



literature正确用法(原创实用版)目录1.文学作品的重要性2.literature 的含义和用法3.literature 的例句4.如何正确使用 literature正文1.文学作品的重要性文学作品是人类文化遗产中不可或缺的一部分,它们反映了人类的思想、情感和价值观。


2.literature 的含义和用法"literature"这个词汇在英语中是指文学作品,包括小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文等。



3.literature 的例句- Shakespeare"s plays are considered great literature.(莎士比亚的剧本被认为是伟大的文学作品。

)- The professor teaches a course on American literature.(这位教授教授一门美国文学课程。

)4.如何正确使用 literature当我们谈论文学作品时,可以使用"literature"这个词汇。

例如,我们可以说"I enjoy reading classic literature"(我喜欢阅读经典文学作品)。

此外,当我们研究文学作品时,也可以使用"literature",例如,我们可以说"I am studying English literature"(我在研究英国文学)。



It may not be great literature but it certainly had me riveted!
1、literature review文献回顾;文献综述;文献评论
2、literature and art文艺;文学与艺术
3、english literature英国文学;英语文化
4、contemporary literature现代文学
5、comparative literature比较文学
It is not only literary, but also ontological.

The people in my town are all literate.我们镇上的人都是受过教育的。


1 Introduction to literature
1.1 Nature of literature
What is literature? There have been various attempts to define literature. Many books have been written about introduction to literature, and there have been many answers to the question what is literature.
→ In the widest sense literature is just about
anything written.
→ But in the more specialized sense of the word,
literature is the art that uses language as a medium.
• Literature helps us to better understand the nature of the real. Readers find meanings in the work or read for a sense of what an aspect of life means to the writer, but they also take delight in the way that the work has been constructed, take delight in the performance in words. • E.g. “I kiss you ere I kill you.” (Othello)

what is literature

what is literature

What is Literature?
• 3. Literature is any kind of writing which for some reason or another somebody values highly.
——Terry Eagleton, Literary Theory: An Introduction

4. Literature is “full, central, immediate human experience”, usually with an associated reference to “minute particulars”, consists in the “concrete achievements of many particular great works”. 5. Literature is actually “the process and the result of formal composition within the social and formal properties of a language.”
What is Literature?
September 20
What is Literature?
There have been several attempts to define it, but all of them are problematic: • 1. “imaginative writing in the sense of fiction——writing which is not literary true. • 2. Literature is a kind of writing which represents an “organized violence commited on ordinary speech” (Russian critic Roman Jakobson), which transforms and intensifies ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech, and deforms, defamiliarizes or estranges ordinary language in various ways.







短语搭配:classical music古典乐。

classical economics古典经济学。

classical literature古典文学。

双语例句:1、His music of that period fused the rhythms of Jazz with classical forms.他那个时期的音乐将爵士乐的韵律和古典音乐的形式融合在了一起。

2、His music fused the rhythms of jazz with classical forms.他的音乐把爵士乐的节奏和古典乐的形式结合在了一起。




语法:用法示例:She is fond of polite literature.她喜爱风雅文学。

He destroyed feudal ideas in literature.他摧毁了文学中的封建思想。

相关词组:appreciate〔create, criticize〕 literature 欣赏〔创作,评论〕文学作品。

love〔study, teach〕 literature 喜爱〔研究,教授〕文学。

ancient〔classical, current, folk〕 literature 古代〔古典,当代,民间〕文学。

voluminous literature 长篇文学,大量的文献。

Renaissance literature 文艺复兴时期的文学。

schools of literature 文学流派。

what is literature -文学意义

what is literature -文学意义

• --read aesthetically • --intended by the author to be read aesthetically • --contain many weak applicatures (deliberately open in interpretation) Jim Meyer (1997) Meyer, Jim. 1997. "What is literature? A definition based on prototypes." Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota 41: [33-42].
The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)
• 1. historical background • Three conquests: Roman conquest in 43 AD; Anglo-Saxon conquest in 449; Norman conquest in 1066 • 43 AD, Roman conquered Britain ,making the latter a province of Roman Empire; the withdrawal of Roman troops ,the Teutonic tribes, esp., the Anglos conquered the island and called it Angle-land, then England, their language is Anglo-Saxon old English.
• Whatever critical paradigm (批评的范 式/样式) we use to discuss and analyze literature, there is still an artistic quality to the works. Literature is important to us because it speaks to us, it is universal, and it affects us. Even when it is ugly, literature is beautiful. 3



literary和literature区别(精选1篇)literary和literature区别1例句:She has very eclectic tastes in literature.她在文学方面的'兴趣非常广泛。

She has published more than20books including novels,poetry and literary criticism.她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。

literary和literature区别(精选1篇)扩展阅读literary和literature区别(精选1篇)(扩展1)——Literary Giant:Theodore Dreiser(精选1篇)Literary Giant:Theodore Dreiser1Literary Giant:Theodore Dreiser[1][2][3][4][5][6]literary和literature区别(精选1篇)(扩展2)——What is Literary Writing?(精选一篇)What is Literary Writing?1What is Literary Writing?Literary works are primarily distinguishable from other pieces of writing by their creative,or artistic intent.A piece of literature differs from a specialised treatises on astronomy,political economy,philosophy,or even history,in part because it appeals,not to a particular class of readers only,but to men and women;and in part because,while the object of the treatiseis simply to impart knowledge,one ideal end of the piece of literature,whether it also imparts knowledge or not,is to yield aesthetic satisfaction by the manner of which it handles its theme.The writer of this passage emphasises the distinction between writing of didactic purpose and literary writing which has that other, aesthetic,dimension.In fundamental terms literature is'an expression of life through the medium of language',but languageused more profoundly than when used simply to convey information.The following two extracts,for example,both describing onepartner's response to marital problems,are different in both their form and their intent:Many critics date the crumbling of their marriage back to that unfortunate episode,but David was delighted when he heard that Lynne had produced a daughter from her marriage to an American doctor.AndHer writing hand stopped.She sat still for a moment;then she slowly turned in her chair and rested her elbow on its curved back.Her face, disfigured by her emotion,was not a pretty sight as she stared at my legs and said..The first piece,from a newspaper,gives a typical tabloid account of a broken marriage.It plainly states the position of the two parties involved,(but with an attitude akin to'gossip').The tone of the second piece is less factual and more deive.Here the writer is sets out to depict a particular scene,that of a woman distressed by the discovery of some unsavoury information concerning her husband,and employs such devices as the use of emotive words,such as'disfigured',the gradual increase of dramatic tension,'slowlyturned in her chair',and then in the last line a humorous deflationof this tension,'her face...was not a pretty sight'.The author shows a mixture of intentions here,the structure and the use of language showing a different approach and purpose to the firstpiece's straightforward account of the everyday world.In contrast to such a plain factual account-Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life;what they have experienced of it,what they have thought and felt about those aspects of it which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us.So literary writing,having creative and artistic intent,is more carefully structured and uses words for the rhetorical effect oftheir flow,their sound,and their emotive and deive qualities. Literary writers can also employ tone,rhyme,rhythm,irony,dialogue and its variations such as dialects and slang,and a host of other devices in the construction of a particular prose work,poem,or play.All fiction is a kind of magic and trickery,a confidence trick,trying to make people believe something is true that isn't.And the novelist,in a particular,is trying to convince the reader that heis seeing society as a whole.Literary writing is,in essence,a'response',a subjective personal view which the writer expresses through his themes,ideas,thoughts, reminiscences,using his armoury of words to try to evoke,or provoke, a response in his is not only a question of the artist looking into himselfbut also the of his looking into others with the experience he has of himself.He writes with sympathy because he feels that the other manis like him.In Welsh Hill Country,R.S.Thomas conveys his response to a landscape:Too far for you to seeThe fluke and the foot-rot and the fat maggotGnawing the skin from the small bones,The sheep are grazing at Bwlch-y-Fedwen,Arranged romantically in the usual mannerOn a bleak background of bald stone.Here the powerful evocation of desolation,of the stark brutality, even indifference,of the countryside is captured by Thomas through a pointed use of language which also conveys his grim mood.In contrast,Keat's To Autumn conveys a soft,sensuous depiction of this season which captured his imagination:Season of mists and mellow fruitfulnessClose bosom-friend of the maturing sun;Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run;Both these extracts show a creative,imaginative response to a particular scene,and show contrasting ways in which a poet can use diction to capture his mood and provoke a reaction in the reader. Devices such as rhyme,rhythm,alliteration,and assonance combine to form a structure of mood,a structure recognisably literary....apart from the precise mixture of certainty and hesitation in the poet's mind,one of the sovereign gestures of art is to make the ideal real,and to project a dim impersonal awareness onto astructure of definite invention.Literature is a process of communication,it'helps us to understand life'.Perhaps we should also consider the motivation of the writer as a factor which distinguishes literary from other forms of writing.The writer's motivation is the energy that pulls together the strands of his creativity in the shaping of the finished work.Ernest Hemingway gives his reasons for writing:From things that had happened and from things as they exist and from all things that you know and all those you cannot know,you make something through your invention that is not a representation but a whole new thing truer than anything true and alive,and if you makeit well enough,you give it immortality.That is why you write andfor no other reason that you know of.Georges Simenon puts forward the idea of therapeutic value,a search for self:I think that if a man has the urge to be an artist,it is because he needs to find himself.Every writer has to find himself through his characters,through all his writing.Philip Larkin gives his reasons for writing poems as a need'to preserve things I have seen/thought/felt(if I may so indicate a composite and complex experience)both for myself and for others'.Here,in The Whitsun Weddings,his motive was to capture his response to a view seen from a train:As if out on the end of an eventWaving goodbyeTo something that survived it.Struck,I leantMore promptly out next time,more curiously,And saw it all again in different terms:The fathers with broad belts under their suitsAnd seamy foreheads;mothers loud and fat;An uncle shouting smut;and then the perms,The main impetus behind Edward Thomas's No One So Much as You,is to describe his experience of love:No one so much as youLoves this my clay,Or would lament as youIts dying dayWhile the motive behind Andrew Young's,On the Prospect of Death,is self-evident.If it should come to thisYou cannot wake me with a kissThink I but sleep too lateOr once again keep a cold angry statePersonal motivation is an essential characteristic of literary writing.It is the engine behind creativity,and the last twoextracts provide examples of some of the great themes which occur again and again,not only in literary writing,but in all the aliterary和literature区别(精选1篇)(扩展3)——literate和literary的区别合集一篇literate和literary的区别1She's the literary editor of the'Sunday Review'.她是《星期天评论》的文学编辑。






She is fond of polite literature.她喜爱风雅文学。

He destroyed feudal ideas in literature.他摧毁了文学中的封建思想。

appreciate〔create, criticize〕literature 欣赏〔创作,评论〕文学作品。

love〔study, teach〕literature 喜爱〔研究,教授〕文学。

ancient〔classical, current, folk〕literature 古代〔古典,当代,民间〕文学。

voluminous literature 长篇文学,大量的文献。

Renaissance literature 文艺复兴时期的文学。

schools of literature 文学流派。

literature about〔on〕有关…的文献〔作品〕。

what is literature

what is literature

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2003):
Books, plays, poems etc that people think are important and good 文学(作品)
The English-Chinese Dictionary (Unabridged) (1993):
--read aesthetically --intended by the author to be read
aesthetically --contain many weak applicatures
(deliberately open in interpretation) Jim Meyer (1997)
Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, it is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.
The role of literature
赵炎秋:《文学何为?》(《益阳师专学报》2001 年02期)
“讨论文学的作用应有个基本出发点:即这个作 用是文学的本质作用,是文学对人与人类社会 的作用,是人类需要的不可缺少的作用。从这 个角度来看,目前流行的关于文学作用的三种 主要看法,即寓教于乐说、情感说、颠覆语言 说,便存在一定的问题。文学的主要作用有以 下三点:它是人类掌握世界的一种方式;它凝 集人类生活的片断;它是人类本质力量对象化 的一个重要方面。”



英[ˈlɪtrətʃə(r)] 美[ˈlɪtrətʃər]
记忆技巧:liter 文字,字母+ ature 与行为有关之物→文学literature是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“文学;文献;文艺;著作”。

Chinese Literature 中国文学; 中国语言文学; 中华文学; 华文文学
Comparative Literature [语] 比较文学; 比较文学系; 比较语言学; 对比文学
electronic literature 网络文学; 电子文学; 电子文献
Modernist literature 现代主义文学; 主义文学; 现代派文学
irish literature 爱尔兰文学; 爱尔兰的文学
Tibetan literature 藏族文学; 藏文文献
argentine literature 阿根廷文学; 详细翻译
Serbian literature 塞尔维亚文学
Ukrainian literature 乌克兰文学
How should we read literature?
He knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it.他通晓有关文学的一切,就是不知怎样去欣赏它。

How do you like our English literature Prof . ?







常见搭配有:English literature(英国文学)、American literature (美国文学)、world literature(世界文学)、classic literature(经典文学)等。

1.She has a deep understanding of Chinese literature.

2.The course covers a wide range of English literature.

3.He is a professor of world literature at the university.

4.The library has a large collection of classic literature.

5.I enjoy reading American literature in my free time.




1.fiction: 小说,虚构文学作品
2.poetry: 诗歌,诗歌文学作品
3.drama: 戏剧,戏剧文学作品
4.prose: 散文,非诗歌形式的文学作品
5.novel: 小说,长篇故事性文学作品
6.short story: 短篇小说
7.essay: 散文,短篇散文性质的文学作品
8.literary criticism: 文学评论,对文学作品的分析和评价
9.genre: 文学体裁,文学作品的分类 文学经典,被普遍认为具有代表性和价值的文学作品集合



literature作文英语Literature is a vast and diverse field that encompasses a wide range of written works, from poetry and novels to plays and essays. It is a powerful medium that allows authors to express their thoughts, emotions, and perspectives on the world around them. Through literature, we can gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and explore the complexities of the human condition.One of the primary functions of literature is to provide a platform for self-expression. Authors use their writing to explore their own personal experiences, ideas, and beliefs, and to share them with the world. Whether it is a classic novel that delves into the depths of the human psyche or a collection of poems that captures the beauty and fragility of life, literature allows authors to give voice to their unique perspectives and experiences.In addition to its role as a vehicle for self-expression, literature also serves as a means of cultural preservation and transmission. Throughout history, literature has been used to document and preserve the stories, traditions, and values of various cultures and civilizations. From the epic poems of ancient Greece to the folk tales of indigenous communities, literature has played a crucial role inpassing on cultural knowledge and heritage from one generation to the next.Moreover, literature can be a powerful tool for social and political change. Many authors have used their writing to challenge the status quo, to expose social injustices, and to advocate for change. From the revolutionary writings of Frantz Fanon to the powerful poetry of Maya Angelou, literature has been a powerful force in the fight for equality, freedom, and social progress.One of the most remarkable aspects of literature is its ability to transcend the boundaries of time and space. Regardless of when or where a work of literature was written, it can still resonate with readers across the globe, speaking to the universal human experiences that we all share. Whether it is a classic novel that has been read and studied for generations or a contemporary work that captures the zeitgeist of our times, literature has the power to connect us to one another and to the broader human experience.In conclusion, literature is a rich and multifaceted field that offers countless opportunities for exploration, self-expression, and cultural exchange. Whether we are delving into the pages of a classic novel or discovering a new and innovative work of literature, we can always find something to captivate, inspire, and challenge us. By engaging with literature, we can not only deepen our understanding of theworld around us but also cultivate a greater appreciation for the power of the written word.。

单词辨义 lecture,literature

单词辨义 lecture,literature

lecture、literature、literary、liberate、liberal,liberty 易混词
英语中有许多拼读起来很相近的词,例如lecture、literature、literary、liberate、liberal,liberty 等等。

看到很容易搞混,lecture和其它的区别还大一点,意思是演讲,讲稿,可以做动词(verb),也可以是名词(noun);He have to lecture on the stage,although he is afraid of his stammer(口吃)。

Literature 文学、文献、文艺。


If a graduate want to press high-level papers, he or her must read a lot of relevant literature.

例如最近都不怎么赚钱的literary film,文艺片(冯导Only Cloud Knows)。

Liberate 大家都知道是动词解放,释放。

Liberate thoughts,解放思想(这个太重要了),It is considerably important to liberate thoughts.
Liberal 是形容词形式,自由的,开明的,liberal view,当然还有名词形式,liberation。

Liberty就是个名词,自由,Offenders desire liberty。

Parent should not restrain childen’s liberty.。



literature造句1、'Wuthering Heights' is a central book in the canon of English literature.(《呼啸山庄》是英国文学原著经典中非常重要的一部作品。

)2、Teachers are piloting a literature-based reading programme.(老师们正在试开一门以文学为基础的阅读课程。

)3、literature can enrich your spiritual life.(文学可以丰富你的精神生活。

)4、In this course we hope to look at literature in the frame of its social and historical context.(在本课程中,我们希望从社会和历史背景的整体结构来看文学。

)5、He has an MA in English literature from Louisiana State University.(他在路易斯安那州立大学取得了英语文学硕士学位。

)6、He was passionate about all literature.(他对所有文学作品都有热情。

)7、She has very eclectic tastes in literature.(她在文学方面的兴趣非常广泛。

)8、One student mented that she preferred literature to social science.(一位学生解释说,较之于社会科学她更喜欢文学。

)9、He was well acquainted with the literature of Latin America.(他对拉丁美洲文学是十分了解的。

)10、Tragic literature dignifies sorrow and disaster.(悲剧性文学使悲伤和灾难显得尊贵。

L1_what is literature

L1_what is literature

柏拉图的写作形式与意图 柏拉图的“诗”——对话(戏剧) 对话的两种读法:哲学式与文学式读法 对话的文学形式:时间、地点、人物、情节、 论题等


阿里斯托芬、色诺芬、柏拉图、亚里斯多德笔 下的苏格拉底 阿里斯托芬的《云》——苏格拉底形象:自然 哲人和智术师(智者)
义:文学,才不过二百年。1800年之前, literature这个词和它在欧洲语言中相似的词指的 是‘著作’或者‘书本知识’。”
英语中literature一词最早出现在14世纪,源于拉 丁文litteratura和littevae。它最初的含义是泛指 一切文本材料而非文学。
在欧洲,直到18世纪末,文学一词都还只 是文献之意,随后逐渐过渡到专指有关古 典文献的特别知识和研究。 1900年前后形成了现代的文学观念,即专 门指涉具有审美想像性的那一类特殊文本。
A、文献、文化知识 “文学”一词,首见于《论语·先进》 《论语•先进》:“德行:颜渊、闵子骞、冉伯牛、仲弓。言 语:宰我、子贡。政事:冉有、季路。文学:子游、子夏。” 杨伯峻《论语译注》:文学“指古代文献,即孔子所传的 《诗》《书》《易》等。”实泛指学术文化。 《荀子•大略》:“人之于文学也,犹玉之于琢磨也。”

最高的是永恒不变的‚善‛( The (Idea)或‚理式‛(Form);
Good )、‚理念‛
其次才是反映了理式的,自然的或人为的现实世界; 最次的是对第二个的反映,诸如水中和镜中的影象 或艺术之类。

英国文学作品选读1.what is literature

英国文学作品选读1.what is literature
It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression." - Alfred North Whitehead
It takes a great deal of history to produce a little literature.- Henry James
Literature: quotations
Develop an interest in life as you see it; the people, things, literature, music — the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself. — —Henry Miller
Literature may consist of texts based on factual information (journalistic or non-fiction), a category that may also include biography and reflective essays, or it may consist of texts based on imagination (such as fiction, poetry, or drama).
A. George Bernard Shaw B. W. B. Yeats C. Dylan Thomas D. T.S. Eliot
Which of the following novelists wrote The Sound and the Fury



关于literature的英语作文信【中英文版】Dear literature enthusiasts,It is with immense pleasure that I pen down this essay, dedicated to the vast and mesmerizing world of literature.As a ardent reader and a passionate writer, I cannot emphasize enough the significance of this art form that has shaped societies, inspired generations, and transcended boundaries.亲爱的文学爱好者们,我怀着无比的喜悦写下这篇作文,献给浩瀚且迷人的文学世界。


Literature, in its broadest sense, encompasses a myriad of emotions, ideas, and perspectives.From the sonnets of Shakespeare to the detective stories of Agatha Christie, from the philosophical musings of Nietzsche to the magical world of J.K.Rowling, literature offers us a kaleidoscope of thoughts and experiences.文学,在其最广泛的意义上,包含了无数的情感、思想和观点。




literature话题英语作文English: Literature holds a unique place in human culture as it serves as a reflection of society, an expression of human emotions, and a vehicle for storytelling. Through literature, we are able to explore different time periods, cultures, and perspectives, gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us. It allows us to step into the shoes of characters, experiencing their joys, sorrows, and struggles firsthand. Literature is not only a source of entertainment, but also a tool for personal growth and enlightenment. It has the power to evoke empathy, provoke thought, and inspire change. From the timeless classics to contemporary works, literature continues to shape our thoughts, beliefs, and values, making it an essential part of the human experience.中文翻译: 文学在人类文化中占据着独特的地位,因为它既是社会的反映,也是人类情感的表达和叙事的载体。

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• Literature contains fiction and non-fiction.
• Under fiction there are four genres: novels, short stories, plays, and poems.
• Fiction is referred to as creative or figurative expression of life.
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• Characters
• By their roles in the novel, the characters can be grouped as heroes/heroines, main characters and minor characters, and foils. By the degrees of their development, characters can be grouped as round characters and flat characters. Round characters grow while flat characters don’t. Most heroes are round characters who grow emotionally or spiritually. (Emma, Pip, Stephen Dedalus…) Some main characters and many minor characters are flat characters. (Cohn, Catherine, Henry, Roger Chilingworth)
• Literature
• Literature can be read as rhetoric and philology.
1.3 Methods of reading literature
• To understand works of literature, as in the case of appreciating a bridge, it is important to know its elements, to know how the component parts are put together to make the whole.
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• Theme • The theme of a novel is its controlling idea or
its central insight. Being an idea or an insight, the theme should be abstract and it should generalize about life and be capable of unifying the whole novel.
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• Plot
• The story and the character alone cannot make s novel yet. To make a novel, a plot is prerequisite. It is a particular arrangement of happening in novel that is aimed at revealing their causal relationships or at conveying the novelist’s ideas. A plot is sometimes called a story line. The most important of the traditional plot is that it should be a complete or unified action, that is, something with a beginning, a middle, and an end.
• To sum up, one must be inside and outside of the work. One must allow himself to be carried away by the work, and at the same time, on reading again and again think about the way the end is connected to the beginning.
→ In the widest sense literature is just about
anything written.
→ But in the more specialized sense of the word,
literature is the art that uses language as a medium.
• Stereotypes are typical characters (stock characters) which don’t demand description and explanation to be believable and understood because the reader has already had a stock of knowledge about such characters: helpless miserable orphan; the stern silent sheriff; the innocent and good-natured rustic; the resourceful detective, and the cruel, selfish stepmother.
• T. S. Eliot says that one has to give himself up and then recover himself, and the third moment is having something to say before one has wholly forgotten both surrender and recovery. And the self recovered is never the same as the self before it was given. (Helen Hennessy 292)
• Literature helps us to better understand the nature of the real. Readers find meanings in the wok or read for a sense of what an aspect of life means to the writer, but they also take delight in the way that the work has been constructed, take delight in the performance in words.
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• As Robert Frost says, literature is a performance in words. It is the work of men who are specially sensitive to the language of their time and who use the skill of language to make their vision of life.
2 Elements of the novel
Story Characters Plot Theme Setting Narrative point of view
• Story • A story is a series of happenings arranged
in the natural temporal order as they occur. Story is the basis of the novel, and indeed the basis of narrative works of all kinds. In telling stories, the novelist aims at something higher or he intends to add something to the mere facts.
• E. M. Foster: “The king died and then the queen died.”

“The king died and the queen died of grief.”
• The former is a story while the latter is a plot, because the causal phrase “of grief” indicates our interpretation and thus arrangement of the happenings.
Lecture 1
Teaching Objectives and Requirements 1.Help the students have a general knowledge about literature.
2. Help the students know some elements about novel.
• E.g. “I kiss you ere I kill you.” (Othello)
• Thus literature offers both pleasure and illumination. It enriches our lives and increases our capacities for understanding and comprehension. Finding meaning in our world and expressing it and sharing it with others is the most human activity of our existence.