



3、下载driverPack MassStorage(SATA驱动包)
/DriverPacks/download.php?pag=m (在网页最后点“Download DriverPack MassStorage! ”即可下载,下载后默认名为“DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_901””,如遇升级该默认名会有所改变)
二 、集成SATБайду номын сангаас驱动过程
同样的方法解压Windows XP pro with sp3 VOL 微软原版到“Windows XP pro with sp3 VOL 微软原版”文件夹备用(解压的时候别删除原ISO文件)
集成完成后,在Windows XP pro with sp3 VOL 微软原版文件夹的目录中多了个OEM文件夹,这是集成的SATA驱动文件包。打开OEM文件夹,可见如图06.
3。然后运行UltraISO软件,在“文件”下拉菜单里点“打开”先前下载得到的Windows XP pro with sp3 VOL 微软原版ISO光盘镜像文件。此时,在“启动”下拉菜单里点“保存引导文件”,按弹出的对话框提示,把引导文件另存在桌面上(文件名随便)。接着把UltraISO软件关闭再重新运行UltraISO软件,然后把已经集成好的“Windows XP pro with sp3 VOL 微软原版”文件夹里面的全部文件和文件夹拖放到UltraISO界面上栏右边的大窗口里。再在“启动”下拉菜单里点“加载引导文件”,按照提示从桌面上选中刚才提取的引导文件,最后在“文件”下拉菜单中点“保存”,文件的位置和名字你随便取,这个要保存的文件就是集成了SATA驱动的Windows XP pro with sp3 VOL 微软原版镜像文件了。

08-第8章 信令数据

08-第8章 信令数据

目录第8章信令数据.....................................................................................................................8-18.1 背景知识.............................................................................................................................8-28.1.1 SIGTRAN协议........................................................................................................8-28.1.2 No.7信令.................................................................................................................8-48.1.3 V5接口协议.............................................................................................................8-78.1.4 DSS1信令...............................................................................................................8-88.1.5 掩码的概念..............................................................................................................8-88.2 配置M2UA数据.................................................................................................................8-98.2.1 配置概述..................................................................................................................8-98.2.2 增加内嵌式信令网关..............................................................................................8-118.2.3 增加M2UA链路....................................................................................................8-128.3 配置M3UA数据...............................................................................................................8-148.3.1 配置概述................................................................................................................8-148.3.2 增加M3UA本地实体.............................................................................................8-168.3.3 增加M3UA目的实体.............................................................................................8-178.3.4 增加M3UA附加选路业务(可选).......................................................................8-208.3.5 增加M3UA链路集.................................................................................................8-218.3.6 增加M3UA链路....................................................................................................8-238.3.7 增加M3UA路由....................................................................................................8-268.4 配置V5UA数据...............................................................................................................8-278.4.1 配置概述................................................................................................................8-278.4.2 增加内嵌式信令网关..............................................................................................8-288.4.3 增加V5UA链路集.................................................................................................8-298.4.4 增加V5UA链路.....................................................................................................8-308.5 配置IUA数据...................................................................................................................8-338.5.1 配置概述................................................................................................................8-338.5.2 增加内嵌式信令网关..............................................................................................8-348.5.3 增加IUA链路集.....................................................................................................8-358.5.4 增加IUA链路........................................................................................................8-368.6 配置MTP数据.................................................................................................................8-398.6.1 配置概述................................................................................................................8-398.6.2 增加MTP目的信令点............................................................................................8-418.6.3 增加MTP链路集...................................................................................................8-438.6.4 增加MTP链路.......................................................................................................8-448.6.5 增加MTP路由.......................................................................................................8-488.7 配置SCCP数据...............................................................................................................8-488.7.1 配置概述................................................................................................................8-488.7.2 增加SCCP远端信令点.........................................................................................8-508.7.3 增加SCCP子系统.................................................................................................8-528.7.4 增加新全局翻译码(可选)...................................................................................8-548.7.5 增加全局翻译码(可选).......................................................................................8-55 8.8 配置V5接口数据.............................................................................................................8-578.8.1 配置概述................................................................................................................8-578.8.2 增加V5接口..........................................................................................................8-598.8.3 增加V5变量(可选)...........................................................................................8-63 8.9 配置PRA链路数据..........................................................................................................8-648.9.1 配置概述................................................................................................................8-648.9.2 增加PRA链路.......................................................................................................8-66第8章信令数据本章所描述的信令数据主要包括M2UA数据、M3UA数据、V5UA数据、IUA 数据、MTP数据、SCCP数据、V5接口数据、PRA链路数据以及ISUP适配数据,配置信令数据必须在配置完硬件数据与媒体网关数据之后进行,如图8-1所示。





D4:與 戰 略 關 係
D5:SIPOC Analysis D6:y Defining
D7:y Situation D8:基線與目標設定 D9:Organization
D12:Project Schedule
Page 9
2P 鑒定
設計計算錯 誤導致I-Bus VR調不到 材料精度不 足導致Step Down不良 測試治具配 置不合理使 IC781不良
ECN 變更 VR260 VR261 ECN 變更 R701 R702
降低 Loss Time
柏拉圖 MSA 能力分析
設計問題 2P 鑒定 正態分析 方差分析 2t 鑒定 效果確認
發生在哪裡?發生在什麼位置? Where 地點、位置 S24線生產的相關機種,主要分布在HI、T/U、ASI、FI等段別; Extent 到底多嚴重?範圍有多廣? How Many/Much 最近四個月Base生產力僅為75.1%,造成其間生產83.106K的產品較BU2均值116.14%多投入了8649H人工工時,浪費大量的 範圍、程度 人力; 問題重 新陳述 流程 專案範圍 時程計劃 07/01'10~07/10'09 07/10'10~08/26'10 MSA,制程能力分析 /PFMEA/PROCESS MAPPING/C&E 矩陳 08/27'10~10/14'10 假設檢定、DOE、多變 量分析、相關分析、回 歸分析 10/15'10~11/21'10 田口/DOE/相關分析 11/22'10~12/20'10 SPC/SOP S24Base生產力僅為75.1%,造成人力、物力大量浪費,急需改善; H/I ---> T/U ---> Initial Test ---> ASI ---> Final Test ---> Packing S24線主生產線 定義 D 衡量 M 分析 A 改善 I 控制 C






















DCM4CHEE-ARC-5.10.4安装与配置指南目录一、安装资源准备 (3)1.1 资源说明 (3)1.2 资源下载 (3)1.3 安装路径 (3)二、环境变量设置 (4)三、安装步骤 (4)3.1 安装JDK Toolkit (4)3.1.1 下载安装包 (4)3.1.2 安装JDK (4)3.3.3 设置环境变量 (6)3.2数据库安装与初始化 (7)3.2.1 MySQL数据库安装 (7)3.2.2 初始化DCM4CHEE数据库 (9)3.3 安装LDAP服务器 (11)3.3.1 安装ApacheDS服务器并启动服务 (11)3.3.2 安装Apache Directory Studio管理工具 (13)3.6 配置LDAP服务器 (14)3.6.1 创建LDAP连接 (14)3.6.2 导入 LDAP模式 (16)3.6.3 修改LDAP分区信息(无需修改) (17)3.6.4 新建LDAP分区 (18)3.6.5 导入DCM4CHEE默认配置 (18)3.6.6 配置 Archive 的应用实体(AE Title) (19)3.6.7 配置DICOM存储路径 (21)3.7 设置WildFly 服务器 (21)3.7.1 安装WildFly服务器 (21)3.7.2 添加DCM4CHEE配置文件 (21)3.7.3 安装DCM4CHEE的JBOOS组件 (21)3.8 启动WildFly服务器 (23)3.8.1 启动WildFly服务器 (23)3.8.2 验证WildFly服务 (23)3.8.3 创建WildFly用户 (24)3.8.4 WildFly配置界面 (26)3.8.5 WildFly网络访问 (26)3.9 配置器数据源 (27)3.9.1 添加JDBC驱动 (27)3.9.2 创建数据源 (27)3.10 创建JMS 消息队列 (28)3.11 managed-executor-services配置 (29)3.12 设置Device Name名称 (30)3.13 部署DCM4CHEE ARCHIVE (30)3.13.1 部署与取消 (30)3.13.2 启动DCM4CHEE (30)3.13.3 验证DCM4CHEE (31)四、DCM4CHEE配置 (31)4.1 DCM4CHEE AEs 配置 (31)4.1.1 使用WEB UI配置 (31)4.1.2 使用LDAP配置 (31)4.2 远程应用实体(AE)配置 (32)4.2.1 通过WEB UI配置 (32)4.2.2 通过LDAP配置 (33)4.3 文件存储路径配置 (35)五、WildFly网络服务 (35)5.1 WildFly网络访问 (35)一、安装资源准备1.1 资源说明1.2 资源下载1.3 安装路径二、环境变量设置三、安装步骤3.1 安装JDK Toolkit3.1.1 下载安装包不管是32位还是64位Win7/Server系统,必须安装32位的JDK,JAI Image IO 1.2 作为JBOSS组件时不支持Win64位系统和Mac OS X系统,若安装成64位JDK,则WADO的图像解析将出现不支持图像解析器的问题。

TCL 通讯 S4108M S2916F1 S2924F1 网管型以太网交换机 说明书

TCL 通讯 S4108M S2916F1 S2924F1 网管型以太网交换机 说明书
2.2.1 交换机外观图 ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.2.2 交换机前面板 ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 交换机后面板 ......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.4 交换机端口 ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.2.5 LED 指示灯 ............................................................................................................................. 9 2.3 交换机安装步骤 .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.1 安装要点 ............................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.2 安装注意事项 ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.3.3 准备安装条件 ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.3.4 安装模块(选项) ............................................................................................................... 12 2.3.5 安装交换机 ........................................................................................................................... 12 2.3.6 交换机与电源的连接 ........................................................................................................... 13 2.3.7 交换机开机自检 ................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.8 网线连接 ............................................................................................................................... 14

IBM System x3850 X6 Server 配置指南说明书

IBM System x3850 X6 Server 配置指南说明书

3. Connect dark blue SAS cable Connect into dark blue port (SAS0) in PCIe slot 2 in Node0Connect into dark blue port in top IO Module (PORT 0)4. Connect light blue SAS cable Connect into light blue port (SAS1) in PCIe slot 9 in Node0 Connect into light blue port in bo�om IO Module (PORT 0)5. Connect dark red SAS cable Connect into dark red port (SAS1) in PCIe slot 2 in Node1 Connect into dark red port in top IO Module (PORT 1)6. Connect light red SAS cableConnect into light red port (SAS0) in PCIe slot 9 in Node1Connect into light red port in bo�om IO Module (PORT 1)Start - Compute NodesEnd - Storage ShelfStart - Compute Node0End - Compute Node17. Connect dark blue SAS cable Connect into dark blue port (SAS0) in PCIe slot 2 in Node1Connect into dark blue port in top IO Module (PORT 0)8. Connect light blue SAS cable Connect into light blue port (SAS1) in PCIe slot 9 in Node1Connect into light blue port in bo�om IO Module (PORT 0)9. Connect dark red SAS cable Connect into dark red port (SAS1) in PCIe slot 2 in Node0 Connect into dark red port in top IO Module (PORT 1)10. Connect light red SAS cableConnect into light red port (SAS0) in PCIe slot 9 in Node0Connect into light red port in bo�om IO Module (PORT 1)Start - Compute NodesEnd - Expansion ShelfStorage Expansion ShelfConnect into green port (PORT 2) in PCIe slot 1Connect into green port (PORT 2) in PCIe slot 12. Connect yellow SFP28 cableConnect into yellow port (PORT 1) in PCIe slot 1Connect into yellow port (PORT 1) in PCIe slot 181097Database Appliance X9-2-HA.Deploy and Con�gure the ApplianceOracle Database Appliance Deployment and User’s Guide for information about con�guring and deploying the appliance.To get started with your appliance, refer to the Oracle Database Appliance Welcome Kit at: h�p:///goto/oda/docsStart Up the SystemsConnect power to the power supply.Power on the storage shelf and optional storage expansion shelf using the ON/OFF switch on each power supply. The storage shelves must be fully powered on (their Power OK LED steady on) before a�empting to power on the host nodes. This can take several minutes depending on the number of drives installed.On each node, after the green SP OK LED (5) is steady ON, push the power bu�on (6).Wait for the green Power OK LED (7) to turn steady ON. The Power OK LED may blinkfor several minutes. Do not repeatedly push the power bu�ons.141233412131415125678910111718192016Power Supply (PS) 1 with fan modulePower Supply (PS) 1 status indicators: Service Required LED: amber, AC OK LED: green Power Supply (PS) 0 with fan modulePower Supply (PS) 0 status indicators: Service Required LED: amber, AC OK LED: greenPCIe card slot 1: Oracle Dual Port 25Gb Ethernet Adapter provides two ports with SFP28 connections for a private cluster interconnect between server nodesDescriptionPCIe card slot 2: provides two SAS3 connectors used to connect the servers to the storage shelf and the storage expansion shelf PCIe card slot 3: �ller panelPCIe card slot 4: �ller panel, or optional Oracle Dual Port 25Gb Ethernet Adapter, or optional Oracle Quad Port 10GBase-T Adapter For more information about Oracle Database Appliance, go to Oracle Technology Network:h�p:///technetwork/server-storage/engineered-systems/database-appliance/index.html For more information about deployment, go to: h�p:///goto/oda/docsYou can also scan the Quick Response Code with your mobile device to read the documentation.。



Lenovo DSS-G Model G260 产品指南说明书

Lenovo DSS-G Model G260 产品指南说明书

Figure 1. Lenovo DSS-G Model G260Lenovo Distributed Storage Solution for IBM Spectrum Scale (DSS-G) (System x based)Product Guide (withdrawn product)Lenovo Distributed Storage Solution for IBM Spectrum Scale (DSS-G) is asoftware-defined storage (SDS) solution for dense scalable file and objectstorage suitable for high-performance and data-intensive environments.Enterprises or organizations running HPC, Big Data or cloud workloads willbenefit the most from the DSS-G implementation.DSS-G combines the performance of the Lenovo x3650 M5 servers, LenovoD1224 and D3284 storage enclosures, and industry leading IBM SpectrumScale software to offer a high performance, scalable building block approach tomodern storage needs.Lenovo DSS-G is delivered as a pre-integrated, easy-to-deploy rack-level solution that dramatically reduces time-to-value and total cost ofownership (TCO). All DSS-G base offerings, except for the DSS-G100, arebuilt on Lenovo System x3650 M5 servers with Intel Xeon E5-2600 v4 seriesprocessors, Lenovo Storage D1224 Drive Enclosures with high-performance2.5-inch SAS solid-state drives, and Lenovo Storage D3284 High-DensityDrive Enclosures with large capacity 3.5-inch NL SAS HDDs. The DSS-G100base offering uses the ThinkSystem SR650 as the server with up to eightNVMe drives and no storage enclosures.Combined with IBM Spectrum Scale (formerly IBM General Parallel FileSystem, GPFS), an industry leader in high-performance clustered file system,you have an ideal solution for the ultimate file and object storage solution forHPC and BigData.Did you know?The DSS-G solution gives you the choice of shipping fully integrated into theLenovo 1410 rack cabinet, or with the Lenovo Client Site Integration Kit, 7X74,which allows you to have Lenovo install the solution in a rack of your ownchoosing. In either case, the solution is tested, configured, and ready to beplugged in and turned on; it is designed to integrate into an existinginfrastructure effortlessly, to dramatically accelerate time to value and reduceinfrastructure maintenance costs.Lenovo DSS-G is licensed by the number of drives installed, rather than thenumber of processor cores or the number of connected clients, so there are noadded licenses for other servers or clients that mount and work with the file system.Lenovo provides a single point of entry for supporting the entire DSS-G solution, including the IBM Spectrum Scale software, for quicker problem determination and minimized downtime.Figure 2. Lenovo System x3650 M5 (servers used in DSS-G solution only have two internal drives, for use as boot drives)Lenovo System x3650 M5 servers have the following key features:Superior system performance with two Intel Xeon E5-2690 v4 processors, each with 14 cores, 35 MB cache and a core frequency of 2.6 GHzDSS-G configurations of 128 GB, 256 GB, or 512 GB memory using TruDDR4 RDIMMs operating at 2400 MHzSpecial High Performance I/O (HPIO) system board and riser cards to maximize bandwidth to the high-speed network adapters, with two PCIe 3.0 x16 slots and five PCIe 3.0 x8 slots.Figure 3. Lenovo Storage D1224 Drive EnclosureLenovo Storage D1224 Drive Enclosures have the following key features:2U rack mount enclosure with 12 Gbps SAS direct-attached storage connectivity, designed toprovide simplicity, speed, scalability, security, and high availabilityHolds 24x 2.5-inch small form factor (SFF) drivesDual Environmental Service Module (ESM) configurations for high availability and performanceFlexibility in storing data on high performance SAS SSDs, performance-optimized enterprise SAS HDDs, or capacity-optimized enterprise NL SAS HDDs; mixing and matching drive types and form factors on a single RAID adapter or HBA to perfectly meet performance and capacity requirements for various workloadsSupport multiple host attachments and SAS zoning for storage partitioningFigure 4. Lenovo Storage D3284 External High Density Drive Expansion EnclosureLenovo Storage D3284 Drive Enclosures have the following key features:5U rack mount enclosure with 12 Gbps SAS direct-attached storage connectivity, designed for high performance and maximum storage density.Holds 84x 3.5-inch hot-swap drive bays in two drawers. Each drawer has three rows of drives, and each row has 14 drives.Supports high-capacity, archival-class nearline disk drivesDual Environmental Service Module (ESM) configurations for high availability and performance12 Gb SAS HBA connectivity for maximum JBOD performanceFlexibility in storing data on high performance SAS SSDs or capacity-optimized enterprise NL SAS HDDs; mixing and matching drive types on a single HBA to perfectly meet performance and capacity requirements for various workloadsFigure 5. Front view of the D3284 drive enclosureFigure 6. Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 serversLenovo System SR650 servers have the following key features needed for the DSS-G100 base configuration:The SR650 server features a unique AnyBay design that allows a choice of drive interface types in the same drive bay: SAS drives, SATA drives, or U.2 NVMe PCIe drives.The SR650 server offers onboard NVMe PCIe ports that allow direct connections to the U.2 NVMe PCIe SSDs, which frees up I/O slots and helps lower NVMe solution acquisition costs. DSS-G100 utilizes the NVMe drivesThe SR650 server delivers impressive compute power per watt, featuring 80 PLUS Titanium and Platinum redundant power supplies that can deliver 96% (Titanium) or 94% (Platinum) efficiency atFigure 7. DSS-G componentsSpecificationsThis section lists the system specifications of the components used in the Lenovo DSS-G offerings.x3650 M5 server specificationsSR650 server specificationsD1224 External Enclosure specificationsD3284 External Enclosure specificationsRack cabinet specificationsOptional management componentsx3650 M5 server specificationsThe following table lists the system specifications for the x3650 M5 servers used in the DSS-G configurations.Cooling N+1 redundant cooling with five hot-swap fans.Power supply Two redundant hot-swap 2214 W AC power supplies.Hot-swap parts ESMs, drives, sideplanes, power supplies, and fans.ManagementinterfacesSAS Enclosure Services, 10/100 Mb Ethernet for external management.Warranty Three-year customer-replaceable unit, parts delivered limited warranty with 9x5 next business day response.Service and support Optional warranty service upgrades are available through Lenovo: Technician installed parts,24x7 coverage, 2-hour or 4-hour response time, 6-hour or 24-hour committed repair, 1-year or 2-year warranty extensions, YourDrive YourData, hardware installation.Dimensions Height: 221 mm (8.7 in), width: 447 mm (17.6 in), depth: 933 mm (36.7 in)Maximumweight131 kg (288.8 lb)Power cords2x 16A/100-240V, C19 to IEC 320-C20 Rack Power CableFor more information about the Lenovo Storage Drive Expansion Enclosure, see the Lenovo Press product guide: https:///lp0513Rack cabinet specificationsThe DSS-G ships pre-installed in a Lenovo Scalable Infrastructure 42U 1100mm Enterprise V2 Dynamic Rack. The specifications of the rack are in the following table.Table 6. Rack cabinet specificationsComponent SpecificationModel1410-HPB (primary cabinet)1410-HEB (expansion cabinet)Rack U Height42UHeight Height: 2009 mm / 79.1 inchesWidth: 600 mm / 23.6 inchesDepth: 1100 mm / 43.3 inchesFront & Rear Doors Lockable, perforated, full doors (rear door is not split)Optional water-cooled Rear Door Heat Exchanger (RDHX)Side Panels Removable and lockable side doorsSide Pockets 6 side pocketsCable exits Top cable exits (front & rear)Bottom cable exit (rear only)Stabilizers Front & side stabilizersShip Loadable YesLoad Capacity for Shipping953 kg / 2100 lbMaximum Loaded Weight1121 kg / 2472 lbCluster networkThe Lenovo DSS-G offering connects as a storage block to the customer's Spectrum Scale cluster network using the high-speed network adapters installed in the servers. Each pair of servers has two or three network adapters, which are either Ethernet, InfiniBand or Omni-Fabric Architecture (OPA). Each DSS-G storage block connects to the cluster network.In concert with the cluster network is the xCAT management network. In lieu of a customer-supplied management network, the Lenovo DSS-G offering includes an x3550 M5 server running xCAT and a RackSwitch G7028 24-port Gigabit Ethernet switch.These components are shown in the following figure.Figure 8. Lenovo DSS-G storage blocks in a Spectrum Scale client networkPower distributionPower distribution units (PDUs) are used to distribute power from an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or utility power to the equipment within the DSS-G rack cabinet and to provide fault-tolerant power redundancy for high availability.Four PDUs are selected for each DSS-G configuration (except for the G201 configuration which uses two PDUs). The PDUs can be one of the PDUs listed in the following table.Table 18. PDU selectionPart number Feature code Description Quantity46M400258961U 9 C19/3 C13 Switched and Monitored DPI PDU4*71762NX N/A1U Ultra Density Enterprise C19/C13 PDU4** DSS G100 and G201 require only two PDUsEach server, switch and drive enclosure has two redundant power supplies, and each of two power supplies is connected to a separate PDU to support topologies with redundant AC power sources.Figure 9. Power distribution topologyConfiguration notes:Only one type of PDUs is supported in the DSS-G rack cabinet; different PDU types cannot be mixed within the rack.Power cables lengths are derived based on the configuration selected.PDUs have detachable power cords (line cords) and are country dependent.The following table summarizes the PDU specifications.TrademarksLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of Lenovo trademarks is available on the Web athttps:///us/en/legal/copytrade/.The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both:Lenovo®AnyBay®Lenovo ServicesRackSwitchServeRAIDSystem x®ThinkSystem®ToolsCenterTruDDR4XClarity®The following terms are trademarks of other companies:Intel® and Xeon® are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.Linux® is the trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.Microsoft® is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.Lenovo Distributed Storage Solution for IBM Spectrum Scale (DSS-G) (System x based) (withdrawn product)31。











三、结构与工作原理1、中央处理单元AMD 188EM为16位嵌入式CPU,它具有与速度快、数据处理能力强PC机的指令相兼容。



2、Flash ROM和RAMU11处安置一个32芯的插座应用于接插FLASH ROM(AMD 29F040)程序和数据芯片。

FLASH ROM中固化了32K的EMON86 V3.21和SYN的执行程序以及SYN程序所涉及的参数,在U10位置上焊接了一片628128 128K字节的RAM,该RAM主要用于程序的运行,和大量计算数据。

3、I/O端口SYN卡与BC的联系地址BASE 为板基地址由JP1决定(跳线连上为0,跳线断开为1),该地址的应用范围是0~13(10进制)。

BASE+0 是BC板读写命令和数据的端口。

BASE+1 是BASE+0RE=1 表示BASE+0中数据已更新,应该读去。

WE=1 表示BASE+0中数据已取走,可以写入新的数据。

BASE+3 为板的类型,ASS卡的类型值为37H。


定时器0中断定时1ms 采样2路AD值,并计算相位差。

外部中断INT0 与BC板通讯,数据输入中断外部中断INT1 与BC板通讯,数据输出中断外部中断INT2 选定的第一路交流量过零中断,并计算第一路交流量的周期。




下面是店铺给大家整理的dps什么意思,供大家参阅!dps的意思(base)DPS(DriverPacks Base),是一款用于向安装版系统中集成驱动的专用工具,支持2000/XP/2003。

整合工具DPS(DriverPacks Base),是一款用于向安装版系统中集成驱动的专用工具,支持2000/XP/2003。

相对于上一章 nLite提供的驱动整合功能,DPS 的功能更加专业。

DriverPacks 官方网站不仅提供驱动集成工具 DPS 的下载,而且提供十分完善的驱动包下载,其驱动包可谓是当今最为全面的。

驱动包DriverPacks 的驱动包共包括主板芯片、CPU、显卡、声卡、网卡、无线网卡、大容量磁盘控制器驱动,摄像头,USB,需要集成驱动的朋友可以根据DriverPacks 官方网站上提供的详细说明来下载并集成。







IGLOO2 HPMS AHB总线矩阵配置说明书

IGLOO2 HPMS AHB总线矩阵配置说明书

IGLOO2 HPMS AHB Bus Matrix ConfigurationIGLOO2 HPMS AHB Bus Matrix Configuration Table of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Configuration Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Arbitration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4A Product Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Customer Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Customer Technical Support Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Contacting the Customer Technical Support Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ITAR Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7IntroductionThe IGLOO2 System Builder automatically configures the memory mapping for you based on your selections of the memory to be used in the design. No user configuration of memory mapping isnecessary.You can use the HPMS AHB Bus Matrix configurator to configure the arbitration schemes. To configure the AHB Bus Matrix access options, use the Security tab in the System Builder (as shown in Figure 1). The values entered in the configurator will be loaded in the SYSREG block at power up or when the DEVRST_N external pad is asserted/de-asserted.In this document we provide a brief description of these options. For more details please refer to the Microsemi IGLOO2 Silicon User’s Guides .Figure 1 •Security Tab in IGLOO2 System Builder1 – Configuration OptionsArbitrationEach of the slave devices on the AHB bus matrix contains an arbiter. Arbitration is done at two levels. Atthe first level, the fixed higher priority masters are evaluated for any access request to the slave. At thesecond level, the remaining busses are evaluated in round robin fashion for any access request to theslave.Note that you can override the arbitration scheme dynamically in their run-time code on the fly. Thefollowing slave arbitration configuration parameters are user programmable registers in the SYSREGblock.You can configure the following parameters from the HPMS AHB Bus Matrix tab of HPMS Options.•Programmable weight - MASTER_WEIGHT0_CR and MASTER_WEIGHT1_CR are 5-bit programmable registers located in the SYSREG block that define the number of consecutivetransfers the weighted master can perform without being interrupted by a fixed priority master, orbefore moving onto the next master in the WRR cycle. The Round Robin Weight for each of theMasters is user-configurable for values between 1 and 32. The Default is 1 (Figure1-1).Figure1-1 • Programmable Weight Configuration•Programmable slave maximum latency - Slave maximum latency, ESRAM_MAX_LAT are 3-bit programmable registers located in the SYSREG block that decides the peak wait time for a fixed priority master arbitrating for eSRAM access while the WRR master is accessing the slave. After the defined latency period, the WRR master must re-arbitrate for slave access. Slave maximum latency can be configurable from 1 to 8 clock cycles (8 by default). ESRAM_MAX_LAT is only supported for fixed priority masters addressing eSRAM slaves; it has no effect on WRR masters.The system designer can use this feature to ensure the processor latency for accesses to eSRAM is limited to a defined number of clock cycles. This is to facilitate limiting the ISR latency for real- time-critical functions (Figure1-2).Figure1-2 • Programmable Slave Maximum Latency ConfigurationA – Product SupportMicrosemi SoC Products Group backs its products with various support services, including CustomerService, Customer Technical Support Center, a website, electronic mail, and worldwide sales offices.This appendix contains information about contacting Microsemi SoC Products Group and using thesesupport services.Customer ServiceContact Customer Service for non-technical product support, such as product pricing, product upgrades,update information, order status, and authorization.From North America, call 800.262.1060From the rest of the world, call 650.318.4460Fax, from anywhere in the world, 408.643.6913Customer Technical Support CenterMicrosemi SoC Products Group staffs its Customer Technical Support Center with highly skilledengineers who can help answer your hardware, software, and design questions about Microsemi SoCProducts. The Customer Technical Support Center spends a great deal of time creating applicationnotes, answers to common design cycle questions, documentation of known issues, and various FAQs.So, before you contact us, please visit our online resources. It is very likely we have already answeredyour questions.Technical SupportVisit the Customer Support website (/soc/support/search/default.aspx) for moreinformation and support. Many answers available on the searchable web resource include diagrams,illustrations, and links to other resources on the website.WebsiteYou can browse a variety of technical and non-technical information on the SoC home page, at/soc.Contacting the Customer Technical Support CenterHighly skilled engineers staff the Technical Support Center. The Technical Support Center can becontacted by email or through the Microsemi SoC Products Group website.EmailYou can communicate your technical questions to our email address and receive answers back by email,fax, or phone. Also, if you have design problems, you can email your design files to receive assistance.We constantly monitor the email account throughout the day. When sending your request to us, pleasebe sure to include your full name, company name, and your contact information for efficient processing ofyour request.The technical support email address is **********************.© 2012 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Microsemi Corporation (NASDAQ: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor solutions for: aerospace, defense and security; enterprise and communications; and industrial and alternative energy markets. Products include high-performance, high-reliability analog and RF devices, mixed signal and RF integrated circuits, customizable SoCs, FPGAs, and complete subsystems. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, Calif. Learn more at .Microsemi Corporate HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996My CasesMicrosemi SoC Products Group customers may submit and track technical cases online by going to My Cases .Outside the U.S.Customers needing assistance outside the US time zones can either contact technical support via email (**********************) or contact a local sales office. Sales office listings can be found at /soc/company/contact/default.aspx.ITAR Technical SupportFor technical support on RH and RT FPGAs that are regulated by International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), contact us via ***************************. Alternatively, within My Cases , select Yes in the ITAR drop-down list. For a complete list of ITAR-regulated Microsemi FPGAs, visit the I TAR web page.。






点Download DriverPack BASE!就能下载到最新版本的DPS了。




首先我们来看官方驱动包:如果你对驱动包不是很熟悉,我建议你直接下载官方的驱动包.官方驱动包列表以及说明: DriverPack Chipset:常见的主板驱动包DriverPack CPU:AMD K8系列的CPU驱动包DriverPack Graphics A :支持 ATI Radeon 系列和 nVidia GeForce 及GeForce Go 系列显卡驱动包DriverPack Graphics B :主要包含一些老的以及市面比较少见的显卡驱动DriverPack Graphics C:专业级别的ATI和nVidia Quadro 系列GPU驱动DriverPack LAN:网卡驱动包DriverPack MassStorage :大容量存储设备驱动包,包含PATA, SATA, SCSI, RAID. DriverPack Sound A :声卡驱动包因为体积关系分为 A 和 B 两部分DriverPack Sound B :声卡驱动包因为体积关系分为 A 和 B 两部分DriverPack WLAN :无线网络设备驱动包。







其实,只要我们细心一点、耐心一点,就完全可以DIY一张集成SATA驱动的XP SP3系统光盘,就可以在任一串口硬盘上顺利安装XP SP3系统。

现以图详解如何在在XP SP3系统光盘中集成SATA驱动,供朋友们参考。

一、准备工作1、如果手上有一张正版的XP XP3系统盘,把盘内的文件复制到任一硬盘任一文件夹下。

笔者以联想XP SP3 OEM系统光盘为例,将光盘镜像文件复制到F:盘的。

注:如果手上没有LENOVO XP SP3 ISO文件,可以自己集成或者从网络资源中下载,但目前网络资源中的ISO文件大部分是网友自己集成的,与其用这种让人不放心的ISO文件,还不如自己集成LENOVO XP SP3 ISO文件。

方法请参考《征文:简单五步制作完美的联想OEM XP SP3系统光盘》2、下载DPs_BASE_8.12.4(集成SATA驱动的主程序)下载地址:/BASE/DPs_BASE_8124.exe2009年9月8日更新版本: DriverPacks BASE 8.12.5下载地址:/applications/driverpacks-base/DPs_B ASE_8125.exe3、下载driverPack MassStorage9.01(SATA驱动包,最新版本9.01)下载地址:/xp/x86/DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_9 01.7z这个driverpack massstorage里面包含有我们要添加的SATA驱动。

4、载Ultraiso(软碟通)下载及使用方法请参考《软碟通UltraISO V9.2.0简体中文版下载及注册码》二、集成SATA驱动详细过程1、复制Windows XP光盘里的文件至硬盘,比如F:LENOVO xp sp3 OEM。




下载需要集成的驱动包,拷贝到Dps_base的DiverPacks文件夹下,启动Dps_base. 3.选择语言,简体中文。




这里是D:/XP, 点击下一步。









滨江学院《Web技术与应用》课程设计题目航空公司信息管理系统院系计算机系年级班级10软工3班学生姓名吴天娇学号20102344920学期2012-2013(2)任课教师陈瑶航空公司信息管理系统1 引言随着中国经济的高速发展,我国航空业迅速起飞,对民航售票系统的需求也越来越高。




2 系统设计2.1 需求分析本说明文主要针对实现航空管理系统,包括舱位信息的输入和修改,客机信息的输入、修改和查询,航线信息的输入、修改和查询,航空公司信息的输入、修改,用户信息的输入、修改和查询,用户留言的输入和修改,订票信息的输入、查询和修改等功能模块。

2.2 功能分析(1)功能需求航空公司信息管理系统采用B/S模式,包括用户信息的管理,对机票的预订、退订管理。







  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。





其实,只要我们细心一点、耐心一点,就完全可以DIY一张集成SATA驱动的XP SP3系统光盘,就可以在任一串口硬盘上顺利安装XP SP3系统。

现以图详解如何在在XP SP3系统光盘中集成SATA驱动,供朋友们参考。

1、如果手上有一张正版的XP XP3系统盘,把盘内的文件复制到任一硬盘任一文件夹下。

笔者以联想XP SP3 OEM系统光盘为例,将光盘镜像文件复制到F:盘的。

注:如果手上没有LENOVO XP SP3 ISO文件,可以自己集成或者从网络资源中下载,但目前网络资源中的ISO文件大部分是网友自己集成的,与其用这种让人不放心的ISO文件,还不如自己集成LENOVO XP SP3 ISO文件。

方法请参考《征文:简单五步制作完美的联想OEM XP SP3系统光盘》
2009年9月8日更新版本: DriverPacks BASE 8.12.5
/applications/driverpacks-base/DPs_B ASE_8125.exe
3、下载driverPack MassStorage9.01(SATA驱动包,最新版本9.01)
/xp/x86/DP_MassStorage_wnt5_x86-32_9 01.7z
这个driverpack massstorage里面包含有我们要添加的SATA驱动。

下载及使用方法请参考《软碟通UltraISO V9.2.0简体中文版下载及注册码》
1、复制Windows XP光盘里的文件至硬盘,比如F:LENOVO xp sp3 OEM。


在F盘里新建一个目录(如F:DriverPacks),把下载的DriverPacks BASE文件放进去,双击即可把所有程序文件自动解压到该目录下,然后把DrivePacks文件移到另一个硬盘(如D盘的常用软件文件夹里备用)。

3、把DriverPack MassStorage的7zip格式压缩包放到


4、运行E:DriverPacks DPs_BASE.exe。


选择Chinese (Simplified),然后点下另边的APPLY按钮,就进入简体中文界面了。


F:LENOVO xp sp3 OEM目录,确定。



6、在“设置-驱动包”中选中“DriverPack MasStorage 8.0”。


方式1虽然比较正统,但是会受到Win dows安装程序检索文件夹数量的限制,导致有部分驱动可能无法被载入。



10、点击“整合”按钮,程序会自动把驱动整合进Windows XP安装目录里。


集成完成后,在F:LENOVO xp sp3 OEM目录中多了个OEM文件夹,这是集成的SATA驱动文件包。

至此,我们已在MSDN xp sp3 VOL集成了SATA驱动了。


三、封装、刻录可光盘启动的XP SP3系统
1、打开UltraISO软件,在“文件”下拉菜单里点“打开”,导入一个我们从网络资源中下载的LENOVO XP SP3 或者任一XP SP3零售版、VOL的镜像文件(ISO文件也可,光盘镜像文件也可)。


当然,我们手中已有一张原版的WindowsXP sp2光盘也行,直接在“启动光盘”下拉菜单里点“从CD/DVD提取引导文件”,也能提取一个引导文件。

3、把F:LENOVO xp sp3 OEM目录下的全部文件和文件夹拖放到上栏右边的窗口,在“启动光盘”下拉菜单里点“加载引导文件”,按照提示从桌面上把
刚才提取的引导文件加载到集成了SATA驱动程序的LENOVO xp sp3 OEM镜像文件里。


这样,一个集成SATA驱动程序的LENOVO xp sp3 OEM系统就做好了,接下来就上刻录成光盘在联想电脑上测试了。
