet is and the destination is will the router handle the packet? (Please be very careful) CA. The destination is a host on another subnet, so the router will not forward the packet.B. The destination is a host on the same subnet, so the router will forward the packet.C. The destination is a broadcast address, so the router will not forward the packet.D. The destination is a network address, so the router will forward the packet.70. Which one of the binary bit patterns below denotes a Class B address? BB. 10xxxxxxC. 110xxxxxD. 1110xxxxE. 11110xxx71 You are an administrator and you've just configured OSPF on a router with both physical and logical interfaces. Which of the following factors determine the router ID?CA. The lowest network number of any interface.B. The highest network number of any interface.C. The highest IP address of any logical interface.D. The middle IP address of any logical interface.E. The lowest IP address of any physical interface.F. The highest IP address of any physical interface.G. The lowest IP address of any logical interface.72. How many sub networks and hosts are available per subnet if you apply a /28 mask to the class C network? EA. 30 networks and 6 hosts.B. 6 networks and 30 hosts.C. 8 networks and 32 hosts.D. 32 networks and 18 hosts.E. 14 networks and 14 hosts.F. None of the above73. You have a class B network with a mask. Which of the statements below are true of this network? (Select all valid answers) DA. There are 256 usable subnets.B. There are 256 usable hosts per subnet.C. There are 50 usable subnets.D. There are 254 usable hosts per subnet.E. There are 24 usable hosts per subnet.F. There is one usable network.74 If the bandwidth of an OSPF interface is 64, what would be the calculated cost of the link?CA. 1C. 1562D. 64000E. 128000F. None of the above75. What is the subnet for the host IP address CB. None of the above76. You have a network that supports VLSM and you need to reduce IP address waste in your point to point WAN links. Which of the masks below would you use? BA. /38B. /30C. /27D. /23E. /18F. /3277 What are two characteristics of the OSPF process identifier? (Select two answerACchoices)A. It is needed to identify a unique instance of an OSPF database.B. It is an optional parameter only necessary if multiple OSPF processes are used.C. It is locally significant.D. It is globally insignificantE. All routers in the same OSPF area must have the same process ID to exchange routing information.78. You have a single Class C IP address and a point-to-point serial link that you want to implement VLSM on. Which subnet mask is the most efficient?DA. If an Ethernet port on router was assigned an IP address of, what is the maximum number of hosts allowed on this subnet? CA. 1024B. 2046C. 4094E. 819080 What kind of information does a router running a link-state routing protocol need to create and maintain its topological database? (Select two answer choices.)ACA. LSAs from other routersB. Beacons received on point-to-point linksC. hello packetsD. Routing tables received from neighborsE. SAP packets sent by other routersF. TTL packets from exclusive routers81. Which of the following IP addresses is a private IP address? Select all that apply. CEA. Given the choices below, which address represents a unicast address? EA. FFFF. FFFF. FFFF.C. The Corporation Texas branch network is displayed in the following diagram:Of the following choices, which IP address should be assigned to the PC host? CA. E. Which Layer 1 devices can be used to enlarge the area covered by a single LAN segment? (Select two) DEC. A. SwitchD. B. RouterE. C. NICF. D. hubG. E. RepeaterH. F. RJ-45 transceiver85 A RIP router has an entry in the routing table for a specific network destination. It then gets updated with another entry for that same destination, but with a higher path cost (hop count) than the one already in the routing table. What will the router do in this situation?AA. It will ignore the update and take no further action.B. It will add the update information to its routing table.C. It will replace the existing routing table entry with the update information.D. It will delete the existing routing table and will send out hello packets to rebuild the routing table.86. What is the IP address range for the first octet in a class B address, in binary form? CA. 00000111-10001111B. 00000011-10011111C. 10000000-10111111D. 11000000-11011111E. 11100000-11101111F. None of the above87 A new network has been configured using OSPF as the routing protocol. With which network type will OSPF establish router adjacencies but not perform the DR/BDR election process?AA. point-to-pointB. Backbone area 0C. Broadcast multicastD. Non-broadcast multi-accessE. The DR/BDR process is done for all interface types88. The network was subnetted using a /28 subnet mask. How many usable subnets and host addresses per subnet were created as a result of this? EA. 2 networks with 62 hostsB. 6 networks with 30 hostsC. 16 networks and 16 hostsD. 62 networks and 2 hostsE. 14 networks and 14 hostsF. None of the above89. The IP network is subnetted using a /24 mask. How many usable networks and host addresses can be obtained from this? AA. 1 network with 254 hostsB. 4 networks with 128 hostsC. 2 networks with 24 hosts。
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计算机网络试题和答案一、单项选择题1.属于传输层协议的是(C)A. IPB. ARPC. TCPD. RARP2.属于应用层协议的是(C)A. IPB. ARPC. HTTPD. RARP3. 交换机和网桥运行在OSI模型的哪一层?(B)A、物理层B、数据链路层C、网络层D、应用层4、将帧从除入站端口之外的所有端口发送出去被称为(B)。
A、enableB、conf tC、passwordD、hostname7、以下哪个命令可以在特权模式下使用?(C)A、设置端口IP地址B、配置特权模式加密口令C、查看当前配置文件D、修改主机名8、当交换机掉电时,(A)中的内容将全部丢失。
A、使用Console口本地配置B、通过Web浏览器配置C、使用AUX口远程配置D、使用TELNET远程配置15、下面哪条命令可以为serial0口设置时钟频率56kbps?(B)A、clockrate 56B、clock rate 56000C、set clockrate 56D、serial0 clockrate 5600016、在何种状态下可以为路由器改名(C)。
A、router#copy startup-config running-configB、router#copy startup-config TFTPC、router#copy running-config startup-configD、router>copy startup-config running-config18、下面哪一条命令是无效的?(A)A、router>show versionB、router#show running-configC、router#show startup-configD、router(config)#show RAM19、路由器1的S0/0口的IP地址如下图所示,请问下面哪条命令可以用于配置路由器2的S0/0口的IP地址?(B)A、router2(config-if)# ip address、router2(config-if)# ip address、router2(config-if)# ip address、router2(config-if)# ip address、在何种状态下可以为路由器设置静态路由?(C)A、普通模式B、特权模式C、全局模式D、接口模式21、下面哪条命令可以为某个路由器端口设置ip地址?(A)A、router(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnetmaskB、router(config)# ip routerC、router(config)# ip address ip-address subnetmaskD、router(config-if)# ip router22、下面哪条命令可以用来查看路由器的版本号?(D)A、show registerB、show flashC、show bootD、show version23、下面哪条命令可以设置路由器启用OSPF协议,并且设置它的进程ID为100?(A )A、Router (config)# router osfp 100B、Router (config)# router osfpC、Router (config)# enable osfp 100D、Router # router osfp 10024、下面哪一种路由协议不支持变长子网掩码?(B)A、RIP-2B、IGRPC、OSPFD、EIGRP25、rip最多支持的跳数为(C)。
A、8B、9C、15D、1626、下面哪个IP地址是保留地址,可在内部网络使用?(B)A、、、、、下面哪条命令是标准访问列表语句?(B)A、Access-list standard permit、Access-list 1 permit、Access-list 100 permit、Access-list 198 permit、标准访问列表的编号范围是(A)。
A、1 到99B、100 到199C、200到299D、300到39929、下面哪条命令可以查看所有的访问列表?(A)A、Router# show access-listsB、Router# show access-lists allC、Router# show all access-listsD、Router# show ip interface30、扩展访问列表的编号范围是(B)。
A、1 到99B、100 到199C、200到299D、300到39931、哪种NA T类型可以实现一对多的地址映射?(C)A、静态NATB、动态NATC、重载D、以上选项都不行32、在使用TCP/IP协议的网络中,当计算机之间无法访问或与Internet连接不正常时,在DOS状态下,我们常常使用(A)命令来检测网络连通性问题。
A、拒绝B、允许C、开始D、关闭11、下列关于访问列表的说法哪些是正确的(A B)?A、每一条正确的访问列表都至少应该有一条允许语句B、先创建访问列表,然后应用到端口上C、访问列表可以过滤由路由器自己产生的数据D、访问列表的编号指明了使用何种协议的访问列表第二部分:网络管理一、单项选择题1. 一台服务器中可以向外界同时提供的服务有(D)A. 一种B. 二种C. 三种D. 多种2. 下面有关IIS说法错误的是?(B)A. IIS安装完后,在磁盘上会自动建立一个WWWROOT目录,并在该目录下生成一个缺省的网页文件Default.htmB. 在发布一个网站的时候需要建立虚拟目录C.提供了下列功能组件:Internet服务,Internet服务管理器,Internet数据库连接器,密钥管理器D.可以用来当作DNS服务器使用3. Web页面通常利用超文本方式进行组织,这些相互链接的页面(D)。
A. 必须放置在用户主机上B. 必须放置在同一主机上C. 必须放置在不同主机上D. 既可以放置在同一主机上,也可以放置在不同主机上4. 当DNS服务器收到DNS客户机查询IP地址的请求后,如果自己无法解析,那么会把这个请求送给(B),继续进行查询。
A.DHCP服务器B.Internet上的根DNS服务器C.邮件服务器 D.打印服务器5. 在Internet上,广泛使用(D)来标识计算机。
A.P节点 B.NetBIOS名 C.域名 D.完全合格域名6. 在同一台DHCP服务器上,针对同一个网络ID号能够建立(A)个作用域。
A. 1B. 2C.3D. 多7. 如果希望局域网1中的DHCP服务器为局域网2中的DHCP客户机分配IP地址,则需要在局域网2中配置(D)。
.A. 远程访问服务B. DNS服务C. WINS代理D. DHCP中继代理8. 通常情况下当DHCP客户的IP地址租用期满后,客户机会(D)。
A. 继续使用该IP地址B. 使用专用IP自动编址C. 广播DHCPREQUEST消息请求续租D. 重新启动租用过程来租用新的IP地址9. DHCP服务器的作用是(A)。
A. 自动分配IP地址等配置B. 域名解析C. 解析IP地址D. 实现远程管理10. 要实现动态IP地址分配,网络中至少要求有一台计算机的网络操作系统中安装(B)。
A、DNS服务器B、DHCP服务器C、IIS服务器D、PDC主域控制器11. IIS服务器使用哪个协议为客户提供Web浏览服务(B)。